Ming the Mechanic:
Thursday, Sep 12, 2002

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Thursday, Sep 12, 20022002-09-12 16:12
pictureby Flemming Funch

  • I don't have much to say about 9/11 it seems. I don't think the U.S. has really learned much. People being loudly and blindly patriotic, accepting broadsweeping communist secret police policies without a thought, and the government looking for some other country to bomb, without having any good reason for it. So, some national grief was processed, but nothing was really learned.

  • Interesting 9/11 synchronicities: The New York evening lottery numbers came out as 9-1-1, and the Standard & Poor's 500 futures contract index closed Tuesday at 911.00. Coincidence?

  • I got an e-mail from Jim Brown in the Philippines. Jim was married to what appeared to be the richest little woman in the world, Luz Sta. Romano, the widow and heiress of Severino Garcia Sta. Romana, a powerful and very shadey financial figure, with fingers in many pies. It seems but a short time ago that Julie (Solheim) and I were cooking spaghetti with them in their hotel room, and she was talking for hours about having tea with the queen, helping out King Fahd with some gold bullion, Ferdnand Marcos raiding her late husband's vaults, and the troubles with getting her accounts un-frozen. She died now a few months ago after not being very well for a while. Which now in principle makes Jim very wealthy, but it looks more and more remote that anything will ever come out of it. But it seems that what fires up Jim the most is to tell the story, and to gather documents and information that adds to it. He writes as colorfully as he speaks and he's still working on the now 4 volumes of "The Golden Karat".

    "Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." -- Winston Churchill

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    3 Dec 2003 @ 02:09 by robert @ : people involved
    does anyone named tarciana rodriguez come out as one of the people involved or who stand to gain from the estate of sta. romana?!  

    11 Dec 2003 @ 13:14 by edsamanila @ : tarciana rodriguez
    Yes. Ive heard of this name in conversation with a man named Nonoy Reyes, apparently with the group of Gil DeLeon and Ben Cailao. Nonoy Reyes aka Leroy StaRomana. Last seen in Lichtenstein 1997.  

    28 Sep 2004 @ 08:11 by dencio plum @ : jim brown
    hi there! i read your account about jim brown being the surviving spouse of luz sta. romana. well, don't believe him because he is also a con artist! he laso wants to dip his fingers on the sta. romana estate. he peddles stories that malign people who are legitimately employed and connected with the dispositon of the estate. so, beware of jim brown, the con man!!!!!!!  

    28 Sep 2004 @ 16:21 by ming : Jim Brown
    Well, the number of times I've seen Jim and Luz together, they were very much married. And since she was the main heir and executor of the estate, and he's her sole heir, then I can't see any other way than that he's the most likely candidate at this point in time. No matter what you think of him. What rather sounds suspicious is that anybody else would be 'employed' in trying to get their hands on the estate, if the plan doesn't involve the heirs.  

    28 Jan 2005 @ 06:40 by Marky Estrella @ : Jim Brown
    Severino Sto. Romana is a Filipino. if no one else is the heir of the riches except for this american Jim bRown. then jimmy, get lost. Might aswell give the money to millions of filipinos in need.  

    21 Dec 2007 @ 07:37 by Ref* LUZ R. Sta. Romana was a LIAR @ : C.E> " Jim " Brown now in self-exile
    LUZ was a scam-artist, who was NEVER LEGALLY MARRIED to Mr. Sta. Romana. She faked that marriage. If anyone wants to know the real truth and etails and obtain the documents to prove the fraud, then some over to the other SANTA ROMANA forum and read some of the truth abut this woman named Luz. As for Her American husband named Mr. C.E. " Jim " Brown, he could have also shared in the estate, but He perhaps was either fooled by LUZ with her fake marriage or her was smart enought to not publish his book or books that contained the FALSE STORY that his little loving Filipino wife named LUZ as marriedto Mr. S.G. Sta. Romana. Jim Brown is perhaps still hiding under his bed and I for one, hopes he comes out from where he is hiding, re-write the book and tell the TRUTH after he washes all of the fabrication and horse-shit lies out of the book. He deserves to WIN the FIGHT and have the TRUTH TOLD and I thin he could sell many thousands of books if he focused on the TRUTH and while people also like a little mystery, and have some sex thrown in and also a nice ending, lets hope that Mr. CE BROWN soon gets well to drag his old butt back to the typewriter and finish the damn book. Regards Todd Alphine  

    16 Apr 2008 @ 04:06 by Deric @ : Taricana Rodriguez and Ben Cailao
    Ben Cailao who is one of Sta. Romana's trustee (There were seven of them most of them deceased already) died last year due to health complications. Tarciana Rodriguez is the only one who is alive among the members of the executive committee formed by Sta Romana before he died. She is in hiding, and will only come out when D-Day comes.  

    3 Nov 2008 @ 23:20 by Todd Alphine @ : Mr. CE Brown is not a con man
    That LUZ woman had a foundation established and she is listed as the founder, it was called God Children Foundation. She was the common-law wife of Mr. Jose A. Diaz or Santa Romana, but she was never legally married to him. She was given more than one bank deposit, because she was a essential part of Santa Romana or Diaz life, well known to some of the old UBS Bankers. And Yes, she had created on her behalf, several large TRUST INVESTMENTS, but she did not want to share them with Mr. CE Brown, otherwise she would have given to Mr. CE Brown the details of those Trust accounts in her private name and under the names of say some legal structure that cannot be disclosed here on this public forum. Even that other woman named LIZA who was appointed by one of the more respectable courts there in the Philippines, she was approved to be the Administrix or Administrator for the Sta Romana Estate. She made the blunder to claim she was the daughter of Mr. Sta Romana, but could never prove that claim. She should have just claimed to be the legally appointed Administrator of that Estate and then she would have had some potential for recovery claims. Mr. CE BROWN is not a con man in many ways, He is some hard working stiff that invested a great deal of years looking into the recovery of Santa or Jose A. Diaz AKA as S.G. Sta Romana bank accounts and assets. Mr. Brown problem is that he is hard headed and failed to aline himself with the Japanese lady that wanted to help him. She lined up financial backers to provided $500,000.00 for the printing of his book, but Mr. Brown failed to even release a copy of his pre-published book to her, so that deal fell through. Who in their right mind would invest $500,000.00 to someone who was living in the Philippines without any proof of the evidence that Mr. Brown claimed he had to support his book? I was able to read about 1400 or so pages of his e-book and there was really nothing in what I read, that would have made that book of Mr. Brown a BEST SELLER. And for sure, the Bankers, the evil group would not have shit their underwear with what was said in the book that I read, it just lacked the promised documents by Mr. CE BROWN. Still I think Mr. Brown should have been happy to have received even a portion of the so-called 8% that He claimed. The problem was that his contract made with Luz Sta. ROmana are of no value, as She was never the legal wife of Mr. Sta. Romana, regardless of how much fraud she or anyone else created to fake that marriage. I wished that KNIGHT ARCANE was able to post his blog that contained documents of the proof that it was a FAKED MARRIAGE of that woman LUZ and Mr. Sta. Romana, perhaps then even Ming would be able to better understand what she created with that fraud.  

    18 Nov 2008 @ 12:42 by Teodore Adrian SD Garcia @ : Luz, CEB/Sta. Romana/Joson
    Luz Rambano and Angel Ricarte Joson was married Aug. 27,1958, until the time of her death in early 2000. She claim being married also to SGSR in 1974,when Sta Romana began feeling ill and the sickness worsen til he died in Sept. 30, 1974. In Julu 8, 1992 Luz again married another man, this time an American Mr. CEBrown, in Clark County Nevada, USA. Luz used the family name of Sta. Romana when she married CEB. We have copy of all this marriage certificate including some NBI reports. Luz was never a Sta. Romana. Marriage License is base on true declarations and even churches will rule that the marriage is void from the beginning if there is commission of fraud.  

    30 Nov 2008 @ 05:47 by To Teodore Adrian SD Garcia @ : Regarding fake widow of Santa Romana
    Gee, are you the same guy who was posting at the other side inside the Santa Romana forum? Its nice to see you are certain of your position regarding the above posting. Would you please confirm again, when it was that this Luz Rambano woman actually because deceased? Also you said you had some NBI police reports, could you please share them with me. My e-mail is Todd.Alphine 69@hotmail.com. You are correct to state that Luz used the last name of Santa Romana when she became married to that Mr. CE Brown guy, I think that was perhaps the only reason he would wanted to have married her, also to perhaps allow her to maybe hide out in the United States with a Green Card if she was married to a American citizen. I knew that Mr. Brown was writing a book about SANTA ROMANA and while I have read some silly story that was all about Luz and her activities, I considered that it was a promotion write up by Mr. Brown, as then as the author of any book that became published, He was perhaps dreaming of going around to all of teh talk shows in the United States and claim he was the widower of last wife of Mr. S.G. Santa Romana. Have you read his book that use to be sold by download from the Internet? By the way, please explan what SD stands for in your own name? Again I welcome any real documents from the NBI and your documents on anything concering this Filipino wife of Mr. CE Brown, regards Todd Alphine  

    9 Dec 2008 @ 03:07 by To ALL READERS be alerted to the fraud @ : Luz R. Santa Romana is a fake
    If you would log into the other site called SANTA ROMANA on this same ming.vv you can see the documents that PROVES that the s-called marriage of Luz Rambano to Mr. S.G. Santa Romana was a complete fraud. Also the blog also is to display letters from the National Breau of Investigation or NBI there in the Philippines that even implies that LUZ who took the last name of Santa Romana to make herself known as Luz Santa Romana, had a perhaps illegal marraige to the man known as Mr. CE Brown, the man that is now claiming to be the widower of Luz, who Mr. Brown continues to sell bis e-book, that say his Filipino wife was the widow of Mr. S.G. Santa Romana. Well, Mr. Brown must be full of shit to keep claiming that, as there is plenty of evidence of the copies of the fake marriage and the whole scan on the other forum called SNATA ROMANA so look at that forum and then make you own DD and learn the truth.  

    6 Jan 2009 @ 08:28 by Ref Mr. CE Brown needs to tell the truth @ : Luz Rambano is not the wife of StaRomana
    According the another Blog that contains documents from the Philippine government National Bureau of Investigation called NBI, it shows that the official viewpoint is that the marriage between Luz Rambano and Mr. S.G. StaRomana was a complete fabrication but deceived the Court or the Judge into awarding her a Letter of Administration that she then used, to file lawsuits in the United States making the false claims in US Courts that she was the legally married wife of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and as the widow, she tried to collect the assets in Banks there in the United States. This Luz woman then became married to Mr. CE Brown, who was writing his book or books that was all about the man known as S.G. Santa Romana and all of his wealth and Mr. Brown who claims He is a born salesman, seems to have helped the promotion of this fraud, that was claiming that this Luz Rambano who Mr. CE Brown became married to, was the legal Heir to colelct all of teh gold and money at the UBS Bank in Switzerland and to claim the money at the bank in China, that was deposited after the late President Marcos of the Philippines done some illgal sales of GOLD that belonged to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and or to Mr. Jose A. Diaz, those being teh clients of this President Marcos, and since Marcos was a Attoreny from the Philippines and that DIAZ and Santa Romana was his client, well MARCOS sold off a lot of the gold and the money ended up being deposited in the name of some straw woman and Mr. Brown claimed that He now, is the legal widower, He is the last one left and under the Laws of the Philippines, He claims that He is entitled to 50% of all of the estate of his now deceased wife, who he claims in his book to have been the woman known as Luz R. StaRomana and or as Luz Tambano Sta. Romana Brown and naturally Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown, claims that He is now the widower. All of this is nothing but a fabrication as like the NBI reports indicate, the marriages are considered to be null and void. If anyone wants to know more about the truth, then come over to the other ming.tv forum of SANTA ROMANA that is also to be found on this web site. However since the other forum is very long, it takes people a long time to try to scroll down to the bottom to read the forum or to make any posting, and it is more or less very difficult for many people to utilize. Perhaps it would be better if we just somehow all moved over to this site, as it is peaceful, easy to access and seems to be focused on SANTA ROMANA.  

    6 Jan 2009 @ 09:42 by teodore adrian sd garcia @ : SD
    I have been looking for this site as recommended by John Arcane. this is new site for santa romana where I may send some proof/docus against fake claimants of SGSR assets. For Todd Alphine who wanted to know what SD stands for my maternal family name is San Diego. Maybe our ancestors were survivors of the Spanish ship???San Diego who sank during Spanish regime.(My joke)  

    9 Jan 2009 @ 00:22 by Ref, Dr. Stewart Allen Koral @ : Mr. CE Jim Brown and Luz Rambano
    OK...now I just received that missing POWER OF ATTORNEY document and it was alleged that LUZ Rambano her self was said to have signed tbis, but the signature is printed more than it is written and she signed as the Instituted Heir and Administrix and as An Indiividual and she signed as LUZ RAMBANO STA. ROMANA and then she had to print.sign her name as LUZ RAMBANO STA.ROMANA BROWN and then her American husnamd signed as C.E. BOWN, Husband of Luz Rambano Sta. Romana. And I noticed that someone by the name of Dr. Steward Allen Koral was the one that appeared before the notary for the APPOINTMENT OF THE TRUSTEES and ADMINISTRATORS done on 2/16/1998 and all of these documents are written out in a black felt tip pen by the same person who wrote out all of them, so all of this was written out on standard off-the-sheel documents they sell in stores or downloaded off the internet called CALIFORNAI ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWGEDGEMENT and yet, there are no attached paspsorts and any form of official identification for any of these persons, so it seems to me that Mr.and Mrs Brown themselves never appeared in front of this Notary Public as there is a line that said PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME and that is crossed out,, and perhaps this person named as Dr. Steward Allen Koral was the one that appeared and I am not sure any of this is any more legal than the documents the con-artists produce in the Philippines. THe POWE OF ATTORNEY appointed AVATAR SENTRY LIMITED for th Testate Estate of the late Severino Garcia Sta. Romana A.K.A. Jose Antonio Diaz.... Now wehave to find thisDr. Steward Allen Koral and find out if he was away of the fraud and deceiption that this Luz woman faked her marriage to this man that she claimed to be the widow of, the man being named in this Power of Attorney. Now if this man was not aware that Mr. StaRomana was already DEAD like in being deceased before this LUZ RAMBANO claimed be become married to the deceased man AFTE He was already dead, then all of this means this this Power of Attorney was never valid as it was based on that fraud done back in the Philippines by this woman who called herself Luz Rambano Sta. Romana. She was never legally married to Mr. Sta. ROmana and as a common-law woman, she is not entitled to assume his last name nor can she go around to claim she was the widow either. My people now need to find out why she ended up in the hospital as a vegetable as some unconfirmed reports said that her husband abused her, but which husband would that be? She was still married to her first husband in the Philippines and He was alive and kicking when Luz married the man who was deceased and who was not alive and kicking. And since Her first husband perhaps would have liked to have kicked her ass because she ran off and left him with six kids, then the second husband who was dead could not have beat on her, then that leaves Husband Number three, which is alleged to be Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown. Now to me it sounds like anyone with a name of Clarence would be pissed at the whole world but that is no reason to beat up on a little Filipino woman. And having a middle name of Elbert is also another reasons to be pissed of,, but no reason to beat up on the rich widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. So other peoples aid that Luz refused to tell her husband where she had hid her wealth, that she had in trust funds, but it seems to me that she herself made that recovery BEFORE she married that American guy who used the more appealing name as CE BROWN or better yet where he insets the name of JIM into his name to be called CE JIM BROWN, gee this sounds like a real man with a strong name. It is said that He has many other wises but what does that imply? Yes He was married several times it seems and I do not think that is anyone business other than Clarence Elbert Brown and his ex-wives business, that is a provate matter that should not be posted as that has nothing to do with SANTA ROMANA or does it??  

    9 Jan 2009 @ 08:09 by Ref, Mr. CE BROWN @ : Mr. E.J. EKKER
    It is hard to seperate all of the turds of shit that are the fake Heirs of this man Mr. S.G. StaRoman as some of them also claim to be related to late President MARCOS of the Philippines. Now we all know that former President Marcos was the appointed attorney for Mr. S.G. StaRomana and was even issued a Power of Attorney to allow Marcos, the Attorney to handle a lot of the business on behalf of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana when Mr. StaROmana was oput of the country, sot yat means that Attorney Marcos has a power of attorney that was restricted to be used within the country of the Philippines. OK< now when Attorney MARCOS was the appointed attorney-at-law for Mr. StaRomana, MARCOS was the President of the SENATE of the Philippines and had not yet taken over as the President of that country. Now we all know that a lot oft he gold bullion that was under the caretaker named Jose A. Diaz was gold bullion that did not belong to his other name being Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Usually from all of the research done by some very higher ups, it does seem that the bank deposits under the name held as DIAZ, as his personal assets which is not the same as the gold and cash accounts held under this same man who legal name was Mr. S.G. Sta Romana or SANTA ROMANA. It seems that the StaRomana bank deposits are for OTHER organizations for other people and agencies and for certain and for the Vatican and for the Kiram royal families etc. So when those assholes that are the fake Heirs claims they have the right as Heirs to claim the assets of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, it makes me ang my mates have fun in that we know the real truth about such claims and of those assets. While there are some assholes that claim they are the grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz the Vatican records can prove those people are fakes, as the vatican and the other records from the Jesuits knows that the Philippine con man named VIRGILO MARCELO is no son of StaRomana nor of Diaz, but my mates like to refer to MARCELO as the SON OF A BITCH.... the scammers that have helped that Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. will be implicated in the criminal embezzlement fraud which is wrongful conversions, as those people cannot say that they were not aware that Daraman and Marcelo and all of those FIlipins others were not known con-men and woman. Under the new laws that can have those people arrested outside of the Philippines, then the problem is who will file the criminal complaints against them if the victims will not have the balls to make the complaints. Well, if the Victim was not a greedy person and was not dishonest, then he or she being a victim should file the wrirtten complaints as that is how it can started to be called to the attention of the officials in other countries. Then we can provide a copy of the Filipino conmen and woman Philippine passport and phots and other infromation. If they were stealing money that belonged to Sta Romana and depending upon what specific bank deposits it was from, then if the money was to be for say payment to the countries of Europe and to the Vatican, then those organizations can have their name placed on the written complaint as we build up the complaints against the con men and their Group. If the bullion was coming out of some account that is being for some special Foreign Agency then that is a different procedure and if the account was from the DIAZ side, then the VICTORIA Group can file the legal complaints as well to help build the case and explain the wrongful conversion that the scammers and the con-men were wanting to steal, as when they type up and signa documents such as a offer to sell gold and indicate the account number and the name of the bank, then that is all that is needed is to get a copy of that document. Mr. EJ EKKER also is very smart in his own intelligence network and He has been there in the Philippines for now just starting ten years. He also has meetings with a lot of weird people and conducts a lot of secret dealings with strange people and organizations so at first it appears confusion as to what his real intention is for living there in the Philippines, until back in November 2007, I read the thick report on him and then I coukld better understand about who and what that American was doing there in the Philippines and it was not as he claims, is it Mr. Ekker? Also Mr. CE Brown also collects a lot of information and he is also a long time resident there and if you do your DD, you can see he is certainly not able to live off any royalities or sales of his not yet saleable e-book. All of his previous web sites were shut down, perhaps too expensive for him to maintain them to promote his book, with JIm Brown wanting to be the widower who married the Richest woman on planet Earth, that would be his little Filipino wife called Luz R. StaRomana Brown. I think I would like to sit with EJ EKKER and CE BROWN and drink some cold beer and listen to those old guys spin their tales and I would also lie and tell them of the bigger size ocean game fish that GOT AWAY...I have been known to have some of my fish sort of grow in length, depending upon on many cold beers and I think all men when we sit around the camp fire have a need to impress the other guys but with Mr. EJ EKKER, well He still should be able to grab the title for being the most demanding CEO of any Corproation in American as He as the President of his Nevada Global Alliance Investment Association wanted his GOD DAMN BONUS to be as 80,000 metric tons of gold bullion.......and as for Clarence Elbert Brown another Yankee from American, well He wants to claim that as the widower of the widow named Luz R. Santa Romana that He is entitled to 50% opf all of her wealth and He claims that SHe was the ruchest woman on planet earth...so lets see....of he gets half of that wealth, then would be be the ruchest man or Earth or will Mr. EJ EKKER start shouting that is BULLSHIT and then perhaps EKKER and BROWN will get into arguments and then Chairman Ekker will start to figer that his golden bonus for 80,000 MT was worth say lets see $25,000,00.00 a MT X 80,000 MT and hell I do not have a calculator...but I know Clarence E. Brown would say that well Santa Romana has 49,000 MT at so any so, another 34,000MT at so and so bank and on and on and Hell they would be at it long after the camp fire went out if BROWN did not get up and piss into the fire. Some say that Mr. Brown is a American Hill billy but while I have never met him, his jacket says that He would screw any woman and in fact He claims he must have screwed all of teh woman at one time or another in Manila. Gee, Wow and did that produce any little Brown DNA kids...??? Maybe KNIGHT ARCANE can figure what the hell Mr. EJ EKKR Bonus was to be measured back a few years when the gold price was somewhat different than the currect price of gold and then we would know what that American CEO was wanting his Board of Directors to approve as his bonus.........and when the Board of Trustees say NO WAY IN HELL, well the Chairman Ekker went to a coffee shop and got 30 or so people together held another meeting and voted to fire and expell all of the members of the Board of Directors who opposed his bonus of 80,000MT and shit, to me that is a story that has to be told back in America, then the CEO from those other corproations can say, SHIT, all they paid me was $200 Million with stock options and Chairman Ekker wanted 80,000MT worth $$$$$$$$??? Where is Knight Arcane and what happened to Mr. Chi Tang?  

    If EJ Ekker will rise form his grave and accept the Endowment of 80K MT , the everything will be happy, except Todd maybe.

    But with this type of people like CE brown, ( maybe CE ad EJ are relative since they are both greedy and asshole ) where they assume they own the world. adn they own whatever Gold they thaught belong to them can give just a simple care of the other and have a simple heart that can be reach. maybe their gola will come true. But since both American man whi are greedy up to their asses. I do not know if their GOD will help them, Anyway both of them practice scientology. ( where they beleive that their is no God and they came from magellean Shit) Both man named Clareance Egbert Brown and Eddy Jo Ekkers are being corrupted by the greed in their heart. they can not accept the fact that those Gold are not belong to any individual, just imagine if they own those Gold . maybe EJ Ekker will invade every country he like to invade whiule CE Brown will buy every thirteen years old girls he wanted to be in bed. I beleived that this CE brown is a Pedophile, since he kept a thirtteen years old Girl in her rented room.and just told his neighbor that the girl was his maid. ( a thirteen year old Maid ) common Jim Brown. I was not born yesterday. We know how you kick and drag luz Ramabano from her bed. and how yo twisted her arm and finger just to get Luz Fingerprint in your so called last Will. and you just counterfiet the signature of the witnesses..  

    11 Jan 2009 @ 21:54 by allan diggle @ : This is great
    I like this site, it is like new!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going back to China and I will be able to actually read the post with the censored internet there in that wonderful country  

    11 Jan 2009 @ 22:46 by Ref Luz Rambano as fake widow SGSR @ : Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown AKA CE Brown
    What is this about a LAST WILL for Luz Rambano? Who told you KNIGHT ARCANE that Luz Rambano wrote out a LAST WILL before she became dead? What year was it alleged she signed the date of her LAST WILL and T? Do you have a copy you can download and send to me? Was the LAST WILL another one of those half=baked all purpose California forms that was used by this American man named CE BROWN, where he claims that LUZ signed some documents to Mr. Brown and Associates and to that Avatar Sentry Limited Company for appointing them as HEAD HONCHOS to take over all recoveries of the Sta.Romana assets and wealth? The documents I have in my hand thanks to someone in Florida, USA is not really a signature but more of where someone seemed to have block printed the name of Luz Rambano Sta. Romana, almost like she could NOT WRITE her own name and someone printed out her name then there is some uncertified alleged finger print next to Luz name that could have been any one of 5 billion humans....so what I have is a set of various documents that claims that Luz Sta Romana is the widow of Severino GArcia Sta. ROmana AKA Jose Antonio Diaz, so I have to now find out if that Chairman who lived at 7509 Grant Street, Hollywood, Florida 33024-5343 with telephone number 954-0534 and facsimile Number 954-983-0523 is award of that fraud, being that Luz Rambano could never had become legally married to Mr. Severino GArcia Sta. Romana for several valid reasons. One beingt hat she was still married to her first husband Mr. Joson, who was still very much alive with the six kids that Luz hatched with him as her husband. And as for Mr. Seberino Garcia Sta. ROmana well anyone can check his death certificate and see that He was like DEAD...for over two months beofe this Filipino woman LUZ Rambano decided to violate the Philippine Laws and she faked the marriage, to a dead man, while her first husband was still alive and kicking with six kids. She lied on the marriage application to the Philippine government and to the Mayor and shit, to the whole world, as Luz said she was SINGLE, she lied and said that she HAD NO KIDS....but what about that first husband Mr. Angel Joson and lets not forget about those six kids she hatched. So the question is did the Chairman of that Avatar Sentry Limited Company who was living in the USA at that Floria address know He was dealing with a con-woman or was He deceived by Mrs and Mr Brown? This company called Avatar Sentry Limited whose address was said to be Ringvegen 60, 2312 Ottestad, Norway was not yet located in Norway, so we will do another search and see what that history is and who is behind that closed door. They are somehow tied to gether with Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown AKA as CE JIm Brown, the unpublished author. LUz proclaimed that her authority as being accepted as the widow was issued from the Republic of teh Philippines Regional Trial Court of Manila, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch # 32, the Court of Appeals C.A.-G.R. No. 50405, and the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines. That all sounds very nice and impressive but when it is proven to that court, that Luz did not marry a man who was alive, then we should be able to have the court correct their blunders and they can then cancel whatever alleged legal Administration that was given to that woman called Luz Rambano Sta.ROmana. The Philippine government is responsibile to have allowed this woman to be issued a passport in the name of Sta.ROmana as Hell, if she did not marry the person named Seberino Garcia Sta. Romana until AFTER the man was like DEAD, you know like DECEASED...like six feet under in the earth, then how can the Philippine Government been deceived by all of this, unless someone was accepting a bribe or briges or maybe was deaf and blind? Now this Mr. CE BROWN claimed that He was paid by the JAPANESE to investigate this man named S.G. StaROmana and to assist this woman named LUZ. Mr. Brown created this fake name alleged sponsor from JAPAN who he claims was a rich man and that the Rich Japanese just wanted Mr. CE BROWN to find out the truth. So Mr. Brown in his e-book that was sold on the Internet for a very short periodof time, claims that He spent almost $ 3 million dollars on expenses and that He is a expert on anything to do with the person known as Mr. S.G. Sta. Romana. Gee, should I be impressed that Mr. Brown was not able to even know that his little Filipino wife that Mr. Brown assumed was the widow of that deceased RICH MAN known as Mr. S.G. StaRomana, had fabricated that fake marriage and it was all done to allow her to proclaim herself to be the widow of the deceased man. Was that fraud done to cretae the false widow, so she could sue the CITI BANK of New York or sue in California court many other Banks or to deceive the UBS and some other Swiss Banks to release to Luz money that she was not lehally entitled to? I mean Mr. Brown admits in his book,t hat He was helping this Filipino woman to make claims and Mr. Brown was writing a book to help support her claims that she was the poor widow of the deceased man known as SANTA ROMANA. Gee, it does seem that Mr. Brown has a lot to explain to the Banks all over the world, as it is now proven that He could not have married the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana as He is claiming. He is also claiming that He is the widower and under the laws of the Philippines, He is entitled to collect 50% of the SANTA ROMANA estate and wealth....and again poor Mr. Brown is confused, as He being the self-proclaimed best salesman in the world, is full of American bullshit, like most salesmen are.  

    11 Jan 2009 @ 23:04 by Ref Allan Diggle trapped in outhouse @ : MAY GOD SPEED for safe return for three
    Can that really be Mr. Allan Diggle from BC, Canada...OH MY GOD I thought He went outside of his loghome to go to the toilet to dump something, and while on the toilet He heard a hungry bear outside, so He was so scard He dared not to even want to fart or pass any gas, as bears have good hearing and can smell a fart 280 km down wind, so He sat there and then the snow falling cover the outhouse and he was stick there, He could not get the door opened. The bear had returned back to his cave, nice and warm, and there was Mr. Diggle stuck there and He knew He did not want to die so early in his life, SHIT he wanted to live so He He took out his lighter, set the outhouse on fire, it started to met the snow and scare the shit out of him that maybe he was cooking himself to death, but He finally burned off the top of the roof, he was able to get out and make it back to log cabin, and He was surprised that He was OK, after he had a few bear meat steaks and drank some hot rum, lots of hot rum and now He is packing his bags ready to go back to CHINA and hopes he does not come face to face with a Panda bear as he knows they look cute, but He also knows they can smell that He had been also eating bear meat and He knows that is nopt going to impress those Chinese bears..so He will do his best and we wish him well and also pray for the safe return of three of them back to BC. He is expected to have a GOOD YEAR in this year of the Ox, so just maybe he will switch over from bear meat or get use to the Chinese food that will be cooked by his new soul mate. We hope his Dad will pull through, as that is also a difficult event in all of their lives and when Allan finds He made the right decisions and had the guys and balls to have done something useful for making a find of something to return to the owner, then Lady luck or God or Allah or his own made luck, will allow him and his family good times in the upcoming bad times. I think he now is able to know what not to do and what con-artists small like and how to avoid being trapped in the shit house and do not get into a cold situation again. I never met this Mr. Diggle, but know a little about his future and from where I sit, it looks damn good.  

    11 Jan 2009 @ 23:40 by Ref Luz Rambano StaRomana is a fake @ : MELVIN BELLI was a great Attorney
    I guess KNIGHT ARCANE could not estimate what the value of the BONUS would have been if the Board of Trustees had approved to Mr. EJ EKKER, the CEO and Chairman of that Global Alliance Investment Associaiton or GAIA of Nevada State, USA, his demands for his bonus to be paid in 80,000 metric tons of gold. I wanted to know if Mr. EJ EKKER was to then be able to hold the world record for having demanded the highest compensation of any CEO in American or maybe in the whole world, so I was waiting for Knight Arcane to plase calllculate out in the US DOllars the amount of his bonus demands. Apparently KNIGHT ARCANE hand held calculator has dead batteries again. So we have to wait until He buys new batteries and then maybe He can calculate what that bonus is worth. What every happened to that guy called CC EINBECK? The last time I heard about him, he was promoting another person to beocme the Sultan of Sulu Sultanate. Some one said before that this man who posted as CC EINBECK was really JUDE GRUPE and that He really worked at some bank in the Philippines or his wife worked at the bank, whatever? Someone sent me a mess of documents that were obtain many years ago from some Agwency in Hong Kong when a man who woked at a large Bank in Hong Kong, was able to make copies of the Banks internal records and print outs and it shows a lot of bank deposits and accounts in the name of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, lots of cash and gold. It is hard to undersatnd a lot of the internal documents but some Attorney or Lawyers had some experts review the records from that HK Bank and several intelligent lawyers that worked with late Attorney Belli and in fact one who made the trip to HK with Attorney Belli, confirmed the records. What I cannot understand is why that Belli Law Firm never completed what was started in the original lawsuit, it almost seems that it was intentionally delayed and delayed and dragged out and to allow the lawsuit to fade and become like a limp dick. Who benefits when the lawsuit was allowed to just sit and not be acted on. Was someone paid to not do anything? Or did Attorney Belli finally wake up and discover that Luz Rambano was full of shit and that she was not the widow but was nothing more than a common-law type of wife arrangement. Still what that Attorney Belli should have done was to accept LUZ as not as the widow, but as a common law wife and as someone mentioned in the LAST WILL and TESTIMENT, so maybe the other lawyers in that Belli Office found out the real truth, about Luz in that she was a fake widow and that is why those American Lawyers who worked at the Belli Law Office have not seemed to have accomplished very much with that lawsuit. First of all, they have to do their investigation and they will discover that Mr. CE Brown himself has no legal position as the alleged widower of the alleged widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Then they should make discovery in the investigation that Luz was full of bullshit, as she was NEVER the legal wife or the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. And the prior MELVIN BELLI law firm has to understand the illgeal status that Luz was appointed by the Court in the Philippines based on her false documents, she lied and said she was single and had no kids. The Legacy of Melvin Belli should never be tarnished in being involved with the fraud of Luz Rambano StaRomana.  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 03:14 by Allan Diggle @ : Todd
    Hello Todd,

    You have me in stiches right now reading your post. To be honest I don't like eating bear meat, I do like hunting but have not had much luck in years. Thank you mentioning my father. I am hoping the best for him but it doesn't look great. I am heading back to China for only a week and then back home to my children. It is a lot of time in the air but will be worth it in the long run. I do look forward to having some beers with you one day and hopefully Knight drinking some beer ( not juice Knight) ....take care sir  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 04:03 by Ref Allan Diggle, you need to do more.. @ : Remember code Master 777 for CS
    When you get some place where you can DOWNLOAD something, please download from http://www.wishgranted.com/Colloidal_Silver_Generator.html. be sure to download it and read over the article several times and while it is 13 pages long ot is a lucky 13, so take the time to read it and digest it...and then do some serious soul searching and think about allowing your father to take a little into his mouth if he can sit up and just wait at least 10 minutes or more for teh CS to pentrate through the thin walls of the bottom part of his mouth, that is the better way to get CS into his bloodstream, howver if he has metal in his bridge work, then consider to purchase a mister with no metal parts that will touch the CS solution and let him inhale the mist into his nose his lungs as much as he can stand it. Again pay special attention not to buy a cheap mister, you need a good one and make sure the the CS solution NEVER toouches any metal inside of the machine, as the metal will cause the CS solution to be null and void fro the benefits you are seeking. Do not give up on your Dad because of his present illness, he perhaps has more balls than most men his age and He just needs a little more help than what the Hospitals and Doctors are doing for him. You also have a excellent herb tea from CANADA that has sure helped a lot of people and it is not bullshit either, if He as my Dad I would contact the right people and seek out the proper ingreditents not the cheaper ingredients and make the tea for him, He may not like th taste just tell him to take it for your benefit and have him think it is some old timers malt whisky, that should bring back old memories for your Dad. I am not certain of your AC line voltage in BC, so make sure you first READ, then LEARN then start doing something as a alternative solution to the problems your Dad is now involved into. And since we must maintain this to be a forum concerning SANTA ROMANA, then I suggest you also download a article called Grand Larceny which you can obtain from oss.net/dynamaster/file_archive/060107/... and again recommend your print it out, read it several times and a light will go off inside your head, do not jump out of bed or your chair, when the light goes on, you are now doing proper DD and starting to learn how the various people can become glued together, I like to glue people rather than connect the dots...that KNIGHT ARCANE He usually gets all pissed off and upset when he talks about the assholes and the conmen, He must learn to do what I do, and that is first do the DD, then set the BEAR TRAP and then when you caught the SOB with his foot in the trap, then piss on his leg and tell him it is raining. Then drop a net on them, call INTERPOL and let them handle the people in the net. KNIGHT ARCANE always wants to skin them alive and He gets so excited at times, He falls off his faithful white stallion, then steps into some horse shit and then He gets angry at the horse, who looks at the KNIGHT and says in horse language...I SHOULD MAKE THIS GUY WALK... and that is why some times KNIGHT ARCANE does a lot of walking behind his horse and naturally the horse likes to take a shit now and then and that keeps the KNIGHT alert and avoid the mess. I like KNIGHT ARCANE and met him only once but I would like to spend more time with him, he sometimes reminds me of my younger brother...  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 05:58 by To Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown, come out!! @ : Mr. CE BROWN and Yamashita Treasure
    To, Mr. PW. Yes, I knew about that as SAMCO Group had made some inquires to that Sultan Kiram of Sulu Sultanate regarding the need to set up a research center and facilities to help the Philippines make feasibility studies about using the deuterium called heavy water, to consider using it for improving the human health of the poor families and even for crops and farm animals. A lot of the testing and usage was done back at the end of WW11 where heavy water called deuterium was utilized for many improvements. However because of teh outbreak of the civil war and the political problems with Malaysia over Sabar region in everyone fighting over the damn oil, then it was felt that the Philippine Government was too ignorant to even understand anything about the fantastic potentials of using heavy water in many products, also for human consumption. There are many countries that also have plenty of available deuterium and the KIMURA RESEARCH FOUNDATION will perhaps not even try to talk to the Philippines, it is like talking to immature children to seek their permission to bring up the deuterium to be sold for exports to many countries. There was a lot of research also done by the Americans durning WWII in using heavy water or deuterium for consumption as a way to help boost the body immune system for military personnel. Maybe that is why the YANKS had such damn good troops that had improved endurance. A good understanding for anyone about drinking water that is SPECIAL should download from www.healthywaterdoctor.com of what some Japanese hospitals have done to their patients to make such fantastic improvements. One fot he better ways to get a better understanding about why people have such damn medical problems can be found at http://www.vimeo.com. Look for the Video for Diseases of Aging June 27th, 2008. The Philippines was blessed with almost unlimited suppy of deuterium and yet the Philippines is too stupid to do anything, except sit on the toilet bowl, thatbwill soon suck its silly ass into the toilet bowl and then someone will push the plunger, and down and down the drain will go the Philippines. Their country should become a State, part of the United States and then become happy as shit on a stick, as then maybe the Yanks will fly over and drop money out their airplanes and let it filter down to the poor people, instead of handing it over to the wrong officials. Mr. CE BROWN was thought that somne day He also would rent a private airplane and fly over the Philippines and spend days if not months to be tossing money out of teh widown, perhaps as his way to say thanks to all of teh woman he claimed to have screwed. If we listen to the tall takes of this guy BROWN, He would be one of the biggest studs next to late Presisdent Marcos, but then some would thinkt hat maybe Clarence Elbert Brown AKA calling himself as CE Jim Brown was a man who never refused to screw anyone in the Philippines, with or without panties. But Jim Brown vowed He would never sleep with another man and for that, we have to respect him for keeping it simple. He was adopted, many people do not know of his back ground or that He was adopted. I think I would like Clarence Elbert Brown as I seen his kind all over the world in many countries, who think their shit does not stink. Well, Mr. Brown must have known that LUZ RAMBANO had a fake marriage to Mr. S.G. StaROmana or SANTA ROMANA by now, as Brown is not yet blind, He can read, but he is like me, He cannot spell and he sucks at spelling like I also suck at it. But his e-book or many pages he calls HIS BOOK such has a lot of bullshit in the pages and when I read it, I wear a gas mask, five hospital gloves on my left hand but only two gloves on my right hand. I have to hold my cold beer can as when IO read his book, I do not want to be sober, as the book just does not make much horse sense, too much horse shit in his story. Then after I have about fours beers and start reading his book, then it starts to come together and usually the horse shit is replaced with bull shit, but it is readable and I like his book or his pages that He downloads that He calls a book. I recomemnd his book and that is not a joke, He has a nice story to tell and while He failed to convince me, He just may fool most of you people, especially those that do not drink beer. I am not sure what JIm Brown drinks, but he must be half drunk when He wrote many portions of his book, as He seems to drift, get losts in what he wanted to express and tells of the greatness of Luz, his Filipino wife, who he claimes maybe was the richest woman on planet Earth. And while Mr. Brown is perhaps not interested in D 2 0 which is deuterium, He should think about his health, and about all of those women he claimed to have sex with, but then again, perhaps he only had sex with himself, him, his hand and his pecker and his dreams even in day time. I do bnot know what the hell KNIGHT ARCANE was posting about some 13 year old girl and if you cannot back that up with any proof, then you should not toss that out as being factural, as I ehard that Mr. Brown perfers the older woman under 89 years of age, as He perhaps makes him feel younger. I mean what would he do with a 13-year old, maybe thegirl was cleaning up and she was a cleaning girl after all. Anyhow it is up to Mr. Berown who he screws, but He should not have screed the customers that purchased his e-book and got fucked over, as there were not any of the promised documents that Mr. CE Brown promised on his various websites. His main website was www.goldenkarat.com but that is nolonger his siteHe stated on his web site back in 2002, that OUR BOOKS ARE NOW IN THE PROCESS OF BEING TRANSLATED and WILL BE AVAILABLE in the Japanese, French and German languages as well. Well that is horse-shit and bull shit as nothingw as ever published, but then Mr. Brown never said his books were to be published, He said his books were being in the process of translated and its only be what, ten years and perhaps the translators died off of old age, it does happen!!! AND the part I liked was for THOSE OF YOU WHO ORDER EARLY, you will ALSO RECEIVE a video cassette OR CD Rom showing in full color, not only most every item now being declared to be part of what today is referred to as Yamashita Treasure items and then he must have dropped off to sleep, as He never finished the rest of that stateemnt. He does say THIS FILM will also have a commentators explanation as to what the items are and what one should be aware of whn offered such items. IT the film, will also show actual film footage of World War 11 spouils of war consisting of Golden Buddhas and gold bars being removed from their original World War 11 hiding place as late as the early part of 1999. Then Mr. Brown brought tears to my eyes, when his written statements says... BECAUSE MANY HAVE ALREADY TOLD US THAT THEY WOULD LIKE FOR THESE FOUR BOOKS called Vol 1, The original Golden Karat and Vol 2, A totally Unreliable Gooney Brird and Vol 3 The Yamashita Treasure And finally Vol 4, The fools we Proved to Be.... that these books will be available in hard cover so they could more easily be kept for not only their future reference, BUT ALSO for their children and grandchildren to have as wekk later in life in order to truly know the truth. We have decided to offer these books to began with in a beautifully hard bound format. We can assure you that most everyone who read these books claim that they have found them to be on of the most enjoyable, interesting and informable literary reading experiences that they ever had................sorry......I had to get a towel....as I ran out of tissue paper....and the tears.....just will not stop......and .....I ended up almost with too much emotion to continue plus the smell is killing me, as I took off the gas mask that usually gets rid of the smell or horse shit and bull shit in order to drink a cold beer, and now the smell has pentrated into my body and for some reason, I am starting to feel kind of shitty....so I still have tears while I struggle to read what else he had to say......that Mr. Brown as the author has been warned on several occasions that his life would be in danger if he continued to try and tell this story or publish this book? It says it took this author over 14 years of his life and at a great personal expenses to now be able to answer and document not only the above mentioned questions for the world to understand, but many other hidden secrets as well....and it now hard to read, as I put back on the gas mask as the odor was just too much, now it is hard to read the rest as I still have half tear of grief and half tears of feat that maybe I exposed myself to too much of that bullshit without the protection of teh WW11 Gas mask. OH GOD, do not take me now, I am still young, I still have your work to do here on planet Earth plus was looking forward to drink at least another 380,000 more cases of beer.  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 11:38 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : 1.7 trillion US dollars for EJ Ekker
    I do drink beer Mr Diggle, just make sure it is a light beer and chilled to 5 degree centegrade mixed with white sugar.

    Mr Todd I remind you of your younger brother but you also forgot that , I skin con man alive and you take turn to burn them upside down. anywayjust some figure for whatever Ekkers will get for that 80,000 MT that they are expexting to be delivered in forn of their condo unit in Makati . for the presnt trsing vakue of gold that will be roughly . 1.8 trillion dollars ( or in euro is 1.3 trillion euros ) in equivalent , that is alot money. EJ ekker can able to ressurect her dead wife ( cause of death : can not sleep she was being hunted by her concience ) and build a kingdom known as the Monarchy of EJ Ekkers, making Joseph ES Daraman and Virgilion as the the Royal Gay Baroness. EJ Ekker can able then to hire six ex president of Terrorist countries so that he can conquer the world and get another 100K MT of gold bars. since he is not contented with the 80 KK MT .  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 12:13 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : JIM BROWN
    I think even if Todd Alphine will promote Jim Brown or Clarence Elbert Brown of california who said to be the only living heir of Sta Romana ( bullshit ) who was he to become the heir . I think Mr Brown will still remain the same. A dirty old man . that causes the death of his second wife and his third wife Luz Rambano Joson. Jim Brown will remain dirty. Who told you Jim Brown like a woman which is 85 years old. You can find him insode a public internet cafe at the Robinsons Ermita. At any rate. don't bother to ask about the GOLDEN KARAT SERRIES since after it became a sale flop. jim brown can no longer afford to pay the monthly service maintenance of his website since . after it was launch. he only mange to sell 50 downloads, and those who bought those download are uttering bad words since what they can read are all fairytales of Jim Brown as the Heir of Sta Romana and an old fart of marcos. He can not even substatiate his claim since if you will scrutinize his document you will find that JIM Brown just fabricated most of them. You cn ask Fleming Funch who made his WebSite Golden Karat.  

    12 Jan 2009 @ 21:53 by Ref Mr. EJ Ekker, sets a world record??? @ : Tallano Estate in the Philippines

    12 Jan 2009 @ 22:36 by Ref Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown @ : Luz Rambano StaRomana Brown RIP
    KNight ARcane seems to assume that Mr. CE Brown book sold 50 copies, but is that something that is knowledgeable or hearsay or a educated guess as to that quanity of books that were sold? Since Mr. CE Brown just disappeared after we started to investigate the fraud of his Filipino wife, called Luz Rambano StaRomana, it is heard that Mr. Brown perhaps feels that His book can still be sold and He will makes Millions of Dollars from the book sales, but I think He is dreaming....as every month we discover more and more about the on-going fraud that was conceived by many people, that helped to deceive Bankers and the Courts and the Governments that this woman named Luz R. StaRomana Brown had been at one time the wife and then later became the widow of the man known as Mr. S.G. Santa Romana. We know have the fabricated documents she used, to create the false marriage application. We can proved she was still married to the FIRST HUSBAND before she married husband Number two who was already dead, when she said she became married to the dead man. I mean anyone with a working brain can look at the DEATH CERTIFICATE of Mr. S.G. Santa Romana or StaRomana and see the date of death, then look at the marriage application of the so-called marriage certificate of this woman named Luz R. StaRomana Brown and you can see that She faked it as she lied, when she said she was single and had no kids. Anyone can look at the marriage certificate of Luz Rambano and her first husand who is named Mr. Angel Joson and then check and see that she had six kids, so she hatched six little kids from that first marriage, yet she lied when she made her false marriage to the alleged husband Number two, being the RICH GUY named Mr. S.G. StaRomana. OK, now Mr. CE BROWN who really is the American unpublished author named Clarence Elbert Brown, calims that He spent 14 year or more to be investigating this deceased man named SANTA ROMANA AKA Jose A. Diaz and his wealth. OK, now should we be surprised that this American wanted to marry this little unattractive Filipino woman named Luz Rambano StaRomana? Or did Mr. Brown think that this would be a good selling point if He was married to the widow of that RICH MAN named Mr. S.G. StaRomana? NOw Mr. Brown himself proclaims that He is born salesman and he can sell anything to anyone and maybe that is what He has been doing with this book or books that He has tried to write and then tried to sell. He now claims that since his wife died in the Philippines and that the family of his wife there in the Philippines never informed Mr. CE BROWN of the death of his own Filipino wife, then Gee, there did not seem that was a marriage based on love. IT was over a year AFTER Luz was deceased that Mr. CE Brown some how was infroemd that his wife Luz was now dead. Gee, that was strange that the family of Luz never bothered to inform this American man Mr. Brown that Luz is deceased.....and then if this deceased woman was named Mrs Brown or Mrs StaRomana, how come there is no death certificate issued to her in the name of Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana Brown? ANd if she was really married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana as her Philippine passport that was issued inside the USA stated, then how come the death certificate issued in the Philippines did not indicate her name as Luz Rambano StaRomana? Insetad the official death certificate is issued to Luz as Luz Rambano, there is no mention that she was named as Mrs StaRomana and o mention that she was Mrs Brown???????????????? So what is going on here Mr. CE Brown, that you do not have a legal death certificate for your wife in her married name, being that it should be Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana Brown as you have alleged in your books and for the strange Power of Attorney that this Luz woman was said to have printed her name on with some unknown fingerprint of unproven anything? And what about the investigation that was said to be done by the NBI aka National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines, as I seen copies of some letetrs from the NBI to some woman named Flordeliza T. StaRomana. It seems that this woman named Flordeliza wanted a investigation conducted over the fake marriage oft hat Luz Rambano woman to the man named S.G. StaRomana. So while I have not heard your side of your version of this story Mr. Brown, the other side version is that the NBI said that the marriage between Mr. S.G. StaRomana was null and void. Gee....that would mean that She was a imposter, a fake and not a legal wife of Mr. S.G. StaRomana ...Gee, that also means that she deceived the Philippine Consulte to issue her a passport in the LAST NAME of Sta.Romana aka Santa Romana...gee that means that she deceived the court into awarding her to become the Administrator for the deceased man estate...Gee, that means that she is NOT and NEVER WAS the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana...so lets see, that means that your book was all wrong, as that would mean Mr. Brown that you cannot claim that you were married to the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and it means also that if you continue that claim, then you are perhaps going to be found guilty of wrongful conversion and other illegal actions. But I am certain that you are a honorable person, perhaps you trusted that woman when she showed you the fake marriage documents, but you being a smart guy, should have known that your little wife HAD LIED...as you knew she had 6 kids and that her first husband was still alive, at the time of that alleged second marriage of her to tha man known as Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Now come on Mr. Brown, you also knew that Mr. S.G. StaRomana was already deceased and six feet into the ground when your loving LUZ, claimed the marriage took place to Mr. StaRomana, the dead man! OK< now I know this all is a problem that you would have to what, rewrite maybe 92% of your book and take out the fabrication and the lies and the half truths and Gee, maybe it is better if you start all over again and start writing a NEW BOOK and give up on your OLD BOOK. I think that maybe a new book with some truth in it, plus you exposing the con job where Luz was jacking off so many people with her fabrication, would be a good story like LOCAL GIRL from PHILIPPINES ALMOST PULLED IT OFF, the biggest theft of a estate...and you could still have a part as the dashing stud you claim to be as having sex in a novel helps the sales. And if you do not start on this book soon, I know a few other real authors that would be pleased to write up this story about you and Luz Rambano, as it is a damn good story, but I think you should get the first opportunity to tell the story, as you have the nack for the bullshit and the horseshit and anyhow you claimed to be the worlds best salesman, so show us what you can do. Please keep your book under $20.00 in price as a case of beer nows is costing almost US$40.00 a case and with the meltdown imp[act coming in AUGUIST 2009 to be followed by the BIG PUNCH coming in middel of 2011, people will not want to spend much money, so make it a good book Clarence, as the world is waiting for your best seller to come out soon.  

    13 Jan 2009 @ 01:24 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : EJ EKKER
    Todd Alphine in my point of view Mr. Ekker is perhaps going to be named by Guiness World as the most greedy or high paid American Company CEO and Chairman to have demanded from his board of directors that they pay him the value of $1,700,000,000,000.00 or $1.7 trillion dollars after He was only after a short period of time after he self-appointed himself as the Chairman. He formed the Nevada State corporation for under $500.00 and then He took that name and had some straw-people being Filipino to become his Board of Trustees and they all claims to take control of a Estate that did have a lot of gold bullion claims, however as Todd Alphine pointed out in his above posting, that mixture of those persons Mr. Ekker ended up making the payments for to get those persons registered and approved by the SEC in the Philippines, does seem that Mr. Ekker is perhaps the worlds most wealthy man and more than the other American named Mr. CE Jim Brown, who claims to be the widower of the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, who was as the worlds most wealthy man. This seems to prove that only in American can the average person rise up and become a CEO or a Chairman of a corporation or be lucky to get married to a rich woman and after she dies, then becomes the Heir to collect all of Luz Rambano StaRomana Brown wealth. However, since the Board of directors refused to approve the BONUS of what Mr and Mrs Ekker wanted for their $1,700,000,000,000.00 being for the Global Alliance Investment Corporation of Nevada, USA, then Mr. Ekker fired all of those former board members and he found a new batch of Filipinos and some fellow Americans and He perhaps will get his BIG BONUS and when He does, then He will become the winner of the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD, provided Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown does not claims 50% of all of the wealth of that Santa Romana estate first. So this seems to be a contest between these two large men, both living in the Philippines, waiting for their big bonus.  

    14 Jan 2009 @ 08:17 by Ref Mr. CE Brown the unpublished author @ : Guiness World record for EJ EKKER
    Wow, then this is what, two Americans both wanting to claim the title of being the world richest man by the Guiness World record or will these older men do it the old Wild West way and each get themselves a six shooter and face each other and start shooting as they walk towards each other////but then why would they be consider rivals as they are both from America and both have claims from the United States financial institutions, as Mr. Brown little FIlipino wife was filing lawsuits with various American law firms against banks registered in the United States and well Mr. Ekker has not filed any lawsuits as he said that He has some unwritten official agreement from the U.S. Treasury department agency to guarantee the PERU BOND, the claim goes back perhaps 150 years for a one piece gold bond that had a face value of just $ 1,000.00 and while it should have become void as being past its maturity, somehow someone alleged to have authorized the extend the maturity date so now there is no expiration date on the Peru Bond....and while there were many and MANY MANY of the same type of Peru Bonds issued, it is cklaimed that there is only one remaining...or there was assumed to be just one, but the intelligent Lady who claims she owns that Bond also made mentioned as was posted on the Internet, that there is more than jkust one of those old Peru Bonds, she said there were two and maybe three of those Peru Bonds that were UNCASHED. Ok, so this is all very nice and it is alleged by this CEO, Mr. EJ Ekker that Uncle Sam or the Federal Reserve BAnk and or the US Treasury somehow owes to the GLobal Alliance Investment Association, I think US$50 Billion in interest payments. Now that Global Alliance Investment Association is just collecting and asking fro this $ 50 Billion and Mr. Ekker, who is also the Chairman of this Global Alliance Investment Association seems to have a heart of gold, as He is only asking for just $5 Billion a year when He says that the interest is really over $10 Billion a year. Now Mr. CE Brown who is claiming to be the widower of the woman who he claims was the widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, well Mr. Brown claims that his Filipino wife who is really Luz Rambano from the Philippines, was appouinted by some Court in the Philippines to be the Administrator for the estate of her deceased husband who was Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Now what I like about this LUZ woman, is how she fakes the marriage to this man Mr. StaRomana who by the way was already deceased and like DEAD and who was six feet underground when Luz is said to have married this dead man. She knew that she could not have any legal position by claiming to be a common-law wife as that is what she was, so she knew that she had to become a wife of Mr. StaRomana in order to become his widow, to claim his estate. Now a lot of woman do marry a man to get his wealth and it is a sort of a win or lose situation, as the woman never knows when the husband will drop dead. Well, Luz already knew that Mr. Sta Romana was deceased and the Hospital and the Philippines issued a DEATH CERTIFICATE and so Luz just had to work the problem backwards, so she tried to back date the marriage application and get the Mayor as a witness. Now the Mayor must have been greedy as well as a mornon. He screwed up and used in the back dated application he signed off on for that fale backdated record of marriage and He put on the legal documents a I.D. or identification number that had not yet even been issued to him, until a FUTURE DATE, so it was easy for anyone with a brain, to see that the marriage application was BACK DATED and it was done that way, to make it appear that Luz married Mr. SGSR while Mr. StaRomana was still alive, still above group. The Mayor use his official ID Number that could only have been issued in the FUTURE DATE, that ID Number was not issues to him at the time He signed off on that fake marriage application of Luz Rambano. Now if Mr. CE Brown cannot figure this out for himself than Mr. Brown is a mornon. BUt Mr. Brown is not a fool, He knew what LUZ had done, as Mr. Brown had all of her legal documents for that marriage and knew how to read the English language, so he also had a copy of the death certificate and knew when Mr. StaRomana became deceased, as Mr. Brown proclaims he is perhaps the only authority or the top expert concerning the affairs of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz and now I am unable to recall why it is that I would assume to have any faith in any of the statements of Mr. CE Brown from what he wrote in his story book. Yes, it is a STORY BOOK as whatever can you call it. The guy I bought it from was someone who started to read it and just gave up and I said I would refund his purchase price and He was to sell me the book her purchased and give me the documents. Well he gave me a pile of papges and it did NOT CONATIN any documents so I asked him, where are the documents. He said the seller on the internet ripped him off when He paid for the e-book and what was promised to be released. I said to go back and complain and He said he tried several times but the seller would never reply to his e-mails. I asked him what he thought of the story and He was surprised that I had actually read the whole mess of pages. He then admitted that He could not even understand the book and ready maybe 40 pages and just gave up. That surprised me as I enjoyed the story book, I have read it perhaps now maybe 5 times and each time I discover more and more bullshit and blunders or what could apprear to be outright lies, but then it is a story book and people tells lies and I look at it as a sort of adventure except it helps if I have a bucket of cold beer at my side and first let the dog go out for a shit and piss so He does not pester me to take him out..and I get back into Mr. Browns story and jump in and each time, I enjoy the ride as it is Mr. CE Brown as the salesman selling his load of fertilizer or shit, top the readers to sort of promote LUZ as being the widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana....something that it easy to disprove. Even the Police or their NBI Agency made inquires and after their investigation, the said there was no legal marriage between Mr. S.G. StaRomana and that woman Luz Rambano. The NBI also did not have any good things to say about the Nevada paper marriage of Luz and Mr. CE Brown. Now we need to do the DD on Mr. Brown and his business associates and see what they have been up to and find out how much bullshit Mr. Brown fed to those business associates.  

    18 Jan 2009 @ 12:59 by Mcdougall @ : Gold belongs to who?
    So who are the rightful owners of the Gold?
    The Santa Romana's, Marcos', European royal families, the Vatican, The Illuminati families, the Sulu Sultanate, The Lakandula's and tarik soliman's descendants, Southeast asian nations looted by Japan, Lakan Tagkan's or Lakantagean-founder of Namayan/Kingdom of Sapa or zabag etc.?

    Or none of the above. It belongs to every man of every color and creed.

    Or if we believe the Mayans, to them, the Gold belong to the Gods alone.  

    19 Jan 2009 @ 05:06 by To Mcdougall @ : What gold are you asking about?
    What gold are you talking about? If you are talking about S.G. Sta Romana gold, that gold belongs to say many different organizations, some countries, to the Vatican, to the Jesuits, to the ones that He ordered the gold to be returned to at the end of 40 years. If your are talking about god that is in the name of Jose A. Diaz and his Alaises, well that is a differnt answer than the gold that is under the Aliases on the StaRomana side, it sounds like double talk, but actually it is two different protocols as to final distribution and settlement. The Sulu Sultanate bullion belongs to the people, those Muslims and some also belongs to the Royal families of the Philippines and some has to be be for payment of encumbrances to the Pope at Rome for establishing the World Peace Protocols between the Muslims and the Catholics and Christians, that is what was explained to me by the people that have knowledge of those settlements. Some other gold is to be returned to those involved into the WW11 events, some other golds was to be sold to the FEDs and to the US Treasury or to the Suadi Royals etc. I do not know much about who whatever gold AMecos claims to have had himself, that should have been coverned in his LAST WILL and TESTEMENT but you should also notice that there never was any rush to probate that LAST WILL, but I think the Umbrella established by Marcos that is seperate from the other Umbrella of the DNP Enterprise set up by Jose A. Diaz or by S.D. StaROmana known as SANTY is the ones that make the final decisions, and as to the gold looted by Japan, that is well past the expiration deadline I had assumed and as for the gold being claimed by Mr. EJ Ekker with his Prince or his Toad or whatever, well that is soon to be submitted to the INternational Criminal Courts from what I heard last year, as there was a serious breach of trust involving that country of the Philippines. Hell, if I was asked what to do, I would say to sell all of the damn gold to the US Treasury and Feds at half price, then let them go back on the gold standard and bring back the old US Dollar as that had some buying power...many moons ago. If the USA had say 100,000 or more of gold bullion, then the whole world would be very damn impressed and the meltdown would not stop, but faith would be restored back to American and CHINA and JAPAN who hold almost $4 Trillion in US Treasury Notes would be able to kiss UNCLE SAM again on the lips and they would all get the their economies out of the toilet bowl. It will not stop the complete meltdown as that has to go through the different phases and the prince of oil has to be raised up to $70.00 a drum and as to what Msdougall is making mention about that according to the Mayans, the Gold belongs to the Gods alone and hell that could be a correct theory as well. I just know if I had any gold, I would buy three warehouses full of beer, and one warehouse full of cashew nuts and one warehouse full of dog food, as what the hell good is gold bullion if my dog and I cannot eat it? AT least with the reserve inventory of beer and cashews, I can sit and watch the sun sets as the financial meltdown continues to suck the world into its black hole. I am still hoping that peoplew ill give up on using paper money and damn gold and go back to using SEA SHELLS for currency and barter trading as I know where there are many MANY tons of sea shells just waiting to be cleared up and converted into money. Gee, I wounder if Chairman EJ Ekker would think about using sea shells for currency instead of him wanting the Feds to pay him interest with paper money for teh Peru Bond that Mr. Ekker seems to have misplaced,lost or missing or Hell, maybe He never had it. I have aa nice color copy of that old Peru Bond and it did not impress me at all and even if it was the original, what the hell would I do with it, unless......lets see.....how many warehouses of beer and cashews and dog food and some hookers and a new boat would President EJ Ekker give to me for that PERU BOND if only I had the damn thing.....I have to go and buy some fresh batteries for my calculator and start figuring this out, this has potential and I still would have my RESERVE FUNDS being the many tons of sea shells waiting as backup.......Yes, and this time I promised my dog, to buy the better brands of dog food and have the maker, double wrap the bag for 15 or 20 years, but I am not sure my old dog will last another 8 more years, as I had him now for 8 years since he was a pup, so maybe I have to find him a female and let him hump her and get a litter, then the future generation of his sons or daughter as pups will share the legacy of the supply of dog food. Then I have to worry about SECURITY as I ehard that in year 2011 everything is really going to get bad, and it will be where people will be stealing food and dog food is food, and Gee so would be the dogs and Gee I heard in year 2012, that is the really bad year, where dogs will be eating dogs....damn I better find some Island to move to that is isolated but then the Global warming will perhaps sink the Island underwater....and now I am getting depressed and sure wish I could talk to Chairman EJ Ekker, He seems like a smart bloke and perhaps He will impress me with his reports of what the Star Ship Fleet Commander has been telling him of when the Star Ship is to come to eath and pick up certiain key people. Gee, I wonder if the Aliens would like sea shells and if I did gain a ticket for a ride off planet earth, if I could take my dog with me. Then I would worry that the Aliens would perhaps keep the dog and eat me instead, or eat me and the dog and keep my sea shells....  

    20 Jan 2009 @ 06:36 by Ref Mr. CE Jim Brown day in court... @ : LIGHTS, SOUND and ACTION.......
    Some people complained to me they do not like me drinking beer or posting non essential discussions and to only focus on Santa Romana and that people go not seem to give a shit what I say other than they want to hear about Santa Romana. OK, now I told myself that this year of 2009, I would tried to tone down my bad language and not mention about drinking beer or how my dog wants to smell everyone and make the woman jump, when the dog does that to strangers, and that I should not be telling people all of the dpressing news that the shit is going to hit the fan blades in year 2012 and that this meltdown that is now exposing itself is nothing but the tip of that mountain of problems, so I will just say in my nice way, that I do not care what other people say or think of me and that everyone should drink beer and there would be some of you morons that could perhaps then hide under your bed and pray to someone to avoid the shit that will hit the fan blades starting near the end of year 2011. OK, so what is it you want to know about Sta Romana is that he was also a drunk, he was not a Saint and he also chased woman and that He perhaps would not approve of Mr. Clarence Elbert Jim Brown writing a book about S.G. Sta Romana or as he is known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz and I think Mr. StaRomana would want to drag this Mr. Brown into the courts and make BROWN admit to the conspiracy, as that is what it seems, I mean how can this Mr. Brown claim he has protection of his book under the US Copyright laws, to make the false statements in his e-book he sold on the Internet, that his Filipino wife which He married in VEGAS in one of those INSTANT fast weddings with strangers, as Elvis was not even at that wedding...and then this Mr. Brown can say that He married the legal widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, now how can this American say he is protected by the United States copyright protection law as those were fabrications, those were lies and that COPYRIGHT does not protect Mr. Brown if his intention was to show that his Filipino wofe called Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana had the right to hire American laws and sue Banks in the US Courts and to perform what is considered to be a theft as that is what wrongful conversion is, when that Filipino woman deceived the courts and the bankers and the lawyers and the Judges and anyone else, that she was married to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and then after her alleged husband Mr. S.G. Sta Romana aka as Jose A. Diaz was deceased, then she proclaimed that she was the widow, and this American Mr. CE Jim Brown says that anything He said in his book that was never opublished as a real book to be sold in book stores, is protected under the U.S. Copyright laws and that He, is now the widower and that He is entitled to get 50% of what the Luz Rambano StaRomana as the widow was to get from the deceased man estate. I asked some Americans who are well established at US Law firms about this claim of Mr. Brown, and they said that the U.S. Copyright does not protect the lies or support what Mr. Brown said other than preventing other people from say making copies of his book and then selling it at a reduced price and in not making any payment of royality back to Mr. Brown who seems to be the unpublished author of the non existing book as it was never published and sold as a real book would be expected to have been sold. So there seems to be a gray area regarding this alleged claim of COPYROGHT PROTECTION and I heard before that some people have some documents that were signed by that woman called Luz Rambano StaROmana and by some Attorney that was representing ger back in 1992 I think, where that Luz woman was said that She would not be considered to be legally married under the Laws of teh Philippines to that man known as Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, as she was still married to her other husband named Mr. Angel Joson in the Philippines and since Divorce is not allowed in the Philippines. OK, now I heard that those people also had that LUZ woman also confess to some other shocking things and now there are three different Groups that want to file lawsuits against that Mr. CE Brown and drag his butt into the courts and make him prove that his statements in his book are truthful or fabrications and this seems to be a claims against the US Copyright protocol itself as to if the COPY RIGHT LAW is to protect the lies and deception or not, so I am sure that Mr. CE Brown already is getting ready for the court to prove his case and I hope we can heard of the legal complaints and post the position of Mr. Brown vs the opposition and I hope that this will not be a long court battle as Mr. Brown is getting up in years and I hate for him to have to be wasting his time defending his lies and fabrications over some book, that proved to be a dud. But since Mr. Brown claims that He is the best salesman in the World, we maybe can get opportunity to send someone to the Philippines to cover the trials as I heard it is more than one lawsuit from three different groups who wnat the courts to make their final ruling. Maybe if Mr. Brown takes accurate notes He can then write up a book review and then maybe He can help stimulate some sales of his e-book. He needs to have the same tight to defend himself in court that is offered to any persons. This will be a great time for Him to also explain to the court so many things in his book, perhaps we can even get him to swear on a stack of bibles and get video coverage as this cannot be a closed court as this is a PUBLIC CRIME that involves many countries, many foreign banks and foreign governments, they all should be able to get footage of teh trials and perhaps buy a CD-ROM of the documents and make it so Mr. Brown gets some of it as He after all is one of the leading actors in this stage show drama.  

    23 Jan 2009 @ 05:19 by Ref Mr. EJ Ekker @ : SATAN GRABS GLOBAL ALLIANCE
    Look for all you nut cases that write and want to know about the activities of Mr. E.J. Ekker, it just would take you people 10 minutes to type in their names in say YAHOO or Google and find out what is available on the Internet, is that so hard for you to have done. Then some people complained to me that YES, it was hard to do as they have little time to pay money at Internet computer cafes to do on line search, so OK, now I am starting to understand some of their compliants. OK, what is suggest all of them to do is read aup about SATAN GARABS for THAT Global Alliance Investment Assocation and that is a free newspaper that is owned by Mr. EJ Ekker so since He said his CONTACT newspaper never lied, then please read was was published in that newspa[er found at http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/o070314.pdf this is what the DEVIL did in the Philippines in March 2007.  

    23 Jan 2009 @ 05:49 by Ref Queen of Sulu Sultanate? @ : Global Alliance Investment Association
    Additional information could be also found at the other forum here at ming.tv of SANTA ROMANA but again so many people said that SANTA ROMANA form was impossibile to get into as it was too long and they spent a hour or more to get to the end of that long forum, sothey just gave up. OK, then to help those persons who have a slow Internet connection, then I think the next best thing is to allow those people to reach other web site that is not so complicated to gain entrance into, that can be found at http://www.rumormillnews.com-Re:#4: the reason for CONTACT on 127 heads......it is a series of articles that also seems to be what was some of the postings done on the SANTA ROMANA form and this will help you all to better understand about this Mr. E.J. Ekker and his Project HORSE SHIT. As to the other person wanting to know how to contact the Queen of Sulu....well if you are asking about the con woman called Meok Sulok who teaches Christian bible to Filipinos and she is said to be a Muslim Princess or also alleged to be a Queen of something to do with the rural areas of the Philippines, I am sorry I do not know her addres? If you are someone who paid her money for something that was related to gold or to wealth recovery claims, then I think you are better off given up and just be glad you still have your underwear......as from what I have heard, she makes a lot of claims that she is even related to the Royal family of Kiram from Sulu Sultanate but they said they never heard of her and that they do not have any Queen as that is not part of their collection of royal titles but they do have honorable woman who are known as Princess. So again I asked them about this lady and they confirm that there was no such person listed as being a Princess or could not find anyone in Sulu Sultant whoever even heard of this woman. Again I suggest you not waste you time or money in investing with any Queen there in the Philippines, as they are not missing any Queen right now?  

    23 Jan 2009 @ 08:05 by Ref Mr. CE JIm Brown needs to stophiding @ : Luz R. StaRomana was a fake wife/widow
    there is another good article found at http://www.budgetcorporaterenewals.com/BCR_on_page_10_of 070328_issue_of_contact. it is a pdf file and talks about Presumptive corporate take-over by Mr. E.J. Ekker or Chairman Ekker and some alleged risks of criminal action but I read it several times and while it may have appeared that way to some people who also read it, I think it was just Mr. E.J. Ekker wanting to grab anything he can and if He had to take some short cut and ciut off some people, then shit,t hen EJ Ekker worked on a farm or sorts, He perhaps has a ax handy and also a tractor....a good strong tractor is need to drag away any gold bullion bars that come close to this Chairman Ekker, He seems to want to attract GOLD or else he is attracted to the gold. Anyhow anyone who reads anything must use their own God given brain to figure out the truth and perform proper DD. We waited all of year 2008 for Mr. EJ Ekker to come out of his hiding place and speak up and tell us his side of the story or his version. Hell, Mr. CE Brown wrote 1400 pages of his own version of the fabricated story He was wanting to sell to the Public, He claims that He was married to the widow of Mr. S.G. Sta ROmana and we know he was full of bullshit or horse shit. The truth is that his little Filipino woman named Luz Rambano never legally married Mr. S.G. StaRomana and it seems she and her Attorney a person that I never heard of before, was represent this woman called Luz Rambano StaROmana and it is said that LUZ, made some written statements back years ago, that were confirmed by her Attorney and some persons as witness, that it is said that this Luz StaRomana signed some documents that said that Luz herself admitted that her alleged marriag to Mr. S.G. StaRomana was not legal as it was said that Luz admitted that she was still married to her first husband named Mr. Angel Joson. Now I cannot figure how why the hell this Luz Rambano StaRomana woman would sign her name to this documents as it would imply that SHE IS NOT THE WIFE of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, right? And this would mean that Luz was not then the widow of this deceased man, known as Mr. S.G. Sta Romana or as SANTA ROMANA we use as his name here at ming.tv. Gee, now if this agreement which appears to be a sort of peace agreement between this Luz Rambano woman and this other woman named Flordeliza T. StaRomana, then it would prove that everything that Mr. CE Brown is claiming that He was married to the widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana aka Jose A. Diaz was a lie and that He wrote a book that was to promote that lie and now He claims that He is the widower of this woman, who he claims was the legal wife of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Gee, this makes his US Copyright to be what, protected for the fake marriage of this Filipino woman to a man who WAS ALREADY DEAD, like in deceased. I do not know much about COPYRIGHTS but I do not think it will give any legal protection to lies and fabrications and that copyright is to prevent others from stealing the writing of this Mr. CE Jim Brown. So after some people do some more deeper DD at the SAMCO side, I will then be able to believe or disprove these alleged documents that do not have a very clear signature of the woman known as Luz T. StaRomana, it almost appears that she printed or someone printed out her name instead of writing out her signature, so all of thise could be more bullshit or horse shit created, but for what purpose? I wished Mr. CE BROWN would stop screwing around in the Philippines with woman and please come on to this forum and let us have his e-mail, then I could send him the documents and allow him the time and opportunity to review the documents and then He can offer us his professional viewpoint. This would then be a fair exchange as we need to hear from people like Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown about his wife who He claimed was the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. We need to hear from Mr. EJ Ekker to make it so we can get his views posted himself here at ming.tv on this forum. We need to even hear from anyone whos name we have mentioned on these forms to encourage them to come out of the darkness and into the light...and post what they want to say as their open and honest viewpoint. If we continue to only post one side viewpoints, then it is not even going to come to a conclusion. However in the case of Mr. CE Jim Brown from what I heard, there are some people that seem to have the need to file lawsuits against him and his book, but how the hell do you see a book that is not published, that is instead sold or use to be sold on the Internet? I think those people would be wasting good money but I can see their reasons and need to drag Clarance Elbert Jim Brown into the courts and make him prove what He had caused to be published, as it is not only horseshit, it has done a lot of financial harm to the SANTA ROMANA Estate and after SAMCO GROUP explained to me, I was very surprised, as it does seem that Mr. Brown has caused a lot of serious blockages and confusion to make the Bankers think that Mr. CE BROWN is entitled to sign off on some USA Bank settlements that belonged to Mr. S.G. StaRomana. That Mr. Brown is no more entitled to represent the estate of Mr. Sta Romana than that Filipino woman named LUZ RAMBABO StaRoman Brown was, it is more than a conspiracy, it is the workings of a great novel about this would-be author who fools so many people with his bullshit stories that claims that Luz Rambano become a legal wife and then the widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. That is going to become a better seller than what MR. CE BROWN could not sell to the public.  

    25 Jan 2009 @ 21:34 by Ref: Lus Rambano StaRoman-Brown @ : Lots of new documents being uncovered
    receiving copies of many documents that seems like this Luz Rambano woman, the one who was the alleged wife of Mr. S.G. StaRomana or SANTA ROMANA and who later somehow got the Judge of some court, to approve her with her claims that after Mr. S.G. Sta Romana became deceased, that this woman named Luz Rambano would be appoint as Administrator for the estate of Santa Romana aka Jose A. Diaz AKA Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz. This man, Mr. CE Brown who likes to be called CE Jim Brown who really is Clarence Elbert Brown, wrote a book, that was not published as a real book and sold in real book stores, but instead sold on the Internet as a e-book. ANyhow the book was a fabricated story by Mr. Brown to promote this woman who was really LUZ RAMBANO from the Philippines and helped create the false claim that she was the widow, of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, so this FAKE WIDOW could deceive bankers into releasing the deposot accounts in overseas banks outside oft he Philippines, tot his so-called widow, which is the same woman that Mr. CE Brown married on day in VEGAS, so He then went from the would-be investigative reporter, to the would-be author to the husband of this woman. They traveled to many countries together to try to claim the bank deposits of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Brown continued to fool many other person with his bullshit and the truth was never told to Sterling Seagraves and others like the Attorney in USA who won a big lawsuits against the Marcos. Mr. Brown continued to fool a lot of people with his story about what He wanted to publish as a book and now since this LUZ woman is deceased, He is claiming to be the Widower. And as the widower He some how wants to claim that under the laws of teh Philippines, He is somehow entitled to claim 50% of his Luz wife estate, which he maintains is that since she was the widow of the rich man named SANTA ROMAN and since Mr. Brown wife LUZ, was the court appointed Administrator, then Mr. Brown apparently assumed that Gee, He was more or less what, a HEIR or something to be the last person left on Earth, to be considered to be given the bank deposits of Mr. StaRomana or this man who also used the name of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and about 26 other known Aliases for hiding his bank deposits in a unbelieveable amount of overseas banks. But now we have the proof that LUZ was a liar, she faked the alleged marriage to Mr. S.G. StaRoman, so this means she was NOT THE WIFE of Mr. StaROmana , so she could not be the widow of Mr. StaRroman either. ANd this means that while Mr. CE Jim Brown may not like it, it means that his wife LUZ was a complete fraud and that would make his book full of deceptions, half truths and failing to expose the conspiracy of that Luz Rambano woman. OK, so up to now, I would say that Mr. CE JIm Brown cannot claim anything of any Santa Romana Estate nor make any agreements or have claims to any settlements of any of the DIAZ and or the StaRomana bank deposits anywhere on planet Earth. I would also say that while He is apparently ignorant in many ways like myself, that He cannot claim 50% of that Luz Rambano estate, not under Philippine law as the law would never consider that Mr. CE Brown marriage to that Philippine woman to be legal, under the laws of that country. Now since Mr. CE Brown is still living there in the Philippines, then this is a simple matter for him to confirm himself and if He can take the time to read the seperate Blog, He can read some of the letters and documents that pertain to his marriage to that woman called Luz Rambano StaRomana that Mr. Brown called his wife from the Philippines. Now all of this is helpful to Mr. Brown, as the blog is like a PUBLIC NOTICE and displays documents and such, so this makes it easier for Mr. CE Jim Brown to download the documents off the blog, and to then hire himself say 300 Lawyers and try to prove that his marriage to this Luz R. StaRomana was acceptable under the laws of the Philippines. Then gire another 200 more Lawyers to help him convine the courts that He should be appointed the Administrator to carry on the alleged legal position of his deceased wife, to claim her TRUST ACCOUNTS that she established, using money that she embezzled in what is considered to be wrongful conversion. I eman even Mr. CE JIm Brown book claims that his little wife from the Philippines had collected a vast sum of cash from one of teh Swiss Banks when she went there and claimed she was the court appointed Administrator, that she had her fake marriage certificate, her claim that she was the widow and SHE got a VERY LARGE CASH SETTLEMENT and she invested 60% oft hat into investment trusts that He said paid 10% a year and that is now worth say over $ 1 Trillion dollars now...and growing and growing and Mr. Brown is claiming He is entitled to 50% of that POT OF GOLD at the end of that rain bow....and He keeps forgetting that LUZ was not entitled to that maney that the Swiss Banker paid out, as she tricked, she deceived the banker and that the 60% that was invested, was that is considered to be wrongful conversion or embezzlement, and now that it grew and grew and continues to grow into much larger funds, even Mr. Brown admits in his book, that his Wife never paid any estate duty taxes and for some reason, all of this does not seem to matter to Mr. CE BROWN, as all He claims is that he is the widower, He is the Heir to the estate and He also claims He was a super salesman and I recommend that his e-book be used in a court of law, as evidence of his own written account of this Luz R. StaRomana and let Mr. Brown come into the courts and defend whatever he thinks he can denfend, this is the fair thing to be done. To allow him the legal opportunity to prove he did not lie, he may have not told the truth, but he perhaps told say half the truth or maybe he did lie.....time will tell....the truth will prevail....and Mr. CE Brown is said to be a good man, a man who believes in God and this is all good, if it is true? So come on Mr. Brown, please lets hear from you and then I suggest you start up your own BLOG and you can post your documents there on your own blog, then you would be acting in a responsibile mamber as a form of PUBLIC NOTICE to show your are not 100% full of shit, OK, can you at least set up your blog and Gee, this would not cost you any expense, just for your to post your verios of the truth and we can then see your version and then I would have to confirm that you were not still hiding under your bed....do we have a deal???  

    26 Jan 2009 @ 22:09 by Ref Luz R. StaRomana and CEBs pecker @ : Clarence Elbert Brown aka CE Jim Brown
    It is very questionable, as if Mr. CE BROWN can assume that He is entitled to a 8% share of any of the accounts to be recovered from bullion or cash deposited in the name of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, as his alleged agreements and alleged contracts He said were signed by Mrs Luz RambanoStaRomana as the widow of Mr. S.G. StaROmana cannot be considered to be valid, can they? I mean if the damn woman named LUZ RAmbano was never the legally married wife of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, then how the hell can she enter into any contracts to pay anyone 8% share for the recovery of the assets, that she herself had no legal right to control or collect on? I mean we can prove that under the Laws of the Philippines, that this woman could never be accepted as being the legal wife of Mr. S.G. StaROmana, so if this Government of the Philippines says that Her marriage was a fraud or like the NBI investigation indicated, it would be impossible for Luz Rambano to marry anyone including Mr. S.G. StaRomana based on the legal facts, that Luz Rambano was still legally married to her Filipino husband named Mr. Angel Joson and they had what, six kids together? I mean Mr. S.G. StaRomana was already issued a DEATH CERTIFICATE dated two months prior to the time of the alleged marriage that this Luz Rambano conceived as part of her conspiracy to become known as the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana to be able to convince some Judge in some court in the Philippines, to award her the position of becoming one of the Administrators of the S.G. Sta Romana estate. So if this woman was never the wife of the deceased man who owned the bullion or precious metal accounts or the cash accounts in foreign banks, then how the hell could she be assumed to have any legal position to make contracts or agreements to pay 8% to this man named Clarence Elbert Brown and to his business associates? I mean lets face it, this was a con, a scam, a fraud and regardless of how many of those silly off the shelp notary public forms that Mr. CE BROWN can produce that shows the signayire of what He claims is the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, the truth is that it is all toilet paper and worthless and cannot stand up in Court, as the woman who was alleged to have signed those agreements, is now known to have been a con-woman, who faked the marriage contract and she was never the legal wife of the deceased man, so how the hell could she be called the widow of the deceased man, named Mr. S.G. StaRomana. What Mr. CE JIm Brown has in his hand is nothing but his pecker....  

    28 Jan 2009 @ 04:14 by Ref Mr. CE Brown as grave-robber?? @ : Luz Rambano Sta.Romana Brown
    To: Mr. K. Yes I know where Mr. CE Brown is at in the Philippines, however I am not working for Mr. Brown so why would you expect me to share that information with you about him. I cannot believe you were deceived by what I think you are telling is something by not Mr. Brown, but more by that Luz R. StaRomana woman, check the dates of when you became involved, I think you will find that Mr. CE Brown himself while being involved with that Luz woman, had not yet married her at Vegas....anyhow you check your own dates and the dates in your old passport, then you should understand the time frame. As to your claim, I do not see how you can try to claim that against Mr. Brown, as from what little you did explain, you yourself were dealing with Luz T. StaRomana and you gave her the expense or whatever the money was for. Just review everything and see if Mr. Brown attended those meetings or if He signed anything even as a witness, then you would have a valid claim, otherwise, your claim belongs to that deceased woman named Luz Rambano. The reason I do not say that the deceased woman was Luz Rambano StaRomana, as there was never any death certificate issued to her under that name. The death certificate was issued to her as LUZ Rambano. There is no such thing as a death certificate for any woman named Luz Rambano StaRomana-Brown....and that is another one of those self creations by that Mr. CE JIm Brown in him wanting to fool the whole World and try to make us believe that this Luz Rambano was some sort of Saint from the Philippines or something with wings....like Angel Luz.....gee and it is strange as the name of the man she did marry in the Philippines was really named Mr. Angel and they produced 6 kids....and LUZ just lied when she said she was single and not married and she indicated NO Children on the marriage application, when she was to become married to a deceased man, who was Mr. S.G. Sta ROmana and who has been issued a death certificate with his name on it when He because deceased. Luz went to the funeral, so she had to assume the guy was dead, yet she faled the whole marriage 60 days after the guy was placed six feet underground.....Gee, all of this is starting to become old news and I sure wished that KNIGHT ARCANE would appear, perhaps his horse has the flu or has horse fever or something...as we need for him to link the BLOG that can show the documents and the passports and allow serious researchers who want to write a book about this Luz Rambano StaROmana Brown woman, to have the free download of documents. We have hundreds of not over 1,000 documents to prove the conspiracy and any serious author is welcome to have the research files and download of the documents, as we want someone to write a book about Mr. CE Jim Brown, it will not be a best seller, but if we make it as the truth and allow the book to be translated into several languages, it could end up as a study in criminal physchology for law enforsement to be using as a book report or something. That would make a good legacy. What right does Mr. CE Brown to turn into a grave-robber?  

    31 Jan 2009 @ 16:12 by spook @ : gordon r. dibattista

    1 Feb 2009 @ 01:47 by Ref Luz Rambano StaRomana @ : Mr. Clarence E. Brown
    The postings we do here at MING.TV are for the General Public to have a way to hear about certain affairs and persons that could be involved into some strange activities. This forum also allows fro anyone like Mr. E.J. Ekker or Mr. CE JIm Brown or even the queers, the con-men and woman and the scammers all to have their opportunity to post here, everyone has a right to say whatever is legal to be said. I cannot be responsibile if the persons mentioned here do not want to defend their alleged good name, and if they want to stay hideen in the darkness or under their bed, then again, that is their right to do so. It is a shame that Mr. CE Brown never published his claim of what He calls HIS BOOKS, as when they BOOKS were not published, then no one was able to make a on-line book review. OK, so Mr. Brown perhaps had some legal problems, as one oft he daughters of Luz Rambano, said that their family members had a restrainer order to prevent Mr. CE Brown from publishing his book about Luz Rambano. So this daughter named Ruth Rambano, said that because Mr. Brown had twisted around the story to make it seem that their mother, Luz RAmbano has said some nasty things, like all of her children including Ruth Rambano were all illegitimate...then Gee, I could see why those six children or how many there were, did not want Mr. CE JIm Brown book to be published, if Ruth Rambano and her sisters and brothers were not illegitimate. But Mr. Brown perhaps found a loophole, in that if there was say such a restrainer order...it would not apply to him selling his book as a e-book using the internet. Gee, that would seem to still be spreading the statements by Mr. CE Brown, that his wife who was Luz Rambano, had told Mr. Brown, that Luz was never married to that Filipino man named Mr. ANgel Joson, thus all of her kids or six children were all illegitimate. OK, now the way to fix that damn mess if for some Agency in the Philippines to investigate to see if there was a legally registered marriage between LUZ RAMBANO and that Mr. ANGEL JOSON or not? Then to have those kids provide their legal birth certificates to prove who their legal mother was and who their legal father was. Then to obtain the death certificate of Mr. Angle Joson to confirm when He became deceased. Then to look at the time that this Luz Rambano, fake her marriage to Mr. S.G. StaRomana. So if Luz was still legally married to Mr. Angle Joson, then that would make it illegal for her to become married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana under the laws of the Philippines. Since DIVORCE is not allowed in the Roman Catholic Philippines, then Luz still could not have married Mr. S.G. StaRomana even if she had been divorced, as Divorce was not acceptable......but I think what we all need to understand including Mr. CE JIm Brown, is that the death certificate for that man named Mr. S.G. StaRomaan proves that He was already dead...deceased when this Luz Ramano created that fake marriage to this person named StaRomana...or SANTA ROMANA. OK, now people are not allowed to marry other persons who are already dead, right? So how can Mr. CE Jim Brown continue the false stories that He married the lawful widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana? What Mr. Brown married was a fale widow named Luz Rambano StaRomana who was never legally married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana. OK< so what the hell does all of this mean? It means that Mr. CE Brown has no legal position to represent any of the bank deposits or accounts of the man known as Mr. S.G. StaRomana or Jose A. Diaz, as Mr. Brown is not a Heir, He was never legally issued any legal position, as the documents signed by the fake widow named Luz Rambano StaRomana are worthless, null and void as she was never married to the man named Mr. S.G. StaRomana, but she was married to Mr. Angel Joson and she also married Mr. CE Jim Brown in Vegas, Nevada...but I think that instant type of marriage will not be acceptable under the laws of the Philippines, but then Mr. CE Brown continues to claim to the Banks that hold S.G. StaRomana and Diaz assets, that somehow that Mr. Brown is now to be considered the widower of the fake widow who was the woman named Luz Rambano who was never legally married to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. I think Mr. Brown should ask the NBI for a copy of the prior investigations that were done on his wife who was Luz Rambano. I also think that KNIGHT ARCANE when he comes back from his trip from Switzerland, should post here on this forum, some documents that would help Mr. Brown to be able to see some of the hundreds of documents that others have been providing to prove that Luz Rambano was well, a FAKE WIDOW...or maybe a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER....  

    2 Feb 2009 @ 05:27 by hermetic seeker @ : Go for the Gold, Gloria
    Nope, I am not a fan of the lady President of the Philippines, I am not for her term extension because she can't stand up against the Financial Oligarchy(just like the unflinching loyalty exhibited by her ancestors to the Spanish Crown which I will discuss later) and call for a Debt Moratorium just what Marcos was planning (that's why the oligarchy hated the latter). Anyways, our actual debts(debts-coming from our own capital-Marcos gold) should have already been paid full, if not for the manipulation of our currency by the Financial Oligarchy.
    But, I think, the current outgoing Philippine President has much right or even has greater rights as the Sulu Sultanate's descendants of the so called Marcos Gold/Santa Romana Gold/Philippine Gold/termed Tallano/Yamashita treasure by the Oligarchic Black Illuminati(in order to plunder it). She claimed to be a descendant of the Lacandola/Lakandula-Soliman/Sulaiman/Solomon Clan of Tondo(Eastern Capital of the Pampang/Sapa Kingdom turned Manila Sultanate.
    Her forebear, maestro de campo, Don Macapagal of Arayat ask the then Hispanic colonial Governor-General that he and his clan/descendants who became later as the Illustrados Class(Del Pilar,Jose Rizal, Bonifacio etc), to be exempted from taxes and be given perpetual local rulerships, due to his services renderred to His majesty, the King of Spain, during the failed Chinese invasions/Ilocano, Zambal, Pampangan and Pangasinan revolts(Spanish soldiers guarding the colony were only a handful at any given time, the bulk of the soldiers are the Macabebe mercenaries who fought bravely during the Chinese, Dutch and English invasions,and local revolts-becoming the core of the Philippine Scouts that will pacify the Muslim Mindanao during the American occupation), his missions to the Gold producing areas of the Cordilleras because of his good(blood?)relations to the rulers there and ,most especially, his direct Royal blood relations to both Sri-Bisayan/SriVijayan-blooded Sultan Bolkiah/Raggam of Vurnai/Varuna-i/Burnai/Borneo/Brunai and the Prince Balagtas of the Javan Majapahit Empire. Don Macapagal showed the so called Will of Pansonum aka Fernando Malang Balagtas. The Will of Pansonum show the extent of his grandfather's territories: The Great Central Plains of Luzon(up to Pangasinan-Land of the Warrior Princess Urduja of the Ibn Battuta fame) up to the gold-riched Cordilleras and the Cagayan Valley/Ituy and down south north of Pasig river. Pansonum/Balagtas was finally burried in the San Carlos missionary in Pangasinan.
    And judging from the historical accounts, the now lady president has every right to the gold for her fellow Filipinos. Her forebear, this Sultan Bolkiah of Brunei, founder of the Sulu Sultanate and the Manila Sultanate, defeated the last reigning Datu/king Gambang of Selurung/Lusung Empire/Sapang/Saba/Zabag/Pampang - succesor of the defunct Sri-Vijayan Empire. The Sultan of Brunei took advantage of the weakening Selurung/Lusung Kingdom which was then reeling from the aftermath of the destructive volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the 14th century. He married the princess/daughter of the deceased traditional King of Lusung. In his words: You of the people of the Pasigan/Pampang/Sapa of the "Known Land of Gold/Suvarnadvipa" will offer me annual Gold tributes and will acknowledge my son/s as your new Lords", thus started the Manila Moro Sultanate. He founded Manila and its walled gates to keep check on the opposite side of the Pasig river, on the traditional Eastern Capital, Tundo/Tondo/Tunduk(Marco Polo spoke of a King of Tenduc). Manila Sultanate ended in the Battle of Bangkusay when king Tarik Soliman, admiral of the Macabebe armada and Hagonoy warriors, feared throughout maritime Southeast Asia, the admiral of the Brunei Sultan, died in that battle, thus started the Spanish occupation. If only the Lakandula didn't give the huge amounts of gun powder to the Spaniards, Soliman with his warriors and his cannon maker, Panday Pira, would have won the battle. BTW, these warriors were much sought after by both contending states/kingdoms in Southeas Asia like the King of Champa/Khmer versus the King of Siam/Thailand and Ache versus Malacca.
    In short, the gold claimed by the Sulu Sultanate really belongs to the Manila Sultanate or rather the predecessor, the Saba/Zabag empire or Kingdom of Sapa.
    By the way, this Sultan of Brunai bragged of his Bisayan/Sri Vijayan ancestry and that he was directly descended to the Alexander the Great of Macedonia as well as claimed to be descended from one of the Hermetic Magi/The Three Priestly Kings that offer tribute to our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Interestingly, the so called messianic saviour, talked about by the great Hermetic seer Nostradamus, is said to be coming from the lineage of the Hermes Trismegistos(Thrice Greatest) and long awaited is he by the people in Europe, they have failed to see that He will come from Asia, growing over all the Kings of the East.( Don't believe the myth of the Da Vinci Code ,claiming that from the bloodline of the Merovingian-Black Illuminati will come the Messiah). THE HOLY GRAIL, MY DEAR KNIGHTS, WILL BE SEEN IN THE EAST, TRUE PLACE OF THE AVALON OF THE ARTHURIAN LEGENDS.

    I will end with copy pasted article from a blog, I have just read...

    On Undersea Realms

    A reader of this blog has suggested that the hydraulic system of Luzon(the prehispanic pampang dikes and the Banawe Rice terraces-both unduplicated engineering feats) that I have written about might link up well with the Greek tales of Atlantis with its system of dikes and canals.

    I have avoided Atlantis because it comes to us only from a single source. Plato heard the story of Atlantis from Critias the Younger, who heard it from his grandfather Critias the Elder who heard it from Solon, who heard it from an Egyptian priest. So it was passed four times orally before being committed to writing. All other Greek writers depend on Plato's account, thus there is only one primary source for the legend. That's rather strange given the amount of cultural interaction between Egypt and Greece. Furthermore the story told by the Egyptian priest to Solon reportedly took place 9000 years earlier!

    Still it certainly is possible that Atlantis was inspired by some Egyptian records. Probably the best suggestion connects the story with the Egyptian "Isle of Flame" known as Ta-Neserser.
    There are a few general similarities between the two accounts and some think that the story may conflate the tradition with other material adding in original stories to convey a political message.

    Like Atlantis, the Isle of Flame was noted for its dikes and canals used both for irrigation and navigation. The geography of Atlantis given by Plato is rather stylized. For example, he describes a kingdom located on a perfectly rectangular plain, a river delta, surrounded on three sides by mountains -- something that does not occur in nature. The vastness of the canal system is also certainly a product of the imagination.
    Plato describes three concentric canals surrounding the royal capital of Atlantis, the outermost ring spanning nearly 2000 kilometers. These rings were cut by transverse canals forming a grid-like system and small islands, and a canal from the outermost ring led to the open ocean.

    On the Island of Flame, canals intersected the watery paradise creating islands or fields, i.e., the Sekhet-Aaru "Fields of Reeds" (Elysian Fields). The plan here is also often given in the form of a rectangle with the canals more linear than circular.

    [The Elysian Fields of the Egyptians.]

    Located across the Sunrise Sea to the East (Atlantis presumably is in the West) in the Sea of Two Knives, the Isle of Flame rises and sinks into the ocean in cataclysmic cycles that last millions of years.

    Atlantis also represents probably an allegory of a civilization that declines and finally is destroyed in the end also by a cataclysm of fire and water.

    Both the Isle of Flame and Atlantis are also linked with sacred peaks. In Atlantis the central mountain is holy to Poseidon, while on the Isle of Flame we find the Primeval Hill.

    A ship is often shown on the peak of the Primordial Hill in depictions of the Elysian Fields.

    There appears to be a connection between the Island of Flame and the eastern island source of the spices traded at the emporium of Punt. This island is sometimes also called "Punt," but is different than the kingdom located in southeastern Africa that likely later became known to the Greeks as Rhapta. Christopher J. Eyre notes: "There is a direct comparison here with the island in the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor: a place which stands at the edge of the cosmos; where the god survives after cataclysmic fire from the sky; where food and spirit (k3) are found to perfection; where the sailor burns his offerings, and is threatened with destruction by fire; but where he receives assurance of post-cataclysmic order, and a renewal of his life, restoration to the created world following his passage through this place of danger."

    Another ancient land noted for its dikes and also a destination for long-distance trade was the island of Dilmun, located somewhere to the east of Sumer, and noted as a land of marshes.

    Pure are the cities -- and you are the ones to whom they are allotted. Pure is Dilmun land. Pure is Sumer -- and you are the ones to whom it is allotted. Pure is Dilmun land. Pure is Dilmun land. Virginal is Dilmun land. Virginal is Dilmun land. Pristine is Dilmun land...In Dilmun the raven was not yet cawing, the partridge not cackling. The lion did not slay, the wolf was not carrying off lambs, the dog had not been taught to make kids curl up, the pig had not learned that grain was to be eaten...When he [Enki] was filling with water a second time, he filled the dykes with water, he filled the canals with water, he filled the fallows with water. The gardener in his joy rose from the dust and embraced him: "Who are you who ...... the garden?"

    -- Enki and Ninhursag

    Indeed Sumerian myth states that humans were created to relieve the gods of the work associated with building dikes and canals.

    The ancient Persians and Indians also knew of a land of dikes known as Haetumant "rich in dikes" to the Persians. The same river or region has been identified with the Haraxvaiti of the Persians and the Sarasvati of India, both names meaning "full of ponds."

    Haetumant and Sarasvati are generally located by scholars somewhere in the region from Afghanistan to and including the Punjab of India.

    However, I have noted that there was a medieval or late ancient Iranian tradition that the Ardvi Sura Anahita, the earlier name for the Haraxvaiti, was located much further east along with other sacred locations like Kangdez and the region of the White Haoma Tree. Indeed these areas were placed in the Sea of China at the very extremity of the known world. In the Indian Rgveda text, the Sarasvati is located in a region known as Sapta Sindhu "Seven Rivers," which in classical works is placed on Sakadvipa island east of India in the Milky Ocean.

    Because the related Iranian and Indian manuscripts are not that old, it is difficult to determine the earliest dates for these beliefs. However, as we have noted earlier in this blog by the beginning of the common era even the Greeks knew of this far eastern region as demonstrated in the geography of Marinus of Tyre. Hebrew texts like the Old Testament and Enoch push knowledge of these eastern lands, where cinnamon and aloeswood originate, back at least a few centuries if not several. And, of course, if we date the trade of these spices to ancient Egypt such knowledge may go back at least to the Middle Kingdom period.

    Another noteworthy item in reference to the sinking and rising Isle of Flame (and the sinking Atlantis) is the many accounts of undersea kingdoms in ancient writings and myths. The island source of spices in Punt, again sometimes called Punt itself, was said to move around in the ocean and to sometimes disappear -- possibly an allusion to the cataclysmic Isle of Flame.

    Chinese legend has the three floating islands of paradise including Penglai, which are often also said to disappear sometimes submerging beneath the waves. Indeed, the Dragon King of the East, who is said to live under the sea, is also said to reside on Penglai. In Japanese folklore, Penglai (Horaisan) is equated with Tokoyonokuni, which again is often placed under the ocean as in the tale of Urashima.

    In Dilmun, Gilgamesh dived to the bottom of the sea at a location known as the "mouth of the waters" to an underwater domain known as the Apsu to retrieve the plant of immortality. Iranian myth places this plant -- known as the White Haoma Tree -- in the "middle" of the ocean although not necessarily underwater. Southeast Asian myth tells of the undersea Pauh Janggi, Campanganghi and similar trees at the "navel of the ocean."

    These Atlantean kingdoms may owe their origin to traditions of actual sea flooding, volcanic eruptions, etc. in historical contexts and/or to the watery nature of estuarine kingdoms and settlements.

    Notice that the dike and canal region around the northern part of Manila Bay has a similar shading as the shallow waters of Olongapo Bay (left side). This is partly because the area consists of reclaimed mangrove and freshwater marshland, but also because much of the area would be underwater during high tide, and some areas even during low tide, if not for the presence of the dikes.


    Eyre, Christopher J. Cannibal Hymn: a cultural and literary study, Liverpool University Press, 2002, pp. 82-3.

    Lee, Sir Henry Desmond Pritchard. Timaeus and Critias. by Plato, Penguin Books, 1971.

    Nunes dos Santos, Arysio. Atlantis The Lost Continent Finally Found, Atlantis Publications, 2005 www.atlan.org  

    2 Feb 2009 @ 23:16 by ref: Who owns that 617,500MT of gold? @ : Philippines should become part of USA
    Interesting conception, that the current Lady President of the Philippines has some how a long ago family relationship to claim ownership of some of the 400,000 metric tons of gold that was lent to establish the old central bank in the Philippines. That could be a possibility if she could prove it with proper legal documents and having the consent and understanding of the others, that also have a legal claim for return of that gold. I am not sure, but I heard before that the Sultan Fuad Kiram had made agreement to establisha world peace fund, using some of the Sulu Sultanate owned god of that 400,000 metric tons and to entrust the fund to the Pope at the Vatican. From what little I was able to learn from the SAMCO Group, the gold was to be used to raise the funds need to bring peace and help WORLD PEACE and at the same time, it was to be a joint-effort as it was after all gold from the Muslims to be entrusted to the Christians or in this case of the Pope, to the head of the Catholic Church or the Vatican...so it seems to me, that this man Fuad Kiram has a lot of damn good wisdom in his DNA as look now at the disruption now taken place throughout the World.....not just from the financial meltdown, but the disputes with Israel and their need for funding to solve that land dispute and perhaps to be allowed to create two seperate States, to be formed to reach some peaceful solution problem. However, I also heard that there were some legal problems that had to be resolved, as it was said that the only person that could have signed out the release of that gold was the late President Marcos, in representing Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz with a power of attorney. Since that Dias was the only person that was allowed to deposits and withdraw any of the gold out of the vault, then it was said that after Mr. StaRomana AKA as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz became deceased, then only two other persons could have represented Mr. Diaz to act on his behalf, one being some woman who everyone thought was deceased, the woman named Tarciana Rodriguez, as she was the treasurer of teh DNP Enterprise, which was owned by Jose A. Diaz aka as Mr. S.G. StaRomana. She was not dead as she is alive, but it is President MArcos who is dead and not alive, so it seemed that even that Sultan of Sulu Sultanate had to obtain a legal release and get a Power of Attorney from that woman named Tarciana Rodgiguez, so that the Sultan Fuad Kiram could sign out the gold, to turn over what was pledged for that world peace trust fund, to be managed by the Pope or the Vatican as a show of open honest friendship between the 1,5 Billion Muslims of the world, to reach out and want Peace with everyone else. I am not sure what happened and I will have to check and see what was signed and what documents were sent to the International Court of Justice as there is a lot of teh original gold from 617,500 metric tons that DISAPPEARED and is considered to BE MISSING that the Philippine Courts told the Philippine Government many years ago, to make recovery of and RETURN that missing gold back to the vaults in the Philippines. So, who embezzled that over 200,000 metric tons of gold out of the Philippines? If this Lady President has a valid claim, and if she had the Power of Attorney issued by this Tarciana Rodriguez or obtained a sub-Power of Attorney from that Sultan Fuad Kiram, then I would then say YES, she would have a legal position to also have a way to sign out some of the gold that is remaining, that should be at least 400,000 metric tons. If anyone asked me, I would suggest that 50% of the gold be sold to say the United States at a great discount, and let it support the declining U.S. Federal Reserve money to help not on the USA but all other countries to get back on their feet. The other 50% could be divided into new gold ownership certificates to be paid to the proper people and allow the release of the share to the WORLD PEACE TRUST FUND to move forward from the Muslims to the Vatican and let them help restore peace. What good is the God damn gold, if it does not do any good and I think that the US Treasury Chief who used to be the President of the Federal Reserve at New York, would be able to arrange to provide financial securities and some cash to buy up 50% of the 400,000MT and transfer legally the 200,000 metric tons to the USA, that would sure give a hell of a lot of good confidence to the rest of the World and the world markets would stop their meltdown, if there was something of this large assets backing up the Federal Reserve. I also think that the Philippines should be come part of the United States and that would provide employment, education and security to the Filipino population. I also think that the legal portions of the remaining gold should be sub-divided to those that have the legal right of claim. Most of this can be done in a few months and the US TREASURY should consider this as a better way to bailout the financial sector, as tossing Billions of taxpayers money at banks that are already insolvent is not a smart solution to that financal mess. What the United Ststes needs to do is to start having some real gold at Fort Knox and to staring minting gold coins again and to become proud and this would make CHINA very happy if the USA would get out of their toilet bowl and start up their buying of MADE IN CHINA goods soon. If this Lady President has the wisdom of her father, She should consider thinking of how the Philippines could become part of the United States, why not? Ref  

    3 Feb 2009 @ 10:58 by Ref, Was EJ Ekker fooled by a Toad/Frog? @ : Philippines could maybe become USA?
    The CONTACT newspaper of issue FEBERURY 21st, 2001 had a good explanation about this gold there in the Philippines and I am not talking aboit the alleged Yamashita Gold either. I think the download can be obtained by clicking at http://www.budgetcorporationrenewals.com/0100221 . This issue I think is the one that explains about the father of the current Lady President of the Philippines. Her father former President Macapagal was very much part of knowing the truth about how the person called Rev. Fr. Jose A Diaz, who was a Jesuit, became the caretaker, the mandate trustee of that 617,500mt of gold bullion. Her father was there, He signed several of the documents and proved that 617,500MT of gold was deposited into the vaults there in the Philippines back in the old days.....all of this is proven by copies of the documents I have seen before. Mr. EJ EKKER, who is the owner of that CONTACT newspaper or the CONTACT newsletter also knows the truth, but He had a mission to sort of twist the truth and He became so screwed up, he ended up twisted up in a knot, now he hides under his bed. However He wants us to think that He is fighting the evil empire, which he says is the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM and Mr. Ekker wants us to think that He is entitled to what is jow over $50 Billion in outstanding interest payments on a non existing old peru $1,000.00 gold bond...that He claims is still cashable and while we should like to believe Mr. Ekker, it is sad that he does not hold the original Peru bond in his large hands, the hands of the CEO and Chairman of the Global Alliance Investment Corporation which He registered at State of Nevada, USA. Now Mr. EJ Ekker is a American I was told, so I would think tjhat He would be wanting to SAVE AMERICAN and its population from being flushed down the toilet bowl, over this damn meltdown, that is now sucking a lot of countries into the toilet bowls these days. My suggestion would be that mr. Ekker should stand up after He comes out from under his bed, where He hides. He should also encourage the US Treasury to consider to purchase say 200,000MT of gold from the Muslim Royal families there in the Philippines and let the FEDERAL RESERVE be able to then tell the whole God damn World, LOOK, we have gold, we have lots of God damn gold so let all Nations, countries support the US Dollar as the reserve currency it was selected for and get the hell out of the toilet bowls. Now all this is would be a private sale or a transfer of rights from the Muslim families to the FEDERAL RESERVE and US Treasury and that would help solve a lot of financial problems for many countries. I mean this is a no brainer, we do not need the G-8 Ministers to be meeting and smoking their big cigars and drinking the brandly...this is a simple act of a private transfer of wealth to save many countries all at the same time. OK, so how does the US TREASURY pay for say 200,000 metric tons of gold? Well, I am sure they can work that out in about four discussions. How much do they pay for the gold, well again inside of four meetings they can resolve the price also. How do they move the gold, well they can leave it there in the vault for now and assign some US Marines to guard the gold until they need to move it, but for now they could make electronic transfer as the central bank can do in cooperation with the sellers and the buyers. There is nothing complicated, as it is a commodity, being sold and purchased, it is a normal business transaction done by intelligent people to solve the God damn financial meltdown, as if they do jot do something by August 2009, it will become too late. There is also a need to release what was granted in previous mandates signed by the Sultan Fuad Kiram of Sulu Sultanate for establishing that WORLD PEACE TRUST FUND, that shows the good intentions of all Muslims to want to have peace and they back it up with gold assets, that can be also used in connection with the Pope at the Vatican to show the whole world that their is something they all have in common, wanting world peace. It is not just loose talk by officials, they are backing it up with physical gold bullion and that is a positive sign of reaching out and asking for the Christians and the Catholic and whoever else wants to become part of the healing process to stand up and be counted. The USA has a new President, but He is not God or Allah, He is a human being that can use a hell of a lot of financial help right now. We want Mr. EJ Ekker to come out from under his bed if He wants, it is his decision to make. He has a good Attorney who is a Filipino, who could act as the go-between because Chairman Ekker is perhaps shy. If EKKER does not come out, then what we should do, is assume that He and his former buddy, the man He claimed was Prince Tallano, was not the real Prince at all, but a imposter. Anyhow what is importing is that if the Prince was not real, then the man that assumed that title was what, a Toad, a frog...but how could this smart Chairman Ekker, be fooled by a Filipino into where Mr. Ekker signed Letters of Intention with a TOAD/FROG and not the real Prince. Gee, that sure would be a real kick in the ass for Mr. Ekker to admit that His Prince was what, a imposter after all. OH MY GOD.....OK, now this is simple to understand, there was what over 600,000 metric tons, over 200,000 of it disappeared into some black hole and late President Marcos perhaps knew WHAT WHERE AND WHEN..but He is deceased, so this leaves what, 400,000 out of 617,500MT and since the Philippine Government was told by their own high courts to get back the embezzled gold, then I think this is why the Philippines should become a State of the United States, then the United States could find that missing gold. OK, so we would need to see a show of hands from all of the Filipinos as to how many would like to join the United States if the USA was back on its feet and the world was a better place than it is right now. And we need to see how many people in the Philippines wants to remain in poverty and that there is not a very bright future as it seems that everyone who was overseas, lost their jobs and is returning back to the Philippines. Gee, that sounds not very good for anyone for that to occur. OK, now if Mr. Ekker is not going to help, then He should remain under his bed. And if we cannot find the real Prince, then I think the other Royal families that own their sharte of the gold, can still sell a large chunk to the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve and get the USA back on its feet. Maybe a lot of nations can make a fast recovery if the poor old tired guy they call UNCLE SAM from America, can get back on his legs and start acting like a Uncle who can save that country. Yes, we need a Uncle Sam, we all need some Uncle to help us, as the future looks very bad from what I know is goingt to occur, after August 2009.  

    3 Feb 2009 @ 23:00 by Ref: Sultan Fuad Kiram @ : Meeting with President of the Philippine
    Why would anyone tried to stop or interfer into the concept of the Muslims wanting to form a working WORLD PEACE TRUST FUND with the Christians, to stop the bloodshed and killing that is now growing in more and more violence? I heard that the Sultan of Sulu Sultanate recently met with his cousin, who is the Sultan at Brunei, together with the Presdient of the Philippines and her husband and other VIPs and I am waiting to see some newspaper reporting of that meeting, do anyone have a copy of the newspaper to link up here at this forum?  

    3 Feb 2009 @ 23:16 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : FUAD KIRAM I at the malacanang palace
    Actually Mr Todd, the grand marshall of Sulu and the Security Head sent me the copies of the said meeting that i can post here from the blogsite i created. it was a historic meeting with his cousin Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah the sultan of brunei, this will pave way to eliminitate fake sultan including the cousin of Fuad that grabbed the title as Sultan of Sulu, named Jamalul Kiram ( the loser senatorial candidate ) and Ismael Kiram his brother. Sultan Fuad Kiram is the lone head of sulu that was invited by the Sultan of brunei. and the president of the Philippines. making a very big breaktrough that the sultan of Sulu has been ackniowledge as head of Sulu. by anotehr head of state.  

    3 Feb 2009 @ 23:29 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : state dinner




    4 Feb 2009 @ 22:40 by To Knight Arcane @ : Sultan of Brunei and President of RP
    HEY, KNIGHT...I think you were drunk or fell off your horse or something, as while you did post some nice color photos and news about that Sultan Fuad Kiram and the Sultan from Brunei with their State dibber with the First Gentleman, husband of the Lady President of the Philippines, take a closer look at the wrong place you posyed your information on your blog and please correct it...as you have it listed under COLLECTION OF SCAM ARTISTS involved with the theft of the Santa Romana assets of the estate ......and while I know you did not mean and discredit to the President and her husband and those two Sultan, I would think you could have posted it in another manner, in a better place. Can you fix that oversight or not?  

    4 Feb 2009 @ 23:15 by Ref Sultan Fuad Kiram @ : leasing/selling gold to Federal Reserve
    To: Mr. RM, whom I assume you are a banker, am I correct? You are asking about the leasing of gold bullion by the Sulu Sultanate to the United States for what you said was 100,000 metric tons of gold. I myself never heard of it as being that much, I had heard of former proposals for 50,000 metric tons of gold but it was said to be sold to the US Treasury Department after a period of time, once the Federal Reserve was able to stablize their currency and Yes, I heard that it was a lease at 1% per year, up until the US Government was in better financial shape to purchase the gold bullion for its own reserves. I cannot comment on anything for what you said is 100,000 metric tons and I welcome you sending me any documents, unless all you have is unconfirmed repeated stories of that on-going proposal. Yes, to your third question and NO to your second question. As to your question Number 4, I knew from having seen prior signed documents, that there has been a compromised settlement agreement that was signed and Yes, that 200,000 mt was allociated to the other clan, which I understood to be that Tagean and tallano clan. That would mean that the other remaining balance of 200,000 mt out of that 400,000mt that remained out of teh original 617,500MT, belonged to the Sulu Sultanate and to those others mentioned in the settlement agreements, that did include the Vatican in connection with that world peace escrow fund. I am uncertain how to even understand what is still on-going discussions, but if we assumed that you were correct and the volume was 100,000 metric tons, then that is something I do not have any feedback on. If you wanted to assumethe lease with intent to sell was for just that 50,000 metric tons which I have heard of, then lets see that would be say $30 million a metric ton times what, 50,000MT and well, that is a lot of money and then take 1% of that and that is what the US Government would pay for the first year of lease of the 50,000MT. From that, I heard that a large chunk of that was to be loaned to the Tagean and Tallano Estate and the money entered into a legal trading program and that the profits which canot be called interest as the Tagean/Tallano are Muslims and cannot accept interest, then 75% of the profits was to be paid to the Philippines to be used for payment of the real estate taxes alleged to be owed by those tagean and Tallano land owners etc. The other 25% was for their T and T Estate and the real Prince Julian Tallano is he is still alive or to his sisters and heirs? I believe that the intention was to pour Billions of dollars into the Philippines by allowing the 75% to be paid as land taxes or real estate taxes, this would perhaps be something that would be welcomed by all of the Senators, Congressmen and the President of the Philippines. I also heard that some of the rest of the money was also to be placed into another seperate trading program and that 60% of that profit was to be donated for WORLD PEACE in cooperation with the Vatican or the Pope, whatever and that the remaining 40% was for expenses and to be donated to organizations like the International red Cross and Docyors without boarders and many many others. The rest of the money was to be invested into another trading program that was to restore peace to the Sulu Sultanate and with the help of Brunei to resolve many poverty problems in those regions of the Philippines. But I think their main goal was to help the Philippines as well as help the United States in supporting the Federal Reserve currency, to help the United States to regain the lost trust of other Nations who have lost confidence in the ability of the Federal reserve money to remain as the reserve currency of the World. Maybe this is what this recent meeting was all about, as that Sultan Fuad Kiram had signed agreeements before in former years, that confirmed his mandate and intentions to have establish that working WORLD PEACE TRUST FUND and work with the Pope at the Vatican and to me, that showed the great wisdom of Allah through that Sultan Fuad Kiram to be reaching out to the Catholics and Christians to coexists. I think that all Senators in the Philippines should encourage this Sultan Fuad Kiram to support the Federal reserve and start off by leasing some of the gold that legally belongs under the care of this Sultan from Sulu Sultanate, to the U.S. Government. If the lease with the US Treasury can be done very soon, then the US Economy could have a much faster recovery and save millions of people from losing their employment. I am not very smart when it comes to such financial math, but that KNIGHT ARCANE is damn good with math. The problem is that there does not seem to be any Congessmen or even Senators that can understand that the United States could sure use some immediate assets to beef up their decling US currency. All the Senators and Congressmen should encourage their Lady President to work with that Sultan from Sulu Sultanate and encourage him to enter into some lease with intent to sell some of the bullion, that should be a strong show of support for the U.S. Economy and all other countries would learn of this and feel more confident in supporting the Federal Reserve currency. And if the Senators and Congressmen in the Philippines sit on the rear ends and do nothing, then how can the tagean and tallano land owners ever get any money to pay the Billions of Dollars in outstanding taxes die to the Philippines. Instead of being forced to have the Philippines issued out more and more of theor Bonds to get loans, it is time for the Sentaors to work on collecting the damn outstanding real estate taxes from the Tagean and Tallano estate, as that is one of the easier ways for the Lady President to get financial help for her own country of the Philippines.  

    5 Feb 2009 @ 04:18 by Ref Stranger BANKER???? @ : Tagean Tallano Estate in Philippines
    To RM, first of all answer my damn question, are you a banker or what? I do not have the answers you want to hear, so all I can do is think outloud, which means that assuming the US Treasury or the Federal Rweserved wanted to pay the lease fee of $1.5 Billion per year for the 50,000 metric tons of gold to help build up their own assets as bank reserve back in the United States, what I told you was that it was broken down to the different humanitarian investment funds, I said I was told it would be a loan of $750 Million to that countru of Brunei and for what, I do not know. Maybe you should call up Brunei and ask them? There was a $650 Million that was to be assigned to the Asset Manageemnt corporation and invested into a legal trading program and while you asked me what Bank in the United States was to handle that, then I want to know where the hell did you get that misinformed information from, I never said it had anything to do with a USA Bank unless you are talking about the US Federal Reserve? Anyhow, the 50% is donated into the WORLD UNION PEACE PROGRAM and I knew that the Vatican was one of the trustees, perhaps also there are other trustees, again I was not told what that is all about, except about $8 Billion a year was to be donated to be used for maintaining Peace etc. You asked about the other 50% and you misunderstood what I had sent to you,please read again what I e-mailed to you. I stated that SAMCO would have agreed to purchase bullion from the Tagean and Tallano Estate in the Philippines for a lower price, but there were encumbrances and conditions imposed that 90% of that money had to be utilized by the country of the Philippines and that the Tallano and Tagean estate would only be allowed to keep 10% of the money. Again, I never said thatw as a donation to that country, I said that because of the large amount of outstanding real estate taxes owned by that Estate to the Philippines, that the estate taxes should be paid first and that is that 90% portion, again you misunderstood that, as the whole concept was to allow Billions of dollars to be paid into the Philippines to be used for fighting the current financial meltdown, to provide employment, humanitarian assistance and to fight poverty and pay the God damn real estate taxes that the Tagean and the TAllano clan have never paid in what, for the past 50 years? There were two smaller each $50 Million portions to be deposited as Time Deposits or Cds and I am not sure what those were for either. This is nothing more than some workable MOU, that 50,000MT of bullion could become sold to the US Government when the US Treasury was in better financial shape to buy the bullion and in the meantime, I was told the proposal was that the US Treasury can start to lease the gold of 50,000MT at the rate of a little more than 1% and that is how I think they arrived at the lease fee to be $1.5 Billion per year for that volume of bullion, again maybe I am misunderstanding what I heard from another person. I did try to calculate the exchange rate to find out what $ 4 Billion dollars would be and out of that what the 10% would be the the Tagean and Tallano Estate and more as to how many pesos would it be for the Philippines to be able to get paid 90% of that $4 Billion and I gave up....it was too damn complicated and plus the damn dog got loose and I went after him, He is trained so well, that He would run for 24/7 and never come back to me the owner, I been thinking about replacing him as the local government complains they now have hundreds of dogs and cats being given up for adoption and if noone claims them in 3-days, they get the gas chamber. Hell, why chase a God damn dog, when I could have a dog that would love to eat anything and who did not demand real dog food out of a can or a bag of dog foot like my mutt wants. When He was a pup, he was cute, now He pisses all over the place and smells everyone crotch and runs off when he wiggles out of the chain...anyhow maybe KNIGHT ARCANE will be able to do the math for the Philippines into pesos....but  

    6 Feb 2009 @ 14:57 by CT @ : hope in the land of hookers??
    what happened to all the previous posts about all these filipino conmen? all their names have gone now from the posts on the previous forum?? so i will have to retype them, especially that of JAIME SUAAN and his gayboy lover ALEXANDER scarface HERMANO, i think he got the scar on his face from having anal sex with JAIME....im not sure how that is possible though.

    actually i think i am maybe a bit harsh on calling the philippines the land of hookers and conmen and domestic helpers, but im not really being harsh since its not as if im referring to them in a negative light.....i love hookers, they provide a great service, and domestic helpers? anyone tasked with cleaning my soiled underwear and not moaning about it deserves alot of credit, especially for the low wages they get from it.

    and even some of those i have accused before of being conmen have started to pay me back!! yes....thats right PAY ME BACK! so i have to apologise to charlie ortega and his wife estella ortega for making wrong accusations about them and not every filipino is a conman, hooker or domestic helper, although most of them are. and in any case charlie and estella live in the USA so they cant really be classed as filipinos!!

    however for all those other filipino scumbags that have taken my money and lied to me about everything that they are doing, namely jaime suaan, alexander hermano, ricardo jasareno, rolando santos, etc etc - i will spend the rest of my life hunting you down and making your life a misery. esp. jaime suaan who got another 5k usd from another victim in hk last week. life is cheap in manila, and since you live in green park, pasig in a house on kansas street next to the restaurant, your life will be cheap too.  

    6 Feb 2009 @ 21:11 by To CT @ : Tallano and Tagean Estate in Philippines
    To CT....You should try to submit PHOTOS, passports of the people that you say are con men, so the PUBLIC can see at their faces. Con men changed their names like a small baby has their diaper changed, so a person nam,e is of not much importance, what we need is a FACE....show us the proof of where the con men live, what is their address, what is their crime. You claim that the same con men fly over to Hong Kong and deceive more victims out of their money, but where is the name of the Victim, were are copies of teh receipts of the money paid, and where are copies of the documents used in the scam? It is good that some of the con men have started to pay back your money, that is perhaps good because you did implicate them by their names, but for those others that have made you their victim, get some photos of their homes, their friends, and their documents, their passports and their fingerprints, all of this helps to bring criminal charges against thhose Filipinos once they are inside of HONG KONG or in CHINA or in SINGAPORE or Malaysia, as then we can file legal complaints. It does not do much good to just talk about them using their assumed names. The Philippines will have a serious shock by AUGUST 2009 and then they will panic, as the financial meltdown will then be felt in the Philippines as the overseas workers stop sending money back to the Philippines. It is like when I was talking to some of the officials at SAMCO Recovery group, they said they could pay like $600 Million dollars a month to the Prince Julian Tallano and his Tagean and Tallano Estate for purchase of some gold, provided that there would be encumbrances. When I asked what that was, SAMCO said that they wanted that the money be paid direct to the Philippine Government and that the government would pay out 15% as a portion of the 1% that is outstanding on the old lease contract that the Philippines owed on the lease of 617,500MT of gold. Well, I knew about that lease and knew that it had been a 50 year long lease and then it became null and void as it was expired. Another 10% wad to be paid to the Tallano and Tagean Estate and to that Prince Julian Tallano as the alleged Heir. Well, I said then where the hell did the other 75% go and the Attorney that was explaining it, said that goes to pay for some of the real estates taxes that is owned by the Tagean and Tallano clans, as alleged landowners of vast parcels of land all over the Philippines. So when I asked why the T and T Estate did not opay their real estate taxes, I was told that it was because the Pgilippine government failed to pay the one percent or 1% lease fee on the gold, that had been leased to the Philippines many moons ago. Well, I thought to myself, that Gee, what the hell good was the God damn gold, if the Prince Julian Tallano was said to be poor, without any money and then the Philippines was poor, because the land owners were unable to pay their damn real estate taxes? This seems to be a real damn mess and it did seem that SAMCO Recovery Group had the solution. When I asked what was now holding it up, they said that there was no proof that the alleged man called Prince Julian Tallano was the real Heir as there were written reports done by the NBI,t hat proved that the man working with Mr. EJ Ekker of that Global Alliance Investment Association or GAIA, may have been an imposter. So SAMCO said that they wanted to help the Philippines receive up to say One Billion dollars a month or around $10 Billion dollars a year and that if the Congressmen and Senators could find ways to utilize some of that money to create employment and fight poverty and allow most like 85% of that which would be what, OH $8.5 Billion to flow around the Philippines that it would get the Philippines out of their toilet bowl, before being flushed down the drain. It seems that no one knows where the real honorable Prince Julian Tallano is located to have signed the agreements from SAMCO Recovery Group to have started the funding.  

    7 Feb 2009 @ 09:21 by BW Hilfenhaus @ : Madam Alejandria B. Pineda
    Does anyone know of this lady or her whereabouts?  

    7 Feb 2009 @ 13:54 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Meeting of two Sultana
    To, Mr Todd, I aready fixed the posting regarding the meeting of Sultan Fuad Kiram and the sultan of Brunei with President G Arroyo. I know it is a blunder in my part to post noble person in a repository of scambugs.

    to the person who posted above. I know that woman Alejandira Pineda. She is claimaing the account of President marcos using the Certificate of Willaiam Morales. She is known here as CONWoman, She already siphoned hundred of thousand of dollars from foreign financier. as well as Filipinos who beleived in her ploy. If you are supporting her in her imaginative Wealth, try to hold on your pocket and secure your Purse since Her group will drain you to the last cent.  

    7 Feb 2009 @ 19:40 by spook @ : help
    can sombody tell me please who this person is ? i found so much info {documeants wow} on him but can not find any thing on the internet.his name is mr.gordon r di battisto. ??? help ps is this shit real.  

    8 Feb 2009 @ 23:59 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Dr, Gordon di Batista, ( scam bug )
    the name wwas Dr. Gordon di batista, not di Batisto, That is another scam bugs who said to be the Ancilliary Administrator of Severino Sta Romana who left a huge gold bullion based from what Marcos stolen in the Central bank of the Philippines. This Dr. Gordon di batista is anotehr dreamer who manage to ask Big Amount of money from financier. If you have any dealing with his group maybe time for you to detach since your money will be lost up to the last cent.  

    9 Feb 2009 @ 04:08 by To SPOOK your link did not open up??? @ : CON ARTISTS from the Philippines
    Please repost your LINK as there was nothing there when I clicked to see what it was......I also post a lot of articles and web sites and later on, the damn thing does not work on this Ming.Tv forum so maybe we are doing something wrong, or else big brother does not want us to post such information.... Anyhow I see that KNIGHT ARCANE came back from his trip which I believe was to Switzerland, am I right? Gee I have not heard that old shit claims of WILLIAM MORALES since middle or early 2008....and as for that old woman with the uneven set of sagging breasts called Alejandira Pineda, man that bitch must be getting up in years and if she is still sucking money out of new victims, Gee, maybe she is also a Vampire as well as a con woman. I do not know this Dr. Gordon di Batista and never seen any documents from this man so do you KNIGHT ARCANE have any documents you can post for us readers to review? I like collecting documents on conmen and scammers, I have lots of boxes overflowing and four old metal file cabinets stuffed and one of these days I hope to produce some CD-ROMS and make free distribution to anyone who wants the documents, but it takes a lot of time to scan what I estimate to be close to 4500 to 5,000 pages. I also think we should make a few books and try to put a face to the names of the con men, and seperate them for those from the Philippines, different from those in Malaysia and those in Hong Kong. We can then make free distribution to LAw firms and Police Agencies and to even Bankers and I think if we can flood the market with these documents, then the search engines can pick it up and that would inform the General public in most other countries to know of these con persons and see their documents and we can say this is a EXPORT out of the Philippines or MADE IN THE PHILIPPINES. But then when I start thinking of all of this extra work and how much time it would take, I think maybe establishing several BLOGS would also be effective at the start, as Hell I also need to devote time to drinking beer and watching the good looking woman walk by while I sit in the lounge chair. I finally caught up with my damn dog that ran off, now I got him secured to a 8 inch block and I thought that would stop him from running off...and then yesterday the dog did run off dragging that 8 inch block behind him running after another dog so that did not work out at all. I am thinking now of a better way to secure him....  

    9 Feb 2009 @ 23:11 by ref, former President Bill Clinton @ : World Union Peace Fund Program
    What the United States needs is gold, as backup banking reserves. The new Administration is doing their best efforts, but all of the federal debts the U.S. government will create today with its spending programs will ultimately crush the U.S. dollar and government bond price. The ensuring inflation will bring stock prices down and down. Before I was told, that there was several potential offers to allow the US Treasury to purchase physical gold deposits that were inside of some U.S. banks and I was also told that some of the sale would be donated to some forty large organizations including to two foundation managed by late President Bill Clinton. Then there was some problem with given donations to BILL CLINTON because His wife, was to be selected for the new Administration and it seems that Bill Clinton was told to not be connected with even his own foundations, so that means a lot of good things and projects He was funding over in Africa, do not now obtained the donations and the poverty continues to get more worst than in previous years. There was another program that was to fund a WORLD UNION PEACE FUND that was to select some big named organizations including the Vatican, the UN and the International Red Cross and others, and I would like to have had BILL CLINTON also named, but then I am not in any position to get anything approved, as the WORLD BANK also was to get a lot of money from some other funds and that was also stalled from some red tape delays by some Banks that could not be contacted at the Vatican Bank, so now perhaps the settlements will be turned over the the WORLD BANK or to the European Commission and let them get the settlements made, as why should the World Bank or the United Nations or the IRC and others have to go out and beg for funding, as Hell, most countries have serious financial problems from the on-going meltdown. THis goes back to the need to support the U.S. Dollar and to me, it seems that other Nations and countries need to regain some confidence in the U.S. Dollar first, and the way everyone seems to respect and love anyone that has gold, then the Americans or their UNCLE SAM, should get a large stack of gold and announce it to the World, that Uncle Sam is a Rich Unlce and not some poor man, as confiddenc emust be restored back in the United States of American. There was some previous problems where some one that owned gold wanted to sell it to the US Treasury, but because of the claims of the GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION that is some compnay registered at the State of Nevada, that has some unproven claims that the Federal Reserve owes the back due interest payment of over $ 50 billion dollars to this claim, based on some old Peru Gold Bond that had a face value of just $1,000.00, then there was some concern that any gold purchased by the Federal Reserve could become under a freeze order or something by MR. E.J. Ekker and his claims, so it was said that legal arrangements was givemn, to allow for the sale and or the lease of the gold, to the BANK OF ENGLAND and or to the CENTRAL BANK of EUROPE, to prevent any legal attachments by the claims of that Mr. E.J. Ekker, the self-appointed Chairman and President of that Global Alliance Investment Associaiton. He claims that if the Federal Reserve cannot pay the $50 Billion, then He has the legal right to make the claims to the US Treasury. While I have tried to understand that claim, I am uncertain if Mr. EJ Ekker and his people even have the original of that missing PERU GOLD $1,000.00 BOND, to present their claim in any court, but HE says His claim does not have to go to court, to get paid? OK, well I am not involved in any of that $50 Billion dollar claim, but I was able to offer some advise to the persons who has some gold that they did want to sell to that UNCLE SAME, being aka United States or united states, but again, maybe Mr. Ekker will cause some interference to take whatever goldwas to be sold to the FEDERAL RESERVE in the USA, so that was a possibile conflict-of-interest. However, ti seems that MR. Ekker also claims that even if the gold is sold to the BANK OF ENGLAND or to the CENTRAL BANK in EUROPE, that He has a legal right to trab their gold as well. Well, I think what could be done, is to lease the damn gold and allow whoever wanted to lease the gold to pay say 2% for a small volume and maybe just 1% for a larger volume, and since the gold can be leased, then maybe this can prevent MR. Ekker, Chairman and CEO of the Global Alliance Investment Associaiton from getting his large hands on the gold itself, as it is leased to say to UNCLE SAM for say 50 years, so as long as UNCLE SAM was to have say 50,000 metric tons of leased gold and to pay just $1.5 Billion a year as the lease fee, the fact that Uncle Sam can stand up and wave the documents that UNCLE SAM has use of those assets for the next 50-years, then that in itself is damn good honest to God truth of good publicity. That would help to save millions of people fromlosing their job, also their homes and their pride. And if SAMCO RECOVERY GROUP is able to arange to invest $550 Million as they seem to be talking about into legal trading programs and provide 50% of that profit into some payments for the Sultan at Brunei and the majority of it to be donated every month into that WORLD UNION PEACE FUND that was to have asked former President Bill Clinton to be one of the trustees along with the Pope at the Vatican and other organization, that that money could have helped prevent a lot of the on-gouing civil wars and helped to restore back some peace, on a case by case arrangement. However, there seems to be some problems at the WHITE HOUSE level, that prevents Bill Clinton to become involved into any such funding even for PEACE. SAMCO people has to pay 16% tax on the remaining profit and then repay back the overall $750 Million loan that also refunds back for the two smaller $50 Million each loans to organizations, one being the ASIA NGO SUPPORT FOUNDATION or their ASIA NGO SUPPORT NETWORK. Now they are seeking someone as a replacement for Bill Clinton if the WHITE HOUSE cannot allow for BIll Clinton to accept that position.  

    10 Feb 2009 @ 00:53 by allan diggle @ : RE: Bill Clinton
    Hi Todd,

    In regards to World Union Peace Fund, did they actually get denied by Bill Clinton? Or was it the White House?

    I't would be an interesting meeting of directors with the names you have mentioned.It would be a powerful group that could help so many people just by being a trustee. I am curious what the Vatican had to say. Hope you are well sir  

    11 Feb 2009 @ 07:26 by Ref. George W. Bush and Allan Diggle @ : Seven phases to this meltdown
    I am not sure if you know what EASTER is, or about Easter Egg hunt, but there is being a egg arranged on a investment to help a guy with three boys and a new wife and daughter. The Easter egg is to come into the Harbor from a translation that cannot be disclosed as it is still pending and needs to have some blessings from the VATICAN side, however it looks promising and while it is slow it will erase the financal damage that was done by con men that did some injustice that caused a BC person to lose some company money, so soon when the eggs hatch and something flows back to the BC side, all will be forgiven I hope. Regarding former President george W. Bush, I do think that He did take some significant action, regarding the environment, but most people remember only that President Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol and they have failed to really do their DD and learn George Bush did improve air quality, and he gave renewable energy large financial support, and he left behind the largest marine sanctuaries ever established and He did start a dialogue that could help lead to the next international treaty on climate change. I am 1000% behind Environmental protection but I also know that a lot of the alleged global warming is not man made, but it is part of the changes in the earth own system and it cannot be reversed. Now I am sure I will receive a lot of nasty e-mail to claim that I am wrong and that Global warming is all man made etc etc..but this is also over stated in many areas. I also think this financial mess going on back in the United Stastes is like they are stepping for the second time on the same rake. As they are pouring water into a very leaky and undeserving bucket and should allow those damn insolvent banks to fail, force them out of business and put those fools in the unemployment line where they belong. President Obama should have known that the fools in Congress would not understand the reality of the meltdown and as those fools caused delays and made it look like they knew what the hell they were doing, all they are doing is giving more of the taxpayers money to the bankers, who think of it as a BONUS from WASHINGTON, D.C. and it pays for the Cuban cigars and the nice plush officers of the bankers...and yes, the silk undershorts and gold plated jock straps for the real VIP Bankers. As President Obama said recently, if the Senate does not move swiftly to put that plan in motion, the American economic crisis could become a national catastrope. Obama said, Million of Americans will lose their jobs, their homes and their health care. Millions more will have to put their dreams on hold....BUT the real truth is that President Obama will not have sufficient money to bail out of the toilet bowl, He needs at least $4 Trillion dollars not what He is now being approved for. There are seven phases to this world financal meltdown and all we have seen is up to level three, wait until August 2009 and then we can see what Phase 4 is. That is when the world wakes up to realize that there is very little trading going on between countries and this will be too late of a wake-up call, as next is Phase 5 and that is when the impact is really felt. As for you Mr. Allan Diggle, just keep alert and you may have to do some more fishing and hunding to put some food on the table for your growing family and lets all pray for a brave old man, who has some unfavorable setback, but could still make a recovery.  

    11 Feb 2009 @ 10:39 by Budski @ : Ref. George W. Bush and Allan Diggle
    What is this easter egg you speak of and what do the initials BC stand for?  

    11 Feb 2009 @ 23:36 by Ref. Mr. E.J. Ekker and the WHITE HOUSE @ : Global Alliance Investment Association
    May I ask who you are Budski? Maybe you are the Easter bunny and BC does not mean Before Christ in what my posting was representing. I have received three nasty e-mails which I knew would follow, one is complaining that the people representing the true Prince Julian Tallano is keeping him safe, as some unknown people are after thim and for his own safety, He is in safe hiding. Another e-mail says that there is no living Prince Tallano and He was replaced many years ago by two others, also known as Prince Julian Tallano. And the third e-mail was from a relative or so He alledged, that has a power of attorney that authorized him to sell land that is owned by Prince Julian Tallano. OK, first of all, I am not involved into any purchasing of land, expect for two small Islands I fell in love with, that are owned by the Japan government, so now if this Prince is in hiding and or deceased as the other e-mail claims, then well, I do not know who has the legal right to claim the 180,000 metric tons of gold, as it sure as hell can not be the Easter bunny or Mr. E.J. Ekker and his name changed in the Philippine take over of that Tagean and Tallano estate. That EKKER man actually registered the name for Estate of the Tagean and Tallano Estate back in State of Nevada, BEFORE this Ekker guy had the balls to come to the Philippines and then find this guy, who Mr. Ekker said was the real Prince Julian Tallano, who Mr. Ekker said was the owner of teh 617,500MT of gold and OH, also owned 100% or most of the 100%v of the whole of the Philippines...and Mr. Ekker paid money to allow this man who registered his name as PRINCE JULIAN TALLANO along with a fake title ENGINEER named Marcos and then a real Attorney at law, then two other persons who were not attorney at law, but listed their names with the word ATTY in front of their names to fool the officials at the Philippine Security and Exchange Commission, to accept these five persons, to be the officials of the foundation that this SEC approved in the Philippines. OK, later on the fake Engineer named CENON MARCOS who was used as the hatch man, to ax out the Prince Julian Tallano out of that foundation, was later himself axed by the self-appointed Chairman Ekker, who terminated Cenon Marcos as the Presdient of that foundation. The Cenon Marcos who also axed the former attorney at law who worked for that foundation, well, Chairman Ekker appointed that attorney as the NEW replacementbPresident to kick out Engineer Cenon Marcos, and as they continued to play this game in the Philippines to all be after the 400,000 mt of gold, then EKKER and his wife Doris, discovered that the alleged Prince Julian Tallano was said to be an imposter and not a real Prince at all, and Hell, not even being the real Julian Tallano either....so the EKKERs who had wanted to accept this Prince and his claims to the ownership of all or almost all of teh land in the Philippines plus having 617,500 metric tons of gold, well the Ekkers were depressed and shocked and they had to get rid of the man who the NBI said was an imposter....and the EKKERs thought after they kicked out that alleged Prince JUlian Tallano and told him NEVER TO COME BACk and not to call or write or do anything, as Mr. Ekker would be very busy to take over the control of teh Tagean and Tallaon Estate himself and He did not have time to pakly with frogs or toads. Yes, Mr. EJ EKKER who is the President of the Global Alliance Investment Association is unable to fly to the United States and meet with the new President of the United States and say...look, the Federal Reserve owes me over $50 Billion and while your guys here at the WHITE HOUSE are giving away Billions to the banks who are insolvent and to pay the ruich bankers nice fat bonuses and perks like having private jets....that someone should pay me, the CEO of Global Alliance Investment Association the $50 Billion now, while the printing presses are running 24/7, before they run out of ink or paper. And I as the CEO of Global Alliance Investment Association would take the $50 Billion and buy physical gold with it and then arrange to have it deposited under the WHITE HOUSE, and then it could be said to other Nations to BELIVE the WHITE HOUSE as we have gold backing up what is being done to save American. Now Mr. Ekker could do this to help SAVE AMERICANs from losing their homes and from losing their jobs and this is how Mr. EJ EKKER can we welcomed back to the USA as a HERO for helping to bailout the United States...but then Mr. Ekker will argue against my suggestion., as He will say that gold is not money, it is a commodity and has no value as money, it is a metal, like silver and copper and like all other metals, it is not money. So Mr. Ekker will say also that his $50 Billion donation to help the United States would be insufficient to bail out the banks, but I never said that the proposal was to bail out Banks, I said that the WHITE HOSUE should get the gold from Mr. EJ EKKER and let them give up the bowling alley and fill it with 12.5kg bars of gold instead. Now if Mr. Ekker is not able to trust the WHITE HOUSE, then who can he trust? OK, so Mr. Ekker does not want to donate his gold, so how about if Mr. Ekker could say lease out his gold to the WHITE HOUSE at say 1% lease fee, would you accept that Mr. Ekker? This way you help the WHITE HOUSE get some storage of a precious metal and like you said, it is NOT money so the WHITE HOUSE can store it since it is NOT MONEY and then allow the White House VIPs from other countries to go down in the basement and let them seel, that the WHITE HOUSE has the gold in a safe place and then show them what is now stored in the old bowling alleg in the White House and anywhere else they have to store those gold bars of gold bullion. Now the foreign visitors can return back to their own countries and say, YES< it is true, the WHITE HOUSE is packed with gold, so lets all believe in the WHITE HOUSE and all countries will get out of their toilet bowl and start to get out from the upcoming depression. Mr. E.J. Ekker can become a proud American and He can help the WHITE HOUSE and Congress can not play games with the new President as the new President is sitting on the gold as a RESERVE, it is a show of wealth in a time when almost all banks are insolvent....but can Mr. EJ Ekker collect on his Peru Bond claim or not, that is what is unknown. Does Mr. Ekker have a valid claims that the old Peru Bond is still alive and kicking and still has some financial obligation? That is a good question, so if I owed the right to that alleged Peru Bond, I would have donated it to some COUNTRY, then have that country petition the International Court of Justice to rule on the case, as the UN court called ICJ had to answer the questions on that claim IF it was between two countries. Now if EJ EKKER thinks he can still get paid from the Federal Reserve of outstanding interests for that old peru Bond, then Mr. EJ Ekker maybe can claim the Peru Bond as a toxic claim and have the US TREASURY to purchase it, as a outright sale, but Mr. Ekker has said He would refuse that and in fact that the US side tried to buy him and his people off before with money and to offer them a Island....WHAT, He was offered his own island and money? Was there any mention of woman, beer and cashew nuts to be part of that deal? So long as the fishing was good and the beer was cold and the woman warm, then what the hell else does a CEO need to have, as having his own Island with woman, beer and deep sea fishing and a boat and a steady supply of provisions and fuel, what the hell else does Mr. E.J. Ekker want out of that deal?  

    11 Feb 2009 @ 23:51 by allan diggle @ : BC
    I have always loved the easter bunny.... Who is Budski? the IP before used the name BW Hilfenhaus  

    12 Feb 2009 @ 00:03 by allan diggle @ : Budski
    I love the easter bunny, and the easter egg hunt. Especially if the egg made out of something other thatn chocolate...lol

    Budksi.... has posted here before using the name BW Hilfenhaus , I think a famous cricket player in Australia......  

    12 Feb 2009 @ 01:01 by Laurent Issner @ : Alejandria Pineda
    Just back on Madam Alejandria B. Pineda does anyone have any documents or information on this lady the more recent the better.

    I have heard something is going on in Los Angeles at the moment. Anyone have any information on this?  

    12 Feb 2009 @ 02:36 by allan diggle @ : Alejandria Pineda

    There seems to be a lot of crap on this lady, if the people on this site warn you of her, I would listen  

    12 Feb 2009 @ 02:38 by allan diggle @ : Alejandria Pineda

    I posted the wrong link....sorry  

    13 Feb 2009 @ 00:14 by Ref: Allan Diggle vs Madam Pineda @ : D and P Enterprises in sale/lease of Au
    1, I do not know who is BUDSKI. 2, I do not know who is BW Hilfenhaus? 3, As to Madam Pineda, she before caused interference in the sale of some gold bullion to the US Treasury that belonged to the man named Mr. S.G. StaRomana and this woman tried to claim that she was representing the estate of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana because she had some documents signed by late President Marcos of the Philippines, that claimed that the gold at the Chase bank that belonged to Mr. StaRomana was to be given to this scam artist woman named Madam Pineda who was to sell the gold it was said to some one in Mexico. When the complaint came out in March or April of year 2008, the Tax Commissioner of New York records confirmed the bank account numbers not only at the old Chase bank which is now I think called JP Morgan Chase, but also a lot more accounts at the CITI Bank of New York, so all of those tax records are confirmation that the money and the gold bullion belonged to Mr. S.G. StaRomana and as to that so-called Power of Attorney that prior Senator F. Marcos has issued to his name, that power of attorney was to be valid within the Philippines, there was nothing said in that documents that this Filipino man, who was also known as attorney Marcos and later on became the President of the Philippines, well his POA did not give him any control over the bank deposits of Mr. StaRomana or mr. Jose A. Diaz OUTSIDE OF THE PHILIPPINES. Any one who takes a closer look at that alleged Power of Attorney can see that President Marcos has no rights at all to assign over to this Madam Pineda any of the gold or the money deposits inside of any bank in the United States. Yes, I know this woman called madam Pineda was said to be very closer to President Marcos, but that does not give tjhem any right for embezzlement, does it? When any bank in the United States sold off any of that gold that was entrusted to them for safekeeping, that that is wrongful conversion. It is also a criminal act under US Laws, as it is theft, not just called embezzlement. When the D and P Enterprise that was given the legal control over those bank deposits started to want to sell the gold to the U.S. Treasury in late 2007, then many people and bankers started to panic, as the bankers had sold off some of teh gold and maked themselves rich with that embezzlement, other banks shipped the gold out of the USA without obtaining the export permits required under US laws, to conceal the gold from the claims on behalf of the Estate of the deceased owner, who was known as Mr. S.G. StaRomana and also known as Rev. Fr. Hose A. Diaz or as Santy. Actually the gold itself that had been deposited in the Philippines was move by the original nak to new York and then that Bank was renamed as the CITI BANK and they in turned sold off some of teh gold, and other gold was shipped to CITI TRUST in the Bahama to avoid the claims of recovery by the Estate. Anyhow, I heard before that the treasurer of that older D and P Enterprise that managed most of the overseas bank acocunts for Santa Romana or Diaz and under the 26 other Alianses used for the bank deposits, decided to stop the decline of the Federal reserve currency back in 2007, so that woman, named TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ started the legal process of first given opportunity to the CITI BANK to clear up their own internal problems and BUY the gold at a 50% discount, and if the CITI bank was unable because of their declinuing financial position then the second in line would have been the US Treasury and if the US Treasiry did not want to buy the gold, there was a third opportunity to offer the gold to the Saudi Royal family. Then there were more documents that detailed the sale of the gold at JP Moran Chase or the old Chase bank as it was called before that merger, to also be sold tot he Bank or to the US TREASURY and if the US Treasury was short of money, there was a opportunity for the US GOvernment to lease the gold with the option to purchase the gold in later years. So all of that was done back in 2007 and 2008 and while I do not have copies of all of those documents and Resolutions, I have some, and I was told about the others I have not seen, so what I now heard is that now, the D and P wants to make their mesaahe very clear and will direct their next proposal onto the desk of the newely elected President of teh United States, at the WHITE HOUSe itself, so the Presdient can make a decision as to if the other Nations and countries would feel more secure if the United States has say ownership or control of 10,000 to say 30,000 metric tons of gold bullion, that if that would be a inspiration to help make a faster recovery or not. To me the damn gold is no good sitting in some dark vault if it is not being utilized as a working commodity, as a assets. Millions of jobs could be saved and millions of people in the United Stastes could save not having to lose their homes, if the WHITE HOUSE was given the legal opportunity to obtain the usage of the gold bullion, as it is a stronger financial mesaahes to be sending out to the other countries, than just printing more and more Federal reserve notes. I know that a lot of people will send me their complain e-mails to tell me that GOLD IS NOT MONEY and Yes, I understand that, but a hell of a lot of people on this Planet Earth seem to perfer having ownership of gold as their main objections as it is said to be a stable way to maintain future wealth. As for me, I rather have ownership of a boat load of cold beer and 14 or more 40 foot containers of cashew nuts as I cannot eat God damn gold, but I sure can enjoy the cashews and the cold beer.  

    13 Feb 2009 @ 08:09 by Ref, Prince Julian Tallano-Philippines @ : Mr. E.J. Ekker
    Gee something else came up and was drafted that pays $1M and then there was another easter egg for $2.% for HARBOR and one for a Mr. T at some Villiage for $2,5M and this allowed the BC to give back some eggs to a company and clear up the broken eggs, so then the payee gets back on his feet, then something had to be deposited to some S-bank to get a private client account and another $1M for the HARBOR and I gues the $500,000.00 is for travel, beer and to bring woman and daughter home and for Mr. T and his wife to also have the VIP bank account and the VILLAGE gets $1M, and the $500,000.00 perhaps will make his wife smile. This is being done because someone has some balls and did something when everything was confusing in their lives, but they made the right decision and I see there is another $1M for legal expenses to move out of the mud and go and collect something over in S-land, so what the HARBOR will not understand is the seperate $100M CD that is to be issued in favor of the HARBOR and He will have to ask me for those details when the CD is issued, better now to just finish up this easter egg hunt and collect all of these eggs into seperate baskets as I have projected for those that have balls. Anytime you deal with people that claim they have gold for sale, do proper Due Diligence and check the history of where the hell the gold came from, as most gold is tinted with blood from the previous owners and I heard from some older persons that GOLD has its own story to tell, if you listen for what is said. Now I think that is bull shit, as I have a gold cup that some Jesuit gave me many years ago when I did him a favor, and actually it was him that did me the favor with his lessons, but I hate to admit it, but I been wauiting and waiting for this gold cup to speak up and I hear nothing, so I hooked up a mike and a automatic voice tapre recorder and I let it sit there 24/7 and sometimes the tape turns on from noise made in the building or my damn dog jumps around, but I never heard the cup talk...but I would assume that if it did talk, I would have a heart attack and never hear the end of what it said...but it perhaps would be that HELLO HELLO this is the Star Ship Fleet Commander, is that you Mr. Ekker, Hellow....and then I would know, that the Star Ship did exist and Mr. Ekker was right, as His wife use to also communicate with the Aliens and the Star Fleet Space Ship Commander, so Gee, now that I would be dead, does that mean that Mr. Ekker will live to be 250 years old as He reported that Prince Julian Tallano relatives lived I think for 240 year and another relative lived I think 170 years and I was thinking about that, as what does the guys penis look like at the age of 150 years of age? And while the Tallano and or the tagean may have had some long life relatives, is that why Mr. EJ EKKER is taken those injection of hormone growth to what, outlife us all and then He will be able to be proud that He can still piss out a powerful steam of urine from the 25th fllor of his rental condo there in the Philippines. I say more power to him...and hope He lives to the ripe old age of 150 year or more.  

    16 Feb 2009 @ 21:27 by Ref, Mr. E.J. Ekker and PERU Gold Bond @ : Global Alliance Investment Association
    Mr. E.J. Ekker is not insane at all, I think He is damn smart in many ways, but He fails to get his foot out of the god shit, that he continues to step in, but then we all run into that problem every now and then and too often it seems. But Mr. Ekker claims that He has the PERU BOND that is well, over 150 years or so old...and thast it is more or less still vaild and is alleged to become useable like collateral, so banks and bankers would accept the paper Deeds that are signed by this man, who is the self appointed Chairman of his own corproation and He signs his DEED of ASSIGNMENT for not small amounts of money, He can without even having a few beers, perhaps write out a DEED for $500M or maybe with a few beers, even a Billion Dollars.....but what does that mean. Well it means that He has assigned a portion of a debit, something that He claims is owed to him by the Federal Reserve Bank as the interest, the back due interest on the old Peru Gold Bond that had a face maturity vaule of $1,000.00. Now Mr. Ekker assums that He can assign a position of what He said is owned to him, to be useable as collateral at banks and that banks could accept his Deed of Assignment as being the same as whatever paper securities is issued like the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve issues out, that banks do accept. OK, now can Mr. Ekker assign out a potion of the debit to a third party? Well, sure,why not but I think He is making a big mistake to call it a DEED as a DEED is what it means, it is a DEED, but a deed is not a debenture, I would advise him to issue not a Deed for Consideration, but that He should issue instead a Debenture for Consideration, as a Debenture, well it is a classification of a debit that is outstanding, while a Deed can be anything. It is like the Deed that He said his former partener has, who claims that He has a Deed to most of the over 7,000 Islands that make up the Philippines. His partener is called Prince Julian Tallano and to make a very long complicated story short as I do not want my cold bber to get warm...it does seem that several Kings, from ENGLAND and SPAIN did issues and uphelf the Deed that more or less does claims that the land mass that is now called the Philippines is alleged to belong to the Heirs, and in this situation that would be the partener of Chairman E.J. Ekker. Mr. Ekker and this Prince Julian Tallano were happy as shit on a stick, as Mr. Ekker and a man called Cenon Marcos, a man who claims he is a distant relative of late President Marcos of the Philippines....well they wrote up a nice presentation of the alleged history of all of the land titles and claims for the property throughout the Philippines and came to the conculsion that HOLY SHIT, Mr. Ekker buddy Prince Julian Tallano seems to have owned over 80% give or take of the property or the land or HELL< the whole country called the Philippines. And HOLY SHIT, Mr. Ekker also claimed that while He owned the old Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Company that has alledged it is the owner of the Peru Gold Bond, Mr. Ekker is not a greedy man, so what He did was create another different corporation also at the State of Nevada, and registered that name as GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION or known as GAIA...so instead of demanding $100 Billion die for teh back due interest on his claim of that Peru Bond, He assigned 50% of that interest out of COSMOS over into the Global Alliance Investment Association or GAIA, and now only claims just $ 50 Billion from the Federal Reserve Banking system, but that has to be payable in gold, as that is what it says on the copy of the old Peru Gold Bond, that the Bond will become payable in gold or gold dollars etc. OK, so now we had the Prince Julian Tallano and this Rich American named Mr. EJ Ekker and they form this other corproation in the Philippines and they needed to have some warm bodies, so they got two people who placed in front of their names, the word ATTY to imply I assume, that they are to be thought as like Lawyers, like in Attorney-At-Law type of person, but these two guys were not real to be Attorney, but they got another man who was a real registered Attorney-At=Law and had him also registered so there it was that there were three different persons all which appeared to be Lawyers and these were to serve as the Board members, as the Trustees of this MADE IN PHILIPPINE paper corproation that they called a Foundation and which the SEC approved, as apparently the SEC in the Philippines does not confirm as to if Prince Julian Tallano was a real Prince or an imposter or not, or if the other guy they called ENG Cenon Marcos was really a Professional Enginner or not, so the blame has to be placed at the Philippine SEC for their failure to have terminated that registration when they were infromed, that the Prince Tallano was said by the NBI, to be an imposter. Also that Cenon Marcos was NOT a Engineer either and then there are those two persons who were not Attorney-At=Law so how can anyone have any confidence in the way the SEC is to have performed their DD before they rubber stamped the approval on this fraud? Then these guys tried to make a claim that they were the owners of the gold...what gold? Well the 617,500MT of gold that was connected with the caretaker named Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, who was the trustee who was to be the only one authorized to sign IN and OUT any of the 617,500MT of gold that was deposited into the vaults there in the Philippines. OK< lets see these guys claimed to own the whole damn country of the Philippines, then that the Federal Reserve owed them $50 Billion in back interest and these guys wanted to grab 617,500MT but someone already walked off with 217,500MT, so there was just 400,000MT left in the vault. So what the hell else would you expect these guys to want, as if they owned the LAND TITLE to almost all of the Philippines, then they would also control the mineral wealth, the oil and everything else connected with the Philippines. Now these guys must have been smoking something to make them happy and smile and to have those dreams even in the day time...until UNTIL the NBI report said that the man was not a Prince, that He was an Imposter and Mr. Ekker almost had a heart attack and I know he must have shit his pants, but Mr. Ekker got rid of that man, the Prince..and Mr. Ekker then started to take over the Tagean and Tallano Estate and the HELL WITH his ex-partener, Mr. EKKER was from American and He was strong and He knew that as the CEO, He was entitled to a BONUS, as all VIPS and Top Management back in the United States gets a BIG BONUS, so He demanded that they pay him 80,000 metric tons as his bonus which He would share with his loving wife, named Doris. Now the Board of Directors and Trustees who also was made up by alleged ENGINEER Cenon Marcos and his wife, and also by some other Filipinos, more or less told Chairman Ekker to PISS OFF, get lost and that is when Mr. Ekker decided to fire his trustees and replace them with new puppets and this time, He would change the name of the old Foundation and still take claims, as He wanted not only all of the 400,000 mt of gold, He also wanted to own the Philippines and still have as reserve, the $50 Billion the FEDS owed to him, so Mr. Ekker is just working hard as a CEO, as He is pissed that the trustees or those Board of Directors did not give him his bonus. When He reads the news and is able to see that so many Banks that had failed were getting Federal Reserve money to bail out the banks, that the bankers were still getting BIG BONUES and being able to redo their offices with a upgrade and it just posses off Mr. Ekker, that the FEDS are giving away money that maybe belongs to Mr. EJ EKKER, as now he is the owner of teh COSMOS, and also the Global Alliance Investment Corproation and He wants to get his damn money. He knows that the banks are insolvent and if anyone really does a detailed inspection and proves the market value of the loans on the books of US Banks, and subtracts that from the loans as declared assets on the bank books, then Mr. Ekker knows that almost all banks will be decalared insolvent....yet He cannot understand why they do not sent a cargo plane full of money c/o of his address at 6751 Ayala Avenue as hE WANTS TO START COUNTING HIS MONEY THAT IS OWED TO HIM, AS HE KNOWS THAT EVERY YEAR THEY DO NOT PAY HIM, IT IS ANOTHER $5 bILLION MORE THAT BECOMES DUE, SO HE WANTS TO START SPENDING HIS MONEY, AS SOON THE STAR SHIP FLEET COMMANDER WITH JESUS ON BOARD THE SPACE CRAFT, WILL BE COMING TO THE PHILIPPINES, TO PICK UP CHAIRMAN EKKER, AND HE WANTS TO TAKE HIS MONEY WITH HIM, TO ANOTHER WORLD....AS HE KNOWS THAT THIS EARTH IS GOING TO REALLY BE MELTING DOWN.....  

    17 Feb 2009 @ 19:25 by Ref" Mr. CE JIm Brown @ : LUZ RAMBANO STA ROMANA
    Yes, it is true that a woman named LUZ RAMBANO had been appointed at one time by a Court there in the Philippines, to be the ADMINISTRATOR for the estate known as Santa Romana or Sta. Romana, being for the man she claimed to have married.......and while She did fake such a false paper marriage, Mr. S.G. Sta Romana had already been deceased, like DEAD for almost two month, like almost 60 days ...so this means that this Luz woman then deceived the Judge, the Court that assumed she was after all the wife, the widow of the deceased man, so their court appointed her to be the Administrator of the dead man and his estate. Then she deceived the Philippine Embassy by showing them her fake marriage application and the Philippine Embassy issued to her a passport that indicated her new name was Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana. OK< now she took her new passport and her marriage document and her court approval that she was to be the Administrator and according to Mr. Clarance E. Brown, well He published the story where Luz was able to show those documents to the Swiss bankers and since she had been living as a comon law wife on and off with the man called Mr. S.G. StaRomana, she also knew his MASTER GOLD ACOUNT number and some of the phases that would be the verbal codes, to be spoken to the Swiss Bank, to releae the funds, gold, diamond or whatever the hell was kepted by the Swiss Bank on behalf of the man who was also known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, or as Santy. He is the same person also known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, a Jesuit and the owner of the D and P Enterprise and the head of the Umbrella organization that controlled many other corporations and organizations connected with Santy. Anyhow according to Mr. CE Brown book which He filed a copyright for in the United States, He said that LUZ became a rich woman, and that she invested most of what she collected into overseas INVESTMENT TRUST FUNDS type of accounts and making almost 10% a year, then the pile of money continued to grow and grown and became compounded on the interest on the principal and all of those piles of money and investments is worth over $1 Trillion and still growing. Mr.CE Brown also published another event in his copyright book, that say that He and another American and this LUZ R. StaRomana also went to yet another Swiss BAnk reported to be UBS and at that BANK, they also confiermed that Yes, Mr. StaROmana has gold accounts but according to Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown, the Banker said that if She tried to remove the gold out of Switzerland, well. the Yakuza would kill her first..... Now to m,e this is some one of a strange story, as what the hell with the yakuza has to do with a Filipino woman, as this implies that the Swiss Banker was telling this widow, that Yes, we have your husband gold Dear Lady, and if you tried to get it,..well we will have your little ass chopped up and fed to the dogs or something of that meaning. Now Mr. CE BROWN says that He does not lie, so if we believe Mr. Brown, then we must also assume that when He married this woman Luz, who was not a good looking woman at all, that it could not be for the sex appeal, so was it for the money? Did Mr. Brown marry Luz StaRomana because he knew she had all of that money stashed away some place, but She would not tell him. Yes, He did marry this woman and in his published e-book, He proclaimed that He married the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and that is just American bullshit...as this little Filipino was never legally married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana, and anyone who has a brain they do not sit on, can find the fraud and the conspiracy and the con and the scam, in telling such fabricated lies. Mr. Brown says that under the ALws of the Philippines that He is entitled to get 50% of the TRUST FUNDS of the money that his deceased wife owned, from the money that she gained by wrongful conversion and again, I say that is more American bullshit Mr. Brown. The money was embezzled by this woman, who you later married and just because she was able to steal the money using documents she obtained from the Philippine and the Court, does not allow her to have been entitled to the money that was the seed money, that grew into that $1 Trillion. For you Mr. Brown to claim that 50% of that money of #1 Trillion belongs to you, based on the laws of the Philippines that you claim protects you, as being the widower. Again, more of your half wit American bullshit. The money belongs to the D and P Enterprise not to Luz and not to you Mr. Brown. The money also is subject to taxes to the Philippine Tax Agency, as when Luz was acting under the court authorization, she was the ADMINISTRATOR and had a legal obligation to report back to that court, her actions, his recoveries of assets and then the Taxes had to be paid. So you Dear Little Filipino wife violated the conditions of that court, so that court has to discharge whatever authority they issued to her. Her marriage to a dead man, does not allow for the Philippine EMbassy to issue to her a pasport in the name of a man named StaRomana or Santa Romana, as her marriage application was a fraud, so her passport was improper. She used those improper documents to device the Swiss bank, who assumed she was the legal wife of the deacesed man known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, so that was a fraud and criminal act under SWISS LAW. And I think Mr. Brown if you can find your eye glasses and stop screwing woman longer enought, you can read the letters from the NBI that confims that your wife named Luz, would never be allowed to have married Mr. StaRomana even if Mr. StaRomana was sitting up in his casket at that fake wedding, as your Luz, was still married to her FIRST HUNBAND named Mr. Angel Joson....so the NBI said that by itself would disqualify any marriage of LUZ to Mr. StaRomana. OK< and while you have your eye glasses on and still reading the NBI letters, also understand that you have no legal rights to represent the estate of Mr. Sta Romana and or Mr. Jose A. Diaz and in fact, you cannot not collect on Luz TRUST ACCOUNTS as that money is to be filed as a legal claim to have those funds or most of them, returned back to the Estate. Since there will be a portion that will remain, to be allowed to continued to be traded and reintested by the original trustees, plus funding to be also awarded to the GOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION in principal to Luz Rambano, then Gee, there could be something still left in that cookie jar for you, provided your first washed your dirty hands before you reached into that cookie jar. As you know Mr. Brown, the HOLO LAST WILL was never settled so I now heard that SAMCO is now making negotiations to work with some other Groups, to use some of Luz TRUST MONEY to settle the old LAST WILL as one of their goals. However, there seems to be lacking a listing of the living family members of the brother that became deceased, the brother of Flordeliza T. StaRomana, so it is unclear who is still alive and part of that immediate family. I have received some documents that also shows that the woman Flordeliza had turned over all of her side claims to the Nino Jesus of the Divine Word foundation, so it seems that that foundation is now working with that SAMCO Recovery Group to negitiate with the treasurer of that old D and P Enterprise which was converted before into the D and P Enterprise Foundation or to negotiate with that Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian or that S.G. StaRomana foundations. Somehow out of all of this has to be a final settlement between the National Treasurer named Ms TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ and the family members who claim to be Heirs or relatives or whatever of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, but not to include any claims for the family of that woman who created herself as Luz Rambano StaRomana, the false widow. And I heard that the Japanese kids born from the relationship of Mr. S.G. StaROmana with the Japanese woman would be included, but only one of the two children from Mr. StaRomana second marriage, as SAMCO discovered one of those alleged daughter was a fake, there being just one real daughter. That was the deal where there was a real marriage made in the Philippines with Santa and some Filipino woman school teacher, but SHE DIED and it was HER SISTER that took over and raised that real daughter of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and who also assumed the identification and position of the sister who had been married to Santy, but that the sister became deceased. Other Japanese con men used the passport of this false wife of Mr. S.G. StaROmana to scam donations from other Japanese, to raise funds to go back and forth on treasure hunting for the assumed Yamashita gold in the Philippines. They even had a web site that showed the passport of this woman who claimed she was wife Number 2 to Mr. S.G. StaRomana, but that was Japanese Bullshit, that claims this was the WIFE of Mr. StaRomana when it fact, it was the sister-in-law.  

    18 Feb 2009 @ 22:48 by ref. Loretta E. Laurel @ : Bengal World Foundation
    What even happened to that man named ALEJO RIZAL? HE was one of the people that filed lawsuits against the UBS Bank of Switzerland, back in the United States. He claims that He and another woman whos name I have now forgotten, had deposited a hell of a lot of gold into the UBS Bank system and that is why they had to file their lawsuits, to claim that they were acting as caretakers or as the trustees for OTHERS, who legally were the owners of the gold. All of this is in the court records that anyone can access by the Internet and what attracted me to this man, was that He was using the same Lawyer, the same attorney as the attorney that was also represent Loretta E. Laurel. This Loretta Laurel woman or the two or more of tjhem that use that same name and live in SPAIN, is claiming that She is the widow of PEDRO P> LAUREL, who was one of the straw men of late President MArcos of the Philippines. Since this MArcos was also a Attorney-At-Law in the Philippines, then He worked for a man known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who also was known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, a man that was working with the Vatican back in Rome back in those old days. So this Attorney Marcos, who was the President of the Senate there in the Philippines, was given a Power of Attorney to represent Mr. Diaz business there in the Philippines, while Mr. Diaz wjho was also knwon as Mr. S.G. StaRomana, traveled all over the world to many foreign countries, doing his banking business that involved the deposit of a lot of gold bullion, diamonds and money and other goodies, lots and lots of goodies. Now a lot of people want to allege that most of the gold that was managed by this man named DIAZ and or StaRomana was gold that came from the alleged Yamashita Gold out of the Philippines. So later on this Attorney Marcos was able to become President of the Philippines and then everything started to get really nasty. President Marcos he know that Mr. Diaz had lots and lots of gold hidden in many overseas foreign bank vaults and President Marcos wanted the gold and that wealth, so He created the cover story that the weealth He would collect from others, would eventually be given to his fellow countymen in the Philippines or give the gold bullion to the Philippines. Now this was a good sin, a good cover story as it paints President Marcos as being a WHITE KNIGHT, stealing and taken back the gold from others, who took it from the assumed General Yamashita, who took it from other countries when JAPAN was the EVIL EMPIRE back in those days. So President Marcos painted himself all in White and wore those Made in Philippine shirts of white color, making himself into the alleged WHITE KNIGHT fighting the evil people to take back he gold from them and given it to the Filipinos. Now the sad part about all of this bullshit, is that the gold never belonged to the Philippines if it was war plunder, as the gold belonged to OTHER COUNTRIES that owned the gold, that the evil Japanese took from those countries and was said to ahve shipped the goldinto the Philippines, and this is how the fairy tale of the Yanashita Gold story was created. Then we have Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz who was said to be working for the Vatican, recreated and made into Colonel S.G. StaRomaan who is working for the US MIlitary and somehow they beat the sit out of the car driver of General Yamashita and the Driver finally tells COlonel StaRomana where the gold was hideen and then Santa Romana who is also known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, digs out the gold and HOLY SHIT, this is how it is said that over 1,200,000 metric tons of this gold was found in the Philippines and then this is how a lot of the gold was shipped to the various countries including to Swutzerland.. Back then a little know Swiss bank, who was practically not even known outside of Switzerland, grew and GREW and became what is now merged and known as UBS/AG, all because of the gold deposited to the care, their control. Now that the Heirs of the StaRomana or SANTA ROMANA estate and the original D and P Enterprise organization that is the umbrella that controled 42 other corrporations and companies and used many different aliases, well they wanted to have the banks and the vaults transfer the gold into their new names, but that is when the vault managers, the banks all created the lies and deception by claiming that there never was any gold deposited at all, yet the Intelligence Agencies has file cabinets loaded with the proof of the shipments and has other unmentionable proof that the gold was not only deposited, but that many of the bullion accounts were intentionallychanged by Dr. SENN of the old UBS BANK upon the instructions of President Marcos of the Philippines, so this explaains why there are many woman as strawwoman and men as strawmen on the gold acocunts that legally belong to Mr. S.G. StaROmana and Mr. Jose A> Diaz and under the aliases and account numbers that were used by DIAZ/SANTA ROMANA back in those old days. However, because most banks are insolvent as their book value assets are used to rate the banks, isnetad of the current market value of those loans and house mortages, then the Banks have no real assets, all they have is bukllshit book keeping with over inflated assets. So by 2010 the Government has to take over the banks, that is one of the next steps or one of the 7-phases in the financial meltdown. The strange thing, is that actually many of those governments do not know it, but they were enttiled to receive a large chunk of the gold and cash that was deposited in so many of those banks by the StaRomana/DIAZ arrangement under the control of the old D and P Enterprise that was all reorganized into that DNP Enterprise foundation and that the old Umbrella Group was also remaining but then there were other foundations like the S.G. StaRomana Global and that other Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian and the Santa Romana Church and many others I cannot recall, all of those were to assist in returning back 88% of those assets to the countries after the waiting period of 40-years. That 40 years was up a long time ago but the woman in charged, she was in fear of her life as people were sent to kill her so she remained hidden to avoid being killed and now that she has made a transfer and done the legal procedures, it is too late for anyone to kill her, as the 88% will be automatically returned back including to the Vatican at Rome in accordance with the requirements of Mr. Jose A. Diaz who is also represented as JAD and known as Santy, also known as the man Mr. S.G. Sta Romana or SANTA ROMANA. So I heard that the DIAZ side is reaching out to offer first financial assiatance to the United States to stop the bleeding of the Federal Reserve currency and to support the FEDS. Then there was a need to also support the EUROPE SIDE and the Euro and they made other arrangements and investments. Then I heard that the WORLD BANK and the IMF with the International Red Cross and the United Nations also were to get funding also from the Diaz and or StaRomana settlements and most of the money was to be used also to establish financial help for Japan and China to clean up the air pollution problem,s from coal burning plants in China. It is hard for me to understand all of the damn good that the D and P Enterprise assets will do and perhaps it is the hand of God and Allah as well, as even some of the Muslim leaders have wanted to fund the WORLD UNION PEACE FUND with Bill Clinton and the Vatican, but there was some setback from the new Administration at the White House back in Washington,D.C. that upset that plan, so I ehard they had to deal with that problem and perhaps cannot use former President Bill Clinton as they wanted for that large WOLD PEACE FUNDING, some possibile conflict-of-interest perhaps in his wife having obtained that important position. I know now that this Loretta E. Laurel cannot claim any gold for those BEngal Trading Limited, Isle of Man 20-year gold certificates, as the MASTER GOLD ACCOUNT code is in DIAZ name and the account depositor was S.G. StaRomana and it was the money business of some UBS BAnk officials and the Lincon Bank and Trust Company which was a paper shell bank setup to have utilized those gold assets of STAROMAN/DIAZ all of those 20 years up up to year of maturity of expiration being year 2003. So now legal claims will be presented aginst that LORETTA E> LAUREL and her alleged son named Peter E. Laurel and against the PPL Foundation, as that PPL FOundation represented that Loretta E. Laurel woman when she signed over her entire estate claims as the widow of Pedro P. Laurel as the alleged owner of the gold. That is bullshit, as the gold is confirmed to have always been the ownership of DIAZ code account, and that Pedro P. Laurel was just a front man for late President Marcos, who arrnaged for that wrongful conversion of the gold in the original China bank that was redeposited into other banks as depositor bank deposits and that UBS/AG Bank never owned that gold and never held that gold either, but maybe they will try to settle with that Loretta E. Laurel woman and that would allow lawsuits to be filed against that UBS/AG Board of Directors on down, as that would be embezzlement and helping a known con woman. THe UBS/AG Chairman and the President must relaize that they should not listen to the lies and the fabrication of some of the older officials who still work as advisors to their bank, as the UBS/AG has no position to act in any capacity to award any gold ownershop to the woman named Loretta E. Laurel, not from the gold that was deposited by S.G. StaRomana under CODE JAD that is now in five different banks outside of Switzerland. And it is the Attorney the represented ALEJO RIZAL and a different woman, that sued the UBS Bank before in the USa, that is was also helping this Loretta E. LAurel and her claims that she is the wodow of Pedro P. Laurel. When I talked to some of the trustees at the PPL FOundation that represents the Pedro P. Laurel estate, they said that that LOretta had turned over 100% of her claims back in early 1990 to the JAPANESE as her mandate, and that the PPL FOUNDATION worked with the BWF FOUNDATION that represented the JAPAN mandate for the claims of Pedro P. Laurel, so after I explained everything to those trustees, they still did not seem to understand, so I went to the VICTORIA Recovery Group and they eventually understood and obtain at first I think in 2006 a Power of Attorney from the treasurer of that D and P Enterprise and from that, they continued to conduct their two years of investigation and DD and now Victoria Trading UInvestment Corporation is the holding company for that VICTORIA RECOVERY GROUP and they were given Letter of Appointment, and Co-Administrator and then General Power of Attorney and they now are starting their settlement arrangements. They are now dealing with the slow thinkers at the PPL FOundation and at the Bengal World Foundation aka BWF, and now those trustees are starting to netter ubnderstand that LAUREL and that UBS Bank never owned the gold at all, that it was a fraud to try to steal the gold that belonged to DIAZ by the actions of former President Marcos using LAUREL as a straw man.  

    19 Feb 2009 @ 02:55 by Anu-aku ay isang Indio @ : South east Asian Gold
    Those Yamashita type of stories are pure lies even the Tallano ones. Those stories are very hard to believe. If there is indeed some plundered wealth during the Japanese occupation, it could amount only to a few ones not the astronomical amounts you are all talking. The subterranean tunnels supposed to be built by the Japanese were there already even before the war. The tunnels are too complex and too large a great project and the tunnels so meandering that a few years time 3-4 years of Japanese occupation will be an impossible task given the backdrop of the war, where there will be a dearth of trusted well-skilled men to tunnel such a treasure enclave. Why can't anyone accept the fact that these so called treasure are accumulations of wealth from a not so narrow Moro occupation of the Philippines(Manila in particular) which just started in the 14th century after the Pinatubo eruption but from earlier kingdoms or empires such as the Indo/Hindu Majapahit empire and the Buddhist Sri-Vijayan empires, where the Blessed Isles/Philippine Isles was their last stronghold from the burgeoning Muslim occupation starting from the invasion of India/Pakistan going to Ache of Sumatra, then to Borneo and spreading throughout Southeast Asia and the start of Western Imperialist/Conquistadores(Dutch,Spanish/British/Portuguese) desire to search for the Spice Islands/Gold Islands/El Dorado. When the Spanish(magellan et al) first came to the Philippines, they are surprised to see so many gold ornamentations all over the Indios' bodies and everywhere Buddha statues in bronze and in gold(eventhough, Buddhism was no longer the state religion after the fall of srivijayan empire, the native went back to animistic shamanistic beliefs)(Remember the Golden Buddha of Marcos versus Rogelio Roxas). But when the early Spaniards came to start to conquer after many years after the Magellan's death, those gold treasures were not much to be found.  

    19 Feb 2009 @ 21:56 by To: Anu-aku ay isang Indio @ : Tagean-Tallano Estate
    Your posting is a nice theory, even sounds somewhat possibile but if I am understanding this, your claim is that the GOLD belongs to who or whom? Lets assume that the JAPANESE did not bring in ALL of the majority of the GOLD from their war plunder...and that according to you the gold was already stored there before the JAPANESE CAME...so whwere was your vilume of gold stored, was it in those natural caves you mentioned? And then what, the Japanese found that gold and tried to what, rebury it again into other places, or what? And then the YANKS came, beat the shit out of the JAPS and saved the FIlipinos as the YANKS also knew about the gold and came back, won that battle and then what, OH they created the story about COlonel StaRoman who worked for the YANKS that beat the shit out of some Japanese officer who was the DRIVER of a motor vehilde for some other Japanese guy alleged to be General Yamashita, so all of the beatings was to get the Japanese to tell where they hid the gold, that belonged to who or whom? OK, so then the gold was shipped off to CHINA and many other countries and it was to be used later for the Philippines, but again, who was the legal owner of the God damn Gold in your viewpoint? I mean if there was legal owners of the gold, that hid the gold for safekeeping, and then the Spanish came, and someone kicked their butts and they left, then the YANKS came and went and some how King George from England gave a land title to Tallano relatives and that tile was also upheld by the King of Spain, but according to you theory, the Tallano and or Tagean clan never owned any of the God damn gold, so please explain who the hell was Rev, Fr, Diaz, where the hell di he come from according to your viewpoint? So I think what you are telling us is that the gold belong to whom or who and that Mr. Who and Mrs Whom can either prove or has no proof of the ownership of teh gold, so as a result, then the Japanese never owned the gold, so the Yanks cannot claim the gold as War booty and the Philippines never owned the gold either. OK so according to you the Tallano and Tagean never owned the gold either, so this leaves only the Sulu Sultanate as the owner of the gold, right? I would think that in your story that the Spanish who came in their ships first time to the Philippines whicbh could not be the Philippines back then, but was called something else, were not surprised to see Buddha statues in bronze and in gold everywhere as you are telling us, but that that being a Muslim region, they were surprised to not see the gold as the fact there were so many statues of Buddha still in existance plus all of the Filipino woman running around in black panties, wanting to con the Spanish to remove their metal chest plates and hop in bed with the natives, as the Spanish were perhaps very horney after being at sea so long and when they seen the native woman, plus all of those status of Buddha, that well...as history repeats itself, we have many con woman still running around with and without any panties that make suckers out of any man, who wants to become a victim of a gold scam there in the Philippines. OK, I sure would like to hear who now is the heirs of the alleged Mono occupation of the Philippines, as if the Mono tooks the gold from others, then the Mono cannot be the legal owner of the gold either. Maybe what we need to do is form a foundation called El Dorado as it sounds better than Gold Oslands and a hell of a lot better than calling it SPICE ISLAND Foundation and we issue shares out to all persons who are alive and kicking above ground, and each share would be exchanged for some gold dust, so we set up this large operation to grind the God damn bars of gold into HOLD DUST and people line up and we give each of them a allociation to get some gold dust and their can be a side deal with money brokers, who will exhange the gold dust for fiat currency and or cans of food, rice and whatever and as the people get their share of the GOLD DUST, we now get riod of the gold and make a proper distribution to all of the natives and this helps to solve this gold fever once and for all. Now once the gold dust is distributed out, the Filipinios should be happy and if they want more god dust, they can go out and dig up the so-called Yamashita gold bars, grind them up and have some more gold dust. Now if no one keeps gold bars, then there will not be any more foreign invasions coming to gind the Gold Islands or Spice Islands or El Dorado as the gold is gone....end of the problem  

    20 Feb 2009 @ 02:20 by Annunaki ay isang Indio @ : To whom the Gold belongs?
    I shamelessly copy pasted this clipping from this blog... http://sambali.blogspot.com/2005/11/glossary-lues.html :

    Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan

    How the Nusantao maritime trading network influenced the world.
    Wednesday, November 23, 2005
    Glossary: Luções
    Luções was the Portuguese name for the people of the island of Lução, which is still the Portuguese name for Luzon island in the Philippines.

    In Latin maps, Luzon was known as Luçonia or Lussonia both derived from Lução.

    The word originates from Lusung (呂宋)), the Chinese name during the Ming dynasty for a kingdom in Central Luzon. Present-day Chinese in some areas still use the name Lusung for the city of Manila, the area surrounding Manila Bay, the island of Luzon and more generally for the nation of the Philippines.

    Lusung (or Lusong) probably originates from a native word referring to a mortar used to pound rice. This device seems to have made it all the way to Guam along with rice culture from the Philippines.

    A Chamorro woman in early Guam with a stone lusong rice mortar

    Among the Chamorros, the term can also refer to artificial pools created along rivers. It is postulated these may have provided water for people pounding rice in the stone mortars. The lusong were usually carved out of river rock and may have also acted as bathing pools.

    I have suggested that the name Lusung may be derived from a lake that once existed at Pinatubo, the sacred volcano of Central Luzon and different than the current one, that was thought of as a type of baptismal pool similar to the Krater of the early Greek alchemists.

    As mentioned earlier in this blog, stone metates were found in the famed Pandanan wreck off the coast of the Philippines. The metates resembled the lusong of the Chamorro. Why were these simple mortars sought as trade items? Could it have been their value was augmented by the perceived sacred nature of the stone used to make them as I have also suggested was the case with earthernware Luzon jars?

    Whatever the case, the name of the kingdom seems to have been derived from these rice mortars. Other theories postulate that the island of Luzon or the Manila Bay was perceived as having the shape of a lusung, or that the kingdom was famed as a rice granary.

    The importance of the Luções during the Ming dynasty period and the arrival of early European explorers in Southeast Asia is apparent in their role as intermediaries throughout the region.

    Luções were everywhere during this period acting as merchants, mercenaries, adminstrators, etc. from India to Japan according to varied sources.

    In the 1500s, Portuguese writers mention a colony of Luções in Malacca sponsored by the Sultan of Malacca. They included many important personnel in the government of the sultan and merchants like one Surya Diraja a pepper trader who annually sent 175 tons of the valued spice to China. The sultan also hired a Lusung fleet when he attempted to wrest control of his city from the Portuguese in 1525.

    The Sultan of Aceh hired Lusung ships and warriors when he attempted to gain control of the Straits of Malacca in 1529. The Luções also reportedly fought for the Menangkabau kingdom, and for both sides during the war between Burma and Siam in 1547.

    In 1550, the Ming dynasty banned overseas trade as part of their overall anti-trade policy. According to Spanish sources during the Philippine invasion of Miguel Lopéz de Legaspi it was the Luções who filled in the gap handling the trade in Chinese goods throughout the region from their ports in Lusung. Apparently some junks still managed to reach Lusung Dao ("Golden Luzon") famed for its gold despite the Ming ban.

    In 1545, the Portuguese explorer Pedro Fidalgo was driven to Luzon from Brunei by a storm and describes it as lying between nine and 22 degrees north latitude at its most southern and northern tips respectively. According to Fidalgo, the island was so rich in gold that the natives would give two pezoes in gold for one in silver despite the fact that they were acquainted with the relative value of these metals in China.

    The gold was an important part of trade with the sultanate of Brunei with which Lusung had special relations. When Magellan arrived in this area, the Sultan of Brunei was highly dependent on a Lusung prince, who was widely feared throughout the region and who acted as "captain-general" of the sultan's fleet. Even across the bay from Brunei, the sultan reportedly had a fearsome "heathen" enemy whose city equaled that of the sultanate's capital.

    Lusung ships carrying spices, gold, Chinese goods and other items regularly plied the seas of Southeast Asia and their pilots became important to the Portuguese in making contacts with both China and Japan. Lusung ships including some of Surya Diraja played a vital role in the first official Portuguese visit to China.

    Bras Bayão, the Portuguese crown representative in Brunei, recommended Lusung pilots as "discoverers" for missions beyond China to Japan and indeed these seafarers played that role in the first official visit to Japan in 1543.

    Lusung was known to the Japanese as Rusun, probably stemming from the native Kapampangan term lusung rather than Tagalog lusong.

    According to the historical work the Tokiko, Japanese tea lovers cherished the Rusun no tsubo (Luzon pots) and Rusun no chaire (Luzon tea canisters). Multiple sources confirm that the most valuable of these were simple earthernware containers that the Japanese often gilded and embellished with gems. Like the metates/lusung, the value of these pots as trade items was not readily apparent. One master trader known as Rusun Sukezaemon made a fortune selling Luzon wares including some that he presented to the sengoku daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

    The record of the Luções in the 16th century indicate that they were very actively involved in the geopolitical events of the region, which was now the focus of the eyes of the "Old World." According to the Ming annals, the kingdom of Lusung was considered important enough for emperor Yung Lo, in the second year of his reign, to send the famed admiral Zheng Ho to attack Lusung and neighboring regions. The Chinese fleet made three attempts to subjugate Luzon prior to the arrival of the first Europeans on the scene about a century later.  

    20 Feb 2009 @ 03:05 by Anu aku'y kung 'di Indio @ : Tundo-Brunei-Japan Connection
    My theory is some early Japanese spies may had learnt of the whereabouts of this treasures.
    Many Japanese traders/mercenaries even before the Spaniards came make their permanent abode the territories of the Lakandula. When the Spaniards came, they hired Japanese mercenaries working side by side with the famous fearsome Macabebe mercenaries(Gold warriors of Rajah Sulaiman) in crushing the Chinese rebellions/invasions where many Chinese lost their lives during the 16th century.

    That's why it's their main objective during the war to make the Philippines(Luzon in particular) as their base not just from the strategic location point of view but to get hold of this booty and remelt it and stamp with Japanese marks which now becomes the Yamashita treasure. I don't know about this Jose Antonio Diaz. To speculate that he must have a direct blood relations to the Lakandula(traditional title of the Lord of Lusung/Luzon-Sulayman clan is not that farfetched. And of course we all know that Marcos is his lawyer.

    To bring to a point about this Brunei-Manila/Tondo-Japan connection:(shamelessly copy pasted from here... http://senorenrique.blogspot.com/2008/08/tondo-conspiracy-of-1587-88.html


    According to the Laguna Copperplate Inscription -- a legal document written in Kawi now housed in the National Museum of the Philippines -- the former region of Tondo has already existed in the year 900 AD; hence, it is over eleven hundred years old. Furthermore, this document claims that Tondo was ruled by a man called Jayadeva who holds the Sanskrit title Senapati or "admiral".

    Tondo became so prosperous that around the year 1500 AD, the Kingdom of Brunei attacked it and established the city of Maynila on the opposite bank of Pasig River as the new capital of Luzon Empire. And although the traditional rulers of Tondo, the Lakandula, retained their titles and property, the real political power resided in the House of Soliman, the Radjahs of Manila.

    After the Spaniards conquered the Luzon Empire in 1571, Tondo was included in the creation of the Province of Pampanga, which at that time, was the first colonial province carved out of the former empire. Moreover, according to a census conducted by Miguel de Loarca in 1583, the people of Tondo reportedly spoke the same language as that spoken by the natives of the province of Pampanga. Institute of National Language commissioner Jose Villa Panganiban once wrote that the dividing line between Kapampangan and Tagalog was the Pasig River, and that Kapangpangan was therefore originally spoken in Tondo.

    Eventually, Tondo became a separate province in the later half of the Spanish colonial era, but there was a major reorganization of political divisions under the Americans; the province of Tondo was dissolved, and its towns given to the provinces of Rizal and Bulacan. Today, Tondo just exists as a district in the City of Manila.

    Although Tondo was one of the first provinces to declare rebellion against Spain in 1896, about three hundred years earlier, a group comprised of very prominent Filipinos conspired to overthrow the Spanish rule. It was, however, a failed attempt. Its mastermind was Agustin de Legazpi; nephew of Lakan Dula and son-in-law of the sultan of Brunei. His first cousin was Martin Pangan, who was then the gobernadorcillo of Tondo. It was to be known as the Tondo Conspiracy of 1587-88.

    Besides Lakan Dula and Martin Pangan, the other major conspirators were Magat Salamat, son of Lakan Dula and Chief of Tondo; Juan Banal, another Tondo chief and Salamat’s brother-in-law; Geronimo Basi and Gabriel Tuambacar, brothers of Agustin de Legazpi; Pedro Balinguit, chief of Pandacan; Felipe Salonga, chief of Polo; Dionisio Capolo (Kapulong), chief of Candaba and brother of Felipe Salonga; Juan Basi, chief of Taguig; Esteban Taes (Tasi), chief of Bulacan; Felipe Salalila, chief of Misil; Agustin Manuguit, son of Felipe Salalila; Luis Amanicaloa, chief of Tondo; Felipe Amarlangagui, chief of Caranglan; Omaghicon, chief of Navotas and Pitongatan, chief of Tondo.

    Augustin de Legazpi had made contact with a Japanese sea captain, Juan Gayo, through a Japanese Christian and interpreter, Dionisio Fernandez, who had also joined the conspiracy. A secret agreement was concluded in which Captain Gayo would supply arms and Japanese warriors to help the Filipino rebellion and recognize Augustin de Legazpi as king of the Philippine kingdom. In reciprocity, Captain Gayo and the Japanese warriors would receive one-half of the tribute to be collected in the Philippines.

    There were other secret meetings other than those with the Japanese that had to be concluded before the final plan of the uprising was to become completely enforceable. First, a secret delegation would travel to Borneo to secure combat troops and ships from the Sultan of Brunei. Second, obtain the support and participation of the inhabitants of Laguna and Batangas in this struggle for freedom. Once a full commitment was received from Borneo, Batangas and Laguna, the armed rebellion would begin upon the arrival at the Manila Bay of the Sultan of Brunei’s warships with warriors on board. The conspirators and their armed warriors would then launch a ferocious attack to completely annihilate the Spaniards and then set the city on fire.

    It would have been a good plan climaxed by an epic battle had it not been for a turncoat who betrayed the conspiracy and reported it to the Spanish authorities.

    On the way to meet with the Sultan of Brunei, Magat Salamat, Juan Banal, and Augustin Manuguit stopped at Cuyo, Calamianes, to meet with its native chief, Sumaclob. The chief was swayed to join the conspiracy and pledge to contribute 2,000 of his men for the cause. However, Magat Salamat made an error in judgment by soliciting the participation of another Cuyo native, Antonio Surabao. Upon learning of the secret plan, Surabao rushed to expose it to his master, Captain Pedro Sarmiento, the Spanish encomendero of Calamianes. And once Salamat, Banal and Manuguit were apprehended, Captain Sarmiento hastily traveled to Manila and informed Governor Santiago de Vera on October 26, 1588 of a brewing conspiracy against Spanish rule.

    The governor immediately ordered the arrest of all persons implicated in the revolutionary plot. Everyone was thoroughly investigated, tried in court, and made to suffer cruel punishments. To the Spanish authorities, the conspirators were nothing more than traitors, but to the Filipino people, they were brave liberators — martyrs of a lost cause.

    Augustin de Legazpi and Martin Pangan were brutally hanged — their heads cut off and exposed on the gibbet in iron cages; their properties and assets were seized by the Spanish authorities and the sites of their homes plowed and sown with salt so that they would remain barren.

    The Japanese Christian interpreter, Dionisio Fernandez was hanged and his property confiscated. Dionisio Capolo (Kapulong), chief of Candaba (Pampanga) was sentenced to exile from his town and made to pay a heavy fine. Governor Santiago de Vera pardoned him. Later he served as a guide and interpreter for two Spanish expeditions to the Igorot country in 1591 and 1594.

    The other five leading members of the Tondo Conspiracy were exiled to Mexico — Pedro Balinguit (chief of Pandacan), Pitongatan (chief of Tondo), Felipe Salonga (chief of Polo), Calao (chief of Tondo), and Agustin Manuguit (chief of Tondo). They were the very first Filipinos to reside in Mexico.

    It wasn’t until during the late nineteenth-century when another significant conspiracy in Tondo was hatched to overthrow the Spanish regime. However, unlike the Tondo Conspiracy of 1587-88, this time it was the members of Manila’s working class — not the heads of prominent families — who were mainly the mind and force behind it.  

    20 Feb 2009 @ 05:04 by anaku'y indio @ : Lakandula and Genealogies

    Lakandula http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakandula
    Lakandula (Kapampangan lakan "lord" and dula "palace")[1] was the hereditary title of the rulers of Tondo. Banaw[2] was the personal name of the Lakandula recorded in Philippine history at the advent of the Spanish colonization. The name Lakandula suggests he was a follower of the ancient animistic religion and not a Muslim like his cousin and half-brother Rajah Suliman of Manila.

    The best way to describe the historical Lakandula (Personal name: Banaw, Christian name: Carlos) is through the 1665 notarized document written as an endorsement of his great-grandson Don Juan Macapagal, Master-of-Camp and Datu of Arayat:[3]

    Don Carlos Lacandola, his great-grandfather, was Lord and principal of the town of Tondo, and other surrounding towns, whose natives paid him tribute and vassalage and other recognition as their natural lord, and when ships from China came to this bay, they similarly paid him duties and anchorage fees, he removing their sails and rudder for this purpose, and taking their merchandise by paying half its value at the time and the other half the next year, without any other natives being able to buy anything from the sangleyes but only from the said Lacandola, from which much profit, which he ceded at the coming of the Spaniards to these Islands, they collecting the said tributes and duties for His Majesty.

    Lakandula played a crucial role in the fall of the Luzon Empire and the creation of the province of Pampanga. The Spaniards used him in pacifying the last independent Luzon states in what is now the province of Pampanga, namely Lubao and Betis. He further helped the Spaniards in defending their foothold in the archipelago from the invading forces of the Chinese pirate Limahong.

    [edit] Descendants

    Lakandula was the most prolific of Luzon's ancient rulers. His descendants are spread out all across the Kapampangan Region during the Spanish colonial era.[3] He fathered at least four sons, namely Don Dionisio Capulong, the Datu of Candaba, Don Phelipe Salonga, the Datu of Pulu, Magat Salamat, the Datu of Tondo and Don Martin Lakandula who entered the Agustinian order as a lay brother in 1590.[3] He had one daughter by the name of Doña Maria Poloin who married Don Alonso Talabos.

    Lakandula's sons and nephews were after implicated in the Revolt of the Lakans of 1588, a conspiracy meant to overthrow Spanish that was spearheaded by the former ruling class of the defeated Luzon Empire. His son Magat Salamat was executed by the Spanish authorities while the rest were executed.

    Learning from this experience, his great grandson Don Juan Macapagal, Master-of-Camp and Datu of Arayat, aided the Spanish authorities in suppressing the 1660 Kapampangan Revolt of Don Francisco Maniago and the Pangasinan Revolt of Don Andres Malong, and the 1661 Ilocano Revolt. Because of his service to the Spanish crown, the Spanish authorities revived the special privileges offered by the Spanish crown to Lakandula and his descendants spread across the province of Pampanga.[3] A Gremio de Lakandulas was created in 1758 to safeguard the rights and privileges of the Kapampangan descendants of Lakandula.[3] During the British invasion of 1762-64, the descendants of Lakandula, now concentrated in the province of Pampanga, formed a company of volunteers to fight the British and were granted autonomy by Governor General Simon de Anda.[3]

    Prominent Lakandula descendants of the 20th century include the former Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal, father of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, former Philippine Senate President Jovito Salonga, pioneer Filipino industrialist Gonzalo Puyat, former Philippine Senate President Gil Puyat and international stage celebrity Lea Salonga.[3]

    Pampanga was, among other distinctions, the first Luzon province inaugurated by the Spaniards (in 1571, the same year as the inauguration of the City of Manila). As such, during the early years of the Spanish conquest, it occupied a vast area whose northern boundaries, as described in 1594 by Governor-General Gomez Perez Dasmariñas, were as follows: as one goes from Pampanga to the province of Tuy (now Nueva Vizcaya) from the end of the Zambales ranges to the beginning of the Tui (Magat) River of Cagayan; thence following its course to the villages of Datan, Lamot, and Duli to the end of the province of Tuy, and the commencement of that of Cagayan; and, cutting this line, by a cross-line from the end of the province of Pangasinan to the sea, on the coast opposite Manila.

    Additionally, Fray Joaquin Martinez de Zuñiga, OSA, relates that for 200 years Pampanga had its boundaries from north to southeast with the Bulacan towns of Hagunoy, Calumpit, and all the neighboring towns of the Baliuag river, except Quiñgua; from northwest to northeast with the missions of Cagayan and its mountains; in the northeast it included the towns of Caranglan, Pantabangan, and Puncan of Nueva Ecija near where the Rio Grande de la Pampanga originates in the Caraballo mountains, until the lands and mountains of Baler (now belonging to Aurora), Tayabas (now Quezon) province; from northwest to southeast with Bataan province or Rinconada, comprising its towns, Dinalupihan, Ilana Hermosa, Orani, Samal, Abucay, Balanga, Pilar, and Udiong (now Orion).

    In the will of Pansonum (christened Fernando Malang Balagtas; d. 21 Mar 1589), who was descended from the pre-Hispanic Bornean rulers of Central Luzon, the land of the Capampangan people was described as including the territories of Pampanga (including Bataan, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, and a portion of Bulacan), Pangasinan, and Zambales. Barrios Carmen, Rosales, San Quintin, Umingan, and Balungao, until 27 Oct 1892, belonged to Nueva Ecija, which was formerly part of Pampanga.

    Some well known, others not at all, these are some of the Kapampangans who expressed the great themes of their times and who made an impact on the world around them, and on the generations beyond theirs, representing the best, sometimes the worst, qualities in us all.

    1. Malangsik
    by Mariano A. Henson.
    Because he and his kin organized pre-colonial Kapampangan society
    Prince Balagtas was the Tagalog-Kapampangan sovereign of the Madjapahit Empire who came to Luzon from Malang, east central Java, in 1380 to start a dynasty. He married a Bornean princess, Panginoan; they had three children: Malangsik (who married first cousin Mandik), Dapat-magmanuk (who married Monmon) and Makayabongdili. Malangsik ruled the Kapampangan region in the late 1400s and early 1500s. His sister-in-law, Monmon, is said to have founded Bakulud (before landlord Guillermo Manabat organized it into the pueblo Bacolor with the help of Spaniards in 1574); Malangsik’s descendant Kapitangan and his wife Bayinda founded Apalit. When the Spaniards came in 1571, they found several heavily populated settlements with organized societies, such as Kandaue (Candaba), Purak (Porac), Macabebe, Baba (Lubao), Pinpin (Sta. Ana), Betis, Uaua (Guagua) and Balayan ning Pambuit (Arayat). Indeed, Malangsik and his kin can be credited for having organized Kapampangan society starting in the 14th century.

    2. Pansonum
    by Mariano A. Henson.
    Because his last will defined the vast Kapampangan region
    Christened Francisco Malang Balagtas, Pansonum was a direct descendant of the Madjapahit rulers of Luzon, Malangsik being his father and Prince Balagtas his grandfather. He lived in Tambugao in Calumpit, Bulacan shortly after the arrival of the Spaniards. He died on March 21, 1589 at the San Carlos mission in Pangasinan, leaving behind a will that described in great detail the Kapampangan territory (which he claimed was his property) that extended all the way to Ituy (Cagayan Valley) and present-day Carmen, Rosales, San Quintin, Umingan and Balungao in Pangasinan (formerly of Nueva Ecija, which in turn was formerly of Pampanga); Baler in Tayabas (later Aurora); Tarlac, Bataan and portions of Zambales and Bulacan. The present-day descendants of Pansonum’s great clan include Kapampangans and Tagalogs with the surnames Musngi, Dumandan, Lumanlan, Madlangbayan, Salalila, Gatbonton, Gatmaitan, Gatdula, Capulong, Soliman, Lakandula and Macapagal.

    3.Pande Pira
    by Mariano A. Henson.
    Because his works shaped ancient Kapampangan warfare and agriculture
    Pande (Panday in Tagalog, meaning “smith”) Pira (Pilac, “silver”), a Kapampangan from Capalangan, Apalit, made cannons, farm implements and other weapons for local chieftains like Tarik Soliman. His products, such as kampit (knife), palang (bolo for clearing thicket), panabud (bolo for chopping wood), sudsud (plowshare), talibung (scabbard), sundang (dagger) and lepia (moldboard), were of such superior quality that he was recruited as official cannon-maker of Spain for the colony. When he died in 1576, Spanish officials wrote their King that “no one among us can take his place.” But his art spread to places like Taal and Balisong in Batangas; Meycauayan, Bulacan; Orion, Bataan; Calasiao, Pangasinan; Santa, Ilocos Sur; Cabagan, Isabela—places where the craft has survived even to this day.

    by Robby Tantingco.
    Because he refused to kowtow to white men; because he was smart enough to discern the Bible-quoting invaders’ true motives; because he dared to stop the tidal wave of colonialism sweeping the continent in the 16th century; because he challenged an entire Spanish armada to preserve and defend civilization as he knew it; and because he was the first Filipino to show that the nation’s freedom was worth dying for
    Hundreds, maybe thousands, of years before the Spaniards came, the central plain in Luzon island was already populated with Kapampangans and Tagalogs, as well as with dark-skinned Aetas who lived mostly in the forests of the surrounding mountains. The pre-Hispanic Kapampangans were land-tillers and seafarers who traded with China and sailed to neighboring kingdoms. They were partly anito-worshippers, partly Muslim converts. “Their houses are filled with wooden and stone idols… for they had no temples,” wrote a Spanish chronicler in 1590 (Blair & Robertson, XXXIV, p. 378), while another reported that “(Pampanga) had two rivers, one called Bitis and the other Lubao, along whose banks dwell three thousand five hundred Moros.”

    5. Francisco Palaot and the Early Macabebes
    by Marc D. Nepomuceno.
    Because they started the 300-year alliance between Spain and the Kapampangans
    After putting up initial resistance, the early Kapampangans decided to help the Spaniards build Intramuros and volunteer for military service. The Spaniards began exploring and conquering lands in the archipelago and Southeast Asia, tagging along Kapampangan soldiers from Macabebe to augment their lean army. As early as 1574, Kapampangan recruits had fought side by side with Spaniards in repelling Chinese pirate Limahong. One Kapampangan captain won distinction for himself in these expeditions. His name was Francisco Palaot. He stood side by side with Bravo de Acuña, who led a voyage to the Moluccas in 1606. Earlier, in 1591, Kapampangans joined a contingent of 80 Spanish soldiers led by Luis Perez das Mariñas, son of the governor general, to an exploration of the jungles of Tuy (now Nueva Vizcaya). In 1596, Kapampangans sailed to Mindanao in a pacification drive led by Rodriguez de Figueroa. In 1638, they went to Jolo under Gov. Gen. Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera. In the years to come, Macabebes would always be depended upon to massacre the Chinese in 1603 and again in 1640, ward off Dutch invaders in 1646, retaliate against the British Navy in 1764, and tragically, defeat the revolts of fellow Filipinos and in one instance even of their fellow Kapampangans. Palaot and these early soldiers of fortune had unwittingly started an alliance with the Spanish Empire which would define not only the relationship between Kapampangans and their colonizers in the next 300 years but also the reputation of Kapampangans among their fellow Filipinos.  

    21 Feb 2009 @ 10:31 by Annunaki ng Sumeria, anak naku ng Indio @ : Jose Antonio Diaz, Sabah, Japan-Cipangu?
    It is my assertion that Jose Antonio Diaz was a direct descendant of the Lakandula and ,thus, of the Sultan of Brunei(who claimed to be a descendant of Alexander the Great and one of the Three kings of the Orient and also the last sovereign of the SriVijayan Empire) and Prince Balagtas, last sovereign of the Majapahit empire. So much so, that then President Diosdado Macapagal, also known descendant of Lakandula, aided Jose Antonio Diaz aka Santa Romana. It was also in the time of President Diosdado Macapagal, who also has a blood relations with the Sultanate of Sulu, aided the latter in pursuing the Sabah territories. Marcos, the attorney of Jose Antonio Diaz, went further in asserting Philippine sovereignty over Sabah, via a secret plan of invasion. If not for the squealer, Benigno Aquino, a fellow Kapampangan of Macapagal and a CIA operative, who knows, perhaps, the oil riched Sabah could have been under the jurisdiction of the Philippines right now and if the CIA-inspired 'Light a fire movement' didn't prosper, perhaps now, Philippines is enjoying the fruits of being 90 percent independent from oil with the operation of various geothermals, hydrothermals and nuclear powerplants and perhaps retain our Second only to Japan Status or perhaps even more prosperous than Japan with the return of the Asian treasure. But of course, the financial oligarchs based in London and New York, won with their game plan, and the Philippines, as Todd Alpine put it, is ready to be flushed down the drain.

    As an added bonus:

    Cipangu-Marco Polo's Mythical El Dorado: Is it Japan or the Philippines?
    On track with our assertion of the Philippines-Japan connection is the confusion of Marco Polo of the location of Cipangu, his mythical El Dorado-the real target of the famed explorer Christopher Columbus, a land overflowing with spices and gold. As Marco Polo puts it, "I can report to you in sober truth a veritable marvel concerning a certain palace of the ruler of the island. You may take it for a fact that he has a very large palace entirely roofed with fine gold . . . They have pearls in abundance . . . and many other precious stones in abundance. It is a very rich island, so that no one can count its riches."

    Shamelessly copy pasted from this blog... http://sambali.blogspot.com/2005/02/voyage-to-cipangu.html

    Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan

    How the Nusantao maritime trading network influenced the world.
    Saturday, February 12, 2005
    Voyage to Cipangu
    Marco Polo's confusion of Japan and the easternmost Indies had a lasting effect on European geographers up until the time of Columbus' voyages.

    Mapmakers tended to show Cipangu as a vast island covering sometimes more than 30 degrees of latitude from near the equator to 35 degrees north or more. In other words, Cipangu included most of Taiwan, the Philippines and the Moluccas. That this was the case is evident in the fact that many maps including the Behaim Globe show locations known as the Nutmeg Forest and the Pepper Forest in the extreme south of Cipangu. Neither of these spices, or the gold or pearls the island was famous for were abundant, if existent at all, in Japan.

    Furthermore Cipangu was shown always in the "Indian Ocean" usually off the coast of Champa, or off the coast between Champa and Manzi.

    The world according to Paolo Toscanelli, 1474, reconstructed by Hapgood.

    A reconstruction from the Laon Globe of 1493

    A section from the Waldseemüller map showing the southern end of Cipangu at about 5 degrees North with the north end at about 35 degrees North.

    Toscanelli recreated by Hapgood showing how close Europe thought Cipangu was from the West

    As one can see from the last map, European geographers of the time thought the East Indies were much closer to the West than was actually the case. This was due in large part to the incorrect distance assigned to a degree of longitude. As noted earlier, this fault extends back to Marinus and Ptolemy. According to my theory, it would have been in the interests of the Dragon and Bird Clan to allow this error to persist.

    Columbus is said to have corresponded with Paolo Toscanelli, and he carried a globe with him during his journeys. The two surviving globes from the period just prior to his journey -- the Laon and Behaim globes -- both show Cipangu in very much the same position as Toscanelli.

    Apparently, Columbus also believed that Cipangu was the ancient source of spices like nutmeg, cloves, cassia and Indonesian cinnamon. He expressly stated that he was destined for that island in search of these types of aromatics.

    The expedition first made landfall in the New World while cruising at 24 degrees North longitude. Columbus then sailed southwest in his search for Cipangu. He believed that the fabled golden kingdom was that of Cibao, located in the modern nation of the Dominican Republic at about 19 1/2 degrees North latitude. This shows quite clearly that the explorer believed Cipangu was located in the tropics although he greatly underestimated its distance to the West. As you may remember, navigators at this time could accurately determine latitude but not longitude.

    There is one important thing we must note regarding Columbus' explorations. Paolo Toscanelli is said to have been the first person to suggest a westward voyage to the Indies and Cipangu. The first documentation of this is a letter by Toscanelli to the confessor Canon Ferdam Martins of Lisbon, which Columbus had read. This started a correspondence between the two geographers.

    The important link here is the man generally known as one of Toscanelli's main informants -- Nicolo de Conti. This Venetian traveler had spent many years traveling throughout the East including the island regions of Southeast Asia. Most importantly, de Conti claimed to have had a close personal relationship with Prester John of the Indies!

    Pero Tafur, a Spanish traveler met de Conti along the Red Sea near the Sinai during one of his journeys. The Venetian nobleman explained how he had gotten lost in India and finally ended up in the court of Prester John in India Major (Greater India):

    When I arrived in India I was taken to see Prester John, who received me very graciously and showed me many favours, and married me to the woman I now have with me, and she bore me these children.

    Unfortunately, de Conti does not give any specific details on just where in Greater India Prester John was located. However, he does provide some details of his kingdom:

    I asked him concerning Prester John' and his authority, and he told me that he was a great lord, and that he had twenty-five kings in his service, although they were not great rulers, and also that many people who live without law, but follow heathen rites, are in subjection to him.

    Notice that the number of kings under Prester John is reduced from the 72 monarchs claimed in his 1165 letter.

    De Conti also tells Tafur that the king had a great interest in the Chrisitan kingdoms of Europe and that he had twice witnessed emissaries sent to "Christian princes" but was unaware if they had ever completed their mission:

    I learnt from Nicolo de' Conti that Prester John kept him continuously at his court, enquiring of him as to the Christian world, and concerning the princes and their estates, and the wars they were waging, and while he was there he saw Prester John on two occasions dispatch ambassadors to Christian princes, but he did not hear whether any news of them had been received

    Many of the items related by Tafur are confirmed by accounts given to Poggio Bracciolini, the papal secretary. Pope Eugenius IV had ordered de Conti to furnish his history in penance for his renunciation of Christianity during his wanderings.

    As for de Conti as a source his accounts are generally considered the best journals of the East during the entire 15th century. He was the first person in Europe to clearly distinguish Sri Lanka from Sumatra. He also was known to have suggested traveling to the East by sailing around Africa. While there is no direct evidence that de Conti ever suggested a westward voyage, the connection with Toscanelli leaves this as an irresistable possibility.  

    21 Feb 2009 @ 17:48 by Pineda Info @ : Madam Pineda
    She is in Los Angeles at the moment. I have seen previous posts about her being a scam. Can you please give some specific details? For example cashed checks or something that proves fraud?  

    21 Feb 2009 @ 23:27 by Ref: Vatican cannot get gold endownment @ : Sultan Fuad Kiram
    While there are many questions regarding the previous postings about Jose A. Diaz being a direct descendant of LAKANDULA and to the Sultan of Brunei, I was told maybe 5 or 6 years ago also about some connection but that it was that Santa Romana aka Jose A. Diaz has more than just a blood connections, there was more evidence of a great deal more. However I myself lack the mental ability to have understood most of the intel reports as the reports were very old and done back after WW2 when some agencies were researching the history of not just the 617,500MT of gold, but it was for more like 800,000mt of gold located within what is called the Philippines. Anyhow, I enjoyed the good looking Chamopro naked woman in early Guam with a stone Lusong rice mortar that was shown in your first link. Do you happned to have her cell phone number? I assume that she has been deceased a very long time and no longer here on Earth unless she was recylced and reborn again, then I hope she came back as another good looking woman. The woman that we have these days are all with make up and seem to be lacking the pureness of the previous generations. I also cannot share a lot of what I was shown many years ago, except to say that the 617,500MT never did belong to that Tallano-Tagean clan and there was evidence that it did belong to the Sulu Sultanate. Still that gold was embezzled and the Philippines failed to make recovery of that missing 217,500 metric tons of gold that was shipped out of the Philippines without the knowledge or permission of Mr. Jose A. Diaz, as it is his signature that was the only authorized signature that was on those original documents when the 617,500MT of gold was deposited into the vaults there in the Philippines. I also think you have copies of those documents in your hand as well, as you seem to also know a lot of the untold truth of that remaining 400,000 metric tons. Perhaps what you do not yet have, are copies of the legal documents that were signed by the Sultan Fuad Kiram years ago, that preestablished the out of court settlement where the Sulu Sultanate was willing to not claim 180,000MT of that remaining 400,000 metric tons of gold, provided the Tagean and Tallano Estate would legally assign a portion out of their 180,000MT endownment to the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES. I never heard anything more where those people that claim to be representing the Tagan and Tallano Estate has done anything to transfer over to the Filipino people the requested encumbrance that was stated to be by that Sultan Fuad Kiram. Right now the Filipinos are going to suffer more serious poverty and food shortages and unemployment, while people like E.J. Ekker continue to plot to take over that 180,000 metric tons of gold, without any due consideration for the millions of hungry people of the Philippines. How can people be so greedy as that Mr. E.J. Ekker claiming to be the American CEO and that he was entitled to collect 80,000 metric tons as his share, as his bonus...is unable to understand that the gold is not his gold, it ios not the gold of the tagean and tallano clan either. The Sultan Fuad Kiram can prove in the International Court of Justice that Sultan Fuad Kiram also made legal endownments from the Sulu Sultanate gold to be used for the WORLD UNION PEACE FUNDING and one of the main caretakers and trustees was to be the Pope at the Vatican in Rome. Again, nothing can be done, as the daughter of former President Diosdado Macapagal has done nothing to help the Vatican establish that WORLD UNION PEACE FUND that was proposed by the Sultan Fuad Kiram. Since the above postings indicated that the former President Macapagal of the Philippines was a known blood relative with the former Sultan of Sulu Sultanate, then why is it his daughter cannot understand the need to have allow the transfer of the gold to the Pope at the Vatican in Rome that had been agreed upon by the current Sultan Fuad Kiram. I mean, of this Lady President father, named former President Macapagal was a blood relative of the former Sultan of Sulu Sultanate, then would someone please explain to me, if this current Lady President of the Philippines is somehow or not, also related to the current Sultan Fuad Kiram of the Sulu Sultanate?  

    21 Feb 2009 @ 23:58 by ref, President Obama and Uncle Sam @ : Sultan Fuad Kiram of Sulu Sultanate
    I recently seen that Sultan FUAD KIRAM and the other Sultan from Brunei were invited to have a official dinner with the current Lady President of the Philippines and her Husband, so perhaps they were able to work out some of the problems as to why the Vatican has not been able to receive any of the gold that was promised to be as a endownment to the Pope at the Vatican in Rome by this same Sultan Fuad Kiram? Why would anyone in the Philippines intentionally interfer and delay the use of some of the other gold, to be used to have funded that WORLD UNION PEACE FUNDING that would have allowed the leasing of the gold to some government, then invest the lease money into a special trading program and then allow former Bill Clinton and the Pope and others to serve as the trustees to oversee the distribution of billions of dollars to help bring peace to other regions of the world, as well as to stop the civil unrest there in the remote regions of teh Philippines. Why is it that the Jesuits cannot explain to the First Gentlemen, who is the husband of this Lady President, the need for the PEACE FUNDING that is to be generated from the leasing of the gold bullion, so that the money is not from governments, but being donated by the private sector? The First Gentlemen as they call the husband of the Lady President in the Philippines is said to be a smart person and the Society of Jesus, which is the Jesuit order must be aware of the goodness of having a sort of working accord between the Muslims and the Catholics or the Christian, in working as a team effort to help obtain money to be used to stop the God damn fighting in many parts of the World? This Lady President of the Philippines was also educated by the Jesuita, so there cannot be any excuse why she cannot understand that the owners of the gold have a legal right to lease the gold to the United States and other countries, then to allow the 1% leasing fees, to be invested and that the profits from the investments can be placed at the disposal of the trustees of the WORLD UNION PEACE TRUST Funds. The legal history is that the Philippines itself is in serious breach of many contracts with their own leasing of over 50 years of this same gold bullion. The Philippines knows that former President Macapagal himself was involved into the leasing of the 617,500MT of gold to the Philippines and that the Philippines was obligated to pay 1% per year as the leasing fee. The former President Macapagal is the father of the current Lady President of the Philippines, so she should have access to the legal documents and understand that her country has been in default for nonpayments of the required lease fees being one percent per year. So, the lawful owners of the gold have a legal right to lease the gold to the United States and to also offer to sell the gold to the United States, once the US Treasury gets back on its feet again. Those proposals were made back in late 2007 or early 2008 also by the National Treasury of the D and P Enterprise named Tarciana Rodriguez and she signed those contracts at the US EMBASSY I think in January 2008 and then she added in the other bank acocunts not only for CITI BANK to be included into the settlement to assist the US Treasury Agency to stop the financial meltdown and save their US Banks. Now it seems that only a direct legal proposal made only to President Obama at the White House at Washington, D.C. should be what is needed. If I was the USA President, I would want to be able to announce to all other counties that as UNCLE SAM, who seems to be broke, has found new assets and is now a RICH UNCLE SAM, so the other countries should support the Federal reserve currency as UNCLE SAM is backing it up with gold bullion. And if I was the President, I would send ships to the Philippines and move the damn gold bullion out of the Philippines and well, store it under the White House and then proclaim that World leaders can come and visit the assets of Uncle Sam and even touch the gold bars but they first had to pay $2.00 to buy a pair of white gloves that were made in American by American workers, and then recover whatever gold dust there would be from the gloves that hd to be disposed into a special container on the way out, that says, All countries would then know that UNCLE SAM is no longer broke or homseless and lives near the WHITE HOUSE and can sometimes been seen running around the White House on roller skates, moving fast as the USA is coming out of the toilet bowl and to again be Number One...  

    22 Feb 2009 @ 23:47 by Ref Sultan Fuad Kiram and Brunei @ : Sultan Fuad Kiram
    OK< that other guy named E.J. Ekker also claims that in a former life he was King Solomon, so your post made mention that the Sultan of Brunei claimed he also has connections to another former different King and are you talking about the original three kings, that were said to be the ones that followed the star and found Jesus in a stable, are those the three kings you are talking about, or are thoere even more different Kings in this tale? You stated that your theory was that Jose A. Diaz was somehow related to the Sultan of Brunei, right> And we know that the cousin of that Sukltan of Brunei is the current Sultan Fuad Kiram of Sulu Sultanate, so is their a blood connection between what you are talking about that DIAZ who is really S.G. StaROmana or known on this forum as SANTA ROMANA, is that Diaz who was the caretaker of the gold fro the Royal families who were Muslims, is that Diaz some how related in some way with the Sultan Fuad Kiram of Sulu Sultanate? OK< now we know Mr. E.J. Ekker who was some alleged King in a former life, is not related I assume to the Sultan of Brunei or to the Sultan of Sulu Sulatanate, is that a correct assumption to assume? And we know those fake Heirs and those false named KIRAM other Sultan team of brothers, were the son of the son of the man who was rolling in the hay of the horse stable with one of the wives of the prior Sultan Kiram of Sulu Sultanate, so we have another stable in this tale....if the three Kings you mentioned were the the alleged WISE MEN, that followed the special star that somehow became the story of baby Jesus. OK< so we have what seems to be that DIAZ, who is said to have been also called Rev. Fr. Jose a DIAZ, and said to be maybe a Jesuit and who I have a lot of respect for as I have some very close friends who are Jesuits, damn smart guys, so it was said that DIAZ was the trustee for the old Sultan Kiram, who I think was the Grandfather of this man who is now the current Sultan Fuad Kiram of that Sulu Sultanate, him being the cousin of the Sultan over at Brunei, that this DIAZ was the caretaker, the trustee of the 617,500 metric tons of gold that was deposited and leased to the Philippines with the approval of former President Macapagal, who was the biological father of the current Lady President of the Philippines, so it seems that She and her husband, called the FIRST GENTLEMAN of the Philippines recently had the Sultan of Brunei and the Sultan of Fuad Kiram of Sulu Sultanate for a official State dinner, and I wished that someone would post the newspaper articles so we could all see that event, showing those two Sultans with the Lady President. NOw does anyone know what was on the Menu?  

    23 Feb 2009 @ 03:31 by Anak ng Annunaki @ : Vatican, King Solomon, Alexander
    There are many more wild and zany theories about the Philippines like the Queen of Seba who visited the court of King Solomon of the Old testament is not in Ethiopia as the popular myth says but actually in Sabah/Zabag/Sapa which some researcher concluded to be placed in Southeast Asia either Java major or Borneo or Sapa(kingdom of Sapa) in Luzon, Philippines.
    And thus King Solomon's mines is not in Ethiopia but in the Indies.
    And therefore the Phoenicians who helped King Solomon were not unlikely to have the ethnicity as the Austronesians seafarers plying the trade from East Africa, Madagascar to the wild expanse of the Indian ocean and Pacific ocean up to Easter Island, known territories of the Austronesians like the Malays and the Filipinos.

    Here's more from this link... http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9845/zany.htm

    To quote:
    "Tarsis and Ofir"

    During the early period of European colonization, the Biblical lands of Tarshish and Ophir, or Tarsis and Ofir, as they were called, held the imagination of European explorers. Not only was it believed that the "lost tribes" of Israel were to be found in these lands, but also untold wealth. To these kingdoms King Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre sent ships for trade that "brought from Ophir great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones," (I Kings 10:11). Concerning Tarshish it is written: "Fro the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Hiram: every three years once came the shop sof Tarshish bringing gold and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacock." (II Chronicles 9:21)

    In Samuel Purchas's well-known travel compendium Purchas His Pilgrim, he devotes the entire first chapter to a discussion of Tarshish and Ophir. In particular, he argues strenously that it is beloved Britain and not Spain that deserved the title as the modern Tarshish and Ophir. Curiously, in Careri's journal of his visit to the Philippines, he mentions that he would not go into the argument raging in Europe at that time over whether the Philippines was originally populated by the descendants of Biblical Tarshish.

    In modern times, scholars have attempted to relate Tarshish and Ophir with a number of areas, none of which include the Philippines. However, things were different in Europe prior to the discovery of the Philippines. There, they believed that Tarsis and Ofir were some lands far to the east of biblical Israel. Their reasoning was actually quite logical. King Solomon built the port from which ships departed for Tarsis and Ofir at Ezion-Geber on the coast of the Red Sea. The return journey took about three years, so obviously the location must be somewhere far to the East. In modern times, some scholars have tried to suggest that Solomon's navy circumnavigated Africa to reach the Mediterranean, but the seafaring Europeans of those times would not consider such nonsense. Tarsis and Ofir were unknown lands beyond the Golden Chersonese of Ptolemy. Their discovery would undoubtedly bring untold wealth and great fame in the minds of the people of those times.

    But what, one may ask, has this to do with the Philippines? The truth is that the search for Tarsis and Ofir was directly related to the "discovery" of these islands by Magellan!
    Magellan and the Search for Ophir

    Magellan's contemporary, Duarte Barbosa, wrote that the people of Malacca (in modern Malaysia) had described to him an island group known as the Lequios whose people were as "rich and more eminent than the Chins (Chinese)," and that traded "much gold, and sliver in bars, silk, rich cloth, and much very good wheat, beautiful porcelains and many other merchandises."

    However, Barbosa was not the only one to mention the Lequios during Magellan's time. About a decade after Magellan's voyage, Ferdinand Pinto had wrote in his journal of the experience of his crew and himself after being shipwrecked on the Lequios! Pinto was traveling through the Malay Archipelago at the time and he describes the Lequios islands as belonging to large group of islands many of which were rich in gold and silver. He mentions that at that time the Portugese were familiar with Japan and China, and also with the island of "Mindanaus" or Mindanao, so the Lequois islands must have been somewhere between these two areas. Furthermore, Pinto even goes as far as to give the exact latitude of the main Lequios island. He states that is was situated at 9N20 latitude and that the island was on a merdian similar to that of Japan.

    Now, in Magellan's time all exploration was done by latitude sailing and dead reckoning, as no navigational clocks were in use. Latitude sailing required fixing one's latitude precisely by means of an astrolabe. Longitude could only be approximated roughly by using a patent log to track the distance the ship has travelled in any particular direction. When Magellan began to suspect he was nearing the region of the Moluccas he deliberately steered on a north course and then turned westward at a latitude of 13 degrees North according to both Pigafetta and Albo. Pigafetta states that the reason was to get near the port of "Gaticara" which was the Cattigara mentioned by Ptolemy. In the book, Magellan's Voyage around the World, the author, Charles E. Nowell, offers another possible reason for Magellan steering so far to the north of the Moluccas. He notes that Magellan himself had rewrote part of Barbosa's book referring to the Lequios, and in his version Magellan substituted "Tarsis" and "Ofir" for the world "Lequios."

    Although these lands are not mentioned in Magellan's contract, less than six years after his voyage, Sebastian Cabot signed a contract with Spain which did have as one of its objectives the "lands of Tarshish and Ophir." Magellan had been to Malacca himself, and probably many have heard of the community of Filipino workers and merchants that lived there under the protection of the king of Malacca. Probably many of you already know of the theory that Black Henry, the slave Magellan purchased at Malacca, may have belonged to the Filipino community of Malacca as he was able to speak with the natives at Limasawa. Whatever the case, we know from his own pen that Magellan thought the Lequios islands might be the same as the Biblical Tarsis and Ofir, and it may be that his idea of the position of the Lequios was partly shaped by Barbosa's book, and partly by information he may have received from Filipinos in Malacca. Was the fact that Black Henry was able to converse with the people living at the latitude given by Pinto (but not with the people of Samar or Leyte) a coincidence, or something planned in advance from information gleaned in Malacca?

    Even after their discovery, many still regarded the Philippines, rich in gold and silver, to be the same as ancient Tarsis and Ofir. Father Colin, referred to them as such in the early 1600's and even at the turn of the century, the Philippine historian Pedro Paterno, still claimed that the Philippines were really Tarshish and Ophir! Whatever one thinks of these claims though, the search for the Biblical El Dorado appears to have played an important role in the European discovery of the Philippines.

    The claim of Lakandula and Alexander the Great connection:
    via the Sultan of Brunei...

    Concerning the three Magi, and the Vatican connection...

    to quote"... claimed to have descended from the "race of the Three Magi." The Muslim writers describe the inhabitants of Zabag and Wakwak as majus "fire-worshippers."

    "So not only was there correspondence between Prester John and the emperors and Pope, but representatives of the King of the Indies appeared in Europe. Also, Philippus himself may have visited Prester John's court. Knowing these facts, it is hard to come to any conclusion other than one giving the kingdom involved in this correspondence an historical basis."

    The connection with the Magi is with this unknown ruler of the Three Indies and possibly of all the ancient royalties of Southeast Asia and South Asia.  

    23 Feb 2009 @ 09:26 by Ref President Obama with 100,000T gold @ : UNCLE SAM is not a bum, is he?
    OK, OK and OK.....lets try to speed up to at least around WW11 period where the JAPS and the YANKS are kicking the shit out of each other and then someone finds a hell of a lot of gold....so lets pick up your theory as to whom this gold belongs, does it belong to those countries that you now say the Japanese did not get the gold from? Or was the gold shipped into the Philippines from EUROPE, to escape Hitler and the Nazi from the war in old Europe? Or did the alleged Royal families entrust their gold to the vatican and Rome decided to ship the gold to the Philippines where it would be safe from the War in Europe and then we have Mr. Jose A. Diaz who appears as what, Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, known as Santy aka Colonel S.G. Sta Romana working for the Yanks aka Americans and or was DIAZ the trustee and the caretaker of the gold that belonged to the Sulu Sultanate from Sultan Kiram? And let me see, OH....then we have your current explanation or theory that DIAZ was actually blood related to the Sultan at Brunei which does seem to be possibile from other information I have gathered over the years, however still unconfirmed. Lets deal with the facts, we know that Rev. Fr. DIAZ name was on the God damn gold of 617,500MT and we know that the FATHER of the current Lady President of the Philippines was also involved, so we know there was a legal lease agreement signed and sealed, where the gold was to be leased for 50 years at the rate of one percent per year. OK, we know that 617,500MT along with a lot of missing diamonds like in DIAMONDS went missing, like they diamonds disappeared while everyone had their eye on the gold bullion...so some one walked off with a hell of a lot of valuable diamonds and yet the alleged Herirs of that Tagean and Tallano Estate every voiced any concerning about the God damn missing diamonds. OK, so someone else also walked off with 217,500 metric tons of gold, so it is proven that no one can trust the God damn security at the vaultys in the Philippines so if the president of the United States does enter into any lease contracts for the allociation of up to 100,000 metric tons, I think He needs to send a WAR SHIP and the US MARINES and well, remove the damn gold not to FORT KNOX as all prior gold at that location also disappeared, I recommend dugging up the lawn of the WHITE HOUSE and making a treasur vault and let the whole world watch as the load it up with 100,000 metric tons of gold, right next to the WHITE HOUSE in Washington,D.C. It would be safer there than in some remote old bank vault and all Americans would be damn proud of being able to say, HELL we are not a poor Nation at all, we have GOLD, lots and lots of gold and this will be a happy story for the United States. Now my question the the above poster, is that if the gold is leased at say at least one percent 1% by the US TREASURY arranged by the new President of that country, and their checks do not bounce at the bank, then if the money can be reinvested and it makes a legal profit and some oft eh money is used to help fight poverty, humanitarian projects and kepts out of the hands of greedy officials, then would you approve of such a lease agreement yourself? I mean what the hell good is the gold, if it sits there for such a long time and then someone comes along, opens the vault and take a 12.5kg bar of gold home or cuts it up into shavings and then go and buy woman, whisky and gamble the money away? Insetad of allowing people to steal the God damn assets, I say it should be leased to President Obama and let him use it for leverage, to prove that UNCLE SAM is not a bum.  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 00:56 by Ref Prince Julian Tallano @ : Global Alliance Investment Association
    The UNCLE SAM guy over in America, is said to be broke, so the WHITE HOUSE made a deal and they got more or less close to US$1 Trillion more allociation of moeny to pay to the Banks and others and President Obama and his tea, had to allow for a lot of needless funding to be included, to sweet talk the proposal and get the Senate and Congress to approve what none of them even had tome to even read....but that $1 trillion is going to prove to be insufficient, so President Obama and his people have to come up with yet another proposal to get more money to feed into the black hole to stimulate the economy and get UNCLE SAMs feet out of the toilet bowl. Now Mr. E.J. Ekker, the American who is the CEO of the Global Alliance Investment Association demanded from his board of directors and trustees, that they approve his demand of his bonus and that was calculated by KNIGHT ARCANE to be US$1.7 Trillion representing the 80,000 tons of gold that Chairman EJ Ekker was demanding He be paid. OK, then EKKER was pissed that they did not approve his $1.8 Trillion bonus and He simply went out and elected new trustees to replace the former Board members, and he placed his bussies and lot of strawmen and a few strawwoman as the new Trustees, and He shit can the former Board of Directors, then He changed the name of the corporation to something else, as He had to conceal his true intentions to take control of the title of land ownership in the Philippines and or to take over the assets of the tagean and Tallano Estate, that being a estate said to be with Prince Julian Tallano as the sole Heir, plus some sisters that are still alive...Now since the National Police Agency there in the Philippines called NBI had made their investigation and discovered that the man who claimed He was the Prince Julian Tallano, well it was said that that man was an imposter. Now Mr. EJ Ekker had to have known that this man was a fake, also that the man could not use that Title of Prince there in the Philippines, but still Mr. EJ EKKER continued to tell this man who is alleged to be an imposter, that Mr and Mrs Ekker were rich...and by RICH, I mean He told the alleged Prince, that the Dederal Reserve Bank had to pay Mr. Ekker US$5 Billion a year just for teh interest each year on his old Peru Gold Bond. Now the alleged Prince in turn, claimed He owned all of the land of the over 7,000 Islands that made up the country now known as the Philippines, and that impressed CEO and Chairman Ekker, so EKKER said to this alleged Prince, that the back due interested owed to his corporation, called GAIA, was now worth almost US$35 Billion back then and now it is over $50 Billion just what Mr. Ekker says the Federal Reserve owes to him on the old Peru Gold Bond. So the alleged Prince and Mr. Ekker signed what they called LETTER OF INTENTIONS or LOI and they both must have felt they were both winners in forming that business relationship. Now Mr. Ekker has claims that his wife Doris, was able to communicate with a Star Ship Fleet Commander and that Doris was able to act as the receiver of the messages that did not come in by e-mail, or fax or by the mail system, but by some thought waves that came into her head. Now this space ship, or star ship is said to also have JESUS on board the craft along with some other VIPS and the star ship wanted to come to earth and help some of us to get off this planet called EARTH, before the shit hit the fan blades in year 2012. OK, so you have to admit that Mr. Ekker was pissed when his puppets did not give their approval for EKKER could gran his bonis payment for 80,000 metric tons of gold that was worth then about US$ 1.7 trillion dollars. Now the alleged Prince went into hiding as a lot of people are pissed, that they discovered that their LAND TITLE was a fake improper title and HOLY SHIT, but it does seem that there are old land title agreements from the KING OF ENGLAND and confirmed by the KING OF SPAIN that says the 7,000 Islands do belong to the tagean and or the Tallano or to the Heirs of the Tallano and Tagean Estate. OK, so this would tend to piss off people who paid the government fees to have the government issue the land titles to these other owners, then find out that the Philippine courts have ordered the government to STOP making those fake land title deeds for ownership, as the Courts actually upheld and said that the LAND belongs to the Tagean and Tallano Estate and it was assumed that the Prince, called Julian Tallano and his sisters, were the Heirs...but then the NBI says that guy was an imposter, so I think that is why that real Sultan named Fuad Kiram decided to QUIT-CLAIM land ownership and He instead did beg for the Trustees and the heirs of that Tagean and Tallano estate to instead to please donate I think 30,000 metric tons of gold to the PEOPLE of the PHILIPPINES, but since noone seems to be the real Prince Julian Tallano, then perhaps what Sultan Fuad Kiram should do is considered his previous legalized documents to not be under legal obligation and to simply take that 30,000MT and lease it to President Obama and take the lease money and have it paid to the Filipino people and hope they invest some it it, to protect their money. Now this would be a way for the Filipinos to get out of their toilet bowl and help Uncle Sam as well, as the goal of Uncle Sam should be to get ahold of say 100,000 metric tons of gold, dig up the lawn at the White House and let the whole world watch the progress while the concrete is being poured for the vaults to hold that gold and as the other countries sit glued to the daily updates of the burial of the gold at the WHITE HOUSE, Uncle Sam can be seen walking around with President Obama and show the International TV coverage, that UNCLE SAM is now a RICH PERSON and that with UNCLE SAM at his side, then everyone would have complete confidence in the future of the United States and support the Federal Reserve Note. The only thing I can see wrong with this concept, is to keep Mr. EJ Ekker 500 feet from the WHITE HOUSE lawn and to make sure that no tunnels will be dug to be sneaking out the gold bars one by one by the moles.  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 00:59 by allan diggle @ : THE SULTUN AND THE PRESIDENT
    HERE IS THE LINK http://royalsulu.com/sultanatenews.html  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 02:06 by Ref Doris Ekker @ : Sultan Fuad Kiram
    Gee, thanks Mr. Diggle, always nice to hear you are still above ground. This Sultan Fuad Kiram and President Obama are going to become good friends from what some people have told to me. While I could not make copies of what they allowed me to read, there is sufficient evidence to prove that in past years, this Sultan Fuad Kiram has done a lot of legal documents, to allow the gold to sure help a lot of people and fund humanitarian projects, not just for Sulu Sultanate and Sabar and the the Philippines, but from what I read, He obtained a Power of Attorney from the national treasure of the Diaz Umbrella organization to be able to sign out the gold that was remaining as 400,000 mt after some walked away with another additional 217,500 MT of the original 617,500MT. The evidence is there in the English language that the woman Tarciana Rodriguez supported the efforts of that Sultan Fuad Kiram for wanting to establish that World Union Peace Trust Fund and they wanted the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church or the Vatican at Rome to be also one of teh watchdogs along with former President Bill Clinton, another damn good man. There is also evidence of the intentions to sell gold to the US Treasury in support of the federal Reserve currency or what some of us think of as the US Dollar..and if the US Treasury was unable to come up with the cash to buy the gold at the 50% discount, it seems that they would have accepted US Treasury notes and other securities, solong as they were not signed by Chaurman Eddy Jo Ekker. Anyhow it seems that if the USA did not have the funds to buy, then there could be made LEASE ARRANGEEMNTS for the Uncle Sam side to pay the same as the 1% that was agreed to be paid by the deceased father of the current Lady President in the Philippines, who I like to call Gloria...She seems to upset a lot of the local Filipinos but hell, they do not know the pressure and tension and undesirable aspects associated with being a President of a country, especially when most banks are insolvent and most Governments are already in the toilet, ready for someone to flush them down the drain. I seen there was some serious concern that Mr. EJ Ekker would try to grab any gold that was in the vault of the FEDS and or the US Treasury based on Mr. Ekker claims that the USA Side owed him $ 50 Billion to be paid with gold dollars!!!!. Perhaps if you have time, you could download the articles found at http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=120155. This is a old posting but perhaps help you Mr. Diggle better understand who LORD MICHAEL EISUS was, or who TONKA SHILA was? regards  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 04:38 by allan diggle @ : Sultan Faud
    I actually had the pleasure of meeting the Sultan and had dinner with him while I stopped in Manilla. I true decent human being is the feeling I had for him. I can say in the last few years I met some real winners ( joking) but the last year I have met a lot of decent good honest people. Life is not always what you make of it...... How are you doing Todd?  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 09:03 by Ref Financial finders fee and a new dog @ : Dr. Alejo Rizal Lopez
    Who me? I am chasing a woman called LORETTA E. LAUREL and one of her several Lawywers that tried to well....steal some gold that did not belong to this woman, who is another Filipino and she claims to be the widow of a Mr. Pedro P. Laurel and also she claims to had a son, by the name of Peter. She is in and out of Spain and out of her four or five different Law firms, the Attorney that I am most interested in right now is named CAREY PORTMAN as this Loretta must have convinced him, that she was real, or else maybe this Attorney closed one eye and hoped she was real. Another attorney is Santiago V. Marques from Spain and He has been soul mates with this Loretta E. Laurel woman for many years, they claim that the Swiss bank UBS has the gold to back up the so-called Bengal Trading Limited gold warranties that were alleged to have been issued in a proper legal manner, by that corporation that was registered at the Isle of Man. However I think you and most readers already knows that UBS was never the depository bank holding any of the alleged gold for those laurel issued 20-year gold certificates, and those were NOT gold certificates, they were simply what we call WARRANTIES, which means that the Swiss bank of UBS was never involved at all, excpet for the monkey business that some of their older bankers were involved with, that could be found to be wrongful conversion and theft, as the UBS bank knew that the issued certificates never has any physical gold deposited into any Lincoln Bank and Trust and that it was all a paper setup and a shell, to allow the dishonest bankers to cooperate with late President Marcos of the Philippines, to try to claim the physical gold at the end of the 20 year waiting period. So this Loretta E. Laurel submitted all of the original gold certificates of number 11833 and 11833-01 to 11833-30 to the UBS Bank and claimed for the gold...but there was NO GOLD for those certificates at the UBS BANK so Loretta shit her panties and all of her Law firms started to scratch their balls as all of the bullshit and their failure to have done the proper DD and investigations as VICTORIA and SAMCO and other recovery groups do performed, well it means that Loretta got nothing and Attorney Carey Portman continued to file lawsuits in US Courts on behalf of Loretta and other clients, even two Filipinos, one a woman named MELBA AGANON of San Juan Metroc Manila, where former President Marcos came from, Gee what a small world this is!!!! And the other client was a Filipino named Dr. ALEJO RIZAL LOPEZ and He was said to be from Nueva Ecija Cabanatuan in the Philippines, where that woman named FLORDELIZA T. StaRomana comes from, Gee this world is getting smaller every time I drink another cold beer!!!!!!Now I seen old documents signed by Jose A. Diaz aka S.G. StaRomana that made mention that the woman Melba Aganon was part of the DNP Enterprise, which I was researching and discovered to be the UMBRELLA holding corproation for the other 23 other companies that this StaRomana aka as Jose A. Diaz operated and had set up all over the place. He even had one called BENGAL TRADING LIMITED in BWI and He did set up gold deposits and He had a safety deposit box that contained the real original gold certificates, but even his Attorney who was known as President Marcos, could gain access to after his client Mr. S.G. StaRomana died. The deposit was in the name of StaROmana or Santa Romana but the coding was in the name of JAD, to indicate it was locked in as Jose A. Diaz. But that did not stop President marcos and some of the Bankers at UBS named Mr. SENN or something like that spelling from doing some money business, so what President Marcos did was get his strawman named Pedro P. Laurel to act as the alleged silent owner of teh mirror company they established called Bengal Trading Limited at the isle of Man and they produced several sets of the idential same Series Number 11833 gold certificates and they were to have Marcos and his people use those certificates to float loans and use it like PLAY MONEY until the time of maturity in year 2003, then President Marcos was going to grab all of the gold, but then He became deceased....and now Loretta and her legal teams and scammers and even another woman also calling herself as Loretta E. Laurel are all claiming the gold and they all assumed that UBS had the gold but all that UBS hand in their hands was their pecker. Anyhow the woman MELBA AGANON who is perhaps living back in the United States again around california if she has not returned back to her Philippines, is entitled to another payment of $26,000,000.00 from the estate of Jose A. Diaz but since no one could find her, the money remains unpaid. And as for the man called Dr. Alejo Rizal Lopez, He also would be entitled to something but that was to be paid from the escrow of S.G. StaRomana, not from the Diaz accounts. Anyhow since bnone one can seem to locate him or his relatives then I guess no one will be paid a finders fee to help these people collect what is outstanding and it seems to me that this man, Dr. ALEJO RIZAL LOPEZ could donate something nice to the people that would help him collect his reward, same with the other six Filipinos that also were named to get rewards of financial compensations, so I myself would expect something for my own efforts and I do not need much, but I need a new Dog, my mutt ran off chasing some bitch and never returned back to me his tearful owner, as I had him trained to eat fish, I must have fed a ton or two of fish to that damn dog as we sit and drink beer and someone comes with a lot of fish and the dog starts to waggle his tail and soon people donate some of their fish to the pail with water in it, The dog use to drag it out and start eating it like it was Sashime, without any shoyu sauce. Anyhow its been now two days, I do not think He will return unless He is screwing his life away.  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 22:01 by allan diggle @ : Begal Bonds
    Hi todd,

    Weren't the Bengal Bonds supposed to be connected to the Berkley bank at one time?  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 23:00 by ref, Loretta E. Laurel and Allan Diggle @ : Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man
    Never heard that before, or is that Barclay bank you are talking about. When you talk about BONDs, then maybe we are not on the same page. Bengal Trading Limited at Isle of Man never issued any Bonds that I know of. What they did issue are warranties, using the Numbersd 11833 to 11833-11, then some say to 11833-30. However the legal situation is complicated in that the real Bengal Trading Limited Company at that isle of Man, dry seal or SEAL, was not used to issue those 20-year gold certificates, but another dry seal or SEAL was used instead, this is why their Government said it was illegal and that since the real authorized seal was not used, then those gold certificates could NOT BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE BEEN issued by that Isle of Man company. Those certificates had nothing to do with any gold at any Bank, like everyone was mislead to believe. This was all part of late President Marcos money business to take the assets that legally belonged to Mr. Jose A. Diaz and change around the accounts to make it seem, that the gold was back up those 20-year Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man gold certificates. This was a way for wrongful conversions to steal the gold account of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and or S.G. Santa Romana as I wa sshown the original bank documents that proves the embezzlement. MARCOS had some Attorney in the Philippines named Tony ????now I forgot his name, to have the printer in Hong Kong print up I think 4 sets or maybe just three idential sets of the same idential 20-year gold certificates, and Marcos handled those out to his loyal military officers and gave it away to VIPS, and that is why at the end of the 20 year waiting period, long after Mr. S.G. StaRomana was deceased and forgotten, then President Marcos would collect the physical gold that was never deposited at the UBS Bank in Switzerland. Anyhow there are now 16 persons and Attorney all involved in selling those alleged gold certificates to anyone, and I seen the many MANY PAGES that you also must have reviewed by now Mr. Diggle...if your eyes were not too tired to study the CD-ROMs to learn what Loretta did, she sold Number 11833-6 for 1,000MT and a Number 11833-14 for 100MT to a U.S. Pension fund and as you have learned from all of the CD-ROMS files, that that she and her legal team submitted all of the originals of Certificates Number 11833 and 11833-01 to 11833-30 to the UBS BANK who then confirmed that their bank was not the depository bank and did not have any of that alleged Bengal Trading Limited IOM, gold to back up those 20-year certificates. This was a master con established by Banker Senn of UBS in helping that President Marcos gain control over the SANTA ROMANA gold accounts and it is still a on-going embezzlement that will soon be submitted to the Internatiomnal Court of Justice against not just that UBS/AG and the bankers but also files against the MARCOS Estate for their wrongful conversion and fro the financial loss as the gold should have been released in year 2003, so the Banker and Marcos Estate will be sued for damages. Anyhow the experts can do that moping up, as I am compensated only for what work I performed which is chasing the crooks and helping to find where the smell of shit is coming from. If you have some copies of BONDS then sent them to AsiaNGO2009@gmail.com and let those people review what documents you send, they are active concerning anything to do with that name BENGAL TRADING LIMITED as they were asked by VICTORIA GROUP to do some of the DD on the evidence that they were givem that showed the original gold for what President Marcos tried to claim for himself using those several sets of the same Bengal Trading Limited IOM certificatesm came from SGSR/ Jose A. Diaz accounts deposited in Asia.  

    24 Feb 2009 @ 23:38 by Ref CAREY PORTMAN @ : Santiago V. Marques
    Two Lawyers representing some Filipinos claiming to be the LAUREL Family connected with the former President Laurel of the Philippines, filed their lawsuits representing LORETTA E. LAUREL in Chicago, Illinois back on MARCH 6th, 2002 NO 01-2522. This is a claim that President Laurel of the Philippines and his associates were alleged to had 1,665 metric tons of gold and they accepted it was said, Federal Reserve vintage BONDS worth $125 Billion dollar or so...and the name of teh Lawyers was SANTIAGO V. MARQUES who is the long time business associate of the woman called Loretta E. Laurel, the false wife of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel and who are connected to those other Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man claims for over 11,000 metric tons of gold for those 20-year Bengal Trading alledged socalled GOLD Certificates that are nothing more than warranties that contain the improper seal of that isle of man corproation, so this man is said to be a decent person from Spain, but yet He is involved with a woman, who is WAS NOT LEGALLY MARRIED to Mr. Pedro P. Laurel and this Attorney Santiago V. Marques perhaps was deceived like so many others were deceived by this Loretta E. Laurel woman. They have a Power of Attorney they said was signed and issued to them by FLORDELIZA T. StaRomana, but that woman named Flordeliza said she never signed any Power of Attorney to that Spain man Santiago V. Marques or to that woman called Loretta E. Laurel. Anyhow the name of the other attorney at law is Mr. Carey Portman and He has been active in filing several lawsuits, one being this $25 Billion and another one was for $125 Billion, all connected with the alleged FEDERAL RESERVE Bonds said to be paid to the LAUREL family there in the Philippines. I myself cannot figure out who is telling the lies or the truth, so it is best for all of us to keep a open mind and just collect the court cases and then we can just maybe have a few nice cold beers and digest the court records and then figure out where the hell my dog ran off to. I am now looking for the damn web site to post here as a LINK.  

    25 Feb 2009 @ 00:23 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : carey portman
    I think i can share some links about that article Mr Todd. regarding Carey Portman that can be seen to the follwing links





    THIS is a useful site to understad that the gold realy existed.  

    25 Feb 2009 @ 05:11 by to KNIGHT ARCANE and Carey Portman @ : Loretta E. Laurel fakewife Pedro Laurel
    Well whatever you posted KNIGHT ARCANE, did not appear, there was no pages that could be seen, can you post your links again? And what do you mean that the sites you mention, helps to explain that the gold really existed, what damn gold are you talking about? Do not get confused KNIGHT ARCANE, that the gold the US Lawsuit was talking about is some different gold that was said to have been paid to former Judle Laurel who later became the President of the Philippines. It was alleged that the gold was a sort of THANK YOU for that Judge to have SAVED THE ASS of young President Marcos when he was a young man and was alleged to have killed another person. That gold was then alleged to have been leased or sold or something to the USA and then according to the Court records, that the BONDS that were issued, was payment for either the gold bullion or for the INTEREST of that gold bullion. I think what we should do is find a special Chapter write by that Sterling Seagrams wrote up that is on the Internet, that also explains about that Loretta E. Laurel and her lawsuits and those MISSING BONDS and the Gold all said to come from former President Laurel, aka Judge Laurel, that Judge that allowed young Marcos to not go to jail. My point is that this Loretta E. Laurel claims she is also representing the family members or the Estate of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel, but hell those BONDS did not belong to Pedro P. Laurel as my own DD proved that He was not a son of that former President Laurel at was claimed by some many persons. And as to this Loretta I could never confirm if she is a relative of IRM but there seems to be evidence that President Marcos wife, is somehow involved with this Loretta E. Laurel. I also received a copy of a C and D document that confirms that this Loretta E. Laurel woman and her Attorney in Spain were not issued a Power of Attorney from Flordeliza T. StaRomana, yet that POA was filed as a legal document where Loretta and Her Soain Attorney were said to be representing the accounts of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, so I assume that someone lies and the other side perhaps is telling the truth, but all of this shit will eventually come out, it always does upon a depper investigation. Still the Loretta E. Laurel woman claimed in US Court that she is the legal wife of Pedro P. Laurel and that by itself can land her in jail as that is a direct lie. And she also lied to the UBS/AG Bankers to also claim she was the owner of the Laurel Estate in the name of Pedro P. Laurel but I have seen legal documents that this Loretta E. Laurel signed to the Japanese, where she QUIT-CLAIMED everything of her claims to the control; of the JAPANESE as her mandate and named the NISHIN/OKUMA as her Attorney-At-Law and also issued to them her Letter of Appointment and appointed the Japanese man as her Financial Manager and then she repeated this over and over again, by reconfirming her various Power of Attorney to the JAPANESE SIDE, and started to issue her legal documents from SPAIN as she became a resident of SPAIN and I also obtained her IDs and other identification and it is only a matter of time to drop the net on her, but it is too premature. She and her Spain Attorney made contracts with some other people and allowed those peopkle to sell off 1,100Mt of those 20-year Bengal Trading Limited Isle of Man certificates back in year 1996 at 50% discount and the Buyer was said to be some powerful PENSION FUND or something like that located back in the United States. The BUYER was smart, as just before they made the final purchase, they wanted the SELLER being the Spain Attorney and that Loretta E. Laurel to get a legal release signed hy the Philippine Government to make sure it was all acceptable and OK for Loretta to claim and sell the Number 11833-6 Bengal gold certificate for 1,000MT and another 20-year gold certificate Number 11833-14 for 100 metric ton, meaning the BUYER demanded a release and written approval for the purchase of that 1,100MT and was willing to pay 50% in cash with the 50% discount, but then just when the deal was to be made, the Spain side and Loretta made a suddent stop of the on-going sale, citing that they has another buyer or something. As Mr. Allan Diggle can confirm aif he spent the time to read the documents on BENGAL in the CD-ROM, that the deal was 99.999% complete, so tell me Mr. Diggle, why do you think that Loretta started to shit her panties when the BUYER made that demand for Government clearance?  

    25 Feb 2009 @ 05:53 by ref Sterling Seagraves and Judge Laurel @ : ALBERTO CACPAL 280,000MT of gold
    Someone sent me a very nasty e-mail that claims I was making all of this story up regarding that Ferdinard Marcos as a young man killed a man and that Judge Joese Laurel, a former President of the Philippines sort of make the probems disappear, and all of this was reported in Sterling and Peggy Seagrave book under their new Chapter called Grand Larceny, but this man who must be a relative of late President Marcos points out that there is no such Chapter 17 in his book that He owns. Well, lets see how the hell should I explain that maybe you have a older book or maybe your brain wa sdefective when God issued it to your body, as if you take the time to do some search on the Internet you can find that Chapter 17 called GRAND LARCENY and read yourself what Sterling Seagraves himself had to report. Actually what I recommend you also do, is purchase the book titled MARCOS DYNASTY also being by Sterling and Peppy Seagraves, as this other book will give a proper explaination as to who Judge Chua was and his relationship to that Ferdinand Marcos, maybe then something wil start to function in your brain, to make you actually think. I do not have time to post Chapter 17 here, as I went looking for my damn dog that ran off chasing some female dog and last time I seen him, He was about ready to catch up with her and do his thing...After that He did not return, perhaps with that female and I am concerned, as while he was a mutt, He was my buddy. And for those TH people in the Philippines, maybe you maybe be interested to learn that Sterling Seagraves is a damn good author and so is his wife, Peggy. They can show you the listing where even S.G. Sta Romana applied back in December 1973 for a treasury hunting permit using the name as R.S. Diaz, so back in 1973 the man known as ALBERTO CACPAL was able to locate 280,000 metric tons of gold, lots of diamonds and other goodies and He turn that loot over to the Palace or the PHILIPPINE WHITE HOUSE....so it just goes to show that while you TH are looking for the alleged so-called yamashita treasure, that what you seek will perhaps nopt be found where you are seeking it. As to this man with the nasty e-mail, if my dog comes back, the next time he takes a shit, I will wipe his butt with your e-mail.  

    25 Feb 2009 @ 14:03 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : PORTMAN ARTICLE
    the best way to read about the article about Portman is to see the website link as well as the content be posted here

    For youe request mr Todd herewith are the content of the said article for the reader will know about it.

    Lead opinion by Posner

    1015 Posner, Circuit Judge. The plaintiffs brought suit against the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, plus the shareholders of the federal reserve 1016 bank (the other national banks in the bank's federal reserve district, 12 U.S.C. §§ 222, 282; Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239, 1241 (9th Cir. 1982)), which are individually liable for the bank's debts "to the extent of the amount of their subscriptions to [the bank's] stock at the par value thereof in addition to the amount subscribed." 12 U.S.C. § 502. The plaintiffs claim to be the agents for the owners of $ 25 billion in bearer bonds that the bank had issued back in 1934 in exchange for 1665 metric tons of gold. They want the bank ordered to redeem the bonds for face value plus simple interest at 4 percent since 1934 (although the bonds matured in 1965); the total amount of money they are seeking is thus close to $ 100 billion.

    The suit is preposterous. There is no record of any such bond issue, and as the national debt of the United States was only $ 28 billion in 1934, as a year later the entire stock of gold owned by the United States had a value of only $ 9 billion, and as no securities issue by a U.S. government entity exceeded $ 100 million before 1940, the claim that in 1934 a federal reserve bank issued bonds that virtually doubled the national debt and added $ 25 billion in gold to the government's gold holdings can only cause one to laugh. What is more (not that more is needed), although the price at which the government bought gold was fixed at $ 35 an ounce effective at the beginning of that year, the plaintiffs are claiming that the federal reserve bank bought gold from their predecessors at a price of $ 467.02 an ounce. The plaintiffs further undermine their case by arguing that there is an international conspiracy to deny the validity of these bonds, a conspiracy pursuant to which the plaintiffs' documents expert, who certified the genuineness of the bonds (in an unsworn and evasive report), has been repeatedly arrested and then released without charges being filed.

    The bank's lawyer told us without being contradicted that the Department of Justice has declined to prosecute the persons involved in the fraud because no one could possibly be deceived by such obvious nonsense. We are puzzled by this suggestion. The Treasury has established a Website warning the public against the class of frauds (called "Morgenthaus," after Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the Secretary of the Treasury in 1934) of which the bond issue alleged in this suit is one (the others also involve supposed $ 25 billion bond issues). See http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/cc/ccphony3.htm. There is no ceiling on gullibility. Mr. Portman, the plaintiff who argued the appeal pro se, is one of the deceived--if he is not one of the deceivers, another and perhaps more plausible possibility, Portman having recently submitted a demand to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland that it pay him $ 125 billion to redeem a similar set of fictitious 1934-vintage "Federal Reserve Bonds." We are sending this opinion to the Justice Department for whatever further consideration the Department may wish to give the fraud.

    But though the suit is absurd, the appeal, from the denial of the plaintiffs' Rule 60(b) motion to vacate the judgment that the district court entered in response to the bank's motion for summary judgment, is not. The plaintiffs attempted to dismiss their suit voluntarily under Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1). Had they succeeded in their attempt, the dismissal would have been without prejudice, and so they could reinstate the suit without facing the bar of res judicata. They can't do that if the judgment granting the bank's motion for summary judgment--a judgment on the merits and therefore with prejudice--stands.

    The reason they give for having wanted to dismiss their suit is, naturally, preposterous--that they were in serious 1017 negotiations in Spain with the U.S. Government and hoped that the government would acknowledge the legitimacy of their claim so that they could sell the bonds to Russia. But one doesn't need a good reason, or even a sane or any reason, to dismiss a suit voluntarily. The right is absolute, as Rule 41(a)(1) and the cases interpreting it make clear, Commercial Space Mgmt. Co. v. Boeing Co., 193 F.3d 1074, 1077 (9th Cir. 1999); Marex Titanic, Inc. v. The Wrecked & Abandoned Vessel, 2 F.3d 544, 546 (4th Cir. 1993); Eastalco Aluminum Co. v. United States, 995 F.2d 201, 204 (Fed. Cir. 1993); Matthews v. Gaither, 902 F.2d 877, 880 (11th Cir. 1990) (per curiam), until, as the rule states, the defendant serves an answer or a motion for summary judgment. The plaintiffs filed their notice of voluntary dismissal, and the bank served a motion to dismiss the suit under Rule 12(b)(6), on the same day. A motion under Rule 12(b)(6) becomes a motion for summary judgment when the defendant attaches materials outside the complaint, as the bank did, and the court "actually considers" some or all of those materials. Berthold Types Ltd. v. Adobe Systems Inc., 242 F.3d 772, 775-76 (7th Cir. 2001); see also State ex rel. Nixon v. Coeur D'Alene Tribe, 164 F.3d 1102, 1107 (8th Cir. 1999); Finley Lines Joint Protective Bd. Unit 200 v. Norfolk Southern Corp., 109 F.3d 993, 997 (4th Cir. 1997); Aamot v. Kassel, 1 F.3d 441, 444 (6th Cir. 1993) ( "conversion [from a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to a summary judgment motion] takes place at the discretion of the court, and at the time the court affirmatively decides not to exclude the extraneous matters"); Garita Hotel Limited Partnership v. Ponce Federal Bank, F.S.B., 958 F.2d 15, 18 (1st Cir. 1992); 9 Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure § 2363 (2d ed. 1995). But the judge did not convert the bank's motion to a motion for summary judgment until later.

    And anyway we do not know which document, the plaintiffs' notice of voluntary dismissal or the defendant's motion to dismiss, was filed first. The plaintiffs argue that the bank acknowledged in the district court that the notice of voluntary dismissal was filed before the motion for summary judgment was served, but the only record of this acknowledgment is a transcript that the parties neglected to make a part of the appellate record. However, the district judge, rather than make a finding on which document came first, appears to have believed that as long as they were on the same day, it didn't matter which came first. (It is unquestioned that the plaintiffs did succeed in dismissing the FDIC as a defendant under Rule 41(a)(1), and it is not a party to this appeal.) We cannot find an appellate case on who has the burden of proving the sequence of the filings, but Keal v. Monarch Life Ins. Co., 126 F.R.D. 567 (D. Kan. 1989), places the burden on the defendant, sensibly, as it seems to us, since it is the defendant that is asserting the right to prevent the plaintiff from dismissing the suit.

    Both because the district judge did not convert the motion to dismiss to a motion for summary judgment before the plaintiffs filed their Rule 41(a)(1) notice and because the defendant failed to show that its motion was served before the plaintiffs' notice, were the appeal from the judgment in favor of the bank it would be clear that we would have to vacate the judgment and remand the case to the district court with directions to permit dismissal under that rule. But we must consider the bearing of the fact that the appeal is not from the judgment, but rather from the denial of a Rule 60(b) motion to vacate the judgment. A legal error by the district court is not one of the specified grounds for such a motion. In fact it is a forbidden ground, Russell v. 1018 Delco Remy Division, 51 F.3d 746, 749 (7th Cir. 1995), because if permitted it would enable a losing party to appeal outside the time limits for appeals without excuse, since the existence of the error would be apparent from the district court's judgment and thus could be corrected on appeal within the time allowed for taking an appeal. Bell v. Eastman Kodak Co., 214 F.3d 798, 801 (7th Cir. 2000); Neuberg v. Michael Reese Hospital Foundation, 123 F.3d 951, 955 (7th Cir. 1997); Bank of California, N.A. v. Arthur Andersen & Co., 709 F.2d 1174, 1176-77 (7th Cir. 1983); Hess v. Cockrell, 281 F.3d 212, 216 (5th Cir. 2002); Plotkin v. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., 688 F.2d 1291, 1293 (9th Cir. 1982).

    However, the fourth subsection of Rule 60(b) authorizes a void judgment to be vacated. As an original matter, we might doubt whether an error that results in denying a plaintiff his right of voluntary dismissal is so fundamental or grave that it should be treated as void, implying that the judgment could be vacated many years after it had been entered even though the error that had made it invalid when entered had not been called to the judge's attention in a timely fashion. Rule 60(b)(4) is primarily intended for cases where the suit in which the judgment sought to be vacated was entered was outside the jurisdiction of the district court, as in Pacurar v. Hernly, 611 F.2d 179 (7th Cir. 1979); see also United States v. Zima, 766 F.2d 1153, 1159 (7th Cir. 1985), which this suit was not.

    There is, however, considerable and unchallenged case authority (including decisions by this court) that a judgment on the merits that is entered after the plaintiff has filed a proper Rule 41(a)(1) notice of dismissal is indeed void. E.g., Beck v. Caterpillar Inc., 50 F.3d 405, 407 (7th Cir. 1995); Bryan v. Smith, 174 F.2d 212, 214-15 (7th Cir. 1949); Duke Energy Trading & Marketing, L.L.C. v. Davis, 267 F.3d 1042, 1049 (9th Cir. 2001); American Soccer Co. v. Score First Enterprises, 187 F.3d 1108, 1112 (9th Cir. 1999); Bonneville Associates, Limited Partnership v. Barram, 165 F.3d 1360, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 1999); Meinecke v. H & R Block, 66 F.3d 77, 82 (5th Cir. 1995) (per curiam); Safeguard Business Systems, Inc. v. Hoeffel, 907 F.2d 861, 864 (8th Cir. 1990); Foss v. Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, 808 F.2d 657, 660 (8th Cir. 1986); Williams v. Ezell, 531 F.2d 1261, 1264 (5th Cir. 1976). The cases further make clear that although not every "void" judgment is subject to collateral attack, only those where the voidness is unarguable, In re Edwards, 962 F.2d 641, 644 (7th Cir. 1992), the refusal to vacate under Rule 60(b)(4) an unarguably void judgment is an abuse of discretion. Robinson Engineering Co., Ltd. Pension Plan & Trust v. George, 223 F.3d 445, 448 (7th Cir. 2000); Blaney v. West, 209 F.3d 1027, 1031 (7th Cir. 2000); United States v. Indoor Cultivation Equipment From High Tech Indoor Garden Supply, 55 F.3d 1311, 1317 (7th Cir. 1995); see generally Hertz Corp. v. Alamo Rent-A-Car, Inc., 16 F.3d 1126, 1130 (11th Cir. 1994); Williams v. Brooks, 996 F.2d 728, 730 (5th Cir. 1993) (per curiam); Jalapeno Property Management, LLC v. Dukas, 265 F.3d 506, 515-16 (6th Cir. 2001) (concurring opinion).

    We are therefore compelled to reverse the judgment and direct the dismissal of the suit, without prejudice, under Rule 41(a)(1). Should the plaintiffs attempt to bring a new suit similar to the one they are dismissing, namely a fraudulent and possibly a criminal suit, they will be subject to appropriate sanctions.

    or simply click the link below


    25 Feb 2009 @ 14:12 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : chapter 17 GRAND LANCERY

    MR TODD you mention about the Sterling seagraves book of Gold Wariors I think is is best for the reader to read more about it by clicking this site below

    I realy like to copy paste it here but the foramt of the articles are PDF so . to cut the crap out. just click the link below




    25 Feb 2009 @ 21:43 by ref: KNIGHT ARCANE, thanks @ : Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man
    Well, THANKS to KNIGHT ARCANE, I do not have to spend time looking for the article after all, as He was able to post about the Chicago court case of that Loretta E. Laurel and what Her Spain Lawyer and the American Lawyer were doing to demand payment for some alleged old Federal Reserve BONDS, said to be from the sale/lease of some gold from the former Judge Lauel who later became President of the Philippines in some gold deal with the Yanks. My own involvement is that since this person called Loretta E. Laurel is making wrongful conversion of gold that belongs to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana or as some call him as SANTA ROMANA or nicknamed as SANTY...the truth is that neither that UBS/AG Board of Directors nor their Chairman or their President has any legal claims to be made concerning approal of any claims to that Loretta E. Laurel for the gold that is alleged to be backing up those 20-year Gold Certificates issued by the Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man corproation. First of all, Her alleged husband Mr. Pedro P. laurel was not the registered owner of that Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man corproation. Also that Pedro P. laurel was not the owner of those payable to bearer gold warranties, as before He placed them into the safety deposits box, He signed his signature as to endorse it to the THIRD PARTY meaning He made a transfer out of HIS NAME to the unnamed person then he was said to have deposited those 20-year gold certificates into a safety deposit box. However the safety deposit box was NOT rented to HIS NAME, but was rented by another person, being a Chinese citizen. And sicne the Certificates Serial Numbers starting Number 11833 on up to 11833-11 and then said to be up to 11833-30 and then with all of teh con artists and the scammers cranking out more and more fake additional gold certificates, it grew and grew until they had it printed up to 11833-150. OK, so either it was 11, or it was 30 or ot was 150, all of it means it was a scam, as those 20-year gold certificates were not gold certificates at all, they were what we call warranties. The company of Bengal Trading Limited at Isle of Man also was investigated by that Government and it was declated that none of those certificates could be considered to have been issued from the real Bengal Trading Limited Company from that Isle of Man, because it was not the proper legal seal of that corproation, that was used to issue the so-called LAUREL gold warranties certificates that this woman Loretta E. Laurel and her many Law firms have tried to negotaite with the current UBS/AG back in year 1996 etc. Also since the wrong seal was used, then the Isle of Man government said that it was the wrong INKONG and or corporative seal. Also that UBS/AG was never the depository bank for the gold to back up the certificates, but UBS Bankers were involved in the conspiracy to take bullion assets out of a original S.G. StaROmana bullion deposits under the code of JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz and then they used that monkey business arrangement of having a shell company called LINCOLN BANK AND TRUST to be acting as the banker holding the gold say for 11,000MT, and then they created even more paper companies one known as the LINCOLN INSURANCE COMAPNY that was to guarantee the payment of the gold at the end of the 20-years. What all of this means, is that the blind was leading the blind and this was another one of the efforts of late president MARCOS of the Philippines to steal away the gold from his own client, who was Mr. S.G. StaRomana aka Mr. Jose A. Diaz. So this Loretta E. Laurel woman had no legal right to SELL Number 11833-6 certificate or the other certificate Number 11833-14 for 1,000MT and 100MT and offer those for sale to a pension fund buyer in the United States. She is not the legal wife of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel either and her marriage is not on record, as my people did the DD and investigation of this woman back in year 1999 and she is FULL OF SHIT. Still she and her hard working Lawyers tried to negotiate a deal with the UBS/AG and she turned in all of the assumed LOST Number 11833- to 11833-30 certificates to the UBS/AG Bank to make a deal...and they all tried to make a deal, which would have been wrongful conversion, as the gold belonged to Mr. S.G. StaRomana not to Dr. Senn former Chairman of the UBS Bank, not to this con woman known as the fake widow of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel, nor to that bengal Trading Limited at the Isle of Man with the improper SEAL on those certificates, nor to the alleged son named Peter, who is said to be the son of Pedro P. Laurel, all of this is still going on, these people are involved in the embezzlement of the gold, that legally belongs to the D and P Enterprise, which was the holding corproation of Mr. Jose A. Diaz who was also Mr. S.G. StaRomana. So in my viewpoint, the gold belongs back with the D and P Enterprise but since Mr. Diaz before He died, issued special legal instructions for a woman named TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ to handle all of his many overseas bank deposits, then Mr. Diaz before He became deceased, He also wrote out a HOLO LAST WILL and it is that woman, that has the legal capacity and powers to make the claim for the gold, that was utilized in a improper illegal manner by the actions of late President Marcos oft eh Philippines. Years ago when I was asked to make some investigations, I never realized the work would be so complex and involved, but finally the original 9 man team of investigators that melted down to now just five of us, well, we now know the real truth. The real truth is that StaRomana trusted that Attorney Marcos of the Philippines and StaRomana as DIAZ. even issued a limoted Power of Attorney to Attorney Marcos, that was to allow his Attorney to handle affairs there in the Philippines, while Mr. Diaz or Mr. S.G. StaRomana was away overseas on his banking business. When MARCOS and DIAZ/StaRomana started out, this MARCOS was President of the Senate, there in the Philippines. Later on MARCOS became very greedy, then when He became the President of the Philippines, He become uncontrollable, and then when He enacted martial law, that is when the SHIT HIT THE FAN BLADES, and He started to force DIaz/StaRomana to turn over to Marcos all of the assets, and Marcos appointed strawmen and strawwoman to be listed on the acocunts and with the help of the dishonest bankers, they changed the names on a lot of the acocunts, this being embezzlement of the assets, and this is what is called wrongful conversion. Now that President Marcos is deceased, then the gold must be recovered back from this Loretta E. Laurel woman and it is said that the Diaz estate would still consider to sell the 1000MT and another 100MT or 1,100MT at a reduce price to the former buyer in the United States, who was deceived by dealing with that woman called Loretta E. Laurel. Now since I am bnot in the business of selling gold or any commodies, then I encourage anyone who lost money with any involvement with this LORETTA E> LAUREL, to send your compalints to Asia NGO 2009@gmail.com THey can accept your complaints and if you have a valid complaint or if this woman deceived you by her misrepresenation that she was represent the StaRomana and or Diaz Estate, then this NGO can just maybe help you get back some of your financial loss. They have a direct connection to the Co-Administrator and they can represent your claims and in return, they would expect some donation for their efforts when something is obtained from the estate as compensation to the victims.  

    26 Feb 2009 @ 05:35 by Ref WHAT more gold certificates.... @ : Buenaventura Albano
    To Mr. RK. 1, First of all you are asking if you can cash these certificates which you downloaded a few days back and I will be honest with you, that I am nit certain if anyone can claim even the 5% finders fee, as those 3,500MT gold certificates were made out to some former trustees of Mr. Jose Antonio Severino Garcia DIAZ, who is also known as Mr. Severino Garcia StaRomana or as Santy and also known as Mr. Jose A. DIAZ, then principal owner of the D and P Enterprise that owed those original gold accounts, that the certificates from UBS issued as CARPICIORN Numbers 2777 8126 and as 2777 8117 came from. Late President Marcos and some dishonest banker at UBS Bank in Switzerland also created some certificates in the name of MARCOS, who used the starman name for himself as Sultan JOHAN KADAU and He issued himself a 7,000 metric ton certificate as LIBRA Number 2777 8117 which was a rip off of the other portion of another 7,000MT that was issued to the name of Mr. Jose Antonio Severino Garcia DIAZ as GEMINI Number 2777 8117. Gee what a small world we must live in when President Marcos used the strawwoman named MELBA AGANON from his home town, to have a 3,500MT UBS issued gold certificate as SAGITTARIUS Number 2777 8117. If you been able to follow all of this explanation focus on the numbers being the same as 2777 8118 but issues to a different person name, under a differen code, but maintain the thought that President Marcos was grateful tot his strawwoman so she also was allowed to grab another UBS issued gold certificate for another 3,500MT known as also SAGITTARIUS 2777 8118. As your brain can start to figure out, this is all a embezzlement of the gold out of the ownership of Mr. Diaz, done with the help of some dishonest bankers at UBS, who wanted to do whatever they were told by President Marcos of the Philippines. Now Mr. Marcos has that alleged Power of Attorney that was only good to be used within the restrictions of the Philippines, so instead of MARCOS goingt o Switzerland, He had the former Chairman Senn of the UBS Bank to fly to the Philippines and SENN and MARCOS well, sat around and maybe had some cold beers or a glass of wine for the Swiss banker and maybe some Swiss cheese but no cashew nuts on the side. So as to your questiions as to if those gold certificates you are claiming to hold are any good or not, well if you would buy me three cases of cold beer, and a case of cashew nuts and help me find my lost dog, I would sit down and explain the facts of life to you. The gold belongs to DIAZ and it is does not belong to the Swiss bank or their bankers. It does not belong to those persons who names are placed on those certificates either. What marcos did was have the bankers chop up the original gold certificates into smaller gold certificates and this is why there is a linkage of the smaller certificates having the same number like 2777 8117. This is nothing more than grand theft, embezzlement and UBS/AG Bank and the International Courts will have to investigate this wrongful conversion and arraest all persons that were part of the theft. If you are another Attorney at law, then you should take 5 sets of clean underwear with you, also a Bible and 5 rolls of soft tissue paper or toilet paper, then after you had about 5 glasses of wine and found that you still had the desire and the balls, then walk into the UBS/AG Babnks and show them what you have and ask them, if your certificates are any good. Now the Swiss Police station uses the thin sheets of toilet paper, so theis is why you should bring the better graded of mult-sheets with you, and you will need to change your underwear and learn to wash the old one out in the sink. As to the Bible, read it and it will show you that it says in there, YOU SHOULD NOT STEAL...and and as you learn from being arrested theat they will not return back your original gold certificates, you will wish you stayed home....but the Swiss have changed their old song that they use to sing, as they use to SING out lound that ...HE WHO HAS THE GOLD, amkes the rules, now they have a new version that is....HE WHO PRINTS MONEY MAKES THE RULES and the sad part about this story, is that I do not where my damn dog ran off to?  

    26 Feb 2009 @ 22:51 by To KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Please make the proper Public Notice
    I noticed that KNIGHT ARCANE had made a PUBLIC NOTICE posting at the old forum of Ming the Merchanic, Santa Romana to redirect people to the new site, but I think what He should have done, was indicated that people should find the new site by typing into their computer search engine the wording of Ming the Merchanic Thursday Sep 12, 2002......then it would direct the readers to this specific site and they will not get los....  

    27 Feb 2009 @ 01:52 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : cease and desist for loretta laurel et a



    27 Feb 2009 @ 01:55 by taong nagmamasid lamang @ : question to knight arcane; Marcos ghost
    The measure you judge a person will also be the measure that you'll be judged too. What I mean to say is who are we to judge a person's character, unless we truly know the person personally and from the results of his actions(from the fruits...as the Bible says) and not just from the newspaper clippings or from the books published to malign the person. Many people have already maligned the person ,Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, successor of Diosdado Pangan Macapagal, that many now are a firm believer that the former is indeed an evil person. We forgot that the deceased president is a foremost Nationalist. And we know that nationalistic president are a target by the oligarchs, removed from office by hook or by crook.

    If the former president is not a good administrator of the Santa Romana account, by now, those gold are gone for good and the Filipinos both Muslims(Sulu Sultanate and constituents) and Christians(Lakandula and lakantagkan's descendants and constituents), both from the feuding Srivijayan and Majapahit clans now reunited as One Nation the Philippines, will not stand to benefit. I say that is untill now, the financial oligarchs can't plunder from it, despite lots of books like Gold Warrior have been printed to twist the facts so that the real owners(Indios and the Moros) will no longer benefit from it and instead the Financial Oligarchs. He split up the original account into several units held by many persons under different umbrella organisations. The logic is a single account can be easily be plundered and by splitting it into many, the oligarchs are having a hard time for it to plunder. You say a greedy person the greatest thief in the world, I say a Solomonic ruler who by hidden hand from above moved him to do what he had done. A clairvoyant and psychic intuitive who was a know Marcos critic or hater before because she believed what the press painted about him concerning human rights violations and the thievery etc, is now a great believer of Marcos after she spoke with the Soul or Astral body of Marcos. She can judge the character of the person by seeing the true colors of the soul, the so called Aura. In an interview on a local radio show, she said what I have stated above and that if not from Marcos, the gold will be gone already and will be in the hands of the greedy elite. She said that the gold will only appear if the Filipino masses will start hoping once again and stand up instead of wallowing in hopelessness and despair and the Filipino elites especially the top ten Families controlling the economy to remove their apathy and reach out to their suffering poor brothers.

    I would rather want the gold to be in the hands of the so called greedy crooks and con ass Filipino men and Filipina whores(as they will soon be accountable to local Philippine laws and justice- no matter where they go) than to the hands of the greedy foreign hands who see themselves as the owner of the world and see others as human cattle.

    To Knight Arcane: Bakit ka paniwalang paniwala sa mga librong inilimbag ng mga Kano? Sa palagay mo ba sino ang makikinabang kung totoo man ang mga ito? E sino pa kundi ang mga sponsor ng author ng mga ito na walang iba pa kundi ang mga Oligarchiang kinalaban ni Marcos(the same oligarchs with their paid agents like the Greenpeace - who are now recently fighting that the Bataan Nuclear powerplant must not operate). Pwede po ba na pakisagutin sa ating sariling wika at sa gayon ay malaman din naming mga Kapwang Pilipino na, pilipino ka rin pala.  

    27 Feb 2009 @ 03:02 by Ref, to Knight Arcane, thanks for help @ : Loretta E. Laurel
    Well, I enjoyed reading the above post, and while I cannot understand some portions of it, it has a lot of truth in what the author did say that I could understand. As to late President Marcos soul communicating with a clairvoyant there in the Philippines...well I am not sure I am ready to consider that...just yet, but who knows, maybe President Marcos did appear or his soul or his what Astral body of Marcos appeared and spoke to this woman. Now if this could happened again and I was able to ask Mr. Marcos 10 questions or maybe He does not accept questions, and just sort of what, glows there...so how does one know if that is the soul of late President Marcos compared to say some other lost souls that is what, floating around..looking for what. I cannot understand why they do not place the late President in the Ground and allow him to well, become deceased like most people to end up in the soil where the bacteria and worms and all of those other unknown whatever the hell they are, start chowing down on our bodies when we become a feast for them, who live in the ground. I was thinking about some of the woman that President Marcos used as his strawwoman, and then started to have a few cold beers and thought about what it woukld be like to have sex with a woman made out of straw? Now I know I would not want to have sex with a strawman, but a strawoman, well somehow it seems that God would want me to mate with the woman and not the man, but then how the hell do you have a relationship with anyone made out of straw? My dog that ran off, use to eat about 3 or 4 raw fishes a day and when people heard about that, they come over and want to see for themselves and I tell them to bring a fish and come back and some of them did, so it was a way to feed the damn mutt and also bring smiles to the face of the people as they stared, watching the dog chow down on the fish. I never paid much attention to the dog, now that He is gone, I miss him. I would like to communicate with late President Marcos and ask him some questions as while He was alleged to be perserving the gold for the good of the Philippines, He sure would have fooled me, as I thought that He was after the gold for himself..but now I see that He was just stealing it from Mr. Diaz or Mr. S.G.StaRomana and placing it into the names of the strawladyes, and the strawmen and then somehow the gold was to do what, OH, yes, go to the people...but what people?? As all of the con men and woman in the Philippines have been wanting to steal and embezzle the God damn gold and President Marcos screwed up the bank deposits by switching horses, that it is so screwed up that foreign Agencies get to use the assets for their own projects, the dishonest bankers lease the gold to each other by electronic transfer and sometimes they lease the gold to Bankers who sell the gold off and then they cannot buy it back, as HOLY SHIT, the prince of gold WENT UP and not down. So lets see, that Joseph E.S. Daraman claims that his biological father was that late President Marcos but I think Mr. Daraman would shit in his bed, if the soul or Marcos appeared in his bedroom when he has some boy or male in bed with him....and there is that other guy, I forget his name that claimed he was a trustee for Mr. Diaz and for Mr. S.G StaRomana, and claimed he owned a 7,000MT gold UBS issued certificate, and then he changed his story that He was really the SON of Mr. Diaz or Mr. StaRomana when people asked him where the hell he bought his alleged original of the 7,000MT certificate and He claims that the other gay con man that Josepeh E.S. Daraman is not really the Grandson of Mr. Diaz and that the fake LAST WILL that states that Joseph Daraman is the Grand son is a fraud. Gee, things must be getting bad in the Philippines when one major con man calls another man a Fraud when they are both said to be from the same family being DIAZ and or StaRomana. That Joseph Daraman claims he was given 3,000MT of gold by his real Daddy aka as late President Marcos, as this Daraman is said to be the true son of late President Marcos. So these scammers continue on just like the LAwyers working for that Loretta E. Laurel continue to claim to the UBS/AG to demand the gold for the alleged Pedro P. Laurel gold certificates. The funny thing is that this Loretta and her Attorney claims they paid $5,000.00 to that Flordeliza T. StaRomana for the special Power of Attorney that was alleged to have been signed 4 OCTOBER 1990 and what I liked best was in paragraph five 5, where it states that if this Flordeliza woman becomes incapacity or insolveny or deceased, that this special power of attorney remains in force forever until Loretta cleans out all of the gold and cash from the StaRomana estate. This is another document aka POT 33 that should also be posted here at Ming so the readers can read and enjoy the documents. I see now that KNIGHT ARCANE had posted a documents from the lady named Flordeliza T. StaRomana that more or less stated that she never issued any damn Power of Attrney to those persons named in that disclaimer or C and D document. She also said all prior POA issued to the Chinese and or Japanese also were to become null and void. Gee, it is starting to show that Loretta E. Laurel was full of shit in more than one way.  

    27 Feb 2009 @ 03:06 by Ref. She is seeking Sugar Daddies, @ : Loretta E. Laurel
    There is a color photo of th ID Card that SPAIN issued to the woman called Loretta E. Laurel shown ref UBS66 and also as UBS 67 and UBS 68 as there seems to be two of the same name woman running around, that claims they represent the StaRomana estate. Perhaps Knight Arcane could post her color photo as a warning to the GENERAL PUBLIC to do their DD before they deal with this woman or woman using this name of Loretta E. Laurel.  

    27 Feb 2009 @ 03:19 by Ref, MARCEL OSPEI of UBS/AG Bank @ : LOretta E. Laurel and gold certificates
    BAck in on April 2, 2003 the Group working representing this Loretta E. Laurel group is said to have sent by Federal Express courier color copies of most of the 20-year Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man alleged gold certificates. They sent it to the UBS/AG Chairman at the time named MARCEL OSPEI and perhaps again KNIGHT ARCANE can show the documents as UBS 65 so the GENERAL PUBLIC can better understand and see that the master gold account number that is displayed, belongs to Mr. Diaz ala as Mr. S.D. StaRomana or as SANTA ROMANA. So this is just some more proof of the false claims of those people that represented that woman named Loretta E. Laurel who is a Filipino but hiding out in Spain, as too many foreigners in other countries are looking for her. Since those victims have a right to place her in jail and throw the key because if she cannot pay back the money she sucked oit of those men, then the victims have a right to have her locked up. Now this Loretta jumps around a lot and while she is being observed, she uses others to be her front men, sort of like strawmen except they call themself Lawyers and Attorney at Law. One of her Attorney who has been very active in the USA for filing many lawsuits that seem to produce nothing in return, well He sent a letter dated APRIL 2nd, 2003 demanding that the UBS/AG do something as well, He wanted to collect on whatever Loretta had promised to apy to her various law firms so again this is another documents that the GENERAL PUBLIC can be allowed to read ref is UBS 63 and UBS 64. So maybe we can get KNIGHT ARCANE to add it to his collection at his blog. THis way it will show the scammers and the con artists and future investors, that they cannot deal with those old Bengal Trading Limited 20-year gold certificates, as all of the dealing has been done and failed, as HOLY SHIT there never was any gold for those certificates at the UBS BAnk in Switzerland, that was another deception created by late President Marcos and some old bankers at UBS.  

    27 Feb 2009 @ 11:24 by knight arcane @ : loretta laurel embezzlemen


    27 Feb 2009 @ 11:25 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : face of a scambug


    27 Feb 2009 @ 22:47 by Ref, Bengal Trading Limited Isle of Man @ : DNP Enterprise
    Gee, KNIGHT ARCANE is able to now display the SPAIN Resident certificate of the woman called Loretta E. Laurel, who is the fake widow of the man called PEDRO P. LAUREL. Mr. Pedro LAUREL was a strawman working for the late President Marcos. LAUREL was involved in a lot of the MARCO Gold sales. President Marcos himself could not open up a distant safety deposit box at some far away Bank, that contained the real GOLD CERTIFICATES that belonged to the D and P Enterprise, which as wel all know by now was owned by Mr. Jose A. Diaz and who we also know that DIAZ is the same person we known as S.G. StaRomana or as Santa Romana, or SANTY. So, what the scammers did, was create a so-called Bengal Trading Limited corporation at the Isle of Man. That was set up with many various foreigners that issued out what they called 20-Year gold certificates using the Number 11833 on their issued certificates. Those however were not gold certificates at all, but what they were was called warranties. The warranties were used as a way for the Swiss Bankers to assist late President Marcos of the Philippines to get ahold and control over some of the gold deposits, that belongs to his client, his client having been Mr. S.G. StaRomana aka Mr. Jose A. DIAZ. Now President Marcos knew a lot about the bank deposits of Mr. Diaz/StaRomana as Hell MARCOS was the attorney-at-law for Mr. SG StaRomana, known as SANTY. So what MARCOS had to do is to deceived the SWISS BANKING SYSTEM and the Government of Switzerland in some ways so they made it seem that there was a LINCON BANK and TRUST Company that was to back up the 11833 Numbered gold warerantie certificates and then they created the other shell of a LINCOLN INSURANCE COMPANY to make it seem that there was a backup of a Insurance to the bank to back up the 20-year gold warranties, issued out from that Isle of Man corproation, that issued the alleged 11833 to 11833-01 to 11833-10 gold certificates to represent 11,000MT. OK, so perhaps what they did was create some code number that President Marcos could remember and be able to know the time of maturity, meaning the time He would GRAB the physical gold as the POT OF GOLD at the END OF THE RAINBOW. OK, so lets see, the number was 11 8 33 so while I only had two cold beers, I knew from before that they printed originall all certificates as 1,000MT and that there was 11,000MT that was in the SG StaRomana deposit that became complicated as it was made under code JAD, but that stood for Jose A. Diaz, who we know is the owner of the D and P Enterprise, which was the holding company for the Umbrella that controlled all of the bank deposits owned by the person known as Santa Romana or as Santy. OK, so the number 11833 is perhaps represeneted as eleven as like in 11, for 1,000MT certificate X Quanity 11 = 11,000MT so that is simple to remember. The MARCOS meeded someway to remember how to count the twenty year period that He had to wait, to embezzle this 11,000MT of gold that belonged to Mr. Jose A. Diaz, so He simply placed the number three as 3 to be representing year 2003, and then since those 20-year warranty certificates were signed and issued in the year 1983, then adding in twenty years would be 83 plus 20 = year 2003 which is the date on those certificates as being the alleged maturity period. OK, so what President Marcos was said to have done, was ask some of his people to arrange to print several duplicate sets of the same idential 11833 certificates and that was done to food a lot of his own loyal Military Officers, who he had to give some of those warranties and certificates to, to allow them to use it as well play money and make some money in any way they could arrange....and this is one of the larger scams out of the Philippines, that allowed con men to take say a 1,000MT certificate and created even more smaller volone ones and HOLY SHIT, the certificates started to reproduce themselves from copies of the duplicate sets from the fake reproductions of the alleged sets of four sets of teh originals....Hell I need another cold beer............................... ...... ........... ........and this is how so many victims ended up with their assumed 20-year Gold Certificate with the infamous number of NO 11833. So along comes this fake widow of PEDRO P. LAUREL, she is given the part to play to become the court appointyed Administrator and since LAUREL already hs previous wives, then the Director of this stage show, created the script that Loretta need to hav e a BABY, so they found some kid and named him PETER E. LAUREL. And the Judge with the one eye and who would rubber stamp anything if the price was right, appointed her as the Administrator for the Pedro P. Laurel ESTATE. Now Loretta was brain dead when she was first given this fake widow play to act out and the people helping her with also fools and they failed to do their DD and they assumed that the gold was lodged with the UBS in Switzerland and that was the first of 22 blunders they had made for this recovery. That gay cockroarch named Joseph E.S. Daraman tried to claim 3,000MT out of UBS/AG working with some older bankers at old UBS, but Joseph Daraman could not prove how the hell his mother was in any way related to Mr. Jose A. Diaz. Now Daraman had already changed his name, he had that false LAST WILL that even said that He was the grandson of Mr. Diaz, but Daraman was working with fools who were all blind, so it was the blind leading the blind. Now the other conman named MARCELLO well He may have obtained some of the embezzled gold certificates that went missing from Santy room, some say the Bodyguard helped himself as Santy was a heavy drinker and always passed out from the drinking and anyone in the room, could say pick up a 7,000MT UBS issued gold certificate from the files or off the table and well stuff it under his T-Shirt and walk away with it. Anyhow the con men of teh Philippines were able to have highquality reproductions made of the original so the original was cloned and damn good quality work, even down to the paper and the ink and it looked very professional, and this is why everyone knows someone who has one or more of those 3,500MT and or those 7,000MT gold certificates issued by the UBS Bank of Switzerland. However, when someone will try to claim something from that Bank, then problems will occur. The archives will prove with the old UBS records that the gold came from the owner, being Mr. Jose A. Diaz, again SANTY. Now SANTY was represented by the D and P Enterprise and everyone of those officers are deceased except for the older woman, who was the treasurer. That woman named TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ is the only legal person that has the authority to settle any bank accounts that were connected with Mr. S.G. StaRomana that were connected with the person known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz and with the original D and P Enterprise. No, I am bnot talking about that fake phony DNP Enterprise that the con man named MARCELLO created there in the Philippines. That asshole claims He is the SON of Mr. S.G. StaRomana or DIAZ and also the trustee. MARCELLO like DARMAN are nothing but Filipino scammers.  

    1 Mar 2009 @ 04:16 by ref:' Joseph E.S. Daraman is a con man @ : Allan Diggle who has friends that
    Well, it seems the U.S. Government is finally starting to get into the take over of their Banks, starting with CITI as the taxpayers now own what, 36% of th stock and the Board of Directors being discharged and they are said to get some new Directors. They are keeping the head man and actually He is doing the best He could under those curcumstances as He stepped into that damn mess, He did not make it but was expected to clean up that mess at Citi bank, so I think He should remain there and give him credit, as He has once hell of a difficult job to do. ENGLAND side also had to bail out a lot of their banks and the only ones that has money is CHINA and Germany it seems, so Germany will play a big part on what is done over in EUROPE side, plus ENGLAND is also soon to get a big chunk of assets coming there way from what I was able to understand as it seems that the S.G. StaRomana man was the caretaker of a lot of gold and or money and He was to make sure that the escrow of those accounts would be settled out after 40 years...but it seems that some one wanted to kill that woman Tarciana Rodriguez who was placed in charge of that task, to make sure that England and other old countries of old Europe were able to be given the legal title to a hell of a lot of loot. So all of that should help the BRITISH GOvernment or the Queen or the Crown or UK, out of their financial mess at a time when they could use some gold bullion. I was surprised of the names on the Letters of Intent said to have been signed by Mr. Jose A. Diaz, as the VATICAN also was to get a lot of the assets, in fact 88% of the total is being returned to such old Europe and I am not sure which countries made up old Europe that would be on the receiving end of the distribution, so it was decided to also have the government of one major country act as the paymaster to make sure the Vatican and OLD EUROPE hot the allociated 44% share that was stated inside of the LOI. My missing dog has not returned and I hope He is happy where every he is, hope He is not homeless and I bet he actually misses the raw fish diet I had trained him to eat since a puppy. Something for the BC man for the Dad would be found at http://www.kootiekiller.us. also at http://www. soilandhealth.org/02/0201/hyglibeat/020155fielder/ and also at http://www.altered-states.net/barry/newsletter174/ and also at http://www.rephyrtechology.com/multi-wave_oscillator_body_multiwave multi-wave_oscillator.html I am sorry we have lost Noel, He maybe deceased as he wanted to keep going down into the caves under his city in the Philippines and I was keeping some downloads for him on some special subjects that He would have loved to read, but dead man cannot read, can they?  

    1 Mar 2009 @ 05:09 by allan diggle @ : link
    Thank you for the links, I will try and read those tomorrow I did a quick glance, the main webpage has a bunch of interesting stuff to read. Unfortunatley my father has decided not to talk to me anymore, it is sad but there is not much i can do about. i do speak to his staff at his office but that is it. Thank you for thinking of us  

    2 Mar 2009 @ 00:28 by Ref Philippine Gold supports Uncle Sam? @ : Tagean and Tallano Estate
    I do not know what happened to the former poster, who had a concept or maybe just a theory that some how the man we know as JOSE A. DIAZ was somehow related, connected to the Sultan at Brunei, who is confirmed to be the cousin of the current Sultan Fuad Kiram, of Sulu Sultanate...and when we check some of the old records and see that there was another name of a man, they called Ref. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, who was representing the Vatican at Rome, then all of this seems to be link somehow together, as the Sultan Fuad Kiram also wanted to establish that WORLD UNION PEACE TRUST FUND and have the Pope act as one of the Trustees along with former President Bill Clinton and other well known organizations, to take 50% of the profits each month from the investments of the lease of the gold, to be used as a PEACE FUND established not by Governments, but funding from the private-sector. There was some of the LEASE FEE that was to be for the Sultan of Brunei, that was to invest into helping the Sulu Sultanate and offer ways to bring peace to the civil uprising there in the Philippines and development of Sabah in a peaceful way. I think the concept was to lease the gold to the U.S. Government but that was put on hold because of the start of the exposure of that financial meltdown back in the United States, plus any sale of the gold to the US TReasury was said to be a risk, if that man Mr. EJ Ekker would have tried to make any legal attachments of any gold held by the Federal Reserve and or the US Treasury, based on the claims of Mr. E.J. Ekker, that He could attach any gold in any bank, because He was holding the ownership of the yet to be see old $1,000.00 gold Bond from PERU etc. OK, so I heard that what they perhaps wanted to do instead, was issue a Power of ATtorney to the name of President Obama and lease to him, the gold on behalf of the people of the United States of American and allow President Obama to then have the right to appoint others like the US Treasury secretary to take control of a lot of teh physical gold bullion that is already there inside of the united states, plus also take additional gold and comb ine it as into a lease agreement, and allow the USA or Uncle Sam to have the option to buy after the lease period and to be able to legally have the commodity of the gold bullion as a sort of way to show the rest of the World, that the UNCLE SAM from the USA, was sort of a what, rich uncle and He was supportive of the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury and the WHITE HOUSE and that Uncle Sam should be shown sitting on say 50,000mt of gold bullion as that would make a world media support for Presdient Obama and put smiles on the unhappy faces of its citizens. Still it is unknown if this Mr. Diaz who is actually Mr. S.G. StaRomana was related or not back several generations to the Royal families of Sulu Sultanate, as that is one possibile theory or concept, as I often thought how the hell could someone who is said to be a Rev. Father, which I assumed was a Priest until someone showed me that DIAZ was not a Priest, but a layman who was considered to be more of a Jesuit. When I asked my very good friends who are Jesuits, they knew more than they would discuss but it make me think that Diaz was perhaps a special man, that was a middle coordinator to handle the managemnt of the gold, being more than just the 617,500MT that was discussed in the records of teh Philippine court records. From the old records and documents from the Sulu Sultanate side, I was told that there is plenty of evidence that Jose A. Diaz was the caretaker of the gold for the old Sultan Kiram, however all of that gold did not belong just to the Kiram Royal family, but then a lot of it did. Anyhow there was said to be some legal documents that more or less was a agreement to not claim 150,000 MT of the 617,500MT and to have allowed a allociation of I think they said 180,000MT to be left for the T and T Estate or that Tagean and Tallano Estate side, but there was a encumbrance or a condition that the Sultan would give up any claims to the land title of some old original deed, if the T and T Estate would have made the transfer of I think they said 30,000MT of the gold to the PEOPLE of the Philippines. I heard that the T and T Estate never made any movement for consideration, so now the Sultan Fuad Kiram is upset and He wants to now transfer that 30,000MT to the useage of the US President Obama and allow the US Treasury pay the 1% lease fee to the People of the Philippines and set up a escrow trust fund to be managed by the Filipinos for themselves. The Sultan Fuad Kiram perhaps in his support for the Filipino people also understands that everyone should also offer support to President Obama, as if the Federal Reserve currency fails, then the whole world slides into a black hole. So it would seem that leasing the gold to the President of the United States is not such a bad concept, as it allows their UNCLE SAM to lease the assets to have I guess RESERVE BACK UP and at the same time provided the poor PHilippines with some steady income from the lease agreement, It seems to be a win win situation for all. Those people at the Tagean and Tallano Estate must have been brain dead not to have accepted the QUIT-CLAIM that was signed before by Sultan Fuad Kiram. Maybe the man known as DIAZ would be very pleased to see that his fellow country people will have 30,000MT for their future generations and actually the PHILIPPINE PEOPLE would be supporting the efforts of Presdient Obama and that skinny guy called UNCLE SAM...  

    3 Mar 2009 @ 07:46 by Ref CE Jim Brown @ : Luz Rambano StaRomana as fake widow
    Regarding e-mail about when that LUZ RAMBANO STAROMANA-Brown woman died, I think it was back on July 2001, however the death certificate does not name her as being connected with BROWN as like the person Clarence E. Brown akso in the Philippines as Mr. CE Jim Borwn as he wants people to not call him by his real name which is Clarence, so I do not blame him, as the adopted Parents He had must have decided to give him that name Clarance which was bad enough without also adding in his middle name as Elbert so He ended up with the name of Clarence Elber Brown, who ended up wanting to be maarried to the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, so Hell, he married that Filipino woman, who was a fake widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and I am not sure if Mr. CE JIm Brown knew that or not, as from the way he wrote up his tales in his e-book, He must have a glass eye. Anyhow the death certificate also does not make any mention that this deceased woman was named StaRomana like the words of Santa Romana and they put her true name as LUZ RAMBANO on the death certificate as she was that name, the others were fabricated names like Luz R. StaROmana as she was legally stealing that last name of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, but Mr. CE JIm Brown had been investigating the money trail to find the gold hidden by Mr. S.G. StaROmana and Mr. CE BROWN who claims he was a fantastic saleman even in his self write up in his book, that was never published as a real book, but was sold or they sold perhaps maybe 50 copies oft hat book as e-mail, by download of the Internet. ANyhow He wanted to claim He was married to the widow of the richest man on Earth, so He married this Filipino woman, who was later proven to be a fraud, a con-woman who fabricated the marrigae to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana after Mr. StaRomana had himself been issued a Death Certificate. So this black widow spider Filipino woman named LUZ, sure fooled a hell of a lot of people and some bankers and she did become rich, VERY RICH but she never disclosed to her American instant Vegas Humband who was Clarence Elbert Brown, or as he wants to be called, Mr. CE JImBrowen the alleged author who married the fake widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Now Mr. CE Jim Brown was never told by the Daughters ot the family members of this Luz RAmabano StaRimana, that MR. Brown wife became deceased...hell he admits that it was over a year later, that He learned of her death...so this is not telling me that He as the husband even seemed to care about his wife if He did not even keep tabs on her health, as she was paralized from some unexplained reasons, they say she could not even hold a pen to sign her name on any documents, yet somehow it seems that other people were able to get the alleged signature of Luz on their documents...but then when you look at the alleged signature, it looks more like someone printed out her name, rather than where she was to have signed her name, so it is all considered BULL SHIT, just like Mrs Brown was....but Mr. CE Brown is still claiming He is the widower and I assume entitled to 50% of whatever his wife was to have received from the estate of Mr. S.G. StaROmana, provided she had married Mr. S.G. StaRomana while He was still alive. It does not count to marry a dead man, so Mr. CE Jim Brown cannot calim He was married to the legal widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana regardless of how many e-books He fabricates that claim, as He has to make a retraction and correct his errors, as what he is allowing to be told is a criminal action to have continued with that Fruad, so come on Clarence, lets clean up the horse shit you been spilling out and for you to admit that your little Filipino woman could never had married Mr. S.G. StaRomana even if the man was alive, as Luz was still married to her first husband named Angel Ricarte=Cauz JOSON, and Mr. Joson did not die until 12-26-1997. So come on Mr. CE JIm Brown please start cirrecting your disinformation as you were full of shit, try to make yet another book this time and tell the truth as your adopted Parents would be shock to learn of your lies told in yoru e-book.  

    3 Mar 2009 @ 21:24 by PUBLIC NOTICE on Joseph Daraman Jr. @ : TRINIDAD SEVERINO as mother
    The con man that now has a Philippine passport that shows his name to be Joseph E. Daraman Jr. is really the person named Jospeh Eutecquio DERAMAN, as his father name was Eutecquit DERAMAN Sr. So his mother was the woman called Trindad Severino, said to be a housekeeper or household worker that somehow was said to have been jumped by late President Marcos of the Philippines and out came this boy that is now the gay man, and con man named Joseph E.S> Daraman, Jr, the one that claims that his biological father was late President Marcos. This man also claims he is the GRAND SON of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and that He Grand daddy left him 3000MT of gold and some Billions of dolalrs at the UBS Bank in Switzerland, so this con man has sucked a lot of money from unsuspecting victims, with the false stories. It is said that the UBS Bankers that were heloung this man to embezzle the gold that belonged to Mr. S.G. StaRomana from the Swiss BAnk, needed this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. to prove somehow that his mother who was Trinidad Severino was somehow related to Mr. Jose A. Diaz, the man that was said to have signed the LAST WILL that named this con man and scammer Mr. Joseph E.S. Daraman as the GRAND SON. Now the problem is complicated as it was said that they had to pay a hell of a lot of under the table money to get some fake documents issued by some Philippine government agency, that craeted the MISSING LINK, that somehow constructed the fake link to show that this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. own mother being TRINIDAD SEVERINO was some how related to Mr. Jose A. Diaz. So the people that were helping to pay the under the table money to obtyain such a fake but official records or documents to be used at the UBS/AG Bank in Switzerland to allow or the embezzlement of 3,000MT of the gold, was paid for I had heard, but they did not have the guts to submit the fake documents as that was when I started the investigation on this scam. The UBS/AG Bank has some very bad bankers working in the old UBS Bank, some of those old bankers are still working in some capacity as Advisors to the current Board of Directors of the UBS/AG Bank and to the Chairman and to the President of the UBS/AG Bank. Now those older bankers like Mr. Senn, he knows that it is a criminal act under Swiss law for any Banker to be helping anyone perform what is called wrongful conversion or embezzlement, as the old Bankers know that the 3,000MT and the over $20 Billion dollars in those accounts, belongs to Mr. Jose A. Diaz who is the legal owner of the DIAZ and POIROTTE Enterprise that own those assets at that UBS Bank in Switzerland. Mr. Senn knows everything, but the current UBS/AG Boaerd members do not know about the history of those old accounts in the name of Mr.S.G. StaRomana or Santa Romana, as those old bank records are off ledger and in the old archines of that UBS or now UBS/AG Bank. However that DNP Enterprise was the legal caretaker of those assets not only at UBS, but at over a 100 other banks in many foreign countries. Since President Marcos who was the old Attorney at Law representing Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz accounts there in the Philippines, while DIAZ/StaERomana was alive, then normally the control over thosed accounts would have been taken over by the treasurer of the Diaz and Poirotte Enterprise and the DNP Enterprise, being that Tarciana Rodriguez who was later promited to be the national treasurer. However she was in fear of her own life as President Marcos has martial law on his side in the Philippines and there were people that were told to kill this woman. But in the end, it was late President Marcos that became deceased and now all of those accounts at old UBS bank reverts back to the legal control and decisions of Taraciana Rodriguez. So that con man named Joseph E.S. Daraman Jr. can claim his biological father was late president Marcos, but since Marcos was the Attorney for DIAZ and StaRomana for the Philippines, then Presiodent Marcos was illegal to have pressured anyone at any bank, to change the name on the gold bullion accounts or cash accounts of his client, being DIAZ/StaRomana as the power of attorney that DIAZ/StaRomana issued to that Filipino Attorney Marcos, was not valid outside of the Philippines, so anything that MArcos did was wrongful conversion and those assets must be restored back to the rightful owner, being Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who never had any con man Grandson named Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr., and or restored to Mr. S.G. StaRomana who is the same person aka Jose A. Diaz and as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, who also never was a relative of Trinidad Severino, the mother of this gay man who claims He owns 3000MT of gold at UBS Bank in Switzerland and who with a group of supports called scammers, continue to find new suckers, who become the new victims.  

    4 Mar 2009 @ 12:39 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : DARAMAN ET AL
    I found this comment in my blogsite about the scam artist in the Philippines, He commented on my exposure, and wnated to reverse my intension that I am doing this to scam people, I knoe he is connected to daraman or merely Joseph Daraman himself' herewith is the written commnets on mg blog site


    Anonymous said...
    all you have posted in this colum were all fabricated without any truth about it. because of you want us to do the dirty job for yourself. why not come out on the hole and meet us so let us know who is the good and the bad artist in this case that you are sending out.todd alphine stop making all this commets because you can't teach us how to steal peoples wealth. we are all inocent of what you are accusing us. documents are being made because of what the owners want it be done. so why not come out and speak up. so we can sue your ass. you are the con artist who wants us to do the dirty job for you. since we did not cooperate to what you guys want you put us in this web shame on you,............

    March 3, 2009 2:18 PM

    well mr Joseph Daraman, to tell you frnakly Iwas not born yesterday, you can not scare me with your tactic, I wont stop till you are not totally landed behind bars for your scamming activities, People you victimized are now sufereing from stress and financial problem due to your tricks, You know who you are and we know how you operate your syndicate, Remember Syndicated Estafa is non vailable offense. You wait Mr.Daraman and i will promise you that before tha Economic Meltdown will end, your career as A con artist will also end and you will end up in jail. You are now under investigation and people that continue to beleive in your ploy will soon realize that their hard earn monies will slowly be siphoned by your greedy ass. Faggot  

    4 Mar 2009 @ 23:12 by Ref, A real Dick Head as Mr. Penis @ : Joseph E.S. Daraman Jr.
    NOW NOW boys, lets keep it clean, no need to punch under the waist line into each others nuts....this whole debate is about doing the Due Diligence on con artists and scammers and just because some of the con men are considered to be queers, or suck on other men to also get money out of their victims, it does not mean that Mr. Joseph E.S. Daraman is to be given any favorable treatmen because she lives a alternative lifestyle, that it his decision to make, as while I do not think God wanted men to suck on each other, the Devil seems to encourage the suction, so lets all promise to just call Mr. Daraman the scammer and the con artists he is and not make reference that He is also a faggot, as just because this Daraman guy pays young men to well, do whatever He expects and the young men need to eat and have a place to live inside of Daraman house, and if He wants them to call him UNCLE DICKHEAD, so what, this is not why we have this forum, this form is to inform the General Public with some updates and if we are able to obtain some documents and then post the documents into the Blog to display the documents, what is it that we are doing wrong Uncle Dickhead? If you object to any specific documents and have a valid justification, to have it removed, then just stop sucking and speak up..and we will consider to remove the document or not. Most of the documents are self explanatory and Mr. Joseph E.S. Daraman has issued out his offer to sell his non existing gold claims from the UBS Bank of Switzerland, to overseas organization that represent some gold buyers, so what Mr. Draaman is doing is illegal, as He never had any God damn gold and I do not think the God damn Devil left Mr. Joseph E.S. Diarman Jr. any gold either, but I could be wrong, as I really do not know a hell of a lot about the Devil. Are you also still claiming you are the Grandson of the other man named Alberto Cacpal or have you given up on the fabricated story. You said that He was what, your Grandfather, but I thought you said that Jose A. Diaz was your alleged Grandfather, as you sure suckered a lot of money out of suckers, with that fale LAST WILL that you alleged your Grandfather wrote in your name as Hoseph Daraman, when you decided to become hMr. Diaz Grandson. Then I heard you found out that most of the DIAZ gold was under the control of the treasuer of the old DNP Enterprise, so some of your vampire woman friends were telling other people in the Philippines, that you Mr. Draaman maybe wanted to change being the Grandson of DIAZ and instead you wanted to become the grandson of Alberto Cacpal and that was all going well until you found out that the 280,000MT of gold that was dug up was actually turned over to the Palance, and this is perhaps why you started the con story that your Daddy was really Ferdinand Marcos and you claimed that You are the SON of the late President Marcos and since He died and left you named in his LAST WILL, that the VATICAN at Rome has the copy of that LAST WILL and you just needed to find some more investors to pay more money as expenses for you and your advisors, to be able to return back to Europe as the Pope wanted to see you, perhaps to discuss your share of the 280,000MT that was alleged to be given by Alberto Cacpal to your alleged biological father known as late President Marcos of the Philippines. Before you suckered two Chinese men into sucking from them a lot of money, where they also paid for your expense to go to Rome to consult with the Pope, what ever happened to that money Mr. Penis aka as DICKHEAD? I heard you and your gay friends went to some villa in the Philippines and had wilde sex parties and plenty of food and hired boys to suck on, and you spent all of the moeny in that manner and never went to Rome or to the Vatican. Gee you are a real Dick head.  

    5 Mar 2009 @ 00:39 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Daraman ET AL

    posted below was the comment by the protegee of daraman or daraman himself.

    Anonymous said...
    well, all of us was send to school to learn the good way not to borrow documents to review and posted them as if you did your job morron,its hard to admit but you are the real morron who is being paid to this dirty work. you should be ashame of yourself. gathering documents and post them for thinking they are con ass as you told in this web and what is your role , on this what will i call you swindler cause you are. sealing documnets and think you are the good guys. shame on you.

    March 4, 2009 12:00 PM
    Maybe you are right Mr. Daraman protegee, we are all snet to school, I was sent to universtity of Singapore and there were no course there that deal with scambugs like you. You have a masteral degreein fabrication of finacial documents and I beleived that you have already the doctorate on finacial scam. to tell you frnakly Mr daraman et al. those document are not my properties but it was sent to me by you victims. Victims of your financial scams.

    why should I became ashame of myself of putting those things in order when i know that everytime I posted your documents used for your finacial ploy I can help 100 person to be out of your scambugs ass.

    You want more mr Daraman, I can still fish out more document to nail you down. You are fortunate since I am not your victim, since If I were, You've been languishing yourself behind bars.

    you are fuming because you can no longer prey on your next victim. stop being an asshole, you are not you think who you are. You are not the son of Sta. Romana and you will never become the grandson of Jose antonio Diaz. You are son of a laundry BITCH Trinidad Severino , and nothing to do with Severino Garcia Sta Romana.

    March 4, 2009 4:24 PM
    Post a Comment  

    5 Mar 2009 @ 07:17 by Ref, Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. @ : Fake Grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz
    The Board of Governors for the Jose A. Diaz estate, confirmed before that this Joseph E.S> Daraman , Jr. was never a grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and that this man was a fraud in making any such claims that He was the grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz. Several of the people that worked with this con-man named Daraman, Jr. had admitted that a black woman who lived in Chicago, Illinois also said that this was all a big scam and when she discovered the fraud, she said she refused to help that Joseph E.S Daraman to find new victims to provide him with money. But it seems that if that Black woman said that, then she still continued to work with this man Joseph E.S. Daraman and with some ex-Filipino Lawyers or former ATtorney at Law or some that were said to be representing this con man to take new victim money. Then when the UBS/AG BAnkers started to find out that this Daraman Jr con man and his fellow scammers were even producing the UBS BAnk letterhead and fabricating the phony letters and even making signatures to claims that specific UBS/AG Banker officials were confirming that this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr, was said to have gold accounts at their Swiss Bank, then in the end, this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. proved that he was a International criminal in doing such activities and when they caught him sending by e-mail download, his claim that He owned a 7,000MT Gold Certificate that was issued by the UBS BAnk but to the name of the deceased owner, being the man we all know as Mr. JOse A> Diaz, the owner of the D and P Enterprise which is now the D and P Enterprise foundation representing DIAZ as well as the StaRomana accounts, then all of this make this Joseph E.S. Daraman Jt. to start to change his story or his stories and while He claims that his biologicial father is the late President Marcos and that Mr. Joseph E.S> Daraman, Jr. claims that he was and still is the BAG MAN for the former first LAdy which was alleged to have been IRM, or FMs wife, then I think this gay con man is also mentally unstable, as He claims that He knows of where President Marcos has hit all of the gold stashed there in the Philippines and also knows where thousand sof tons of gold bullion was dug up and then relocated by FM and that his father, who He claims was late President MArcos, whispered all of those disclosures to this Daraman Jr guy, while Darmana Jr was sitting on the death bed of the late President Marcos. OK, let us assume that none of this is true and just more bullshit out of the mouth of this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr., then my point is to NOT BELIEVE any thing that comes out of his gay mouth. Yes, people tell me that this Daraman Jr is rich, but I think the Millions of Sollars came from him and his associates doing their frauds upon unsuspecting victims. I do not believe any stories that anytime he and his gay friends needs more money, they shave off some gold off one of the bullion bars and use that as money to do whatever the hell can be purchased with such stories of their unlimited wealth. He said He is now wanting to build two orphanages for kids who have no mother and father, but this is also one of his older stories, and I think I made mentinion of this on the old Ming the Merchanic, Santa Romana forum a few years back. I think that the Filipino people would be able to see that it would be against Gids wishes to have a known gay man to be the owner of a orphanage for young boys and I sure as hell, hope that this is not true. Again all of us should become more aware of such persons that can do a lot of harm to young kids....and I pray that someday, Daraman Jr. or whatever the hell he calls himself, will find GOD and get the Devil out of his bidy and evil mind.  

    5 Mar 2009 @ 08:24 by Ref KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Joseph E.S. Daraman Jr. the gay con man
    I do a lot of reading and just finished reading a damn good book titled THE HIDDEN STORY OF CANER by Vrian Peskin and while it is a limited edition book, I ordered it from Pinnacle Presss in Texas USA and this is one of the most important books you could ever read, if you wanted to understand and prevent cancer, I think their website was http://www.BrianPeskin.com and what I learned after reading this book two times, is that the primary cause of cancer is too little ixygen getting to the cells. It seems that the solution was found in getting oxygen to the cancer cells or the cells of the body and that was done when they found the missing link which is essential fatty acids called EFAs and whileme and my missing dog eat a lot fish, that came fron omega-6 and omega-3 EPAs they must be consumed in the correct ration, something I was unaware of.... and then what surprised me was that I should be taking a herbal detoxifier and they made mention of Essiac..and I recall that was something that the Indians taught some people how to make and some people in Canada had the formula on how to make that tea, and I now have to get some and pour a empty beer can with the herbal detoxofier or the Essiac and make sure that I drink it dowm as if it does not come out of a beer can, I would not take it down....I sure miss my dog, hope He is out there humping every felame dog He can find, He was a good mutt and we all need to get away but no run aware as he did, as people still come around not asking about me sitting here in the lounge chair drinking beer, they ask where is the dog that eats raw fish. I tell them He ran off with a bitch or after a bitch and they sort of get pissed off at my tone or my reply, but Hell that is the truth, that dog took off chasing the female dog that had thre others dogs chasing her, and He decided to join in on that fun and games...and OFF the dog went...so If he comes back, I would have to also share with him the advise I obtained out of this bookl and explain the reasearch done by the nobel Prize-winning German physician and biochemist Dr. Otta Warbyry who was the one that uncovered the primary cause of cancer. Now the Germans are not only smart, they produce damn good tasting beer, and german sausages and now I think of it, I need to go and buy another case of beer and put it on ice, so when the tourist come and ask me where the dog that eats raw fish is, I will point the the SIGN BOARD I am making now with the large letting that HE RAN OFF AFTER SOME BITCH....and then that sign board will tell the truth. It is the same with the Blog of KNIGHT ARCANE, He does post documents on his blog that are connected with con artists male and females, who are bitches. I was just now wantingt o reall the name of one of the woman there in the Philippines that helps that con man Joseph E.S. Daraman and she is also said to beg money for her treasure hunting activities as she has some locations, a jhole in the gound that is said to contain YAMASHITA alleged gold bullion and she scams suckers into that story...and I just cannot recall her name...but I remember that her Filipino husband one day shot at her ass and he missed...and it was a funny story back when I heard it, but cannot now recll that womans damn name. She was one of teh two main vampire woman that was helping that gay man, the con man named Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. HEY, maybe the KNIGHT ARCANE will read my posting here and since HE has a good memory, maybe he will remember the name of that bitch???  

    5 Mar 2009 @ 23:04 by Ref, Joseph E. Daraman, Jr gay con man @ : VIRGILIO H. MARCELO, old con man
    The above title of that book should be THE HIDDEN STORY OF CANCER, sorry for my typo. I think that everyone who is in the gold trading of buying or selling gold bullion, knows the name of JOSEPH E.S. Daraman, Jr, the guy who said that her real father was President Marcos and that his Grandfather was Mr. Jose A. Diaz and while He never talks about his Grandmother, then I been waiting and waiting to see what his con story will be for his Grandmother.... This con man, has made many millions of dollars over the years so He has a large group of scammers that work for him, as when He finds a new sucker, they all share in the profits from their fraud of having deceived the sponsor, or teh investor or whatever the hell He calls the victim. I even heard that one Chinese man is said to have purchased gold wrist watches and some unconfirmed stories said that Daraman also got a new car and a lot of money out of the Chinese investor, does anyone have any details as to what was the make of teh automobile and the maker of the GOKLD watch, that this con man was said to have taken from the foolish Chinese man, who believed that this Joseph Daraman owned hundreds of tons of gold at the UBS Bank in Switzerland? And I seen that KNIGHT ARCANE has posted that DAraman mother was a laundry bitch, so I would like to know what that means. I know what laundry is, also what a bitch is, but uncertain as to what the hell is a laundry bitch, maybe KNIGHT ARCANE can explain what He was meaning as when he called TRINIDAD SEVERINO a laundy bitch., as this is the reported birth mother of this Joseph Daraman and while that is not her proper legal name, he created that name for a purpose. There was another Joseph Daraman also of the same name, but He was not from the Philippines. He also had a lot of bank documents as He calimed he was one of the trustees that worked for Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who was actually Mr. S.G. StaRomana or called SANTA ROMANA. That other Joseph Daraman man was investigated and seemed to be OK but what was strange to me, was that He was not demanding any gold or any money and when the Treasurer of the DNP ENterprise wanted to exchange a finders fee to him in consideration for him to provide the documents and to come to Switzerland, the man declinced. He did not want any compensation, He just wanted to return back the bank documents which He did and when they tried to deposit a large sum of money to his name, He well, just disappeared. So all we have now is this gay con man from the Philippines, also using the last name of DARAMAN on his passport, but his surname is really DERAMAN as his real father name was Eutecquio Deraman Sr. and his mother was that woman that worked for the Marcos family it was said, her name was Trinidad Severino. The man named VURGILIO H. MARCELO said that this Daraman, Jr or the man who was born as DERAMAN, is a fake, he is not the grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and when my people were investigating all of this fraud before, it was said that Virgilio H. Marcelo was alleged to be the trustee of Mr. Diaz and later on when that was proven to be a lie, He started to change his story to telling people, that He was really a son of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. So naturally we demanded copies of the proof that S.G. StaROmana was his biological father and he could not provide any legal documents at all, so we then wanted samples of his DNA to comp[are with some former children of Mr. Diaz, again that MARCELO said that his illeness would have distorted the rwading of his DNA, and while my people never understand that crap, they just assumed that VIRGILIO H. MARCELO was another Filipino con man, who claims to own 7,000MT of some gold certificates from the UBS Bank of Switzerland. Little does he or that Joseph Daraman Jr know, but all of those old certificates were resolved before, and there were encumbrances placed against those certificates as well as against a large cash deposit of over $20 Billion dollars and also against a 3,000MT claim, plus 24 other saccounts and deposits that I knew were done by the Administrator who is the treasurer of that prior D and P Enterprise that is now a foundation and the lady or woman has fikled her claims a long time ago, so all of those bullion and cash accounts are blocked.  

    5 Mar 2009 @ 23:11 by Ref, PARVIS GIGA, Chicago, Illinois @ : Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr, known con man
    OK, thanks I now was informed that the BLACK LADY in CHICAGO, Illinois USA that was a working partener with this con man in the Philippines named Joseph E. Daraman her name os PARVIS GIGA. She works with other persons over in California, with a man who was to become a CPA, another Filipino who is also another person that assist this con man Joseph Daraman Jr. of the Philippines. I cannot recall his last name but his nickname or first name he uses is Al.......eventually I will recall the name, perhaps after I have a few cold beers. Somewhere we had someone do a background check on that guy and his address and business back in the USA, so I have to look and find that report, maybe I can get it to KNIGHT ARCANE and let him add it to his blog to show this guy, sot eh PUBLIC can avoid dealing with such persons. We all must conduct DD anytime we deal with such persons that claim they are involved in the buying and selling of gold.  

    6 Mar 2009 @ 03:36 by Ref Mr. CE JIm Brown @ : Ruth Rambano
    To: RA, Sorry I never met this woman Ruth Rambano, just heard some reprots that She was the one that helped to write up a lot of the book, that the man CE Brown was claiming to have wrote. It was said that She even lived in the same house with Mr. CE BROWN and did a lot of the typing and correcting his spelling mistakes and such, to get his book ready, she said she was promised to be paid a large sum of money from the sales of the book.....then another unconfirmed report I seen, said she had filed some injunction to stop Mr. CE BRown from publishing the book, as it was alleged that Mr. CE BROWN changed around so much of the previous story to sort of well, make it seem that Mr. Brown was the main person in the book and that He was claiming that since HE was the husband and the mother of Ruth Rambano was deceased, well that He was entitled to 50% of LUZ RAMBANO estate. Thatw as said to be 50% of what was alleged to be US$ 1 Trillion dollars that was inside of three different trust accounts that were setup in the name of LUZ RAMBANO, from the money she took from Mr. S.G. STa Romana Swiss bank account, as she make the false claims that she was the widow of that deceased man StaRomana. OK, so I can see the logic of Mr. CE BROWN wanting to claim anything, as HE said in his e-book that He alleged to ahve spent what, over $2,000,000.00 in doing investigation work to uncover the many overseas bank accounts of Mr. StaRomana, so He knew as he mentioned in his own e-book, that this fake widown of Mr. StaROmana was one hell of a rich Filipino woman as she was able to fool the Swiss Bank, into thinking that Luz was the wife and the widow of the owner of the assets in that Swiss bank account. So I can understand that Mr. CE BROWN wanted to marry a ugly old woman from the Philippines as his wife, as HOKLY SHIT, she was a RICH WIDOW..and MR. CE BROWN who claims he weas a great salesman as He mentions also in his book, well, He perhaps figured that as man and wife, that they would share the $1 trillion with each other as they would share the bed together. YEs, I can understand that Mr. Brown also wanted to sell his book, as He told everyone that He expected to sell over a million copies...and He expected to be the author but something that the daughter of Luz did, upset Mr. CE BROWNs plans, so maybe there was a injunction that prevented him from publishing the book for sale as a normal book, like to be sold in book stores. But Mr. CE BROWN was said to be clever, He decided to sell his book by the INTERNET and sell several books that He jamed into somethinglike 1400 to 1,600 pages as a download...and still HE failed in that deal, as I heard he sold less than 50 copies of his book or pages by e-mail, so that was not very profitable....THen He started to rewite another book, as he had to swim backwards, as HOLY SHIT, the truth was coming out that his little Filipino woman was a fraud, that she never was the widow of Mr. S.G. StaROmana after-all, and that it was proven by the documents posted at the blog and on this forum, that LUZ fabricated the fake marriage to Mr. StaRomana and even the POlice AGwency called NBI in the Philippines did investigation some complaints from a woman called FLORDELIZA T. StaRomana against that woman, who Mr. CE BRown married called LUZ Rambano StaRomana and after she married Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown, her renamed Luz Rambano StaRomana as Mrs Luz R. StaRomanam Brown. Of course, when this woman became deceased, the DEATH CERTIFICATE was not making any mention that her name was connected with BROWN as in Mrs Brown, the wife of teh American man named CLarence Elbert Brown. Insetad the death certificate was issued to her true name being Luz Rambano, but that is also strange as she was legally married to a man in the Philippines name Mr. Angel Joson and they had 6 or 8 kids....so Mr. CE BROWN still will continue to make the false claims, that He was married to the widow of Mr. StaRomana, who was the richest man in the world..and still Mr. CE JIm Brown will try to write another book, perhaps changing the name and renaming it as LUZ, the FIlipino Black widow spider....but that will not sell, as not too many people like spiders and as for reading about con woman from the Philippines, hell that information if FREE to teh PUBLIC from this we site, as we are here to explain our side of the story and what is missing, p[erhaps hiding under his bed is BIG BAD MR. CE Jim Brown...who lost his balls iot seems as for a guy who can crank out 1,600 paghes, He does not have any balls to even post anything here at this forum. Now come on Clarence, we want you to feel welcomed and we like you to explain to us, some of the many lies and bullshit in your book, as you said that yoru book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, so we cannot post your book here on this forum, as you would somehow claim that we deprived of you of all of the future yet to be seen income that you were to obtain from your e-book sales...by the way, how is that profit arrangement going, as you cannot afford to have keeped up your payments to maintain any of those web sites, too bad. The good news is that my people had made downloads of everything back in the old days so we have everything on CD-ROM so if you need to get some copies, just ask, we are here to serve you Mr. Brown. We mean you no harm, we are afraid that you may have bad thoughts about my side good intentions.  

    7 Mar 2009 @ 06:51 by Ref, Mr. Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. @ : Fake alleged grandson of Mr.Jose A. Diaz
    Mr. Jose A. Diaz did write out a final LAST WILL that was a handwritten Holo type, difficult read and while President Marcos was alive, no one had the balls to submit it to the Courts to have it probated, as late President Marcos would have done something nasty, after all He had marial law on his side and He was not wanting Mr. Jose A. Diaz who was Mr. S.G. Sta Romana to have any damn LAST WILL...as hell, MARCOS had forced Mr. Diaz to write several fake alleged Last Wills already, so President Marcos did not want any final Holo Last Will to reach the Courts in the Philippines, but the treasurer or the woman who was appointed by Mr. Diaz to be the national Treasurer of teh D and P Enterprise which was the holding corporation or what they called the UMBRELLA, that woman Tarciana Rodriguez was somehow, able to get that Holo handwritten LAST WILL upheld in the Courts and that means this LAST WILL then terminated and and make all of those other phony Last Will that were forced, to become null and void. She is the court appointed Administrator for Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who while they are the one and same person, the last final Holo handwritten LAST WILL was signed by Mr. Jose A. Diaz, yet the man that was alleged to have died off in that Hospital, well the death certificate was issued to his name as S.G. StaRomana. OK< so the man who wrote the LAST WILL, was able to have his will upheld in the courts with his name on the Holo handwritten LAST WILL as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, yet the death certificate was issued to him as Mr. S.G. StaRomana. OK< now remember that the woman that claimed she was the widown of this Mr. S.G. StaRomana, who called herself LUZ Rambano StaRomana, well when she became deceased in the Philippines, her daughter submitted the socuments and the DEATH CERTIFICATES was issue in her maiden name as Luz Ramabano, not as Luz R. Sta.Romana. OK< now as I drink my cold beer and missing my dog that ran off, I have to sit and think that this Mr. Jose A. Diaz also never had a birth certificates issued to him as DIAZ either. OK, so here we have this situation that Mr. Diaz writes out his final LAST legal WILL and he names a lot of people to be paid a hell of a lot of money, lots of money...and yet this man does not have a death certificate issued to say that He is deceased? OK, now is this a sort of misrepresentation or is this totally humorous, as the con man Mr. Joseph E.S. Daraman Jr, who claims that he also had a very old a really old prior alleged so called LAST WILL signed by Mr. Jose A. Diaz, that someone typed in the name of Joseph E. Daraman, as the grandson....well this means that while Mr. Daraman had arranged to opay a bribe to have someone issued a fake birth certificate to indicate that his mother was somehow related to this deceased man, which He claims was his Grandfather, named Mr. Jose A. Diaz....the truth is that this alleged deceased Grandfather of this con-man, well shit, He does not have either a birth certificate and or a death certificate...plus the Holo LAST WILL did not mention that Mr. Jose A. Diaz has a queer, a queen, a gay man as his Grandson, as his name was not mentioned in that handwritten Holo LAST WILL, so this means three strikes Mr. Penis head Daraman and you ARE OUT of teh BALL GAME.......Now this is totally humorous and I need another cold beer.  

    7 Mar 2009 @ 07:16 by Ref David Guyatt @ : Sterling and Peggy Seagraves
    DAVID GUTATT is a damn good researcher and journalist and one of these days I have to send him about 600 pages of documents of what I have collected on the Filipino scammers and con men, as there is sufficient volumes of files for Mr. Guyatt to put up on his WEB SITE and allow millions more people to be able to access the documents. A Japanese lady named Mayumi also has some thick file folders she been holding up, as years ago she provided David Guyatt with some special documents that help Mr. Guyatt better understand about some issues. I also heard there was a specialendownment not only for this David Guyatt, but also for the couple, known as Sterling and Peggy Sterling, also fantastic researches and authors. I recommend all of their books and hope that some people that wanted to pay to help these authors to expand their research and also provide them with the financial endownments, will give back something as a reward for their dedication. Another good journalist was both Mr. E.J. Ekker, the President, Chairman and CEO of the Global Alliance Investment Association, as years back, He was damn good, after that He got into the pissing contest with his mate named RON KIRZINGER, a Canadian and a very intelligent person, anyhow EKKER started to well, perhaps go over the edge as He wanted as his BONUS the value of 80,000 metric tons of gold bullion and Mr. Ron Kirzinger, one of the trustees on the Board of Directors, told EKKER to get screwed if Mr. Ekker could not prove his claim. Well, as it turned out Mr. EJ Ekker, said the hell with that, and formed yet another new Board of Directors and appointed himself as Chairman and placed puppets on the Board and well just discharged the prior trustees who have VOTE NO NO NO to the excessive demands of Mr. E.J. Ekker. I sure missing the writings of Mr. EK Ekker and I also loved to read some of the reporting from his alleged wife, named Doris Ekker. She became deceased and I miss her. I also miss the Canadian guy, Mr. Ron Kirzinger, he was a damn good writer and I am sad not to be able to find him, as He seemed like a good person to have as a mate. I also miss my damn dog and if He comes back, I promised to even buy him some real dog food in a can or a big bag of dog food. When he was young, I was buying him dog food and feeding him out of a can, until I discovered that the dog food really attracted the fish at the pier and after that, I started using it and was always catching fish, while the other fishingmen would be asking me what the hell I was using. I would show them the cut bait fish, that I was not using and they never found out my secret bait. That is how the dog was given some of the fish to eat, as hell, the bail was his dog food and I just sort of smeared the dog food over the raw fish and He just choewed down on the raw fish, He was a big attraction and now I miss him.  

    8 Mar 2009 @ 01:34 by Ref, Mr. CE Jim Brown @ : Luz Rambano StaRomana-Brown
    Another person that deserves a lot of credit and damn good also being a investigator, is Flemming Funch, he has both brains and balls and I think that He is starting to realize that Luz Rambano StaRomana was not legally married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana as the documents proved the StaROmana guy was like ALREADY DEAD and six feet into the ground...all prior to that so-called marriage of that Luz woman. Yes, I know that Flemming FUnch knew Luz RAmbano and He also knows mr. Clarence Elbert Brown AKA Mr. CE Jim Brown. Now that the conspiracy has been proven, that the Filipino woman known as Luz Ramabano, assumed the false position to claim she was legally married to Mr. S.G. STaROmana, that was proven to be a ILLEGAL MARRAIGE from several viewpoints under the Laws of the Philippines, where that alleged marriage was to have taken place. OK, so we all have to assume that LUZ Rambano had to fake the marriage, in order for the Judge at the Philippine court to be convinced that she could eb accepted as the widow, of the deceased man, known as S.G. StaRomana or as SANTA ROMANA. NOw Luz need to do all of that to qualufy for a Philippine passport, that says her name was to be Sta.Romana as she claimed she was married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana and after he became deceased, then she proclaimed that she was the widow. And so she was granted some court ruling from the Judge in the Philippines, that appointed her as the ADMINISTRATOR for the estate of Mr. S.G. StaROmana, tjhe man she claimed to have married....who was already dead....at the time of that alleged marriage to this Luz Rambano Joson woman. Yes, she was still married to her first husband and had 6 or 8 kids by that marriage, so her last name was Joson but she deserted those kids and she confirmed that she did not have any damn kids, she stated that on that marriage application when she was getting married to a dead man named Mr. StaRomana. She also said she was single, meaning she was in denial that she already had a husband still alive and kicking, and yet she was trading in that alive husband for a man who was dead, so she could change her name to become Mrs StaRomana. Now Mr. CE BROWN who was writing a book about this sam Mr. S.G.StaROmana, well, he needed a good spin for promoting the sale of his books, so He decided to marry this woman who was named as LUZ RAMBANO StaRomana...so he was at Vegas and just took this woman and had her marry him, at some Vegas Instant marriage chapel, and then Mr. CE BROWN then proclaims that He was now married to the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana the richest woman on earth and he now renamed her as Luz R. StaRomana-Brown and now He thought he had some damn good spins to sell his book. He predicated that millions of copies of his books would be sold and He asked some friends of his, to help him and they did, by helping to establish some WEB SITES that were set up to promote the sale of Mr. Browns book....but things just did not work out, as Ruth Rambano, one of the many kids of that Luz Rambano woman, filed some legal objection or injunction, not sure what it was, to STOP Mr. CE Brown from selling gis books that taked about HER MOTHER in the book, her mother being LUZ RAMBANO Jason, the woman that was her mother and the wife of her father. OK< now Mr. CE BROWN said the hell with all of that shit, and said He would make millions of dollars of profits by selling his book as a e-book on the Internet and that fell flat as a flat tire. Some unconfirmed reports said that not even 50 copies were sold and everyone I talked to that had known someone who did buy the e-book complainted that MR. Brown deceived them as there was no attached documents that was promised with the sale of the e-book, so they were feeling like victims. Well, I myself just do not know except for what I can see in black and white. I know that Luz Rambano assumed marriage tot eh man named Mr. S.G. StaRomana allowed her to deceive some Banks to release to her money, that was a act of wrongful conversion or embezzlement. Even Mr. Brown e-book confirms that theft by that woman named Luz R. StaRomana who took that money and placed it into her confidential investment trusts accounts, somethingt hat she refused to share with this Mr. CE BROWN. Some unconfirmed reports implied that someone kicked the living shit out of that little Filipino woman named LUZ and she ended up being more or less a vegetable and that her kids claims that they were prevernted from being allowed to even visit their mother, who was locked up. Again, all of those stories are not confirmed, I could not find any evidence of who or what caused the physical damage to that LUZ woman who was indeed a vegetable and who was said she could not even sign her signature to any documents...yet somehow perhaps it was a miracle,t hat Mr. CE BROWN claims that LUZ did sign POWER OF ATTORNEY to Mr. CE BROWN, who proclaims he is a super salesmen. Most salemen that I have ever met were all full of shit, as they were out to promote or sell me some bullshit story...and I am not wanting to imply that Mr. Brown ,arried this unattractive old woman for her money, ort hat He wanted to get married so He could claim he was now the Widower and make claim under the Laws of the Philippines to grab 50% of his deceased wife estate, as Luz is dead, her death certificates says that Luz Rambano did die, and for some unklnown reason this Mr. CE JImBrown claims the family of Luz in the Phiolippines never infromed him tat his wife, LUZ was dead....until over a year later. Gee, this is what, outrageous and has too many absurdities and shenanigans? NO this all adds up to a GAME OF TREACHERY that is still going on with this Mr. CE Brown, who apparently cannot seem to understand that the NBI or POlice in the Philippines did investigate into the claims of a Ms FLORDELLIZA T. StaRomana to have that LUZ RAMBANO fake marriage investigated..and from what is posted on the blog that I have been reading, it is very clear that under the laws of teh Philippines, that Luz could not eb allowed to marry either a dead man or a man who was alive named S.G. StaROmana not while LUZ first husband was still above ground, so the NBI said it was a illegal marrigage. Now Mr. CE BROWN perhaps does not want his future readers to know about that, as He is still telling many people that He is still entitled to 50% of his the estate of his wife, who he claims was Luz Rambano StaRomana and for this reason, Mr. Brown is still FULL OF HORSE SHIT.  

    8 Mar 2009 @ 01:41 by Ref DTCC owns everyone securities.... @ : The Unknown 20T dollar Company
    Most people like in American do not understand that when they purchase say stock shares of a company, that they themselves are really not the registered legal owner of the stock shares. Now I know that I would normally received a lot of nasty followup e-mail, so before you jump to burn my ass at the stake, I suggest everyone simply type into the Yahoo Search engine the words of MING THE MERCHANIC: THe Unknown 20 Trillion dollar company and that is another one of the many wen sites or forum of Flemming Funch. This will allow the General Public to be able to obtain a better understanding about the DTCC that in many ways owns everyone securities, so please take the time to check out the Depository Trust and Clearing Corproation and their ownship of the Cede and Company and then those of you who have the working brain, will start to undersatnd what that is all about.  

    8 Mar 2009 @ 01:43 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : DARAMAN CON ACT
    Woukd you beleive mr Todd that there are about 16 Last will of Diaz that was used by scam bugs, bearing the same witnesses, signatories except for the beneficiary of the will. They can simple erase the name and change it into their name and just used an old bond paper and an old typewirte and fake the signature. then presto you become the heir of Diaz. that is how the con artist works here. With regard to the man that is posting a comment on my blogsite STA ROMANA , http://staromana.blogspot.com/ I understand your grievances, that not all the associate of daraman are con. I beleive that and you have a point. BUT mR. i am sure you know how to investigate. the problem is, you already know that Daraman is a con , then this people you are telling that did not know the truth continue to supportthe con activity of daraman . maybe a month o two and you know that somebody are attacking him that he is a con. maybe the peopel that you are talking that has nothing to do with daraman ploy must put in their mind that maybe it is already the time to put a barrier. but instead they still continue to help daraman.  

    9 Mar 2009 @ 00:12 by Ref: to KNIGHT ARCANE, missing comments @ : Oswald Grubel of UBS Bank
    I clicked on your LINK as indicated in your about posting and could not find any comments by anyone at your blog site, did someone erase off what was posted there? It seems to me, that Oswald Grubel, the new UBS chief executive should read about the fake Heirs of the deceased man known as Jose A. Diaz who was also the man known to the world as SANTA ROMANA as S.G. StaRomana. Mr. Grubel who was born in Germany in 1943 has what I consider to be street smarts as while he did not attend university, He started off working at Deutsche Bank back in 1961, He then worked hard and worked his way up at Credit Suisse and left that bank in 2001, only to be tempted back a year later to guide that bank through a long period of weak earnings. I consider Credit Suisse to be a damn good bank with a excellent reputation and damn good management. I could never say anything good about the lack of leadership at UBS BANK as the UBS shares lost some 85 percent of their value during Marcel Rohner tenure as chief executive as the UBS bank was hit by asset write-downs and now the on-going in the toilet bowl problems with the U.S. tax controversy. The UBS Bank had to borrow US$60 Billion from the Swiss central bank, who now is a major shareholder in UBS Bank, but the bad news is yet to come, when it has to be disclosed of the major additional assets write-downs that will occur in August to early 2010 for the UBS BANK. Many thousands of clients will perhaps pull out of the UBS Bank with their deposits and I would think that only someone like Oswald Grubel could perhaps be the only one I would have any damn confidence in, to try to rebuild the UBS damaged reputation and restoring confidence and profitability to that UBS Bank. One of the problems is that that Bank seems to be involved into what could be considered to be wrongful conversion of assets when they allow late President Marcos of the Philippines, to have worked with a former Chairman at UBS, to do what I would consider to be a form of paper embezzlement, where they took gold accounts that belonged to Mr. Jose A. Diaz and StaRomana and changed the names, to make it appear that the gold bullion acocunts are in the name of other persons. This is a serious criminal action that seems to still be going on with that UBS Bank also dealing with a Filipino woman who is hiding using a SPAIN resident ID Card by the name of Loretta E. Laurel, as she claims that the gold that was deposited by Mr. S.G. StaRomana under code JAD for Jose A. Diaz, somehow was changed by late President Marcos and Dr. SENN or not sure oft eh true spelling of that persons name, over into the account of a person named PEDRO P. Laurel and she claims she was the wife of Mr. Laurel and after He was killed by unknown persons in the Philippines, that she became the widow. She then claimed the gold of Mr. Jose A. Diaz assets by submitting to the UBS Bank, the so-caleld 20-year gold certificates, which she said was issued to her deceased husband, who she said was Pedro P. Laurel who she said was the owner of the Bengal Trading Limited company at the Isle of Man. OK< so she claims that she is the owner of those 20-year gold certificates for the Numbers of 11833 and 11833-01 to 11833-30. And she claims she has a son named Peter and that Peters biological father was the alleged Mr. Pedro P. Laurel. Now all of this is a fraud in that she is not the owner of the gold and neither was UNS bank the depository bank for the original gold bullion that was deposited by Mr. SG StaRomana under the code name of JAD. And all of these Filipino con men like Joseph E. Daraman and others, are not and never were related to Mr. Jose A. Diaz. The best thing for the UBS Bank would be to promote Oswald Grubel up the ladder much faster and allow him to become the Chairman at UBS Bank, then the DIAZ accounts would be made workable to assist Switzerland and that UBS Bank out of their upcoming toilet bowl situation as if clients lose confidence in Banking in Switzerland, then it will not affect just the future of UBS/AG but all Banks in Switzerland and Switzerland as a country. I also think that it is proper that Mr. Diaz also wanted to return back to the Vatican at Rome a lot of his assets and wealth and I know that at least something good could become of some of the accounts to be settled also with the European central bank. Why should the World Bank have to beg money from countries to be used for allowing teh WB to provide loans to the poorest countries. I am still upset that former Bill Clinton was not allowed to continue to obtain funding from endownments or donations as was approved by the treasurer of the DNP Enterprise or that Bill Clinton could not have helped out as a trustee for the WORLD UNION PEACE FUND that was proposed by the Sultan from Sulu Sultanate to also have the Pope serve as a advisor to that PEACE FUND. It is wrong for anyone to prevent such peaceful efforts from the private sector and what is needed is for claims to be filed to the International Court of Justice and get some of these problems and claims out in the open. The Swiss side has serious problems in how they have tried to deny the existance of the accounts of deceased persons like Mr. S.G. StaRomana who was also known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz. As to the question from Mr. HP, I would agree that maybe it would be a good concept if JAPAN did mint a gold coin but the problem is where does Japan get the gold to do that, as you did not explain that in your e-mail. JAPAN is also in their own toilet bowl and could be flushed down the drain, as they also lack leadership and it seems they are also brain dead as to what is coming up next in AUGUST 2009 and then to realize that print up new Japanese currency to pass out to their citizens to think it will stimulate their recession, well..that is nothing more than a way to try to win votes from the bottom feeders. The problem is that JAPAN does not offer up anyone that has any potential to counteract the more serious phases of the global meltdown as it occurs in April of 2010.  

    9 Mar 2009 @ 01:50 by Regarding the missing person Dr. Lopez @ : Alejo Rizal Lopez
    To Mr. WR, I think that man you call Dr. Alejo Rozal Lopez is not the right person, as the man that has the entitlement to that money, is much older and if your man claiming to be him, then I think you better understand that there would not be any payment of any finders fee, if your find an imposter, as that is what you now are dealing with. And Yes, I KNOW YOU CLAIM YOU DID A LOT OF SEARCHING FOR HIM BUT YOU HAVE EITHER AN IMPOSTER OF JUST SOMEONE WITH THE SAME NAME AND IF IT IS NOT THE TRUE PERSON, HOW CANHE COLLECT THE $8,400,000.00 DUE TO THAT REAL PERSON?  

    10 Mar 2009 @ 13:13 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Chairman of UBS
    Mr Todd, who is this new in comming Chairman of the board of UBS - AG that is very different to Marcel Ospel  

    10 Mar 2009 @ 22:17 by Ref Kaspar Villiger to be new Chairman @ : Virigilio Hizon Marcelo,another con man
    Why are you asking about Marcel Ospel, as Peter Kurer is the Chairman, not Mr. Ospel? I assume you are asking about the former Swiss finance miniters named Kaspar Villiger, who will become the new Chairman at UBS/AG. He should prove to be able to assist Oswald Vrubel, the Banks new chief executive. Mr. Villiger is smart and not only knows Swiss business but also knows his way around international politics and I think He will learn that the con-man named VIRIGILIO HIZON MARCELO from the Philippines, is not a son of Mr. S.G. Sta. Romana nor is that con-man a trustee of the D and P Enterprise, the holding company of Mr. Jose A. Diaz. Most people blame Marcel Ospel for leading UBS/AG Bank into their mess, but that is unfair. The UBS mess is the fault of many bankers within UBS/AG and also some of their still much older advisors that worked with former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos, to change around a lot of the gold bullion deposits of Mr. S.G. Sta. Romana and Jose A. Diaz out of these owners names, over into some made up straw people that were puppets of late President Maercos of the Philippines. This will soon become a vast exposure of the theft of that bullion and the embezzlement of the gold as while the new leadership and the new BOard of Directors of this UBS/AG were not part of the embezzlement that took place, it is their job to stop the wrongful conversion that is still taken place. I was told that Mr. Kaspar Villiger was considered to not have enought banking experiences for this new job as UBS/AG Chairman, but it seems that people do not look at the prior 14 years He was a minister, heading the Swiss defense and finance departments. He was a member of the board at Nestle and as shareholders, we knew of his performance for this good group. What UBS/AG will be facing is more write-downs of large financial loss that will depress the share prices, but the worst thing is that UBS will be losing many thousands of their clients, as Switzerland is starting to crack with their own banking secrecy so more and more clients money will be pulled out and it will be a very difficult fight to win back those clients, once they depart out of Swiss Banks. Again, I think that Kaspar Villger is being blamed for the financial losses that occured at Swiss Re. with some risky investments all because Villiger postion on the board of directors. It is always easy to blame someone for the wrong decisions as looking back, I think what the shareholders of UBS/AG should be is to forget the God damn past performance and look to the future recovery of this UBS/AG Bank with new the new Board of Directors and their new leadershop to support Oswald Grubel, as He did a hell of a fantastic job over at Credit Suisse BAnk, He could maybe also save UBS/AG from being flushed down the toilet bowl as well and tuern UBS/AG into the FUTURE BANK to restore confidence to us shareholders and to their lost clients...but it will take 3 or more years to win back a lot of the clients once they departed out of Switzerland and Swiss banks.  

    10 Mar 2009 @ 23:21 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : CITIGROUP
    Mr Todd can you make any comment about Citigroup Banking and what you thinks will happen to CITI Bank shareholders? after the take over of the US government for the 40% share of stocks  

    11 Mar 2009 @ 07:36 by Ref, Vikram Pandit, CEO of CITIGROUP @ : Now in phase 3, of the economic collapse
    Well, the Bank shares were down to $1.00 and that was not very good, so the spin doctors were told to say some nice things about CITI BANK and they did and the shares came up to $1.40, but the problem is that all of the bail-oit money that they pour into CITI Bank will ot solve the problem unless they get rid of the God damn problems within the Bank itself. They should fire everyone that was with the Bank except the one man that is breaking his balls to help turn it around. He cannot be replaced as no one wants his job, so He is ONE MAN that by himself cannot save that bank. Sure, the bank can create profits for the quarter of say $7 Billion and that is good news, but while the right hands claims the Bank is starting to show a profit, the left hand knows that the Billions of dollars of what the bank has on their books as assets, is losing 6% per month, meaning those mortages are worth less and less, as the other banks are ready to release what they been holding on to as those bank assets, and everyone will start dumping the HOUSES and PROPERTY FOR SALE on the market, driving down the prices even more and lower and then even lower etc. As that occurs, then the assets that the banks claimed they were hold, become worh less and less as there is no market left to handle the excessive amount of homes FOR SALE, not by the home owner, no the damn houses were taken over by the God damn banks, it is the banks that are selling the property to get back the money they claimed they loaned to the home owner who defaulted. The whole thing is a scam from the start and only the American taxpayers will be screwed, but the taxpayers do not uhnderstand anything about Banking at all, as the poor taxpayer actually thinks that when He went to a bank to make a application for the LOAN from the Bank, the person makes the loan actually thinks that the Bank was making a loan out of money that the Bank has in their vaults. The average American thinks that banks take in savings of other people money and then take the savings and makes the loan to the guy that applies for a loan. That is all BULLSHIT, its not that way at all. Banks credit the credit and the money using the debit of the guy making the application for the loan itself, the bank does not risk their own money, its a big scam. It has always been a scam by all Banks, not just those in the United States. But it seems that the American public is brain dead in not understanding anything as to how credit is created out of the thin air. No one wants to take over the job of Vikram Pandit the chief executive and many want hiom to resign...but who the hell is there that can do any better than what this guy has been doing? It is a thankless job. Look, the U.S. Government was holding GOOD SHARES in that bank and would have collected a profit, but they cashed ion the good shares and traded them to accept common stock, meaning that CITI BANK saves several Billion dollars a year as their bank nolonger had to pay out the dividen on the previous good shares called perferred stock shares. So making the announcement that CITI is going to show a profit on its books is that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, also that the US Government is not very smart to be giving the taxpayers MORE RISKS. CITI BANK should be broken up, sold off and then place watch dogs at each bankers desk and sniff what the bankers do every day and watch them 24/7, even when the bankers are sleeping, as it is not true, that bankers do not need sleep, they do sleep and I hope they have nightmares. The US Government is at fauklt for allowing the bankers to screw up, as the government knew what the hell was going on for many many years. But there is good news, that being we are now into Phase 3 and this is where all of the US Dollars that had been invested overseas, will be returning back home, to American and most people who are scard shitless, will invest their money into US Government bonds as a sort of safe place to store their money, as they cannto trust the God damn banks to hold their money, but they trust the UNCLE SAM guy. So this will allow Uncle Sam to get plenty of new money coming into his pockets and He hands out new Government Bonds to the investors, then the WHITE HOUSE can show the Congress that look, money is being sucked out of all overseas countries, back to the USA and the Congressmen like that....they can smell pork....and as the money comes back as investors are in a panic to trust their investments overseas, the other countries sink deeper into the quick sand in Europe. This means a MONEY WAR, this is what this will come down to a serious shortage of US Dollars overseas, that will weaken the Euro and for all countries that needed the US Dollar to settle on Loans and Imports and Letter of Credits, so when people cannot find the US Dollars, what will they do?  

    11 Mar 2009 @ 22:01 by Ref Nicholaus Senn Swiss Banker @ : ROWENA AZURIN
    Some one is asking who this person is? I think this persons works with the retired Filipino Attorney, that was caught in some sting where the Filipinos were printing up $ 2 Trillion dollars of something there in the Philippines. This Attorney is said to be connected with the printing of the extra sets of those BENGAL TRADING LIMITED, Isle of Man 20-year Gold Certificates. As that story is told, it seems that the Attorney was working on and off for late president Marcos of the Philippines. And that President Marcos asked the Attorney to print up extra sets of those 20-year gold certificates. Now, first of all why would President Marcos want to have done that? I means there is now documents to prove that the GOLD belonged to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana but was deposted under the CODE of JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz. The GOLD was used in a improper manner without the consent of the owner. Yes, President Marcos at one time, had been the appointed Attorney-At-Law for Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and for the name of Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who was his client. Now Attorney Marcos aka as late Presdient Ferdinand E. Marcos, knew that He could not get into the ownership of the gold that was in the name of SGSR aka Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, so what He did was ask for some help from a Swiss banker named NICHOLAUS SENN, who later became the Chairman at the old UBS BAnk in Switzerland. That Banker SENN and President Marcos set up the LINCOLN BANK and TRUST COMPANY which was a shell paper company that was used to float the 20-year gold certificates, issued from the Isle of Man company, known as Bengal Trading Limited. The strawman that was used was PEDRO P. LAUREL a man who more or less help President Marcos sell off the gold from Ferdinand E. Marcos, who was the Attorney representing DIAZ and Sta.Romana. OK, so they issued those 20-year gold warranty certificates with the maturity date of Year 2003. OK, so then various woman who all claimed they were married to the strawman, played by PEDRO P. LAUREL, well the alleged wives were called by various names but the main pfake wives were called LORETTA E. LAUREL. And She claimed to be married to Pedro P. Laurel and she claimed to have a son named Peter. And she claimed to also be the owner of those NUmber 11833 gold certificates of Numbers No 11833, and from 11833-01 to 11833-20. Of course the Filipino con men and scammers produced many more certificates all of the way from 11833-01 to 11833-150. So many suckers, who were unsuspecting investors or greedy Americans, JAPANESE and Europeans, Chinese you name it, all bought some and many of those hundreds of fake certificates, called 20-year gold certificates issued by the name of the BENGAL TRADING LIMITED COMPANY from the Isle of Man. OK, so the proble, with this fake widow Loretta is that she had not real knowledge about any of the real story of how there was gold to be backing up those 20-year gold certificates, but she made a lot of money from the many sponsors, investors, and greedy fools and Sugar Daddies that she accepted money from, as they really thought this Filipino woman was the widow, of the owner of those BEngal Trading Limited Company gold certificates. Well she deceived everyone including herself. She knew nothing, but she was just obtaining misinformation from other fools, so she assumed that the UBS Bank in Switzerland was holding the gold, so she and four or five Lawyers and LAW FIRMS all attacked UBS/AG and demanded the gold, using those 20-year gold certificates. Now the former Chairman at UBS/AG knew that all of those 20-year certificates has been reported missing, lost, embezzled after the death of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel. I have copies of the courier package and also color copies of teh GOLD BONDS that were sent by courier to the UBS/AG Chairman, to inform him that the GOLD BONDS would replace all of the prior 11833 series certificates, because there were so many false duplicated copies floating around. So the UBS/AG Bank knows that they never had the gold to back up those 20-year gold certificates, as UBS was not the depository bank. THe UBS/AG also knew that the GOLD BONDS were authorized as a replacement for the 11833 and 11833-01 to 11833-10 and some 100MT certificates Numbers 11933-11, 14,15,16 and 17 etc. The old Banker SENN knows the truth, but He perhaps conceals the truth as He would implicate himself into the criminal act that He was involved with in helping late Presdient Marcos, to embezzle many of the gold accounts and cash accounts of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz. However that old man Banker SENN is said to still be a advisor to the Chairman and to the President of the UBS/AG Bank and that means, that perhaps that Board of Directors of that BAnk were not aware that 4,000 metric tons of gold was placed into a 15 trust for the UBS BANKING GROUP for investments of teh 11,000MT that was owned by Mr. Jose A. Diaz account as CODE JAD. Now I knew all of this from reading the legal documents that were confirming such arrangements, done by the PPL Foundation Trust, as it was very clear that 6,000MT was to be maintained as investment trust under the control of UBS Banking Group, then as was mandated, 2,000MT was made as a transfer to the WOLD UNION FOUNDATION so there was still that 4,000 metric tons that could have been utilized by that UBS/AG BAnk and if they had been able to use those assets, then perhaps their Bank would not have suffered so serious of a financial mess that BAnk now is involved into. I mean they had to beg and borrow money from the Swiss National Babnk like the central bank as a bail out, then there is said to be more and more write-downs coming up of bad loans and bad investments their Bankers had made, so even by changing their Chairman and the CEO, is not sufficient to get out of that financial mess, as they will soon be losing many many clients who will remove they money out of that UBS/AG Bank, because of the lack of confidence. If I was a consulting for that UBS/AG Bank and they supplied the free beer and cashew nuts and lots of German sausages and pay me a fee, I would advise them to consider to lease the 4,000MT of that 11,000MT and to pay a lease fee to utilize the 4,000MT as a sort of RESERVE ASSETS, that would allow their bank to have that large asset of 4,000 metric tons made as a transfer over out of the current depository banks where the gold is deposited, over into the UBS/AG BAnk in Switzerland and that could be done in a proper legal transfer through their UBS/AG Branch in say Hong Kong. Having the ability to have a commodity of gold is better than a vault full of old paper for paper assets, as the paper assets are subject to the declining value of the market worth of whatever UBS/AG is holding on their books. AS the world suffers the upcoming more serious backlash of the economic collapse that will surface in middle of year 2010, then UBS/AG should ahve used the leverage of the 4,000MT and kepted out of the toilet bowl they are now in. Banker SENN will become a focus as the DIAZ estate in their on going investigations in uncovering prior indiscretions of that man and some others that have tried to help some of the con men from the Philippines achieve wrongful conversion of the cash/gold accounts at that UBS Bank. THey all play the game that they BAnk claims to make a search and cannto find any accounts for teh deceased, but all of the records are in the archives, also a lot of the gold is not listed on the books of the UBS. as the gold is said to not rteally have yet entered into Switzerland as the bukllion is stored at the airport, in vaults rented to the various Swiss companies and their Banks. Anyhow the recovery team spent four years and found what they were seeking and have the documents to prove the existance of the gold. There seems to be a Swiss game of Treachery that took place in the prior years.  

    13 Mar 2009 @ 18:17 by allan diggle @ : UBS
    Todd have you ever heard a dept in UBS being called " UBS asset management company" I received an email I am trying to understand it  

    13 Mar 2009 @ 22:08 by To, Allan Diggle, nice to hear from you. @ : UBS has many false doors with brick wall
    NO, never heard of that name, but it sure sounds like smoke and mirror, perhaps created by unknown persons as a brick wall to block anyone from knocking on the right door at that Swiss Bank, so what they do is create many doors and when you open those doors, there is a brick wall there. I am glad you are still alive as I had not heard from you in a long time. Usually when people want to sit down on a toilet seat in a outhouse, there is a risk that some wild aninal was in that pile of shit, down under the seat, that could reach up and bite your ass, but in the work of today, most countries, governments and for sure BAnks, are all INSIDE the toilet bowl, nolonger sitting on the seat, and by 2010 maybe April or May, they will be flushed down the drain. Banks that are weak should be forced out of business. Bankers that screwed up should be hauled into court and then throw their asses in jail. The U.S. Government has to take control of their banks, it is the only way to solve their damn financial mess. Insetad, the government is making the Bankers think they are GOD, as the Bankers just beg and that foolish Uncle Sam gives the Bankers more and more and still more to come, MONEY. IT is not the Government money, it is the taxpayers future debits that are being used to bail out the banks that screwed up by taking the risks. The U.S. Government efforts will fail, as they are too close to their Bankers, too much buddy buddy and Uncle am does not have a big stick or a baseball bat, so the Bankers think that silly old Uncle Sam is scard of the Bank. I think that Canada also has a lot of good potentials for recovery, provided no one flusged that Uncle Sam down the toilet bowl. Uncel Sam, is happy as shit on a stick as like I said, we are now in Phase 3 of the financial meltdown, this is where there is a LARGE LOUD SUCKING SOUND that can be heard...and it is not from under the seat in the outhouse..it is the U.S. Dollarts being sucked out from overseas to come back to America, as the investors are starting to panic about leaving their US DOllars invested outside the USA. So Uncle Sam is able to see all of this flowing back to his side, and this makes President Obama and his people also smile and this allows the low interest to be maintained inside the USA, while the rest of the world cannot get their hands on US dollars, as that suction is sucking up everything, especially over in Europe. Now Japan can fool their natives, who are also brainwashed into thinking that Japan is a strong country and will not be affected by this financial mess, but the average Japanese is so ignorant about the situation that they just spend all of their time assuming that UNCLE SAM and President Obama will fix the problem. Well, President Obama is both right and wrong in what He wants to do with that financial mess, and I give him a lot of credit for having the guts and balls to stand up, but those Americans, those citizen have to do more than just assume their new President is going to solve the mess, the Yanks have to also know that it is time to put the bankers in the unemployment line, or put them in jail and shut down the Banks and the only way to clean ip that mess, is to sell off the paper assets of those banks at a fair market value, get rid of them off the books of the banks and then place regulations on the bankers to have them ask for a permission slip every time they want to go to the toilet, then send a armed guard with the bank to the toilet while He takes a shit. The American taxpayers needs to wake up out of their ignorance and back up their new President, He needs to see also that Americans will start purchasing again, using their money, as if they do not BUY, then nothing will be sold, and that means that Uncle Sam will remain in deep shit.  

    14 Mar 2009 @ 00:26 by Allan Diggle @ : UBS
    Thanks.......I am not using an outhouse, flush toilet where I am at and it is nice...lol . Hope you are well sir  

    14 Mar 2009 @ 08:04 by Ref Allan Diggle and Timothy Geithner @ : Poor Uncle Sam with one leg in toilet
    As expected, the US Congress will start to attach a lot of new rules and regulations to make more and more demands on the Banks, to sort of tie one hand of their bankers behind their back and watch them like a hugry hawk looks down a fild mouse that while the mouse is small, the hawk wants to grab the mouse and have him for a meal. So there will be several Banks that will wake up and say, HEY WE DO NOT NEED a BADYSITTER and to have our hands tied behind our backs and thety will then try to give the money back to their Government, to get rid of the enforcement of the new rules and regulations. Solong as the bank are beholden to Washington, D.C. then the government gets into the silk underwear of teh banks and can grab their dicks, so the bankers will not want that and will try to bail themselves out of the deal, tor efund back the money that was lent to those banks in the alleged bail out program. Some fo those banks did not even need the God damn bail out money, but the assumption was that the bad banks did not want the public spotlight to be shined on the banks that took the money, so the wisdom was that Washington, D.C. required all Banks to reach out their hands and Washington, D.C. gave them all bail oput money..so the Public would not know which of those banks were in bad shape and which banks were the strong one, so this is a sort of coverup by the American Government in some ways. I mean Bans are sort of pissed, that the Government actually wants their banks to disclose more infromation about their spending and then OH MY GOD, the Governmetn wants to actually cap executive pay at the lower $500,000.00. Now maybe Washington, D.C. does not know that Bankers have expenses as those Cuban cigars are not cheap, the Brandy or th good Scotch is not cheap either and then there are 5,000 other confidential ways that Bankers spend their money and now President Obama wanted to make teh poor bankers suffer, to be reduced to just $500,000.00 a year as their top salary....Gee what else will the U.S. Government expect out of the Banks and those bankers? Now the Government at first allow for the foolish free hand out of the first BIllions of dollars and without any strings attached, the Bankers said, Wow and WOW and they kepted the money, not wanting to loan it out...so Washington.D.C. then came up with some improvements and the government required banks to replace the taxpayers money with new equity in the form of common stick or preferred shares....BEFORE any repayment. But the markets for raising capital are more or less all dead, especially for financial companies....and then the Government felt they would win this tiome, as the government said Banks are NOT ALLOWED to repay the government money out of their earnings for three years, but some banks say that the government MAY CHANGE or reserve that decision if the banks start earning money again, Now this needed some spin to fool the Congressmen back at Washington, D.C. to get the Congressmen to change the rules again and again, so the banks came up with the excuse and their reason, that it is beneficial for the government and Congressmen to show the poor taxpayers that some banks are regaining their financial strength. Now how do they get that SPIN...OH, the CEO could issue a leak of some internal e-mail message sent to the Banks shareholders that say, Dear Shareholder, I am very pleased to report that the BAnk that I am the head honcho for, is starting to show a profit this last quarter and this is all confidential so please do not allow this memo to be leaked out..and naturally that news or that SPIN gets intot he media and then makes the fools out there think that RECOVERY is actually starting to work, OH MY GOD....but God knows that this is all bullshit, as God created the bull who eats and then has to shit, but even God did not know that man would be able to produce bullshit as the Bankers can do it. OK< so what are the banks to do, as if they give the God damn money back now, to get the government out of their underwear, the same banks will perhaops find themselves in deep shit as the financial meltdown picks up spped as we are only in Phase 3. The banks that give the money back, will be in deep shit in the future when they really need to have that extra money available, but by that time, the Congreemen will have all sorts of new beggers asking for money, so the Congressmen are going to ahve to learn to JUST SAY NO....The damn banking sysyem is insolvement, but the US Congress does not have any concept of what to do, so they sort of allowing the Banks to be expected to clean up the mess, if Congress loans them a few Trillion dolalrs of the US Taxpayers money, money that did not exist but is being printed as I drink another cold beer. I myself think that Treasury Secretary Timithy Geithner knows throwing money out as is being done, is not going to stop the meltdown, as it has to ride through Phase three which just started up until AUGUST 2009, then it will enter into the startup of Phase 4 and continue up to the final Phase eight aka SHIT HITS THE FAN BLADES. What I would do to advise any Congressman who was asking, would be to focus more on homeowners. I just do not understand any logis or where the hell the wisdom is in how shoring up cripped banks serves the public interest better than having the governemnt restructure banks that would fail without government sipport? This plan is going to fail miserably, forcing the government to step in and take control of the banks in the USA. If President Obama would only focus the bulk of subsidies on homeowners rather than banks, then Uncle Sam would not have one leg in the toilet bowl? Printing more more to toss at Banks who has people with shit for brains as the manageemnts, is one of the reasons that Uncle Sam is not able to remove one of his legs out of the toilet bowl.  

    14 Mar 2009 @ 21:51 by ref: E.J. Ekker Peru Gold Bond @ : Tagean and Tallano Estate and QUITCLAIM
    Several yeaers back when I started to warn people about the financial meltdown and also what is to occur in year 2012, everyone ignored me and when the meltdown started to be exposed, then almost a 100 persons started to contact me by e-mail asking what was going on. Back then I told them to do their own damn DD and to gather evidence that the meltdown would affect all foreign countries, not just the U.S. Now we are in Phase three and the so-called experts who seem to have shit for brains, fail to understand that the global showdown is deeper and more protracted that they inotially feared, so while the people called the so-called experts debate the situation, they do not know if their governments should focus first on emergency spending using the taxpayers money OR on better regulations. NO one wants to admit they are into the toilet bowl and they cannot or do not want to think, that something is going to flush them down the toilet....but this is what will occur, as to get rid of this proble, you have to first get rid of the shit. The shit is the paper assets the Banks claim are their ability to stay in business and that is BULLSHIT. Their paper assets are perhaps not worth 30% of the paper value, so is you understood that means the Banks have 70% less of assets than they want us to theinl, then OH MY GOD, that means the Banks are insolvent...Gee, so if the banks are insolvent, why is the governments pourning billions and billion into insolvent banks, using the taxpayers money? When a business like a company or a corproation fails then it GOES OUT OF BUSINESS. So what is the logic of bailing out Banks, that are nothing more than corproations, that are insolvement, to get to use taxpayers money and still in the end, the banks will fail and the taxpayer is the one that becomes screwed. Now the Government is not screwed, as it was not the government money that was used to bail-out the banks, was it? I means it was a paper currecy that was used to loan to the insolvent banks, run by the shit brains who created the financial meltdown and now the government is risking the taxpayers money, to toss into a black hole....I think LUCIFERs PLAN was to have created Bankers to live on this Earth to take away from the bottom feeders like myself, but the Devil knew that the Bankers needed help, so when God on the 8th day is said to have created Lawyers, then the Devil smiled and said, JUST GREAT, now the Banks will take everything with the Bankers at their side and when God seen that combinations, , I think even He would have said...OH MY GOD....I sort of miss ATtorney Alejo F. Estepa, who worked with CHairman and CEO E.J. Ekker, the CEO who wanted to colled 80,000 tons of gold as his BONUS...when He already was saiod to be soon to receive % 50 Billion according to Mr. Ekker, as the outstanding interest owed to him or his corproations, by the Federal Reserve Bank. NOw the Federal Reserve Bank has never acknowledged that financial debit obligation, but Mr. Ekker says it was a verbal agreement, nothing in writing as the Federal Reserve and or the US Treasury refused to sign anything, but would verbally agree that they owed the debit on some old Peru $1,000.00 gold Bond claim. OK first of all, who is it Mr. Ekker that owes you that $ 50 Billion, can you still remember? You said it was the Federal Reserve Bank as you said that the Federal Reserve BAnk assumed all debts of the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Government when all of that back in the old days, was inside the toilet bowl, about to be flushed down the drain. OK, now is perhaps not a good time to be asking the Federal Reserve for too many Billions of dollars, as they have a lot of outstanding printing order they have to fill first. I means there will be more and more people going to Washinting, D.C. to cry and expect their Congressmen to bail them out and this means more people need more money and if you remain in the Philippines Mr. Ekker, and do not get your name on the PAY LIST, well gee, how will you ever collect any of those %50 Billion plus $5 Billion a year each year as the interest payments? I am also certain that your Attorney MR. Alejo F. Estepa is also somewhat concerned as to how deep your pockets are Mr. Ekker, as after-all Lawyers like most people do have to eat and they like to have a steady income or some income. By the way, I heard that there was some counter legal motion being made to cancel the previous QUIT-CLAIM agreement that was legalized by that Sultan Fuad Kiram to the Tagean-Tallano Estate. It seems that the Sultan gave up his land claims against the Tagean-Tallano clan, provided that the T and T Estate assigned over 40,000 tons of the gold from the 180.000 tons of gold that was allociated to the trustees of the T and T Estate. And since the Tagean and Tallano side failed to have made the reqwuired transfer of ownership for the 40,000 metric tons of gold to the beneficiaries, to be the people of teh Philippines, then that resulted in a breach of contract, thus I heard now that the Sultan would want to instead, to lease that same 40,000mt of gold to the President of the United States to be leased at the fixed rate of one percent per year. It is that 1% per year that is to be paid into a TRUST FUND to be 100% owned by the People of the Philippines and they also will own the 40,000 metric tons of gold as well. When I started to ask some questions and more details, I was told to wait, as there had to be made some legal procedures to get into proper protocol and to be legalized to allociate the gold as not as a sale, to the United States, as that would have allowed Mr. E.J. Ekker to have claimed the gold on behalf of his non-existing Peru Gold Bond, so the 40,000tons of gold was decided to be leased, so EJ Ekker could not get his large paws on the gold. I also heard that other gold, was already offered at a large discount for sale to the CITI Ney York Bank or to the US TReasury or to some Saudi Arabia Royal family and then there was some delay, because of the need to also add in the New York Tax records to prove the existance of those gold bullion and other cash accounts, so that was done, then they had to add in the gold bulssion accounts of some other large U.S. Banks as well, so that gold is to be sold I assume to UNCLE SAM and Uncle Sam will take that physical gold and it can be shown to anyone, except perhaps Mr. E.J. Ekker. I would think that Mr. Ekker could related to Uncle Sam, but I guess that just because they are both Americans, does not mean they become good mates. Now Mr. E.J. Ekker has his own prohect called HORSE-SHIT while Uncle Sam has one foot in the toilet bowl, but that by itself does not mean they can agree upon any claims of E.J. Ekker to claim He has the legal right to take any gold that belongs to the Federal Reserve and or the US Treasury. I think that Uncle Sam who has longer legs, could maybe kick Mr. Ekker in the ass or worst, in his nuts, then EKKER would yell out. OH MY GOD...  

    14 Mar 2009 @ 22:30 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : US TREASURY BOND
    It seem Mr. Todd that you are telling us that the federal reserve currency is becoming stronger with all of the overseas investments to purchase US treasury bonds, so you seem to be also indicating that US Bonds is a good investment ????  

    16 Mar 2009 @ 10:12 by Some question for Knight Arcane??? @ : What the hell happed to Noel, RIP???
    No, I did not say that at all, what I was explaining is that many millions of investors will pull out their money and place it into U.S. Government bonds as being the lesser of all evils for keeping their money safe. Their thinking is that they believe that the U.S. Government will not default, but I am not certain if the U.S. Government themselves, even knows what theb hell they are doing, as they keep printing more money to toss over to the U.S. Banks that are actually insolvent, so the Government itself is not the proper management for that situation, but then who the hell else is there, to try tob resolve that damn financial meltdown. This is not a mistake, this was well known to many of us years ago that it was going to occur. The main reason that the dollar is appreciating in this short run, is because global investors see the American currency as a safe haven at a time of crisis. But for anyone with brains, who can understand that the American stimuls package is financed mainlky by borrowing, then that will affect the future value of Treasury securities in the long run. The Chinese have brains, also they are holding a estimated $2 Trillion of the American debit. The Chinese are like me, they wait and observe but they have money, where I do not have money. Still we can both watcg while Europe and the United States are fighting the financial-system collapse plus a recession, and we are only in Phase three of the seven phases of this mess. CHINA has $2Trillin in foreign exchange, and about $1 Trillion of that was invested in U.S> Treasury notes. That means that China, the Big Panda majority of investements into the USA has been for bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury, That is actually U.S. Governemnt debt. Bonds are debits to those who have the brains to understand that. Bonds are not considered to be assets, if the bonds could not be repaid on time. Now what happens if China decided to cash in some of their $1 Trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds, what do you think would happened KNIGHT ARCANE, can you share your thoughts or not?  

    16 Mar 2009 @ 23:17 by Ref, What happed to Ron Kirzinger??? @ : $ 100 Trillion banknote ZIMBABWE
    A few week back, when I was reading that ZIMBABWE central bank started to issue out their new billion dollar notes as currency, I thought to myself, now Gee, even having one of them means you have a Billion dollar bill in my wallet and I said SHIT, that sounds good, but since their inflation is 231%, then it is said that 1 billion dollar bill is insufficient to pay workers......and now their central bank just released their new $ 100 Trillion dollar bill and when I read that, I almost spilled my damn beer......unbelieveable, so I started to figure what that was in say Euro and it came out to be only 225 Europs and that was not exciting so I did the math to find out what it was in US Dollars and it was not impressive either. Now that 100,000,000,000,000 Zim-dollar bill as $100 trillion sure sounds impressive, so I was wanting to fugure out how many cases of beer it could purchase and then when I reach for the calculator, I did spill my damn cold beer.....and usually my dog would have enjoyed whatever falls to the ground at my feet, but Hell the God damn dog ran off chasing some bitch in heat and that was the last I seen of him or her or the other horney dogs following her. The U.S.A. also could be heading into Hyperinflation as their central bank keeping printing more and more money and eventually all of the new money, is going to create the problems resulting from hyperinflation. I support the U.S. Dollar which is actually called the Federal reserve currency as there is nothing else to replace it, until people will start to accept using sea shells as money again. Germany also had a bad history of their currency with their hyperinflation, as I recall reading where they had to haul around the paper money in a wheelbarrow, just to purchase a loaf of bread back in those days. Now some people would say that Gee, th cost of bread was so expensive back in those old day, failing to understand that the God damn problem was not with the bread, it was with the damn hyperinflation and the failure of their currency. The problem is that the people operating the Federal reserve do not seem to really understand the problems that Uncle Sam and the poor taxpayers are facing, beither does their US Congreemen or the WHITE HOUSE. Sure, I know, I am a outsider that perhaps does not understand all of the unseen prioblems facing the Federal Reserve bank officials, but I know one damn thing, keeps pumping out billions of dollars per each printing shift, it could lead to hyperinflation and that would mean that the prince of beer would increase, so since I can not sit around with the big boys with their cigars and good tasting scotch whiskt or brandy and make such top level decisions to try to get the economy going, I know that if PEOPLE do not spend or purchase, then there is not God damn economy that will be recovered. When people are scard and not knowing what the central bank or their congressmen will do next, then the PEOPLE will remove their savings out of the banks and sit it under their mattress, can you blame them for not having any faith in the system? I mean think of the workers that are in Zimbabwe where the $ 1 Billion note is insufficient to pay for the wages of the worker, so now the central bank thinks they solved the problem by printing HOLY SHIT...a not just a #1 Trillion bank note, but really a $100 Trillion dollar bank note. I was thinking of purchasing one and to carry it in wallet, then I figured that since it prhaps would be soon replaced by yet another new larger bank note, manybe a one thousands 100 trillion, I would wait and then see what happened, as I am waiting to see what will happen to poor Uncle Sam over in America.  

    17 Mar 2009 @ 00:33 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : 2 Trillion Loan of US
    Mr Todd I heard and I read about the issue of that 2 trillion foreign debt ? via treasury bond of US governement to the chinese government, and one solution is the immersio of the law of Imminent domain, where the chinese government can purchased land and property in mainland US of A, in anywhgere place they want in exchange for the payment of these Trillion dollars loan from china. That would be a realty estate mega bargain and mega problem.
    besides this issue of Law of Imminent domain what is the best solution for the U.S. Governemt to have as collaterial, as the recent interview with the Chief of the Federal Reserve, was that all the Federal Reserve can do is make loans against collateral and that is the reason that their plans for bail out will not work, so what is your suggestion Mr. Alphine  

    18 Mar 2009 @ 01:13 by To: KNIGHT ARCANE with questions? @ : Uncle Sam/White House need gold bullion
    To KNIGHT ARCANE, If you are serious in asking me that silly question, then the answer has to be God damn GOLD and more GOLD and then even more gold bullion, as if the U.S. Government was sitting on gold, then noone could say anything bad about poor Uncle Sam. RIght now they kick the shit out of that Uncle Sam, as they think he is homeless or unable to stop millions of home owners from losing their homes, because they cannot pay the mortage to the damn bankers, because the people lost their job and their unemployment benefits are running out. Everyone wants to blame Uncle Sam, but he os obnly partially to blame, you have to blame the SEC, the Congressmen and the failure of the WHITE HOUSE before President Obama decided that he would tack that damn financial nightmare of a melt down. We can all sit aorund and drink our beers and complain that the WHITE HOUSE and their say 10 guys are working 24/7 to stop the bleeding of Uncle Sam, but the truth is that printing more God damn money to give to the Banks that helped create this mess in the first place, is not very logical. Then the WHITE HOUSE and COngress did not have time to demand to the banks that they would be rewuired to loan out the damn bail-out money, and not buy a $70,000.00 rug and decorate their office, Hell all I have is a old lounge chair, a table and a cooler chest as my oudoor office and I work until it rains, then I quit as that is the excuse I needed, to sit back and drink some cold beer and catch up with the news. The so called bullshit news is that the USA is going to start recovery at the end of this year and all I can say to that, is that when I went to Jesuit school, they said that Bankers who lied were going straight to hell and while it was not restricted to just Bankers, it actually applied to anyone who lies like what is now being done, to fool all of the people all of the time, to make the bottom feeders to think there is some hope that this meltdown has found the bottom and that is GOOD NEWS. That is not news, that is disinformation designed to sort of make people open their wallets and start spending as if the people do not spend, well the economy remains stuck or not moving. Yes, I read that special alleged agreement that was given to CHINA, but not sure if that story was accurate or not, did you KNIGHT ARCANE get a actual copy of the agreement itself, that you could share with me or all of us on this forum. I means if the US Government made such a agreement as was alleged and still not confirmed, it does seem that CHINA has a legal right to legally demand and obtain anything they wanted within the USA, as UNCLE SAM owes a lot of money to the Chinese. Now in my simple way of looking at things, CHINA who is holding those debits or those debentures or US Treasury Notes or Bonds or whatever they hell they are holding, well if CHINA thinks that Uncle Sam is going to be flushed down the toilet bowl, then CHINA has a legal right for demanding recovery, before Uncle Sam disappears down the drain....good by Uncle Sam.... So if CHINA is owed that money, then they have a reight to collect it and if they wanted to take a building or a cow or a farm or take just about anything as something to subtract off what the U.S. Government owes to CHINA, then what is wrong with that? I cannot understand you KNIGHT ARCANE, are you thinking that CHINA has no such right to claim assets, or are you surprised that the Chinese wanted something as a guarantee that if Uncle Sam gets flushed away, that the Chinese wanted some other way to extract some thing of vaklue as due consideration for the money that is still outstanding and due to CHINA? Which side of this arguments are you on, can you please explain?  

    18 Mar 2009 @ 07:01 by Ref Mr RM on CE Jim Brown @ : Golden Leaf Publishing Company
    To: RM, I assume you are talking about the old tales told by Mr. CE Jim Brown as I read many years ago MR. Brown so-called e-book that was nothing but a hell of a lot of pages someone paid to get the download off the interent. The person that ordered it started to read it and just gave up and start to complain to others and I heard of his complaints that CE Brown was claiming her was involved into some dealings with making a project in some country and everything was going greats when late President Marcos wants to maybe use that tiny country as a safe haven to hid out, so it was said that President MArcos wanted to put up the $ 1 Billion to start up the BAnk etc. Then there was some sales of gold being sold by late President Marcos for I think it was 36,000 metric tons of gold and somehow Mr. Brown started to create the story where Clarence Elbert Brown AKA as CE BROWN and aka he renamed himself as CE JIm Brown as the Him portion sort of puts hair on his chest or something. Anyhow if you have any questiions, why not ask you open questions on this firm out in the open, as the gold that the late President MArcos was selling was gold that belonged to StaRomana, not to Marcos and not to the guy with no hair on his chest, CE Jim Brown. Mr. Brown was involved in the sale of gold that was being embezzled from the owner who was StaRomana. Anyhow Mr. Brown fell in hard luck, his e-book was not saleable, it was like selling used rubbers that had visibile small holes in the rubber, at a discount price. So that Mr. CE Brown is still there in the Philippines, we know his address but I do not think it would be right to display that, as all CE Brown has done was lie, not tell the truth, but anyone purchasing a book from a unknown author must assume the auther sort of created the story as he was making it up in his head. I do not consider Mr. Brown to be evel at all, just that he was back then full of shit. If you read his e-book, He puts himself into the adventure and becomes part of the deals as a sort of person on the side, and He is said to be observing and making notes, as He always knew that He would write a book or two or three or four and he claimed he had written 4 or 5 books...but none of them were ever published and sold as a real book, like inside of a real book store. As to your second question, I do not know that answer, you have to catch up with CE BROWN and ask him, but He hides, as He is after-all a sort of undercover agent, who works for different Agencies, like the JAPANESE, like HIMSELF and for ANYONE who wants to buy some raw gold bullion, or some old WF Notes or you name it, Mr. Brown will claim He can find it, sell it to you and all he wants is a little share of it, so He can pay for his hookers or maybe if he has a lot of hair on his chest, maybe the hookers pay him....it has been known to happen that way, especially to people who can create the tall tales that CE Brown can spin. Still Mr. CE BRown should be respected and given his privacy as if he wants to chase young girls with good looking butts, so what, that is his business. If he wants to claim He is the existing Heir for the claims of the bank deposits at CHASE or CITI and any of those banks named in the old lawsuits, then I want him to prove that he has some legal position, as He married some woman named LUZ, who fake the marriage to a dead man named StaROmana, took StaRomana last name, got herself a pasport issued by the Philippine government, then according to Mr. CE Brown, well Luz was alleged to have told MR. CE Brown that she was able to deceive the Swiss banker into releasing to her as the widow, a hell of a lot of money. Now Mr. CE Brown was very clever as he never mentioned that sum of money in his book or his e-book, but He did make mention that it was $230 billion dollars that Luz placed into her alleged European Trust to invest and He knows it is now worth over $1 Trillion dollars. OK, nowlets see if I can recall, I think KNIGHT ARCANE was asking about the $2 Trillion that CHINA is holding of the US Treasury debits payablet o China, and that President Obama and his people had to get Congressional approval to get the US Treasury to issue new Bonds to the Federal Reserve to print up say a few Trillion more new dollars and now we have Mr. CE BROWN, who claims that after his wife Luz became deceased, that there is a NEW GAME IN TOWN..being that Mr. CE Brown claims that He is entitled to 50% of his wife estate, because he is the widower. Gee, there seems to be a lot of trillions of dollars floating around, plus that other country called ZIMBABWE is printing now new currecny as $100 Trillion dollar bills. What ever happened to $100.00 bills, and how the hell did we jump up into dealingw ith Trillions of dollars? As to your 3rd question, I am sorry I cannot help you with that, you have to do your own DD and find that out for yourself. If you want to send documents, then send them but my mail box is already full most of the time, as everyone on planet Earth sends me all sort of documents and wants me to help them, but I cannot help 99% of the time, I am not in that kind of business of selling or purchasing gold, the only gold I have is into three teeth that have gold caps, and just when I know I am going to die, I will take a pair of pliers, yank them out and try to get 7 cans of beer and have them inject those contents into my vein, I want to go out with something as I have no hair on my chest.  

    18 Mar 2009 @ 07:33 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Shigeo Kokobun ? ? YAKUSA ??
    Either way Mr Todd, Who will be going to benefit most, China or USA. since for sure.,, It will never happen and US constituent will never accept that settlement unless, US will cooperate with SGSR CITIBANK AU that can be use to pay their outstanding obligation, with respect to. the proposed settlement of Victoria using the JADHF Jurated document .

    Anoterh question Tood, who is that person called Shigeo Kokobun that Mr. Brown claimed was to pay Mr. Brown to assist that con woman named Luz Rambano?  

    18 Mar 2009 @ 23:09 by To Knight Arcane @ : SHIGEO KOKOBUN
    1, As to your first remarks KNIGHT ARCANE, what settlement are you talking about with CHINA and U.S.A. Look, I will make this simpke for you to understand, CHINA is holding now a hell of a lot of U.S. Treasury Bonds and other securities and could at any time, demand payment, then CHINA could buy up anything for sale at the discount prices available in the good old USA. AND if the country known as the United States defaulted, then CHINA is wanting to obtain some written guarantee from the WHITE HOUSE that the debits are secured and this is what is now being discussed. What you think does not matter, as what matters is if CHINA will wait and wait, as they see the quick sand problems that will suck in more and more over in America. CHINA has a legal right to protect their investment, as that is what they did, they invested their U.S. Dollars and purchased those U.S> Treasury Notes and bonds and whatever, now they want the WHITE HOUSE to act as co-signer to make the wrotten guarantee as the U.S. Treasury seems to be getting deep and deeper into debit to the Federal Reserve and what the Federal reserve is printing and then making as loans to the US Treasury, is not free. The Federal reserve is in the business to make a profit as should be expected from any commerical business, so they charge interest. The interest has to be paid, or hell then the Federal reserve who also was given different US Treasury notes, will also have to demand some guarantee from the WHITE HOUSE as well as what CHINA is asking for right now. But the WHITE HOUSE by itself has no assets, all they can do is pledge that in the event of failure by the US Treasury, that those organizations that hold say the US Treasury notes, will have a legal right to collect, that would eman that the holders could be asking for anything that was available as a asset, what is wrong with the federal reserve or CHINA or anyone from not having that extra protection. Look, the US Treasury is handling over Billions close to Trillion of dollars to Banks and other corporation against the shares of stock but what the hell good are the shares, if the Bank is legally insolvent already, but even worst, has all of that shit paper on their books that the banks listed as assets, all oft hat is shit, as where can they expect to sell any of that at the higher rpices that the Bank had placed on those holdings? I would assum that what the banks hold in paper assets is perhaps woth 25% at the most, but who has the balls to risk their 25% cash to be purchasing something that could be worth much less by next year, when other banks have to dump their toxic assets into the market place. Bankers are not stupid, they are in business to make money, that is the purpose of banks. There are not there to help people, they are in business to make a profit at the expense of teh public. As to your second statement or question, as to that alleged person named Shigeo Kokobin, that was something that CE JIm Brown created, that person never existed at all, that was more of Mr. Brown creative story telling. However Mr. Brown was accepting money from Japanese who wanted to find out if LUZ knew of the different bank deposits and of the special arrangements that Mr. S.G. StaRomana had been involved into, where gold was deposited to JAPAN and that was used to jump start using the Japanese YEn backed by the gold deposits from SGSR/DIAZ, to finance the rebuilding of Japan and everyone knows that, but the Japanese were afraid if that Luz Rambano knew or not? Actually she did not know the account details as well as another woman named Tarciana Rodriguez. It is a strange story but the Tarcian woman was more or less working as the bookkeeper to take care of the business accounting of Mr. S.G. StaRomana AKA as Jose A. Diaz. That Tarciana Rodriguez was knowledheable about many of the accounts held by the DNP or D and P Enterprise, which was the old Holding company owned by Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who was aka Mr. S.Garcia Sta Romana or SGSR or as Santy. So there was a sort of family connection as that Luz Rambano woman was the cousin of Tarciana Rodriguez, and I think the Japanese who were behind that Mr. CE JIm Brown, were using him as their spy to gather information, to see how much those two woman knew about the special deposits placed in JAPAN Banks and if those woman did not know anything, then that means the Banks would never be required to have to pay any interest on those deposits or pay back the principal either. So when you read the bullshit of Mr. CE Brown , understand that He was also working for not just the JAPANESE, but also for others and then naturally He decided to start working to get into the pants of that Filipino woman LUZ, to become her husband, then He could sell his books, claiming He was married to the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. And Mr. Brown one day jump up and took Luz by her arm and took her to a VEGAS location where you can get a very fast marriage and she become Mrs Brown, accordingt o the written deposition I seen by some of her children. They also complained that their mother was locked up and they were prevented from visting their own mother. Also they complained that Mr. CE Brown was writing wrong statements in his book about their mother Luz Rambano Joson. They disliked that Mr. Brown so much, that when their monther died, they intentionally never informed Mr. CE Jim Brown of the death of his wife, Luz Rambano StaRomana, and her family made sure that their mother death certificate would use her name as LUZ RAMBANO and nothing to so with StaRomana or CE Brown. Again, Mr. CE BROWN is there in the Philippines still very active in making side deals, working with anyone but accomplishing nothing. He was also involved into some legal problems with his visa in the Philippines and had been kicked out of more than one place or another for I assume not payment of the rent. His problem is that as He said in his write up for his book back in year 2005, He had to fire most of teh people that He was working with and they were NOT Filipino as the people wanted daily payment and also he had to feed them. Gee, sounds like CE Jim Brown needs to find some of that gold He has been seeking, as He csure as hell cannot expect to live off the sale of his e-book, can he.  

    19 Mar 2009 @ 05:16 by Ref: Mr. E.J. Ekker as a American @ : Can he legally hold gold bullion or not?
    Reply to sender called EK. 1, You are asking if Mr. EJ Ekker would be allowed to hold or own the 80,000 tons of gold, if some how he would have been able to get those Filipinos to have signed their agreement, being that they were the Trustees and the Board of Directors of that Tagan and Tallano Estate? Well, first of all Ekker was not listed as a trustee on the registration nor as a Director either, in fact EKKERs name did not appear anywhere on the real original registration of that Foundation. Sure maybe it is true that Ekker and his wife paid the expense money to have those others named as the Directors and to fool the SEC in the Philippines, but that does not give EKKER any legal right to claim ownership of that Philippine corporation, does it? And since the corproation that was called a Foundation with a Inc means it is a corproation, since that corproation was not the actual owner of the gold bullion, then the corporation and their officers could not claim ownership of any of that gold bullion. The owner of the bullion actually is the Sulu Sultanate and this EKKER and his Group decided to come to the Philippines and gran control over the Tagan and Tallano Estate, which EKKER assume was the owner of the 617,500MT of gold. Well, that was one of many many blunders made by Mr. EJ Ekker of that Global Alliance Investment Association aka GAIA. Mr. Ekker justvtried to get his BONUS and showed that he was also VERY GREEDY as HOLY SHIT...he wanted 80,000 tons of the gold as his share...as his excuse was that He put up what, the estimated $1,000.00 it costs to have that Inc corporation registered and approved in the Philippines by that SEC? This same Mr. Ekker also claims he owns a old $1,000.00 Peru Bond and that the outstanding interest owed that He claims must be paid to him by the Federal reserve is over $ 50 Billion dollars.....so EKKER better get damn busy as the Federal Reserve is also on the toilet seat right now and working overtime to keep out of the toilet bowl, but there is a large suction sound..and there is some risks that the Federal Reserve could step into quick sand and not get out. So if Mr. Ekker has a claim, He better start getting into the payline up, as the US Treasury is also working very hard to help stop the black hole that is sucking up everything, including poor Uncle Sam. But I do not know anything that would prevent Mr. Ekker from legally being able to own or hold gold bullion, so if anyone knows of any reason, please speak up OK?  

    19 Mar 2009 @ 07:15 by Ref. Lets make Uncle Sam as goldfinger @ : WHITE HOUSE and gold coin minting in USA
    There was some discussions going on in late 2007 of wanting to arrange to offer some financial assistance to the U.S. Treasury back then to sell them some gold bullion at a 50% discount and when I was asking what it was all about, it seemed to do with allowing that gold bullion to be purchased then have it given to the U.S. Mint, and that the US Mint would continue to mit out 24-K gold coins of 99.99% fineness as investment coins. The concept was the U.S. Treasury woul make a large profit, and the Uncle Sam guy would be proud that American was able to continue the minting of the investment bullion coins, as last times they minted them, they were all gobbled up by collectors and investors and it was a damn intelligent concept. Since the gold sales would be come collector items and hidden away by investors, then it would not upset the so called gold market or the prices of gold. And everyone overseas back them would have more confidence in the U.S. Treasury and their U.S. Mint and that U.S. Government and that skinny old Uncle Sam and it seems to be really a extremely intelligent concept, but they was something that seemed to have caused a serious delay, they wanted to wait until after the U.S. Elections were completed, then that was completed, and just when it was to be proposed, there was a problem with using late president Bill Clinton foundations, that were listed on the approval of those top forty organizations that were to receive some of the sale of teh gold to the U.S. Treasury and then it seems Bill Clinton had to eventually agree to hands off on his own foudnations in order for his wife to be able to be selected for that important job. Anyhow while all of the needless delays continued, UNCLE SAM, sort of started to step into the toilet bowl, as the hidden financial mess start to come out of the darkness and then HOLY SHIT....everything started to happen overnight and they proclaimed the financial meltdown has started. Hell the meltdown started many moons ago and it was just being concealed by the bankers and the SEC and the other morons that should have prevented it. Anyhow I tried to make some recent inquires to see what is going to happen and I was happy to hear that the original sale is still possibile plus they added in some more bank deposits of bullion of that SGSR and that if the WHITE HOUSE wanted to get the gold at the 50% discount at the current rate, it would be possibile, but that the WHITE HOUSE would have to agree to use some of the purchased gold, to carry out the intentions to have the U.S. Mint, produce the gold coins as INVESTMENT COINS meaning as collector items and this time has some different designs and make that old man Uncle Sam become proude one again. I would think that President Obama could understand the phychological benefits as a win win situation for the U.S. Mint to have available GOLD COINS being produced again and I bet him say $20.00 that as fast as the Mint can produce them, therer will be advanced orders to make the U.S> Mint work 24/7 as the Federal Reserve printing press has been working overtime. I bet every foreigner who has money, will be wanting to buy up the MADE IN AMERICAN gold bullion coin and bury it for safekeeping, ten forget where the hell they hid the damn wealth, then spend 10 years digging up the land, looking for the MISSING GOLD TREASURE...so we now have a way for people to well, start digging for gold.  

    19 Mar 2009 @ 22:54 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : GOLD HISTORY


    here is the link mr Todd for EJ Ekker would understadn his greedy claims. thanks to the author being HENRY MARK HOLZER....and since EJ Ekker is a American, He should have kepted the other man, who was Canadian as I think that Ron could have kepted the gold as his government is not against their citizen from holding ownership of gold as is prevented by the US side  

    20 Mar 2009 @ 00:05 by To KNIGHT ARCANE your link is nogood?? @ : Mr. E.J. Ekker
    Well whatever you posted above is not working,,,can you fix it KNIGHT ARCANE? I know of no laws that would prevent Mr. E.J. Ekker who just because he was a American citizen from being able to hold gold, as Yes, back before the U.S. Government did make it illegal for their citizens to own the gold and all citizens were forced by law, to turn in their gold and they were paid in I think Federal reserve currency and then the gold was to be held in some Fort Knox or something, but then later on when thye found that the vault was empty and only contained some fake gold painted bullion bar displayed for the tourist to look at and say HOLY SHIT HONET, LOOK WOW GOLD BARS and the guards would say out lound, PLEASE SIR, do not take pictures...keep the line moving and whent he guy came back from his trip, He can sit around teh bar having a cold beer and not cashew nuts but free popcorm and tell everything, NO SHIT..I been there, I seen the damn gold bars with my own two eye, I swear to God on a stack of Bibles.......and later on those who do not sit on their brains, find out that the gold was exported out of teh UA and sold at a profit and this is perhaps why Uncle Sam has no physical gold, just the illusion with paper gold...but as the Guard says, keep the line moving and NO PICTURES and never never touch the gold bar, hell the gold paint may rub off. Sounds more like a scam that they do in the Philippines in wanting to impresse some stupid Japanese or European and especially the morons from American, into wanting to sell them suckers a bar of gold at a discounted price. If the toursit is smart he would never get sucked in, but most tourist ate there in the Philipouines chasing the story of the alleged still unrecovered assumed YAMASHITA GOLD and the con men also have to retouch up and apply more gold paint to make the ir phony gold bars look good...waiting for the next sucker. So the suckers should be sold bottles of nail polish remover and have it relabels as GOLD TESTING SOLUTION and then instruct the morons who are the future buyers of the gold paint fake bars of gold bullion, to apply a little and if the end of the brush comes up SHOWING GOLD color something, then instruct the victim not to get exicited as that means that the gold bar is a fake, not meaning the bar is made out of gold. Anyhow expecting greedy people to listen to reason when they are in a dim lighted room with a bunch of hundry Filipinos who have prayed and light more candles in Church to pray for a SCORE, just asking God for one more sucker to be presented and let the sucker this time, pay some decent money in cash, and please do God allow my legs to allow me to run like there are two horney devils chasing me to leep out of harms way, let me feed my family as I need money also to buy a good deal on someone willing tio sell me a old Jaapnese Treasure mapa and this time God, I am not stupid as General Yamashita name is printed on the map, and there is even a copyright mark on the map and it is Number 144 of 1,000 and while I am jot sure of those numbers Dear God, I think this time I will become a rich man and then I will build the Church at the top of the Hill, but you first must make me rich, as I have to make a deal with the stange people who claim they are representing the Tagean and Atallano estate, they calim they own all of the property and land in the Philippines, so I have to amke a deal with them as the Government has been selling millions of fake land titles and as you know God, if I build a Church for you THEY WILL COME...so please send me some stupid American or even a Japanese is OK, but please not more guys from China, as the Chinese well they are smart than they look.  

    20 Mar 2009 @ 02:45 by Red, needing help from KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Utopia Lifecare Reseach Foundation
    To the senders of four semi-nasty e-mails sent to me regarding Stem cell research, I think you people have your head up your ass, or else you cannnot understand that I was not talking about using an embryo for this stem cell reseach but to support what the Utopia Lifecare Reserach Foundation wanted to provide their funding for, being to support the research of the Kyoto University which for you with your head up your ass is located in Japan, so to support a Professor by the name of SHINYA YAMANNAKA, he was the Japanese man that made the discovery of a method of producing a new type of versatile cell, known as induced pluripotent stem aka iPS cell, from ordinary cells, instead of having to use an embryo. The KIMURA RESEARCH Foundation is also to provide endownments and grants to support the research in the United States now that President Obama has come out and started to take off the ropes and chains that prevented talented researchers in the USa to have funds to complete their own research. Lets hope the can come up with a cure, so people like you fools do not have to stick your heads up your asshole to obtain your wisdom. The main problem in Japan is the strick procedural regulations in Japan as the JAAPNESE GOVERNMENT also have their heads up thei ass on the use of human ES cells and this is the main reason why the research has not moved out of the research labs. JAPAn will wake up too late and I hope that President Obama can maintain his promises to support the US side development, as it is one technology that could help to get Uncle Sam legsout of the toilet bowl. As we approach AUGUST 2009 and the media finally starts to report the truth about what counrties and governments have been insolvent and that what currencies will fail and the overall financial meltdown that will suck in more and more countries into the FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE, then all of this is just the start of that mess and in August 2009, the news media cannot hold back and has to expose the massive coverup and the failure of the bail outs, as it just cannot solve the problem, it is nothing more than a band-aid for someone who has 28 uncurable illeness that is seeping out of the persons sick body and the Government being the Doctor in Charge, tells the nurse who is the US Treasury to issue more of their Bonds to the Federal Reserve so the printing presses can save UNCLE SAM. The only damn thing that could save that UNCLE SAM is if he had pockets full of newly minted gold bullion coins, that would have to be minted as 24K 99.99% as INVESTMENT GRADE, then you watch as everone on planet Earth wants to stuff money into Uncle Sam pockets to get a new gold coin, but they do not want and bullshit, they want a 24K sold gold that they can use in the future. I think some where they are already laws passed by their Congessmen that must have allowed for the previous minting of the INVESTMENT GRADe 24-K gold bullion investment coins, so all Uncle Sam would need is to be sold some gold at a decent discount, then melt down the bulky bars of gold and convert it legally from the WHITE HOUSE where it should be directed from so no one runs off with the gold while it is being moved or melted down, and let the US Treasury Secretary have some free time with his own family, as minting gold coins is what the US Treasury needs to have their US Mint do, what the hell good is it to have a mint that produces metal coins of no buying power, better to close down the damn mint and save the money to give away to the Banks and Auto Companies to allow them to have more money to pay out as BONUSES to the people that created this financail nightmare. The woman named Rodriguez or actually her name is Tarciana Rodriguez had already signed back in I think late 2007, agreements to sell a lot of gold at 50% discount to help American back then, as She knew of what was to come out of the financial meltdown in late 2008. She knew that and she knows a lot more things, that is why she agreed to allow for the US Treasury to buy the gold fro 50% back then but later on she made ammendments by also reconfirming that other assets could also be utilized and sold to the UNCLE SAM guy, to help keep him from being flushed down the toilet bowl. I do bnot know how much damn gold goes into a 24K gold coin that was minted by the US Mint before, but maybe that KNIGHT ARCANE would know, He has a better head for math and such subject than I do. I am perhaps as smart as his horse and I would then have some horse sense, but not as smart as Knight Aercane as he rides on the back of his horse. Then I hope this ends this bullshit of your fools thinking that I support using embryos for obtain stem cells.  

    20 Mar 2009 @ 20:53 by Ref, CATCH-22 nightmare for the FEDS @ : To Print or not to Print more FED notes?
    Reading the bad news is depressing to some of us, but then again, this has to be expected as it will have to get worst than what the media is now reporting, they are in the dark on many issues, being controlled with the disinformation and being told to feed something, anything to the bottom feeders to make us not focus on the FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE that is going to such everyone into. The Federal Reserve new thinking of purchasing US Treasury Notes sounds nice, but it is just more eye wash. What is needed will be closer to $ 6 Trillion just to pump into the system to get it moving again, its like a stalled truch and someone came and removed not ont the tires, but also removed the engine out of the truck. The Federal Reserve cannot save the Banks, neither can the US Treasury as until they admit to the need of $5 to $ 6 trillion, then they cannot fix the God damn problem. Now throwing tht much money or even a extra $1 Trillion is also going to craete different problems, as a lot of that money will end up to pay out to FOREIGN BANKS that had invested into the U.S. Side of this financial nightmare. So actually too much new printed Federal reserve money will overflow into the overseas markets, then there will be HOLY SHIT, too much money floating around. So this is what the Yanks call a CATCH 22 situation. If the FEDS do not print more money, the problem cannot be solving to get back the missing engine and replace the missing tires on the truck. Having too much God damn mnoney that ends up into overseas markets is also going to create different financial problems over in Europe or the EU etc.  

    21 Mar 2009 @ 08:16 by Ref, TO all good men with Chinese wives @ : God seems to have provided a solution...
    I think someone in BC could enjoy to listen to some special RADIO broadcasts and that He should look at http://www.bioanue.com/ and check the box for the articles of cancer and other subjects, it could help his situation and there is a excellent natural tea well known in Canada that is said to have made a lot of people get through some difficult times, so the man in BC is smart and should understand. Another friend who has diabetics should have been told the story of the Japanese woman who had a friend that has diabetes and the doctors wanted to cut off her foot...but the other woman who lived a long time in the Philippines said WAIT..asthe Philippines has a blend of dried leaves of various tropical fruits trees that they put into a package and make a tea out of the solution, and then ther was one more other tea made from I think it was banana or something, so I would have to go back and check my notes, as I wrote down the names, anyhow the woman that drank the mix of the two teas over a 8 month period completely elimated the diabetics out of her body and the japanese hospital and staff and doctors could not understand how but she saved her foot, never had any more problems and she still drinks the tea, so this is some good news that came out of the Philippines and I am sure there are many other good things the Philippines has other than scam artists and con men.  

    21 Mar 2009 @ 22:56 by Ref FAKE Queen in Philippines w/ bible @ : U.S. Mint of 24K 99.99% gold coins
    Why is it, that the people in the Philippines will nver learn, that there is no Queen there and that if they give that fake Queen money, then the money is GONE like Sayonara.....again and again I get people telling me that the woman was trusted because she teaches BIBLE CLASSES...and that seems to be a cover for a lot of scanner in the Philippines, to use the BIBLE to conean that the con artists are reaching into your wallet to extract out your money. The woma is a con artist, a scammer and Hell The Devil perhaps would use the bible as a tool to fool the ignorant people who continue to invest their money into the calims of that woman and many other woman and men, that also use the cover up that they are doing Gods work.....this is a shame, but is is a easy con-job, as the Filipinos are so easy to fool, as they have so many Saints and are like kids in a candy store, they just believe everything people tell them, after all the woman is holding a bible in one hand stroaking the men out of their moeny, then when She is found to be a woman not to trust, Hell that is the time the men want to get their money back....well it is gone with the wind. The woman like many others, tells half-truths, so should we say that She is a liar, or that 50% of what she says is the truth? She is full of shit, as well as lies and deception and she is a woman that sucks up money, as that is her goal in life, to suck from stupid people, who later want to cry and say they are victims. No, they were greedy, as they invested to get a big payoff and waht they got is what the deserved, they were screwed and yet did not have any sex by this false Queen there in the Philippines. As to the e-mail that is telling me about the merits of the GOLD DINAR of the gold coins that were authorized hy the Indonesian government, YES, I understood but those were 1 ounce gold bar at RM 2000 each before and the 4,25gm commemorative coin was I think Rm 250 before. What I wanted to say was that it was NOT the Indonesian government that was minting the gold coins, I wanted to say it was minted by LOGAM MULIA of Indonesia authorized by the Indonesia government. The Dinar abd Dirham branch was opened in Malaysia a few yeaers back. What I had heard that was to be proposed to President Obama was a different concept, as the DNP Enterprise that controled the deposits in the U.S., would ahve agreed to discount the price of the gold for what I understood to be 50%. As it was done that way to then have President Obama to be given a Power of Attorney to take control over the bullion and allow it to be sold to not the U.S. Government or the US Treasury, but to be utilized by the U.S. Mint, to produce the INVESTMENT GRADE of gold coins to be what I was told to become 24K 99.99% purity as INVESTMENT gold coin of the U.S. Mint. It was my understanding that the WHITE HOUSE would then realize the profits from the sale of teh INVESTMENT GOLD COINS to the say 3 Billion overseas buyers who would place their advance orders for purchasing of the 24K gold coin, and that is where you misunderstood my previous remarks. The profit I said would be given to the control of president Obama for him to then utilize the profits would wouldperhaps be say 40% as they have some shrinkage and overhead to melt down the bullion and mint the new 24K gold coins, so I just figured 10% would have covered that, and this is how I said that there could be a 40% profit for the U.S.A. to use that money to help the poor Americans who lost their jobs and remain without any income. It was to be a humanitarian effort, and why di you think it need to have U.S. Congree to vote on it, hell the gold is not coming out of the U.S. Congress, it is gold that would be considered to be donated for teh 50% discount, so the U.S. Mint would be able to hold up its head again, and mint gold coins as they had already been approed by the U.S. Congress before when they minted the same damn gold 24K coin. What is so complicated and why is it that you felt that having a 24K coin would not be suitable. You misunderstand, the damn 24K coin is for INVESTMENT purposes to keep, not kepted in your damn pocket or become circulated. It is a INVESMENT COIN, something that people can purchase and keep for their grandchildren, or their old age or to take to the grave with them, but never to be given to the fake Queen of the Philippines. You cannot compare the Dinar and Dirham with the U.S. Minted 24K 99.99% gold bullion coin. Please reprogram your brain as it seems to be stuck in backward mode.  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 04:18 by Ref: Mr. CE Jim Brown @ : false claims to CITI BANK New York on Au
    To: Attorney WT. 1, OK, I will try, but hell you are a Lawyer and you should have already known if you did the DD and understood about who and what that Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz, also known as Santy aka Mr. Jose A. Diaz was and what He was not. 2, Your have tried to explain to me about the meaning of domilice but you have failed to understand that the bank deposits and accounts your are asking about, come under the control of the old prior DNP Enterprise where it was incorporated outside of your Philippines. 3, And yes, I knew that each company or a person could have only one domicile, hell I think my dog knew that, before he ran off chasing some female dog in heat. 4, So this means that it is not the same as a residence or nationality, right? 5, And you said that the High courts ruled in most cases, that Jose A. Diaz had his alleged domicine in your Philippines based on the concept that the deceased as the home of the deceased place, and where an induvidual has his peramanet home and you said that the courts upheld this based on their viwpoint that Mr. Hose A. Diaz is connected to a specific syem emcompassing marriage, divorce, sucession of estate, and taxation etc. 6. Then you sys OR.. the place where the individual Rev, Fr. Jose A. Diaz intends to return, or in some cases the country of origin. THen you said that in other jurisdictions the place where an individual has a long established resident or in relation to a company, which is incorporated. OK, I wish my dog was here at my side, I then could ask him what they hell you were wanting to explain Mr. Attorney, as if you make a tape recording and play it back for your own ears to hear, I think then just maybe, you will see that what you have stated as a matter of law, is very much up in the air. 7, Ok, since you at the one who claims to be smarter and after all you ate a Attorney at Law, then even without the help of my dog as my advisor, I wish to pose a few simple down to earth questiion back to you Mr. Attorney. Please bear with me, as I type as I drink a can of beer and I have to balance it back and forth, OK? 8. So lets see how you will make your replies, when I point out to you Sir, that there was never any birth certificate or any marriage certificate or any death certificate issue to the name Mr. Jose A. Diaz from within your Philippine legal system, so stuff that in your pipe and smoke it. 9, And this also means that your country, the philippines could never claim that Rev, Fr. Jose A. Diaz was a citizen of your Philippines, as if there was such a claim, where is the birth certificate, where is the death certificate, where is there anything that you can legally obtain Mr. Attorney, to support your theory about Mr. Jose A. Diaz being a citizen of your country? 10, Hold on a minute, need to go and get another damn been this one is too warm...................OK, where was I? 11, OK, you do admit that it was Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz who was the legal trustee and caretaker for the 617,500 metric tons of gold, but you called him a MAN OF STRAW. I knew what the hell was a STRAW MAN, but did not know the legal defination so I had to look it up and it stated that it measn that DIAZ was effectively a nominee settloe or grantor who creates a offshore trust but claims no further connection with the trust, once it is created. Are you sure Mr. Lawyer, that is what you wanted to explain to me, as your version of Mr. Diaz with this defination is completely wrong, so that implies that you are 100% wrong as well Mr. Attorney in your misunderstanding of events. 11, Look lets keep this simple and not use any fancy words and just speak plain God damn English so we can maintain some form of communcication, OK? 12, Mr. Jose A. Diaz or Rev. Fr. Diaz also known as SANTY was not your verion of a STRAW MAN, as what he was was a trustee, a caretaker with the handling of that 617,500MT as a fiducuary deposit of that gold, so lets leave it at that and get back to the legal status that the other accounts nothing to do with the 617,500MT that belongs to the Sulu Sultanate, has anything to do with the bank accounts you were asking about that had been originally deposited there in the Philippines and then moved to the United States and ended up into what is called the CITI Bank of New York. What is your concern, are your working for that CITI BANK Group, otherwise why the hell are you so interested in what was embezzled, as that is what it was, as even after CITI Bank had the gold deposits, then continued their wrongful conversion by shipping a lot of the gold out of the USA to CITITRUST in the bahama and elsewhere.12, That man you mentioned Mr. Brown or CE Brown whos real name is Clarance Elbert Brown, has nothing to do with making any settlement of the CITI Bank or the CHASE gold and cash deposits, so perhaps you are representing the person Mr. CE Jim Brown and fishing. I love fishing Mr. Attorney, also drinking beer, looking at woman who have some meat on their bones and I will just say, that Mr. CE Jim Brown only claims is that he has fabricated the story that his wife, named Luz R. StaRomana was the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana aka as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz aka Mr. Jose A. Diaz and also known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz. Mr.Brown wife LUZ was a fake widow. She never could legally become married to anyone in the Philippines, simply because She was still married to the other man, named Mr. Angel Joson and she had 6,6, 7 or maybe 8 children which is large litter. So if that Luz ramabano has no legal position, then any documents that she signed over to Mr. CE Jim Brown as the alleged widow and wofe of the deceased man known as StaRomana who was also Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz aka Santy, then anything that LUZ signed or said was worthless and null and void. You as a Attorney at Law should understand this, hell my dog would have understood that and if I ever see that damn dog, I will ask him, as I trust him more than most lawyers.  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 04:38 by Ref: Tarciana Rodriguez @ : MR. CE Jim Brown false claims for LUZ
    Back to Attorney WT. 1, That Mr. CE Jim Brown also assums that He can make settlement with CHASE BANK that has merged to another name, but that is all very much wrong as the Chase Bankers knew, that the woman called Luz StaRomana was not legally married to the owner of the cash deposits and the gold bullion at their Bank and in their branches, so how the hell could this Luz StaRomana sign over any Power of Attorney to her American husband, hell she was a fake widow, as she could not be allowed to marry Mr. S.G. StaRomana while He was alive, but she did fake a marriage certificate after Mr. StaRomana had already been proclaimed like DEAD and UNDER THE GROUND. by the Philippines. 2. Look I have nothing against Mr. CE Brown, he seems to be a decent guy, just wanting to get something for his final years, maybe go fishing on his own private lake with fish that are non-toxic and do not have PCBs or other industrial chemicals in their flesh, and CE Brown perhaps wanted to give some money to his frustrated lawyers and others who have supported him for many too many prior years. But the Chairman and the President of the CHASE Banking as well as the President, CEO and Chairman at CITI BAnks must not assume that they can make any side deals and get Mr. CE Brown signature on any papers to allow the accounts to be closed in the name of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, simply becasue thise CITI acocunts were owned by the D and P Enterprise that were established originally in the Philippines, then somehow those assets were made by transfer out of the Philippines, and end up into what is now called the CITI Bank and down into the bahama and then moved around even more and that means that Mr. CE Brown cannot touch the CITI deposits and the only person still alive would be the Treasurer of that old DNP Enterprise, name of tarciana Rodriguez and she also appointed the Victoria Trading Investment Corproation aka VTICORP or VICTORIA as co-Administrator and issued the VTICORP a General Power of Attorney and so the CITI acocunts need to make the settlemet with the Rodriguez woman but She wants the VICTORIA people to carry out her mandate that she signed in january of 2008 at the US Embassy, that would have saved that CITI BANK if they had only purchased those gold deposits at the offered 50% discount price, when it was signed by Ms Tarciana Rodriguez, who is after all the trusted woman selected by Mr. Jose A. Diaz as to be the National Treasurer of that D and P Enterprise. The CITI BANK officials have to explain to their shareholders well the hell their management and CEO failed to buy the physical gold in a proper legal manner, that would have given their bank plenty of back up reserves to get large loans from the Central Bank. There is no excuse for their failure. Now the WHITEHOUSE has to conduce a investigation as well as the Attorney General in New York, as now the US taxpayers had to end up becoming the largest shareholder or stockholders in that CITI BANK, so now the American taxpayers should be demanding for a investigation as to why their tax dollars had to bail out that CITI BANK and allow those VIPs to create the financial mess?  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 05:03 by To: Allan, maybe the force be with you @ : Listen to radio show WFMU.org
    Nice to hear from you Allan. I was thinking about you the other day, and if you can find some spare time and still interested in golden-Lily, I recommend you download and SAVE the website found at http://ftrsummary.blogspot.com/2004/04/ftr-452-petals-from-golden-lily.html You should also get yourself a hookup either by the internet or buy a shortware radion and a tape recorder and listen to RADIO SHOW called WFMU.org it is 6PM ET in American, not sure what time that would be in bear country? Be sure to download if you can, the various FTR and perserve them, as bigbrother will start to allow the failure of ATM machines and disruption of the Intenet slowely at first after AUGUST 2009, as the cat gets out of the bag on who is insolvent and the bottom feeders will be freaking out all over the World, so our bigbrother will not want the media to be telling this truth, as shit, it will piss off the fools who spend all of their time watching sports, big trucks and drinking beer by the case. OK, I admit the beer involvement, but I am nto a sports fan, love boats hate big trucks and usually think that most Americans are so concerned about the facial hairs and makeup, then what is going on right under their noses. Anyhow if your have a way to get yourself a external hard drive, I recommend 1T or 2T or hell get yourself a 8T that would be what, 8000MB of spare space and see if you can find a program called download demon or something, that allows you to copy the complete website and perserve the material, as you will pat yourself on the back, when the internet goes off line, at least you have millions of documents stored into your external hard drive, get one made by Western Digitalm it is said to be very reliable. The big one of 8T costs about $1500.00 and you perhaps would have to skin a lot of seals and abag a few large size bears and lots of smoke fish to raise that kind of money, plus having new mouths to feed and having Dear Mon think Gee Dear God, how did you give me such a complicate son, but soon the Son will prove to the mother and wives and kids that the Son is a good hunter, not of wildlife, those days are over with, but that the Son is sfter some goose, who craps out some eggs, made out of gold so maybe it is called golden goose, I would have to ask Professor Tong as he seems to know a lot about birds. Just remember that they want us to think that COLLAPE is just the beginning of rebirth, this will be the new song and dance that will be fed to the Yanks, when you hear that, change the dial on your shortwave Radio and listen to WFMU.org instead, and make tape recordings and you can later find software that can trannscribe the voice to text then buy yourself the new reader that takes the tex and reads it outlound to you and you will not scratch your nuts thinking that Hell, I already had a damn tape reordingt hat I can just play and hear, why would I have to do all of those other steps, well just STOP and think and the light will be turned on in your head. Do not get depressed at what you will find out at SPITFIRE or at http://ftrsummary.blogsport.com and make sure you remain seated at all times and do not ever give up your dreams, never let anyone tell you that you will fail, just stuff toilet paper into yor ear drums as I do, and while many people think I am weird, I do not care what they think, why should you?  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 07:22 by To: Anyone regarding above LINK... @ : Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr.
    Do not freak out when you see the Japanese language page, just click on where it says FOR THE RECORD and you will get into the web site. I use a program that is free called Goggle Reader as who the hell can waste time searching the Internet and drink beer at the same time? Google Reader program makes it possibile for all of your favorite topics to come to you....all nicely congregated on a single page. Just go to reader-google,con and it is what they call a RSS feed reader and it displays the first paragraph from each site or blog: just click to read more, just fantastic....and then there is another program also from Google called Goggle Alert keeps tabs on what the worl is saying about you, your company or your interest, so check it out at Googles.com/alers, type the search phase like Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr and specify which channels you want to monitor like blog, Web pages, discussion groups, or male sex parties , discussion groups and so on. Thereafter, whenever Mr. Joseph Daraman as a example whenever any one makes mention of his name online, He will hear about it, thanks to a e-mail alert. Its sort of like having a replacement for the two woman that do the clipping service, but this is done at no charge. I am sure now that all of the con artists and the scammers in the philippines can now sign up, and see if their name pops up and then they can say with pride, LOOK the outside world knows I am a Filipino conman and then all of his fellow scammers can say, Wow and WOW. Then they all sit around and look for the next sucker to sell him a 20-year old Bengal Trading Limited isle of Man gold certificate, or some newely printed something, where the ink printer ink still has not dried yet, or create fale UBS letterheads letters and say that the bank is holding money, metal and some wild woman with plenty of German beer and swiss cheese for them, and all they need is money to go overseas and collect the gold that their grandfather.daddy/Gokldfather or their biological father in law left them. I think sometimes of what ever happened to the filipino woman who claimed she was the granddaughter of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, and she had a chip in her ass or was it her right arm, that she could wiggle her ass or wave her arm, and the vault doors would open up and reveal the weath of her Grandfather. And her husband was promoting that bullshit and they were said to be able to actually get money from fools who believed their story. OK, if the damn price of cashews goes any higher, I am going to have to do something drastic, as this is bullshit, where a guy like me has to pay such high prices for a jar of cashew nuts. I means over in American they are giving away One Million dollar bonus to people who do not even work for the company anymore, then it was said those guys caused a lot of people to become pissedm as the millions paid out for Bonus was actually the American people taxpayers money, but the American tend to get freaked out over a think like BINUS, hell what about the more serious problem of teh high princes on cashew nuts, now that is a more serious problen giving bonus to people who caused the failure of the company and then they left the company, but still got their bonus, I know they can afford to buy cashew nuts by the caseload. The what the hell are those wild Congressmen assuming, to create some Alaws to tax the binues at 90% when that law will be rejected out by the appeal courts, but this is all smoke and mirrors to deflect the attention off the Congressmen and woman, who failed to prevent the blunder in the first place. Hell the American taxpayers should demand that the 90% tax also be imposed on those Congressmen salary and bonus as they sure as hell did not earn that money in the thinking of millions of those Americans. The price of gold continues to go up along side the price of cashew nuts, so I am going to start making my own wine one of these days, if my dog ever returned.  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 15:32 by Allan @ : the link
    Hello sir, i could not open the link you gave me for the website.. thanks  

    22 Mar 2009 @ 23:03 by T0: Allan @ : U.S. Mint and new gold coins being sold
    JUst click on the LINK, then ignor the Japanese language, and simply CLICK on the English language portion and you will get into the website.....if that is from the first posting, I am not certain whick link you could not access, does it have a name? That Knight Aracane does not appear, perhaps fell off his horse again, drunk somewhere or maybe His horse is sick again. Someone sent me the information on the newly 2009 gold coin the U.S. Mint is selling for $1,289.00 for their one ounce ultra high relief double eagle 24K coin. Their website is http://www.usmint.gov/mint%55program/ultrhigh. I see three problems with this selling of their gold coin, first of all they are too slow in minting and making it avaialble. Then they pack it into a wooden box and make a nice presentation, but to the other Billion potential buyers who would rather purchase a damn good gold coin that they can HIDE and keep safe, they do not need any damn fancy wooden boxes or anywrite up and all of that other unessential stuff, Hell they want to pay their money and get a God damn good gold coin minted by the U.S. Mint. The bury the gold coins some place safe, then as their memory fades, and then start to dig up their hiden gold coin, they will find otu they forgot where the hell they hid their weath and that means the gold remains back in the ground where it came from. Some day perhaps when the year 2012 comes and the planet undergoes drastic changes, the earth will open up and Holy Hell, out will pop..those lost U.S. Minted gold coins to the poor guy who was walking for 40 days and 40 nights looking fro something to eat...and right there, is this fantastic gold find, like finding gold at the end of the rainbow, but there is not rainbow in the sky as the Earth is being changed so drastically. So the poor guys picks up the U.S. Minted gold coins and looks around for some place where He can buy some food, but there are no stores as everyone is living under the surface of the Earth, so this is a sad tale, as the poor bottom feeder has gold, but it is useless, as HE cannot use the gold to even buy a hot dog. Speaking of dogs, I sure miss my dog.  

    23 Mar 2009 @ 23:04 by Ref: Tarciana Rambano @ : BANK OF CHINA and IRM of Philippines
    Archbishop Edmundo M. Jickain is somehow connected back to that guy called E.J. Ekker. This man is said to be another ex-Priest or ex-Minister or something and He leaves one Group and changes horses and ends up as a Archbishop at another different Group, sort of like being a Captain and then wanting to switch over to the other side, as they will promote you to become a two star General, plus all of the beer and cashew nuts you can eat. Now that sounds reasonable. There are a lot of so called Priests, Ministers and HOLY ROLLERS in the Philippines that seem to get a lot of followers, as the Filipinos they seem to just want to believe in the here after as their lives on Eath is hell, and they hope and pray there is something better in the next life. The fake Queen who is Muslim, teaches the Bible and then tells those people she is also a native Queen from her tribe in the Philippines, she also claims she is a Royal princess from the KIRAM royal family from Sulu Sultanate and she has a long list of other stories and people who are thinking she is really what she tells them, well they tajke what little money they have, and give it to this woman as HER EXPENSES so she can travel to New York to meet the good people at the United Nations and the UN is to give her Millions of dolalrs which is for her tribes or her followers etc. Anyhow a lot of Filipinos been sucked in by this woman, same as that Loretta E. Laurel woman who claims she was married to Pedro P. Laurel has sucked money out of the Japanese and the Australian, British and hell, it seems a hell of a lot of people also gave that Loretta E. Laurel money, as she said she was the alleged owner of GOLD that was being held at the UBS Bank in Switzerland, hold that was to back uip the 20-year gold certificates of Numnber 11833, to 11833-01 to 18833-30 that she said she is now the owner for, as after all Her husband was the owner of those Number 11833 certificates. Well, Pedro P. Laurelw as never the God damn owner of the gold that was used to back up those Bengal Trading Limited of isle of Man Number 11833 gold certificates. The truth is that the gold was deposited by Mr. S.G. StaRomana under code of Jose a. Diaz so that means that the 11,000MT of gold that was changed around from the original Po Sang Bank by the money business of former President Marcos, still belongs to the D and P Enterprise and the only person that is still alive for that holding company is their national treasurer, named Tarciana Rodriguez. Her name is mentioned many time on old documents and is well known to the World Bank as well as to the IMF and the United Nations and other Agencies. She also had to eturn a lot of gold back to some specific countries, also to some specific Governments, also to donate large endownments to some Banks, others to the Pope at the vatican in Rome and to many other organizations, as all of that was long ago mandated by the person in charge, who was known as Mr. S.Garcia Sta Romana but He did it as Hose A. Diaz, and DIAZ was the owner of the umbrella company called DNP Enterprise and many other companies under that umbrella control. He has a hell of a lot of trustees, mena and woman and also he used a lot of legal Aliases, to conceal a lot of his husiness from his Filipino Attorney at Law, who was the late President MArcos of teh Philippines. Before MArcos became President, He was President and Lawyer for the Senate of the Philippines, so He became the Attorney for Mr. StaRomana and Mr. taRomana issued his Power of Attoprney to MARCOS, but that POA was to be for use within the Philippines. But MArcos misused his authority and ignored th restriction and near the end, as showin in the book written by Sterling Seagraves, MARCOS wanted everything from S.G. Stan Romana aka SGSR and aka SANTY. MARCOS also wanted to take over all of the gold bullion accounts and cash accounts and it was because of this, that S. Gaercia StaRomana become a drunk and depresses and finally the heavy drinking caused his death. After his death, all sorts of people came out of the darkness and claimed theur were Heirs, family members or relatives and LOST SONS, and gay Grandsons and uit is said that IRM also was provided with another different birth certificate that shows she is also related to Mr. StaRomana and or Mr. Jose A. Diaz, so Mr. Diaz or Sanaty or SGSR, would be surprised as hell, to learn he has all of these people as his missing family. There is also the woman with the chip in her arm, who claims to be the granddaughter and I sure wish someone would update me on her activities. The only one who has not claimed He is a relative of Mr. StaRomana has been Mr. E.J. Ekker so I give him creditm but the other American man called CE Jim Brown, well he still tells people that He is the widower of the widow of Santy, or DIAZ or S. GArcia Sta Romana, being that Mr. Brown is wanting to deceive everyone into thinking that his Filipiono wife named LUZ RAMBANO, was legally married to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, also known as Jose A. Diaz and aka as Rev. Fr. Diaz. So MR. Brown is wanting to claim that He has the legal power to sign with the CHASE or the CITI BANKs in the United States but that is all a fraud as the Luz woman herself was a complete fraud, as she could never had been married to that man named Mr. S.G. StaRomana, as divorce is not allowed in the Catholic controlled Philippines. LUZ was still married to Mr. ANgel Joson and has 8 kids by him, yet she sign a fake marriage certificat to state that she was SINGLE, and HAD NO CHILDREN, so that makes it a fraud Mr. Brown and teh BAnkers at Chase and at Citi BAnk in New York are not as stipid as you think they are. And the Bank of China knows that you are not in any position to claim the money on deposit that came from the illegal sale of Mr. StaRomana gold by late President Marcos. That gold was embezzled by President MArcos and sold off, then the money was to end up into the account of some woman and we all know that IRM and her group have tried to colelct that money, but IRM does not have any legal or valid claim on that money, it beklongs to the estate of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and it is wrongful conversion. The Bank of China will be asked to use a lot of that money for Environmental protection as like Prince Charles of England has been telling us, the financial metdown is not as serious as the need for everyone to start doing something about the more serious problems from future Golobal warming. CHINA was offered the opportunity by the national treasurer of the DNP Enterprise which owned the gold account of the physical gold that President Marcos took from the Bank and sold off. I seen all of the documents and the paper trail and also the history of the involvement and it is 100% for sure, that the almost $100 Billion belongs to the Diaz estate and if they wanted China to take 50% of that money for use by CHINA for funding of safer nuclear power plants and for reduction of toxic emissions from coal buring facilities, then how can Mr. Brown or IRM interfer in those endownments. The other 50% was to be donated out for 24 seperate funding of other projects including stem cell reseach and also the investments in some technologies for reducing the need for cutting down trees for making toilet paper. At first when I was reading the reports of how they were to invest that 50% into various project, I did not relize the serious environmental problems of needing so much trees some 200 years old from Canada that end up as toilet paper for the butts of Ameericans who like sift tissue paper to wipe their ass. After reading some of the reports being proposed by that Tarciana Rodriguez woman, I had to agree that she was a lot smarter than I was to understand the need to use recycled paper to make toilet paper to save the Environment.  

    24 Mar 2009 @ 05:44 by Ref: RON PAUL for the taxpayers @ : Why Americans need to rally for Ron Paul
    It appears that the only U.S. Congressman that has any balls and is not afraid to stand up and want to protect the American public is RON PAUL. He is perhaps one of the few Congreemen there is left that can be trusted to be on the side of the taxpayers, as the other Congressional leaders just have not displayed any guts or proven they have the balls to coonduct a proper investigation as to why the taxpayers money is being abused by the people that were elected to be the WATCHDOG to protect the tax payers....now it is a question of who is there to watch the watchdogs in Washington.D.C. A very good video can be viewed by looking at ot found at http://www.the dailycrux.com/content/1289/boomdoggle. I think you will also enjoy watching the other Video also of the Congresswoman, who seems to not be able to ever read as from what I seen, maybe I am wrong, what do you think?  

    24 Mar 2009 @ 05:47 by Ref missing link @ : regarding the just prior above posting
    something wrong with the above link... it should be found at http://www.TheDailyCrux.com/content/1289/boondoggle.  

    24 Mar 2009 @ 10:15 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : 1 OZ. GOLD COIN VALUE
    Mr Todd for the above questions of how many pieces of coins can be made for a one (1) metric ton of 99.99 gold bar.

    for a simple calculation , that would be roughly 32,150 pices of one ounce gold coin with 24 karat weight and 99.999 % purity, the production cost only pegged at 0.1% since it will bear the seal and logo of the copuntry that will mint the gold bar. anf for pricing . it cn be sold at 850 US$$ depend on the prevailing market price dictated by the gold bullion and coin trader. so for a one metric ton gold coins that would be US 27 million dollars. minus the taxs and manufacturing cost  

    24 Mar 2009 @ 22:16 by Ref: needing KNIGHT ARCANE @ : Congressman Ron Paul and U.S. Mint
    Gee, is KNIGHT ARCAne now stating that the one ounce 24K gold coin with 99.99% purity could be sold at $850.00 vs the $1,200.00 prince that the U.S. Mint is charging for their one ounce 24K gold coin? Gee, how much profit does the American taxpayers get, when the U.S. Mint is selling their version of the 24K gold coin, do you know that answer KNIGHT ARCANE? So of some one wanted to assist the Americans in their time of need, then if the gold was sold to say the U.S. Mint at say just $500.00 a ounce, then the U.S. Mint would make a profity of basically say $350.00 pn behalf of the American taxpayers, is that a correct assumption? So if say 5,000 metric tons of gold was made available to President Obama for him to arrange for the U.S. Mint to buy the gold for just $500.00 a ounce and President Obama would announce that the U.S. Mint was to start selling 24K gold coins in a protective box or case for a extra $50.00, sot hat the coin would be sold say for $900.00, then the American taxpayers would still realize a profit of $350.00 minus the profits to the U.S. Mint but you said something about taxes, what taxes are you talking about? If the gold coin is issued as the currency of the U.S. Government, then there is no taxes on another country currency, is there? OK, please calculate how many coin could be minted from 5,000 metric tons of gold that President Obama would be offered to allow him to stimulate the whole world by showing that the Americans are able to mint gold coin at $900.00 each including the protective box and then how many gold coins could be produced out of the 5,000 metric tons and if the net profit was say $300.00 for the U.S. Taxpayers after allowing $50.00 for the U.S. Mint to cover all expenses and shrinkage and legal costs and whatevery they need to add in as overhead, I request KNIGHT ARCANE to calculate the new profits of $300.00 each 24K gold coin X the total quanity and show how much could come into the use for President Obama to use as a special budget to pay out to start helping people without food and employment, and to not be used for any God damn bail-out of banks or anyone else, expect for teh taxpayers. This should be a program that is not subject to approval by Congressmen except for a man named RON PAUL and perhaps a selected panel of 9 more from the private sector to be paid, for their INPUT to advise what programs the money should be utilized for. OK, this is not such a bad concept as I seen some documents that were signed back in January of 2008 that already has offered to sell the gold to the U.S. Treasury back then, however there was some fears that a man named E.J. Ekker claims he legally could grab any gold that was found held by the Federal reserve and or the U.S. Treasury as Mr. Ekker claimed that He has ome old GOLD BOND that was still some how valid by some prior officials that worked at the U.S. Treasury that said the PERU BOND was still alive after over 150 years, so the people that wanted to sell the gold in JANUARY 2008 to the Americans to help avoid this financial meltdown that they knew was to occur, held back waiting for a new President to be elected. Now they have elected Mr. Obama and He is being kicked around by the mean Congressmen and woman, who failed to have monitored the bailout money they sign off on, now more and more new money will be required to again be fed into the black holes of those U.S. Banks. Now the plan is to take the overpriced paper assets of those banks and sell them to the private secot, where the U.S> Government will loan money to the investor to buy up the toxic paper assets and if the investor cannot make any profit, He walks away and does NOT have to pay back the loan the Government issued to the investor, so the U.S. Taxpayers is again scrwewed and stuck with the debits. I think that President Obama should be given a better opportunity than that mess as that will all fail, as hell if the assets wwere any good, the U.S. Banks would not have been in this financial mess they are now into. President Obama and RON PAUL should put their heads together and consider the concept of minting a new different gold coin that would appear the the millions if not Billion end buyer who will be more than excited to be able to buy something from the U.S. Mint also in knowingt hat their purchase and this investment for the $850.00 coin is to help stimulate and maintain the recovery in the United States. President Obama with the panel of 10 people selected to assist him with Ron Paul, can accomplish this task and show the rest of the World, that President Obama has gold coins backing up his recovery efforts, that sens a damn strong message. They can even sell the 24K gold coins in a roll, like a roll of gold coins, in a protective tube, it will become a hot seller, the best deal of the year.  

    25 Mar 2009 @ 00:15 by rEF PAUL KRUGMAN as advisor @ : President Obama and RON PAUL
    I cannot understand why the hell the Americans keep wasting money into that AIG, they should let it fail, as it is a dead horse and now the U.S. Government is involved to be representing what, the poor taxpayers of American that have to get shafted even more, with more debits as the Government will be back to be pouring more and more of the taxpayers m,oney into that AIG and those other insolvent U.S. Banks. Hell, let them close down, who needs those black holes to exists? I have a lot of respect for a man named PAUL KRUGMAN and if President Obama was to make a decision to allow the poor American taxpayers to have the opportunity to make $300.00 on each sale of a gold coin produced by the U.S. Mint, then I feel that of the 10-men that should be selected to advise President Obama, that Mr. Paul Krigman is one of the top ten. The other one would be Congressman RON PAUL as he has always been on the side of not just the taxpayer, but He has a brain that works and he has the moral judgement to back up his own views. These are two damn good men, they can perhaps come up with a short list for the other 8 more members, all which should be apid for their expenses to fly back and forth to Washington, D.C. when they have to meet with president Obama, to give him their recommendations as to where the President should direct and sign off, to where the sales profits being the $300.00 per each gold coin, to to be paid to, for the average American citizen in this State of Embergency, as all of those so called bail-out plans under consideration will bnot reach down to the American families that are now short of food supplies and who have no medical coverage. The Hell with those Congressmen, as they had their opportunity and they screwed up, they are as much to blame for allowing the lax situation where taxpayers money end up making $1 million dolalr bonies to people, that created the failures at that AIG, for those that worked there. And how about that bullshit story they sppon fed to their citizens, that the U.S. Government could not interfer into the private sector contracts that were made to pay out those bonus, what bullshit, and if the American taxpayers bought that line of shit, then they are fools, damn fools. Every day all over the World, contracts are always renegotiated and adjustments made to meet the current day situations, and if the president of the United States and the Congress of the United States does not have the power to regulate the distribtion of the money that is the American taxpayers money being used to pour into that AIG, then the Congress officials should not be allowed to say the money is a tax obligation of the American people, as if the American people are said to now be the shareholders or the stockholders in the AIG and some U.S> Banks and the U.S. Government is the WATCHDOG, then if the damn watchdog is not watching, then drag his ass off the the dog pound and get a replacement, as the U.S. Goverment is failing the American people, that is so clear. This is why now President Obama is being blamed, but Hell he did not make this financial mess, someone left it on his lap. Sure, He is being blamed and now the pissed off Congressman who also fell asleep and were told to HURRY HURRY and RUSH and ACT without delay, as Uncle Sam was sinking in quicksand, so the Congressman tried to sabe those U.S. Banks and Auto companies and then the Congressman sat around and has some nice Cuban cigars and some good old aged Whisky and said, WE SAVE Uncle Sams ass again.....but then there was another knock on the door of the private chambers, and it was again those damn bankers, THEY WERE BACK with the hands out, asking for more and more and still more of teh taxpayers money and then the Congressmen started to realize that they dropped the ball and started to place the blame on the poor guy who is stuck in that job as Secretary of teh Treasurer. Noone wants that job as it is thankless and they cannot find a replacement, so the Congressmen beat up on Obama and anyone else, when they should be kicking their own butts, as they screwed up. OK, now I got that off my chest, then solution I think is in what was agreed by the D and P Enterprise and the Administrators back in late 2007. Back then they knew of the upcoming financial meltdown starting off in American and they knew that it would last at least 5-years and also the seven phases the meltdown would take and they also knew in the end, the whole world will change and Uncle Sam would become a old man, seen by other Countries to be weal and unable to get back on his feet. So those Administrators made a proposal to allow Uncle Sam side to purchase gold bullion at a 50% discount and use the gold to help poor Uncle Sam to show the rest of the World, that Uncle Sam while looking skinny, still had balls made out of gold, not brass balls, but 24K gold balls. The problem caused by that Global Allianxce Investment Association or GAIA was a problem in that Mr. E.J. Ekker claimed that if He discovered that that the US Treasury had any gold, that He claims he was entitled under U.S. law to grab it, so the Administrators decided that it was better not to sell the gold to the Federal Reserve or to the U.S. Treasury but to consider some other ways to allow Uncle Sam to get the assets as gold bullion in such a manner as to swap it, so Mr. EJ Ekker and his Star Ship Group could not gran the gold, as the gold was to be intended to help the American people, not to help Mr. EJ Ekker, as a American citizen. So now the Administrators confirmed the tax records and added in some additional bank deposits to the arrangement and to offer a larger volume as the damn financial mess in the USA is now into Phase three, so it requires drastic actions. It was thought that maybe CHINA who is holding also a lot of the paper assets of the United Sattes should be also allowed to exchange it for some gold and I also heard that Japan who also is holding $1 Trillion in US currency would also like to swap some of that to exchange for some US Minted gold coins, so this means there are volume buyers if the US Mint can produce sufficient gold coins that could be sold off and allow the WHITE HOUSe with President Obama and his 10 member advisors, to feed the profits back to the American people and not waste the money with AIG or the U.S. Banks or deal in any toxic paper assets. The country of CHINA and JAPAN also deserve to be allowed their opportunities to also exchange some of their US Treasury notes and Federal reserve notes for gold coins, so instead of not doing anything positive to help Japan and CHINA, now President Obama and the WHITE HOUSE would have a workable solution, as it was explained to me. I myself do not undersatnd a lot of it, but if the US MINT can make a profit of $50.00 a coin and produce say 150,000,000 USA gold coins, then it seems to me that sure the hell would impress me and my mates. iF THEY PRODUCED IT IN 24k, i WAS TOLDT AHT PEOPLE WOULD NOT USE IT AS MONEY, BUT PERSERVE IT FOR THEIR GRANDCHILDREN. wHEN i ASK WHAT HAPPENS IF i DO NOT HAVE ANY GRANDCHILDRE, THEY SAID THEN DONATE IT TO CHARITY. WELL, I THINK I WOULD RATHER BUY A HELL OF A LOT OF BEER AND MANY JARS OF CASHEW NUTS WITH A GOLD COIN AND NOW I HAVE TO FIND MY DAMN CALCULATOR AND START TO FIGURE HOW MUCH A usa $850.00 GOLD COIN IS WORTH BEERWISE, AS THAT IS THE INDEX THAT I USE, THE HELL WITH ALL OF THE UP AND DOWN OF THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES, THAT IS TOO COMPLICATED FOR ME, I JUST DIVIDE IT BY THE COST OF A CASE OF BEER, THAT IS THE GOING PRICE THAT IS OF INTEREST TO SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF AND MY MATES.  

    25 Mar 2009 @ 00:53 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : FEDERAL TAX @ US$ 300.00
    I think Mr Todd, if a total of 5000 Metric tons of Gold bar will be minted according to the given specification. given a total tax to the federal a whooping US$ 300.00 per troy ounce.

    roughly. that would be : 5000 MT x 32,150.00 = 160,750,000 pices of coins if slaped with taxes by the federa computing the base tax at 300 US $
    US $ 300.00 x 160,750,000 pieces of coins =

    US $ : 48,225,000,000

    a lot of money that can help the US government to be bailed out in their present financial crisis  

    25 Mar 2009 @ 08:06 by Ref KNIGHT ARCANE and confusion? @ : PAUL KRUGMAN and RON PAUL
    WHAT???How the hell can you KNIGHT ARCANE call that $300.00 profit for the American public a tax, how do your mind work, to assume that a profit is a tax of $300.00 on each coin that would be sold atyour suggested resale proce of $850.00 a gold coin? I said that if the WHITE HOUSE accepted your suggested price of $850.00 a gold coin and we added in the other odds and end of a box or protective storage for the coin and even allowed coin dealers, broker and banks to make their profit out oft hat allowance of $50.00, then the profit would be the difference of the transfer price to transfer the gold at $500.00 a ounce to the U.S. Mint plus allowing the U.S> Mint to make a profit of a different $50.00 on each gold coin they cranked out, figuring the overtime involved, then the PROFIT for the American public wouldbecome a net of $300.00 eac gold coin that was sold off. But where in hell did you assume that the $300.00 is to be a total tax and then given to the federal what agency? The concept was to be free and clear of the federal government and allow President Obama to have a legal way to collect the PROFIT on behalf of the AMERICAN PUBLIC to spend the PROFITS of $300.00 a gold coin back to the American People to get past all of the damn problems involved in their defective system. Now their U.S. Post Office is in the red for almost $ 3 Billion so that is another new hands that is stuck out in front of President Obama, what the hell, do they think he is Santa Claus or something. The money that He had to beg approval from U.S. Congress is not the U.S. Congress money, it is the future debit imposed on the children of the current American taxpayers and on their future grandchildren. It is a debit, they are imposing the big debots on the futire of generations of American as taxpayers, in order to have the federal reserve print I think iot was said $ 55 Billion dollars a day and night, so the money can be paid oput to a BLACK HOLE aka called AIG, who then turns around and pays out Billions of that bail-out money to foreign banks, who gambled and lost, yet those foreign banks get paid back their money at the expense of the American taxpayers. I must be stupid as I cannot understand what the hell the American government leaders are doing to their own citizens aka taxpayers? I assumed that if they could return back some of the Billions of dollars that Japan and China are holding and allow those countries to purchase the U.S. Minted gold coins, then that by itself helps reduce the political tensions on President Obama. Hell he is one person, Obama himself is taking on too heavy of a load. The American taxpayers or the American Public have a legal right to claim the $300.00 per gold coin that would be saleable under this semi-recovery program. This was done to help avoid this financal nightmare back in year 2007 and it was all signed and sealed for using the gold bullion on just one of teh Banks, then it is now expanded to inclide the gold bullion of another U.S. Bank as the meltdown could not be prevented and their bailouts will nto solve the hidden problems, being the toxic loans on the books of those U.S. Banks. I mean just look at Canada, they produce a useable well accepted GOLD COIN called a Maple leaf and the public buys it up but it is not 24K gold so the gold coin is circulated as money or currency as a gold coin from Canada. What the EPNP PROPOSAL would be doing, was to encourage the U.S. Mint with President Obama and 10 watchdogs to use the $300.00 profit from the sale of a 24K gold coin and being 24K, noone in their right mind would use it for daily circulation, would they, as it is too soft of a precious metal and it is best perserved as a future investment. This prevents and competition to the federal Reserve note and does not floor gold into the International market but allows for the Countries that have supported the Federal reserve currency like CHINA and JAPAN and other countries, to use their foreign reserves to buy up the $850.00 gold coin now and if the proce of the damn gold goes up, then still do nopt over price the damn gold coin, but add some more onto the price so people can now place their ADVANCED ORDERS agead of time and it is that money, that President Obama and his ten man advisors have to start to think of how best to use those funds to bail out the poor taxpayers, then hell with those damn U.S. Banks and AIG and the rest of those with their hands out. The E P N P Program is legal, proper and can be done with out a lot of damn complicate as I was told. The rpoblem is the confusion back in the United States, as it seems the Congress and even president Obama cannot have any control over the Billions of dollars that was released as bailout money, so the E P N P Program with the additional asets to be obtain from the ESAHC FUNDER, would allow up to at least 5,000 or more tons to become available to President Obama but also to Ron Paul the Congressman, as they do have confidence in RON PAUL, MR. Obama and PAUL KRUGMAN, so those three are the KEYS that can unlock the vault, Another good man would be to select that Attorney Geneal from New York, as He seems to have the ability to kick some butts within the Banking World, so this would be another person that President Obama should accept on the Obama team. I disagree with you KNIGHT ALPHINE as this $300.00 problem is not to be used for any more Giod damn bail outs by the U.S. Government, the money must be used for the American people who need the financial assistance now to keep their kids fed with food, and for parents to have money for healthcare and rent money and with Gods help, maybe even afford to buy a cold beer and dream to havea jar of cashew nuts. If the American public would demand their U.S> Congressional leaders either leader or retire, they can start to slowely bring about changes, but I cannot understand these issues, I just want to sit and enjoy the sunset and I am thinking about getting a new dog.  

    25 Mar 2009 @ 22:13 by Ref: Andrew M. Cuomo @ : He deserves to be paid a big bonus
    This New York Attorney general and his people were able to convince a lot of the A.I.G. people who received those large bonus payments that was the money that comes from the poor U.S. Taxpayers, to actually return back a lot of teh money, so I would like to say that this person should also be considered to be one oft he advisors to President Obama if he accepts the gold bullion to produce the 24K 99.99% gold coin or coins that could be one ounce and also in half ounce and expand the concept and let the profits be returned not to the Government , but to be paid to the poor American families who have lost their jobs and who need to have food and some real help, instead of the bullshit promises from the U.S. Banks. The Banks and credit companies will next reduce the amount available to credit card holders as a way to not spped up the spending for teh economy, but to do the reversal. I seen where Congressman Ron Paul is stating that this financial meltdown is to turn into a 15 year depression or recession or both. Congressman Paul is one of the few remaining people in the U.S. Congress that seems to know what the hell is really going on within his government. Everyone beats up on Mr. Geithner but Hell he is doing the best effort he can to resolve that mess and his brain tells him to solve the problem by pumping money into the banks, to salvage the U.S. Banking system. He also has this other rehashed plan, to loan money to the private sector as investors, for the investors to purchae the toxic assets from the banks, so the banks get rid of that crap and the investor hopes to make a profit. Now if the crap turns out to be shit, then the investor can walk away and does not have to apy the loan that He obtained from the U.S. Government. Gee, when I then asked my stupid questions as to who pays the Government, I felt like a damn fool to say that it is the U.S. Taxpayer money that the Government handed out to the alleged so-called investor to take the crap from the banks at the higher price. The rpoblem seems that if the bank sold it at the discount rate, the banks would LOSE MONEY. So now this sweetheart deal is that the investor gets to borrow the US Taxpayers money to buy the crap at the gigher prioce and wait and wait and pray to God that somehow the crap will be worth something and if not, well the Investor walks ao runs like hell and the US Taxpayer is stuck with the crap that is the pile of shit, that the U.S> BAnks are unloading off their books. Gee, this seems to be another screwing for the poor taxpayers, but they are perhaps not able to understand it, as they are too damn concerned as to how to feed their kids, keep their job and make the house payments and keep up with the financial meltdown. Gee, then what I cannot understand is, whu the hell they do not let those Banks simply GO OUT OF BUSINESS if they are so weak, and insolvent. While support banks that are already insolvent and while screw the American taxpayers to sell them that pile of shit called toxic assets? And why the hell is the U.S. Taxpayers money being paid to A.I.G. to then be paid to overseas FOREIGN BANKS? The American taxpayers are not responsibile for their God damn debits that has nothing to do with the poor American taxpayers, so this is yet another con job it appears. If those foreign banks make bad investments to those U.S> Banks, so what, let them all lose their money, it was after all a bad investment. Why does the U.S. poor taxpayers have to make sure that shareholders in overseas foreign banks het a dividen or get their money back. Who the hell are the Amwerican taxpayers, are theu SUPER HEROS or suckers to get involved intot his scam as this is sure how this is starting to smell like to me and a lot of other people I have heard from lately. PS Where is that guy from BC, hope he is OK, maybe he is busy to keep from under the house mama-san and to look busy as sharing a nest is difficult as when a bird left the nest, the bird is normally not to come back to teh same nest again and bring more little birds with him, but the BC man must have faith that He has unseen associates that think of his situation and will accomplish something soon, as things are being discussed, but snails move very slowely at time, especially with what is now going on in the World even at the Vatican and with Allah and Gods children, just keep your dreams alive and hold on close to what you have, things will improve, it just takes time for the eggs to hatch..  

    26 Mar 2009 @ 00:18 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : COLD FUSION
    Mr Todd. with President Obama having appointed a scientist as his Secretary of Energy then maybe now the Obama Administration will support cold fusion as the way to help American out of its dependence so they do not have to drill for more oil to endanager the Environment iof what is still left of it back in American

    According to some scinetist , Cold fusion is real! It's a natural, clean energy source that has been oppressed since 1989 when "hot fusion" scientists conspired to declare Fleishmann and Pons to be charlatans, thereby discrediting their work and halting all government-funded scientific investigation into cold fusion for nearly two decades.

    But the truth cannot be suppressed forever, and this week, researchers working for the U.S. Navy (surprise!) have declared cold fusion is real, and they have the data to prove it!

    Read the full report on this cold fusion breakthrough, plus a collection of really interesting quotes on the subject, at the link below http://www.naturalnews.com/025925.html

    Why does cold fusion matter for planetary health? Because cold fusion can replace coal power plants and eliminate both CO2 emissions and mercury emissions from coal plants. This is a very big deal  

    27 Mar 2009 @ 01:44 by Ref, U.S. Secretary of Energy @ : D and P Enterprise endownments
    I read your article you posted KNIGHT ARCANE and it seemed to be what President Obama would encourage and I will say that He sure picked a damn good intelligent man to take over that U.S. Energy Department, as He is not only with the good brains of being Chinese and his whole family has outstanding DNA, He being a scientists shows that President Obama himself is damn good at selecting people. The D and P or the DNP Enterprise that was the holding corporation for a lot of the wealth of the man they called S.G. Sta Romana was to also fund large sums to the United States for funding for something to do with another form of nuclear power energy and I think they wanted to provide $500,000,000.00 as when ti was offered, it seems the U.S. Government did not have the funding that was needed to resume that research. There was some other large funding to be given to the Chinese or to the country of CHINA for that country to also engage the same research to use the safer form of nuclear energy and I heard that about $2 Billion dollars of such funds were to be given to the CHINA Government if they agreed to use it for building a few pilot nuclear power plants in China and coordinate their reseach with the American side, but I do not know what happened to that, as it was said that the wife of late president marcos of the Philippines was also wanting to claim the money that was being held by the bank of China, being money that legally belonged to Jose A. Diaz as it was his gold, that President Marcos sold off from the Po Sang Bank, then the money was deposited by President Marcos in the name of some straw woman and everyone tries to claim it. Actually from what I heard 50% of the money was offered to the CHINA Government to be utilized for several Environmental protection projects, one was to clean up the toxic emissions from coal burning plants in China, to reduce the brown smog that is air pollution that was causing so many Environmental problems to killing millions of treets on mountian tops in japan and also causing serious ehalth problems for the people living in Hong Kong etc. I even heard reports that the Brown smog pollutionw as reaching the coast of California. Somewhere I have some old file folers that I should dig out and post here. My dog never returned so I am thinking of getting me another dog as people still bring around more raw fish, asking me where my dog was? I hope he is humping away his life with his new freedom, soert of wish I could join him at times. Cannot believe SNOW in Tokyo this time of the year, shit what else is going to fall out of the sky? Everyone is concerned that abooster rocket will falls down from the upcoming launch from North Korea and for me, I am just waiting for some money to fall out of the sky, as now with all of the fake US currency floating around, the stores will not accept it and it is better or was better to use the US Dollaes to buy beer by the case than Japanese Yen currency, now nothing seems to be useable. One of these day I must get me one of those $100 Billion dollar notes that other country was printing, as then I would put that in my wallet and at least feel I had something...but would know that all paper money is just that, paper. LOts of news about China wanting to support gold money and while I am not sure what the hell that means, I think it would be paper currency backed up with gold, but who would be holding the gold that backs up the papr money? I think we should use sea shells and go back to the old system of barter and give up on all papr money, stick with the sea shells as the stable media of exchange.  

    Mr Todd what about reading this articles found in this link below


    I recalls someone telling me that about the almost $40 Billion that was to be donated to China before from the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian Foundation and the DNP Enterprises that was to counter-act the problem of coal burning in China. Then this would be a big breaktrough for US Energy department to take in for consideration. So attention Mr . Steven Chu who was nominated to had the said department who is a Chinese by origin should look at it.

    This the complete details of the articles in case you do not find the link

    China's Coal Fires Burn 20 Million Tons of Coal Per Year
    by Alex Pasternack, Beijing, China on 11.19.08

    Channel 4 News: China coal fires in spotlight

    It's known for being the world's cheapest fuel, but Chinese coal is actually more expensive than ever: a new report estimates that the environmental and social costs of China's coal usage hit RMB1.7 trillion ($248 billion) last year, or about 7.1% of the country's GDP.

    The other key numbers, according to the report, by Greenpeace, the Energy Foundation and WWF: coal is the source of 70% of the country’s energy, 85% of China’s sulphur dioxide emissions, 67% of its nitrogen dioxide emissions, 80% of its carbon dioxide emissions, and creates 25% of China's waste water. China's coal mines are the world's deadliest, killing an average of 13 miners a day. For some cough-worthy visual evidence, take a look at the city of Linfen.

    But a less obvious threat smolders underground: at least 62 coal fires that destroy 20 million tons of coal annually, nearly equal to Germany's entire annual production. As Tim Johnson of McClatchy reports, scientists estimate that the fires alone may account for 2 to 3 percent of the world's annual emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.

    China is not the only place in the world with coal fires. India, Russia and Indonesia suffer from uncontrolled coal fires. In the 80s, the state of Pennsylvania spent some $42 million to relocate the residents of Centralia, a town that atop a fire that's been burning since 1966.

    But China's got it worst. According to McClatchy newspapers:

    China has the worst underground coal fires of any country on Earth. The fires destroy as much as 20 million tons of coal annually, nearly the equivalent of Germany's entire annual production. The costs go beyond the waste of a valuable fuel, however.

    The rising demand for coal worldwide to satisfy a hunger for energy has given way to greater mining, and a proliferation of fires in coal seams and abandoned mines. China, which has tripled coal production in the past three decades, has mobilized thousands of firefighters to combat the 62 known coal fires that are scattered across its north.

    It continues:

    Many coal fires begin spontaneously when underground seams come in contact with the air — either through fault lines from earthquakes or mining activity — generating a chemical reaction that can slowly heat and ignite the coal. Human activity is an intensifier of the fires, however, especially when workers abandon dust-filled mines without sealing the airshafts, allowing temperatures to build.

    China's coal fires stretch across a northern belt that runs nearly 3,000 miles from east to west. A cluster of them are in Ningxia and a little to the north in Inner Mongolia at the edge of the Gobi Desert. The concentration of coal fires in the region puts it in the running for one of the world's worst ecological disasters, and only humans can extinguish the problem.

    "These fires just don't go out," said Anupma Prakash, an expert on mapping coal fires at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks.

    Fighting coal fires -- an expensive proposition that involves injecting water into the burning coal and adding a mixture of sand, cement and chemicals -- is tackling a low-hanging fruit in the effort to stem climate change.

    Moving away from coal, at least in China, will be harder as long as the government sees coal as its most dependable and cheapest energy source.

    "(The) coal-dominated energy mix cannot be substantially changed in the near future, thus making the control of greenhouse gas emissions rather difficult," a recent government white paper said.

    The tone was of some regret however.

    "Extreme climate phenomena, such as high temperatures, heavy precipitation and severe droughts, have increased in frequency and intensity," the government report noted. These phenomena, it said, will increase natural disasters, reduce grain yields and impact livestock raising, hampering the nation's efforts to feed its 1.3 billion people.

    Fortunately, as Green Leap Forward notes, the government is raising coal prices, bringing them closer to market levels in certain cases. But the aforementioned Greenpeace report on coal notes that the true cost of coal in China is some 23 percent higher than its current prices. Setting the price of coal that high would probably stoke some other fires in the short term, but probably not ones that melt away our climate  

    27 Mar 2009 @ 03:04 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : JIM BROWN a widdower of LUZ Rambano

    To clear this thing out when CEB worte in his articles at the Golden Karat Serries which had been junk out of the net due to non payment of web hosting. He claim that he put up a trust of US $ 23o billion dollars in TRUST in EUropean Bank and claiming that he is entitled to the 50% of the said trust due to he is legally married to Luz Rambano Joson ( aka. Luz Sta. Romana ) but Jim Brown never accept that Luz Rambano Joson can never be legally married to Sta Romana since after our investigation it is very clear that he manipulated the said mariage license by coniving with the Pateros Mayor Nestor Ponce and do the said mariage 2 months after the death of SGSR.. I still have two witnesses alive on the said hoax marriage that gave their affidavit how Luz Rambano fabricated the said document.

    Now CEB is legaly married to Luz Rambano Joson Brown and he is entitled to the wealth left by Angel Ricarte Joson. with 8 children to Luz. totalling to 50 US dollars in realty and money. that all the wealth that JIM Brown can claim against Luz Rambano.

    I will post here later an excerpt of the said article taken from the defunct Golden Karat Serries of Clarence Elrbert Brown with all hi dreamweaver tall tales about being the heir of Sta ROmana ( HEELLOOOOOO ) who do you think you are son of the King.


    27 Mar 2009 @ 08:43 by Ref: KNIGHT ARCANE and Luz Rambano @ : Swiss Bank released money to fake widow
    What, are you talking about now KNIGHT ARCANE. Mr. Brown never said that He put up $230 Billion dollars into a European Investment Fund. What mr. Brown alleged in his so-called e-book, was that LUZ RAMBANO confirmed to Mr. CE Jim Brown, that she fools some Swiss banker into her scam, that the Swiss banker believed she was the wife of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and since she knew some of the confidential verbal codes that she took from Mr. StaRomana while she shacked up with him and became the alleged common law wife, well the StaRomana guy was always drunk and tired as He was hiding from late President Marcos who was his former Attorney At Law, as Marcos want to get more and more control of the wealth of this Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka S.G. Sta Romana, so Luz Rambano was always with the old man StaRomana and naturally it would have been easy for her to obtain the locking verbal codes, that also help convinced the Swiss banker to acept her as the lawful wife of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. SO Yes, she took the money and it was said to be well over $300 Billion, but she gave some it to some other persons who helped her, then she had some invested into her so called TRUST INVESTMENT FUNDING ACOCUNTS and I think this is what Mr. CE Brown was makink mention of when he wrote up what I also read on the Internet as being $230 Billion. Sure, this American named mr. CE BROWN married that old Filipino woman to get at the wealth, as she was a rich con woman and He knew that, as Mr. CE Brown claims he spent what, 16 long years and almost $2.5 Milliion investigating everything about the life of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. Hell, Mr. Brown was not blind, was He? He must have seen the date on the death certificate of Mr.S.G. Sta Romana and also the date of the ID CArd issued that that Mayor and the date of that alleged marriage applications. So if Mr. Brown was not blind, how come He could not understand that Mr. S.G. StaRomana has been dead well over 30 days..before this Filipino woman with the help of that Mayor started to fake the marriage documents, so this Luz woman could become the wife? Mr. CE BROWN has to have knowledhe of all of this BEFORE He himself married that woman who had by that time, changed her name from Luz Rambano to Luz Rambano StaRomana and she was calling herself tjhe widow. I mean Mr. Brown had to have known this woman was a fraud and that she legally could never had become married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana, as hell, she was already married to her first husband who name was Mr. Angel Joson. Mr. CE Brown is either a liar or else He is the worst investigator I ever heard of, or he is just full of shit or all of these and more. And as far as He is claiming under the Philippine Law that He is entitled to 50% of his Filipino wife estate, that cannot be including that $230 Billion, as that money was embezzled from the real StaRomana, the man, who never married that Luz Rambano. You said to me before KNIGHT ARCANE, that you were aware that some oft eh family members of the StaRomana remaining family or relatives of people named in a Holo Last Will, were forming a legal complaint that qualifies them as what, victims? Victims that someone embezzled the Swiss bank assets of a lot of money by some fake Widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, so is that this same Luz Rambano Sta Romana-Brown woman, was she the one that has now created the complains from the victims, that were deprived of not receibing any settlement money from that handwritten or holo last will, is this the so-called estate that Mr. CE Brown is claiming for?  

    27 Mar 2009 @ 23:43 by Ref Loretta E. Laurel belongs in jail @ : Bengal Trading Limited-Isle of Man
    To RW. 1, I am not surprised that you did not read in that Mr. CE Jim Brown e-book about the mention of that $230 Billion of money that His wife, called Luz R. StaROmana said she invested into her European Trust Investment fund, as that was mentioned by Mr. Brown in one of his many write-ups that He made in promoting thes ale of his book, and I have about 8 or 10 different downloads from his old Web sites and such, so I will have to dig it out and maybe post it here on this Ming forum, so you can read it and then see that I did not make that $230 Billion story up, as you have implied in your e-mail. 2, As to your question about Luz Rambano having spent time with the Japan Royal family, well there could be something to that story as Mr. Brown perhaps also has copies of the documents that does show the TRUST ACCOUNTS that were established where the Royal family were also trustees, and that wealth was using gold bullion to help their Japan Banks get reserves to make loans out to japanese corproation to make recovery for Japan or Nippon. I also think Mr. Brown may also have some documents that shows the large gold deposits to specific Japan Banks and what Mr. Brown perhaps does not know, is that most of those accounts while they are to have paid a interest on most of the deposits, that the interest was to be paid to the DNP Enterprise not to Mr. S.G. StaRomana himself at the end of the 40 year waiting period. 3, Actually a lot of that gold and the money which could be called the principal, was to be subdivied out to other named organizations and to some Governments and to the Vatican at Rome etc etc. 4, I do bnot think that Mr. CE Brown was very good to perform proper investigation about the deposits in other overseas Banks in Europe either, as perhaps Mr. Brown was so hyped up in wanting to write his books for his fame of glory, to be called a book author. Well, He never became a book author, did He? 5, And He will never collect the LUZ RAMBANO Trust funds either, as that money was actually embezzled from the Swiss Bank account of a man, that the Luz R. StaRomana woman was never legally married to, so she was a fraud to claim she was the widow of that man, known as Mr. S.G. StaRomana. 6, I know of two people who are serious in wanting to write their own books about Luz Rambano StaRomana and tell the truth about her. 7, I also know that Sterling Seagraves is needing about 2000 pages of other documents that has his name on the box, ready to send to him, that will prove the conspiracy of this woman named Luz Rambano StaRomana-Brown. Also Sterling must get a upgrade for the other con-woman named LORETTE E. LAUREL who is another Filipino woman who also claims to represent the estate and claims for the S.G. StaRomana Estate, but it seems that the woman that was said to have signed to that Loretta E. Laurel the alleged Power of Attorney, has confirmed that it was a fraud and that Flordeliza T. StaRomana said she never issued any Power of Attorney to that woman that is displayed in that SPAIN Immigration ID card, that I wished KNIGHT ARCANE would post her on this Ming forum as a link. 8, KNIGHT ARCANE told me in a e-mail the other day, that Flordeliza was asked to review the PHOTO of this woman in the SPAIN issued ID Card in the name of Loretta E. Laurel and that Flordeliza T. StaRomana, said she never ever met that woman before. Gee, that would mean what? That the alleged Power of Attorney that the Loretta E. Laurel woman has shown to Bankers is what, a forgery? Gee, then the USB/AG Chairman and the President of UBS/AG should know then, that the woman that comes to their bank in Switzerland using her Attorney-At-Law is perhaps also not the legal widow or wife of a man named PEDRO P> LAUREL either. Gee, that means that the UBS Bank does not have to deal with that Loretta E. Laurel woman at all, as she is after all not the widow and was not legally married to that Pedro P. Laurel, the alleged owner of the Bengal Trading Limited Company at the Isle of Man. Gee, then that means that she cannot claim that all Number 11833 gold warranties belong to her as the widow and Gee, that means that she is a fraud also, as she knows that the gold that she is claiming belongs to her, actually belongs to a man named Jose A. Diaz. Gee, that means that she tried to deceive the bankers by showing them a POA that Loretta claims she obtained from a man named Flordeliza T. StaRomana and Gee, that is the woman who claimed she was the daughter of Mr. S.G. StaRomana but that she could never prove it, as she said all of the records were destroyed in a fire that Gee, just wiped out all of the proof and it all went up in smoke. Gee, so while the courts in the Philippines still uphold that this Flordeliza woman is to be the Administrator for her father estate, alleged to be Mr. S.G. StaRomana, the real Administrator is another woman by the name of TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ, who was the trusted person emplpyed by Mr. S.G. StaRomana to handle his accounting records, bookkeeping records and she became the treasurer of teh D and P Enterprise, which we all know was the HOLDING COMPANY known also as the Umbrella that controlled a lot of cash in bank accounts and gold bullion storage and this Rodgiguez later on was the last person that Mr. Jose A. Diaz entrusted with the confidential codes and the dates and other secrets, to return back the majoroity of the wealth, after she was to wait for over 40 years and when the time was right, she was to transfer the gold and the money back to certain governments, countries and to the Pope at the vatican in Rome and to some other organizations. She was the official national treasurer plus also someone that was trusted by Mr. S.G. StaRomana to take care of all settlements of his world wide financial deposits. So for that Loretta E. Laurel or for that CE Jim Brown or for that Flordeliza T. StaRomana or for anyone to have any legal position at all concerning the settlements of anything connected with Mr. S.G. Sta Romana aka as Rev Fr. Jose A. Diaz or as SANTY, they would beed to have been appointed as a Co-Administrator with a Letter of Appointment and have a legalized certified Power of Attorney signed by this Tarciana Rodriguez woman and all Mr. CE Brown has is some weird documents signed by the fake widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, named Luz Rambano StaRomana, so He is out of the ball game. And as for that Flordeliza T. StaRomana, she would have to be able to pass the DNA Testing to compare her DNA with the three real still alive children of Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka Mr. S.G. Sta Romana aka SANTY aka Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz. And for Loretta E. Laurel, well she would need to also realize that being a fraud is not the smart thing to have done in deceiving a Buyer in the United States to want to sell 1,000MT by transfer of ownership of Certificate Number 11833-6, or by also deceiving that same USA Buyer group with the transfer of Number 11833-14 Bengal Trading Limited Isle of man 20-year gold certificate for 100MT. Again, there is NO GOLD at UBS/AG in Switzerland to be backing up any damn 20-year gold certificates issued by any Isle of Man company named BENGAL TRADING LIMITED, as that is also part of the fraud strory and conspiracy but that Loretta did not know that, neither did her investigator from Canada or the gard working Attorney in California and most of all, the guys is Vienna who really believed all of her stories about the gold at UBS/AG for thsoe Number 11833-11833-01 to 11833-10 Certificates, being 11,000MT of gold. The gold was never to be used for anything to do with that Isle of Man company called bengal Trading Limited and or that Lincoln bank and Trust Company. It was late president Marcos and some dishonest UBS Bankers that conspired to use the gold of teh CODE JAD to be said to be backing up the 20-year gold certificates Series Number 11833-to 11833-30. That is all a lie, a fraud and the gold belongs to Mr. Jose A. Diaz under Code JAD. And Loretta E. Laurel belongs in jail.  

    28 Mar 2009 @ 00:18 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : LORETTA LAUREL

    The link mr Todd where you can find the picture of the so called Loretta E. laurel


    28 Mar 2009 @ 07:00 by Ref: Loretta E. Laurel @ : Bengal Trading Limited Co of Isle of Man
    HEY, how about that...KNIGHT ARCANE posted that Loretta E. Laurel photo here at the Ming forum and this is actually the new forum as we had to leave the old forum which as called Ming the Merchanic, Santa Romana site, as it was just too long and everyone was complaining, that it toik them a hour or more to get to the end of the forum to where they could read it or be able to post something themselves. Yes, this is said to be the same woman who worked with the Japanese who also claimed that her alleged Husband was Pedro P. Laurel and she has a arm long list of bank account numbers and mention of gold bullion and cash accounts, that she claimed belonged to her, as she said she was married to Pedro P. Laurel of the Philippines. Now we all know she is full of shit, but then again there are three guys all with the same name of Pedro P. Laurel and some of them claimed to be the alleged owner of the Bengal Trading Limited company registered at the Isle of Man. The scam was to fool people into thinking that the UBS Bank in Switzerland was backing up with gold bullion, those alleged 20-year gold certificates, issued by the Overseas Agent of that Bengal Trading Limited company at the Isle of Man. OK, anyone who is not a moron and who does not sit on their brain, would know that the dry seal used on those 20-year Gold certificates of Number 11833- to say 11833-150 is the improper dry seal, meaning to the morons, that it is not the legal seal of that registered Isle of Man company known as Bengal Trading Limited. So first of all, if that is the improper seal of the corporation, Gee that means those gold certificates are no valid...OH MY GOD, so now all of the con men and scammers in the Philippines are starting to scratch the their balls as what they been printing out on their inkjet printer has been duplicates of the FAKE certificates that contain the improper corporative seal of the Bengal Trading Limited Company. THen there are thre eother things wrong with those certificates, one is that they are NOT gold certificates at all, they are simply warranties. Then the other problem is that there is no God damn gold deposited at the UBS bank in Switzerland and the con men were deceived into that false presumption, as that is what late President Maercos wanted them to assume. And I cannot share the next thing wrong with those certificates, as it is a trade secret that even the UBS/AG bank does not know about, nor the foolish con woman by the name of Loretta E. Laurel and her playmates. She sure sucked a lot of money out of fools, as many many investors believed that she was the wife, the widow of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel, hell she pulls out of her girdle, a copy of the alleged marriage certificate, the one that was never registered in the Philippines. And out of one of the cups of her bra, she has a copy of the Death Certificate of her alleged husband, Mr. Pedro P. Laurel that does not indicate that he was beaten to death plus the bullet hole in his head. And out of her other cup of her large bra, she pulls out the court ruling that proclaims she is the Administrator of her husbands estate and then she can reach into her large handbag, and next to the hand gun, she opulsl out the photo bhook showing Little Peter...the alleged son fo Pedro P. laurel. OK, so this merry widow is loaded with all kinds of alleged legal documents plus she also has in her panties, a copy of a Power of ttorney, signed by some one that she says ios the daughter of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and that the daugher name is FLORDELIZA T. Sta Romana and this alleged daughter is said to have given other documents that says the daughter will take 25% of the recovery and Loretta will take another 25% and they will give up 50% to the Evil Ones, but then when this woman, called Flordeliza was contacted, she denied that she ever met this con woman and she looked at the photo of this Loretta E. Laurel and the Flordeliza T. StaRomana denied that she ever issued any Power of Ttorney to that woman and that she never received any $5,000.00 from that woman and that teh Spain Attorney also whos name I have now forgotten that was mentioned in the POA, that He also never came to meet Flordeliza face to face so it seems this is another example of deception, fraud, a con job to deceive the UBS Bank and the U.S. Banks and the banks in China and in Hong Kong. When I was talking to some investigators that did conduct some back ground checks on this Loretta E. Laurel, they say that she just told people that her husband has so many bank accounts of cash at Banks at HK including almost $500 Million at Sanwa Bank in Hong Kong and at Po Sang and at so many other banks plus over 11,000 metric tons of gold at UBS over in Switzerland and she being the widow of Pedro P. Laurel, well she claimed that all of the Number 11833 gold warranty certificates belonged to her, after all she was the merry widow and she wanted to be a rich God damn widow, so she convinced a lot of people, to give her money for her expenses...and she raked in the money from many different persons, so she decided to hide over in SPAIN as many nasty people were sort of looking for her ass in the Philippines, so she hid in Spain and finally after 5-long years, she obtained her resident ID Card and now we have her displayed her at Ming forum. Her modus operandi is to tell people she is the widow, she is the owner of the 11833 to 11833-30 gold certificates of over 11,000 metric tons and she is also rich in that her loving husband Pedro, Gee, wrote out a LAST WILL and gee, left everything to her and his young son named Peter E. Laurel. Then she also went into U.S. Court and said that her loving husband Pedro was the step-son of former Presdient Laurel of teh Philippines who was the Judge, that was able to free young Marcos after he killed a man in the Philippines, so I think everyone should read what Sterling Seagraves wrote in what is called CHAPTER 17 for his BOOK called GOLD WARRIORS. Now most people who have purchased his book will be looking for that missing Chapter 17 and see that their book only contains up to Chapter 15. OK, so before you all start writing em your nasty e-mails to complain, then I will appeal to KNIGHT ARCANE to please post here at Ming forum the CHAPTER 17 for the PUBLIC to know a little more about the merry widow called Loretta E. Laurel. Now please keep in mind that Mr. Seagraves is somewhat behind and we all need to update him somehow, so He can learn the real truth that Loretta is full of shit on many things, one being that the real Laurel family wants back their missing Bonds that she somehow got her large hands on. Perhaps she will need more than one hand gun to keep the wolves that are coming after her in a proper legal manner. Maybe she could ask her Japanese associates to give her a sword as well but I also hear that some of those pissed off Japanese are looking for her ass also, so maybe that would not be a wise thing to do. And in closing, for persons that are concerned about doing something to find some accounts, maybe it is better to give up and stand down and let sam and others to not have to bite their toenails and it was appreciated but it just was not workable from your side, it is OK to STAND DOWN.  

    28 Mar 2009 @ 23:43 by Ref: Bengal Trading Limited company @ : Loretta E. Laurel as fake widow
    To: Mr. RQ. 1, I assume you are holding some of those 20-year Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of man series 11833 named gold certificates, but you did not mention what series you are holding? 2, There are three different series or sets of those certificates, which series do you have? 3, If you have series 2003 which is the alleged maturity date, then that is series 83, 4, If you are hold any series after 83, then you are holding nothing in your hands. 5, If you had 83 series in your hands, then you could obtain a finders fee, depending upon the certificate as if it can pass the paper and ink testing and three other tests. There is NO GOLD at UBS Bank to back up the 83 series certificates, there never was any gold for any of those 20-year gold certificates issued by that Bengal Trading Limited, Isle of Man Company. 6, The real company was owned by Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka as Mr. S.G. StaRomana and while it also was named bengal Trading Limited, it was never registered in the Isle of Man, so if you have Isle of Man certificates, then look at the dry seal, the metal seal impression and if it contains the wording of OVERSEAS AGENT, then all you have to do is check with their government at isle of man and they will tell you, that your certificates have the wrong seal, and it is not the registered seal of the Bengal Trading Limited company that was registered at the Isle of Man. This means you are holding a worthless gold warranity as it cannot have been issued by that Isle of man corporation, so who issued what and when, do you undersatnd Sir? 7, Some persons say associated with late President Marcos could not gain access to a certain bank safety deposit box aftyer Mr. Jose A. Diaz became deceased, so what they did, they created a clone, a mirror corproation by the same name as Bengal Trading limited that has been registered many many years ago in the BWI, meaning British West Indies for you con men and scammers who are confused, as shit, they been print out their fake Bengal Trading Certificates and selling them to stupid morons, who thought they were buying GOLD CERTIFICATES and Gee, there was a Filipino widow named Loretta E. Laurel and Gee, the gold was said to be at the Swiss bank called UBS in Switzerland and Gee, the con men in the Philippines were printing them out 30 pcs at a time until the ink ran out in their inkjet printers. 8, OK, so the original scam was to make DUPLICATES of the certificates that were locked up in the safety deposit box and since no one could gain access even late president marcos, as his Power of Attorney was no valid to be used outside of teh Philippines, so He helped people set up the Bengal Trading Limited at the isle of man and this is why the dry seal, has the wording of OVERSEAS AGENT in their impression on all of the fake 20-year gold certificates made ising Numbers 11833, to 11833-01 to 11833-150 etc. 9(, So the alleged Overseas Agent is said to be representing the gold that is said to be at UNS that is to back up the Isle of Man Bengal Trading Limited 11833 Numbered certificates, but that is all disinformation, lies and deception. There is no gold at the UBS Bank that supports any of those Bengal Trading Limited Isle of man 20-year certificates, there never was, as that bank was never the depository bank for the gold that backed up the Bengal Trading Limited BWI original certificates. 10, Sure there is a way for people to earn a finders fee if they have something that can be used for a legal procedure but there is no gold that can be involved, as the gold long time ago was embezzled and is one of the claims being done now by the Jose A. Diaz estate. 11, Former President Marcos sold off a lot of the gold that belonged to Mr. StaRomana and that was outright theft as MARCOS had no right to touch or sell off the gold, that did bot belong to him, again this is another claims that will be made against the Marcos Estate this time in the International Court of Justice as MARCOS was the President of the Philippines, also He was President of the Senate in the Philippines so He acted in that illegal manner to steal the assets of the estate of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz. 11, And this brings us back to this woman named Loretta E. laurel, she claims she is a cousin of IRN, who was the wife of late President Marcos, but this needs to be confirmed, just like the report that IRM has two different birth certificates, one showing that some how she is related to mr. Diaz, some how and then the other birth certificate that shows no relationship to Mr. S.Garcia Sta Romana aka Jose A. Diaz. 12, If you are thinking you have the real certificates issued from the BWI of Benganl Trading Limited, then you have maybe a opportunity to collect a legal finders fee, however you have to negotiate with the Administrators for the Jose A. Diaz Estate as the depositor who was Mr. S.G. StaRomana placed the deposit into the BANK CODE of JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz so if you have something that you think is real, then send a copy to AsiaNGO2009@gmail.com and let them review your copy and assist you and if you make a deal to get paid a finders fee, then their NGO would expect some donation for their efforts from you. However if your certificates is some shit paper printed out on a inkjet printer, do not send those, use that to wipe your butt.  

    29 Mar 2009 @ 00:29 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : DAVID GUYAT
    to tell the world that david Guyat is not a stupid person that will believed in the hersay of Loretaa Laurel he would NOT have been fooled by this Loretta E. Laurel as Mr. Guyatt always digs deeper into any story that He investigates.

    see the link below and read



    29 Mar 2009 @ 03:27 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : GOLD BULLION SOLD by FM
    Mr Todd do you knoew who President marcos sold the StaRomana gold to back in year 1983. Also what was the name of the woman that President Marcos was said to have used to conceal the money from that sale of teh gold that Marcos took from Mr. StaRomana, do you know her name?  

    29 Mar 2009 @ 04:30 by Ref" PoSang bank and theft of gold @ : Mr. S.G. StaRomana
    Gee,two postings from KNIGHT ARCANE and today is Sunday, must be his Horse does not work on Sunday and He has to dismount and is stuck at some Internet cafe, waiting for some good looking woman to sit on his lap, then he will make his Horse proud of him, as He mounts someone else other than the horse. 1, Ok, lets see as to the gold that late President marcos embezzled and sold off, the bank was Rothschild bank in France back in year 1983 and it was close to $54 Billion dollars. 2, And the woman that late President marcos was using to conceal the sale of that gold and sit on the money was named Santiago. 3, However before President Marcos could claim the fiat currency, He was what, removed out of the Philippines and spent his time in beautiful Hawaii with a free trip, one way out of the Philippines. 3, The gold was removed out of the account was embezzled by removal of the gold out of the PO SANG Bank in Hong Kong when it was under British Control and that was considered to be wrongful conversion and outright embezzlement of the gold that legally was owned by Mr. S.G. StaRomana, not by his Attorney-At-law being that late President Marcos of the Philippines. This is why this case is being submitted to the ICC or the International Criminal Court as it was a theft of private property by the president of a country, called the Philippines. 4, However since the BANK OF CHINA took control over that PO SANG bank and the assets and bank deposits and bullion deposits, then the Administrator for the Bank code JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz considered to donate 50% of the money to the country of CHINA, with the encumbrance that the 50% donated amount of say $27 Billion has to be used by CHINA for protection of the environment, and for research for safer ways to produce electricity from nuclear power facilities and to join with other countries to bring in new technologies and scrubbers to be installed on many many thousands of coal burning plants in China, that is causing so much air pollution from the burning of coal. 5, I also heard that larghe donations would be donated to the IMF and to the WORLD BANK, as well as to help the ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK and to provide funding to the Internationa Red Cross socities and to the United Nation programs and many other projects aand to provide funds to the ASIAN OIL IMPORT LEAGUE or AOIL, and to to a lot of good to fight poverty and Global warming. 6, That woman named Santiago has no lawful claim to that money, as I seen copies of the letters of communication written by that President Ferdinand marcos to that woman who was one of his straw ladies he used as a stand in as a trusteewhere Macros admitted to the sale of the PoSang gold and that Marcos was wanting to deposut the money under her name to hide it. But that means that the money was not owned by that President Marcos aka FM, so that woman named Santiago cannot claim anything, as that money is the result of a ilelgal criminal act, being that they sold off the gold bullion, then tried to hide the money of that amlost $54 Billion back then, so this is still embezzlement. The SAMCO Recovery group showed me years ago, copies of theor files and I recall also those warehouse receipts fort he gold bullion, I also seen some letters signed by the Po Song Bank that confirmed the warehouse receipts and the account numbers and it was on their Po Sang bank letterhead to a HK attorney, who SAMCO traced and it was all confirmed to be accurate information. I do not think that the mainland CHINESE Government should refuse to accept the endownment of 50% as it will also create a lot of employments in China and show the rest of the World, that CHINA is cleaning up their air pollution and doing something as $ 27,000,000,000,00 is a lot of money even for China to be devoting to help solve their need for more nuclear power electric facilities and havimng the money needed to also do research using BROWN GAS to be able to reduce and destroy toxic chemicals as radioactive materials for proper disposal. The BROWN GAS is also useful for CHINA to be using for exporting out of their country, new type of welding machinery all over the world, that uses water as the fuel to produce the BROWN GAS, that is unbelieveable. Many other product lines can be developed using water as the fuel that is called BROWN GAS. I think that the D and P Enterprise was smart to donate the large sums of money to the IMS and WORLD BANK, as they need large funding with the lack of donations to be obtained from most other countries, due to the financial meltdown. That ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK seems to be doing a damn good job but they also need funding and bank reserves, otherwise tjhey can not provide low interest loans tot eh countries in the Southeast Asia Regions. Rather than spend time waiting for the International Court of Justice to have to waste time to confirm what is already know about this embezzlement of late President Marcos, then it show that Tarciana Rodriguez who was the national treasuer of the DNP Enterrpise that was placed in charge of CODE JAD accounts of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, that she has wisdom and that she wanted Mr. Diaz wealth to serve as his Legacy. In fact I heard that her husband was also Chinese and she has several Children by her husband, so actually she is said to be very fond of China or the Chinese people, this reflects in her prior Resolutions and Agreements she signed with her Co-Administrator being the Victoria Trading investment Corporation. I hope that she and the Chinese Government can accomplish the arrangement of those endownments, as I know that the IMF is sekking needed funds now, so is the World Bank so it seems to be a urgent matterto speed up that settlement. It is too bad that people close to the man in BC can not understand to have explained to his mates.  

    30 Mar 2009 @ 03:42 by BECOME AWARE of CONFICKER VIRUS @ : YEAR 2012 Comet
    If I was concerned about my computer to become a slave with millions of others due to the concerns of that alleged CONFICKER vurus that is said to be on April 1st, the I would reset the date on my computer to the 4th of April as I would assume that the hackers who made thus virus would assume that most of us would TURN off our computers on 1 April and then come back on line on April 2nd thinking it was all clear and safe, but I would assume that the hackers real intention was to launch their VIRUS on April 2nd and not on April 1st as had been leaked out on the Intenet...I means here we have this fantastic virus that is to control millions of our PCs to act as their slave computers for the hackers and they worked very hard to make this vurus, just so it happens to get leaked out that the LAUNCH DATE is April 1st.....so the hackers would assume that since April 1st is ALL FOOLS DAY then most people would think this was all a big joke like on April foods day and do nothing and end up telling everyone else, that it was OK as it was a scam, a con to sell Anti-Virus software or something. I would also PULL the God damn cable connection out of the socket that hooks up to the Internet, as it is well known that even a Home land line telephone can be remotely switched on, so the hacker can use your home phone telephone, to hear whatever conversation is going on in that room in the privacy of your home, while you think that since the telephone is not off its cradle, that it is safe to talk...well if you do not understand how easy it is to turn on a telephone while it is there not being used, to turn your Telphone into a microphone to listen in on what your are talking about to someone else in that room, then you are idiots. Just unplg the God damn computer wire cable completely, and unpug the computer and HELL go fishing for a few days, or go shack up or get a trunk load of beer and forget about the damn CONFICKER virus as it it is launched, them just because you were safe, does not mean your computer will not become infected when you e-mail someone else, who has a infected computer, as they did not unplug. Also get yourself some decent software like FIREFOX and AVAST if you use WINDOWS. Also I would not play faith in Mcafee as my little brother has or in Norton, but then He says they work great, but what seems greater is KAPERSKY software and why it is somewhat expensive, it offers better protection in my private way of thinking. If you who dislike all of the nasty bugs, worms, virus and crap, then you should consider using LINUX and look at www.wubi.com for UBUNTU.COM or else look also at htto://opensolaris.org/os/ Also using OPERA as a INTERNET BROWSER has some valuable virusprotection builtin. HOwever the INTERNET is coming into being eventually controlled and slowed down by the POWERS TO BE...and when the ATM Machines do not function and so many other things like Banking becomes impossibile to transfer money in and out of accounts, then assume that all of that is part of the shutdown that will start in year 2010. Fort hose that understand about what will perhaps occue in Year 2012, they you best get ready for that big event and learn to have your existance as a subterranean esistance and learn what imperishable foods will taste like, as it is a aquired taste to get use to. Always run a MAalwarebytes-anti-malware program on your computer to catch the installed worms, virus and such and NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER open a e-mail from anyone you do not know...as that is how this shit gets into your computer plus in other ways. Also have a external hard drive backup and be ready, as everything soon will be slowed down as the POWERS TO BE do not want us bottom feeders to know that the shit is going to hit the fan blades in YEAR 2012 with the comet. And while some people think that the EARTH PEOPLE will somehow all work as a team effort and shoor the comet and deflect it, well those people are also Idiots and morons as if that PLAN A does not work, there is no other PLAN B workable iof you are not deep very deep...No ever deeper in the ground, snug as a bug....with plenty of Western Digital Hard Drives that you have downloaded s 600,000 pages of documents or DVD Movies or whatever...bjt it is not a good concept to be watching PONO MOVIES underground if you are with only others who are also all male, that gets too weird, at least have a few bunny rabbits around, or a goat or something other than whacking yourself to death in the subterranean existance of being 300 feet or more underground. After waiting what, 3 to 5 years and then is you are still alive, you come out of your shelter and look around and see that the dust storm has settled and the whole earth has changed. Now for teh smart investors, who purchase LAND under the sea, oceans, then if there was a POLE SHIFT, then the new land will be the land that was under the water, and now the water is now on the land that was the land. Gee, if that was to occur as those alleged experts are predicting, then it means that all of the water that was in the ocean ends up on the land where the entrance of your underground cave or shelter was, so that means that you have beter learn how to breath underwater, as your shelter will be filled with maybe ocean water so if you think that the octpus that is grabbing your right leg is all in your mind, it is true, so is that damn shark that just ate your laptop and not he is looking at you, the guy who cannot live underwater. So what is the solution, perhaps find a tall mountain top and find a cave up there and then you have a better view as the God damn comet is coming to impact the Earth or will the Military of all countries shoot their nuclear missiles into the comment and then have it break up into 349 large size but different smaller or sub-comets to sort of share with all countries, thaty would be showing what, not being greedy and wanting to share. Perhaps only Mr. E.J. Ekker, the CEO of teh Global Alliance Investment Association and some of his cult members, will get a free ride on a SPACE SHIP and get out of harms way, as Mr. Ekker wife Doris was in direct thought-wave communication with the Star Fleet Commander but then Doris is deceased, so maybe Mr. E.J. Ekker, has no means of communication with the Alien Star Ship, so how will they find him to beam him up? I am sure that Mr. Ekker has already painted something in large letters on the rooftop of the building he is renting his apartments in, and the LETTERING is in the English Language and it perhaps says....HELLO ET, I AM HERE, WAITING FOR PICKUP, REGARDS your earth friend Mr. Eddy JO Ekker....  

    30 Mar 2009 @ 09:34 by Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown @ : Tarciana Rodriguez
    In reply to Attorney RM, as I think you are a Attorney-At-Law from some of your phrasing in your e-mails to me last week. First of all, you are stating that the Holo Last Will signed by Mr. S.G. Sta Romana which you said was probated and upheld, is able to supersede any other court order done in the Philippines, eithr having been fraudulently obtain or issued by a real court there in the Philippines. Then you said that a Mrs Luz Rambano Sta Romana was named in that Holo Last will be become the Administratotor of his Estate. Then you said there were some other persons also mentioned in that Holo Last Will that were also awarded large sums of money and that their amounts of compensation was stated in that hand written Holo Last Will. OK, Yes, I finally obtain a certified copy of this Holo last Will you are debating about and I had to drink almost four cold beers before I could start to understand what the hell this man wrote, as his handwriting was such a mess, but as I took notes and started to understand his style and after rading it 8 different imes, I finally understood the Last Will. I cannot see where your Luz Rambano is given any legal position about any one else in that Last Will, so maybe I have to use your eye glasses to read something that does not exist as I know Lawyers have sometime very strange concepts to read something into a documents, that is not written there. OK, so Yes, your Luz Rambano name is listed there and she would get a nice chunk of money and some but not all of her kids is also mentioned and that is strange, as you have hatched a lot of kids, I think she had 8 children all born to her husband who was named Mr. Angel Joson...so why some kids and not all of her kids were named to receibe money is something maybe you can answer for me Mr. Attorney?? OK, let me say that I am not as smart as you are Sir, as you have a piece of paper perhaps hung upside down on the wall in your office, that said that you pass some bar examination and became appointed as a Lawyer or a Attorney-At-Law etc. OK, I have to admit that I never passed a bar, that I did not bother to go into and order a cold beer. And my office, well it has walls but I do not have anything hung upside down, but it is has about 80 to 90 pictures of scum bags, con men and scammer, perhaps some of these are also some of yoru clients Mr. Attorney, its a small World??? So, if you say that the Holo Last Will outshines anything else that followed, where the Philippines courts awarded anyone say a court ruling that the person was to be appointed as A Administrator, then accordingt to your legal viewpoint, that is of no consideration, and invalid. Well, OK, so lets say that the only thing that remains valid this hand written Holo Last Will and it was submitted to the Manila Trial Court and they approved it, then it went to some Appeals Court and they upheld the decision of that Manila Court, so then in your viewpoint, that is the only legal document that can be used to given the claims of teh estate of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and it is a good thing, that I never went to Law School like yourself, as then I would be as stupid as you are Mr. Attorney. First of all, put away your expensive Scotch whisky and your fancy Cuba made cigar and get yourself a COLD BEER..and then look at who signed that Holo Last Will and if you eyesight is better than your brain, then you can read it was signed by mr. Jose A. Diaz, not by any persons named Mr. S.G. StaRomana. OK, now that you just fell backwards in your chair and have composed yourself after that wet beer stained your expensive Italian made pants and you now have to take off your pants and sit now in your silk made underwear on a wet chair, now understand that your Luz Rambano faked the marriage to a man called Mr. S.Garcia StaRomana, and she never married a man named Jose A. Diaz, who was the man that write out that handwritten holographic LAST WILL, so your alleged Mrs Luz R. StaRomana cannot be claiming she was the Administrator of the S.G. StaRomana estate as she claims in the Philippine court based on her claims that she was the widow, the widow of who Mr. Attorney. I mean Sir, that her real husband Mr. Angel Joson was still alive when she faked the marriage to the man named Mr. S.Garcia StaRomana who was already dead, and placed in his grave and if you are still able to read Sir, with those large tears coming out of your eye lids, please uunderstand that the dead guy being Mr. S.G. Sta Romana was issued the DEATH CERTIFICATE while the man that wrote out this handwritten difficult to read holo Last Will never was issued any DEATH CERTIFICATE to his name, which was Mr. Jose A. Diaz, the same man who signed to pay money to Luz Rambano who was still then married to Mr. Angel Joseon and her 8 kids, a larger number of kids....the kids that she claimed she never had, when she indicated in his lies that she was single with NO children on the marriage application when she started to marry StaRomana who was already DEAD and six feet under in his grave. OK, Mr. Attorney I know that it is hard to ask you to drink the rest of that can of beer, especially with you sitting there with tears in your eyes in your underwear and you are thinking that well if you were claiming to represent that man named Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown who wants us to call him CE Jim Brown as your client, to claim that He is the widower and that He has a legal claim to claim 50% of anything his Filipino wife named Luz Rambano StaRomana was wanting toi claim from the Wells Fargo and the Manufacturers hanover and the Bank of America and the Melon bank, but if that Luz woman was a fraud as can be proven, then she was never entitled to claim from those Banks at all, so how can this American, this amn who married that Luz Rambao StaRomana woman, be expecting to fool those bankers? Those bankers know that the only person that can settle those accounts is the woman by the name of Tarciana Rodriguez. Now Mr. Attorney, the best thing you can do, is make some arrangements to send someone to the old court house in the Philippines and pull out the old courts records and find out the truth, that the court appointed that same woman named tarciana Rodriguez as the Administrator over the estates, as the court knew that Mr. Diaz and Mr. S. garcia Sta Romana were one and the same and she was the one that performed the legal procedures to get that Holo Last Will probated, so please start learning to use the truth Sir and look at the facts and get that upside down law degree off your wall, as that is a not proper if you are representing a dead horse. Mr. CE BROWN should have listened to the Japanese lady who had tried to arrange a payment for consideration of $1 Billion dollars for the GOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION that was set up with that Mr. CE BROWN, but He failed so many times in his inability to not have any of the documents that lady mayumi requested from that Mr. CE Brown, she also had lined up $500,000.00 from some Japanese that wanted to maybe have his book published, but Mr. Brown failed to even provide a copy for the Japanese to have reviewed. Then they asked him to provide to them his claim that He already has his book translated into Japanese language and again, Mr. Brown continued to fail each time He was asked to provide something, so the $1BN remains unclaimed and last time I hear, it was to also be named to the other Santa Romana Church Foundation and that God Children Foundation. I am not sure Mr. Attorney if you are representing Mr. CE BROWN and or the children of Luz Ramabano or some other unknown Heir that is claiming something from that Holo Last Will. I am sorry I could not help you much more than point out a few oversighter on your part but maybe you should think of giving up being a Attorney at law and become a banker or something, as when they mess up, they get a BONUS I heard, so that sounds like a good deal..  

    30 Mar 2009 @ 10:11 by Bank of China BOC @ : Imelda Marcos wife to grab $50 Billion>
    I think KNIGHT ARCANE misspelled the name of DAVID GUTATT, but then I could be wrong. You are asking me when that husband of Luz Rambano became deceased and when I asked VICTORIA people, they replied it was 1997 and on DDecember 26, so that will probe that LUZ RAMBANO could not have become the legally married wife of anyone in the Philippines as HELL she was still marriedto Mr. Angel Joson all of that time. Now Mr. CE JIm Brown does not want to think about this, as then his whole scam to claim that His little Filipino wife was the WIDOW of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana, would be a fraud, so Mr. Browen continues to hide out in the Philippines perhaps, to find a Judge who is blind and deaf, but who can make a ruling in favor of Mr. CE Jim Brown, that somehow with the help of the Devil himself, Mr. CE Jim Brown will say that after his wife died on JULY 3oth 2001, then He, Big bad Jim Brown becomes the new ball game in town, He is proclaimed to be the winner, as he is now the widower, and He claims that under the Laws of the Philippines, He is entitled to 50% of what His wife would have claimed from the StaRomana Estate, so lets see, if Luz Rambano who played the widow and wife of teh deceased man was to get 100% of the estate then Mr. CE BROWN would get lets see, 50% of the StaRomana Estate. Gee, that is something as He can then try to fool the Chinese and the bank of China, that He is the one that the large cash the BOC is holding, well 50% of that is to be paid to MR. CE Brown...and HE admits that when late president Marcos of the Philippine wife, called Imelda tried to grab that money that is a result for the ilelgal theft of teh gold that belonged to Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana under acocunt codes of Jose A. Diaz and in the names of the other Alianses used for represent the bank and gold bullion deposits unde the control oft eh DNP Ehterprise, then Mr. Brown cannot claim anything, as His wife Luz was never married to Mr. StaRomana nor to Mr. Jose A. Diaz either. Sure everyone knows that IRM who is late president Marcos wife tried to bridge that Mr. CE Jim Brown and pay him 2% if he just shut up and did not make any bloclage so Mrs Marcos could gran the money out of that account held by the BANK OF CHINA, then Mr. CE BROWN himself admitted to all of that and He was so proud to say on the Internet connecting with Jeff Rense and attention to Bill Still of the 7 pages, that mr. Brown took credit for blocking that wife of Marcos and the other woman named Mrs Santiago in that this woman Santiago was another one of FM woman puppets, where he was to hide the money Marcos was to embezzle from thes ale of the gold bullion Marcos took from the Po Sang bank out of teh accounts that were under the legal ownership oft eh D and P Enterprise. The only woman that could have authorized that is named Tarciana Rodriguez, who was the last offical of that DNP Enterprise as she was appointed by Mr. S.G. StaRomana to handle all of his gold bullion, cash and other assets and to make settlement when the time would be proper. MR. CE BROWN and that IRM or Imelda Marcos or that woman named Santiago, none of them had any legal position to claim any of that money and the BANK OF CHINA knew that. Mr. CE JIm Brown should have just managed the $1 Billion that would have been allociated to his control at the other GOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION but insetad He failed in that task as well. I do not understand Americans or those Yanks as hell if I could manage $1,000,000,000,00 dollars in actual cash, I would first make me a mattress and stuff it, then paper my walls in my office, and then perhaps I would buy gold coins and spend every day counting them and drinking cold beer, then when I became tired of doing that, I would buy me a used submarine and go into the deep ocean and see what I could catch, as there are not any more God damn fish in the ocean it seems, as with the Global warming all of the old ocean currents have changed and its difficultt o find any large game fish, so I want to go after a GIANT MOTHER of a Octopus or a Giant Squid and if teh sucker gets the sub I am in, then I will shoot out can s of beer into his body, until he lets go...then to think of it, the sea creature will perhaps love the cans of beer too much and not want to let go...so I have to rethink this over and anyhow have to take a leak and get a cold beer. EVERY ONE should take a few days off from using their computers and assume the VIRUS is going to be released or it was a nice April fools day buty then again, it is better to be safe than sorry, so UNPLUG everything and drink beer instead.  

    30 Mar 2009 @ 13:15 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : TALLANO ESTATE
    Mr Todd Alphine like what happened to the allociation of money that was to be loaned to the Tagean and Tallano Estate so their manageemnt could pay the real estate taxes to the Philippines, as now with the loss of income from so many Filipinos being forced to lose their overseas employment, then the Philippines will be needing lots of money and those person that claims they owned almost all of teh land in the Philippines, then why is it they have not been required to pay their real estate taxes for over 40 or more years?  

    31 Mar 2009 @ 14:36 by allan diggle @ : name
    Ithink it was spelled David Guyat  

    2 Apr 2009 @ 01:15 by allan @ : beer
    I think the virus was a good April fools joke butI need to ask you a serious question Todd...... What is your favorite beer?  

    2 Apr 2009 @ 11:16 by anu aku ay indio @ : Sulu-Manila-Tondo-Brunei royalties' gold
    These were the original holders or keepers of the gold which finally was handed down to Jose Antonio Diaz.

    Tondo-Brunei-Japan Connections- the Tondo Conspiracy... http://senorenrique.blogspot.com/2008/08/tondo-conspiracy-of-1587-88.html which prompted Don Juan Macapagal to side with the Spaniards as an act of self-preservation of the lineage of the Lakandula.

    BTW here is The Genealogy or Ascendants and Descendants of Prince Balagtas, son of the Emperor Anka Widjaya of the Majapahitan empire and Empress or Dayang Sasaban of the Zabag empire or Kingdom of Sapa here...
    Prince Balagtas was the successor to the Maharajah or Mihraj of Zabag empire as chronicled in the Moslem texts. http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/sanfotsizabag.htm

    There in the genealogy you can see the ancestor of Raja Soliman which is Selalila or Soliman I, the grandson of the Brunei Sultanate Ragam or Bolkiah or in this genealogy also known as Noble Arao of Borneo.

    from this website... http://article.melayuonline.com/?a=Rm1tL1U5bWh1MGY%3D=

    The Muslim Rulers of Manila
    The Golden Mosque, Metro, Manila.

    By: Awang Romeo Duana Rodil[1]

    The relations between the Philippines and Brunei Darussalam date very far back in history, political, economic, religious as well as socio-cultural relations between these two countries had existed more than five centuries ago as could be gleaned from the numerous written articles. Particularly during the period when the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Dutch were contesting supremacy over the territories comprising the Malay Peninsula and the Southeast Asian region. However, a more important relationship had established a stronger bond between the people of these two countries, especially with regards to the blood affinity between the Brunei royal families and the Muslim Filipino nobles in the 15th century.

    Hence, this article studies the origins and identities of the Muslim rulers of Manila and their relationship with the Brunei royalties. The Filipino Muslims have always treasured their written genealogies called �silsilas� or �tarsilas�, primarily because it serves as a principal point of reference of their distinct genealogical identity since it gave them some bargaining power with the colonial authorities who perceived them as a special group. However, this exclusiveness proved to be a dreadful burden to their descendants because it made them vulnerable to manipulations by the colonial government and also encouraged continuous inbreeding among them which, in turn, isolated them from the rest of their countrymen.

    The Spanish records mentioned three rulers who played significant roles in the Philippine�s history during the arrival of Legaspi in Manila in 1571 A.D. They were Raja Matanda, referred to as El Viego; Raja Lakandula and their nephew, Raja Sulaiman, referred to as Rajamora. Raja Matanda and Raja Sulaiman were joint rulers of the Kingdom of Manila while Raja Lakandula ruled over the Kingdom of Tondo.

    Fernando Malang Balagtas, a descendant of a royal family in Brunei, traces the genealogy of the three rajas (Appendi 1). Raja Matanda, Raja Lakandula and the father of Raja Sulaiman were first degree cousins. Therefore, Raja Sulaiman was their nephew.[2]

    Their first generation ancestors were the Noble Araw from Brunei and Maylag who had two children, Gatpandan and Lontoc. Gatpandan had six children and were the founders of Ternate and Moluccas. Meanwhile Lontoc married Calangitan from Pasig and had four children, Panginoan, Sri Lela or Sulaiman 1, Lahat and Cahia. Sulaiman I, the founder of Manila, married Ysmeria and begot three children, Sulaiman II, the father of Raja Sulaiman; Matanda and Lakandula (figure I).
    Raja Matanda (1480 � 1572)

    Raja Matanda means �old chief� and his real name was Mohammad. The Spaniards called him �Raja Ache el Viego.� He was a Muslim and his ancestors came to Luzon from the Southern Philippines. When he was still a boy, his father died and since he was too young to rule Manila, he lived for a time with his cousin, the chief of Tondo.[3]

    As he grew up, he realized that he was not being treated well by his cousin, so he told his mother about it and asked her to allow him to go to his grandfather in Brunei. His mother would not permit him to leave but since he was so insistent, he managed to travel with some brave men who were his father�s friends. When they reached Brunei, his grandfather was very glad to see him and gave him ships and men to test his bravery by conquering other places. He proved to be a very brave and able warrior so he was admired and gained new friends. After having conquered Sarawak and other areas for his grandfather, he was made admiral of the Brunei fleet.[4]

    The Noble Araw of Borneo

    Figure I: Origin of the Muslim Rulers of Manila

    According to Dr. Jose Rizal, Raja Matanda in his younger years was a mighty warrior and has served as commanding general and admiral of the land and naval forces of the Sultan of Brunei.[5] He was returning to Brunei after conquering Laut, located in the southeastern tip of Borneo, where he was captured by the survivors of Magellan�s fleet. He was able to regain his freedom when he bribed Juan Carvallo, the commander of the fleet, with a sum of gold. This was further confirmed by Dr. Santiago that besides being the son of the King of Luzon, he was the grandson of Sultan Bolkiah. He traveled to his grandfather�s realm to marry a cousin, a practice being followed by Muslim rulers and Luzon nobility which confirms the interrelationship of the regal houses of Manila, Brunei and Sulu.[6]

    Raja Matanda�s other name was Laya, which according to an anonymous account, had no children by his first wife though he sired many other children, one of them was Lakandula. It would appear that polygamy was a common practice during the pre-Hispanic times. The Spanish authorities did not recognize the custom and the children with the second or third wife were regarded illegitimate mainly for the purposes of inheritance and succession to their father.[7]

    Raja Matanda was a retired ruler and chief at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards in Luzon. He had assigned his chieftainship and authority to his nephew, Raja Sulaiman. He was the oldest of three rajas found exercising dominion in the Tagalog region. His native and ancient name �Ache� was immediately connected with Malansi, acknowledged to be the father of Fernando Malang Balagtas, who was none other than Raja Lakandula. As such, he was the real father of Lakandula, who was a natural son as he had no child by his first wife.[8]

    In the same manner that he passed on his authority and dominion over old Manila to Sulaiman, he also handed down his authorities over Tondo to Lakandula. Though decrepit with age, he was still consulted whenever there were problems. However, he was not very much effective because Raja Sulaiman clung to his own decisions. The Spaniards, especially Legaspi, gained his friendship and respect but his views and opinion no longer carried much weight with his nephew except token obedience.

    According to Dr. Rizal, Isabella de los Reyes and Jaime de Veyra. Raja Matanda was not the third raja because they believed that the Spaniards confused his title for a non-existent person for the reason that they did not know the Tagalog language. On the other hand, the Spanish chroniclers including Legaspi, stated that Matanda was the third raja who surrendered Manila to the Spaniards, had no sons and requested that Sulaiman be his heir. The latter findings were sustained by scholars and writers such as Father Colin, Frays san Agustin, Moreno Donoso, Zuniga Concepcion, Ferrando and Montero y Vidal based on the will of Fernando Malang Balagtas which stated that Raja Matanda and Raja Sulaiman ruled Manila while Raja Lakandula lorded over Tondo. With these contrasting claims of previous historians, it is my belief that Raja Matanda was another person as asserted by Henson�s work on the genealogy of the Muslim Filipino rulers which states that Sulaiman I, the founder of Manila, son of Lontoc and grandson of Noble Araw from Brunei had three sons � Sulaiman II, Matanda and Lakandula.
    Raja Lakandula (1503 � 1589)

    Lakandula, the ruler of Tondo and sovereign chief of the Tagalog people, was a native of Tabungaw, Bulacan and was born on December 16th 1503 A.D.[9] He was the lord and principal chief of Tondo and surrounding towns whose natives paid him tribute, vassalage and other recognition. The ships coming from China similar paid tributes and anchorage fees to him. The natives could buy anything only from him and for which he gained much profit. His parents and grandparents must have established or maintained relations with other ethnicities and principalities; and he must have been taken along and introduced to other chieftains during his youth.

    His first contact with the Spaniards was during the arrival of Legaspi and his fleet in Cebu in 1565 A.D. During his first meeting with Legaspi, he was suspicious of their motives. After being informed of their objective and realizing their superiority in civilization and the advantage that their friendship would bring to his people, he did not hesitate in pledging his loyalty to, and cooperation with the Spaniards. Moreover, he took other lords of his relatives and their vassals to render obedience to the King of Spain with much fidelity and desire. In this connection, Galang says:

    Lakandula made treaty with Legaspi, helped him construct houses, a church and a convent, and a fortress equipped with 14 guns and 12 pairs of powder, which were introduced in the Philippines even before the coming of the Spainards.[10]

    In return for friendship and cooperation, Legaspi granted him and his descendants various privileges such as exemption from the tribute and forced labour. In 1574 A.D., he gathered his warriors and revolted against the Spaniards because of displeasure over the latter�s oppression. This trouble was aggravated by the attacks of the Chinese pirate, Limahong. Dr. Zaide reports:

    �To save the situation for Spain, Father Geronimo Marin and Marshall Juan de Salcedo � two Spaniards beloved by the Filipinos � pacified the aged Lakandula and assured him that the rights of his people would be respected. On these terms, Lakandula and his men laid down their arms and aided the Spaniards against the Chinese invaders.�[11]

    Lakandula died on March 21st 1589 A.D. after the war against Limahong. The Spanish Governor of Manila Lavezares gave him a solemn funeral, fired cannons, sung novenas and the Spanish commanding officers carried his coffin. According to Salonga, he and Macapagal[12] are descendants of one of the most prominent Filipino leaders who fought for freedom during the Spanish regime. He said that early in February, 1986 A.D., before the people power revolution in the Philippines, Macapagal had shown him a document which illustrates their family trees and that their ancestor was Raja Lakandula.[13]

    When the Spaniards represented by Goiti and the Filipinos led by Rajas Matanda and Lakandula entered a treaty of friendship, one of the provisions was to grant forever to the legitimate heirs of the two rajas exemption from personal services and other tributes. However, only three governors-generals complied; taxes and personal services were imposed on their descendants by subsequent governor-generals.

    It should be recalled that Raja Lakandula fled to Pampanga to avoid aiding the Spaniards in the conquest of northern Luzon. His heirs decided to make a petition asserting their hereditary rights and one of the petitioners was P. Macapagal. Governor Claveria�s decree of 1849 A.D. required the addition or change of second names in order to avoid confusion. However the Macapagals stuck to their ancient lineage and were one of those who had native names and this remained unchanged even after 1849. When the Spanish government finally rendered justice to Lakandula�s heirs their petition, most of the beneficiaries were surnamed Macapagal.[14] Hence, it could be concluded, that Diosdado Macapagal was a descendant of Raja Lakandula, notwithstanding the fact that the Kingdom of Tondo during the latter�s reign consisted not only of present-day Tondo but also Pampanga, Bulacan and Nueva Ecija.
    Raja Sulaiman III (1558 � 1575)

    He was Raja Muda which means �crown prince or heir apparent.� The Spaniards referred to him as �Raja Solimano el mow.� He was Raja Matanda�s heir and nephew. The Spanish military authorities had charged him with conspiring with Brunei forces to take advantage the Limahong invasion in Manila in November 1574 A.D.[15]

    According to Henson, he was the third Sulaiman to rule the Islamic Kingdom of Manila. The first was Sulaiman I, a grandson of Emperor Anka Widjaya, the last King of Majapahit and Empress Sa Saban of the Kingdom of Sapa (now Sta. Ana, Manila)[16] He married Princess Ysmeria and they had three sons � Sulaiman II, Matanda and Lakandula. After Sulaiman II died, he was succeeded by his son, Sulaiman III. After some time, Martin de Goiti, Legaspi�s master of camp, and the Spaniards arrived in Manila Bay in 1570 A.D., Raja Sulaiman III and his aging uncle were ruling the Kingdom of Manila. It is interesting to note that Raja Sulaiman III married a Brunei princess, a daughter of Sultan Abdul Kahar.[17]

    It was also claimed that Sulaiman (Sulaiman bin Mahmud) was the fourteenth successor of Raja Ahmad, who reportedly established the Islamic principality of Manila in 1258 with temporal power covering Luzon and the Visayas. Moreover, Raja Ahmad was from Brunei and had vanquished Raja Avirjirkaya of Manila, who was supposed to be under the suzereinty of Madjapahit Empire.[18]

    Spanish accounts described him as haughty, malicious and high-flown in speech. After a blood compact with Legaspi, he kept his word for a while because he was informed that tribute would be exacted from them, so he would not allow the Spaniards to enter his territory. Due to this misunderstanding, Goiti arranged for another meeting where they made a friendly compact. The natives drank the blood of Goiti mixed with wine and the latter did the same. Thus, the friendship was established on the terms that the Muslims of Manila were to support the Spaniards who came to settle there and that they should not pay tributes.[19]

    It was not long thereafter when Sulaiman III started to attack the Spaniards and their Visayan allies who immediately retaliated and burned the town. Whatever be the immediate cause, there seemed to be misunderstanding in the parties� negotiations because their communication was through an interpreter. His reasons for fighting were obvious, for which he said:

    �I will not break my promise; I must protect my people from abuses: and I, must preserve the freedom of my country.�[20]

    After Goiti left, Sulaiman III rebuilt his town and made plans to arrange a mutual defense strategy with Lakandula, but the latter disapproved the idea. When Legaspi and his men return to Manila on May 15th 1571 A.D., he was received by Lakandula but not by Sulaiman III, who upon the intercession of the former presented him later, and then Legaspi declared him as vassal of the King of Spain. However, Sulaiman III cooperated half-heartedly in the pacification of the neighboring territories.

    In 1574 A.D., Manila was attacked by Limahong and this gave Sulaiman III the chance to overthrow Spanish rule, not by joining the Chinese invaders, but by recruiting men from neighboring towns and leading a revolt. He gathered his forces along the northern shore of Manila Bay and they were met by the Spanish force. It was described that the inferior arms of the natives were easily swept by the superior weapons coupled with the persistent courage and fierce resolution of the Spaniards.[21] This battle occurred in Navotas and considered sometime by contemporary writers as the first battle of Manila Bay and in which Sulaiman III was killed.

    A. Henson, Mariano, �Genealogy of the Rulers of Central Luzon�, Manila, 1955.

    Barrows, Davids P., A History of the Philippines. Indianapolis, 1905.

    Dumaual, Rocio R, �Heroes of Early Times,� Sunday Times Magazine, January 2nd, 1955.

    Galang, Zoilo M, Encyclopedia of the Philippines. 1st. ed. (Vol. 2), 2nd. ed. (Vol. 3, c1950, c1951), 3rd ed. (Vol. 18, c1958).

    Manuel, E. Arsenio and Magdalena A. Manuel, Dictionary of Philippine Biography, Vol 4, 1995.

    Mendez, Paz Ponciano, A Few Memories of President Diosdado Macapagal, 1985.

    Rasul, Jainal D., �The Philippine Muslims: Struggle for Identity,� Manila: Nueva Era Press, Inc., 1970.

    Rizal, Jose, Political And Historical Writings, Manila: National Historical Commission, 1964.

    Rodil, Romeo D., The Relations of Brunei and Manila During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Unpublished M.A, Thesis, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, 1996 - 1997.

    Santiago, Luciano P.R., �The Houses of Lakandula, Matanda and Soliman (1571 � 1898): Genealogy and Group Identity,� in Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 18 (1), 1990.

    Zafra, Nicolas, Readings in Philippine History, Manila: University of the Philippines, 1956.  

    3 Apr 2009 @ 15:08 by suckeefukee10dollaaar @ : Still dreaming???
    hello todd. long time no speak. how is it going with the transactions to do with the land of hookers and conmen? i see everyone on here associated with these fucking filipino con merchants are still dreaming and thinking lots of paper with dollar signs on it will fall into their lap like some hooker from a bar in burgos street? when will you guys stop dreaming and realise that anything that comes out of the land of hookers is bullshit? did you know that there has only ever been 100k metric tonnes of gold ever mined since the dawn of mankind?!! so how come there's all this gold still left for sale? you guys need to get a proper job in a hooker bar or at jollybee or mcdonalds - you will make more money than any of this marcos bullcrap.

    i just heard that Rolando Santos has come back from Switzerland empty handed again with no transaction with UBS despite all the fake papers and letter of administration he is carrying. but he just cheated some russian group of more pocket money. but the stupid cunt has not even bothered to give me any money back that i spent on him before i realised that the philippines was only good for hookers. not that i am complaining - i love hookers, alot.

    and charlie ortiga is still in hong kong waiting for something but has not given me more money back than the $1000 he wired me 2 months ago. but at least he is one filipino that has the decency to pay something back. so i am grateful for that, even though it was only $1000, it bought me a few blowjobs. just another $19k to go and i would have recovered my money here!! i can still dream like you guys! but the amounts im expecting are not $mmmm or $bbbb - just 20k usd!

    and i also heard that jaime suaan and his gayboy lover alexander hermano have just got back singapore after scamming another victim of 12k usd. off course the other thing that the philippines is famous for apart from conmen and suckee fuckee 10 dollars is ladyboys, had i realised this when i started to fund jaime and alex then i would have known they were gay lovers and not dealing in AU. not that i have anything against gay people.....but i think they needed the money to spend on perfume being gay and all that.

    and if you come across a benjamin ilagan, who has fake photos of him with some indonesian prince and lots of uncut dollars....hes been using that photo to get money from people for the last 5 years. just tell him to fuck off and stop being a gay cunt and pay mr tang back his money.

    anyway, im off to have sex with more hookers, filipino ones off course, since they only need a burger or a can of coke for payment.

    good luck in all your fake transactions.  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 00:07 by allan diggle @ : watch the language
    To the last poster your language does not need to be posted here like that. A burger and can coke for a hooker?? You must be in Thailand.....  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 07:40 by To: Mr. Tang, welcome back @ : Lets be kind to dogs, gays and hookers
    HEY, do not discourage Mr. Tang Mr. Diggle, as I first want to know if that is a DIET COKE or just a typical can of coke to get sex with a hooker, as this is serious research....as what does he get for say a double-burger and a coke? Also Mr.Tang you said you had spent $1,000.00 for a couple opf blow jobs so if you apid $500.00 each, then you are a sucker to be having a suction, you should realize Sir, that there is a financial meltdown and we all need to save money and not blow it away in blow jobs, not at such a inflated price, are you sure you paid out that much money, really? Also of those gay conmen who have done more con jobs to get more money out of anyone just wants to suck on another mans penis, then that is their right to do so, so we should not vash them fro being queers and gay queens, as hell they are just sick people who want to become normal conmen and make a hight standard of living from sucking money off of strangers, so they can then go back to their own sucking each other off, lets lets reduce the bashing of the gay conmen, as after all, more and more States back in American are allowing these guys to get married, so since the Catholic Bishops in the Philippines sits on their asses doing nothing about much of anything, except to say that people should not use a rubber to have sex, then shit, that means having sex up someones back door, is well, unsafe sex, right? So while the Catholic Bishops in the Philippines did nothing to protest when Luz Rambano fake a marriage to a man called Mr. S.G. Sta Romana who was really the man known as Rev. Fr. Jose A Diaz, a man who was said to be in charge of some gold that came from the Vatiocan in Rome to be stored in the Philippines for safekeeping, iot seems to have sex without using a rubber to be UNSAFE SEX and as to storing the damn gold in the Philippines, well that did not prove to be safe either, did it?  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 08:01 by Lady President of the Philippines @ : Tallano and Tagean Estate in Philippines
    As to the question posted by KNIGHT ARCANE about money for that tagean and Tallano Estate, I checked back and according to the person at SAMCO, it was $2 Billion that had been reserved as loans but he said there was a encumbrance that 90% of that had to be used by the Prince Tallano to pay to the Philippine government for real estate taxes, so I assumed that means the remaining $200 Million was to be for the trustees and that Prince Tallano to use, but then they could never find the true Prince Tallano as it was said that the person that Mr. E.J. Ekker has been confirmed to be the real Prince, was considered to be an imposter. In fact SAMCO said that Mr. E.J. Ekker admitted that Mr. Ekker was deceived to find out for himself that the NBI had made their investigation and that the NBI said the man claiming in court lawsuits to be the Heir or to be a Prince Tallano, was instead found to be an imposter. Well SAMCO said that they still could arrange the loan at no interest but that without the real Prince Tallano, then they sure as hell could not loan out $ 2 Billion dollars unless the Lady President herself could guaranteed that the man she would produce, was the legal Prince Tallano. Then the Philippine Government at the very top would have to accept the $2 Billion of cash but that the T and T Estate would have to put up something as security to obtain the $2 Billion as a no-interest loan. IOt seemed to me that the main person that would benefit would be that Lady President of the Philippines, as the Governmetn would get say $1.800,000,000.00 dollars and I am not sure how much that would be in pesos, but it sounds like a lot. Maybe Knight Arcane can explain how much that would be in the local currency of the Philippines, since I am sure that the Government would use some of it to pay the Foreign bank interest on loans and then use a lot of it for whatever is needed to apy to the towns and cities as tax sharing revenue to give credit to the Prince Tallano for payment of some of the back due real estate taxes. When I asked SAMCO if that money was still available, the Attorney I talked to say it could be as much as $ 5 Billion if they found the real Prince and He wanted the money to pay as $4.5 Billion sas land taxes and to keep the other $500,000,000.00 for whatever a Prince does with money? That is a lot of beer, but then Muslims do not drink beer... As to Allan Diggle question, well I drink almost any beer, but lately the Doctors told me to reduce my intake and to consider drinking wine instead. I tried drinking wine and after 3 bottles, felt silly as my mates were making fun of me and hell wine seems to be cheaper, but not if you have to drink 4 bottles a night. The scrap guys use to fight each other to collect the aluminum beer cans to seel it as scrap metal, now the prince of aluminum is very low and I have to haul the damn cans myself to clean up the beachside. I thought of writing messages and placing them in bottles and having fishing boats drop them overboard out at sea, and tell people that this bottle of wine sucked, but hope the bottkle could be used for something...  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 13:52 by sf10dollar @ : mr diggle
    i'll stop using foul language when all these filipino fucking assholes pay me back all my money.....which will probably be never so i will have to continue calling them a bunch of cunts. which most filipinos are off course. off course those few that have attempted to pay me a little bit back are not cunts - and i will give you the benefit of the doubt, but you still need to pay me back.

    funnily enough, thailand does have the cheapest hookers in the world, apart from cambodia and vietnam, but i've never lost any money to conmen there. i think i got conned seeing a ping pong pussy show but it was small money and i got my moneys worth. it takes some talent to do that with your pussy.

    in any case, i digress, this is not a blog about hookers, its a blog about fake au and marcos and santa romana asset transactions. apologies for the digression. does anyone know what this king anthony martin business is all about? i think thats the latest scam that jaime suaan, alex hermano, benjamin ilagan, rolando santos are doing.  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 14:07 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : 2 BILLION DOLLARS FOR RP
    Actually Mr Todd US @ billion dollars is equivalent to 96 Billion pesos which is equivalent to 1/12th of the anual budget of the government, But if this money will not be guarded by the public and will not be audited by the endower, this will only fall to the wallet of the few corupt official including the people near the president. they are leeches and crocs..

    To Mr Tang. if you will just open you mouth and let the fly go inside you will not catch a big one. Why don't you chase them and nail them. You said you have all the document to prove the criminal act of those peron you said that took you money. I agree with you to cut off their head, but I will fight you over branding the Philippines as land of Hookers and conmen. You are fuming mad since you yourself can not accept since as a conmen like you was able to conned by a a few filipino. Minf your language Mr, Tang on calling the Philippines as a land of hooker, since you forgot that you Chinese are type of people that are on the class of leeches. You chinese seems to be like a plague that when you stay in a beautiful place once you leave, your garbage was left.

    If I were you Mr tang I will cease from calling the Fiilipinos as Hooker since for every Filipina who fell from that type of job are run by a Chinese Pimp.  

    4 Apr 2009 @ 20:13 by allan diggle @ : Mr Tang
    How were you ripped off? Did you buy a fake cd? finacnce a fake project? Do you believe in Karma?  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 00:01 by for KNIGHT ARCANE, needing your math @ : Tagean and Tallano Estate
    Gee....Gee PING PONY PUSSY and were you there as a talent scout Mr. Tang or just to watch the PONY show? OK, when KNIGHT ARCANE posted something??? in Billion dollars and came up with 96 Billion pesos, He has a type as instead of the valur of the USD, His type created the @ instead......so how about you do this for me KNIGHT ARCANE, calculate out that if SAMCO arranged to loan their $5 Billion to the Prince Tallano provided they could find a real Prince who was not a Toad or an imposter, and that 90% of that as = $4.5 Billion goes for payment of real estate taxes, then how much is that amount in pesos that is for the Philippines, please explain this to me in steps. Then the other 10% of that $5Billion loan to the Tagean and Tallano Estate or to that Foundation, would be for the Trustetts, so that would still be US$500,000,000.00, so tell me how much that would be in Pescos and better yet, tell me how many bottles of cold beer this could buy in the Philippines with the 10%? Yes, I know that Muslims cannot or should not be drinking beer, but Hell I know some who drink a lot more than just a few beers....anyhow my mind works like a beerbrain, so tell me how many bottles of beer that the pesos would be able to purchase using that 10% portion?  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 02:47 by allan diggle @ : Todd
    I was thinking of you while I watched the news the other day, Todd ....China became the #1 consumer of beer last year...... Mr Tang would not be part of that consumption he is in Pattaya drinking Thai beer  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 03:04 by sf10d @ : diggle and knight
    i wish i was a pimp!! thats my dream job. its a complimentary thing being called the land of hookers.....i love hookers, wish i could stay in manila all the time and get cheap sex but have to work to get all the money i lost to filipino conmen. and being a hooker is a noble profession, with more honesty and integrity than any of these fucking filipinos holding fake bank and au documents and pretending that they are related to marcos or santa romana going around all these SM malls and begging naive foreigners like myself for 500 peso food money not that they have realised that the whole of the sillyppines is a scam worse than that of nigeria.

    yes i do believe in karma - which is why, despite my rantings and cursing, i am confident that all these cheating fuckers that have the names jaime, alex, maria, baby, rolando, benjamin etc etc will all eventually have ill fortune. yes i have documents that will get these cheating scum - but what good will going to the authorities do? the only way to treat these people is to hurt them or their families personally, and in time that will be done. so mr knight arcane, where have you got with all your website postings of pics and documents of these scammers? are they all locked up and suffering in deprivation? i dont think so.

    why do all you guys still believe something will happen with these invisible assets? your all deluded. has anyone been scammed by this king anthony martin accounts? whats that all about?  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 05:02 by Ref King Anthony Martin @ : Mr. Allan Diggle and Mr. Chi Tang
    OK< I will bite, what is this scam you are now talking about regarding KING Anthony Martin and his alleged bank accounts, can you at least explain a little? As to the posting of information about the con men and woman, I will just say that it has helped three times to block some of those scammer, from being able to deceive some Bank in CHINA, one in HOng Kong and one in the United States, so it was effective and some of the documents posted on the Blog did get passed on to INTERPOL and another organization, so it alerted others to now have some pictures and know about a few of the con woman and con men, but to you Mr. Tang, you seem to think that nothing had been accomplished, but you are right, more should have been done and that is my intention to deal with some of the other scammers and staw people who worked for late President Marcos, who have embezzled gold bullion and other assets that did belong to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. It is not easy as just now we were able to get some actual bank print outs of a major Bank in Hong Kong that now proves that Mr. StaROmana not only had large deposits in that British bank, but also other documents that late Attorney Belli had obtained about some other bank accounts at other banks in the name of StaRomana, also were obtained from a former Attorney that worked with the now deceased Attorney Belli. That Attorney Belli was a very good investigator and He worked with some really honest hard working fellow Lawyers, but the fact is that after Attorney Belli became deceased, it was strange that the Law firm did not continue to go after those banks, so apparently maybe someone was bought off...or paid to not really do anything but just put on a show, with smoke and mirrors, but not including any ping pong balls popping out of any pussy. Mr. Tang is lucky that He can have enjoyment and see some lady who can still handle balls in her pussy, as lately a lot of teh woman I have seen, could perhaps handle baseballs in their love nest, a few perhaps could even handle a basketball. If Mr. Tang could share with us some of the specifics of what these FIlipino con men are doing, then we could post their documents up and also get it out on the Internet. However Mr. Allan Diggle must understand that while Mr. Tang is pissed and upset and wants his money back, that actually perhaps the only way for those con men that took Mr. Tang money, that the only way they could afford to pay him, is to find another sucker, and take that suckers money and then pay back Mr. Tang. So maybe Mr. Tang does not want us to know the real details of anything, as then that would prevent him from collecting what He lost to those con men. MR. Diggle must understand that sometimes, a victim like Mr. Tang really does not want to kill the golden goose, as then the damn goose can not put out any golden eggs for Mr. Tang to accept as payment. So Mr. Diggle, if you expect Mr. Tang to actually give out details, I think nothing will be provided by Mr. Tang, can you really blame him?  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 14:14 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : mr todd Beermath
    to clear you calculatio Mr Todd.

    A US$$ 4.5 billion dollars is equivalent to P 216 billion pesos

    US$$ 500 milion dollars is equivalent to P 24 billion pesos,
    enough to buy you a 800 million bottles of San Miguel Beer. or it can contain a 28 olympic size swimming pool of beer.  

    5 Apr 2009 @ 14:36 by allan diggle @ : Tang & Todd
    Thanks Todd, I was only curious if he got had by some of the people that got me as well but i don't thinks so. I understand the anger in getting deceived and conned, I still can not sleep but I know things will come around. Take care sir  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 00:25 by Ref: God giving P 216 billion pesos??? @ : Tagean and Tallano Estate
    Wow and WOW just think of that....800,000,000 bottles of beer, now that is a lot of beer, so now I have a better understand of how much those trustees of that Tagean and Tallano Estate would get....wow and WOW and those guys if they are all Muslims, well HELL, they do not even drink beer, OH MY GOD or should I say OH Allah....whatever. The Lady President is pouring a lot of money into fixing roads and doping other long overdue repairs, but it is expected that most of the foreign exchange money that was coming into the Philippines from their 800,000 overseas Filipino workers will be drastically reduced. Soon more and more foreign companies will shut down and close their production facilties and to have to discharge, lay off several thousand Filipino workers that worked in those facilities. But the LADY PRESIDENT still cannot understand how much more serious the financial meltdown will affect the Philippines after AUGUST 2009, that is when we all enter into the next phase of the Global financial meltdown and when countries start to understand that their country cannot export OUT of their country, then that will cause more loss of jobs, creating more unemployments and that creates serious internal problems for those countries. Again, what we now see, is nothing compared to what is coming and the Philippines cannot escape out of this black hole, as it will mean that the Philippines can only sell so many of their Bonds to raise money, but how can they afford to pay back those bonds, as their is not future recovery to be expected for at least 5 or more years? Now I have to admit that I am not good with math at all, as the good working calculator I use to use, was chewed up by my previous dog one day, perhaps because it has the small of bar-b-que sause on it, as I do a lot of outdoor cooking whent eh mates bring some large slabs of meat and it does nto take much to make a party. So what does P 216 billion pesos look like? Maybe 216,000,000,000? Gee that does not have much appeal, now if Should figure out how many bottles of San Miguel Beer that could buy, then I could become impressed...as that is more of a proper indication but I am sure the Philippine Lady President would rather have the cash for that $4.500,000.000.00 and she could do a lot of good using that tax money or real estate tax money to solve a lot of the problems she must have on her desk. My own desk is piled high with so much, I am not even sure where the damn stapler is now...I been looking for the stapler for the last two days...it is missing , just like the damn dog who ran off. I sure miss that dog but someone promised to give me a 6 month old puppy this weekend, so I will train another dog, or the dog will train me, not sure hos this will work out.  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 00:39 by Ref: Flordeliza StaRomana has a son? @ : S.G. Sta Romana
    To: MW. 1, No, that lady name is Flordeliza StaRomana and it was her brother that became deceased, this woman is still alive. 2, I do not know the answer to your Question No-2, sorry. 3, No, she has a complete collection of photos for teh whole Santa Romana family members and she has plenty opf photos of herself and her brothers with her mother and father, I would assume. 4, It was said that the Government records were lost in some unexplained fired or something and the fire destroyed all of the reords fro birth certificates and marriage papers and such, but solong as she has the passports of Mr. S.G. StaROmana and can show herself with him in her photo collection, then she can start to establish that she was considered to be one of his children. Again she is alive and it was her brother that was proclaimed dead, please understand your misinformation. 5. I think she is operating a orphanage or some facility for girls who have no mother or family to take care of those girls and she is said to have Bible Schools that teaches the Bible and I never heard of her in what you were asking, do you have any proof of that? 6, I also do not know the answer to your Question No-6 as I think this woman was never married, so how can she be having a son as you are claiming. What is the name of this son that says his mother was Flordeliza T. StaRomana? I mean the woman is not deceased, so if she had a son, she would know about it right? I think you will find that this so-called Son is a fake, unless HE could be a son of this Flordeliza woman, but then who would be his father? This Flordeliza woman is claiming to have been a childm a daughter of Mr. StaRomana and she was never claiming she weas married to Mr. S.G. StaRomana...you better start to understand that you are being deceived as this mother of this so-called son is still alive, so How can he claim he is the Heir to collect for the StaRomana bank account in Germany as you appear to be claiming?  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 06:13 by Ref: Philippine money trees??? @ : Prince Julian Tallano
    Most oil companies are having their oil projects deferred or canceled, because of the slowdown in consumers need for oil or gasoline or diesel and according to the ASIAN OIL IMPORT LEAGUE or AOIL, there is goingt o be a shortage of almost 8 million barrels a day of oil. When I asked for more information, they said this was to become the new energy shock that will occur when the economic growth picks up again and it is fort his reason that they are talking to the SAMCO Group about oil exploration at a time when everyone else seems to be going out of that oil exploration business. Last summer I remember when the damn price of oil at its peak was $147.00 a barrel and kw it is down around $54 a barrel since the OPEC big bows curbed supplies to prevent a price collapse. But SAMCO said that most oil producers warns that oil prices too low to sustain increased investments, and this is where SAMCO and the Asian Oil Import League are forming their joint venture to invest into oil exploration but to use ultra deep oil wells and also making arrangements to borrow some large funding from the DNP Enterprise or the D and P Enterpise, to work with CHINA Sate owned oil companpies for large investments to develope the natural gas exploration and to also invest with the Vietnam side as they think that producers would find it difficult to bolster supplies even to 90 million barrels a day by the middle of the next decade as projects get canceled. I was doing some research on what SAMCO people were telling me, and I found something that Ali al-Naimi, the Saudi oil minister, said recently, the trend is often to focus on survival instead of expansion. He said that if we placed a low priority on preparing for the future, that lack of action can come back to haunt us through supply shortages and antoher round of high prices. Most producers are curbing investments because of the crisis, while AIOL people said they heard that SAMCO was wanting to invest up to $ 5 Billion since the people connected with that TAGEAN and TALLANO Estate in the Philippines did not seem interested to get that $ 5 Billion as a no interest loan, that would have given the Philippines at least, that $4.5 Billion as ereal estate taxes. Instead it seems that since the Philippine Congressmen and Senators apparently are not interested in the taxes to be paid by that Tagean/Tallano Estate that is long overdue to the Philippines then how can that Esatte claim they own the land in the Philippines? I thought that a land owner or the owner of that land and property was obligated to pay taxes, as that is what most countries do, they collect taxes, then use the funds to pay for new projects. So it seems the allociation of money will be invested into the CHINA and to the VIETNAM and to maybe MALAYSIA, if Malaysia is seeking new investors. I guess then those other countries will know what to do with those billions of dollars, as it seems the Philippines from their Lady President and their Congressmen and Senators and their Tax Agency officials, apparently do not care if person like this Tallano and Tagean Estate pay or not paid their land taxes. So maybe their Congress men have planted MONEY TREES and any time they need some funding, they just hack off a few branches and get some money from their money tree. Now this is fantastic it it could be done that way, but the sad part is that there in no money tree, and apparently there is no real Prince Tallano either, that can be found, as the Heir to that Estate.  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 06:34 by Ref: After AUGUST 2009, we will all.... @ : Tallano and Tagean Estate Philippines
    OK, to the guy that sent me his e-mail, telling me that I was wrong, as used beer cans were very valuable because of their aluminum. Well, Sir, you must have just returned from the Moon or something, as the price of the metal called aluminum which FELL from $3,200 a ton in July 2008 to $ 1,311.00 a ton in January of this year, being Year 2009 here on Planet Earth, makes this to not be such a valuable item, that is why the people that use to ask me and my mates if it was OK to collect the empty beers cans, no longer come to beg me for the beer cans, as it is not worth their time and effort any more, with the decreased in prince for the scrap metal. Its the same with a 747 old airplane that weights 450 tons when filled with passengers, their baggage and fuel weights 147 tons without them. Once you remove the engines and parts, it yields 127 tons of recyclable materials, including 70 tons of aluminum. The steel, and smaller quanties of copper, titanium and tungsten, are also recovered. Nothing is burned. Whatever cannot be salvages ends up in a land fill where the airplane will rest in its grave. The older airplanes with metal fatigue in their fuselage and 70 million miles on the clock can be sometime purchased for $ 3,000.00 to $5,000.00 each. Before the aluminum could be sold for smelting and recycling into soft drink cans and sometimes into beer cans. I think more than once, I could taste an old 747 in my beer when it became warm, as it tasted like shit. The scrap business sucks right now, and they guys making big profits last year, well they nolonger can drink the good stiff, they are drinking whatever is the lowest price they can afford, as they are not not considered to be the smart guys any more, not with junk yards full of scarp materials that noone wants to buy. I have some friends in that scrap business and they went from being on top of the mountain, down and down and still sinking. Now they come around and sit and we share some cold beers together and they now seem to be concerned about what is going on with the Global financial meltdown, so we all sit around and we solve the problems of the world as long as the supply of beer does not run out first.  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 10:49 by sf10d @ : mr diggle and todd
    it is true that i don't care where the money comes from as long as i get paid back, and it is true that the money that has so far come back to me probably belongs to another victim, but i got fucked, and not in the by a hooker sense, so what do i care if anyone else gets fucked?? i dont feel at all bad knowing that these flippers are scamming innocent foreigners to pay me back - well i have got about 2000 usd paid back so far so its hardly what you call payback!!

    and mr diggle you have hit it right on the head when you mention sleepless nights. i know how you feel. i still have those nightmares. sometimes i scream in my sleep thinking about what happened. i was on the coach once on a journey back to manila from baguio and i fell asleep, had a dream and screamed out loud like ahhhhhhhhh!! everyone on the coach got up! my friend woke me up and told me what happened. now you will understand my total hatred for these fucking flippers apart from the hookers. why do you think they will always be a 3rd world country? because they are all conmen. in my mind i have played over and over and over again scenarios involving some of these peoples deaths, esp jaime suaan and alex hermano - theres no doubt that i know what will happen to them.

    how was i conned? same way you was. anything to do with au or marcos or SR assets. everything might turn out well for you in the end, but it wont be from anything to do with the sillyppines.

    off course i dont mind sharing information - but all that does is prevent someone on the off chance that is reading this blog from spending money with the con names mentioned here. its bullshit interpol will do anything about it. and even if they did? 5 years in prison in exchange for all my life savings? i'll take the 5 years in prison. so if you come across the names jaime suaan, alex hermano, rolando santos, cesar chua, antonio co etc etc - just stay away from them, or i'll pay you 100k gbp if you put a bullet in their head for me!

    the ortigas have given me back 1k from the 20k they owe me so i will leave them off my hit list for now.

    anyway - the sillypines is still good for hookers and i will always go back there to get some of that.  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 18:31 by allan diggle @ : Tang
    I have never seen the names you metioned, but watch for a group in China..... Henry Wong, Chris Wong and Mr He and Mr Shen....the list is large. They too will suck the money out of you. They work out of Beijing and Hong Kong and also the city by Shenzen. They got my life savings plus now I owe millions... Nytol or Benadryl works a bit for trying to sleep. It only last a few hours  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 22:50 by Ref: Prince Julian Tallano @ : President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
    The biggest make of semiconductors is closing its chip assembly factory in General Trias in the Philippines and that will put about 1,800 more workers out of a job, but the Loss of Intel out of the Philippines is just the start of the number of foreign companies that will depart out oft eh Philippines, as they know what is going to occur with the Global financial meltdown after 2011. All of those companies as multinationals will only stay in countries where incentives are better than whatever the Philippines could ever offer to them to have stayed there. The World bank report that I was reading this AM, stated that in the Philippines, almost a quarter of itys 94 million people already live on less than $1.25 a day. Even the Philippine lady President knows that that about 800,000 workers at home and abroad will be let go by companies.The Lady President seems to be spending more on bridges and roads this year to generate employment, but all that does is give her government the biggest budget deficit since year 2004. Apparently she is not interested to collect the reat estate taxes owed by the TAGEAN/TALLANO Estate as while that Estate had the opportunity to borrow US$5,000,000,000.00 with the condition that 90% of that amount, had to be used to pay towards the unpaid real estate taxes owned by that Estate, then that means that instead of having to be floating BONDS to foreign investors to pay interest on that borrowed money, that she should have encouraged the payment of the land taxes that are rewuired by the laws oft eh Philippibnes, to eb paid by Prince Tallano who is the alleged heir of what is also known as the Tagean and Tallano Estate. It is not my job or intention to tell the Philippine Congressmen or the Senators how to operate their Government, but I would think that instead of those big shots spending their time looking out their nice office window at some good looking woman walking around down on the street, that the Congressional leaders would sit down and do the math, and if they are not able to handle the vast amounts of the amount of taxes that could be obtained, then they should just get to understand how many God damn bottles of beer the money represents and then they can remember the math, that works for me. The Philippine Government needs to demand payment of the outstanding taxes by the Prince Tallano, who claims to be the owner of almost all of the land in the Philippines. Maybe he does own the land, and maybe he owns only some of teh land, or maybe he is not a owner of any of the land. The Congressmen and Senators just has to figure out what the Hell this PRINCE TALLANO DOES OWN THAT WAS UPHELD BY THE APPEALS COURT AND THEN PRESENT HIM OR HIS LAYERS OR THE TRUSTEES, with a God damn tax bill and say PAY UP, we need the damn money...He cannot say He does not have the money as that prior loan of $3 Billion is still available and it could be loaned at the upper amount of $5 Billion as the Lady president aka Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has to do something very fast, to think of ways how to fight the poverty in the Philippines. It is going to get really bad starting 2010.  

    6 Apr 2009 @ 23:17 by Ref: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo @ : Prince Julian M. Tallano
    To: DH. 1, I thank you Sir for your nasty e-mail that said I was a complete fool to be asking anyone to invest into the VIETNAM/ or CHINA oil fields as the prince of oil in your viewpoint was going to be reduced down to $20.00 a barrel because you claimed that the new estimates for the vast amount of oil you claimed that is trapped in the shakerocks of the Piceance Basic in your State of Colorado went from the previous estimate of 700 trillion barrels of oil to now at the new estimate of 1,525 trillion barrels. 2, OK, so I send a e-mail to a VIP at the China owned oil company and He came back and said that first of all, that everything you said has no value or meaning as to the future prince of crude oil, as your God damn oil shale does not actually contain crude oil but kerogen, an organic precusor to oil. I then called this expert to better understand what the hell this was all about and He told me that in an energy-intensive extration process, the rocks must be heated 277 to 500 degrees Celsius so for you as a Yankee to understand, that would be about 530 to 930 degrees Fahrenheit. , and he said hurg quanties of water must be driven underground at high pressure to melt the rocks and extract the kerogen. 3, Now Sir, comes the BAD NEWS...as another problem for your side is the presence of the mineral nahcolite, whcih produces copious carbon dioxide, when heated during oil shale processing. 4, So I will assume Sir, that I think it is better to invest money using the Russian ultra-deep oil drilling technology that has proven itself with over 130 deep wells in Russia and if that is too far for you to travel, then come on over to VIETNAM, as the Russians who are part of the J/V there, have about 12 to 15 ultra deep oil wells that each pump out 8,000 barrels a day and while that does not sound like much compared to your trillion barrels of whatever the hell you have that is not going to get many people too excited if they know about that your trillions of barrels does NOT actually contain crude oil at all......I know that the SAMCO Group is perhaps going to invest their $5 Billion into the exploration of the gas and oil fields in support of CHINA and the VIETNAM oil companies, since the Philippines does not seem to want the money that the Philippine could collect from that Prince Julian M. Tallano for his overdue land taxes. Another man who was wanting to invest into potential oil business with some Chinese was deceived and those deceivers should be introduced to the animal with those EXTREMELY LARGE SIZE claws on the back of a truck and had allowed that animal to have chowed down on some Chinese takouts, but the animal because deceased and yet, if that animal was seen arouind my digs, I would wake up in the middle of the night with bad dreams....but while things look bad right now, some people who had the guts and believed, will make their recovery as OIL BUSINESS seems to be not desirabkle right now, but there are opportunities coming up but my own little brother cannot seem to see them as I do.  

    7 Apr 2009 @ 01:33 by WIRO @ : FLORDELIZA SANTA ROMANA

    7 Apr 2009 @ 01:44 by sf10d @ : mr diggle
    i have heard those names before from another source in hk i think. anything going on in hk or beijing we can get to them and have set a few houses on fire before. what was the scam they are doing? im sorry about your life savings, hope you recover. you can email me directly cytang_1971@yahoo.co.uk if you want help tracking people down. we know the authorities in hk, but like i said, whats the point of going legal. so we have other more violent options too that will hurt these people.  

    7 Apr 2009 @ 04:51 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : CHINESE CONMEN
    i thaught the conmen can only be found in manila. not in China or in Hongkong, but it shows that Mr Allan Diggle was also a victim of this con-ass, can you post here Mr Diggle your grievances against these Chinese that took your life saving money. Accodrding to CHI, Manila is known for it. and not the chinese. but it seems that. Mr Diggle was trpped on the bait that the Chinese peoplelaid on his path.

    Here in manila you can not tell who is who, their main reason why they are involved is, they are just being supportive to the so called Account Holder. So whatever proliferation of this so called scambugs are also caused by the sutpidity and greediness of the financier. I've been trying to warn people and foreign financier not to get involved in any of this so called account holder, but their greed overcome this warning and continue to feed the asshole here like, Joseph ES Daraman, Virgilio H. Marcello, Maria Ilao Gosilatar, Jaime Suann, Alex Hermano, William Morales , and hundred more. I;ve been treathened here to killed if I will not stop from posting and Even summoned to NBI, it was given to me by one of my associate that I am wanted for unauthorised financial investigation. Well sorry for them since I will not stop or they can never bluff me.

    In fact i created a false banking document and given to one of the facilitator, in just two weeks, the paper was already used for scaming activites. and I regret doing that.

    and to answer above posting of the name WIRO.. it sounds Weirdo I think Todd Alphine can anser that question, since he is more knowledgeable with respect to Flordeliza sta Romana  

    7 Apr 2009 @ 10:42 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : HOLOGRAPHIC LAST WILL
    Well mr Todd. if we will base the distribution of the money inscribed on the last Will, Mrs Tarciana Rodrigues should be in-charge for that, since it was very clear that , the only holo will probated based on the dictribution as a beneficiary and not as administrator of the estate, ( since court appointed administrator and court probated holographic last will are different in many aspect ) Mrs Rodrigues or know in the who world as Tarciana the appointed treasuer and administrator of the Financial Banking Business of Jose Antonio Diaz, is more acceptable in term of administering the holographic. Even Liza intervine her in many court battle, but Liza can never win and set aside on what had beed written on the Holo will since , a sacred will and probated is not subject for disolving. unless you will petition to include such heir nameas forgotten by the testator, and the court will grant the petitoner a co equal benifits among the benificiaries.

    on the Holographic last will

    Liza was given US$ 50, million dollars while
    Pedro and Rolando = US 5 million dollars

    carmencita and ethelinda weere given were given 50million US dolars and 40 million US dollar + 10 Million pesos respectively.

    Tarciana and Luz were both given 50 million UD dollar and 100 million US dollars respectiveley

    for GIL del leon , Loy Torre,Atty. Luiz Cuevas and Ben cailao were all given 25 million Dollars

    while his doctor Buindia was given 50, million US dollars

    200,000 US$$ for the wife and children of Luiz Cuevas

    5 million US $$$ for Mike Sta Romana

    1 milion US $$ fro Emily Reyes

    5 million US $$$ for his brother Federico mateo

    500 thousand dollar for each of the children of Luz ambano ( AKA Luz sta romana ) but neve mentioned there that CEB Brown is a recepient of the Holo Last Will since according to CE Brown he is the heir of STA ROmana , he owns 50% of Sta Romana Estate ( why didi STA Romana married to Jim Brown in GAY right in california court??? )

    50 million US $$$ for Jose Velasquez

    30 thousand US $$ for mrs Velasquez

    1.5 million US $$ for Atyy de guzman

    1 million US $$ for mr fernandez

    500K US $$$ for Billy, Egnr. Aguas, Panopio and barinki

    400K us $$$ for bautista, katindoy adn Eugenio

    20 million US dollar for leyte people

    100 million for all the forgotten friends . it is not also mentioned that Joseph ES Daraman, Virgilio Hizon Marcelo. Tiburcio Sta Romana, Renato Sta Romana, Alex Hermano, Atty, Anotnio Relova, and oterh so called son adn daughte of STA ROMANA were not given any consideration to received money, Don,t wory guys you already earn millions from Scamming activities,


    7 Apr 2009 @ 10:55 by , @ : FLORDELIZA

    7 Apr 2009 @ 10:56 by WIRO @ : FLORDELIZA A CERTIFIED CONMAN

    7 Apr 2009 @ 23:42 by Ref: Needing KNIGHT ARCANE replies @ : Flordeliza T. Sta Romana
    Well, it seems that the Holo Last Will will grant the woman named Flordeliza $50,000,000.00 which is in itself a lot of money. Can you explain to me why her name was listed to get $50,000,000.00 yet those other two names being her alleged BORTHERS each only would received just $5,000,000.00 each??? Now I myself would never turn down someone wanting to leave me $5 Million in their Last Will, but if I was the brother or the brothers of that woman named Flordeliza T. Sta Romana who was to get $50 Million which is what, ten 10 times what the males would receive while this female, this alleged sister was to get 10 X more, seems that the alleged Father who was said to have made that Last Will, who signed it as Jose Antonio Diaz, was being what, unfair to his sons or what do you think was going on in the mind of Mr. Diaz KNIGHT ARCANE? Do you think that Mr. Diaz did not like those boys or what? I mean were those boys his sons or not? Why would the daughter get $50 Million while those two brothers, the boys only get $10 Million to divide up? Something stinks... and then why would the woman named Flordeliza refuse to accept $50 Million, as that is a hell of a lot of beer money, plenty also to purchase tons of cashew nuts as well. It is said that Flordeliza went into the courts to denounce that the Last Will was a fake, but the other courts, the trial court in Manila and another court upheld the ruling that the courts, said the Holo Last Will was legal and proper, so that other woman named Tarciana Rodriguez was appointed by teh courts in the Philippines to manage the settlement oft hat ALST WILL, but the woman named Flordeliza continue to force the Tarciana Rodriguez to waste time and money to continue to fight off the improper legal attacks from the Flordeliza lawsuits. I just cannot understand any of this, as the purpose of the Last Will, is the written instructions for the payment of money to certain people that were named in that Holo Last Will. Now I am not sure which of her brothers is deceased or if both of her brothers are deceased, do you know KNIGHT ARCANE if either of those two brothers are alive? And if the brother or brothers are deceased, did they have a wife or wives and children? It seems that those brothers or their remaining family members should THANK GOD is someone wanted to pay them $ 5 Million dollars to each of their different families, but I ehard that this woman Flordeliza did bnot want the $ 5,000,000.00 to be paid to either one of her brothers family...but how can that Flordeliza woman control the distribution of the assets oft hat Last Will, can you explain to me why she would intentionally wanted to keep money from being paid to those brothers? Something really is starting to stink about all of this.  

    8 Apr 2009 @ 05:21 by To; WIRO ref your complaint Ref Tagle @ : Marcelino B. Tagle as Co-Administrator
    OK, I now understand from your private e-mail you sent, that cklaimed that on November the 1sr, 1996 that a woman by the name of FLORDELIZA Sta Romana, who claimed to be the daughter of the man known as SEVERINO Garcia Sta. Romana, that this woman claiming to be the court-appointed Administratrix then apppointed this man who was a ex-Priest, by the name of MARCELINO V. TAGLE as the Co-Administrator of the assumed Severino Sta. Romana estate, together with the Philippine American Welfare Fund, INc. aka PAWF. You said that this ex-Priest MR. Tagle confirmed in his New York Court Affidavit, that Tangle and his business associates spent $ 56,000,00 in 1998, merly trying to verify whether the account numbers in the possession of this Flordeliza woman and her I guess Sta Romana relative who claimed to be the Heirs, to find out if the damn acocunt numbers really existed or not. You then said that He like your own business associates, found that all of those accounts were not owned by Sta Romana but by another man named Jose Antonio Diaz and many of the accounts were under the control of the DNP Enterprise, which you also thought was the umbrella that was just the holding corproation over those bank deposits consisting of cash and bullion and gold certificates and something of more value. What did you mean by something of more value, than gold? So, you said this guy was a clergyman, and I am not sure what the hell is that meaning, can you please explain in more details, as Ithink I understand what the hell a ex-Priest is and not certain as to your defination of what your viewpoint is for the meaning of the word you used, being clergyman? I am just wanting to have a better understand of your own statements, so please do not get pissed off and go and bury your head in the sand or do something drastic, like stick your head up your ass. You have a legal right to express your viewpoints and if you been deceived, then who ever screwed you over, should be sent to jail and throw away the keys. However you also said that according to some records your obtained from a official meeting or actually what you said was that Mr. Tangle, representing himself as the Co-Administrator of the Sta Romana Estate as appointed by teh alleged Daughter of the deceased man, testified to the Philippine Sentate Blue Ribbon Committee hearing and stated for the official record, that Mr. Tagle and his people spent 10 long years searching to make recovery of the Sta Romana Estate assets and that it was impossibile, as everything was proven by the banks, not to be claims by any Heirs or by any Estate and that if settlements would be made, then He would had to have a power of attorney from the DNP Enterprise itself. Mr. Tagle and his people realized that the Flordeliza woman herself had no ability to claim anything, as there was not any assets for the Estate. Mr. S.G. Sta Romana already had given different assets and established trust funds for his children and that his children were told, to never make any claims for the other assets after his death, meaning after Mr. Severino Sta Romana was deceased, then everything was pre arranged and already assigned to be settled after waiting for 40 or more years. Now my question to you Sir, as WIRO is it seems your were betting on the wrong horse, as you placed your money on the women named Flordeliza and Loretta as you have posted here on this Ming blog. It seems Sir, that you bet on the wrong horses and you lost. Now, if those woman deceived you, then you have a legal right to demand back compensation and sue them for any criminal actions if you feel they deceived you. I am not certain of what your real situation is, so please send to me by your e-mail, off the record your written explanation and some supportive documents, then maybe I can help you or not. By the way, is this man, who you said is a Clergyman, the same man that shot his brother in the Philippines, or is that a different man who just happened to have the same last name being Tagle?  

    8 Apr 2009 @ 08:44 by samueldavis @ : question
    hi. interesting blog here. has anyone heard of a lady called Alexis Carla? Or Baby Aznar? Thanks for any information.  

    8 Apr 2009 @ 17:19 by allan diggle @ : Easter
    Where does I guy go to find an easter egg? I have been looking everywhere or maybe I am to early.....:)  

    8 Apr 2009 @ 20:01 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : LIZA and the HOLO WILL
    One reason Mr Todd. They wanted more than the listed at the Holographip will, they wanted billions of dollars not only 5 millions or 50 million dollars. so why shoul I settle for ledd when there are a lot lot more.>>>> JAD or SGSR will never leave anything more thyan that to the so called illigitimate children since they were not SGSR real sons. nobdy contested that. If flordeliza will not agree on the merging of settlement , then Liza will not get anything at all. since it was very clear that those assets in the bank is not a personal account but merely SGSR was also a trustee in behalf of the people. Maybe Liza think that all those money were own by SGSR and can be trnsferred to her or to his relatives. the best question is WHO ARE THEY ??? Do the bank will kneel down to them??  

    8 Apr 2009 @ 20:05 by knight arcane @ : SAMUEL DAVIS
    hello mr davis _ ( not your real name ) Hows your life therein Thailand?? I know Baby Aznar, Did she conn you. She a professional con artist here in the Philippines. She leaves in Paranaque metro manila and able to collect millions of pesos from her con activities. beware of her. she is nothing but a bundle of FART.  

    9 Apr 2009 @ 07:15 by Ref: WHo is the real Baby Aznar woman? @ : Lady said to be a bundle of Farts
    Regarding KNIGHT ARCANE posting...Question, what is a bundle of FART? Is that like a fart that comes out the rear end? And if so, how does one get to bundle the gas or those farts? So are you wanting to say that BAby Aznar is full of gas, but that she is a con artists and good at her illegal profession, as she collections millions of pesos? OK, now lets see, a rich bitch, with money, who is a con artists and full of shit, is that about right? OK, so what does this woman peddle, like Marcos gold certificates, Laurel gold certificates, or sell non-existing gold and for God sakes, do not tell me she is claiming to be a daughter of late President Marcos or StaRomana, as then I have to place her name up on that section of my wall and I have very little space left? As to Mr. Diggle, why are you asking about Easter Eggs? I heard your hobby was chasing after Chinese con artists in your spare time, have you found any? No not Easter eggs, I am talkuing about the Chinese men that had deceived you? Since you came fromCanada, did any of those Chinese con men come from Canada also? If so, do you know their passports and can you provide copies to us here at Ming. I am tired of looking at mostly Filipino con men and woman and think we should be more open minded and expand it to include CANADA and CHINA and HONG KONG and MALAYSIA and then we can link up with INTERPOL and then expand out the search and help others to find the one that took your money. It is the same as with Mr. Chi Tang, He was ripped off and what I like about him, is that he tells the truth, as he does not give a damn where the con men get the God damn money to refund back to Mr. Chi Tang, He just wants back his damn money, so He is being honest and you guys beat up on his as He expressed his true feelings. I for one, agree with him, as He is not out to SAVE THE WORLD, he wants his Giod damn money back and if he does not get it, He wants to make adeal with the Devil to so something nasty to the con men, can you blame him for his judgement, as those SOBs ripped him off? Now, I think he is a fool to post such statements on the Internet and I would advise him that He should say He was just kidding about any harm to come to those guys and just let the damn Devil take the assignment and carry out the mission, the Devil knows what the hell he is to do, HELL that is why he is the DEVIL.  

    9 Apr 2009 @ 20:33 by Ref: Western Union in sending out money @ : Lots of upset customers with complaints?
    I myself have never had any serious problems using WESTERN UNION but I noticed that there is a growing number of pissed off customers that are very upset about the poor performance they obtained using the services of Western Union to be sending money. In fact there is even a blog that can be found by just typing into the search engine the words as MING THE MERCHANIC, WESTERN UNION SUCKS and then there is a whole blog that seems to contain a lot of complaints, so I hope the management people who should be very conderned about the negative publicity of why people may think their servies is starting to suck, can correct the complaints. Most people like my little brother, He just does not understand much about Western Union as He said He has received money and never had any problems, but then again, He was receiving the money, NOT SENDING OUT the money.  

    9 Apr 2009 @ 21:37 by Ref: C.E. Jim Brown and cashew nuts? @ : Imelda Marcos wanting to grab DIAZ money
    Yes, I also had read the statement by Mr. C.E. BROWN, about the wife of late President Marcos who name is Imelda Marcos, that she and some of her children who were all grown up and their Lawyers and their Group along with some Lady named Santiago all tried to take out money that did not belong to them, from a major bank over in China. The money itself came from the illegal seeling of gold bullion that had belonged to the man known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz. The gold was embezzled by the former President Marcos who just sold it off, then President Marcos tried to hide the money into some account in the name of that Mrs . Santiago woman, who was to be his pullet, his strawman or straw woman, and now these people tried to collect the money, so this is just another illegal act as it is called wrongful conversion or theft. First of all President Marcos has no legal authority to take the damn gold and sell it, as Marcos did not own the gold that was sold. That gold belonged to SGSR/DIAZ. So that means the money that wresilted from the sale of that gold bullion also belongs to Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka sometimes as S.G. StaRomana. Now Imelda and her grown children, thay all knew the truth that the gold and now the money belongs to the D and P Enterprise Foundation and that the only person that could legally claim that money or that gold, would be the treasurer oft hat DNP Enterprise, which was the holding company of Mr. S.G. StRomana under CODE JAD, which stands for Jose A. Diaz. So this man Marcos and his wife Imelda and their kids, have no legal claims to any of that money and since that money was the legal property of Mr. Diaz, then that straw woman or woman called Mrs Santiago also has no claim for that money. These people tried to get the money back in I think year 1983 and they continued as others have tried. Even Mr. Brown, who was married to the woman known as LUZ Rambano StaRomana, he said that he was offered to be paid 2% of teh total amount if He did not interfer into what Imelda marcos was wanting to do. OK, when I was reading all of that reporting done by Mr. CE BROWN, I thought that Mr. CE Jim Brown was a decent Yank, as Hell 2% would have paid him over $1 Billion dollars, yet He has the guts and the balls and the moral fiber, to refuse that 2% as He said that none of the money was to be paid to the Diaz estate. Mr. Brown demonstrated to me, that He showed backbone so when I made mention of all of this nack in around 2003 to the VICTORIA officials, and said that if they were to every handle the recovery of Mr. SGSR/ or DIAZ or both, that they should make damn sure that Mr. C.E. Brown was given something as He displayed loyality. Actually as I reviewed my niotes, I can seen that it was in year 1996 that Mr. CE BROWN said that he became aware that Imelda marcos and her Group was wanting to get that money out of the Bank in China BOC, not back to 1983 as in 1983, that is when Her husband FERDINAND MARCOS had arranged to sell off that gold bullion that belonged to his client, who was named S.G. StaRomana or SANTA ROMANA aka JAD, aka Jose A. Diaz, the owner of the DNP Enterprise that was later reorganized into the D and P Enterprise foundation. So when VICTORIA recovery Group was appointed as the Co-Administrator for the DIAZ/SGSR accounts under the authority of the national treasuer of that DNP Enterprise organization aka Umbrella, they did arrange to allociate $1 Billion dollars into the Santa Romana Church foundation to be paid into the GIOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION and that was to be used for the children of that same person, named Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown aka CE JIm Brown, the unpublished author of the Golden Karat series of books. Gee, when I heard that had been done, I was thinking that God sure works in strange ways, as whent hat Mr. CE Brown more or less rejected and refused the 2% from Imelda Marcos, I am sure that Mr. Brown was not a rich man and Hell, anone could use a Billion dollars, or even a million dollars anyotime in the life. When I asked the Japanese lady who knew Mr. Brown from years ago when she said that she established that GOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION in the memory of Luz Rambano aka Ms Luz R. StaRomana, then the Japanese woman asked me for a copy of the proof of the written pay order that would confirm that the Imelda/Santiago side issued to pay 2%, then I told her that I did not have it, so she said that the money could not be released until Mr. Browen proved his claims, but that the money would be deposited into escrow. When I asked her if I could be enttitled to a finders fee of some sort, as I had wanted to do major repairs to my previous owned fishing vessels, she said that I would have to discuss that subject with Mr. Brown himself, as VICTORIA was representing the estate and payment of $1 Billion was more than enought, as the woman Tarciana Rodriguez mandated that 40% of the gross should be given to CHINA Government as a endownment to allow China to reduce the toxic air pollution emissions from the burning of coal as fuel for theor power plants and to also help CHINA with financial funding for exploration of the natural gas deposits to switch over to the cleaner energy and to improve ways to burn coal and reduce the emissions that cause the brown mist. Also to provide the Bank that acted to safeguard that money as their compensation. So when I was asking her where wouldt eh rest of the 60% go, she started to rattle off a long list of names of organization that there were too many to write down, she was speaking so fast. But the big names each got $1 Billion for the WORLD BANK, United NAtions, IMF and then $500 Million to many others. I recall The Clinton Global Initiative for Anti-Aids and fighting poverty, and the Southeast Asia Good Shephered Foundation and Genesis World Foundation and Utopia Lifecare Research foundation for stem cell research, and the Bill and Melinda gates foundations for anti-Aids and that World Indigent Refief Foundation, International Red Cross Socities at Geneva, the Vanderbilt Foundation, and Kiram Heritage Foundation and many toers, hell I cannot read most of my old notes as the japanese woman was speaking so fast and I did not want to stop her flow of information. Well, this all seems to be for the good deeds to be done and she said this was in connection with the instructions of Mr. Jose A. Diaz, as part of his legacy. When I asked her what the Estate of Diaz would get she said $6Billiion but 50% of that was to be paid to the recovery Group and they in turn were making investments and to pay out different endownments to 40 other Charties. I did not dare to ask her, if I changed my name to Todd Charity, as to if I could be placed on the Christmas list...as while I no longer have either of the two fishing boats, and I lost my dog as well, I still need to buy me a BEER COMPANY and invest into the larger crops to obtain a steady supply of cashew nuts. Someone sent me a e-mail the other day that showed that eating cashews was not good for me, that there was sometjiong toxic in the cashew nut and while I read the article, I decided that the hell with it, nuts to that article and told myselft hat there will be fewer things to enjoy after 2011, so better drink up and be merry now. Gee, I wounder if that Mr. Brown likes drinking beer and deep sea fishing? With $1 Billion under his management control, He sure could buy some excellent fishing boats right now at reduced prices and afford to hire a crew, then if He would invite me, I would also enjoy sitting with him and He can tell me all of his stories and I would sit there and drink up his beer and hope that he also had a unlimited supply of cashew nuts on board.  

    9 Apr 2009 @ 22:41 by Ref: Mr. Joseph ES Daraman @ : Jose Antonio Diaz
    Our humping biddy Mr. Chi Tang thinks that because the official figures for gold production shows such a low figure compared to all of the volume of gold bullion connected with Nazi gold, ot the Vatican gold, or the gold that belongs to the Sulu Sultanate or to the Sulu EstateDepository at Brunei or the so-called alledged YAMASHITA gold, well Mr. Tang believes all of this is bullshit..as He says this cannot be right, as the PROOF is seen by the number of metric tons dug out of the eearth and he know that those figures are accurate before He thinks that is the official records for gold discovery here on planet Earth. Now this Mr. Chi Tong seems to be a nice guy, someone that perhaps would become a mate, as hell he loves hookers and I love fishing and fishing involves hooks, we Gee we have something in common already, hooks and hookers seem to be one and the same, the hooker hooks the customer and in this situation, the customer hopes he will be screwed or that He gets to do the screwing. So this means the customer wants to be screwed and is not to become a victim, right? Now the woman aka hooker, gets to be screwed but she is really wanting to hook the customer and get more than just what was agreed upon for her services. Now Mr. Tang seems to like gold transaction or getting into business ventures to make a profit, so what the hell is wrong with that? OK, so some males screwed Mr. Tang out of some money and He did not enjoy the screwing at all, so he wants his money back. That seems fair, to be demanding back his money, right? Now for those con men that did the screwing and took his money, whop do not pay him back, well I think Mr. Tang will give them a hook. Now there are different ways to make the hook very effective and killing someone over money is not the solution. Beating up on the con man so he faces looks like scar tissues to scare the shit out of anyone who looks at the disfigured face, is also not the solution. Now I do not think that Mr. Chi Tang is a bible reader and he perhaps does not believe in turning the other cheek, and perhaps would not even understand the meaning of that. He knows what cheeks are, as he claims to have seen enought female butts in his travels and thinks of the butt being made up of two different cheeks, but He has the wrong end of the woman in that discussion with the bible. Now, Mr. Tang seemed to upset some of the other HOLY ROLLERS we have on this forum, but what Mr. Tang said, was the God honest truth, that he wants his God damn money back, or he is going to make HELL to those people that screwed him so people like Mr. Allan Diggle, must learn to understand that we all do not think as Mr. Diggle does and we all do not think as our humping friend Mr. Tang does..but we all have something in common gentlement, and that is to get those con men and con woman and scammers and we will never accomplish that, if we keep beating each other up over moral issues. Lets focus on getting teh bad guys and leave Mr. Chi Tang to enjoy what He loves to do best. It is his time, his money and his decision. But He must also know that while He is himping away on some female, those scanners who screwed Mr. Chi Tang are completely free from him, as they know that he cannot collect any money from them as they are protected by each of their other con artists and scammers who cover their asses. It seems tome that we have a lot of gays involved being con men starting with Joseph ES Daraman, Jr who claimed he was the son of Ferdinand Marcos as well as the GRandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz. He also says that Imelda Marcos was going to grant him her Power of Attorney to be able to sell a lot of the hidden gold that She has over in China or Hong Kong as this Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. said that for many prior years, He was her private bag man and He did a lot of confidential work for the marcos family and He knew all of their secrets. When I heard these unconfirmed reports, I think this is all more bullshit by this Mr. Joseph Daraman, but He then says that Imelda Marcos gave him a copy of her other ???? birth-certificate that shows her name to be DIAZ. Gee, lets me see if I can get this confusion arranged in my brain, this Mr. Joseph Daraman claims that his biological father is late President Marcos and that Mr. Daraman claims that He is the Grandson to claim Mr. Jose A. Diaz gold, and now He is confirmed that Marcos wife, Imelda aka IRM has another ???birth certificate that this times says she is really a DIAZ. OK, now that I have another cold beer, then I want to ask KNIGHT ARCANE or anyone as to what would the family relationship be between Imelda Marcos and this Mr. Joseph ES Daraman. Jr. of she was a Diaz before she married President Marcos who had his biological sperm make some laundry-cleaning woman implanted and out came this kids named something else, but He had his named changed to become Joseph ES Daraman Jr? So tell me KNIGHT ARCANE, what would you think the family tree would look like to link up Imelda who I have a lot of respect for, to this low life gay man named Joseph ES Daraman, Jr. What is their relationship if any?  

    9 Apr 2009 @ 23:03 by Ref: Where is Knight Arcane?? @ : Mr. Chi Tang
    I was thinking what a million dollars would look like, stacked in a pile and that if someone gave me a Million dollars, where the hell I could store it, as trusting a Bank is out of the question as most banks are zombie banks in my own way of thinking of them. Then I started to think what Mr. CE Brown would do with his pile of money, as the japanese lady said that He would be in charge of management of $1 Billion dollars at the God Children Foundation. Then I started to think of the FEDS having to print out a trillion dollars and how much space that would take up. I talked about this before to KNIGHT ARCANE and he said he would send me something that would show the physical size of the bundles of money, but maybe he just forgot. I hear that people in African eat termintes and they they seem to like the taste. I read stories where some people hide their money in the floor boards and the terminates came and eat up all of their money, made out of paper. So that means the terminates would eat the Government Bond or the T-Bill or anything on paper so it seems that having something printed on paper is not a safe investment. Then I started to think that having a warehouse full of bber cases would not keep either and the beer would go flat and have the taste of metal. Then maybe I should change over to drinking wine instead and storing wine, as they say the older it gets it ages and has a better taste. Then I discovered that keeping wines was also not a sure thing and when the 20 year old wine bottle is opened, it might taste like vinger instea dof what was expected. So it seems having money creates more stress in protecting the money and I believe in being nice to Gods creatures, but He should have made termites where they disliked the taste of paper money. I have always heard that the FEDS or the Federal reserve is always willing to exchange a damanged Federal reserve not, provided you were able to get 50% of it from a fire or having it torning in half. Now I am here thinking that if I wrote down all of the serial numbers to any American dolalrs, took pictures of the money ahead of time, then if the terminates did eat my paper money, ....I want to knwo if I sprayed the terminates and killed them and then mailed them to the FEDS, if they would give me a exchange, as the serial numbers would be contained withing the bodies of those termites, right? And actually why is it that the paper is nopt protected from terminates as a form of guarantee? I been looking at investing into precious metals but I also believe that there is a hell of a lot of more gold than Mr. Chi Tang thinks there exists on this planet earth. The more I think of having money, makes me think that money is a PAIN IN THE ASS for perserving it. There is talk about repalcing the U.S. Dollars by a World currency and I think that is something that should not happen, as the USA has a long history of having been Number One since WW11 and we tend to all forget what the Yanks did to help us. I think we owe it to their Uncle Sam to support him and go out and spend money to keep the U.S. Dollars into circulation as that helps create employments, exports and helps people make recovery. OK, I have decided to do my duty...all O need is to be given the money in order for me to spend to help.  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 00:54 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : 1 trillion US dollars
    Hi Todd

    as for the infos you are requesting on how big is one trillion dollars

    here is the link


    A bundle of $100 notes is equivalent to $10,000 and that can easily fit in your pocket. 1 million dollars will probably fit inside a standard shopping bag while a billion dollars would occupy a small room of your house.

    With this background in mind, 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) is 1000 times bigger than 1 billion and would therefore take up an entire football field  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 01:07 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : family tree of joseph es . daraman jr.
    mr Todd, if you will ask me about the Family tree of joseph daraman connecting to JA Diaz and Imelda Marcos, maybe I will lost my sanity on thinking how can Joseph ES Daraman become the grandson of JA Diaz, a son of marcos andImelda is a duaghter of JA Diaz, there will be a case of incest here where Ja Diaz impregnated the motehr of imelda marcos and the mother of Josoph daraman was impregnated by marcos and marcos is the husband of Imelda and daughter of JA Diaz. It will be too complicated. Yet I beleived that Imelda Marcos is one among the worlds Greediest person ever lived. http://www.sassyqarla.com/2009/04/imelda-marcos-among-greediest-in-world.html

    http://dailycontributor.com/200904054214/imelda-marcos-lands-on-newsweeks-greediest-list/ http://www.mukamo.com/imelda-marcos-guilty-newsweek-greediest/

    and I also beleive that Joseph ES Daraman is one among the worlds most number of scammed victims worldwide  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 07:59 by Tef: Imelda Marcos @ : Joseph ES Daraman Jr.
    Actually KNIGHT ARCANE, I think you have failed to fully understand that while many people misunderstood Imelda Marcos as you seemed to have, that things that could have been of benefit to the poor people of the Philippines is not being allowed to be given to the PEOPLE by this Imelda, as they have tied her hands. Every time the Government has tried to make a compromise arrangement, someone else causes a dispute and then the deal ends up into the toilet bowl, and then flushed down the drain. Imelda is not a stupid woman, she is extremely intelligent but she protects what she is hiding, so how can you blame her for that? She knows she has to perserve it for her children as her legacy, but can her children defend what she leaves to them in her last Will? I do not think so, but the longer she waits and waits and sits on everything, even her own children are aging very fast and the World meltdown can create serious changes not in the overseas Governments and the older generation of officials that know of her financial assets, but of the banks that will be forced to merge and come under the influence of governments as shareholders. That is like having the fox inside the hen house to watch over those nice fat Hens at night, to protect the hen from harm. As the world leaders demand that overseas banks release more information of the deposits and the hidden acocunts to do away with such protection of the bank clients, then whatever Imelda has hidden will be exposed to the light of day and when that occures, there are many hungry Law firms seeking to claim against the marcos estate. There was a big Lawsuit that was won against the Marcos estate I think in Hawaii that was not settled. This would be a good time for Imelda to show her wisdom and to start donating out large chunks of assets from some new legal structures of foundations and charties she should have set up, and also reduce or prevent prospective litigants. Her children just do not have the guts that Imelda has for such legal fights, not without Imelda to do the battles. She should learn about working as a contract-by Jurat. Her defense is simple, it is the TRUTH vs Stupidity of others. All of us are entitled to their viewpoints and I am sure that within the next few days I will get 30 or more hate e-mails about me wanting to protect Imelda Marcos, but she does not need any protection, she is smarter than all of us. I like her, she has guts.  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 09:56 by Ref: Rev. Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz @ : VATICAN GOLD?
    Basically as I have done some research and investigation into all of the assets of this man known as Colonel S.G. Sta Romana, I think he was self created in many way and all of his birth records and such coukld have been fabricated. I think the real person was Jose Antonio Diaz aka Rev, Fr, Jose A. Diaz. I belive that a lot of the so-called Marcos gold belongs to the Vatican at Rome. I believe that Rev. Fr. Diaz was working for the Vatican originally then He decided to what should I say, well HELP HIMSELF to a lot of the gold that He was caretaker of. I think he self-created the man we know as S.G. Sta Romana aka Colonel S.G. Sta Romana, who was then said to have found the alleged so-called Yamashita gold which was actually part of the gold that belonged to the Vatican at Rome. If I was to be involved in sorting out this God damn mess, then I would also have to say that a lot of the other gold that was legally owned by the Sulu Sultanate or the Sultans, also is a issue. I know that late President Marcos has intentionally caused all of this confusion, as he wanted to claim a lot of the gold for himself. If we understand that DIAZ as StaRomana was wanting to steal some of the gold that He was the caretaker of, then He would have engaged the legal services of Presidenrt Marcos, as back in the old days, Marcos was a young lawyer in the Philippines but he was also president of the Senate, a powerful position. So I think that maybe what happened is that StaRomana sort of became too greedy and started to assume that He could end up with the ownership of a lot of this gold, as it really did not belong to the Vatican so much as it belonged to a lot of Royal families from OLD EUROPE. OK, lets assume that Colonel StaRomana then claims to have found the YAMASHITA gold, which is really not gold owned by the Japanese at all, but is gold that also is connected with the NAZI back from WW11. Ok, so lets assume that the Royal families in Europe wanted to hide their gold as they were concerned about losing it to the NAZI, so they entrusted the gold to the VATICAN. And then the VATICAN was uncertain about the safety of the gold, so they shipped it and hid it in the Romana Catholic country called the Philippines, as who the hell would be seeking the gold there in that Philippines. OK, so as the War broke out and JAPAN and the YANKS started to fight each other and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE, the Japanese knew about the gold from Europe as the Japanese and the NAZI party were well, working together as a team, so while all of this WW11 was going on, this Diaz person who was also the trusted caretaker of the gold owned by the Muslims, or by the Sulu Sultanate was also to sort of change hands....and again it was the hands of DIAZ and then Marcos hands and then the gold ended up deposited into the Philippine old central bank vaults, then like Easter eggs has to be found. In the meantime, the cover story is that Colonel StaRomana beat the shit out of the Driver, said to be a Major in the japanese Military who was the driver for the General Yamashita and the cover story was that the japanese shipped all of the gold into the Philippines to hide it. Then there is the story that many countries filed the claims into the International Courts to claim back their gold which they thought was stored in the Philippnes, but again, that is another Easter Eggs story. So now we have Imelda MARCOS WHO THINKS SHE IS THE OWNER OF A LOT OF GOLD, BUT THAT GOLD NEVER BELONGED TO HER HUSBAND OR TO HER, AS THE GOLD BELONGS TO OTHERS...AND THE OTHERS WANT THEIR GOLD BACK. Now General Yamashita lived a normal life and He was not hung as that bullshit story was created to cover up the real truth. So I was told that the woman Tarciana Rodriguez was aware of all of this and more and she had specific orders to return 88% of the cash and gold bullion to specific countruies and to countries in old Europe from the WW11 days and to the VATICAN and she has already done that by legal transfer by Jurat. The rest of the 12% well some of that is actually to be paid to late President Marcos but since He is deceased, then perhaps to his widow and his children or if they do not want it, then to some Charties they would recomemnd. Some of the rest is paid to the Globas or something like that which I am assuming is perhaps the Umbreall that has performed their safegard dutuies all of those prior years. Then what is left which is not much according to my math calculations, gioes to the DNP Enterprise to be invested and to apy their many trustees, however I think most of those people are also deceased, so again not sure how they will resolve that situation. That Ms Tarciana Rodriguez was the treasurer oft hat holding company owned by Jose A. Diaz also known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz so in the end, He did not steal from the majority of the accounts, as those accounts are now to be retured back, but there was a problem to find out what old countries are to have shared in that returned wealth as to who were Allied nations back in WW11? Anyhow I would think that someone at the VATIAN must have the records as to who should get what, so maybe just turn it all over to the VATICAN and let them become the what, HOLY PAYMASTER? And as to the compromised offer of peaceful settlement that had been made by Sultan Fuad Kiram with the other rivals called Tallano and Tagean Estate, I would never have given those rivals 180,000 mt as they did not keep the terms of that agreement, which was for their T and T Estate to legally issue a encumbrance of 40,000 metric tons to the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPINES. So that has to be considered to be a breach of promise and it resulted in a failure, so I would advise the Sultan to file the lawsuits and hire the best legal defense lawyers available and drag that so-called Prince Julian Tallano into court, out in the open. Also file intot he ICJ and ICC to get the whole world aware of this embezzlement. I think that the Sultan should also offer to lease the 40,000MT to President Obama for just a 1% lease arrangement and allow that 1% to be distributed to the PEOPLE oft eh Philippines, I am sure they would appreciate the income every year from the leasing of their own gold to be helping UNCLE SAM.  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 21:50 by Ref: Mr. C.E. Jim Brown @ : Imelda Marcos
    Well, four e-mails came in that are nasty being Anti-Imelda and claiming that I am wrong to support that woman. First of all, I am not supporting any woman. What I was wanting to explain, was that Imelda Marcos, well she knows very weel that most of teh gold bullion that she has control over, actually belonged to others..meaning that it never really belonged to her husband aka President Marcos of the Philippines. Now her husband does own some gold that He was say, entitled to own from some of his say former business deals, but Marcos her husband also took a lot of teh gold that was entrusted to the person, knowns as DIAZ. Now this DIAZ person, well he was involved with gold that belonged to the Sultan that came from Sulu Sultanate, and DIAZ also was involved in gold that was connected with the NAZI gold holding and DIAZ was connected with gold that was entrusted to the VATICAN for safekeeping by some say OLD FAMILIES from old Europe etc. And this DIAZ man while being a trustee or a caretaker, was entitled to certain percentages as his say share for being the caretaker, so there were some legal gold certificates issued by the old UBS Bank at Switzerlan, for gold that actually belongs to DIAZ..but there are also a lot of other gold in the name of other persons, that was embezzled from DIAZ and from his other name being Sta.Romana. It is that gold that never belonged to StaRomana nor to DIAZ, but was under the care of DIAZ/Santa Romana was the trustee aka caretaker. Then late President Marcos who was the Filipino Attorney who worked for DIAZ and Santa Romana, well this Attorney Marcos was the President of the Senate, in the Philippines and later on marcos, became the President of the Philippines. This Marcos knew a lot about the gold holdings of DIAZ/StaRomana, as Marcos was helping Santa Romana and Diaz to conceal the gold bullion and hide it from OTHERS. So Marcos also was entitled to a certain percentage as HIS FEE ARRANGEMENT fro helping his client, who was known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz aka S.G. Sta Romana and also known as Colonel S.G. StaRomana and also as Mr. Jose A. Diaz and both StaRomana and Diaz used many other names on their bank deposits and to conceal the gold from OTHERS and those names were called their Aliases. So basically this guy DIAZ knew right from wrong and He knew that most or the majority of the gold and the money had to be returned back to certain countries/Banks/Governments at the end of a 40 year waiting period. So DIAZ wrote out specific instructions to be given to the Secretary and Treasurer of his DNP Enterprise and her name was TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ. She was also given by Mr. StaRomana or Diaz the verbal confidential instructions of four other very important bits of information as well as the color code and the unlocking spoken codes and some other things, all prior just before StaRomana/Diaz became deceased. So DIAZ did write out his own handwritten LAST WILL and He left specific amounts of money to his trusted friends and some other people and they were to be paid those funds not from his Estate, but from some other bank deposits. DIAZ himself never left any estate. The person named S.G. StaRomana also never left any Estate either, but what He did was that the money and gold bullion that had to be returned after waiting 40 or more years, was placed in the name of StaRomana or as SANTAROMANA accounts. Those assets cannot be claimed by his so-0called family members, relatives or heirs as it is not part of his estate. Those assets have to be returned back as 88% to OTHERS... but for the accounts left in the name of DIAZ and his Aliases that He controlled and under the control of his holding company called D and P Enterprise that is now the D and p Enterprise Foudnation, well those accounts cannot be claimed under his estate also, as this man was not issued any birth certificate nor any death certificate and there is no estate. What was left was his handwritten Holo LAST WILL, but that cannot be subject to be part of his estate, as that was his written statement of endownments to be paid out to specific persons, so that Holo LAST WILL is nothing more than a legal consideration as encumbrances to be money to be removed somehow out of some of his various bank deposits or bullion deposits and then paid to those persons named in that Holographic last Will. So Imelda Marcos can have one or two or mnore different birth certificates and one of them may indicate her name is Diaz, but so what? She cannot claim anything that legally belongs to the non-Estate of the man known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, can she? And she has a moral obligation to return back what was embezzled from DIAZ/StaRomana and which is listed under her name in many overseas deposits. However that is her moral obligation and she can tell everyone to go to hell, if she wants. Or she could return a lot of the GOLD BULLIONS back to the Vatican in Rome and also she knows that Sultan Fuad Kiram is the rightful Heir to his father and to his Grandfather lodged assets, she also knew that even Luz Ramabao has private financial assets in the name of Luz Rambano and since Mr. CE BROWN did marry that Luz Rambano woman, then I think He is entitled to claim as the widower and share the other 50% with the children of that Luz Rambano, but again, this is between Mr. CE Brown and those kids and Imelda Marcos, as Imelda side is hol;ding all of the evidence and proof of the existance of those deposits for that now deceasee Luz Rambano woman aka Luz R. StaRomana.  

    10 Apr 2009 @ 22:17 by Ref: Loretta E. Laurel @ : Flordeliza StaRomana
    Imelda Marcos os said to be related somehow to Loretta E. Laurel woman and that Loretta is claiming the gold that was originally deposited by S.G. StaRomana into Code JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz. This Loretta woman also knew that PEDRO P. LAUREL himself never owned the gold, and that the gold was legally owned by Jose A. Diaz of the DNP Enterprise. And as we all know, this PEDRO P. Laurel was a straw man for President Marcos and LAUREL acted as the front man in selling for marcos a lot of gold bullion back in the old days. So they knew that Mr. Diaz original gold certificates Number 1183 were locked up in some safety deposit box that the bad guys could not gain access to, so they just created the clone company, called BENGAL TRADING LIMITED and they issued out gold warranties to represent the gold that they knew was owned under CODE JAD, that had been deposited into China side Bank. But the fools never knew the full details and they printed the WRONG NUMBER on their so-called gold certificates. They printed Number 11833 instead of the correct number being 1183. Then they screwed up in using a improper seal, that was NOT the correct seal of that Isle of Man corporation, so that was another screw up. They they played the game of musical chairs, where they broughy in so many different Directors to replace the previous named Directors and as someone left, another person filled the empty position and the history of that Bengal Trading Limited at Isle of Man, proves what I am stating as the real truth, please check it yourself as part of your own DD. The other big blunder the fools made, was that they all were stupid fish..in that they all believed that the gold was deposited at the UBS Bank in Switzerland and they swallowed that story and got hooked. That gold was never in Switzerland and that UBS was not the depository Bank as all of the con men and the scammer have been telling the suckers and victims, that invested and purchased a share of those so-called LAUREL or BENGAL TRADING COMPANY gold certificates. It was all a fraud from the start and it was designed that way by former President Marcos, as He wanted everyone to be looking the other way, when Marcos would come back in year 2003 at the time of matuurity and collect the gold in the vaults of other banks. However President Marcos became deceased and now all of the fraud continues with this LORETTA LAUREL and her claims that she is the widow of the owner of the Bengal Trading Limited gold certificates....and that she claims she is a cousin of Imelda Marcos and that this Loretta when she found out that the GOLD belonged to DIAZ and not to Pedro Laurel, she must have shit her panties. So She was said to have found the alleged daughter of Mr. S.G. StaRomana named FLORDELIZA T. StaRomana and that somehow this Loretta E. Laurel was said to have obtained a POWER of ATTORENY from this daughter of Jose A. Diaz aka S.G. Sta Romana, so Loretta just changed her panties and now had a Power of Attorney and she showed that Power of Attorney to anyone who believed that and she collected lots of money from many Groupus and investors and companies...as Gee, here was the widow of Pedro P. Laurel plus this widow was representing the estate of Mr. S.G. StaRomana was confirmed by the so-called daughter of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. So Gee, this Loretta was also a cousin of the wife of President Marcos and perhaps could also later on sell off the Marcos gold as well as the Laurel gold and the StaRomana or Diaz gold...and HOLY SHIT this was just fantastic as this Loretta E. Laurel also claimed she was also representing the former President of the Philippines being Jose Laurel and Jose Laurel former President of the Philippines had a thick stack of US Treasury Bonds and this Loretta E. Laurel also was representing those claims as well. Gee, everyone would be impressed with this woman and she was able to fool many hundreds of people who later became what I called SUCKERS. The problem with suckers is that they never do proper DD and they are too greedy as they want the dream to come true, so they do not want to do the DD as they want to believe whatever these Filipino woman like FLORDELIZA, or LUZ Rambano StaRomana or Loretta E. Laurel and others tell them. As for me, I dig and dig and continue to dig, as the Jesuits know, I was given a lot of proper leads and this is what helps to expose the evil woman.  

    12 Apr 2009 @ 01:26 by Ref: Mr. CE Brown @ : God Children Foundation
    Again now more nasty e-mails. Look, I never met this Mr. CE Brown and while I exchanged a few e-mails with him, He seems to be someone that wants to stay low under the radar, while He remains there in the Philippines doing his gold deals and whatever other business He claims to be doing. I hope that one of these days, that He will make some wealth, as He claims that He was involved in the selling of I think his book said 32,000 metric tons of gold that late President Marcos was wanting to sell. Mr. Brown has also claimed that He was able to get a lot of other gold somehow shippined out of the Philippines for other persons. So He also says He was working with foreigners that well, pissed him off as the foreigners, as he said they were not Filipinos wanted him to buy their food or their meals each day, plus get paid each day and Mr. Brown announced in one of his many announcements posted on the internet, that He fired them all. Gee, so does that mean that it is ot just Filipinos that do nothing and then still expected to be given money and a meal, OH MY GOD, this sounds like a scam by scammers. Mr. Brown knew that $1 Billion had been allociated before to the God Children Foundation or GCF and that the GCF was to be in memory of the woman known as Luz R. StaRomana who had been thought to have been the legal widow and a wife of a Mr. S.G. StaRomana. It was a great shock for the Japanese Lady to find out that LUZ was never legally married to that man, Mr. S.G. StaRomana as that lady paid to have that foundation established and even had placed the name of that CE Brown and I think JEH to manage that GCF organization. Now Mr. Brown perhaps was not interested in just obtaining $1 Billion dollars, not when his old heart or ticker had the excitment of GOLD DEALS being made to him from the foreigners and the Filipinos who were at least getting fed at the expense of this Mr. CE Brown there in the Philippines. Now I read a lot of the spins created by Mr. Brown in promoting his series of books to be called GOLDEN KARAT series and He proclaimed he was going to sell millions of those books and He would become rich from the sales. Well, that was another wet dream or bad dream for Mr. CE brown as his books never got off the ground, into the air. So now He is claiming to be the widower of the widow of the S.G. Sta Romana Estate and that seemed like a good money maker, except for the fact that his wife LUZ RAMBANO was proven to be a fake widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana...and well, a fake widow is not the same as a legal widow, is it Mr. Brown? And since Luz was what is called a common-law wife, then Gee, she could not have been accepted in the Philippines to have been legally married to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, even if Luz and her business associates arranged 40 persons to attend the so-called marriage that was all a fake. I mean in order to get married, hell Mr. S.G. Sta ROmana is required by law to be still alive and I know that He was already deceased at the time of the false marriage, so the Philippines will say that your Luz was not a wife nor a widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, as she could never had married that Mr. StaRomana even if he was a zombie. As Luz was still married to her first husband who was still alive and kicking abover ground, so the Philippine Law is 100% against the marriage of Luz Rambano to anyone, including a zombie. OK, so this means that Mr. CE Brown better get back some of those foreigners and Filipinos he had fired and start feeding them and giving them some daily expense money, so they can feed bullshit back to Mr. CE Brown so Mr. Brown can justify why the hell He is wasting his remaining yeaers stuck in the Philippines working with those people. OK, now if Mr. Brown does get to buy a few gold bars say every week, then it would be profitable but then why should He be having to cplain about feeding a few hungry mouths..if Mr. Brown was making so much profit? I would assume that Mr. Brown is not doing so good, that there was no decent sales of his books, that He somehow became involved into some mess of overstay of his Visa in the Philippines a few yeaers back and had to pay some money to make the problem disappear. So perhaps Mr. Brown does have money to resolve some of his own self-made problems and to continue to stay and deal with all of those strange people he talks to and meets. At least He seems to still have a sexual desire for the girls that come into his life and that is good, as a man needs a hard on in these difficult hard times.  

    13 Apr 2009 @ 15:57 by Allan Diggle @ : all races
    Hello Todd,

    I was debating to write my story on a public forum and decided I will do it in a few months when i am hopefully all finished. ,I say this because a few people have called me regarding my name on this forum including my ex who is still gathering intel preparing for our next wonderful fight It is embarrassing and brings up some bad memories which I am trying to get over still. I will say it is not just the Filipino or Chinese in these scams but the white people as well. I read a report from the States where a husband and wife were given 5 years in prison for trying to get investors involved in a UBS cd ( Soekarno) ,they used the money and the cd was fake but the dollar values were around 50k. It is amazing how some agencies in other countries will react to fraud where some do not. China being one of those. I feel most of the scams are because the victims are to greedy including myself, common sense should prevail but that greed factor takes away the intelligence factor...hoping it is real. I wished I could find that document about the people in the USA but I can't . I hope everybody on this forum had a good Easter........take care


    14 Apr 2009 @ 00:39 by Ref: Mr. Chi Tang, are you humping??? @ : Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz
    Good Easter, what the hell is that, maybe I am Jewish...os have to find my ID Card and check what the hell I said my Faith use to be, it is a old ID card and my Faith has been changing over the years, like Global warming.... Perhaps if you wopuld tell us the names of the PERSONS involved into the scam of that alleged CD and the name of the Court and the year, then we all could help you Mr. Allan Diggle, to locate what information you are seeking. As to your ex-wife, it is always better to just wish her well in her next life as I believe we all somehow get recycled back to Easrth or someplace again and are sort of reborn...I Guess when people yell ed at me before, TO GET A LIFE...perhaps they were talking about the next life and I just hope I come back as a better person, but not as a mean Catholic Nun or as a hooker. I could not bear the thought of having Mr. Chi Tang humping me unless he gave me more than a hamburger and a cola drink. You MR. Allan Diggle should not have pissed off Mr. Tang, as I never did find out from him, what He would get if her bought a double-decker hamburger for the hooker. I mean I wanted to get some real research information and DD from him as input, but you guys started to dislike him, as He was humping his way through life. Hell, it is his life and hookers need clients and Gee, the sips needs to sell more hamburgers as well, all of this has to do with free enterprise Mr. Diggle. You instead assumed his was not a moral person as He spoke up and told us that He was having a ball and so was his balls, to enjoy meeting different Ladies of the Night and do I guess what is caller BARTER... I means He gives them meat ....as in the hamburger and they offer his their ass in return and I am not sure what he gets as a swap for the cola, but I am certain He has this all worked out and you scard him off. Now He will perhaps not want to come back as he is too busy coming elsewhere. Gee, what insight you offer Mr. Diggle to inform us that WHITE People are also scammers and con artists and that in fact all races are part of the problem. OK, as to the other man that told me I was nuts about my old postings that oil was actually being manufactured in the mantle of the earth, before slowly migrating between 70 and 150 miles upwards to the existing reservoirs, then I tell you Sir, it is you and the oil company you work for that is ignorant, not me. Tne Russuan reservoir engineers back in the 1950s started to release their oil reserves were somehow being topped up....from below, despite a totall lack of additional decaying matter. All that lay below was solid granite and basalt, meaning the oil was actually being manufactured in the mantle of the earth....and while you will never accept this, I will not accept you being a oil expert when you have your head up your ass. The hard working Russian reservoir engineers have drilled more than 300 producing oil wells through solid granite and basalt, with another 20 drilled the same way in the White Tiger Field in Vietnam. Remember Sir, the God damn earth is not flat as you may also assume, so you do what you want and I will continue to do what I do best, OK. And I am sure that Mr. Chi Tang will somehow maybe with lost of luck could hope that he may actually get a refund back from the Filipino con men, but then maybe HELL WILL FREEZE OVER first before Mr.Tong will get back all of his money. Still He should continue to try, just like Mr. Diggle does not get too discouraged with current events in his life. Enjoyment of children when they are young is nice but it is also better for their future, if PAPA BEAR from BC works harder to get a secure future for the cubs, as the cubs will learn to return back to PapaBear is Big Daddy Bear proves he is able to come out on top as a winner. Sometimes the older family ways of doing things were suitable for the past, but the new future is like ultra=deep drilling and I would recomemnd anyone to do some DD by reading a report written back in 1967 by A. D. Bondar titled The Role of Methane in the Formation of Mineral Fuels. What is central in that report is the massive advantage that Russia ultra-deep drilling dioscoveries and technical achievements given over the canadian the western nations. The PapaBear needs to study study and learn to stay away from the negative things in his life, that distracts the Papabear so much these cold days. I love Chinese food and love the adorable little chinese children, but then Hell I really love beer.  

    14 Apr 2009 @ 03:21 by allan diggle @ : Re Todd and Mr Tang
    Hi Todd,

    I just wanted you to know that I personally sent Mr Tang an email and I apologized for my racist comments and we have since spoke. I am not normally a person who acts like that but sometimes I snap a little. i need to go a kill a moose or something.....  

    14 Apr 2009 @ 07:29 by Ref: Mr. C.E. Brown @ : Julieta Huerto Vda De Sta. Romana
    Better yet, KILL a case of beer, not animals, unless it is that big size fucker I seen on the back of a truck with BIG ass claws...as hell he looked like he would chow down even on the whole can of beer without even opening the damn can....that fucker was Wow a LARGE MOTHER Fu...!!!! I have to learn to start to clean up my act, in case your ex-drops by. But please protect even your Ex-wife from such a large bear, as we must also be kind to animals and maybe it would be unfair to the bear to meet your ex-wife. I have a few ex-wives that I would have loved to introduced to a hungry bear years ago, but after they drained me of all of my money, I should thank them, as it changed my whole life for teh better, now I can sit around and drink with the mates and not have to worry about some bitch telling me I have to change my underwear, Hell now a days, I do not ever wear any underwear. I thank the person that sent me a copy of the contract that Mr. CE Brown himself signed with some woman that claimed she was Julieta Huerto Vds, De Sta, Romana and she signed her name with her title being LEGAL WIDOW of teh late S.G. Sta. Romana as the Party of teh Second part, so lets see, there is a WITNESS or actually two of them, both are lawyers. one is named Attorney Vccente D. Gabtiel and the other is named Attorney Emesto Inibag and all of this was said to be done in the Philippines back on the 15th day of November 1999 and the problem with this contract, is that the real woman was deceased, and this woman who is an imposter using the name of teh deceased woman is actually the sister. OK, so what alkl of this emans, is that the self proclaimed Expert being played by this Mr. CE Brown who claims in his book that He spent 14 long difficult years of research and that he was the only man alived, that knew everything there was to know about this man named Jose A. Diaz aka as S> GArcia Sta. ROmana...well this contract can prove in a court of law, that Mr. Brown was deceived by another Filipino imposter, as this was NOT the 2nd wife of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana and this Mr. Brown and these two fine outstanding Lawyers, were fooled by this deception, or Gee...maybe they knew the real wife died, and this sister took her place, or that Mr. Brown is not very good at what He claims to be a expert at. I mean He claims HE is the husband of another Filipino woman named Luz. R. Sta Romana and we all now know that she was also a fraud, as she never married that same man, named Mr. S. Garcia Sta.Romana either. OK, so this Mr. CE BROWN the alleged expert also entered into so-called contracts with this alleged widow of Mr. S. Garcia Sta.Romana being said to be Mr. StaRomana third wife or is itwife number four, as there was also alleged to be yet another so-called wife, whow as said to be the mother of Flordeliza T. Sta.Romana, who claimed to be the daughter of Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana. HOLY SHIT, this MR. StaRomana sure has a lot of woman who want to say that He was the biological father to all of these alleged children, HEll Mr. StaRomana aka Mr. Jose A. Diaz is perhaps in Hell looking up at all of this, as Mr. Diaz was sort of a undesirable citizen of thios Planet Earth in many ways, but then I hoped that somehow He did not go to hell and made it upstairs and can sit around and drink beer with Saint Peter and the other boys. I wish I knew where the hell my dog ran off to, so if anyone does have any relative or friend or know anyone up in Heaven, could you please send them a e-mail and ask them WHERE THE HELL MY DOG IS, I sure as hell would appreciate it. I often thought about heaven, as do they have broadband access or what for e-mail or maybe they call it H-mail like H in heaven, but then maybe the Devil already had H-Mail as HELL MAIL and all of this deep thought makes me want to go and buy some more cold beer.  

    14 Apr 2009 @ 07:50 by Fake second wife of S.G. StaRomana @ : Victorious Securities Limited
    Mr. CE BROWN signed the agreement with this imposter, this fake widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana and Mr. Brown is representing VICTORIOUS SECURITIES LIMITED Company in this agreement. Mr. CEB gave evidence of his American passport being Number 0 3 4 1 7 5 4 1 2 that was issued to him in Los Angeles, UISA on January 13th, 1992. And the fake widow played by this sister of the real woman, provided as her ID card her Philippine Community Tax Certificate Number 4025221-B and my people double-checked all of those numbers and they were accurate, problem was that the Filipino woman that Mr. CE Brown thought wa sth real widow of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, turned out to be a fake, a sister of the real wife that had been married to Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana, so that means that Mr. CE Brown the self proclaimed expert as he wants us to think, was completed fooled by this sister-in-law......and this is pretty damn funny and as I am reading these documents and confirming the reports from the investigation team, I am having a hard time to keep from falling over on the floor as this is really funny....that Mr. Brown failed to do his DD and just assumed that He was making another one of his recoveries of the StaRomana estate. I think Mr. Brown should get out of being a author, He sucks at it. He should be come a salesman again, as salesmen who are good, can sell dried cow dung and claim that it is a health food, no shit. Mr. Brown started off his book where he claimed he was a fantastic salesman and I tell you, Mr. EJ EKKER is looking for a few good men to help him get some of his $ 50 Billion plus that Mr. Ekker claims is owned to him by the Federal Reserve Banking system. Now perjhaps with the expert called Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown and EJ Ekker, that between them, they could get something going, or at least sit around and drink beer, pass gas and tell each other war stories or talk about the birds that EJ Ekker loved and Mr. Brown could tell Mr. Ekker about all of the girls he claimed to have has sex with in the Philippines. I figured they would run out of things to say after three months and then I would contact Mr. Chi Tang and ask him to go and sit with Mr. Brown and Mr. Ekker and they would be impressed with the sex tales of Mr. Tong and just maybe, maybe Mr. Tong would explain what he gets when He buys a hooker a double hamburger and a cola, instead of just a cola and a plain hamburger???? It is important for all of us to know these details. I do not see KNIGHT ARCANE, so I heard he and his faithful horse were out the other day looking fro Easter Eggs and He became excited and fell off his hose and tejhn the horse fell on top of the KNIGHT as it was so funny to the horse that HE just started to roll on the ground...but KNIGHT was pissed and He demanded that the Horse apologized to him and the Horse insetad pass a large volume of gas and that knocked KNIGHT out and perhaps He is still sleeping it off, so maybe it was not a horse fart but maybe sleeping gas. I need to get some cold beer and cashew nuts.  

    14 Apr 2009 @ 12:26 by CT @ : hookers, beers, filipino and wasp cons
    mr diggle, don't write your story in a public forum, or if you do then make sure your passport name is not mr diggle. you didnt mention you have a problem with an ex wife - if you're scared that any future payouts would go to her then the best thing to tell her is that you were really naive and believed all this chinky and flipper shit and lost all your money and other peoples too and you have no way of ever getting it back. thats what i am telling people i have lost money with. you have to bullshit like these chinks and filipinos and even wasps did to you. but then if shes reading this she will know you maybe lying, so best not to reveal anything in the future in a public forum. in any case, your ex wife must be deluded like everyone else on this board if they think any money other than cheated money can be got from all these bullshit marcos and SR assets. the best thing to do is to just call her a whore or something like that. which is what i tend to do with all my ex's - they are all whores.....which is true as you must know by now.

    todd i guess you like your beer alot. i dont know what sex you would get for a burger and a can of san miguel since san miguel only costs 19 pesos from 7eleven in manila - but if you were to add that to a big mac or a double cheeseburger and offer it to the nation of filipino whores, you are pretty much guaranteed anal sex all night long, and they will probably suck you off too. i think they call this technique ATM - but i dont know since i dont really enjoy anal sex unlike Jaime Suuan and Alexander Scarface Hermano who keep taking money off foreigners in order to satisfy their anal pleasures. Has anyone seen these guys lately??? What are they up to now?

    I wonder what a can of san miguel would get you if you offered it to a filipino man whilst in a meeting in a mcdonalds or jollybee in manila? maybe the flipper conman will give you a letter of credit from Citibank without any spelling mistakes? maybe they wont ask for 500 pesos for expenses? hmmmm....i never tried it but next time im in manila and go to a meeting to listen to these fuckwit filipino conmen brothers of marcos i will take a can of san miguel with me. does anyone know why all filipinos are conmen? yes chinks are pretty bad too....i've underpaid many a hooker before for services rendered. so i am sorry about that. and i apologise for all my fellow chinks. but mr diggle is a nice man and suffered at the hands of these chinks - i hope they will pay dearly for it like Jaime Suaan's family and the Hermanos will pay dearly.

    anyway - happy easter. isnt this a time for new beginings what with the resurrection of christ and all that? maybe filipinos will resurrect themselves to not cheat foreigners anymore? although saying that....i just received another 1000usd from a filipino owing me money. so i guess they are not all bad.  

    15 Apr 2009 @ 00:35 by Ref: Filipino Conmen and woman @ : Serving their country of Philippines
    NO, I am not interested in read door sex, that was never appealing to me, seemed kind of shitty. It seems good that some of the con men are starting to refund back some of what they took from you Mr. Chi Tang, if this is really you who are posting here? I do not think all Filipino men are con men, that is not right, but it perhaps appears that way if you go to the food courts and talk to the scammers and con men who sit around and sell a sucker anything they desire as gold certificates, gold bars that have be to paid for in the darkness and teh scammer prays to God the damn gold paint does not come of this time as all of the other times they pulled that fraud on foreigners aka SUCKERS. Sure there are lots of con woman in the Philippines but I look at it this way, that is there was NOT ANY EVIL, then how the hell could we understand the meaning of GOOD NESS? Like if there were no con men, then why would they need to have INTERPOL and NBI as they are to be going after the con men aka EVIL ONES, so actually Filipino con men are helping to stimulate the economy for the Philippines as when they sucker some foreigner out of some money, then some oft hat money is then circulated back into the Philippines, as the con men make BIG HOUSES And BUY LAND and seem to live better than most Congressmen and Senator in the Philippines. So in many ways, the FILIPINO CON MEN are serving theor country in some strange way, as they even attend the Catholic Church and when the donate money, the Priest does not refuse the donated money, HELL, never look a gift horse in the mouth. And if teh con man is really wanting to get forgivenness, He appears at the Church and makes a confession that He is sorry that He suckered some foreigner out of a lot of cash....and naturall the Priest is really wanting to ask the sinner, like HOW MUCH...but the priest has to be cool and say well Son, God will forgive you, so He then gives his manate of how many prays the sinner has to say...and this gets the sinner aka conman cleared in the eyes of God....and the Priest prays to God, that the sinner aka as rich conman will be kind to donate something to the CHURCH, as the Priest need smoney to repair the leaking roof or to help the poor or Hell, to save under his mattress. So the con man can pray his way to forgiveness so to the mentality of a Con man, HELL, if GOD has forgiven the con man from ripping off Mr. Chi Tang, then what the hell ....does Mr. Tang want back his money for? I mean it is gone, as buying or buiklding a large size house is not cheap, and having to hire the guardmen, maid, laundry woman and cook and driver and the damn upkeep on the big automobile is not cheap, this is considered to be overhead and the con men perhaps thinks that they also must keep money to buy the expensive gold paint, as they have to also spend time to paint the fake gold bars to make it look good and then pay some workers to stack them in a old cavem then hiresomeone to take pictures of this newely painted YAMASHITA GOLD discovery and then toss in a few skulls and some japanese flags and props and then make the old maps, SHIT all of that takes time, money and a lot of thought, to creat the new scam, to be seeking suckers aka new investors to now invest into this joint venture of having to dig out the Yamashita Gold, and as the investor aka as greedy foreigner looks at the photos, the Filipino con man has to tell the foreigner to stop drewing all over the photos and making them wet....and then they set the HOOK, they get the new investmentb from the invester and then maybe then, if they get some of that new money, then they will send another $1,000.00 to Mr. Chi Tang....and Mr. Tang who is smart, does not give a shit where the money comes from, solong as it comes into his bank account. Some day I hope to meet Mr. Chi Tang and maybe we can sit around and drink beer in some nice restaurant, provided He does jot jump the waitress and starts to hump her on the floor...as hell I would have to then go get the next beer myself, while He is busy humping, or else I would take some of his beer, and then take a photo of him on top of the waitness and of the cook coming out of the kichen with that big chopping knief that is so upset that someone is messing with his daughter, there on that dirty floor. I want to see how fast Mr. Chi Tang can actually run from the pissed off Father of the waitress....who also looks like He is from not China, maybe Korea....and if Mr. Tong is fast as I hope he is, He will then find out that the poor girl was really not a girl, but had been a boy and they had to cut of his dick and the doctors spend 6 hours on the operating table to create that special place and now Mr. Tong is tarting to realize that He is not sure who he just has sex with, was it a woman or a half-man or was it a half-woman? I think that is when Mr. Tong will think that He should now purchase a rubber sex doll and hump all he wants, as the price of cola and hamburgers will be going up in price and with the increase of AIDS, it is perhaps time for Mr. Tong to think of safe-sex and enjoy the plastic sex doll instead, I mean he does not have to feed it, just inflate it or take it to a car wash and wash it down, just hold the wax.  

    15 Apr 2009 @ 05:58 by Ref: General Edward G. Lansdale @ : General Edward G. Landsdale
    Someone is asking about General Edward G. Lansdale and also about the other version of this name that is spelled as General Edward G. Landsdale. So I made a few phone calls and one of the current trustees of the S.G. Sta Romana Global Foundation said that both spellings are correct. I then asked for a more simple explanation and I was told that some of the Diaz bullion accounts are placed in a locking code as General Landsdall and other different gold deposits are placed under the name of General Lansdale. Again I asked him the meaning and then He explained to me and from his tone, I felt like I was a 10 year old kid being told by a 40 year old School Teacher about some lesson that I should have known about and that the teacher was not wanting to waste his time on having to explain all of this to a stupid kid. Anyhow I now know and undersatnd the purpose and the reason and the locking codes for LANSDALE and LANDSDALE but I will be damn to share it, as Hell I felt I was somehow verbally abused by this Teacher to learn this lesson.  

    15 Apr 2009 @ 06:31 by Ref: Luz Rambano @ : Mr. C.E. Jim Brown
    It is being claimed by the Heirs of this Luz Rambano woman by some of her children who are all grown up now, that the American man named Clarence Elbert Brown who wants us to call him Mr. CE Jim Brown, had willfully abandoned their mother and had their mother detained as like locked up, and make it impossibile for those kids to vivit their mother, there in the Philippines. And since Mr. Brown hides and refuses to come out of his hiding, then we cannot hear his version of this story, so it is to me unfounded, except there is one documents that seems to have been full of shit, that was not on the letterhead of the HOSPITAL but was on the letterhead of some foundation said to be connected with the alleged hospital and basically it said that Luz Rambano was being retained and what was more starnge was the mention in that letetr, that poor Luz Rambano Sta Romana was so messed up that she could not hold a pen, so she was not able to sign her name. Now why in hell would some Doctor sign such a statement UNLESS He was given the statements already typed up and the key words were included, being detained as being retained??? And then why make it such a point to imply that this Filipino woman was a vegetable as she had a stroke and she could not even hold a pen, to sign her name??? Something stinks like horse shit in regards to that alleged Letter written by her Doctor who was retaining her and that the Doctor was perhaps under orders from someone, to not let Luz have any visitors, as she might actually sign something, like a a legal document to declare she was a prisioner or being detailed against her free will, or that she wanted a divorce from this man named CE Brown or that she may wanted to write out her LIVING WILL or a holograph Last Will or for any reason. OK< so maybe there was some truth that her kids were prevented from being able to see their won mother, but why? And it seems strange that Mrs Brown played by this Filipino woman who faked her own marriage to Mr. S.G. StaRomana 30 or more days after Mr. StaRomana was deceased, well she seems to have has some serious health problems caused by the alleged stroke or something......and that her American husband was said to have willfully abandonded this Filipino wife....but Mr. Brown proclaims that He loved his wife very much as she was after all the seld-proclaimed widow of the richest man on Earth. Then again, there is that other problem that LUZ becomes deceased and is dead over a year, before Mr. CE JIm Brown even discoveres the death of his loving little Filipino wife....so how could this be, as if the guy was married to this woman named Luz Rambano, then why is it that He did not know for a whole God damn 12 or more months that She was dead? And then there is another stinking problem, in that the death certificate was no issued to the name of Luz R. Sta. Romana Brown as Mr. Brown would have arranged it, if only He had known about the death of his loving Filipino rich wife, so He would have though that at least the damn Filipino kids of this woman would have obtained the death certificate in the name of Luiz Rambano Sta.ROmana as Mr. Brown would have wanted it as PLAN B, but no, sorry to say that the children of this woman, obtained the official legal death certificate in the name of their mother as her name being LUZ RAMBANO, so this would be considered to be PLAN C. Now Mr. CE Jim Brown was pissed, as Plan C sucks as He wanted to be the widower of teh deceased woman and have her death certificate as PLAN A, where her last name would be Mrs Luz R. Sta.Romana-Brown or at elast PLAN B, where she would have been declated to be dead as Mrs Luz R. Sta.Romana......but now, He has serious problems, as He never married this woman as LUZ RAMBANO, but married aher as Luz Rambano Sta.Romana and that was a kick in the ass, as this woman according to Mr. Brown, collected a hell of a lot of money from the Sta.Romana Estate by pretention to be the widow of Mr. S.G. StaROmana aka Jose A. Diaz, so she then took $230 Billion of that recovery and had it invested into several European Trust Funds but She never NEVER disclosed to this American husband, where the hell she hid those trust funds....so now Mr. CE BROWN has been on that Easter Egg hunt, hoping to find a Judge some where that will declare that Mr. CE Jim BROWN can claim 50% of this Filipino woman estate, based on the assumption that Mr. CE JIm Brown is the alleged widower of Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana who was proclaimed dead as Luz Rambano. OK, now this PLAN A, Plan B and now Plan C all seems to suck, as Mr. CE Brown was to write his series of books, to tell the whole world of the fantastic life story of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and that Mr. Brown a old country Boy from American married into all of the wealth, as Hell, He married this alleged widow of StaRomana at Nevada, USA and he though he hit the jackpot back then, but now He finds that Luz could not have legally married Mr. StaRomana after all, as Luz was still married to her first husband who name was Mr. Angel Joson. Now we all have to start to feel maybe sorry for Mr. CE JIm Borwn in some ways, as His luck seems to be all BAD LUCK and his books sales have reported to be very low, actually zero sales, but He is certain to hit PAYDIRT soon, He is dealing with some strange people who whisper exciting news into the ears of CE Brown and it makes his old heart pumping with excitment, of finding some treasurer, or something more valuable, so I sure hope he finds something, as He seems to be the worst salesman in the world.  

    15 Apr 2009 @ 12:27 by Ref: DORIS EKKER @ : Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz
    Yes, I know a little about the Last Will of that man Mr. Jose A. DIAZ and that his alleged daughter and her brothers were said they did not want to accept that holographic last Will that was to I think pay her, $50 Million but then she as Flordeliza T. Sta.Romana really does not have her full name in that Last Will, all it says is that the woman to be paid $50 Million is named Flordeliza. Does anyone know as to how many woman in the Philippines have the first name as Flordeliza? Then as I pointed out, her poor brothers, said to be the alleged sons of this man named Mr. S. Garcia Sta. ROmana, well their names also could appear in that Last Will, but Gee, they were stated to only be paid $5,000,000.00 each, that kind of sucks. So I assumed that this woman Flordeliza must be geeting more, as she had children but discovered that she was not married at the time of the death of her alleged father, who she calls Mr. S. Garcia Sta. Romana and she never in fact ever got married at all, she is still single. Except someone who claims to be her son, and also a Heir to the Sta., Romana welath of that estate, is out there making suckers out of unsuspecting investors, who believe He is what, lets see, OK, the GRAND SON I would assume of that deceased Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. But that woman, his alleged mother named Flordeliz T. StaRomana, well she was never married but hell that does not means she could not have a son, right? I am still confused how the woman in the Bible named MARY conceived a son, that was called Jesus and she was not married either...then later on I read where Jesus had a brother, and also Jesus had children and after all of that, is when I started drinking beer, as Hell, all of the Bible storeies were starting to be like the e-book of Mr. CE Jim Brown, one story after another..on and on and on. They say that Jesus grave is in Japan, but then that wife of Mr. EJ Eller, her name being Doris, use to communicate with a Space Ship Fleet Commander and it was said that Jesus was on board tht Star Ship....that was coming to planet Earth. When I was reading all of those stories in the CONTACT newspaper, that is owned by the Mr. EJ Ekker, I use to sit under the Stars with my dog and a case of cold beer and look up at the Stars and thinking as to why Jesus was on a Star Ship....and then thought how great that must be to leave the driving to the others and just sit back and enjoy the ride. It is said that a lot of the relatives of Jesus are still here on Earth and I hope they continue to drink wine, as the less people that drink beer, helps me and my mates, as beer is starting to get expensive and harder to buy, as many people who cannot afford to drink wine are said to be now drinking beer, really? And that the beer companies cannot keep up with the demand, really. I then think about the people in the Philippines who perhaps do not know what is going to occur in the year 2012. Perhaps it is better they do not know, as what the hell can they do about the comet that is perhaps going to hit the Earth. Lighting candles and prays may not be very helpful and I guess it cannot hurt, but it sure as hell cannot stop what will occir in around the year 2012. I know that Mr. Chi Tong will perhaps say the hell with it and just keeping humping away...with a smile on his face. I was again reading some report from the Swiss National Bank from 1996 and it was a report of how many TONS of gold countries had and the USA had 8148, and GERMANY had 3700 and FRANCE Had 3172 and SWITZERLAND dud have 2590 but started to sell it off, then ITALY had 2590 and JAPAN had 746 tons and TAIWAN had 435 and CHINA 404 and Brazil had 124 and the Worlds highest per capita gold cache, Switzerland at 370 grams. Gee, and Mr. EJ Ekker, the CEO of the Global Alliance Investment Alliance wanted his bonus for 80,000 metric tons of gold and when He did not get it, He became more than upset, He perhaps send a e-mail or had his wife send a thought wave to the Star Ship Fleet Commander and told him to speed it up and get to Earth faster...as his puppets had disapproved to relwase the gold to him as was expected...plus now it is even more worst than before, as the poor Federal reserve printing presses are working 24 hurs a day, seven days a week printing more money and none of it is to be paid to Mr. EJ EKKER, who says that the Federal Reserve owes him $ 50 Billion or more just for the interest due on the debit created by the missing $1,000.00 Gold Bond that was connected with the country of Peru back maybe 120 to 150 years ago. Here I am without a Dog and President Obama gets a dog, and my dog who ran off is perhaps humping like Mr. Chi Tong is, as my dog use to rub against anyone leg, He was one horney dog, I sure miss him. I also miss reading the CONTACT newspaper, I saved all of the back issues, I especially liked the articles of Doris Ekker, I hope she find peace where ever she is at.  

    18 Apr 2009 @ 00:31 by Ref: E.J. Ekker @ : Global Alliance Investment Association
    The Philippines is said to contain lots and lots of metric tons of gold, that they all label as YAMASHITA Gold....but that is also a nice dream story and it keeps investors busy to pour their money into holes in the ground. There is a whole cult formed around the alleged Japanese General Yamashita, who was said to finally disclosed where he hit a lot of the gold???and that in the end, the Americans aka as Yanks hung General Yamashita for his so-called war crimes. Now to the average person that does not have much information to counter-act all of this bullshit, I can understand that SURE, why not dig and dig and Pray to Allah, God or hell, even to the devil himself, that the hardworking people who call themselves Treasurer Hunters aka TH< I sure hope they find something down in those deep holes. Now Mr. EJ Ekker, the President and CEO of the Global Alliance Investment Association aka GAIA out of the State of Nevada, who has their Headquarters there in Manila, Philippines has weekly meetings with all sorts of strange people, who want to get money from this RICH AMERICAN as they know that He has told the Filipinos and in fact the whole world, that the FEDERAL Government of the United States or actually the Federal Reserve Bank, owes to this GAIA Corproation something like US$50 Billion dollars, for the outstanding interest on some obscure pieve of paper, called a BOND. It is a very old Bond, well over 100 years old, but He says that it was allowed to have a extended maturity well past its normal expiration date, as approved by some former US Treasury Officials, so Mr. EKKER is indeed one very Rich person....if he can ever get paid for his claims. So I am certain that when he meets all of theose weird people that He meets at the coffee shop that He uses as his working office and meeting place, that He has become very good to know what is a con job, what is a scam and what is a fraud so Mr. E.J. Ekker over the ten years He has been there in the Philippines, has started to become damn good to smell that a deal stinks and He perhaps knows that if a deal sounds too good to be true, then it is perhaps worthless. Now Mr. Ekker knows that one oft hese days, that someone will come to him with some gold bars or gold something and Mr. Ekker has a buddy that can melt that down and make it nice and new again and they can make a profit off that transaction, as that is why Mr. Taylor is in that business. There is nothing wrong either I would asusme in being able to wash some real Federal reserve fiat currency that has become blacken in color and use some chemical to sort of clean up the money to make it presentatble, however RON, who was the CANADIAN MAN that use to be the right hand of working for the Global Alliance Investment Association or GAIA, say it was wrong and He did not want to have anything to do with it, so maybe it is not right to be doing whatever was being done, but that is their business. I miss that person named RON, He was very smart and a damn good writer and He also had some damn good projects that He needed some funding, I especially felt there was a good sales potential for the ENGINIZER DRINKING WATER and I hoped he fould someone to fund him on that venture. I think that is ENERGIZER water, not certain? I hope that Mr. Ekker does find some good deals that comes his way and that He and Tom can make a profit and then Mr. Ekker can maybe do something about his $50 Billion dollar claims...as He says that each year, the interest is a additional $5 BIllion more on his claims and Gee, that sort of adds up. And He said that if the Federal Reserve cannot pay up, then the US Treasury is somehow legally obligated to pay for that $50 Billion that is interest on the $1,000.00 old Peru Bond. I assume that the U.S> Congressional leaders were informed about this liability as I am not suire, but it seems to me, that this $50 Billion some how becomes a tax liability for the American Taxpayers...as where would the US Treasury get $50 Billion to pay to Mr. Ekker on ghis claims, unless it came out of the pockets of those poor Yanks, the taxpayers? Gee, maybe the concerned tax payers would have a Tea party protest at the coffee shop that Mr. Ekkers uses as his office in the Philippines and I was thinking of how Tea party protest was stages back in the United States from the recent news, to protest the spending of the taxpayers money for bail out, what would those same taxpayers think about the bail out of $50 Billion to this CEO named Mr. EJ EKKER of the Global Alliance Investment Associaiton. But the Yanks could never understand how the hell Mr. Ekker could ever get anything out of the US TReasury, unless Mr. EKKER was able to call in a large size UFO to land right there in Washington, D.C. and since the Americans have their attention on other matters, then this cannot be a small UFO, it has to be something BIG, really a big size like HOLY HELL, say a Star Ship that would not be able to actully land, but sort of hover over Washington, D.C. and a few other regions and that would wake up the puiblic to better understand Mr. EJ Ekkers claims...but if you really wanted to get the Yanks away from the big TV screens watching sports or from washing and waxing their SUV and get their attention, then announce that JESUS himself is on the STAR SHIP, that will do the trick, as then the whole God damn world is watching the event, then Mr. EJ Ekker can make his public appearance and get the attention he deserves and even President Obama has to sit down and let EJ EKKER make his statements that HE is there to simply collect what He claims is owed to him and for no other reason....and this is one legal way to make that recovery I would assume.  

    19 Apr 2009 @ 15:13 by apollonius of lemuria @ : Earth Changes, Dire Warnings
    since our great friend todd alpine have been warning about the coming earth changes and other financial system collapse etc.

    i would like to copy paste all these related stuffs here...

    it will be a long one, so bear with me...


    Too many volumes of materials were already written over the past decades about the coming polar shift. Perhaps this planetary-galactic event will be the most focal one needed by humanity to put a stop to all the madness and abominations of the Dark Adepts of the planet.

    Among all materials published about the matter, I find that of my fellow mystic and Teacher Sal Rachele’s peregrinations as the most satisfactory. As I already mentioned in some other articles, the plausibility of the Rachele thesis and forecasts are very high as they fuse scientific and mystical insight together. (Pls see: http://www.salrachele.com)

    As we await this cosmic drama’s unfolding, madness is burning the entire planet. A united Europe is about to unleash the tyrannies of a returned Augustus Ceasar, and a 2-headed 4th Reich is now fast evolving into reality before our eyes. World War III, as planned over a century back yet by Luciferan freemasons (see Albert Pike reports), will push through as planned and scheduled.

    Ancient racial memories are waking up very rapidly. Likewise does ancient racial-ethnic hatreds awaken or is already in that state. The ancient conflict between Rome and Parthia (Persia) will be revived, even as New Rome (4th Reich) will use its surrogate Arab states to fulfill its desires to destroy Islam and Iran. Global economic collapse, accompanied by hyper-inflation and the collapse of the dollar, is also galvanizing each day as morbid reality.

    Were it not for direct intervention from the Almighty Providence, the madness of the Dark Adepts may proceed ceaselessly for decades, global tyranny installed to last for centuries to come, nation-states destroyed, hundreds of millions of people dead due to wars and genocide. But divine intervention has been the policy for some time now, beginning in the mid-1970s yet, and madness shall cease past 2030.

    Mother Nature herself is revolting, and Earth will mutate to 4th Density in just a little over four (4) years from now. Polar shift comes on the latter part of December (please see Mayan Calendar, galactic cycle, grand cycle) of 2012, even as the Earth’s frequency shall have moved up to a couple of octaves higher by then.

    Rachele’s forecast of the 2007 recession and the global economic downspin thereafter, already took place. Let’s better keep track of forthcoming events, and prepare all the more for the polar shift. The shift will be an electromagnetic shift, not geological, so there will be little tectonic-geologic displacements if ever.

    For those 0.1% who comprise roughly the ‘LightWorker population’ today, the mutation will be highest, from 5th through 6th densities up from 3rd density. Since 5th Density is hardly populated, with nary a structure for human settlements, the coming of the LightWorkers there will bring new life to that subdimension. Most probably new cities will be built, and higher density beings will be manifesting from Above to assist them in building new worlds.

    20% or roughly 1.3 billion people (using present statistics) will be mutating to 4th Density. That is, they will go up along with Earth itself which will also move up to that level. Probably as large as 40% of this ‘group’ will comprise of Indigenous Peoples, who will also go up along with Mother Earth since they have long protected and conserved Mother Nature, thus deserving for them a good karmic reward of moving up the octave scale too.

    Plants and animals that are most positively vibrating, or those that are not destructive and predatory, will also go up along with Mother Earth. With just 1.3 billion to support, there will be abundance for everyone, thus fulfilling the Gandhi economic axiom that ‘the world has enough for everybody’s needs’. A very sustainable balance of human population this one will be, synergistically interacting with a balanced and abundant flora & fauna.

    Those more intelligent souls who will mutate to 4th Density will bring along with them enormous expertise and knowledge. Renewable energy will most likely be granite-rock culture here, and electricity-based power will cease to be as photon becomes the new modality for the same purpose.

    Since 4th Density will be quite large in population, settlements may follow ‘laissez faire’ fashion. Which means, depending on community consensus, there will be free options for populations to choose whether to go city settlement, or rural food-producing settlement, or suburban high-tech settlement, or combinations of the above. There will be a diversity of settlements here, as I can easily foresee.

    What will happen to the structures, the megacities, the industrial belts of the 3rd Density? What will happen to 3rd Density populations (80%)? Well, most 3rd Density souls will die en masse, unable to adjust to the too high frequencies of 4th Density, while others who may survive will continue to behave in polarity games and dreadfully sinful, sensate ways. 3rd Density subworlds will be in sorry states altogether.

    It is most likely that the badly damaged cities and towns, with so many dead people scattered in their homes and buildings and streets, will become ghost towns & cities eventually. In the long run, there will cease to be 3rd density peoples and societies here, so those communities will be taken back by forests and become canopies for Earth. They will become promising archaeological sites most likely, and excellent sites for future tourism.

    So who cares about the World War III and Empire madness of the Dark Adepts? Only the very dense, polarized 80% of our population now will be so scared of all the madness. 3rd Dimensional history is now drawing to a close, and way decades from now they will comprise the tales that the future parents and teachers will narrate to the higher density children.

    Carpe diem! Good luck to you in your Path!

    from a channeler prince akkiko... http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message756548/pg6


    Re: THE SUN IS ABNORMAL. WHAT'S WRONG??? Now NASA speaks - updated April 2, 2009


    The ELITE knows what is happening with the sun for they are informed by their people in NASA. This is one of the reasons why they stop trading and manufacturing resulting into market downfall. They have lost their desire and enthusiasm to go on with their businesses, and they are actually funding a massive spaceship for their escape. They will bring with them many people that they can enslave after the disaster. The great seed vault is an evidence of their greatest conspiracy.

    I am warning these ELITE, you cannot escape the great wrath of the Lord. If you think you can inherit the earth after all these things happened, sorry for you for your spaceship and yourselves will just disintegrate in space due to massive solar heat. Be reminded that it was already decreed that only the meek and humble will inherit the earth. Thank you for the seed vault anyway.

    The Geneva project which you wish to utilize in manipulating the universe baffles your mind now and soon it will bring disagreement among you. You cannot just utilize a man-made apparatus to capture the incoming massive planet on our way. Your ally, the old communist empire will be able to improve that technology and will create a laser gun that will make you disintegrate. Leave Geneva now while there is time to avoid the accident which will destroy you.

    Returning back to the sun, you ELITE knows the real reason behind its behavior, but because of your selfishness you do not want to disclose the truth for fear of loosing your slaves. You even dug your hole beneath the earth, which may likewise your grave. You will be drowned in the churning water. Your steel, your iron, your clay - cannot resist the force and all that you build is your grave. You ELITE do not know your Creator your God, for your money is your god and your hope is your gold.

    The warning is coming, you have little time to amend yourself. Go back to your senses and worship only the One True God.
    Quoting: Prince Akkiko

    This is the Russian perspective on earth changes. Hard facts that are going unreported in America. The atmospheres of the planets are changing. Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres.

    For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.

    Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere

    Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep
    layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

    And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.

    Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked
    increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between its moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently..

    And the planets are having a change in their fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is
    changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.

    Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles
    were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty
    big changes.

    The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes.

    Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975 On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely.

    For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973.

    Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993

    Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it - have increased by 410 percent.

    The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901

    There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the
    overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.

    More than just Earth Changes

    So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher.

    The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent

    Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The
    heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're traveling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.

    The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical
    units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy
    that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.

    Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar System.

    And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic.

    This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.

    And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time.

    All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

    In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are pushed slightly farther away from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually expand in terms of their physical size.


    What's Happening to the Sun?
    Could its unusual behavior herald a new ice age?
    By Laurie J. Schmidt Posted 01.27.2009 at 11:26 am 23 Comments

    The First Cycle 24 Sunspot: NOAA

    For about 50 years from roughly 1650 to 1700, the Sun took a break from its typical sunspot activity. That phase of solar rest coincided with what we now refer to as "The Little Ice Age" -- a period of cooling on the Earth that resulted in bitterly cold winters, particularly in Europe and North America. Scientists attribute the Little Ice Age to two main causes: increased volcanic activity and reduced solar activity.

    Could it happen again? And are we headed there now?

    The term "solar activity" refers collectively to sunspots, solar flares, and solar eruptions. Together, these phenomena make up the "space weather" that alters interactions between Earth and its atmosphere, causing potential disruptions to satellites, communications systems, and power grids. Varying levels of solar activity also cause significant changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, which can affect the weather and climate on Earth.

    Solar cycles, which last an average of 11 years, are driven by the number, size, and placement of sunspots -- cooler, darker spots on the Sun's surface where intense magnetic activity occurs -- on the Sun's surface. Each cycle is marked by a solar minimum and a solar maximum, meaning the approximate time in the cycle when the least and greatest amounts of solar activity occurred. During the solar minimum, sunspot activity diminishes, and during the maximum greater numbers of sunspots appear. As one cycle winds down and another begins, sunspots from both cycles can be seen simultaneously.

    By late 2007, Solar Cycle 23, which began in 1996, was decaying to low activity levels, and NOAA forecasters predicted that Solar Cycle 24 would begin in March 2008, plus or minus six months. Indeed, the new cycle's first sunspot appeared in January 2008 -- its high-latitude location a clear sign that it was part of the new solar cycle. But in the months that followed, there was a marked decrease in sunspot activity, spawning questions about whether we could be headed into another little ice age.

    "Everything we're seeing now we've seen the Sun do before, and it still went on to produce a normal solar cycle," said Doug Biesecker, physicist at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.

    After a nine-month lull in solar activity, a batch of five sunspots appeared beginning on October 31, 2008, four of which belonged to the new cycle. And according to Biesecker, so far this year, two sunspots appeared for a total of four days -- one was a Cycle 23 sunspot and one a Cycle 24. "You always get lots of days with no sunspots, and at solar minimum you almost always see sunspots from the new cycle at the same time you're still seeing sunspots from the old cycle. This overlap phase can be just a few months, but it can be as long as two years," he said.

    Biesecker says that the longer Cycle 23 drags out, the more we will hear about how the Sun is going quiet. "If you go back to the early 1950s, that solar minimum was very similar to the one we're going through right now," he said. "But it was followed by the largest solar cycle on record. So just because the Sun is quieter than it's been in awhile doesn't really tell us where it's going to be in the future."

    Tom Woods, Associate Director for Technical Divisions at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), concurs. "Typically during a solar minimum you will have one or two months with no sunspots, so what we saw in 2008 is typical of most solar cycles," he said.

    But Woods points out that there are other indications, aside from sunspot activity, that Cycle 24 may be different. First, the magnetic field at the Sun's poles is about 40 percent lower than it normally is at solar minimum. "If you look at the last time the polar field was that weak, it goes back to the early 1800s during a time called the Dalton Minimum, when we had a low solar activity cycle," he said. The Dalton Minimum lasted from about 1790 to 1830 and coincided with a period of lower-than-average global temperatures.

    In addition, Woods says that the solar wind speed is currently lower than normal. But does this mean there will be a big change in the solar cycle? "We don't really know, but we're waiting and watching," he said. "This new cycle could be anomalously low or it could be normal."

    Although Cycle 23's 12-year length (it began in 1996) isn't outside the normal range, it might help explain why Cycle 24's activity level is low. Biesecker points out that, based on the previous 22 solar cycles, researchers now know that the longer the previous cycle, the lower the next cycle will be in terms of activity. "So we're definitely edging into that territory now," he said.

    According to Woods, even a smaller solar cycle could induce some cooling on Earth. "Not enough to offset the greenhouse gas global warming effect," he said, "but enough to potentially slow it down for a few years." The solar cycle's effect on global temperatures is only about 1/10 of a degree, whereas the greenhouse effect over the past 30 years has been about a full one degree change, Woods said.

    Even so, Woods says it's unlikely that we're headed into a "Little Ice Age" scenario. "It's probably unlikely that we will go into a phase where we don't have any sunspot activity for 50 years. We can't eliminate the possibility, but I would say the probability is not high," he said.

    "For that to happen, we would have to see no pickup in the Cycle 24 sunspots, but we're seeing a reasonable amount of new activity," said Biesecker. "There is no model we're aware of that can predict that we're going into an ice age -- it's an actual physical limitation of our current understanding."  

    20 Apr 2009 @ 06:49 by Ref: Mr. E.J. Ekker @ : Prince Julian M. Tallano
    Yes, the Elites knows what is coming in the year 2012, as they have inside knowledge, but for us bottom feeders who are being distracted, we will lose our asses, as only those who will go under ground will perhaps make it...and since most is us are too ignorant and stupid to not understand what is coming in Year 2012, most of us think all of this financial meltdown is by accident, but it is not a accident, it is just a few months late in coming out of the closet. As we get closer to year 2010, some governments will realize that this financial mess is not going to become corrected as they expected, but that it will get worst than what they assumed, told to them by their so-called experts. For those of us who know better, it is best to just do your own think, as you cannot help others to open their eyes, if they do not want to see. Better to just ignor the negative looks from others and not preach, do not try to explain, just understand that YEAR 2012 is coming up fast. While I pull the leg of Mr. EJ Ekker and needle him on this forum, He had the opportunity to do something, but He screwed it up!!!!. One of the former posters named NOEL, sort of lost his way and got all concerned to uncopver the mysteroes of the underground caves under the township/city where He is living in the Philippines and after that, He just left this forum, perhaps He felt that the Filipino people would never get what late President Marcos promised to give to the Philippine people from his last Will from President Marcos. It is said that there were provisions in that last Will that would have left the majority of the marcos estate and wealth to the People of the Philippines, but what ever happened to that wealth as the people sure as hell are still living in poverty and cannot eat three meals a day, unless it is to eat grass. I feel sorry that the Filipinos became screwed out of that Legacy but the problem is that there were just too few people in the Philippines that had the guts and the balls to stand up and speak up, to claim what had been allociated to the Filipino people by FM. This guy Mr. EJ Ekker is full of shit, as he claims that He controls 40% of the assets of the Tallano-Acop foundation that claimed ownership to the 617,500 metric tons of gold. Mr. Ekker says that He controls that 40% as the head honcho, as he paid about $500.00 to register a paper company back in the State of Nevada, that was registered prior to the time Mr. Ekker and his wife Doris, came to the Philippines to arm twist who they thought was the real Prince Tallano, the alleged Heir of the Tallano clan. Little did Mr and Mrs Ekker know, that the guy they assumed was the real Prince, was later discovered to not be a Prince at all, and it was also said that the investigation done by the National Police Agency or NBI in the Philippines was said that this guy was an imposter. OK, now Mr. Ekker claimed that he took his and his wife social security money or money that belongs to the Global Alliance Investment Association aka GAIA, as Mr. Ekker cannot recall it seem as to where the money came from, that he tool the money to pay for the registration there in the Philippines, the same idential named corproation that He himself had already registered back in the State of Nevada, USA. So Mr. Ekker admitted that He paid to have a strange bunch of people, who were two persons that were alleged to be Attorney At law who turned out not to be laters, then another guy who was alleged to be a Engineer, who turned out to be some distant relative to late President Marcos, then the imposter, who was the fake Prince Tallano, so Mr. Ekker admits that He had all of those people registered as being true and honest to the Philippine Security and Exchange Commission or SEC and as it was later proven, this was a sham, as the SEC failed to dissolve that registration based on the scam or the fraud. Then Mr. Ekker tried to kick Prince Tallano out of the bed, told him never to come back, so then Mr. Ekker changed the name of the alleged foundation, which is really just another made in Philippine Inc, as a corproation that they pass off as a real Foundation. Mr. Ekker changed the name of the foundation so He could now perhaps claim to own all of the land in the Philippines or most of it, as He and that fake Engineer named Cenon Marcos, well they both wrote up a very impressive alleged history of the real land title as to who owns the majoroty of the Philippines, and HOLY SHIT, it turns out now that Mr. Ekker will perhaps own 40% of the land and real estate plus He claims to own 40% of teh 617,500 metric tons of gold, plus His buddy or his business associate is a Star Ship Fleet Commander on their way to planet Earth and Mr. Ekker wants to TAKE OFF before the shit hits the fan before Year 2012. So it would seem that if Mr. Ekker only gets 40% of the gold or all of the gold and gets a free ride on the space ship, then He will have to leave behind the 40% ownership of the land in the Philippines. But Mr. Ekker knows, that He could not have everything, He just wanted to claim most of it, but He said that He will not take me on board, as He perhaps knows I would drink up all of the beer or eat the inventory of cashew nuts on the star ship, but Hell, they say that Jesus is also on board the star ship and a lot of other great guys, Gee I really hate to miss out on all of those future events. I do think the Aliens will get upset when they learn that Mr. Ekker does a lot of farting, in passing gas and while I think their ships air pollution control can overcome this problem, they may end up having Mr. Ekker to have to suit up in a space suit and communicate with him by thought wave and if He bitches too much, then will ask him to step outside...the space craft and then Mr. Ekker will seen the international communication symbols as SAYONARA....displayed....in large flashing symbols...and the whole ship will cheer as the gas man left the building....  

    20 Apr 2009 @ 10:29 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : GLOBERT GARCIA


    20 Apr 2009 @ 20:21 by allan diggle @ : Knight
    Your link above only brings me to a site with your username but no password  

    21 Apr 2009 @ 00:31 by ref: Who is GLOBERT GARCIA @ : Flordeliza T. Sta Romana
    HEY, HEY wake up people..When someone is sucking us in to log into the blog as this seems to be the case, then they are perhaps your e-mail listing and then they send out their SPAM to say all of your confidential e-mail associates, so never fall for this type of scan. Now what the hell does this guy claim in that he is what, the real holder of Flordeliza Sta Romana. Does that imply that he has her tied up on a chair or what? And is this yet another scam using the name of GARICA or what, since MR. S. Garcia Sta Romana name included the name of Garcia inside of his name? Gee, why not, I still have a little room left on my wall to place a few more pictures of any person thought to be a con man or a scammer. I originally had just a large section of one wall devoted to the PHILIPPINES, but that became so large I had to use the front of the bath room door for the overflow. So who is this GLOBERT GARCIA? Do you have his passport picture so I can download it and start up a file on him and his playmates? What does he claim, can you explain whatever he has told you or told someone else? When you say He is holding the woman Flordeliza, what does that really mean? And which Flordeliza is He holding, as there seems to be more than one of them? I heard that one of the fake Liza StaRomana woman was almost killed, as there were some reports that someone sprayed her house with what was said to be a machine gun, maybe she pissed off the wrong people?? There is another woman who built the Chapel and who has been a hard worker and seems to be a good woman, expect she also became involved with some undesirable charters and she accepted advance money in that she claimed that MR. S. Garcia Santa Romana was her biological father, but she could never prove it with any legal documents. When I started to make inquires, it was said that all of the essential documents went up in smoke, from some unexplained fire at the place where the city documents were maintained. It seems that has been the excuse used by MR. E.J. Ekker when He was making mentioned that his buddy He thought was Prince Julian M. Tallano, was able to claim the 617,500mt of gold that was leased to the Philippuines, based on the fact that somehow somewhere someone was able to locate a alleged certified copy of the former alleged court documents that was also destroyed in that other fire, and somehow, the Judges of the Courts in the Philippines who must have had glass eyeballs, approved the copy and the Judge accepted the COPY as being now accep[ted as the ORIGINAL and HOLY SHIT, but then the contents of that LOST RECORD is now being upheld by the courts in the Philippines as the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH< SO HELP THEM GOD and so, I love the old records, and I use to sit around with my mates and someone would read out loud, the transcripts where Rev. Father Jose Antonio DIAZ aka S. Garcia Santa Romana, tells the Judge and that old court, that somehow President Marcos was able to mopve out of the vault 30,000 metric tons of gold, pack it all up in wooden crates and then loaned it onto truck and make the trip to the airport and the airplanes lifted out 30,000 metric tons of gold... AND THEN the Court asked MR. Diaz, and Sir, How long did it take to complete that difficult task.....and Rev. FAther Diaz was said to have stated, all within one day Sir......I JUST LOVE that part of the transcript.....I sure wished that KNIGHT ARCANE could figure some way to extract some of the previous postings He had made at the previous Ming forum site we called SANTA ROMAN and repost those calculations here at this new site, as KNIGHT ARCANE did some good estimates as to how many trees had to be killed to make those wood fro that many wooden crates and how many aircraft the Philippines has to have to lift out 30KMT of gold....and it is so funncy that the Court accepted that BULLSHIT story, the Judge must have been sleeping iot off and the rival Attorney must have been stone deaf in both ears to have accepted that BULLSHI, but this is a typical example as the JUDGE REYES who upheld that old copy to be acceptable to the court, later on ended up being the Attorney for MR. E.J. Ekker, the man who was the one that said He was holding the real Prince Tallano...only to find out the Prince was an imposter, so the Prince was what, a TOAD insetad of a real Prince. Gee, maybe this guy GLOBERT GARCIA is also holding a female version of a Toad and he could be warts from messing with the wrong Flordeliza, as I heard that the real Flordeliza eatys frogs for breakfast without cooking them, but that is perhaps a myth created by one of those fake Flordeliza woman or by that other woman named Loretta E. Laurel over in Spain. I mean, the Japanese eat seafood while the poor creature is still jumping around on the plate and in fear of the God damn wooden chopsticks and then into the mouth of the hungry Japanese...but I would not think that a Filipino woman would eat a frog/toad without cooking it, not for breakfast. Gee, even those guys in BC smoke their meat and road kill, I think... Anyhow lets do some DD on this GLOBERT GARCIA and see what He is holding, OK?  

    21 Apr 2009 @ 03:09 by Noel Achas @ : Visit Asia Finest Discussion Forum
    Visit Asia Finest Discussion Forum and post something.

    21 Apr 2009 @ 04:15 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : globert garcia
    THANKS NOEL for spreading this discussion into another forum site, that will be very mappreciated. the truth is not 200K Mt but only 5000 MT that were lent to Dubai for establishing their onw central bank and Sta Romana was the head honcho and co signatory of that lending to dubai./

    about the link to the picture of globert garcia who claim to be another relative and has access to flor deliza sta romana, I post his picture to my blogsite and jut clik the link below, i guess the man wearing a blue short jeans was globert


    21 Apr 2009 @ 08:48 by Red, GLOBERT GARCIA @ : Flordeliza Santa Romana
    1, OK, I looked at the above LINK and all I see is a Group of people standing around and nothing else, so what the hell is this Group to be representing, can you better explain this PHOTO to us KNIGHT ARCANE? 2, OK, I also see a black puppy or is that a cat in the photos, so do we have to do DD on the animal or just these humans? 3, My dog ran away, chasing some bitch dog that was in heat, end of my dog, I hope he is happy humping away some place. I sure miss my dog. 4, I also did not see any beer in this Photo, so what is this a clan that does not drink beer, or were they all there to welcome I guess the new born baby, so is the last name of his new baby also to be another Garcia? 5, I lik NOEL ACHAS, he has a good brain and I always felt he had balls and the guts and would perhaps make a damn good leader in the Philippines, but then He became disappointed that no one was helping the poor 85 Million fellow Filipinos who were living in such poverty. 6, VIETNAM also has about 86 Million people, they were also living in poverty until the Russian oil companies came to their countries and made a proposal. The Russian said to VIETNAM, let us drill for oil and if there is no oil, we the Russians will lose and you owe us nothing. To the Vietnam officials this was a no risk proposal and then say PLEASE and that is how it all started, now Vietnam is a major oil producer and they have a long time business relationship with the Russians and they now build a very large oil refinery that goes on line this month and I was invited to go there, but could not spare the time. My point is that the Philippines or their people have vast resources but how much of that wealth is distributed to the poor people? And what will the future hold for the many thousands of overseas Filipinos that will be forced to lose their overseas employments in much larger numbers in September of 2010. All of those hard working overseas workers were the ones that were able to bring in the foreign reserves to help support a lot of the expenses of the Philippines, now that will be cut down, reduced and things will get worst and worst. I just do not understand how the Prince Julian Tallano people at that Estate had done nothing to transfer the ownership of 40,000 metric tons of the 180,000 metric tons of gold to the ownership of the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES? ALl of those documents had been signed and approved by the Sulu Sultanate side as a peaceful settlement to perserve that Legacy for the People of the Philippines, but it seems that some bad guys who wantyed to be KING and take control of the Tagean and Tallano Estate, decided the HELL with the Filipinos, that their CEO wanted 80,000 metric tons for himself, as his bonus. None of this is a fabricated as all of what is being posted can be supported even by the statements of the foreigners who took control over the corproation that is called a foundation. The SEC is to blame for their own failure to have conducted any investigation or performed any DD and some would think that maybe there are more people with glass eyes, that are not all Judges in that country. Anyhow who is this man GLOBERT GACIA, so lets find out what HE claims as HOLY SHIT, maybe he is holding the real Flordeliza or whatever the hell he is said to be claiming. IO have not seen any evidence of anything He was claiming so I assume that KNIGHT ARCANE must have received a telephone call or better yet, some e-mail exchange with this man, for this man to have made whatever the hell claim he was said to have made concerning this woman named Flordeliza Santa Romana. So, if Mr. GLOBERT GARCIA has any friends who can read and write, then please come forward and post your own comments here at Ming, we always have room for a few more...but please bring some cashew nuts and a few cases of beer, I will bring the ice.  

    22 Apr 2009 @ 06:26 by Noel Achas @ : Thanks too
    Thanks for the correction Sir Knight Arcane. I posted that in a Philippine Gov. forum some three years ago. I already forgot where I got the figures. Now, a certain Shambhalista pick it up and posted at Asia Finest. Feel free to give your corrections there. Here's another one:

    Todd, thanks for disclosure project. You know CE's (close encounters) and subterranean structures very well more than anyone else.  

    22 Apr 2009 @ 10:07 by Ref: Jose A. Diaz Holographic last Will @ : Judges with glass eyeballs and bearman
    To NOEL, actually I know a little anout nothing and something about nothing but I actually know something about what you mentioned, however I rather not get into it on a open forum as this. And to the bear man, I know that you think the recovery taking too long, but you have to udnerstand that the Pope is sometimes a slow mover, but President Obama is a faster person and former President Clinton is also a good man and actually the Busg administration achieved notable success in boosting American support for the fight ahainst AIDS overseas, it cut the death toll from AIDS 10 percent in 12 African countries but for bear man, He perhaps does not know that the average American knows nothing of the growing numbers for AIDS inside the USA and to a truck driver with a Chinese mate, He perhaps does not give a damn about AIDS, he just wants to know when AID will come to him and the Chinese man, but you have to know that most of the banks are really zombie banks, they have no assets other than shit paper that they count as being worth something, so the Jesuits and the WB and UN and IRC and others are soon to become the support team and WIN THE FOOTBALL GAME that is soon to start. I seen that President Obama is smart, He is going to spend $45 million to try to wake up the American people to understand that AIDS is not just over in Africa, Hell it is right inside their own country. I still cannot figure out why those former CEOs and top management at the CITI BANK kepted their heads in the sand box and why they did not buy the gold bullion that could have saved the asses of their shareholders. Then I could not understand why the hell the US Treasury Secretary decided to spent the American taxpayers money for toxic paper assets from the zombie banks and not buy the gold at the 50% discount, so the White House could have then ordered the U.S> Mint to met the damn gold down into new GOLD COINS...hell if President Obama want to tell the whole world that the United States was making a recovery, then to someone like me who is not very smart, I sure as hell would be damn impressed when the USA was minting millions of new gold coins. But this time, they should think of something new, like put out a series of gold coins, like pay honor to the Nobel price Winners and make it a serious of say 40, 50 or hell 100 or 150 different gold coins so collectors would gobble them up as fast as the US Mint could produce them, then the profits stays in AMERICA and is returned to the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS. I heard that the gold offer was now being made to some Royal Prince since the US Treasury who was the second buyer never jumped in to secure that from last year. Sometimes I think that there is something drastically wrong when there was a good solution for the new WHITE HOUSE to have obtain, as instead of paying out the taxpayers money for high risks bank owned toxic debts, it seems that someone is failing to use the brains that God issued to all of us...as the taxpayers money to go to PURCHASE the gold bullion at the special 50% discount and then mint the U.S. Gold coins with some decent looking design. The Chinese make fantastic gold coins and as soon as CHINE mints the gold coins, they are purchased immediately by collectors and hidden in some safe place. With my damn luck, I perhaps would bury my gold coins too close to the ocean water line, then the ice caps would melt, and the level oft eh water would come up and I would not be able to find the damn gold coins, then some day some guy in year 2098 will be in the water, looking around and find the gold coins and since he knew they had no value, He continues to swim looking for SEA SHELLS, as in the year 2098 they are using SEA SHELLS as currency....and now everyone lives back in the ocean like fish, where we were said to come from in the first place. Gee, I better go and see if my pile of sea shells is still intacked and them think of sitting down and writing my LIVING WILL or else go and buy some more cold beer.........I will go and get the beer, then hell with having a LAST WILL, as look what happened to that man named Jose Antonio Diaz aka S.G. Sta Romana, He wrote out his handwritten last will and it looks like he was drunk when he wrote it out, but people say he was about to die and I then found out when I was drunk one night and looked at it again, HOLY SHIT I could ready it without any problem, so I think DIAZ was shit faced when he wrote it, but then I cannot prove that...just that if some Judge ever compaints he cannot read the damn Last Will of DIAZ, I will give the Judhe a bottle of good whisky and a shot glass and I bet after 8 shots, He will read it out lound like it was a something He wrote himself....and perhaps after 15 shots me and the Judge can become mates and he will introduce me to some of the other Judges and they can pop out their glass eye ball, as I never seen one in my own hand, even when i was sober.  

    22 Apr 2009 @ 22:21 by To: Noel Achas @ : Prince Julian M. Tallano
    Are you aware Noel, that there is another forum here called NEW CIVILIZATION NEWS: ECONOMY THAT HEALS; CHALLENGE OF THE NEW EPOCH....you should read it and also be encouraged to post there as well. I will also try to post every day a special web site for people with good brains who are seeking to better understand WHAT, WHY and WHEN...so I will start from next week. I advise everyone to purchase a external hard drive and back up what you want to save, as soon all of us will find that the alleged power spikes and voltage surges, that will create serious problems to cause us to lose a lot, will also be wiping out a lot of electronic equipments as that is how it all will start slowely, to reduce the available of the INTERNET as it will be reduced. And more and more you will see that you cannot take your money out of the bank ATM Machines as Gee, there was something wrong in the bank software and GEE< they are soory for the inconvience and soon they will hope to fix the problem and again, these is all leading up to what will occur. When people like Noel can understand that having 18,000 different items floating around that contain almost 100% control over all electronic functions of just about anything, that HOLY SHIT if something just happened to bump into another spy in the sky and knocked it out, that Gee, that starts STAR WARS and all of this is expected in the near futuire and they will call it all a accident and ignor the killer machines that are also floating around up there, ready to start shooting down the other ducks. It pays also to have some good memory back up of say 1T or better to get 2T of your can afford it and download the hundreds of DVD, web sites, movies and whatever you want to save Noel, as most of that is all going to disappear and you will cry, when you find it is ALL GONE...but then you can prevent the tears, if you had safely stored everything on external hard drives and perserved the material, then at least you can sit back, with your laptop and download those publications and read and learn and realize that you are indeed smart as you had the external hard drive to save what you wanted.....and if you want to perserve and not use now, then secure the hard drive in a air tight conatiner then cover it with aluminun foil on the outside then locl it into metal box, but if you are really smart, you will also make CD-ROMS as downloads as something to work from, as most data on a hard drive perhaps will only last 5-years but on a CD-ROM it is said to last 18 to 20 years, so perhaps in 5-years you can reload your HD from the CD-ROMS and gain a extra 5-years and hope you are down deep underground Noel, as the SHIT is going to hit the fan blades for Mother Earth in year 2012 as you are aware, or else we are all to become more smarter and gain advanced knowledged as we enter into a new time frame....well, I think the SHIT is going to hit the Earth and I hope I am wrong but at least I will try to perserve something to read while I am underground waiting and waiting for at least 3 years for the dust to settle, but to be on the safe side, I would like to wait 5-years to be more certain. However it will depend upon how long I can keep producing making my own beer, then drinking my own urine, then making more beer with the urine and dooing a lot of other weird things to remain alive. I want to be around when all of the Elites come out of their shelters and barter with them, as while they may have the God damn gild, I will have something even better....sea shells...  

    23 Apr 2009 @ 04:43 by Ref: The big Party with the ETs-Aliens @ : Mr. E. J. Ekker
    Gee, every God damn time I make a little fund out of Mr. E.J. Ekker and his Star Ship Fleet Commander, I get some bery nasty e-mail and that does not bother me, as I know there are a lot of morons out there, but I have two complaints, well I have over 380 complaints, but two per day is all I care to cross off my long list. First of all, I disagree with the theory that someone could travel back in time and change the Past or alter the past events. The toher thing would be as to the real cause of Alzheimers Disease. I said it before and will say it again, there is a strong indicating that people that continue to expose themselves to aluminium adsorption will perhaps all end up as vegetables, with Alzheimers disease. Anyone who wants to keep their brain working so they can remember if they took a shit or not or to remember who the hell they are while the are unable tor emember anything, had been thinking of ways to increase the calcium and magnesium intake as I do, as drinking beer out of Aluminum cans is not very smart, if later on you lose your mind. Now I love beer, but I do not want to lose my God damn mind over drinking it out of Aluminum cans, so I am not given anyone any medical advice or making any suggestion, except to say that DRINKING TOO MUCH BEER FROM EVEN a lot of aluminum cans is perhaps not very good for your brain.....People who think that Satillities are safe up in empty space, should first understand that SPACE IS NOT EMPTY at all...as it is filled with protons and other particles from the solar wind etc. Now I will perhaps have all sorts of nut cases telling me that there cannot be any wind in outer space or that it is empty...just like their brains are. I think people like KNIGHT ARCANE and Noel Achas have working brains and understand about UFOs and that they the sure as hell do exist, but why is it so many of them appeared over around Washington,D.C> instead of coming to the Philippines. I mean if you read the web site article at http://ww.unicus-magazine.com and learn of so many UFOs floating around, were they thinking that Mr. E.J. Ekker and his wife Doris Eller were in that region, had those UFOs come to pick up the EKKERS and take some of their cult followers on a nice trip....and perhaps pick up whatever gold bullion that CEO Ekker was able to claim from the Federal Reserve and or the US Treasury for his claim that He somehow holds control over the old Peru gold bond? Or perhaps those UFOs had nothing to do with Mr. And MRs Ekker and were there to perhaps wake up those Congressional leaders who were busy looking at their window think how nice it would be to get the hell out of Washington and go duck hunting, or goes overseas on some speaking tour and get paid for speaking to a room full of people, who were smoking cuban cigars and drinking straight whisky....so why do those UFOs show up? And for the rest of us, always be careful when you in the underground as there are lots of weird looking type of Aliens or ETs and I been wanting to send to Noel, the web site on the various classifications and finally found it. According to this report from eyewitness reports, the descriptions of highly intelligent extraterrestrial species visting our plant include 15 humanoid species, including three Geys, two additional exotic mannal-like species, two reptile-like species, one birld-like species, one amphibian-like species, one insect-like species and one amoeba-like species. Gee now this group sounds like it would be a wild party to be sitting around with about 300 cases of beer and making a VIDEO TAPE and watching how they drink the deer down, so of course I would have to write to the United nations and get to use their credit card as I would be conducting this as a business expense and I am not a greedy man, I just want to have immunity that none of these Ets will want to eat me or any of my mates, that they will not engage us into any of their sexual activities and that they will help clean up the area after we finish the party. I would perhaps be concerned they may have wanted to eat my dog, but since he ran off, he has to arrange his own immunity himself as this is a dog eat dog situation. The wen site is garyopit@bigpond.com  

    23 Apr 2009 @ 12:33 by Noel Achas @ : Ok Sir Todd
    Some scientists here believe that there would be a change in the EMF when the Earth hits the central gravitational plane of our galaxy by 2012. Change in the Earth's EMF, Electromagnetic Field, might also bring... change in species.  

    24 Apr 2009 @ 04:05 by Ref. Who is Globert Garcia ??? @ : PUBLIC NOTICE for time traveellers...
    This is more of a upcoming dimensional shift Noel. I think you should read some articles by Will Hart on the base13 theory of the Mayan calendar and you will learn that we bottom feeders have been deceived by the Elite when they suppressed and it is not onky the elite rules but also is part of the conspiract of the relugions of Western society to such an extent that the whole world calendar and, consequently, all of our lives are governed by our dysfuncttional and arbitary linear calendar. Our current calendar sucks, as it does not redict or record important cyclic events in our solar system, like the Mayan cycles culminating in the alignment of our solar system with the galactic centre in 2012 that is coming to us, if we like it or not. The elites have brainwashed all of us by telling us the Number 13 was the unlucky number. I fully understand what you are talking about Noel, you perhaps think like someone who sent me a nasty e-mail this AM, that said I was NUTS....as He said he knew that the past can be altered by anyone who traveled back in time, as Hwe went to college and He received all B plus and lots of A in his passing grade. Well, maybe his teacher had a glass eye or maybe the teacher was not qualified as many people who claim they know and understand the laws of quantum physics, cannot seem to understand the weirdness inherent in the very theory of the laws of quantium physics. As you know Noel, Quantum theory allows time travel because nothing prevents the waves from going back in time. But Einstein theory or that the paradoxes implied by Einstein equations never arise. Waves that travel back in time interfer destructively, thus preventing anything from happeninng differently from that which has already taken place. While some solution to the equations of Einstein general theory of reativity lead to sitiations in which space-time curves back in itself, theiretically allowing travellers to loop back in time and meet younger version of themselves. But the truth is that if you travel into the past, quantun merchanically, you would only see those alternative consistent with the world you left behind you. This was from physicists Karl Svozil of the Vienna University in Austria, a country with damn good beer. Anyhow Noel, did you get your list of classifications of ET Species or not, A good paper that was presented titled A Biological Guide to Extraterrestrials: A Classification basedon Contact Accounts was presented at the third Australia UFO Conference, Brisbane, do you need a copy? Then some other guy writes in and say that is not Globert Garcia in that phots, but a man by another name?????So I took another look at the Photos and Hell, there are lots of males in the Photo, so which one is not GLOBERT GARICA and which one or any of those guys do you know and can you share anything that you do know, unless this is you Mr. Globert GARCIA WHO WANTS TO SAY THAT IT IS NOT A PHOTO OF YOU, OR IS THIS PHOTO OF YOU, AND YOUR NAME IS REALLY NOT GLOBERT GARCIA.....??? So many questions and such few answers,  

    25 Apr 2009 @ 23:47 by Mr. Globert Garcia @ : Flordeliza Sta Romana
    OK, so it seems that this man, alleged to be named FLOBERT GARCIA claims to be a family friend of a woman he calls as Flordeliza Sta Romana and He calims that He has seen bank documents from her father, who is said to be Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana. OK< so the KEY WORDS that keeping jumping out is the word GARCIA.......and this man is named GARCIA and he claims that he is holding the daughter of Mr. StaRomana...so maybe he should let her go and not hold her...but I assume that what he means, is that He is representing his version of Flordeliza as He contacted someone else with his e-mails and He claimed that Flordeliza could not have issued any Power of Attorney to anyone, because...her father never left any Last Will? Now that seems like a strange thing to say..as everyone knows that maybe Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana is not known to have signed any such documents to be called a LAST WILL, tjhen Gee, this Mr. Globert GArcia would be correct. I eman He is stating a fact, being that Mr. S. GArcia Sta Romana of that specific name, was not know to have left any such documents before He dies, that could be classified as being his LAST WILL. That would mean that whoever this Mr. Globert Garcia is holding, cannot produce any Last Will from her father, whoever He was, so what is it that this Mr. Globert Garcia is claiming, as if there is no Last Will and He is a family mber ir a friend of the family of this alleged real Flordeliza, then what is it that his Flordeliza has, other than some old bank documents that she assumes belong to her father, who is said to be the man known as S. Garcia Sta Romana? OK, now I have to get another cold beer and a hot dog.....and another can of cashew nuts. OK, so now this Mr. Globert Garcia seems to be holding on to some one that He claims is the real Flordeliza, so apparently there are two or three different Flordeliza and we have to find out which one he is holding on to? There is the woman who has a lot of bullet holes in her house, as it was said that someone sprayed her home with a machine gun. WHile I am unable to confirm that report, it seems that there are two woman both using the name of Flordeliza Sta Romana that live within the same region there in the Philippines. Now I would suggest to you Mr. Globert Garcia that if you are holding that woman who attracted the machine gun, that you better let her go and sort of communciate with her from like 62 meters away. just to be on the safe side. However if you are holding on to the other different Flordeliza Sta Romana that runs the foundation and the Christian Chapel and teaches the Bible and lives where that man named S. Garcia Sta. ROmana use to live, and if you are holding on to that woman, then you perhaps have the right Flordeliza, as her father also whow as said to be a man who also did not sign any holographic last Will either, at least I can see that the holo Last Will was signed by someone else, named Joses A. Diaz, not Sta Romana. Again, I am confuded what you mean about holding the REAL Flordeliza, as if you have the real one, then the other ones must be imposters, right? OK< now lets say we have two or more woman with thes ame first name of Flordeliza and you are holding the real one...so can you please provide some documents, some proof or a passport of teh real Flordeliza woman you are holding Mr. Garcia? Did your Flordeliza have any bothers or sisters? Was she married? How old is she? Dies she drink beer? And is she still above ground? Are you representing her in a legal capacity or just holding her arm or what? Speaking about arms, what every happened to that alleged granddaughter of Mr. S. GArcia Sta Romana, who was said to have a electronic chip inserted into her arm or was it into her ass, I cannot remember, that she could wiggle her ass or maybe it was that she could wave her arm, and UNLOCK the vault that contained the wealth of Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Gee, I wished someone could update us on that tale. I would recommend that Mr. Globert Garcia also grab that allege Granddaughter arm and hold her as well, but then you have to be careful of her husband, as He perhaps does not apprecoate anither man to manhandle his wife. However if you explain to him Mr. Garcia that you are also holding on to the real Flordeliza and that she and this Granddaughter are perhaps related in some way, then maybe the husband will allow you to hold on to his wife, if your wear thick gloves as He does bnot want you to feel up his wife, that is his job. So we will wait for Mr. Globert Garcia to come out and post something here at this Ming forum, or else we have to assume that you are full of bullshit Mr. Garcia and that you are not holding anything other than you penis in your hand.  

    26 Apr 2009 @ 07:00 by Ref: Globert Garcia @ : Drinking your own urine could save life
    Ok, again you state that the man in that photo is not named Globert Garcia and I simply asked you to send me a picture of the REAL Globert Garica and you said you could not that, but did not explain why? Look, this person who claims to be Globert Garcia created a blog and someone posted that photo on that blog and I was just stating that a photo has no meaning to me, as hell no one is even drinking beer in that photograph, so do not try to piss on my leg and tell me it is raining. I think that is what my dog use to do, but He did it to sort of I get pissed me off, or maybe I smell as bad as he did most of the time as both of us smelled like dead fish most of the time, or at least the dog did to me. I perhaps smelled to him for a place to mark his area, so He pissed on my show a couple of times and one time I thought I had spilled beer but NO, the SOB pissed on me as usually if I spilled any beer, He was their drinking it faster than I could. I sure miss that dog in some ways. So lets see, where that hell was I with this complaint...OH OK, you claim you know the real Globert Garcia....and that He is none of the persons shown in that photo. And that he is not involved with any claims for the Santa Romana Estate and everything I said was a lie. OK< lets back up, first of all this man who calls himself said that He is holding some lady named Flordelia StaRomana. He claims that He is a friend of her family. He claimed that He seen bank documents from her daddy, said to be Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana, but all of this is just his e-mail statements which someone downloaded to me, so I am just reading the damn e-mails and repeating what was said. OK, you said you know the real Globert Garcia and that woukld means that there was what, an imposter using the name of Globert Garcia or what? Usually I find there is at least two or three of the same persons like PEDRO P. Laurel, the alleged owner of the Bengal Trading Limited Company from the Isle of Man. I was also thinking, how come they do not have a Isle of Woman, that sounds like a fun place instead of being on a Isle of Man?? OK, so if you have the real Globert Garcia, are you holding him? Does he drink beer? I do not trust people who do not drink beer or wine or their own urine. Soon most of you had better to start to get serious and study about drinking your own Urine and learn that it can save your life as the near future is going to get very VERY BAD by 2011. It will be difficult to obtain medications and get medical treatment and by then, you had better have educated yourself about the benefits os recycling your own urine, it is not a joke at all. Your body is able to produce many importing substances of what your immune system needs, why piss it away? Go on line and type into YAHOO or Google search and read up and you will discover that your unine is much better for you than the damn drinking water you pour down your throat. The bad part is that it is not suitable if your penis is infected or about to fall off from your body, That would be a NO NO . It is maybe good or bad that some people will GET SMART and LEARN while the other fools will just die as they were too ignorant to understand about their own body and how the urine could help them. Insetad every time they piss, it is money down the drain...wasted...  

    26 Apr 2009 @ 12:24 by Noel Achas @ : Virus?
    This site seems infected by a virus or a virus that wants to get in. Always having trouble in accessing this site.  

    26 Apr 2009 @ 21:10 by Mr. Chi Tang @ : Voltage spikes and surges coming...
    Best thing to do is keep the search engine simple, like I just type in Ming the Merchanic, Comments and then it pops UP. I advise you to also take a closer look at http://www.majorgeek.com and get some of the improved Anti-virus software, it is FREE and stop using some of that older stuff as it is outdated. For the man with the photos of the big mother BEAR in the truch, please download and look at http://www.credence.org and something that you perhaps do not know about called laetrile or B17 which is the natural extract of the apricot kernel. I know you know about Essiac and I drink that makes me feel damn good most of the time, until I dare open the e-mail box and start reviewing all of the crap that people send to me of their documents and proposals and wanting me to share with them on some deal. Hell, I am interested in looking at the sun set, drinking beer and wanting to figure out how the DOTTO RING works and I bet that smart guy Noel, would understand it if he downloaded from http://www.keelynet.com/biology/dotto.htm as this was a U.S. Patent number 3,839,771 called Method for Constructing a Thermionic Couple Dotts Electronic Wand and it is a shame as they said the machines was intentionally destroyed because it cure something. I think the BC bear man would also find this of serious interest to his Dad. The next big problem you will have is from voltage spikes, surges and this is intentionally designed to well, wipe out millions of PC and get them out of operation, so BUY yourself a damn good SURGE PROTECTOR and not some off the shelf crap, get something damn good that will protect anything that is plugged into the outlets. If you do not have protection and the voltage spike burns out your computer or printer or external hard drive, then do not cry as water then gets into the damn thing and it stinks of the burning smell when something went wrong. The bursts can also wipe out the memory and really screw up your hard drive. All of this will be next, as they start shutting down the Internet slowely at first, then there will be the unannounced SUN SPOTS that cause the destruction and wiped out most of your electronic devices and it does not matter that you had evertthing TURNED OFF, hell that spike and those burts will just enter into your computer and make it into a toaster. Again, it is too late for tears...and as you may try to buy a replacement computer and find that the retail prices jumped up so high because of the public demand for replacement new computers, then you have to BEND OVER BACKWARDS and let them hump you and then remove your credit card and hump you over again and again...but you did not have the proper protection like Mr. Chi Tang when he goes out humping, He has protection, perhaps made out of sheep skin with little rubber tips that tickle the ladies and they like Mr. Tong as He sometimes buys them a good tasting hamburger and a cola...but never has he given them a double-burger with fries on the side YET.  

    28 Apr 2009 @ 00:52 by Ref: Philippine Con-men and woman @ : Letter of Intention aka LOI
    OK, there are so many scammers and con-men that are sucking in a lot of their victims using what I called bullshit documents, that makes the victim aka sucker, think he is dealing with professional brokers that work out of the Philippines. So against my better judgement, I have decided to waste more of my time and thus reduce my intake of beer and start posting some of the phony wording that is used by a lost of the scammer, so maybe if it is put up on the Internet, that they will have to avoid using a lot of their fabricated statements of their so-called contracts and agreements for buy and sell of gold, or whatever the hell they are claiming to have as BONDS, Securities or Bank holdings etc. Many con men claims to have some Letter of Intention or LOI that they try to included into their phony documents, so the truth is that under contract lawm the LOI can not become a contract as that LOI or Letter of Intent is just what it says, being a letter on INTENTION, that whoever issued the LOI, indended it to happen as he assumed it would happen, but that is NOT A CONTACT and cannot become part of any banking transaction, as the LOI itself has no real legal leg to stand up on. Usually the so-called Letter of Intention is fabricated and written by the Philippine con men and they sort of toss in a few extra names of their associates and to say that some locally registered named MADE IN THE PHILIPPINE foundation is to be named in the LOI....and or some person who is to become a relative or a heir is added in and they add in whatever they want, as the con men are creating this fraud and writing up the LETTER OF INTENTION to intend to screw some unsuspecting victim out of some money. The assholes aka as Philippine brokers are still indicating the usage of MT 543 in their documents, but that is not a liability on behalf of the Bank as back in 2003, that MT 543 was removed from the World of Banking, so those Filipinos better learn the updates and come out with something better than that bullshit. And all of this shit, where these Filipino brokers are able to claims that Billions of dollars will be paid out in some deal, must not realize that any time someone wants to move cash of over $500,000,000.00 will forced those funds to be blocked and investigated first, before the funds will be allowed to be made as a transfer as cash. Then those assholes include banking coordinates into their self created business agreements and they must be more than stupid, as banking coordinates are never conveyed in an agreement unless like in the settlement of the special assets under the caretaker of the man known as Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz, only then when the treasurer of that DNP Enterprise was to return back large encumbrances or grants or whatever it was called, like returning back something that was to be returned to some governments, banks and other organizations after the maturity time to be under a 50 year waiting period. BAKING COORDINATES are then allowed to be stated out in the open within legal Resolutions and agreements that have to first be confirmed by Apostille and Jurat protocol procedures and it is done, so the World Bank and the I.M.F. and the United Nations and those foreign counties and their governments knows and understand that the book keeper and treasurer of that D and P Enterprise which was the holding company for most all of the S. Garcia StaRomana known bank accounts and assets deposited into vaults, would be signed by the woman named Tarciana Rodriguez as she is the only one that could sign, after the former Attorney F. Marcos became deceased. That Attorney F. MArcos who was one of the Attorney appointed by Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka Rev. Fr. J.A. Diaz and as S.G. StaRomana, well after late President Marcos died, then all of the bank deposits and bullion that he tried to keep for himself, could then be released, recoverered and finally settled back to those other countries, their government , banks and to the VATICAN at Rome etc. After that late President Marcos became deceased, it was only then, that the false claims of the Japanese persons who represented that Loretta E. Laurel woman as shown in that Spain Immigration ID Card, could be now proven to be a fake, as she and her Law firms, have tried to claim to the UBS/AG for the release of the gold bullion for CODE 16 16 12 that they claimed belonged to Mr. Pedro P. Laurel. We all now know the truth, that Pedro P. Laurel, all three of them became deceased and none of them were entitled to embezzle the gold that belonged to Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana that was deposited under the control of the CODE JAD, meaning Jose A. Diaz. Mr. Diaz was the sole owner of that DNP Enterprise company which was the holding company, knowning as also the ENTERPRISE and which was the Umbrella that controlled almost all of the assets under the control of S.G. StaRomana. So we now can prove that the UBS/AG Bank has no right to be involved into any transactions to pay any money/gold to anyone concerning those Bengal Trading Limited 20-year gold warranity certificates, as the UBS was never the depository that was utilized for the storage of that gold bullion. The claims of that Pedro P. Laurel who worled for the late President Marcos of the Philippines, was just simply a way for Marcos to grab the gold for himself at the end of that 20 year waiting period. President Marcos sure fooled a lot of his own loyal Military Officers and men and staff, as He promised all of them to get some of the gold after the 20-year waiting period, but all they got was a false promise. They were also deceived and they cannot themselves claims anything unless they has a valid purpose and presented a feasibility project study and then applied for funds based on hummanitarian purposes, then perhaps they could obtain some funding from the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian Foundation or from the Santa Romana Church foundation or maybe from the S.Garcia StaRomana Global foundation, as there is no gold owned by that Isle of Man BENGAL TRADING LIMITED and as we all know, the sets oft hose original certificates all contain the name of a certain person, whe was one of teh two directors to sign those Number 11833 gold certificates and that Director was proven NOT TO HAVE YET BEEN APPOINTED as a official or as a Director of that Isle of Man Company called BENGAL TRADING COMPANY at the time he signed his signature on those Number 11833 Bengal Trading 20-year gold certificates. Then they used the wrong Seal, and one more more serious blunder which I am sorry I cannot disclose at this time, die to the pending lawsuits to be filed against some persons. However if you have a valid legal need to obtain some information, perhaps you could send your request by e-mail to Todd.Alphine2012@gmail.com and maybe or maybe not, I could perhaps advise you. If you are a victim of some fraud or scam that has involved those fake Number 11833 to 11833-30 Certificates, then there is a possibility that you could qualifity for the class action lawsuits that is being now organized against the Marcos Estate, since President Marcos abused his authority in misuse of the Power of Attorney provided to MARCOS by Mr. S.G. StaRomana/Jose A. Diaz. The claims will be to attach anything that can be found and allow the International Court of Justice settle the matter, however most of the others that have placed their claims, have already agreed to donate 50% of whatever is paid to a special escrow fund to be used by the I.M.F. and the World Bank to be helping poor countries. Another 25% is donated for the LEGAL TEAM that is making the arrangements for the lawsuits, so that only leaves a balance of 25%. For those of you who dislike this arrangement, then it is better you find your own International Attorney and file your own Lawsuits and make your own claims by yourself.  

    28 Apr 2009 @ 01:38 by allan diggle @ : Todd and Marcos
    Hello Todd,

    I was reading your last post and i wanted to ask you about suing the Marcos estate. I seen documents already where a man sued Marcos his estate, he originally was suing for billioins but the courts changed the amount. I can't recall the dollar value but it was in the millions and the trial was in the states, it was to do with boxes of gold and a gold Budha. The courts decided it could nnot be proven if all the boxes had gold so the amount was reduced. I am curious if you know about this and if so ....did the guy get any money from the Marcos estate. Maybe his wife has to sell some shoes.... I know for fact she has been connected to some stolen CD's 2 that I know of.  

    28 Apr 2009 @ 23:32 by PUBLIC NOTICE for avoiding being Victim @ : Filipino Con men, scammers, fraud
    Con men know that the Laws of perjury do not apply to any commercial documents, or agreements or even letters of ontention aka LOI. This is because it is contrary to CONTRACT LAW. So you can not go after some Filipino asshole scammer based on the claims of perjury and if your Filipino attorney told that to you, then I would find myself a real Lawyer, someone who actually knew and understood the law. Also you are asking about BGs and MTNs and normally the Filipino con men do not deal with those, what they deal with is something they can produce on their inkjet color printer and pray that the ink will not smear the documents and it will come out nice and neat and clean, so they can sucker you out of money with there self created documents. Sure those scammers and con men can make money, because they can some how find the SUCKERS out there, that are greedy persons that want to make BIG PROFITS and this is how a scam works, the victim is usually not some little old lady that goes to Church and loses at the Church bingo games, it is some guy who has money and who can borrow more money and thinks this is a good deal, so he advances money to the broker aka con-man, and then it is BY BY that money. Now Mr. Chi Tang every now and then gets some partial refunds back from the con men that took his money, as he reported on this forum, but that is also another scam in itself, as the con man returns say 10% of what they screwed Mr. Tang out of, so He thinks that recovery is being made and He accepts anything they send to him, as a refund of the money that He lost. OK, now the thing I like about Mr. Chi Tang is that he confirmed that He did not give a damn, as to where the money was coming from, that was being refunded back to Mr. Tong, as to him, it was HIS MONEY being returned. He does not give a shit that the conmen are out there deceiving a new victim aka investor, into some other con job, to get money from that new sucker, to refund some of it back to Mr. Chi Tang. At least MR. Tang admitted the damn truth that He does not HOW or WHY or WHERE the money comes from, just so long as He is paid back....but getting his money back is just not the solution, as the con men must PAY MORE than what they assume they owe to their victims, but apparently Mr. Chi Tang is just wanting his money back and that is too bad in some ways, as the con men still are allowed to continue their frauds and activities. However I do understand Mr. Chi Tang concerns, but still confused what He can expect to get for a double-cheesburger and a cola from a good looking hooker. Mr. Allan Diggle, the hunter, scard off Mr. Tang and He really never make a official report as to what the bater or the swap was for the double burger and cola, vs just a hamburger and a cola? So another great research opportunity was lost, as Mr. Tang perhaps is busy humping and humping. Speaking of humping, my dog ran off after a buch of other dogs who were all after some bitch in heat. I miss my dog and now I was reading that in Sourth Korea they have clones dogs that are beagles, which I do not like very much...but the good part os that the DOGS GLOW at night and Gee, that sounded like a good way to find the damn dog at night, but my dog is gobe and I really hope he is humping away and having a good time. I also hope that Mr. Chi Tang is humping and having a good time as well. The best way to demand proper agreements is not to be using just a notary attorney to apply their rubber stamp impression on some fabricated document and then consider it to be legal, make the SOBs submit their finanical documents to the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Philippines, attaching their passports and all of the so called financial documents for the alleged gold or whatever the con men are selling to the victim. The central bank in the Philippines has to review all such documents and make copies which they keep on file , before any approval can be issued as a Acknowledgement by the Department of Foreign Affairs at the Philippines. Now how many of those gay con men have the balls to do that procedure? If Mr. Chi Tang has demanded this to be done, theen he would have proper legal frounds to hang up those scammers by the balls, using the DFA documents as proof of the fraud done to Mr. Tang. Also forced the con men in the Philippines to also get a APOSTILLE issued on their documents as then it becomes a criminal action by those Filipinos to have deceived anyone, as now you have the Foreign Embassy issued Apostille on the documents, so this is another legal rope to wrap around their balls, and yank hard. Never accept just some documents signed by some notary public attorney. There are thousands of those so-called Notary Attorney operating in the Philippines and perhaps 80% or more of them are not legally registered, so also demand that some Judge and Court issue a confirmation to confirm that the Notary Attormney is indeed registered and demand a copy of the OATH of that Notary Public and then have the con men, submit all of those documents to the Philippine DFA and allow the central bank and government officials to read every line and make copies before that DFA applied their approval and their nice looking ribbon. Then force the con men to apply and obtain what is called a Apostille. Do bnot accept just some Acknowledgement from some Embassy as that has no legal status at all to protect the investor. Demand a jurat and Apostille and if the con men can not obtain it, then WALK AWAY or better yet, run away from any Filipino who offered such documents. Demanding proof is one way to deal with the Filipinos and force them to sign documents and to confirm what they say is true.  

    29 Apr 2009 @ 23:41 by Ref: Muhammad Yunus @ : Banker to the poor...
    I was reading where the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian foundation was donating a large amount of money to an Bank until I understood it was to the Bangladesh Grameen Bank, that has lent nearly $ 8 billion, in increments of a few dollars to a few thousand, to millions of poor borrowers...almost all woman. The Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi known as the banker to the poor for making small loans in impoverished countries, is now doing business in the center of capitalism according to the author named MICHELLE NICHOLS that was printed in Reuters. Mr. Yinus said that the $100 million that President Barack Obama , the U.S. president , recently announced the creation of a $100 million microfinance groth fund for small lenders in the Western Heminsphere to allow them to continue making loans despite the global recession.....was a SMALL AMOUNT TO START off with as Mr. Yimis said the at his Grameen Bank in Bangladesh lends more than $100 million a month. Yes, that was each month.... He has organized Grameen American and they have applied for a U.S. credit union license to generate the deposits it needs to make more loans. What I do not understand is wjhy people like Noel and others in the Philippines have done done nothing to have encouraged something like this for the women in the Philippines, to help them start up in their business, as woman sometimes have more brains than the men in handling money and keeping the promises for repayment. When I was asking one of the trustees of the S.G. StaRomana Global Foundation why they considered to donate such a large amount of money to that Mr. Yunus, I was told that He and his Bank called the Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. And that Mr. Yunus started his Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983. The shocking news to me, was to see the financial reports where more than 98 percent was the repayment loan rate and that is fantastic. Now He is making loans to the Americans who need money to get started and maintain their business I then did some more checking and discovered that the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh a branch that has a loan repayment rate of 98 percent--uses deposits to finance loans. Then the trustee of that StaRomana Global foundation showed me that Mr. Yunus has said that mocrocredit cannot depend on small donations, as this is a business. It should be run as a business. I was impressed in reviewing the statements that their first U.S. brach of this Graneeb American has lent $1.5 million in amounts counted in hundreds. In the past year, that Grameen BAnk has lent that $1.5 million, in increments ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dolalrs, to nearly 600 woman with small-business plans in the citys borough of Queens, NEW YORK. Gee, that is very impressive and it seems that the donated money will be able to help many thousands of more woman from the Jose A. Diaz Legacy.  

    30 Apr 2009 @ 02:37 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : PUBLIC NOTICE
    To readers I posted in my blogsite the public notice that confirms that that the woman shown in the colour photo on the Spain Immigration card called Loretta E. Laurel, has never been authorised by Flordeliza T. Santa Romana to represent the estate of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana. Also it is to prove to Mr. Sterling Seagraves the author, that this woman who claims she is the widow of Pedro P. Laurel perhaps is another fake widow, as the real Loretta became deceased many years ago, and this woman seems to be an impostor. But the main thing is to warn the Public about the facts that Flordeliza T. StaRoman has now confirmed that she never met this Loretta woman and that she never met the Spain Attorney that is working with that Loretta E. Laurel for their claims to collect gold or money using those Bengal Trading Limited gold warranty certificates. You were correct Mr. Todd Alphine in your own investigation into these affairs and I am sorry and apologise to you for any misunderstandings I may have made or claims made by me to yourself.

    I will try to post the public notice later since the blogsite keep on displying error messages when i am trying to upload the jpeg copies of the said public notices  

    30 Apr 2009 @ 05:03 by To: GLOBERT GARCIA @ : FLORDELIZA T. STA.ROMANA
    WHAT, Gee Really, you mean that KNIGHT ARCANE himself now is able to confirm by his own connections that the woman known as Loretta E. Laurel that is living in Spain, who claims she is the wife and or the widow of PEDRO P. Laurel is not who she says she is....Gee, this makes my day to have the KNIGHT ARCANE admit he was wrong, but then I cannot blame him, as it was damn confusing as there was another woman, also named Loretta, who did marry that Pedro P. Laurel, however the funny part was that later on two other woman came up out of the ground, also claiming to be named Loretta Laurel, so we had all of these Filipino woman running around all claiming to eb thw widow, as they were after the GOLD. What Gold, well the gold that was said to be deposited by Mr. Pedro P. Laurel at the Swiss bank called UBS. But the truth was discovered within that three year long investigation, that proved that Pedro P. laurel was working with late President Marcos of the Philippines and that Laurel say in as the front man, representing the sale of a lot of the gold that Marcos wanted to sell. OK, anyhow, this LAUREL guy was to be the front man, the straw man for Marcos and they tried to steal the gold that belonged to the control of the DNP Enterprise, which was deposited under the CODE JAD, standing for Jose Antonio Diaz. OK, so now DIAZ was the legal owner of the gold, but He made some mistakes, one was he did issue a Power of Attorney to his lawyer, being young Marcos, who was a Attorney in the Philippines. So MARCOS was a Attorney and He had the Power of Attorney and that combination is not good for the client, being DIAZ aka S.G. StaRomana. So, the Lawyer Marcos who was President of the Senate in the Philippines was a powerful man, and Marcos later on became the President of the Philippies. Now as MARCOS grew stronger, poor DIAZ started to do heavy drinking, as he was in fear of his life, as his Attorney Marcos wanted more and more of his gold and was also wanting to grab anything that StaRomana or Diaz had of value. Since the DNP ENTERPRISE was a Umbrella holding corproation, then everything was under the control of the ENTERPRISE and marcos did not have a Power of Attorney to control those accounts, so He tried other ways to grab the pots of gold. He had martial law on his side and that is when DIAZ knew He was really in deep shit, so DIAZ started to make special arrangements, to pass on the holding company control to his original book keeper named Ms Tarciana Rodriguez. She later was appointed as the treasurer and eventually became known as the national treasurer for all of the Enterprise controlled bank accounts deposited all over the World. However she came to release that almost all accounts in the name of S. Garcia Santa Romana or aka SGSR, were for others and served a special purpose, most of those accounts and bullion deposits had to be maintained 40 or more years, because the said maturity period would become due. Most of those accounts were to be returned back to various countries, to bank, and organizations and even to the Vatican at Rome etc. However this woman Tarciana Rodrigiez was in fear of her own life and she had to relocate and move I think 14 or 16 different times to avoid being killed. When I was reading some of the old legal transcripts, I was thinking that this woman could have someone write up a book and it would be a become a good seller, expect books like newspapers seem to be going out of print. Still she is indeed a brave soul, as from what I heard, she did start returrning vast sums of the SGSR assets back to where she was told to be done and she always maintain the written and the verbal instructions of her old boss who was Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz, aka Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz aka JAD aka SANTY. Santy seem to be his nickname and that when I started the investigation several years back, because some con man named Joseph E.S. Daraman, Jr. who claims to be a unknown son of late President Marcos and who also claimed to the grandson of Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz, I was paid to investigate him and another man also with the same name as Joseph Daraman and I did that and I did prove that the Filipino con-man named Joseph E.S> Daraman Jr. was a fake grandson and was never related to Mr. Jose A. Diaz as claimed by the scammer and his Filipino Group that also contained many con-woman as well, who were called Vampires. Now we are dealing with two or three woman all named Loretta Laurel, but the truth is none of them, can claim any gold from ODE 16 16 12 from the UBS bank in Switzerland or any where else, as Pedro P. Laurel himself was not the owner of any gold that can be backed up by those damn Bengal Trading Limited so-called gold certificates, Numbers 11833 to Number 11833-150........and now the LAUREL Group who had been flashing around that they were also representing the SantaRomana gold and the wealth and the Santa Romana Estate, all because they were showing that they were issued a POWER OF ATTORNEY by a woman in the Philippines named Flordeliza T. StaRomana, who declared her self to be the daughter of Mr. S. Garcia Sta. Romana or SGSR. So the LAUREL group been shopwing off their POA to anyone and racking in money from would-be investors who thought that the LAUREL woman named Loretta was representing the StaRomana estate, as Loretta could pull out of her girdle, a copy of the Power of Attorney that said that Loretta was representing the Heir, the Santa Romana Estate and that Loretta was working with the daughter herself, the daughter of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana aka SGSR, so many investors believed that bullshit and invested money, then other people were issued sub-power of attorney from the main POA so now there arte perhaps 6 to 8 different Power of Attorney floating around all claiming that they represent the Santa Romana estate. Well, I hate to bring bad news and shit on anyone, but the real truth is that this woman who is said to be Flordeliza T. Sta Romana has confirmed it seems, that she does not even know this other woman, that was in the Photo of the Spain Immigration ID Card, so Gee, I guess now that there will be a lopt of pissed off and disappointed people who thought that they were going to get rich, by holding some oft hose Bengal Trading Limited worthless gold certificates, that the con-men and the scammers in the Philippines have been using as bait, to get money out of unsuspecting victims. BUT this is not the end of all of this Knight Arcane, as how do you know that the document that you wanted to post, is from the real Flordeliza StaRomana, as another man named GARCIA is said to be holding the real Flordeliza Sta Romana and he said that his Flordeliza would never issue out any Power of Attorney as her father said to be the real S.Garcia Sta Romana never left any estate or any Last Will. So go ahead and post whatever you have KNIGHT ARCANE but lets us try to find this other guy named GARCIA who claims he is holding his won version of perhaps another woman named Flordeliza, as perhaps His Flordeliza did issue her POA to that Loretta, when this Mr. Garcia was bnot holding onto his Flordeliza...so lets continue to do the DD and not close this investigation yet, lets continue to find the real truth and find those who lie and expose them out in the open. OK?  

    1 May 2009 @ 00:35 by Ref: Taro Aso, Japan Prime Minister @ : Wen Jiabao, Chinese Premier
    Someone send me a article printed from the Asahi Simbun newspaper dated April 30th, 2009 and it was a report that Prime Minister Taro Aso and Chinese {remier Wen Joabano a few days ago hald meetings and what really suprised me, was to see that among the items included the plan are steps to deal with yellow sand and acid rain blown by winds from China that have affected various parts of Japan in recent years. Then I was reading more of that newspaper article just now, and again I was very surprised to also see that another measure would improve facilities at China coal-burning thermal power plants that belch out huge volume of carbon dioxide. Now why I was surprised at this news, is that back in 2007 or maybe it was year 2008, the DNP Enterprise foundation that represents the DIAZ Legacy Fund from Jose Antonio Diaz, also had made Resolutions that were signed by the treasurer of that Enterprise who is none other than TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ, the woman that Mr. S.G. StaRomana appointed as the caretaker or gatekeeper, juts before He himself was said to become deceased. This Tarciana Rodriguez woman also pledged large endownments to be given to JAPAN and CHINA to also clean up the acid rain problems and also from Brown Mist, which is able to reach the West Coast of teh united States very soon, especially with the changes in global weather etc. She also issued a lot of money for Japan ciorproations to provide their technology to CHINA to help CHina reduce their air pollution from coal-burning plants, that does creat the acid rain problems that has killed many millions of trees on mountaintop in Japan. She also issued large endownments to be paid to the Hong Kong Government to help clean up the air pollution problems over in mainland China, that was caused the health problems for teh Hong Kong population. She also in other signed Resolutions also wanted to provide Japan with money for Stem cell research and to clean up the illegal disposal of left over Japanese military weapons that were now leaking out in China, posing a serious health threat to anyone who is exposed to those WW2 toxic gases, that should have been disposed off many many years ago. She representing the wealth of Mr. JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ who was the sole owner and shareholder of the DNP Eneterprise which was the holding company and umbrella organizarion to control so many bank accounts and precious metals and other assets in the name of S. Garcia Santa Romana or StaRomana. The DIAZ Legacy was to become settled after waiting for the 40 or more years and that is well past that maturity date. She is now said to be making a $10 Billion dollar grants to help the I.M.F. raise the balance of their IMF goal of $500 Billion, she is donating large financial grants to the WORLD BANK, to the ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK and to the Frameen Bank and or the Grameen America in support of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr. Muhammad Yunus, also to the United Nations, International Red Cross Socities, and such a long listing of other grants, that I cannot recall them, there were too many when the trustee I was talking to on the phone was reading them off to me....it was too hard to write as I did not want to make him stop and explain as He said it was now being all legalized and still confidentuial etc. I think this woman named Tarciana Rodriguez who use to be a bookkeeper or the treasurer was employed by Mr. S.G. StaRomana at first and as she proved herself, He appointed her as a officer of the DNP Enterprise as that was shown on the old original registration, then she was said to become the appointed National treasurer by mr. Jose A. Diaz who she called SANTY, as SANTY was also the nicknamed used by Mr. S.G. StaRomana. Anyhow, most of the so called wealth cannot be settled except to turn it over to certian countries, governments and to to the vatican at Rome and to others, all of this was in accordance with DIAZ, who was the gatekeeper. After that laste President Marcos became deceased, and since He somehow had become a Director into that DNP Enterrpise, then the only one left was that Tarciana Rodriguez and her function was to make distribution of teh assets back in accordance with teh wishes of her boss, being Santy aka as S. garcia StaRomana and Mr. Jose A. Diaz. It is remarkable to find anyone who would not want to steal the assets for herself, but she is more than honest, she has to be considered to be, well like a Saint or something, if you believe in Saints and Angels. I believe in ETs and that Year 2012 is going to be very scary and that I hope that if there is a God or Allah or good guys as Aliens, they can pull us out of that mess that is expecting to hit is in Year 2012 or close to that period of time.  

    1 May 2009 @ 04:51 by Ref: Mr. Strauss-Kahn, I.M.F. chief @ : Bob Geldof
    I was reading that Mr. Strauss-Kahn, the I.M.F. chief had a difficult time explaining to the Irish aid campaigner Bob Geldof how technically complicated it is to deliver fast on a pledge of $ 6 billions in low-cost loans for Africa. He said he would get there but needed a few weeks more to sort out the numerous technical difficulties that arise when the I.M.F> has top sell some of its gold, which is part of the plan to finance the cut-price loans, However Mr. Geldof said the intricacles of the I.M.F. rules should not get in the way on exceptional times. The problems is that the Group of 20 leaders promises of money and more to combat global recession is a real damn problem to overcome, as what was pledged and what can be given are two completely things as each week, month will mean more and more most of the countries will have their feet go deeper and deeper into this growing problems of financial shit. The I.M.F. knows that gold is expected to go to $2,000.00 so why would they want to sell off a damn good solid assets like their gold bullion. They should keep that as a reserve, like a spare tire. What the I.M.F. needs is to consider to sell their Bonds, as they have the legal authority to sell bonds, but have never done it before. But Hell, the whole World is out there selling their Bonds like the damn things could be paid off at the time of maturity? However the I.M.F. thinks that they can only sell their bonds to say central banks, because then the central bank can turn on their printing press and print out the money and when the ink is dried, give that back to the I.M.F. and while that seems to work, the I.M.F. should also consider to be looking at the smaller ways to raise money as I was talking to one of the C-Administrators for the DIAZ Legency Trust Fund and asked them if they would say invest $1 billion to purchase a bond and they said NO WAY. When I rephased the question to say how about if the Bonds would be guaranteed by the I.M.F. and would be with a maturity of 5-year..again NO THANKS...so I rephased the question to ask how about if the I.M.F. itself issued the Bond and the maturity would be for one or two years and the answer was, YES. I then asked what did Yes mean and they said that the Jose A. Diaz Legacy Trust Fund had a lot of gold and that the trust would be willing to not oepnely sell the gold, but to transfer the ownership of the gold in order not to upset the market and then be willing to invest some of that money into the I.M.F. for their 1 or 2 year bonds, if the money could be used for helping Africa or for humanitarian projects. When I asked how much money that could be invested they said up to $10 Billion and I knew that the I.M.F. was short by $100 Billion of their goal to have overall $500 Billion , so ut seemed to me that a $6 Billion could become available to the I.M.F. and maybe they did not have to sell of their own gold reserves. The problem would be can the I.M.F. deal with the private sector in selling the I.N.F. Bonds or not and sicne the Diaz estate seems to have 100% plus confidence in the purpose of supporting the I.M.F. then the only other question is, can the investor be given assurance that the invested money would end up as low-costs loans or not for Africa or not?  

    1 May 2009 @ 05:12 by Ref: President Hans-Rudolf Merz @ : Jean-Claude Trichet, EC Bank
    The President of Switzerland had said at a recent new conference that his country would be contributing $ 10 billion to the I.M.F. war chest for economic emergencies and did not intend to sacrifice its seat on the IMF policy-making council in a reorganization that G-20 leaders agreed to advance to 2011 from 2013. First of all, as I was reading this news announcement, I would think that it would be better if they did not call the damn funds as a WAR CHEST...I means that seems strange coming from Switzerland who is said to be netural. And I.M.F. is to be the WHITE KNIGHT so why is it they would be needing a WAR CHEST? Perhaps it would be better to call it something else, anything would be better than being connected with the WAR label. Gee, I was also reading anothe rreport titled Global Financial Stability Report that is from the I.M.F. that said the fund estimated that European banks would need to write down $750 billion in bad loans and securities through 2010. And while I was feeling depressed about that ...I started to read something from Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank and He said that the I.M.F. latest analysis was not entirely convincingm and France said it was top-down extrapolation , rather than the kind of hard date that national supervisory bodies have on their banks. As I am drinking a cold beer, I am thinking that the future bullshit of the fact that those governments really do not known the real story of the needed cleanup of toxic assets.  

    1 May 2009 @ 05:26 by Ref: Jim Flaherty @ : Canadian financial minister
    He seems to have said it is frustrating, that the U.S. Treasury secretary in doing the stree tests on most of the larger U.S. banks will lead to any quicj and effective plan to treat the problem. He was reported to ahve said that Once the Americans do their cleansing of their system and reinforcement of their syem, we need it done also in Europe. Now this Jim Flaherty who is Canadian finance minister seems to have a better understand of the overall problem, but He is sort of on solid ground and not on thin ice as other countries are. Hell by middle of year 2010, when this financial mess gets to pick up speed and the central banks have about run of our printing ink, then the inflation will JUMP UP and bite everyone in the ass, as if the central banks are too slow to take back their excessive overprinting of their fiat money, then inflation will be the next problem, because of the excessive volume of money in those countries. Canadan makes damn good tasting beer and I have many friends from Canada, and most of them are normal, unlike some of the Yanks that I also have as mates, the Yanks are a different breed, as they always seem to want to jump up and run off and fight the British Red Coats or something.  

    2 May 2009 @ 00:51 by Ref: Robert V. Zoellick @ : Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
    The WORLD BANK has a damn good President named Robert Zoellick and he did say that his World Bank would lend up to $ 45 nillion for infrastructure prjects over the next three years. Then I was reading where this World Bank teamed up with the Inter-American Development Bank to lend up to $ 90 billion in Latin American and Caribbean countries over the next two years. But the bad news was from Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the I.M.F., as he had to acknowled that He had not lined up the $500 billion that lenders from the Group of 20, which represents industrialized and development countries as well as the EU or European Union, that had pledged the overall $1.1 trillion commitment. Now at least China has good news that China has pledge $40 billion and the USA and Japan and the U have pledged $300 Billion and the report says that still left more than $100 Billion shy of the goal. I was doing some on line search about all of this and found a good site at global.nytimes.com/business. What it does not seem to have, is any information as to how the private sector could maybe become part of the damn solution to help the World bank and the I.M.F. get the damn money so they could start making out the promised loans. I mean why only be expecting countries and governments to be lending their money to the I.M.F. as when government pledge the money, it is perhaps their taxpayers money that is being invested or loaded to the I.M.F> I would think, as where the hell do governments get any money unless they took it from their taxpayers.? It is one thing for everyone to gather together and while all of the excitement is going on as they all sit around a round table for the 20 nations, to have someone shout out they pledge, but what is needed is to have someone then go to that person m,aking the pledge and sort of have a basket on a long pole, that can simply be thrusted to the person, so he can deposit his check, as MONEY TALKS better than just words, at least from my reality. What they perhaps need is a PREACHER, someone who can get them all excited and make them get up and dance and sing out loud and then have them drop their CASHIER CHECKS into the basket on the way out of the church...not not church but the meeting place, the place where they all sit around and look at each other with a blank expression as to see who will offer what and when will that person deposit anything into the damn basket..Yes, this is a difficult job for someone like Strass-Kahn as he has to later on, work the phone lines and call up the people and twist their arm to make good on their pledge. I assume that when He calls, He is a gentlemen and asks when the payment can be made and I am certain he will not accept the answer, from the person that OH...the checks in the mail.....He will instead send a courier to pick up the check or expect a Bank wire transfer to be made into the I.M.F. or else, they have to talk more, and wait more and while everyone has a difficult time to come up with the money, usually those countries will do their best effort and they will get most of the money they needed, but maybe short a few Billion her and there. SONIC BLOOM technology can increase food crops by 400% and the world will need a lot more food production and this is a technology that can be purchase and provided to farmers to anyone who wants to increase their food crop without having to use toxic farm chemicals and cause problems to the Earth. With the lost of the bee or bees, food production will be decreased over the next 5-years by 30% and the I.M.F. and World Bank better start to pay attention to not the big projects but to find out why the hell all of the little hard working bee is being killed off, what is causing it and how to fix the damn problem, or is that also all being done by unknown persons for their own rasons. I mean since the little bee cannot seem to communicate on their own with us humans and get to have any voting rights at the I.M.F. or at the UN, then it seems to me, that without the little unappreciated bee, then there will be a world wide shortage of FOOD, crops and that someone at the I.M.F. should wake up before it is too late and instead of cloning farm animals, lets see if the World Bank and I.M.F. or the Asian Development Bank or anyone knows how to clone little bees, as we need the bee more than we need any large funded projects, lets start with the simple things of life, like clean water, ways to encourage the production of bees and let the damn bee do their job, so lets all pray to God and Allah that some bee will sting these officials in their read end to wake them up in time.  

    2 May 2009 @ 07:47 by Ref: Attorney ALEJO F. ESTEPA @ : working for CEO E.J. Ekker of GAIA
    I at one time did think that this Filipino Attorney would eventually wake up and ralize the the U.S. Treasury Department or the Federal Reserve were not goint to pay $50 Billion or even $ 1 billion of $1.00 to this man, named Eddy Jo Ekker, the self-proclaimed owner of the Philippine puppet corproation that Mr. Ekker first registered back in the State of Nevada and after that ink was dried, then He came to the Philippines to sort of arm twist the person alleged to have been Prince Julian Morden Tallano...the alleged Heir of the Tallano-Tagean so-called Estate there in the Philippines. OK< so Mr. Ekker came to the Philippines to get GOLD as most of the Yanks have been doing every since, someone created they myth about the so-called YAMASHITA GOLD. But Mr. Ekker was smarter, He was not about to get his hands dirty digging in some God damn hole in the ground looking for the gold, He was smarter, or so he assumed, that He could issue out his DEEDS that were said to represent a SHARE of the unbelieveable amount of Gid damn INTEREST that H esaid was owed to him, as He was smart enought to have found that no one had paid the back fees for a old Corproation formed in the State of Nevada, so Mr. Ekker arranged to have $400.00 paid and HOLY SHIT, He then claimed he HIT THE AJCKPOT and he was not even in Vegas. OK, so he gets a group of FIlipinos together and most of them fabircate and they lie, but they assume that the Philippines SEC does not actually do any review of the applications submitted to the Security and Exchange Commission aka SEC, as it is said that the SEC officials apparenty are either bind, deaf and dumb or overworked as Mr. Ekker paid and He got the SEC to approve VN 2003 22 944 and the SEC must have had a lot of people who just had glasseye balls or maybe just did not give a damn, as the SEC approved two guys who were not legally attorney-at-law, also approved a guy who was illega to use the title of ENGINEER in front of his name and then they approved a guy called Prince Julian Morden Tallano, perhaps the person that was proven later to be an imposter, but the SEC does not seem to care, as they did not close down that registration and in fact they allow Mr. E.J. Ekker the man who was responsibile for the scam, to be able to RENAME the original foundation to yet another new name and it still stinks like horse shit, but the SEC apparently also can not smell anything either, as they approved all of that. OK, so then we have the strange situation that the former Judge that was actually making rilings in favor of Mr. EJ Ekker, that this Judge while still a Judge, ends up as a Lawyer working for Mr. EJ EKKER. Now this Judge accepted before and he upheld before legal decision that were very favorable to Mr. EJ Ekker as Mr. Ekker and his former President named Cenon Marcos, well they wrote up a very impressive history of the history of the LAND TITLES of the Philippines and HOLY SHIT, the court said that the country belongs to Prince Julian Morden Tallano.....so you have to stand back as all of this bullshit and horsehit is a very powerful smell, it really stinks, but it continues there in the Philippines. NOw the GOOD GUY named Ron Kirzinger, well He was from Canada, and they tried to get him tossed out of the Philippines as he knew too much as he was the RIGHT HAND of this Mr. E.J. Ekker but when this Canadian man started to protest some of the things that Mr. Ekker was doing, well that is when the shit started to hit the fan, as they say and the GOOD GUY played by Ron Kirzinger, was kicked out on the street in the Philippines and they tried to get him tossed out of teh country, but some Filipinos came to his assistance and they put up a fight against the EVIL ONES...so this is a talke of GOOD and EVIL and to be honest, I liked Mr. EJ Ekker and Ron when they use to write some intelligent articles in their CONTACT newsltter aka newspaper. Ron is somewhere and I hope he is still alive and kicking and above ground, He had a damn good brain/mind and He did not deserve that double-cross by the EVIL MASTER played by Mr. E.J. Ekker who is the boss man of Attorney Alejo F. Estepa.  

    2 May 2009 @ 08:12 by CT @ : nation of hookers and conmen......
    and now apparently servants!!


    off course i don't agree with this journalist - there are more conmen and hookers in manila than there are servants - since all the servants are abroad, so how can philippines be a nation of servants?!! durr......crap reporting or what?

    so whats the latest scams that are happening in the land of hookers? im in china right now....and mr diggle you were correct, there's loads of hookers here too, but none have big breasts, so i wont be buying a burger and coke for any of them. maybe a fish ball noodle soup instead.

    the money coming back to me from these conmen seems to have dried up.....i might have to write more nasty things about them soon in order to get a response.  

    3 May 2009 @ 01:41 by REf. Spratly Islands ownership? @ : SULU SULTANATE has legal claims also
    Gee, is this really our Humping biddy Mr. CT himself? The big breasts are perhaps implants or padded bras but it appears that CT is turned off by big breasts and perhaps likes flat chested maidens instead. My own dog ran off and He was chasing some female dog who muts have been in heat as there were 3 other gogs also running after her...so if you happened to see my dog humping anywhere, tell him to come home...he has one ear longer than the other and He use to eat raw fish and his tail had a curl at the end, and he was brown in color when I last seen him, not sure what the hell he looks like now. That issue over the ownership of the Spratly Island also is true and not true in many other ways, in fact from what I was told by some very VIP from mainland China, was that the Sulu Sultanate Royals actually had the legal claims for the area known as the Spratly Island and the Chinese government seem to have known that, but still some how inked some deal with the Philippines. But if we read what Mr. E.J. Ekker research had produced, it confirmed that the KING OF ENGLAND and the King of Spain and even the BRITISH and the Americans, all knew and considered that the land or region knowns as the Spratly Islands belonged to the Royal families who were Muslims and somehow I am not sure how or why, the Philippines assumed ownership of the Spratly Islands and then it was said by other reports, that some deal was made for the natural gas and the crude oil reserves under the ocean for that region called Spratly Islands. Again I think Mr. CENON MARCOS, who is said to be a distant relative of late President Marcos of teh Philippines, also discovered the old legal records that did prove that the original land title for ownership of the Philippines belonged to some of those Muslim royal families, but those were said to be from Sulu Sultanate, when that was not part of the Philippines. All of this legal history is very confusing as that would means that the Philippines actually do not own any of the land mass of the Spratly ISlands as the Philippines neglected to do what they were requirted to have done, that was a requirement by the now deceased Sultan Kiram, being that the Philippines was to have restored back I think Sabah to the Sulu Sultanate. Whent eh Philippines failed to do what they were required to habe done, the Chinese said that the Philippines legally could not be assuming ownership and that the Sulu Sultanate would be reverted back to its former legal status. All of this is too complicated for me, but apparently people like Mr. E.J. Ekker and Judge Reyes and others with the Philippines courts has proven and upheld that the ORIGINAL LAND TITLE does seem to prove the the Philippine Government agencies have been illegal for a lomng time, to have claimed they had a right to issue out many many thousands of what is now said to be false Land Titles to unsuspecting Filipino property owners. I means the PHILIPPINE COURTS took many many years to make their ruling and confirm that the Muslins actuall own the ORIGINAL LAND TITLE so if the Courts in the Philippines confirmed that, then it seems that anyone just has to take those court decisions and file them into other country courts and have them to be upheld then file to the International Court of Justice aka ICJ. I think what is important is that CHINA should be the only that has the money, brains and ability to make the recovery of natural gas, and crude oil deposits over at those Spratly ISlands and that the Philippines government would be considered to not be the the only authority to sign any such agreements with China, as the Philippine government own courts said that the ORIGINAL LAND TITLE issued by KIng of England and upheld by the King of Spain and the so many others, that the Philippines itself cannot claim ownership to the land within its own 7000 plus Islands, so how can they claim they have a right to the mineral deposits that were awarded by the Kings of other countries to those Muslim Royal families of Sulu Sultanate? All of this is very confusing and while the Chinese officials in high office seems to understand that the prior deal or whatever arrangements had been made by the old Sultan Kiram to allow the Philippines to incorporate the Sulu Sultanate as part of the Philippines, has been a breach of contract so that deal become null and void. Gee, what a God damn mess this has turned into, as now the people have a civil war going in Sulu and they want back their Sulu Sultanate and also want back their lost Sabar and just seem to want to be treated as human beings and be entitled to their legal ownership of their land and their assets. I know the Muslims do not drink beer, but if I was to settle that dispute, I would get 82 cases of beer and lots of ice, and sit everyone down and we would have a open and honest discussion and take breaks to pray to God and Allan and then chow down a little, take a leak and then keep at it until they all formed a ALLIANCE where everyone would support the CHINESE side and ask the Chinese to make legal disrtribution to all sides that have a legal right to the claims. For those that have no such legal position, then they can drink 5 cold beers, then take a leak and depart and not return back to the meeting, no sense wasting good beer on dead beats.  

    3 May 2009 @ 02:35 by allan diggle @ : CT and the hookers
    Even you gave them a burger and a coke they would not eat it, maybe some preserved egg and conge....lol

    or KFC  

    3 May 2009 @ 06:45 by Ref: Dr. Keiji Fukuda of W.H.O. @ : influenza A HINI as scientific name
    I think we should get off humping, whores/hookers and pay more attention to the new problems we all will be having to face in the year 2012. As most of us suspected, this damn swine virus/flu iwas just a TEST CASE by the BIG BOYS to screw with the minds of the bottom feeders and the bottom feeders were to bow down and beg their government for protecting them from the EVIL Swines that made the virus. Yes, this is a virus that comes not from the swine that has four legs, but those that have only two legs. Now after they screwed up everyone minds and made people shit their underwear, they decided to rename this virus to beocme known as influenza A HINI. Now what kind of a God damn scientific name is this bullshit, as everyone who contacts the damn flue usually ends up with that influenza A.....and now the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION in Geneva had their deputy director named Dr. Keiji Fikuda dutifully referred to this former known Swine flue or pig flue, as nolonger to be known to be using the name of Swine, as HOLY SHIT some of teh public assume that maybe there was something wrong to be eating pork. Now normally that W.H.O. is a intelligent organization but this time, I think they have their heads up their rear ends over the naming of this virus to have come from pigs in the first place. Then a person named Fiona Flecl, a spokeswoman for the W.H.O., said that the virus was originally called swine flue because the largest component of this new birus was actually swine glue virus. But she added, it does not affect pigs, as far as we know. It had not been found in pigs. Pig have not transmitted it, as far as the WO> knows....and more important, Ms Fleck said....the name SWINE FLUE had led some people, mistakenly, to become fearful about eating port, and that has had an adverse impact on the liveohoods of those in the pork industry. Then she says, the naming is very fraught, of course... its fairness of course we are a scientific organization. A/HINI is now a scientific name, That is it. Now I heard that the Jose Antonio Diaz Humanitarian Foundation recently were having a discussion to approve or not approve I think they wanted to provide $400 million dollars or so to the W.H.O. but I think the trustees should first demand that the W.H.O> get their heads out of their rear end and come up with a better scientific name or else to donate the money someplace else like to STEM CELL research or give it to the organization that know how to at least create a proper scientific name for a virus. My God, at least this spokeswoman at the W.H.O. was open and honest in her statements. I am not so sure about Dr. Fukuda as he is as confusing as my wife is most oft he time, He himself had declared that the new virus was a swine influence virus and that the W.H.O. organization has no plan to call it anything other than what it was....then the Officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventation have also started to shun the word // swine // and even a hapless reporter who used it durninga radio interview was scolded by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. So with all of these officials running around like chickens without their heads and they change the name, but the virus itself has NOT CHANGED at all. Then a man named Thomas W. Skinner, a spokesman for the C.D.C. said there were some issues that were brought to the attention of the scientific community, in that the sensitive issues in other parts of the world that among the issues were cultural ones? I would also suggest to the S.G. StaRomana Global Foundations that if they still have plans to have wanted to grant $300 million dollars to that U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that they put in some encumbrance or attach some stings to those endownments, as there seems to be a lot of political bullshit within the W.H.O. and this C.D.C. and until those organization get the act together, I would suggest placing the donations into escrow and let those organization have time to come out and get a established working policy in place, rather than running around and confusing themselves and the world while they tell us their are scientific organization not subject to outside Agency controls.  

    3 May 2009 @ 07:23 by Ref Noel , Allan and circadian clocks @ : Circadian health suffers and Year 2012
    Someone told the indigenous Maori that they should NOT use their ancient greetings that brings people none-to-nose together. I think that the guys who owned stock in companies that made FACE MASKS and the drugs to counter act flu, make a killing with profits. I means look at the millions and millions of Tamiflu and Relenza as antiviral drugs, they are selling like it was the end of the World or something....Our friend Noel who sometimes does post here on this forum, perhaps understand about us all have a circadian internal clock in our bodies, that is those of us who are humans, not those of you who are Aliens or ETs as I do not know what they hell you have in your sell. Noel can perhaps understand that when we all go deep into a dark cave without having a watch, we soon revert to ancient patterns. I think that Knight Arcane knows that BRIGHT LIGHT has a powerful effect in shifting the phase of our body clock and when He does not see much bright light, then his circadian health suffers, also for his horse. Most office workers are not exposed to the proper bright light and that is why they are screwed up. All of this has to do with the fact that the bright light singals that synchonize the rhythm to the solar cycle. THat crap about early to bed and early to rise does nothing to amke your wealthy or healthy, that is all bullshit and old wives tales. And when the smart ones who are to be getting rteady for Year 2012 and to go underground knows that when their bodies are deprived of time cues, their body rhyhms slowly drift oit of alignment with the outside world. One of the better ways to counteract this, is a device made in Switzerland, damn good and it can help to keep your internal clock ticking as it should by using various COLOR LIGHTS depending upon the condition of different humans so Noel should study up on how LIGHT can heal and what colors he can expose himself to through his eyeball, provided he does not have a glass eye as so many court and SEC officials seem to have in the Philippines. I think you know Noel, that our curcadian rhythm is synchronized with the 14-hour solar cycle by light signals received by non-rod, non-cone receptors found exclusiverly in our eyes,We humans and I assume that your Noel are not a ET, have broken too many links with natural world and I think Allan can understand this as well, that a lot of our damn food comes already in a pre-packaged and the drinks are in damn pre-bottles and instead of chewing leaves, we pop pills and few of us go hunding for our food anymore and instead of the cave man dragging the woman around, it is now the damn woman drag around the men by their balls with the help of some Attorney at Law. Then we have electric lights or electricity that turns NIGHTS into days and then even heats up the house and then Allan does not have to chop firewood or shoot any bears, as He is now considered to be a modern man working the 24/7 life style and what He needs is to get out of the BC mess, and hope that Bill can help as Uncle Bill has some connections that can turn on the light at the end of a dark tunnel and even the pope could see the light, even with sunglasses on. It is not only woman that have a biological clock, we all have the clock, we just screwed up our internal clock and we have to learn how it works, functions and best of all how to reset the God damn circadian clock. For the Uncles in S. Africa that do not seem convinced about year 2012, I think you better wake up as time will speed up as we get closer to 2012, this is all events that you cannot change, just like the Swine flue, it may have a different name, but it will agaian become a big problem for us humans. Did you every think if ALiens or ETs that were said to have taken all of those millions of cows by killing the coews, if any of them ever contacted brain cow diseases or MAD COW and the Alients perhaps just did not call it MAD COW but called it something like PISSED, OFF ANIMAL -C HIVI,,,,that would sound more scientific to the W.H.O. on planet Earth.  

    3 May 2009 @ 12:24 by Noel Achas @ : Non-rod. non-cone
    I remember rod and cone receptors in the eye. But what do you exactly call those non-rod, non-cone receptors? And I supposed they are neither rod nor cone shaped. By the way, congratulations to Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao in his victory over Briton Ricky Hatton!  

    3 May 2009 @ 22:12 by Ref: Bengal Trading Limited PedroLaure @ : UBS Bank in Switzerland
    Gee, is this really Noel, the man who loves going into the tunnels down into the earth to try to find out WHO created those tunnels, as Noel has not run into any Japanese military guys walking around down in the tunnels yet, and He suspected that these tunnels were created a hell of a long time before the Japanese came to the Philippines, so Noel is thinking what, perhaps the dark tunnels were made by some more advanced civilization or WHAT? Noel will perhaps like to read some articles when he comes out of the ground and gets to sit on a real toilet seat and have something to read, so download at http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/09/04/35979.html if the elite has not also blocked that report by now, alos look at,ents/pdf/ufotechnology-teller.pdf. and if that is blocked, then try http://www.majesticdocuments.com. Better yet look at http://majesticdocuments.com and that shouild give you the download for the original documents. I would advise you Noel and any of you that have a working brain, to purchase a external hard drive and start to download and keep your documents in a EXTERNAL hard drive to be safe and sound..as soon something nasty will occur to most PCs and it is not something that anti-virus software is going to be able to defeat, it is something different that is going to occur. Just start backing up all of your external hard drive with CDs as well and be on the safe side, as soon a lot of what is now on the Internet will be blocked by filters or just DISAPPEAR and once it is gone, well IT IS GONE FOREVER unless you have it safe and sound on your Cds and external hard drive. Your must also purchase a damn good SURGE PROTECTOR that not just protects you from svoltage spikes but something that will be intentionally released and allowed to come into your home over your electric power lines, it will fry most PCs and your other valuable electronic equipment, but you can purchase some decent protection for about $100.00 that will maybe save your computer and anything else plugged into the special protection device. You can order it by MAIL ORDER from the USA depending upon your local AC voltage requirements. I would also advise anyone to always UNPLU your input to your PC when you are not going to use it, UNPLU it and just do not asusme that the AC power switch is disconnecting your PC from the Internet when you turn off your computer, it is NOT..and it is always better to be able to have a in-line connection that you simply UNPLUG the write that connects your PC to the INTERNET, that way you are disconnected completely provided you do not have wireless. And for Noel, you will enjoy also the evidence found at http://www.filersfiles-ufo.com. And please STUDY about HEALING with LIGHT and you can become a new person, if you learn how to use the LIGHT to enter into your body through your eyes and if you fail to do that, then you are causing your own illness yourself. I still have not seen that KNIGHT ARCANE posting of the document that did say that the Flordeliza T. StaRomana woman did confirm that She never met the woman shown in the photo of that Loretta E. Laurel woman in Spain, so I wished that KNIGHT ARCANE would post that public notice here at Ming forum and share it with everyone, as it is another confirmation that the woman in Spain that is called Loretta E. Laurel who Sterling Seagraves assumed was the real widow of Mr. Pedro P. Laurel of the alleged Bengal Trading Limited Company from the Isle of Man, is perhaps just another woman, of the same name as being Loretta E. Laurel who claims to be the widow of that Pedro P. Laurel. However I think the most importing legal point is that those Number 11833 gold certificates that all the con men in the Philippines have been selling to suckers and unsuspecting foreign investors, it is now confirmed by Sterling Seagraves in his release of the documents or the evidence, that in 1996 someone named Loretta E. Laurel and her group that also considered of Lawyers and Law firms, submitted their gold certificates of Number 11833 and 11833-1 to 11833-30 to the UBS bank in Switzerland and that UBS Bank said that their Bank never held any God damn gold bullion to back up those Bengal Trading Limited fold certificates called 20-year Gold Certificates tied into the alleged Lincon Bank and Trust Company and the Lincoln Insuranc eCompany, so there will be a lot of disappointed former Philippine Military General son down, that were deceived and they will get nothing from holing their 11833 gold certificates, as the UBS Bank was never the Bank that was back up those non-bank issued 20-year gold certificates.  

    4 May 2009 @ 06:12 by Ref ALLAN and NOEL @ : LORETTA E. LAUREL
    For Allan, I would strongly recommend you find a article that was about ANIMATED ASH by Edgar Cayce as his remedy and reasearch on this very important issue that you should find, it was printed in the MAY 1999 issue of TOWNSEND LETTERS for DOCTORS and PATIENTS and their web site back then was http://www.tldp.com and their address was 911 Tyler Street Pt Townsend, Washington, USA 98368-6451 Telephone number back then was 360 385 6021 and FAX was 360 395 0699. That is a PUBLICATION and what you need to do is beg them for a reprint somehow for that specific article, YOU REALLY NEED to read that Allan. and for Noel, check at www.matrixinstitute.com for articles and research by GOLDON-MICHAREL SCALLION on solar flares, Great pyramid and Pole shift and for Noel would be http://accpe.com. OK, it seems that we have two or more Loretta E. Laurel woman, three different guys named PEDRO Laurel and perhaps 1,800 fake 20-year gold certificates floating around in the Philippines and around in toher countries of this planet Earth and all of this is a false claim as the UBS Bank in Switzerland never held any god damn gold to back up those Bengal Trading Limited-Isle of M  

    5 May 2009 @ 00:26 by ref: Flordeliza T. Sta Romana @ : Bengal Trading Limited Isle of Man
    TALKING IS CHEAP, actions is what is essential in such situations. A son can do a lot without having to speak, by learning something that father or the doctors themselves cannot know about. You are dealing with Western medicine that is designed not to prevent anything, but to try to fix the flat tire after it goes flat, then when it does not inflate back to normal, they pump everything they can into the old tire and expect it to come back to its old self, but many such tires remain flat, still those doctors continue to rack up the medical expenses as doctors are in the business of keeping people sick or semi-sick. In reply to RM, and your nasty e-mail that claimed that Pedro P. Laurel never worked for late President Marcos for any sale of gold bullion...well perhaps you should purchase or read a book written by Charles C. McDougald called ASIAN LOOT that was printed by San Francisco Publishers and the order numnber is ISBN: 0-9 4 0 777-08-8 LCCN: 92-83783 and the copy I have is from year 1993 and on page 26 it explained some oft eh GOLD SALES from the Marcos gold, but the so-called Marcos gold was actually gold that belonged to Nr. S. Garcia StaRomana that President M  

    5 May 2009 @ 01:30 by allan diggle @ : flat tire
    if the tire was flat I am not on the mechanics list to fix it.... I am on the banned mechanics list. No calls allowed.....long long story  

    5 May 2009 @ 02:43 by Noel Achas @ : Visit Asia Finest Forum
    Thanks for the links Sir Todd. I invite people here to visit and post your comments on same subject at http://www.asiafinest.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=201579
    Views have hit more than 2 thousand combined with the Dubai gold topic. And there are more people there you can exchange your thoughts Sir Todd unlike here when most of the times... you are by yourself.  

    5 May 2009 @ 07:39 by DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL formerPresident @ : BILL CLINTON former President
    Yes, it is usually just me here, that you see, but what is unseen Noel is the eyes of the evil ones, who come to read, then their take a piss as my dog use to do and go somewhere else, then they comes back, read and then another piss and while it stinks the place up with the smell of urine, usually no one is her to bother me while I enjoy drinking my beer and reviewing the hate mail I get. 1, Today is something a little different, that some one is wanting to explain that the current President of the Philippines, that Her father was a relative of I think the Sultan of Brunei and Jose Antonio Diaz as well. I could not understand how that was possibile, so I asked the person in my follow up e-mail, for a more simple explanation and I am waiting for that reply while I have to go and take a piss, the damn beer comes out as fast as it goes in it seems. 2, This ex-government official said in his e-mail that former President DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL was a blood relative with the Sultan of Sulu and also related to Jose Antonio Diaz, so I make a big blunder as I mixed it up with the Sultan of Brunei as there is a press release also by my computer that shows the two Sultans, one from Brunei and the other being Sultan Fuad Kiram the current Sultan of Sulu Sultanate in the newspaper with the President of the Philippines and her husband at some state dinner or something and I think that report confused me. 3, OK, so if this is a true report that the Lady President of the Philippine FATHER was a blood relative of Mr. Jose A, DIAZ aka as Santa Romana or SANTY, then that means that this lady President also is what, a relative as well, as I am now confused as to what is the meaning of blood relative, maybe someone like Noel can clear up my confusion? 4, What I do not understand is how Gloria father could be a blood relative of both the Sultan Kiram royal family and also related to Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz the man that was also known as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz? 5, Now we know that DIAZ had been taught by the Jesuits and also that Gloria also was taught by the Jesuits as well, but also that Gloria was a I guess class mate of former President BILL CLINTON but I do not know how Bill fits into this mystery, except for something that I seen last year, as it seemed that the D and P Enterprise which was owned by Mr. Jose A. Diaz had their treasurer who is Tarcian Rodgiguez, confirm to transfer what I think was $500 million dolars to one or two different foundation that were connected with that same BILL CLINTON, so perhaps there is some connection with BILL CLINTON and that man known as Mr. Jose A. Diaz, but I still cannot make out the connection, as I am still confused over the father of this lady Presisdent said to bea blood relative of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and also related by blood to the Sultan of Sulu Sultanate, who is not named, but I assume it was the Sultan Kiram? If this was true that Gloria father was related by blood or was a relative of Mr. Jose A. Diaz then could that mean that she is also legally entitled to become a Heir or to have some financial endownment or something from the Santa Romana estate? I mean I never heard of this lady President making any such claims, but it does not mean that she would not be entitled to a legal claim if she could prove that HER FATHER was some how a relative of Mr. Jose A> Diaz. I had some old notes from some where that stated that Jose Antonio DIAZ was said to be a direct descendant of the LAKANDULA and while I am not even sure what that means, and also that DIAZ was a relative of the Sultan of Crueni and that the SUltan of Brunei can trace his familt tree back to ALEXANDER and now I am so damn confused that I need another beer. I think I should go find Mr. E.J. Ekker and if he is not too busy having people visit him to kiss is large gold right on his finger, I would bring some cold beer and see if I could get him to have a few cold beers and tell me about what he remembers of his former life, as He has told others that He was KING SOLOMON in a former life. Now if He was, then He perhaps would perfer wine than beer, but maybe He would remember some of the other guys back then and could give me a little back ground and while I am not sure how fast Mr. Ekker can drink up my six beers, I would do my best to talk faster, piss less and write faster to take notes, but then there perhaps would be a long line forming behind me, of others who wanted to sit and talk with Mr. Ekker, as He is said to be a busy person and there are many who dream to get one of his DEEDS of ASIGMMENT and for Mr. Ekker to consider their project of wanting to sell catjerkey, which is dried meat of alley cats that everyone hates so I would asume that someone in the Philippines will figure how to catch the damn cats and then turn them into beefjerkey or something and Mr. Ekker is said to approve just about any project, will perhaps think this is too small of a project to issue a DEED of ASIGNMENT for and He will have to just SAY NO..and the poor guy will cry and then he will put out of his old leather business case, two dead cats, that have been half smoked already to again appeal to Mr. EKKER but Mr. EKKER has now jumped up like He was young again at 35 years old, he runs away out of the coffee shop while the Filipino is chasing after him holding the two dead cats, yelling PLEASE ME> EKKER come back, I have some other projects I wanted to explain to you and Mr. Ekker is now on theother side of the street as He loves birds and hates cats, and as He runs, He thinks that perhaps he has been there too long in the Philippines and He hopes that soon, the SPACE FLEET SHIP COmmander can find Earth in time and pick him up, as He is ready to depart and not wait for Year 2012, HE wants to leave like yeserday.  

    5 May 2009 @ 16:00 by CT @ : dont visit asia finest forum
    there are no girls there with big breasts.....or hookers giving their phone numbers. since all the hookers are in manila.

    noel achas are you asas on the asia finest forum?

    you sound like a fucking filipino conman that has already made lots of money from people with your fake documents. its bullshit that dubai or the US owes your crap country anything. do you believe in god and monsters and fairies too? but it looks like most of the posters there do not believe you anyway.  

    5 May 2009 @ 16:07 by CT @ : apologies to Noel
    if your not ASAS on the asia forum!!  

    6 May 2009 @ 00:59 by Ref: SOCIETY OF JESUS @ : DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL
    I looked at that Asia Finest forum and did not see much of anything there either, but I think that Mr. Chi Tang must have had a bad night of humping as you jumped on that Noel Achas guy, when I think that was uncalled for. While it is true that Noel Archas seems to be some what simple in his concept of what He claims belongs to his country the Philippines, it remains to be seen if the Philippines could ever claim that President Marcos embezzled the gold that belonged to the Philippine central bank. I think if anyone spent a considerable amount of time to do their DD and investigate everything, they would find that late President Marcos built the mint and used it for his own needs, to remint the gold bullion and sort of clean off the blood history and try to make it presentable to become accepted as legal gold bullion. Basically a lot of the gold bullion that Marcos did handle is considered to be BLACK GOLD as it is not considered to be acceptable to the financial world, but that is that the so-called financial world that is the London Gold Pool is one story, the other story is that anyone can melt down black gold and make it into anything they wanted, that is the value of gold and when it is say minted into new gold bars and imprinted with the hallmark that was designed by late President Marcos, that specoficate hallmark is NOT and never was the same old hallmark that was registered by the old ral central bank of the Philippines. What this means is that average asshole who can look at a stack of gold bullion bars and thinks he can read the imprint of what appears to be the central bank of the Philippines, well, the asshole was fooled as it was the hallmark of a private hallmark that President Marcos used for his gold bullion bars meaning that the gold did not belong to the damn Philippines at all. Now Noel is a decent person, He knew that Presisdent marcos wanted to leave a lot of the wealth to the Filipinos as it was said that before He became deceased he wrote a Last Will...but SHIT, there are about four different versions of his so-called last Will so which of those LAst Wills is really his Last Will. Sure they are all signed as many people can duplicate the signature of another person. Sure some of those last Will makes it appear that late President Marcos also put the Vatican or the HOLY SEE which is the Embassy of teh vatican in charge of his Last Will....but it was said that He never really signed that one, and before he could sign it, he became deceased as that verion of the story is repreated over and over. President Marcos was the Attorney At Law for Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka Nr. S.G. Sta Romana. So MARCOS did take control over his clients gold and cash accounts, so did MArcis steal the gold from DIAZ or from StaRomana, and where the hell did StaROmana or Diaz get the damn gold. The gold was entrusted to DIAZ/StaRomana as he was the gatekeeper. Some say that He was the holder and as the trustee, he was responsibile to holdt eh acocunts in the names of the aliases that he utilized, and which were under the control of the holding company known as DNP Enterprise or D and P Enterprise. This was a well organized Umbrella setup with the other 23 companies under this legal arrangement, so DIAZ was the caretaker and the gate keeper, he himself was not the owner of the gold deposits, but He was the person who was in control and just before He became deceased, He turned over the legal control of the D and P Enterprise to the bookkeeper named Tarciana Rodriguez. DIAZ trusted that woman with his life and now He told her what she had to do, after waiting 40 or more years, then she was to return back 88% of the assets to certain countries, governments, organizations, banks and even to the Vatican at Rome etc. But this woman Tarciana Rodriguez was to be killed by persons who did not want her to remain alive, as others wanted her dead, so she went into giding and had to move 14 or 16 times to stay alive all of those former years. She could have walked away, as she was provided for with some toher financial compensation from Santy, her Boss aka as Mr. S.Garcia StaRomana. He made sure that she was never in need of money, so she did not ahve to stick around and be subject to being killed or having her children become killed as well. But she continued to wait and wait even past the waiting for the 40 years, as there were so many other problems that came out, as there were so many unexpected false relatives and so-called heirs that all claims to be the owners of the StaRomana Estate. Those assholes also do not realize that almost all bank deposits and previous metals even listed in the name of StaRomana does not mean that his so-called Estate, can claim those deposits. Those deposits were under the control of the HOLDING CORPORATION that was the D and P Enterprise and that late President marcos was NOT a Director or a shareholder or anything fort hat DNP Enterprise, that is why MArcos could not steal away everything that belonged to Mr. Jose A. Diaz. What MARCOS did was appoint himself as a Director of the Umbrella organization but that was a imcomplete legal takeover for six reasons. Anyhow, after President Marcos died, this woman who was treasurer and who had been promoted to become the national treasurer of the Holding corporation of DNP Enterprise, she started to reassign and make proper legal transfers of teh wealth back to specific countries, and government and to the Vatican and to organizations and to keep her promises that she made to Mr. S.G. StaRomana or Jose A. Diaz or to her boss nicknamed as SANTY. She did keep the promises and she then appointed as her Co-Administrator a group called VICTORIA, to assist in the final phases for the return of the assets. Still there are so many counter-claims by person who like Mr. CE BROWN claims He was married to the widow of Mr. SG StaRomana and this Mr. Brown tried to write some books to twist around the story about SANTA ROMANA to make ti appear that a filipino woman by the name fo LUZ RAMBANO, who this MR. BRown finally married, well He tried to sell his books and convince us that LUZ was the widow of Mr. StaRomana and now Mr. Brown claims that He is entitled to 50% of the wealth that his wife Luz R. StaROmana would have gotten iof she had not died off. And then there are a lot of ass holes that claim to be the SOn of Mr. Hose A. Diaz, and other gay ass holes with the Daraman con man who claims to be the grandson of Mr. Jose A. Diaz and then there is that granddaughter with the chip in her right arm, then there are many others, but all of those people just can not get anything out of that so-called Sta Romana Estate, as there is no estate. Mr. S.G. Sta Romana also never left any Last Will either, other than the ones that HE was forced to sign or have his balls cut off, but those fake Last Wills canbot be enforced as it was done under threat of the life of Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz aka Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz. NOw if this woman who is now President of the Philippines could prove that her father who was a former President there in the Philippines named DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL was a blood realtive with the Sultan of Sulu Sultanate and then a relative of Mr. Jose Antonuio Diaz aka as Mr. S.G. StaRomana, then that could become proven. That would not only make her and her family members to be even more wealthy than they are now, but it could help explain why Mr. Jose A. Diaz was perhaps so supportive of the Jesuit order. When I was reading some of the old documents I was also shocked to learn that the poor Jesuits when they reture have no income to support themselves. I think that was the main reason that the national treasurer of that D and P Enterprise organization, made endownments to include the name oft eh SOCIETY OF JESUS, which is the name for the order for the Jesuits.  

    6 May 2009 @ 08:54 by Ref: Illegitimate children of StaRomana @ : Luz Rambano StaRomana
    I had a recent discussion with Knight ARcane concerning his views on children that were said to be children of Santa Romana and basically his point was that all children regardless if they are illegitimate or not, are considered to be Children of God. Now what the hell does God have to do with any fakers who claim to be children of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana. Hell if God wants those ass holes, God can have all of them, but my point was that how can anyone prove their are children of someone like this rich guy named Santa Romana, if they do not have a proper legal birth certificate to prove that their biological father was Mr. Sta Romana. I means maybe some Judges with no brain and a glass eye may be fooled or happy to receive some financial donation under the table to ignor the fact that without physical evidence and documents to prove a legal claim, that regardless of what the deaf and dumb Judge in the Philippine court says or does, has no legal upholding in a real court of LAw found outside of the Philippines. So I asked KNIGHT ARCANE, as to how the hell can any of these phony alleged children of Mr. S.G. Sta Romana even prove that they are say ullegitimate and He must have thought I was nuts, to ask such a silly question. But my point was that even someone who is a fake, has a difficult time to even prove that they are illegitimate but some how Mr. Sta Romana seeds happened to get inside the shaft of the alleged mother, who then gave this alleged birth to these illegitimate children of Mr. Sta Romana. Now come on, everyone should know that it takes a assumption for the woman to be bear a child, to have been implanted with the seed and since weare talking many man moons agao back when this event was to have occured, then Mr. Sta Romana had to stick his pecker up some woman as the INPUT in order for the woman to later product out of the same hole, the OUTPUT being the alleged child so then the Filipino woman who is now called the MOTHER, can file the peope legal documents and claim that the father is so and so and in this case, it would have to be Mr. S.G. Sta Romana or Santa Romana. OK, then when the MOTHER or the alleged woman who hatched this kid, is assumed to have been married, right? OK< then there should be a proper registration of the marriage contract/certificate and also some other proof, like who the hell married them, the Mayor, the Priest or the Devil or did they just sign a piece of paper and then filed it to their city hall. OK, so then when we go to find the essential documents, then we learn that HOLY SHIT, there was yet one of those unexplained fires and Yes, the whole God damn court house or the place where all of those original important documents were being stores, were all destroyed by FIRE. Gee, another fire, and Gee, all of th records were like destroyed so what can be issued is like a NEGATIVE REPORT that says, while there are no records on file, perhaps they were destroyed in a fire....and this is how the Philippines conducted this kind of business. So the Judge with the glass eyeballs, has a excuse to understand stand that maybe it was those nasty Japanese that started the fire, or the fire was caused by unknown reasons or perhaps was done intentionally etc. Anyhow the Judge does not care, He then proclaims that Yes, the person who said He is the Son, daughter or Grandson or Granddaughter or the wife or wives, all get to become appointed as Administrator and or Administrix as that is the function of the Judge and the court, to collect court fees to make such legal decisions. Now the sad part is that the people that get the court approval now have a way to claim that they are now in charge of the Estate and that the court appointed them to be the person to go out and find the assets and bring those assets back to the court, so the Court can make a profit and then they slap up to a 50% or more tax on the estate and all of this can be done, even when the deceased man says the HELL WITH THIS SHIT, gets up out of his grave and goes to the court and demands to see the Judge and demands that the damn Judge terminate his previous decision, but the JUDGE after he changes his underwear and have able to see that the DEAD MAN is pissed, will ask the death man, SIR, can I ask you to please remove yourself from this honorable court, as we cannot deal with DEAD PEOPLE. So the DEAD MAN is really pissed and takes off his LEG and throws it at the Judge and the leg bone knocks out his good eye, so this is why they can say that JUSTICE is blind in that court. What I do not understand is that if no one can prove that they are related to Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and if He did not die on the day that they issued that Death Certificate for and if He did not leave any estate, then if He knew he was about to die as the story is told, then how come Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana never wrote out any Last Will while He was in that hospital room. Yes, there could be said that He wrote out a holo Last Will, if you can assume that, but if Mr. Santa Romana wrote it out and to make it legal, He would have signed his name as S. Garcia Sta Romana to the handwritten Last Will, right? But, He did not, He signed that holo Last Will as Mr. Jose Antonio DIAZ. Now this means that in order for Mr. Jose A. Diaz lasy Will to be upheld and become probated, then it means that Mr. Diaz had to have existed, right? And in order for a Last Will to be probated, it also means that Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz, had to become deceased, right? OK, now in order for someone who was said to become deceased, then where is the death certificate that should have been issued to the dead man? What dead man, well the guy who wrote the God damn holo Last Will. What, Yes, Mr. Jose A. Diaz. show me where there is any Death Certificates issued to his name? What? OK, then also show me where there is any God damn borth certificates issued to Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz name? WHAT? Yes, I know but if there is no borth certificate and no death certificates, then tell me where Mr. Diaz was born? And the name of his Father and His Mother, does anyone know? What, Gee no one knows, then does that means that the Holo Last Will that was probated and upheld by the trial court in Manila is valid or not? And what about the other Appeal court that also ruled that the Holo Last Will was valid and to be upheld and they appointed the former book keeper or treasurer of Mr. Jose A. Diaz to become the Administrator for Mr. Diaz and to also continue to carry out the instructions of Mr. Jose A. Diaz, aka as Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz. So now this woman named Tarciana Rodriguez who was the book keeper and later on became the national treasurer placed in charge of billion of dolalrs worth of assets that were assigned to the caretaker, which was held by Mr. Jose A. Diaz using his D and P Enterprise which was the umbrella holding organization that also controlled all of the bank deposits and precious metals that belongs to other countries, governments and agencies and organization and had to be also retured back to the Romana Catholic Pope at the Vatican in Rome after a long waiting period. So all of those alleged assets that were under the caretaker control of Mr. Diaz, also had legal control over the alleged assets of the person known as Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana. Now anyone who does not understand this will never understand much of anything concerning who, why and what about the so-called Marcos gold and or the so-called yamashita gold from the Philippines. The gold does not belong the Philippines, it never did and never will, as it is gold that belongs to others. The gold itself cannot be claimed by any damn relatives of StaRomana and or Diaz, as they were caretakers, or what is called gate keepers for those assets. What profits that were to be paid to Mr. Diaz would be paid at the end of the long 40 or more yeaers and He knew He would be long deceased before He could collect any of those financial compensations. So He did make some arrangements to provide ina holo Last Will that some money would be as endownments to certain persons, but those persons also have become deceased before the 40 year waiting period and someone else ran off wotjh a large sum of money that could have been used for the settlement of the DIAZ LAST WILL. However the wife of a Mr. CE BROWN took the money and recovery has not been made yet, as the claim is going into the International Court of Justice against Luz Rambano. Now Mr. CE BROWN wants us to think that Mr. S.G. Sta Romana died in the hospital room on a certain day and he also wants us to believe that his little old lady of a Filipino wife, named Luz Tambano did not fake any marriage to the man named Mr.S.G Sta Romana. The problem with Mr. CE BROWN is that he became too greedy, as he should have done more to have accepted the settlement that was premade for that GOD CHILDREN FOUNDATION that had the foudner as Luz Rambano Sta Romana. Now LUZ is deceased and Mr. Brown is still expecting to become rich, as he is dealing with 8 different gold deals and working with all sorts of potential recoveries and yet He could have enjoyed his retirement. He claims He is a God fearing Christian but apparently He ignores what James 4:13-14 had to say. Mr. Brown deserved something, but He will fail in what He has been doing, as like Matthewee 6:24 says, NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS, either He will hate the one and love the other, or He will devote to the one and despise the other. You canot service both God and Mamnon /riches/money..  

    6 May 2009 @ 23:45 by Ref: BANCO CENTRAL @ : FERDINARD E. MARCOS gold bullion
    From working with Filipinos over the past years, it seems they are exceptionally superstititious and place a lot of belief in faith healers, and accpting spiritualists and believe anyone walking around with a bible or assume that any bitch that claims to be a wife or a widow of some rich dead man, or a man who was said to be deceased and that they were married to, well, there seems to be a complete lack of proper intelligence involved and that the good Filipino people tend to believe anything anyone tells them. Greed seems to be the primary motivator in the Philippines and that most officials and even some of those Judges that must have glass eyes, will do anything for the right monetary inducement. 99% of what comes out of the Philippines is non-truth. Their conception of what is the truth, is based on myths, told and retold, and reinforced in the telling over the years. This is why there are so many hustlers and con men working out of the Philippines. Yes, it is true that there were a lot of alleged gold bullion bars shipped out of the Philippines that did contain the markings or the hallmark stamped on the gold bars as BANCO CENTRAL but that was not, ver was the imprint or the so-called hallmark of the former central bank in the Philippines, otherwise if the gold came from the real central bank as being claimed, then the bards would have to be imbossed or minted with the name of CENTRAL BANK of the PHILIPPINES GOLD Refinery and Mint.....so those reported gold bars, do not belong to the Philippines, never did and never will, they belonged to someone else. Late President Marcos himself created the private mint in the Philippines. He did have gold melted down and made into new gold bars, and one of his hallmarks was that BANCO CENTRAL on the gold bars, but what does that mean? Well, it means that the God damn gold did not come from the old central bank of the Philippines. It means that it is not a official mint mark of the old central bank of the Philippines either. It means that the God damn gold was minted with that private hallmark for a specific purpose and intention. Now anyone who has a working brain, should ask themselves, where the hell would the Philippines ever get say 10,000 metric tons of gold, as they sure as hell could bnot mine more than 60tons of gold per year out of the natural goldd eposits found in the whole of the Philippines? So who owns that 10,000 metric tons of gold? And lets say that the alleged gold came from the ground and that the local people would say it is YAMASHITA gold. OK, then if it was said to be General Yamashita gold, then where did he get it from? OH, the old story is that the Japanese shipped the gold to the Philippines for safekeeping. IG, then the gold belongs to the japanese, right? What, No? Why not? OH, the Japanese took the gold from other countries, is that the story? OH, so those other countries own the gold, right? No, why not? OH, because they cannot prove that it is their gold, right? So if no one can prove who owned the God damn gold, then the gold belongs to whom? Does it belong to MR. Banco Central as if someone was to change his or her name from whatever name they now have, to say Mrs Banco Central, then She could say she was the widow, of the man known as Mr. Banco Central, right? What, that would be a scam, a con, a fabrications, what? No it would make more sense for anyone to claim that their name was Banco Central than it would be to assume that this gold came from a Japanese General named YAMASHITA. Hell, General Yamashita himself was not the one that huid any damn gold in the Philippines, SHIT he was so damn busy getting ready for the invading American forces that were coming into the Philippines, He had little time to be in charge of doing what they said, being that the Japanese came and dug deep and placed 500,000 or more metric tons of gold there in the Philippines. Then that President Marcos dug most of it up or was it that Santa Romana dug it up first and then MARCOS took it from DIAZ who is also known as Santa Romana and by now, I need another cold beer. So, if we are to believe all of this bullshit, and if MARCOS was able to get his hands on gold that was say found in the ground, and if MARCOS offered to share it with the hard working military guys who did all of the labor, then Gee, how come Marcos never made good on his promises he was alleged to have given also to his loyal military officers etc. Everyone wants to say that Marcos was a bad man and he perhaps was, but the fact was that 99% of this story is just well-placed rumors, and whispered rumors, and all coming out of the propaganda machine that cranks out that bullshit to fool anyone with the elaborated hoax. And then we have Mr. C.E. BROWN who tried to sell his books and failed, but He tried to also create the propaganda that HIS WIFE, known as LUZ RAMBANO has married Mr. S.G. Sta Romana and Mr. Brown now is confused as He knows the cat is out of the bag, and we have exposed the lies, and that his wife faked the marriage to Mr. S.Garcia StaRomana, so now Mr. Brown is said to be writing another new version of his book, but He is sort of stuck...as he knows that his wife, name LUZ faked the marriage to Mr. StaRomana after the death certificate was issued, in fact according to the death certiifcate, Mr. Sta Romana was dead almost 60 days before He was alleged to ahve attended the marriage reception to get married to Luz Rambano. Now, I was thinking, that everyone must have been issued face masks or stuffed cotton up their noes as Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana must have really been stinking up by that time, if he was dead as the DEATH CERTIFICATE said he was. I mean I know they say dead men cannot talk, but are we to believe Mr. CE Jim Brown and his book, that Mr/ StaRomana came out of the grave to get married? I mean like after that marriage party, where did they go for the honey moon? Back to the grave yard or where? Now Ruth Rambano who is one of the many children hatched by this Luz Rambano, well this RUTH says that maybe her other sister was adopted by Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana....and that would then mean that HER SISTER could claim to be a HEIR to the Santa Romana Estate, right? Now what confuses me is how Mr. CE BROWN expects to collect 50% of the estate of his deceased wife, as Mr. Brown says that his wife Luz was entitled to all of the estate, since Mr. Sta Romana had only one daughter from his second marriage and two Japanese children from some Japanese woman but that Mr. Sta Romana never had and wife named TAN so He also did not have any daughter named Flordeliza or any Sons from that mother, so Mr. Brown says that basically that his wife LUZ RAMBANO StaROmana is the widow and she is entitled to claim for the Estate. Now Mr. Brown has a right to claim whatever he wants, but I think he is full of Horseshit in many of his claims, but then again, He perhaps thinks I am a damn drunk and I admit maybe I am a drunk sometimes, but not all of the time as the damn price of beer is not cheap. If it was damn cheaper, then I would be then a damn drunk, but until the prices come down, I am just a beer drinker, who sometimes catches some fish, but ther seems to be very few fish left in the God damn ocean anymore.  

    7 May 2009 @ 05:56 by Ref: Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana @ : Ferdinard E. Marcos Foundation
    OK, to Mr. RM...1, you stated that late President Marcos created a foundation and that He left all of his wealth to the people of the Philippines. 2, Well, I do not know of any foundation by the name of FERDINARD E. MARCOS Foundation but if you say your have the documents, then fine, then you should be pleased, right? 3, havinga foundation is one thing, having a Last Will or having NO Last Will is another thing. 4, I have in one of the many boxes of documents, several different alleged last Will all said to be issued by late President Marcos, and each one has the names of DIFFERNET person in the Last Wills, so it is like a book with lots of Chapters and it goes on and on, but in the end, there is no evidence that any of these alleged Last Will was ever probated. 4. Usually the problems with having a foundation, is that there is actually NO LEGAL OWNER for a private foundation. That means that if something was given as sa a grant, or as a endownment or donations or whatever the hell they Lawyers call it, it means that the Foundation itself owns the assets, but that on the other hand., no one really owns the foundation. 5. When I was just starting to do DD on the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian foundation and that other S. Garcia Global Foundation, those were not owned by anyone, but had several trustees that were assigned to manage the assets of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana or Santy or Rev. Fr. Jose A. Diaz or Jose A. Diaz or any of the pseudonym names Mr. Santa Romana or Mr. Diaz used in their common or their mutual business. back those foundations were traced back to the holding company called D and P Enterprise that was later incorporated into being the D and P Enterprise foundation. basically what all of this turned out to be, was a way to utilize some of the wealth and assets for various funding to other foundations/charties and return back a great deal of the managed assets, to those other countries/governments, Vatican and donate out large endorments in the name or from the LEGACY of Mr. Jose A. Dias who was known as SANTY. It is perhaps the most complicated settlement that I have ever seen, but the strange part if that his Estate itself, is not part of that wealth. MR. Diaz did write out and leave a lot of money as indicated in his holo Last Will and that holo Last Will was finally probated by the woman named Tarciana Rodriguez, she being the national treasurer or treasurer and old bookkeepers and she knew everything about the massive control of accounts all over the world by that holding Company known as DNP ENterprise or the Umbrella, all of it was owned and controlled by Santy and his 26 different alias or pseudonym. I am unaware of the intention of late President Marcos in what He wanted to be done with the assets that He alleged controlled. His wife Imelda perhaps never really knew what her husband really owned or was holding, as She was perhaps also confused with all of the other activities that took up her own attention. I cannot help you Sir, as I have very little knowledge about the wealth and assets of late President Marcos. If you feel that the Philippine people have a legal right to claim whatever you assume they are to received from the marcos estate, then instead of talking to me, then you should be doing something more constructive. When I was asking some of the trustees as to why the I.M.F. was going to receive such large donations or why that World Bank was also slated to receive such large donations, the answers was that it was time to return back the 88% as was mandated by Mr. Jose A. Diaz. When I started to ask more and more questions, that was the end of the release of their side informations. I assumed that they shut their door as I was perhaps asking about funding to so many organization that they had approved of as it was 40 organizarions and I just wanted to get a better understand. I knew that the National Treasurer was obligated to get rid of the 88% and transfer it to the other countries or to some Banks and governments and to the Vatican, but Hell if they were giving the money away as I heard, I just wanted to know if they would toss a little my way...but i guess not.  

    7 May 2009 @ 08:07 by KNIGHT ARCANE @ : PUBLIC NOTICE
    the public notice where Flordeliza Sta Romana signed and authenticated at RTC and DFA was laready posted in my BLOGSITE



    for the people to know that any business whit Loretaa laurel is illegal and willl be persecuted for misrepresentation and illegal act. any people that are connected to loretta laurel and atty santiago vera marquez of spain is hereby given a cease and desist order and any doing business with them will be slapped with legal remedy and will be subjected to payment of damages  

    8 May 2009 @ 00:30 by Ref Flordeliza T. StaRomana @ : Loretta E. Laurel
    OK, now I can see that the court appointed Administrix named FLORDELIZA T. STA.ROMANA has again confirmed that She does not know this specific named Loretta E. Laurel that is shown in that attached ID CARD issued by the country of Spain. My problem is, that I was provided with several different Power of Attorney documents some came from the CD-ROMs that were sold by the author Sterling Seagraves, that appears to be the idential same color ID Card that is now posted on your blog KNIGHT ARCANE. Now I believe that if you would read the documents that are contained on one of those three CD-ROMS that are available from the author Mr. Sterling Seagraves, you will see that a Loretta E. Laurel was very much involved with several Law firms, and some other people, who all seemed to have believed that the Loretta E. Laurel, was indeed the wife and the widow of a man named PEDRO P. LAUREL. But since there are three different PEDRO LAURELs who are all deceased, we have to now find out which of those men, is said to be the Pedro Laurel, who was the straw man that was helping late President Marcos sell gold, or the man who was said to be the biological father of a filipino biy named PETER, who some woman named Loretta E. Laurel claims was the SON of Pedro P. Laurel. OK, so as I am reading Peter alleged biorth certificate, it shows that this woman who is said to be HIS MOTHER, well she had four previous kids before she was said to have given birth to this boy called PETER E. Laurel. OK, so assuming that there is two and maybe three different Loretta Laurel woman that all claimed to be married to men, with the name of Pedro Laurel, then how would the UBS/AG Bank Lawyers or their investigators ever know who the hell they were dealing with, as if there were three different men named PEDRO LAUREL and at least two woman who claims to be the widow and their names were LORETTA E. Laurel, then the UBS/AG Investigators should have been informed by their old Chairman named Dr. Senn, that the UBS Bank never was the depository bank for any God damn gold, that was to back up those Bengal Trading Limited of Isle of Man so-called 20 year gold warranty certificates with the certificate Numbers being 11833 to 11833-01 to 11833-30 or even to 1183--150? So if this LOretta E. Laurel was so smart and if Her Attorneyw as so smart, then how come they were asking the UBS/AG Bank to release the gold for those 11833 certificates? That BAnker Mr. Senn knows damn well, that late President Marcos and HE created that concealment to allow MARCOS who was the Attorney-At-Law for Mr. S. Garcia Sta.ROmana to eventually grab the ownership of teh real gold bullion, that was deposited by Mr. StaRomana, but it was under coding of JAD, meaning it was under the contol of JOSE ANTONIO DIAZ, not under the control of the UBS, or Dr. Senn, or the Lincoln Bank and Trust Company or President MArcos, it was under the legal control of the person who was the sole owner of the DNP Enterprise, who was Mr. Jose Antonio Diaz, also with the nickname of SANTY. So President Marcos and Dr. Senn were working together in many ways, as UBS was a small bank in Switzerland, until the time that StaROmana and DIaz started to deposit a lot of gold under the care of that old UBS bank. After that the old UBS Bank grew into the largest of the Swiss Banks it is today, but unfortunately the new Chairman, and President and the CEO as well as their new Board of Directors do not know the real truth, being that the gold belongs to Mr. Diaz and that their UBS Bank should not be dealing with any false claims of any damn fake widow of any person named Pedro P. Laurel, as LAUREL was never the legal owner of that gold. If the UBS/AG allowed anyone except for the national treasurer or anyone representing her with say a General Power of Attorney GPOA, to make any settlements of all, for any claims using the 11833 certificates, then the Bank itself would be faulted for wrongful conversion. The gold belongs back to Mr. JAD who is reprsents only by the woman named TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ, who was the long time book keeper of the accounts of the D and P ENterprise, which is the old holing corproation that controls the gold bullion and cash accounts of the person known as Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana. As to this woman named LOretta E. Laurel as Shown on the SPAIN ID Card, I am not certain who or what she is? I also know that the woman that made transfer of her POA to the Japanese OKUMA GROUP, made it prior to having obtain being appointed as th Administrator for the person, named Pedro P. Laurel. Someone recently gave me copies of such legal documents and I confirmed that some woman named Loretta E. Laurel also issued her POA to the Japanese and confirmed that Pedro P. LAurel was the owner oft ehb cash deposit made into the Sanwa Bank and when I check that account number, it was the cash account of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, so that was a fraud and false claim. THen in the same POA, the woman named Loretta E. LAurel shows that Her deceased husband named Pedro P. Laurel also deposited gold into the SANWA BANK and again, that is another false claim. There are 7 other examples of this conspiracy and what appears to be embezzlement, that I cannot disclose at this time, as they are building up a lawsuit against the woman and the Japanese that were involved.  

    8 May 2009 @ 04:51 by Ref: Pedro P. Laurel @ : Loretta E. Laurel
    OK< so as we get deeper into this pile of shit with PEDRO LAUREL and LORETTA LAUREL and her playmates, we learn that She claims she was the wife, that later became the widow, then she claims that Dear Pedro was one hell of a rich SOB and had lots and lots of gold, so she claimed, being that She claimed that Pedro P. LAurel was the owner of the Benal Trading Limited company that was registered at the Isle of Man....but according to their government, PEDRO P. LAUREL was not associated in any way or manner with that Isle of Man company registration and that was proven by obtaining the official copy of the registration it self. Then their government sais that one of the two guys who alleged has signed those so called 20-year gold certificates, was actually ILLEGAL as He himself was not even a officer or a director of that Company at the time He signed those alleged gold certificates. The their government did confirm that all of those alleged warranties of NUmber 11833 all had the IMPROPER SEAL, the dry seal cannot be using the name of OVERSEAS AGENT, as that is not the legalized seal of that Isle of Man corproation or company so anyone including that LOretta and her playmates and all of the scammers and the con men that have old inventory of those duplicated gold certificates have to now get rid of them, as the word is now going out over the Internet about those FAKE Certificates, the scam and the fact that UBS BANK has confirm they never had the gold to back up those certificates that were said to matured in Year 2003. All of that is worthless and anyone who got screwed, should go to the Police and file a criminal complaint then followup to INTERPOL. So as we get into these events, we learn that the scam was the paper Bank called LINCOLN BANK and TRUST COMPANY andf then the alleged Lincoln Insurance Company and then Mr. Pedro P. Laurel, who was not the registered owner, but who was the front man, the straw man for President Marcos. So this whole scam was intentionally done to embezzle the gold bullion from the Coded Jose A. Diaz accounts, and they made paper transfers to OTHER BANKS but all of this will become proven at the International Court of Justice as after all President MArcos representing th country of the Philippines was involved in the wrongful conversion. Eventually all of the con men and woman names will come out in the investigation and I hope they all get locked up for a long time.  

    8 May 2009 @ 21:17 by Ref: Legal claims against Marcos Estate @ : Severino Garcia Sta.Romana
    So who has the legal right to collect the gold that is under the code of JAD, being Jose Antonio Diaz? That is a good question and I myself have spent a few years to try to figure out that mess and I felt it was up to that woman, named Tarciana Rodriguez, since she after all was the long time BOOK KEEPER and treasurer of the company called DNP Enterprise, which was owned 100% by her boss being Santy aka Mr. Jose A. Diaz, who also was known as Mr. S.G. Sta Romana, again known as Santy. However neither StaRomana not Diaz actually was the true owner of amy of the gold deposits, as it was proven that He and his Aliases were all under the control of the D and P Enterprise, which was the HOLDING COMPANY or corporation, also known to be the Umbrella that controled so many other compnaies and corproations and bank deposits and bank acocunts. Now to any one who has a brain that can understand, then they know that under the law, a person is legally considered to be a corporation. Then to really complicate the legal situation, the courts also have ruled that a corproation is legally considered to be a person. Now a corproation never actually dies, but a person can become deceased. So what the treasurer or the national treasurer did, she incorporated the other holding corproation or actuall established the legal ground work for the foundations, to be called the S.G. Sta Romana GLOBAL foundation and another one was called the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian foundation known as JADHF, then there were some more, one was the Santa Romana Church Foundation and then the D and P Enterprise foundation and I cannot recall the others right now. So she, that Tarciana Rodriguez woman waited for over 40 years and then she started the legal process to return back a hell of a lot of the volume of the assets, that were under the control of the caretakers, being StaRomana/Jose A. Diaz. She started to dismantle the vast Umbrella and return back to some fovernments or some countries a great deal, also to the Vatican at Rome and then she started to seek help to the VICTORIA officials, to help her provide endownments and grants to many other organizations like the United Nations, International red Cross Socities, the I.M.F., the Asian Development Bank and even the World Bank and there were about 40 different larger organizations and foundations and NGOs and then about 168 NPOs that were all to get some of the settlements from certain gold sales or actually transfers of ownership of gold bullion. The purpose was to give away most of it that was not to be returned, and to create the DIAZ LEGACY or I guess it could also be called the SANTA ROMANA LEGACY. Now, the Heirs, the alleged relatives and the estate cannot have any claims on any of the assets that were under the care of the trustee of being Sta.Romana and or Diaz, as they were caretakers or the gate keeper, not the actual owner of those assets. That Tarciana Rodriguez woman, who had been the trusted book keeper was given the task to return back almost all of it, after a 40 year waiting period. She is to be given a lot of credit for her honorable actions as it is almost impossibile to find some Filipino woman today, that would be so honest and able to maintain the promises to her old Boss, Santy almost 45 to 50 years later. Most of teh Fulipino woman that are discussed on this forum, usually wear black panties and are con-artists, who all seem to be the alleged widow of some one who dropped dead, and the bitches are after the money for the estate. In this situation, the Sta.Romana guy and the Jose A. Diaz guy do not have to be concerned about any damn Estate, as there is no estate, as what they had in their names, were assets that they were handling as trustees, and care takers and gate keepers. So for all of the con-men and woman who claim to be Heirs, or relatives of Santa Romana, I think you are all pissing up a rope. If your name did not apepar in the holo Last Will, then I would say that you will never see any money from the alleged missing Estate, as there just is NO GOD DAMN ESTATE to fight over. Regardless of how many Filipino Court Judges assumet here is some estate, where is the proof that were filed to those courts, that shows any inventory of teh assets and the cash and of the gold that is being claims as part of teh Sta.Romana estate? Without any evidence or any documents and without filing such legal claims into the courts, then there cannot be any expecation for any Court in the Philippines to make any legal claims or statements outside of teh Philippines for anything to do with claiming any assets of DIAZ and or Santa Romana or Sta.Romana. All of those alleged relatives, Heirs and scammers cannot get anything, never could and never will get another. If anyone has a real claim, let them file it into the International Court of Justice, as then they could file the lawsuit against late President Marcos of the Philippines, as MARCOS did steal a lot of the assets that were in the accounts of the care takers, being StaRomana and Diaz, so that means this is a criminal action against the President of the Philippines. Since the assets belonged to OTHER COUNTRIES, other governments and to specific organizations, then the ICJ has to accept the lawsuits against the Marcos Estate as what the Marcos Estate consists of, is a lot that was embezzled from StaRomana and Diaz, who themselves were the trustees, to hold those assets for those other Countries/governments. So this means those toher Countries and or their governments have a legal right to demand what was embezzled by the wrongful conversion by late President Marcos and any people involved in the theft of the wealth, including former bankers with UBS in Switzerland. Just because President Maercos became decease is no reason for his Estate not to become subject to more lawsuits and freeze the assets of some of teh wealth that is well known to exist. The assets legally belong to other countries and to certain governments, not to the Marcos Estate. This is why several countries are working to take such legal steps to block the accounts and to demand return back of what was taken by the actions of the former leaders of the Philippines in their capacity as representing the Philippines.  

    8 May 2009 @ 23:49 by Ref: SONIC BLOOM for farming @ : Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian Foundation
    Last year when I was asking who the hell was on the list to receive grants from the D and P Enterprise Foundation, there was a name as SONIN BLOOM and at first I thought it was that name of that Music Group also of that same name but then I seen it was funding $10 million from the Jose A. Diaz assets, to be used for R and D for the encouragement of using SONIC BLOOM technology, so today I was reviewing some of the articles I found at http://www.originalsoncicbloom.com and looked at some of the Video movies, then I was looking at http://www.ral-conic-blood.com/sonic-bloomarticles/index.htm and at http://www.rainbowninerals.net/sonic_bloom>articles6.htm and I started to see that there were indeed a increase of up to 400% for growing some food crops, using the songs of birds and some liquid fertilizers. Now I think I can understand why they approved to issue the money for the grant to pay for additional research, as with the problems of upcoming global changes, there will become serious shortages of foods. And now most of the little busy bees have disappeared or been killed off, then this is going to become a very serious problem in the next few years. I hope people Like Noel would study it, but then He is not a farmer, and perhaps rather spend his time in the underground, walking around those tunnels He has fell in love with. The Japanese corproation has done a lot of good research of growing vegetables using just typical lighting, nothing special but without soil, inside old warehouses and old factories. They circulate the solution and do not need any dirt or soil, and do not need special lighting either, so it can be done and is being done in Japan. There is not much concern about the weather or anything expect to have the AC power, but that can also be obtained by solar panels, and perhaps making AC POWER generators that will use water as the fuel, as there are now several good units being sold that use hydrogen or water to produce the electricity and the units are small and expecting to run 20 to 30 years without any upkeep. Where is CT, perhaps he is extra busy humping away some place with some lady of the night or day???just some lady or ladies??  

    10 May 2009 @ 01:28 by rolando @ : looking a financier
    im a treasure hunter and i a project can you help me.you can contact me in this # +6398266587 or +639205462225 mr, rolando sales  

    10 May 2009 @ 03:13 by Ref Luz Rambano @ : Mr. CE Jim Brown
    Dear above Treasuer Hunter...I think maybe you should log into the YAMASHITA GOLD forum that is also found on the other side of this forum. 1, Soon we will not have to worry about the StaRomana story as I was informed that the Administrators have just about completed their assignments to return most of the wealth or the assets back to other Agencies. 2, Also that there is sufficient evidence to get a inditement against the fake Loretta E. Laurel and that scam using those 20-year Bengal Trading Limited alleged gold certificates. 3, And as far as Mr. CE BROWN and his claims that he is the widower of the widow of Mr. S.G. StaRomana, well good luck Mr. Brown with that bullshit, but I d not care how many damn books you are intyenting to write, there is sufficient proof that your little Filipino Luz Ramabano could not become legally married to Mr. StaRomana, not as long as her first husband was still alive as He was, when that alleged marriage took place. Just because you are adopted does not mean your are stupid or ignorant and you claim to know right from wrong, yet you continue to claim that you are entitled to claim 50% of the StaRomana Estate and that is American horseshit and you know it Mr. Clarence Elbert Brown. Now if youw anted to claim 50% of the estate of Luz Rambano, then I would understand and agree that you have a valid claim, but Luz Rambano estate cannot be claiming anything to do with any gold or money accounts that did not legally belong to her, as She was not a real wife to anyone named Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana aka Santy. Your Luz in many ways deceive a bank to release to Luz Rambano who claimed she was the wife of Mr. S. Garcia Sta Romana and that was Philippine horseshit and a lie and fraud. So that money has to be recovered and returned back to the D and P Enterprise foundation, so you Mr. Brown cannot claim any of that money as part of your little Filipino wife Luz, as the money was gained by wrongful conversion and by fooling the banker, you know that Mr. Brown, so stop your American Hillbilly act and admit the lies and the deception in whatever you are to write, as yet another book. Hell, your other book sales sucked, never sold many books even as a e-book download, so I advise you not to quite your day time job, as you do not seem to be cut out to be a writer or a author. You are more like a old farm boy with too much horse shit on your boots. 3. As to the MARCOS GOLD, well that was never any interest to me, except what was embezzled from Mr. Jose A. Diaz aka Santy. 4, And as for the holo Last Will of Mr. Jose A. Diaz, I was recently informed that just maybe that some escrow account will be established and to pay out to those persons made mention in that Last Will to get whatever they are legally entitled to. Gee, does that mean that Mr. CE BROWN could claim 50% of that? Well, maybe so, as he was married to that woman named Luz but the problem I ehard, was He married that Luz woman as Luz R. Sta Romana, not as Luz Rambano. I was told that when that Luz woman became deceased, Her own faily tried to hide the death from this American husband, beingt his Mr. CE Jim Brown..and that the daughters of this Luz, made sure that the DEATH CERTIFIATE was issued to their mother name as LUZ RAMBANO, not as Mrs Luz Rambano StaRomana-Brown or as Luz R. StaRomana. Still it is my gut feeling that Mr. CE Brown could legally qualify to get 50% of whatever belonged to his wife, if He can prove that his wife was the same woman that was mentioned in that hol Last Will...but that Last Will was signed by a Mr. Jose A. Diaz, not by anyone named SG StaRomana, so this seems to be what the American military call CATCH 22 situation. But I am sure that Mr. Brown will some how figure out that legal mess, or else HE will continue to play the game of being the GOD FATHER there in the Philippines, making deals to buy and sell gold bullion, Wells Fargo Notes, old safes and hell anything that is offered to him, as Jim Brown is after all wantingt o find the POT at the end of the RAINBOWL and I hope he finds it.  

    10 May 2009 @ 05:23 by allan diggle @ : treasure hunter
    Mr Rolando, are you looking for help or for funding?  

    10 May 2009 @ 21:39 by Laurent Issner @ : Funds under the control of the DNP

    10 May 2009 @ 03:13 by Ref Luz Rambano @ : Mr. CE Jim Brown

    When you say that we will not have to worry about the StaRomana story as you were informed that the Administrators have just about completed their assignments to return most of the wealth or the assets back to other Agencies.

    When could all this be finalised? in the next month or ar we talking a couple of years?

    I am a little confused as to how much money there is to divide back to the governments & agencies. Is it the 617MT of gold or am I off track with that? How much funds are under the control of the DNP Enterprise?

    Thanks for your help.  

    11 May 2009 @ 00:11 by Ref: Laurent Issner @ : DNP Enterprise Foundation
    No, the DNP Enterprise has very little to do with the 617,500 metric tons of gold, how can you become so confused? Also I have no internal knowledge as to how much funds are under the control of the DNP Enterprise, but what I can say, is that many billions of dollars is being given to the World Bank, United Nations, IRC, and to many many Agencies and organization as cash. The other assets as bullion is being made I guess as transfer of ownershipship in returning the gold to those countries/banks/governments/Vatican/whatever. There was nothing mentioned for any estate settlement for Mr. S.Garcia StaRomana. However there seems to be some possibile arrangements to allociate some limited funds to be utilized for the possibile settlement of some holo Last Will of the person named Jose Antonio Diaz also known as JAD, but it is just some on-going discussions and I am not even sure if that will occur or not. That 617,500MT of gold never belonged to MR. Diaz or to Rev, Fr. Jose A> Diaz. He was just the trustee or the gatekeeper or the caretaker whatever the hell you can call him in that arrangement. That gold belongs to the Royal families and I thought that was also settled out by agreements signed by the Sulu Sultanate and submitted to the Vatican at Rome. Anyhow I think all of this is coming to the very end and I for one will be glad also that the other problems and mystery of the missing gold that was being wrongfully taken by the actions of late President Marcos of the Philippines and Pedro P. Laurel also was proven to also be gold that belongs also to Mr. Jose A. Diaz. So LAUREL never had anything gold wise deposited as Account 16 16 12 at the UBS Bank in Switzerland, that was just a con job. The good thing is that the DIAZ LEGACY or the assets that were left over after 88% was allociated out, will be utilized fro hummanitarian projects and for charties and support of NPOs and NGOs and to do a lot of good. So this means that the EVIL was able to produce SOME GOOD out of that SANTA ROMANA mystery. I will now devote more of my time to getting ready for Year 2012 as I believe that the whole world as we know as Earth, will be subject to very serious changes.  

    12 May 2009 @ 23:35 by Ref CHINA Huaneng Group @ : Tianjin coal burning power plant
    A lot of the grants donated out from the DIAZ LEGACY TRUST FUNDS that were under the DNP Enterprise being the holding corproation for the Sta Romana so-called wealth was indeed required to be made as transfer to certain countries or governments, to some depository banks, to the Pope and for many others on the approval list. I was surprised that up to I think it was $ 10 billion dollars was to be given to China Huaneng Group for some project I think is spelled TIANJIN POWER PLANT, but I cannot now read my own hand written notes I had made from reading those documents at some meeting they had last year. It seems the intent was to find ways to reduce ACID RAIN that is being produced when power plants burn coal as their fuel. It seems that the more modern technology that can build more efficient coal burning power plants can achieve an efficiency as hight as 44 percent, meaning they can cut global warming emissions by more than a third compared with the weakest plants. China has advanced coal-burning power plants, but then the financial meltdown seems to have caused China to slow down. I think the woman, named Ms TARCIANA RODRIGUEZ is very much supportive of reducing global warming. She also wanted to grant ip to US$5 Billion to the United States to conduct more research for using coa-burning power plants and again, I was impressed that the private-sector or the DNP Enterprise Foundation on behalf of Mr. Jose Antonia Diaz is able to donate $15 billion dollars to assist both China and the United States. I also have some note of a company or maybe it is a group called Climate World, that I was unable to find on the Internet, they were also mentioned at that meeting, but I could not locate their web site?  

    13 May 2009 @ 23:43 by Ref: ClimateWorks Group San Francisco @ : Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian Foundation
    The price of gasoline and diesel fuel will be increased, even with the slowdown because of the financial melt down. What will occur is that those that can process crude oil to produce gasoline will demand higher costs plus the governments are desperate and need the taxes on the export of crude oil and because those governments printed too much of the fiat paper money and that is going to cause and create the next phase, which has to be inflation. When August comes in a few months, you will better understand when the truth comes out, that is now concealed by the zombie banks. All of that taxpayer debit which is the alleged bail out money of the Government, is nothing more than the future debits of the unsuspecting taxpayers, who are too ignorant to even understand about what is going on. OK, now do such governments need the high taxes income from exporting crude oil? Well, yes they do as without it, how the hell can they pay all of those support programs for their taxpayers, so Yes, those countries that has crude oil will want the price to be INCREASED when they sell the crude oil, then the companies that import the oil, has to make a profit and then you all the refinery that made big investments to come into production, so they need more profits and this ends up at the highter retail prices at the fuel pumps. So the price of crude will perhaps head to US$70.00 a drum and yet, there will be a decrease of the supply of crude oil but yet the prices will increase. I received a e-mail from someone that informed me that I screwed up when I made mention of the company I though was named Climate World. Seems that the proper name is instead Climate Works and their President should be named Mr. Hal Harvey and their Group is said to be located some where in San Francisco, California. OK, so I did go back and looked again at my notes from last year meeting when the Jose A. Diaz Humanitarian Foundation trustees were having discussions over which projects would be provided with a grant or endownments, I now see that I did screw up and the proper name should be ClimateWorks.  

    14 May 2009 @ 00:02 by Ref Mr. Steven Chu U.S. energsecretary @ : discounting of gold by 50% to Uncle Sam?
    Again some good and bad e-mail came in....One pointed out that Tarciana Rodriguez husband was also Chinese. Well, I sort of knew that, as she herself went into the courts in the Philippines against the Government mix up over the last name of her Son and she won the court battle and that Son did get to change his name to the Chinese name of his father, so Yes, it is true that this woman who is the treasurer in charge of the money deposited by her boss Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana does seem to be wanting to offer large financial support to CHINA, however she also offered financial support to the United States for $5 Billion for the USA to also developed improved technology of using cleaner coal-burning to obtain electric power. However, when she approved that grant, it was back before that Mr. Steven Chu was appointed as U.S. energy secretary. So how would this woman Tarciana Rodrigues have known that a man who also was Chinese, would be appointed by President Obama to become the U.S. energy secretary? I just think that she cannot be blamed for anything just because she loves the Chinese people and that she had to endure such mental anguish and hardships of havinga Chinese husband in the Philippines after thwe War, but that they as man and wife could not be open about their marriage as back then, Filipinos could not marry Chinese or CHinese could not marry Filipinos or something. Anyhow regardless of what others think of her, she is the last one, the only legal person that could dismantle and make grants, endownments or donations whatever, from the estate of Mr. S. Garcia StaRomana under the control of accounts under teh umbrella holding company called DNP Enterprise. She was the officer of that company and she was their treasurer, plus Mr. S.G. StaRomaan prior to his death situation, entrusted only to her the keys and the banking codes and told her to wait and wait for the 40 yeaers or more and she would know when the time was proper, to return back so much to some countries, to some governments, to some banks and to the Vatican and to make donations and to perserve the Diaz Legacy. So what she did was to start making distribution and when she offered to transfer the title of ownership of the gold to the CITI BANK prior to their financial in the toilet mess they became involved into, then the second buyer was to be the U.S. Treasury and when they did nothing to buy the gold at the 50% special price discount to assist the citizens of the United States, then the next buyer in line I heard, was to be the Saudi Royal family, so no one can assume that she was demanding too much, as hell I wished I had money where I could buy some gold bars at a 50 percent discount.  

    14 May 2009 @ 00:19 by Ref: China Guaneng Group @ : Mr. Cao Peixi, President
    Again some of the nasty e-mail said that there was no such Huaneng Group in CChina that could be found? Well, I do not know as I never did any search on the internet myself but the proper name should be I think China Huaneng Group as that is what I wrote down last year at that DIAZ trustee meeting and I do admit that sometimes I cannot read my own damn hand writing sometimes. I do know that the DIAZ LEGACY allociated $10 Billion dollars to be utilized by the Chinese or CHINA in their research and something to do with a project in Tianjin, China. It was said that while the United States was still debating over whether to build a more modern and more efficient kind of coal-fired power plant that uses extremely hot steam, that CHINA already was building such plants. The DIAZ Legacy approved the grant of $10 Billion and maybe I am mistaken but I though it was to be shared with the China Huaneng Group. When I asked someone at the S.G. StaRomana Global foundation if they could confirm that $10 Billion, I was told it was part of a $15 Billion approved grants and that $5 Billion was to be for the United States and the other $10 Billion was to be given to China with the encumbrance that it be used for clean-burning using coal as the fuel for their electric power plants etc. When I asked about that Chinese Group, the trustee said that He thought the President name was spelled Cao Peixi. Now that does not sound like a Chinese name to me, so I asked the Trustee at the SGSRGF, about the company and He said it was thought to be the countrys biggest state-owned electric utility and was to have been the majority partner in the jpoint venture building the Tianjin plant in China? So for anyone who wants to beat up upon me, then allI can say is conduct your own research, as since I am not to get any of that $15 b