logo Ming the Mechanic - Category: NCN
An old rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open, free and exciting is waking up.

pictureMost of the weekend I was working on syndication features for the news logs. It is not fully ready to go for anything other than the news that show on the ncn public home page, but since it is probably a new idea to many, I'll better start explaining some of the ideas. The thing is that there are simple standards that are very useful for creating news feeds that can be picked up elsewhere on the net. Specifically, there's a standard that Nescape originally developed to create "channels", which is called RSS (Rich Site Summary). What it particularly is useful for is allowing sites with newslogs, weblogs, blogs, or anything like it, or regular news sites, to provide a list of the 10 most recent items they have. That forms a channel. That channel can be picked up by special aggregator sites, which gather news from many different sources, or it can picked up by programs that one can run on one's desktop, or another site can pick up the most recent items from a news site, and use that as a dynamic component of their own site.
[ | 2002-02-11 14:15 | 4 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 News Log Owners: Categorization
Attention, you other News Log Owners/Editors/Authors, notice that when you enter a new article, you can also optionally put it in a supplemental category in addition to the categories in your own news log. The additional categories are the categories that appear as special interests in the Subjects section. So, if you use those categories, when appropriate, your articles will also appear in the corresponding Subjects section. It will also appear in the News Log that you see in the Resources section, which is a combination of anything that has categories for the Subjects sections. Makes sense?
[ | 2002-01-20 18:25 | 6 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

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