by Flemming Funch
Hm, actually I had in mind that I would mostly use my own newslog here as a sort of intimate journal, more than as a place to report news items. Well, I guess I can do both, but I'm trying to not lose track of the more quiet, comtemplative energy of things. Seriously, I tend to feel most alive when I'm able to be conscious of just being in the moment, facing a future which is unknown, not knowing my next step, but feeling excitement about the unfoldment of this mystery. And, preferably, when I can share that with somebody else.
Something I really cherish is the kind of space between people where one can feel safe and intimate and non-judgmental, openly sharing what one is experiencing, and open to hearing what is going on for somebody else, without having any agenda, without having to prove anything, without having to sound like you know what you're talking about, without having to fix anything. That is often called "Dialogue" or "Deep Dialogue". Not dialogue in the meaning of just talking with each other, or trying to agree on anything, but dialogue where there is a safe space for exploring and examining our diverse experiences, without any set outcome. I would like to experience much more of that with others. I'd like to experience it more with myself.