Ming the Mechanic:
The View from Wonderland

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 The View from Wonderland2003-04-26 23:47
by Flemming Funch

From article on Online Journal by Ernest Partridge:
"Are the people who are caught up in a mass delusion ever aware that they are living in a malignant fantasyland? Did the puritans of the Salem colony suspect that they were not hanging real "witches," but instead were collectively engaged in a monstrous injustice? Did the "good Germans" in the 1930s ever doubt that Adolf Hitler was anything less than what the captive press said he was: the "savior of the nation and the protector of the Aryan race?" Did the "good patriots" of the 1950s ever ask for proof that Senator Joe McCarthy really had a list in his hand of "known communists in the State Department?" (The number changed with each speech). How long did we persist in believing the telegenic generals' reassurances that "we've turned the corner in Viet Nam," and that "there was a light at the end of the tunnel?"

How many Americans today are aware, or if aware, care, that the Bush regime's justifications for the Iraq war were based upon lies, forgeries, and plagiarisms, and that the images of the "coalition's" "triumphs" (e.g., the toppling of the Saddam statue and the "rescue" of Private Lynch) were staged.

When society has gone mad, does the "conventional belief" somehow "feel different" to those within the society? The question virtually answers itself and history confirms that when reason departs and collective insanity takes over, it all seems "perfectly sensible" from the inside. True, in all such cases, a few discerning individuals stand apart, like the child who saw no clothes on the Emperor. But such individuals are quickly marginalized as they are denounced as "traitors," shouted into silence, exiled if they are lucky, and liquidated if they are not. After the madness has passed, statues are cast and monuments built in their name—names familiar to us all: Dietrich Bonheoffer, Klaus von Stauffenberg, Hans and Sophie Scholl ("The White Rose"), Andrei Sakharov, Joseph Welch, Edward R. Murrow, George Ball, Daniel Ellsberg, John Dean.

These heroes see what almost anyone might see—anyone who prizes his and her liberty and independence, whose wits are operational, and whose moral principles are intact. Add to this, the courage to speak out against the madness and to defend the betrayed moral principles, whatever the cost, and you have a hero."
I believe most people in the world are pretty much trying to do the best they can, within the reality they think they exist in. And where things go wrong is exactly where your beliefs get so distorted that you end up doing the opposite of what you would do if you were better informed.

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28 Apr 2003 @ 16:02 by sharie : a related article
Dr. Rath'S, Superb, Revealing MESSAGE

Call for a Constitution for a New World of Peace, Health and Social Justice
Interview with Matthias Rath, M.D.

Dr. Rath, after your campaign against the war on Iraq, the public is
interested to know more about you, can you please give us more information
about your achievements?

First of all let me emphasize, I'm a doctor, a scientist and - above all -a
human being, an inhabitant of our planet with the desire to keep this
planet intact and not to allow it to be incinerated in a third world war. As
a doctor and scientist I was privileged to contribute to several areas which
will allow mankind to build a healthier and hopefully more peaceful world.
My discoveries in the area of natural health prevention and treatment of
cardiovascular disease will allow us to largely eradicate heart attacks,
strokes, high blood pressure, heart failure, irregular heart beat and a
variety of other related conditions in this and the future generations of
mankind. The second contribution to mankind I made was the exposure of the
pharmaceutical industry as the largest investment industry on earth,
maintaining and promoting one of the largest deception and fraud schemes in
the history of mankind. While the advertisements promise "health" the very
market place of this investment industry is the existence and expansion of
diseases. Prevention, root cause treatment and eradication of diseases
threaten the pharmaceutical "investment business with disease" and are
therefore fought by the so-called pharmaceutical cartel. In a public
presentation in June 1997, I formulated for the first time the sobering
analysis on a
global scale. By doing that it became so threatening to the multi-trillion
dollar pharmaceutical investment group that it is now seeking to cement its
global grip on the people of the world with the help of legal force through
protection laws and the abandoning of civil rights. The pretence for this
strategy is the so-called global "war on terrorism". This war against
"terrorism" is not a real war. It is strategically developed and implemented
to create a global state of fear and intimidation that allows the
implementation of such drastic legal measures not only in America, but also
around the world. My closest co-workers foresaw this development more than
a decade ago. It was at that time that the late two-time Nobel Laureate
Linus Pauling said: "Your discoveries are so important that they threaten
entire industries. One day there may even be wars just to prevent your
breakthrough from being widely accepted."

You graduated from medical school and worked as a doctor and researcher,
what made you switch to research in natural therapies?

I started off in conventional research into the causes of cardiovascular
disease. At that time it was thought that high cholesterol levels were the
main factor for causing heart attacks and strokes. Under the influence of
the manufacturers of cholesterol lowering drugs, the medical doctors were
told that high cholesterol levels damage the blood vessel walls, thereby
leading to their thickening and eventually to their blockage leading to
heart attacks and strokes. Today we know this was just another marketing
story of the pharmaceutical industry. If high cholesterol would damage the
blood vessel walls it would do so everywhere along the long pipeline of our
blood vessel system. This system would clog everywhere and not just in the
heart or in the brain. In other words, we would also get infarctions of the
nose, the ear, the knees, elbows, fingers and any other organ of the
body.This is clearly not the case. Then I discovered that cardiovascular
disease is essentially unknown in the animal world, whereas amongst human
beings it is a leading cause of death. The next discovery was a breakthrough
for natural health worldwide. Animals manufacture their own vitamin C in
bodies, which is required to produce the reinforcement molecules of our body
and its blood vessel system called collagen. The more vitamin C, the more
collagen, the more stability for our blood vessel walls and the less heart
attacks. Animals rarely get heart attacks because they produce sufficient
amounts of vitamin C in their own bodies. We human beings cannot produce a
single molecule of this vitamin and frequently get too few vitamins in our
diet, exposing our blood vessel system to weakness and to the development of
deposits. These deposits develop primarily in areas where our blood vessels
are exposed to mechanical stress, such as the coronary arteries of the
pumping heart. This series of discoveries was so compelling that it not
only explains why animals don't get heart attacks but people do but also why
we get heart attacks and not nose attacks. In the meantime these dramatic
findings were confirmed by research data and clinical studies beyond any
doubt. So the scientific discoveries that passed my way were the most
important reason why I left conventional research and turned to the
molecules that are most effective in preventing and curing today's
diseases - the molecules that are produced by nature itself and are required
for the optimum functioning of the cells.

Many of your research papers were published in scientific magazines. What
was the focus of your research?

The discovery about the nature of cardiovascular disease, that is the cause
of heart attacks and strokes, was just the beginning. Understanding that
vitamins, minerals, certain amino acids and trace elements are needed as
biological "fuel" for millions of cells in our body, it became obvious that
not only coronary artery disease and heart attacks could be prevented by
applying this knowledge, so could variety of today's most common health
conditions. Over the past years my research institute in collaboration with
scientists and doctors worldwide have established beyond any doubt, that the
following diseases are primarily caused by long-term deficiencies in these
micronutrients (vitamins, minerals etc.). By supplying an optimum amount of
these micronutrients either in our regular diet or by supplementing our
diet, the following health conditions can largely be prevented: High blood
pressure (caused by long term micronutrient deficiency in millions of cells
of the blood vessel wall), heart failure (micronutrient deficiency in
millions of heart muscle cells) as well as irregular heart beat, diabetic
circulatory problems and others. Another significant discovery was the
natural way to prevent cancer cells
from spreading in the body. Some years ago I had published information that
all cancer cells, irrespective of what type of cancer and in which organ it
begins, spread in the same way. They use "biological scissors" (enzymes)
that are able to cut through the tissue molecules (collagen) of our body.
The more aggressive a cancer type is, the more of these collagen-digesting
enzymes it produces. This overshooting production of enzymes that can
destroy the tissue can be diminished or entirely blocked in a natural way by
using the amino acids lysine and proline, combined with vitamin C and
certain other micronutrients. Recently our research firm has established
that all types of cancer cells studied can be blocked by taking advantage of
this nutrient synergy in blocking the action of these enzymes. In Europe and
America there are already tens of thousands of cancer patients taking
advantage of this natural way to prevent and treat cancer. Hundreds of them
have already recovered from this disease. This is even more significant,
considering the fact that, up until now, conventional medicine has
considered cancer a "death verdict". We have carefully documented many
ca ncer patients with x-rays of their lungs, their bones before and after
this natural therapy. You can actually see the documented success on the
website of our Foundation
www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org. Thus I am in the privileged position of
having contributed to the control of some of today's most common
diseases.The only question that remains is why is this information not being
spread worldwide at once? To answer this question we have to talk again
about the
pharmaceutical investment business that is actively fighting any
breakthrough that allows the eradication of their global disease market.

You are the founder of a new concept of medicine "Cellular Medicine". Would
you explain what Cellular Medicine is and the benefits of its

Today, medicine is divided into different disciplines according to organs of
the body. The cardiologist takes care of the heart, the gastro of the
intestine, the orthopedic doctors of bones and hips. This organ-approach
ignores the facts that health and disease are not determined on the level of
organs but at the level of the millions of cells that make up these organs
and the human body. The single most important reason for an impairment of
cell function and ultimately disease is a lack of bio-energy at the level of
these cells. The most important bio-energy molecules needed for these cells
to function properly are biocatalysts, small molecules that accelerate the
chemical reactions in these cells. The most important among these natural
molecules are vitamins, minerals, trace elements and certain amino acids.
Cellular medicine is a new field of medicine that applies this knowledge to
the prevention and treatment of today most common diseases. At our cellular
medicine research institute we continue to investigate the specific need for
these micronutrients to prevent and correct specific diseases, including
cardiovascular disease, cancer and infectious diseases. It is already
visible that medicine in the twenty first century will take advantage of the
knowledge on a global scale, enabling mankind to largely eradicate itself
from today's most common diseases, including cardiovascular disease and
cancer. There is no time to be lost; every person on earth can understand
this principle without a medical degree. Every health care
professional,every politician responsible for the health of his people
should immediately
familiarize themselves with these scientific facts and develop national
health care programs using this knowledge.

Why do you think that natural treatment and control is better and more
efficient than traditional pharmaceutical treatment?

The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry. By its very nature it
cannot and will not produce drugs that prevent or eradicate diseases,
because that would eliminate these diseases as a market place for the
continued use of those drugs. This fact is hard to comprehend and even
harder to accept. But it is the truth and everyone should know about it.
Accordingly, 80% of the pharmaceutical drugs currently on the world market
have no proven efficacy but merely cover symptoms. As a direct result of
this fact, today's most common diseases, including cardiovascular disease,
cancer, AIDS and many other diseases, are not contained but rather continue
to spread despite the fact that effective, non-patentable alternatives are
available. Students of biology and biochemistry around the world learn about
the role of micronutrients for the optimum function of the cells.
Unfortunately, the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on medical
education worldwide has such a tight grip that, so far, these scientific
effects have not been applied to solving medical problems. The precondition
for the world to enjoy the benefits of natural health treatment is both, the
acceptance of new scientific effects and the removal of artificial barriers
in medicine that are economically motivated by the pharmaceutical investment
business with disease.

The late two-time noble laureate Dr. Linus Pauling described your
achievements as significant. Why did he think that?

Linus Pauling was the only scientist that had received two unshared Nobel
Prizes. -He received his first Nobel Prize for Chemistry and the second one
for Peace, for his commitment to bringing about the first disarmament
agreement, the partial nuclear test ban in 1963. Linus Pauling was a giant
in science during the twentieth century. He had solved the molecular
structure of countless inorganic and organic molecules. He was the first to
discover the structural properties of proteins (alpha helix) and the first
genetic disease (single cell anemia). I got to know Linus Pauling more than
twenty years ago when I was a spokesperson for medical students in Germany
and on the board of the medical students association of the World Health
Organization (WHO). But our acquaintance at that time was not primarily
based on science - rather on our common interest to work for peace and
nuclear disarmament. Years later my own research in the area of
cardiovascular health had led me to recognize the role of vitamins and I
talked to him
about these discoveries. He immediately recognized the significance of this
discovery and invited me to become the first director of cardiovascular
research at his institute in California. Linus Pauling and I were more than
scientific colleagues. We shared a common vision for a healthier and more
peaceful world. Thus, it is not surprising that shortly before his death,
Linus Pauling stated that there is no doubt that he considered me as his

How did the traditional scientific community react to your work and

New discoveries go through three stages. First they are ridiculed, secondly
they are heavily fought and finally they are considered as self-evident. My
discoveries in the area of cardiovascular health and cancer are no
exception. In a medical world where mechanical solutions like bypass
operations and balloon catheter (angioplasty) are the "solutions" to the
cardiovascular epidemic and radio-therapy and chemo-therapy the "solutions"
to cancer, the possibility of natural, safe and affordable prevention and
control of these health problems was nothing short of a revolution. In the
area of cardiovascular health it took more than 10 years from the
publication of my landmark scientific paper "Solution to the puzzle of human
cardiovascular disease" until a breakthrough in its acceptance. But
ultimately it came on May 4th 2002. Stanford University, one of the leading
medical schools in the world, invited me to present this breakthrough at
their symposium organized by the medical school. This invitation already
reflected the growing public acceptance of our new understanding of
cardiovascular disease as an early form of the sailors' disease scurvy. This
presentation summarized for the first time in a leading medical institution
that has been used by the pharmaceutical cartel for more than a century,some
of the most fundamental unsolved questions of cardiology: "Why animals don't
heart attacks, but people do"; why we get heart attacks and not nose
attacks; why we get hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) but not of
the veins. That is why "venosclerosis" is unknown. The entire presentation
is documented on the website of our Foundation. Similarly in the field of
cancer it took about 10 years from the publication of my discovery of the
natural blocking of cancer through the application of lysine and other
micronutrients until it was publicly presented. On March 8th 2002, this
breakthrough was announced on a full page in the world's largest newspaper
"USA Today". It spread like a bushfire and many institutions and countries
are taking advantage of this knowledge. While I have not met opposition on
scientific grounds, the opposition from the pharmaceutical industry is very
fierce. For the last five years their main strategy has been to try to
outlaw the dissemination of these breakthroughs in the area of natural,
non-patentable health, in order to protect their multi-trillion dollar
global investment business with disease.

What was the impact of your books on the pharmaceutical industry?

My book "Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks - But People Do" listed for the
first time the "laws of the pharmaceutical industry". These laws identify
the pharmaceutical business with disease as an investment industry and not a
health industry. They unmask the principle of patentability as a principle
that deviates the research directions of this industry towards making money
not to providing the health needs of the people of the world. This book
openly blamed the pharmaceutical investment industry for the premature death
of hundreds of millions of people worldwide over the past decades and for
the financial ruin of entire economies. This unmasking of the world's
largest investment industry as a multi-trillion-dollar fraud scheme was a
courageous act. When I gave my speech on the 21st June 1997 openly saying
these things for the first time in history to a crowd of 3.500 people in
Germany the effect was felt around the world. The only reason why the
pharmaceutical industry did not retaliate against me is because I connected
this unscrupulous "business with disease" with the largest crimes against
humanity committed in the 20th century: the mass murder during the second
world war. It is a historic fact that the largest European petrochemical and
pharmaceutical cartel financed Hitler's rise to power 70 years ago. The
Second World War was primarily a war for the conquest of the natural
resources in Eastern Europe and Asia. The Nuremberg War Tribunal in 1946/47
established that the Second World War would not have been possible without
this petrochemical cartel, called I.G. Farben. As a result of this
tribunal,I.G. Farben was split into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst and some of its
managers were sentenced for starting a war against international law, mass
murder, exploitation and plundering of private and public property in
foreign countries and other crimes against humanity. The history of the
corporate background behind the second world war is documented in a book by
Borkin 'The Crime And Punishment Of I.G. Farben' which is documented on the
website of our Foundation. Thus, from the very onset of my unmasking
strategy the pharmaceutical industry was on the defensive. Thus, it comes as
no surprise that they never dared to retaliate or start a lawsuit for libel
and slander. In the meantime, my decade-long efforts to unmask the
pharmaceutical industry as a multi-trillion-dollar fraud operation have been
confirmed in a lead article in Europe's largest News weekly "Der
Spiegel".This article openly accuses the pharmaceutical industry of fraud,
risking the lives of people, damaging the economies of countries around the
world in the magnitude of billions of dollars and of many other accusations
I made over the previous years. It took more than 5 years between my first
public tribunal against the pharmaceutical business with disease and the
large media coverage now confirming these facts. This is no surprise since
this article also confirms that the pharmaceutical industry is closely
connected to the highest political decision makers in the world. This
article also reveals that even now, if a government wants to take action
against the pharmaceutical business with disease, the US embassies are
directly intervening on behalf of the US government! I take delight in
having been a pioneer not only in the area of natural health but also in
unmasking the pharmaceutical business with disease. The article in
"DerSpiegel" of March 31, 2003 is the first domino stone that will bring the
walls of the pharmaceutical industry down within the foreseeable future.
Other media will follow. And this is good. It simply cannot be that the
health of millions of people and the economies of the countries of the world
is sacrificed to a handful of investors who consistently renew themselves by
supporting more and more unscrupulous politicians, including the present
administrations in the United States and Great Britain, with the primary
purpose to still artificially maintain this multi-trillion-dollar fraud on
our planet.

Are your books available everywhere in the world?

My books have been translated into more than 10 languages and they are
available in most languages in printed form. We also offer these books
online on our website so that everyone interested can read this information
there. We are making every effort to continue spreading this life-saving
information for millions of people, including the natural prevention and
therapy for cardiovascular disease, cancer and other common health
problems.This information is so fundamental that it should be spread
worldwide immediately. We welcome every newspaper, radio channel, TV station
and other
media who understand the importance of this message and assist in
disseminating it. The three most prominent books are "Why Animals Don't Get
Attack Heart Attacks - But People Do", describing the breakthrough in the
area of heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, heart failure,
irregular heart beat and other cardiovascular problems. The book "Cancer"
describing the breakthrough in the natural control of cancer. This book
describes for the first time that cancer is no longer a death verdict. The
third book I wrote is a documentation of my 10-year long fight against the
pharmaceutical cartel. It has the title "In The Name Of Mankind".

Why did we not hear about these breakthroughs before?

The answer is obvious. The pharmaceutical industry is not an industry that
is naturally grown. It was artificially created by investors who, in order
to make money from diseases, had to block natural, non-patentable medical
treatments from becoming available throughout the world. At the beginning of
the 20th century the Rockefeller group already controlled most of the oil
business in the United States and many other countries. Based on these
trillions of dollars in revenues, this investment group defined a new market
place: the human body. The profit or return on this investment was dependent
on the patentability of the pharmaceutical drugs invented. The
trillion-dollar profits of this new investment industry were used to
systematically convert medicine into a pharmaceutically driven investment
business. Within a few decades, medicine was controlled by these interest
groups through their influence in the medical schools, in the media and in
the political arena. One of the primary problems this industry faced was the
competition from natural health products. Between 1920 and 1935 most of the
vitamins and essential nutrients required for optimum cell metabolism were
discovered. It was clear to the scientific world that, without these
essential molecules in cellular metabolism, these cells would not function
properly and would be the origin of disease. The pharmaceutical investment
strategists realized that and embarked on a global campaign to block this
life-saving information from becoming widely available to the people of the
world. But silencing this information was only the first step. Further
strategic steps to build up the fraudulent pharmaceutical business scheme
included discrediting health information about these natural, non-patentable
therapies and eventually outlawing any preventive and therapeutic statements
about natural therapies. All of these measures had one purpose only: to
protect the pharmaceutical investment industr y based on patentable drugs
that merely cover symptoms from natural, non-patentable therapies that are
essential for maintaining cellular health. In sharp contrast, the scientific
facts about natural molecules essential for basic cellular functions and
described in the textbooks of biology became a matter of life and death of
this entire investment business. If diseases could be prevented by
optimizing cellular health with natural non-patentable molecules this must
threaten the very basis of the entire pharmaceutical investment business
with diseases. A disease that is prevented or eradicated is simply no market

Of particular importance is to reflect on the influence of the
pharmaceutical industry on the medical profession. Through the foundation of
private medical schools in the United States, including the so-called "Ivy
League" universities like Harvard, Yale, Mayo Clinic and others, the
pharmaceutical investment industry simply bought medical opinion worldwide.
At an increasing rate, the teaching of medical therapies focused on
pharmaceutical drugs and - at the same time - natural health treatments were
effectively banned as "outdated". Hardly any doctor graduating from medical
school during the last decades learned that the first Nobel Prize for the
role of Vitamin C in cellular metabolism was awarded in 1937. Thus,
throughout more than half a century, generations of doctors - millions of
them worldwide - left medical school without any knowledge about the life
saving role and health benefits of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Everyone can immediately understand the devastating consequences of this
investment strategy on global human health by looking at the following
facts. Hardly anyone among the 6 billion human beings living today knows
that the human body does not produce Vitamin C. Now it has become a
scientific fact that it is this same vitamin molecule (that is known to
protect the arteries from the 'sailor's disease' scurvy) that is also the
primary factor to prevent heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular
health problems. Thus, the simple banning of this life-saving knowledge from
the medical profession in the interests of the pharmaceutical investment
industry deliberately created the cardiovascular epidemic, the number one
health epidemic in the industrialized world as well as in most urban areas
of the developing world. Hardly any of the people living on earth today know
that the human body does not produce the natural amino acid lysine, an
essential building block of proteins. Now it turns out that it is this
natural molecule lysine that is one of the most important factors in
preventing cancer cells from spreading in the body. Cancer is the second
largest epidemic in the industrialized world and the pharmaceutical drugs
sold during the last month of a cancer patient's life are one of the most
profitable markets of the pharmaceutical business with disease. Thus, at the
beginning of the 21st century, mankind is waking up from a nightmare. With
the dissemination of simple health information about the molecules needed
for optimum cellular function but not produced by our body, two out of three
lives in the industrialized world and in threshold countries could have been
saved. And we also have to realize that the fact that the people of the
world were 'asleep' for an entire century is not because we are not
intelligent people. We have to realize that for the deceptive and fraudulent
pharmaceutical business to work it spends billions of dollars for deception
and to create an artificial façade as 'the benefactors of mankind'. To reach
that goal this industry has spent twice the amount on 'marketing' that it
spent on research. Donald Rumsfeld, the current minister of war of the
United States has been the chief executive officer of several pharmaceutical
multinational companies. He received several awards for service to this
industry before being appointed to his present position in the Bush
administration. There is no question that Rumsfeld and the all executives of
this industry - including the Rockefeller investment group - know these
facts. They are shaking in their boots that the truth about the
pharmaceutical business with disease is spreading worldwide like a
bush-fire. If that happens, their fate is sealed: They will be held
responsible for the death of millions of people from diseases that could
have been prevented if not for their deliberate decisions. They know: either
they take down mankind in a war and a global 'Big Brother' scenario, or
mankind will take them down. There is no middle way. This is the background
of the current war. This is why they take on the entire planet. For more
than a century the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical fraud scheme had as
a precondition, the banning of life-saving natural, non-patentable health
information in the prevention of today's most common diseases. So no one
should really be surprised that they did just that and that we did not hear
about these breakthroughs before.

But what about the role of the World Health Organization, did it not promote

The World Health Organization (WHO) was created more than 50 years ago with
the purpose to improve the health of the people worldwide. One of its first
focuses was to disseminate information on nutrition. Together with the Food
and Agricultural Organization (FAO) the WHO issued annual 'Joint Reports on
Nutrition' - for about a decade. After that time the pharmaceutical
investment interests had taken full control of the WHO. From then on it was
converted into its opposite. In 1963, only 15 years after the WHO had been
founded to serve the people of the world, it had become an instrument of the
global pharmaceutical cartel. In 1963, a new commission was launched to
specifically fight micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and amino acids) from
being used to prevent, cure and eradicate diseases. The aim of the so-called
WHO/FAO "Codex Alimentarius" (nutritional standard) commission was to impose
artificial "upper limits" to prevent the people of the world from using
these natural health components for therapeutic purposes. This commission
also embarked on a "holy war" against dissemination of natural health
information related to the proven scientific benefits of these
micronutrients. Thus the Pharma-Cartel abused the WHO as their global
instrument to push the first globalization legislation - protectionist laws
to artificially secure the global health monopoly of patented drugs. Thus,
for the past 40 years, the Organization created to improve the health of the
people of the world has been abused by the profit interests of a handful of
investors to do exactly the opposite: keep the people of the world
illiterate about life-saving information to prevent today's most common
diseases. The publication of my 10-Point-Program "Health for All by the
Year2020" at the world summit in Johannesburg in August 2002 marked a
turning point for this Organization. With more than 100 Heads of State being
aware of the fraudulent nature of the pharmaceutical business and the
alternatives in natural health, the battle to regain the WHO and use it for
the benefit of the people of the world has begun. The developing countries
from Africa, South America and Asia are leading this historic battle. But
let there be no mistake. The forces of the pharmaceutical cartel, entrenched
in the WHO, will not give up voluntarily. The people of the world have to
wake up to the fact that the interest groups converting the WHO into its
opposite are the same interest groups who have forced the war against Iraq
and the current international crisis on this planet. Thus, the war for
control of the WHO will be fought with the similar brutality of any military
war. The comparison is allowed - after all, the victims in both cases are
thousands or millions of people. The outcome of this battle for the control
of the WHO is certain: the people of the world, for their own sake and for
the sake of generations to come, will win this battle and retake control of
this world body. How long this will take, will lastly depend on the people
of the world being informed about these developments and telling their
governments to take action at the national and international level. In the
meantime it is essential that there are organizations that cannot be
bought,bribed or influenced in any other way. The Dr. Rath Health Foundation
was founded to make a contribution towards this goal.

Can you explain more about the Codex Alimentarius Commission?

Codex Alimentarius is a commission of the WHO and FAO. About half of its
members are directly or indirectly related to the pharmaceutical industry.
While Codex Alimentarius addresses a variety of questions related to food
protection, the vast majority of its time, efforts and resources have been
wasted in the battle of the pharmaceutical cartel against the dissemination
of natural health information related to vitamins, minerals and other
essential nutrients. After my discoveries of the scurvy-heart disease
connection, the success of my book "Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks" and
after a first attempt to outlaw natural therapies in the USA had failed in
1994, the drug companies revitalized "Codex Alimentarius" in 1995. Since
then they have been leading a vigorous effort to protect the pharmaceutical
business with disease from effective, save, non-patentable micronutrients.
This commission now meets every year behind closed doors. Its primary goal
is to outlaw preventive and therapeutic health statements related to
vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. These unscrupulous
recommendations would be passed on behalf of the pharmaceutical cartel to
the United Nations General Assembly and recommended to be become binding law
for all member countries of the United Nations, that is worldwide. This, at
least, is the plan of the pharmaceutical cartel. For the past few years we
have organized regular protests against the 'Codex'- plans of the
Pharmaceutical Cartel, including scientific conferences, rallies and protest
campaigns directed towards the members of the 'Codex' Commission and the
governments still supporting it. During the most recent protest campaign
more than 600 million (!) protest letters reached the governments and
members of parliaments of the countries still supporting this unscrupulous
effort. On the eve of the 'Codex' meeting in November 2002 in Berlin we had
a conference of health experts from around the world, including South
Africa. Not surprisingly it was at this 'Codex meeting', when the official
delegation of South Africa unmasked for the first time the hypocrisy behind
'Codex Alimentarius'. To understand the significance of this step the
following facts need to be clarified:

No one of healthy mind would support a ban on natural health just like that.
The drug Cartel therefore needed to provide a pretence for the yet undecided
politicians why they should outlaw natural health therapies. That pretence
was the invention of non-existing vitamin side effects. Of course, these
side effects only exist in the imagination of the pharmaceutical interest
groups and on the drawing boards of their global PR-machinery.
Vitamins,minerals and amino acids are the building blocks of life and the
body can eliminate any surplus of them without any problems. This is in
contrast to synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Because they are synthetic, the
body does not know them and this is the reason why almost all pharmaceutical
drugs are related to severe side effects. According to the April 15, 1998
issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association these deadly side
effects of pharmaceutical drugs have become the fourth-leading cause of
death in the industrialized world. Ignoring all these facts, the
pharmaceutical PR-machinery tries to manipulate worldwide public opinion and
twist the arms of the politicians they need to pass these unscrupulous
recommendations of Codex Alimentarius. It is with this background that we
have to appreciate the position the South African government took at the
'Codex' Meeting in 2002, unmasking the hypocrisy of the decade long efforts
of the drug Cartel within 'Codex' by supporting our arguments as an official
government position. But this was no coincidence. Two years earlier the
South African government had taken on the fight against the pharmaceutical
cartel by refusing to pay the royalties on AIDS drugs. Their argument was
straight forward: Paying the exorbitant royalties for these drugs will make
them unavailable for the vast majority of people in South Africa and the
developing world. Thus the pharmaceutical industry, by insisting on these
huge profit margins, is deliberately risking the death of millions of people
in Africa and around the world. The Drug Cartel - that is the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers - was arrogant enough to sue the
South African government in the court of Pretoria. Not surprisingly, this
war was not won in the courtroom but in the court of public opinion.
Worldwide protests against the "killing in the interest of the
pharmaceutical business with disease" made it impossible for the
pharmaceutical cartel to continue this litigation. In January 2001, only
weeks after it had challenged the South African government in court, the
pharmaceutical cartel conceded its defeat and withdrew its litigation. The
South African government had won an historic victory against the
pharmaceutical cartel. In the meantime many countries are following the
example of the South African government and are producing their own drugs
without having to pay the strangulating patent fees.

You mentioned AIDS drugs. Are there natural alternatives to these drugs?

It is a scientific fact that essentially all viruses can be partially or
completely blocked by natural therapies. Ascorbate (vitamin C) decreases the
multiplication (replication) of viruses. A study published in the
influential Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA in 1990
showed that Vitamin C in amounts that can be taken by people on a daily
basis could block the replication of the HIV-Virus by more than 99,9%! The
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the US is one of the most
widely read scientific publications in the world. Thus, for over an entire
decade the pharmaceutical industry, the World Health Organization and the
medical establishment knew that there are natural, non-patentable
alternatives to drugs. Moreover, these natural treatments are more effective
than any current pharmaceutical approach in controlling the disease. A
second substance critical to block the spreading of viruses is the amino
acid lysine. Since all viruses spread by digesting the surrounding tissue
(collagen) with the help of enzymes (collagenases) neutralizing these
enzymes will decrease or prevent the spreading of the virus. The natural
amino acids lysine and proline have been shown to accomplish this effect.
Moreover, vitamin A and other essential nutrients have been documented to
enhance the immune system and thereby contribute to the effective prevention
and treatment of AIDS. We have documented many of these studies on the
website of our Foundation for anyone to take immediate advantage of and help
spread this life-saving message - patients, health professionals and health
politicians alike.

Why do you think that the UN-AIDS program benefits the pharmaceutical

Most of the United Nation's programs are dominated by pharmaceutical
interest groups. This also relates to the UN-AIDS program. We have to
understand that for the pharmaceutical industry, a battle of credibility has
begun in the countries of the developing world as well as in the
industrialized countries. More and more of these countries realize that
there are natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs that are not only
more effective but also available at a fraction of the costs and without
paying prohibitive patent royalties. Thus, many governments of the world
have realized the unscrupulous nature and fraudulent business scheme of the
pharmaceutical 'business with disease' and are now refocusing their national
health strategies on natural health approaches. We have to understand that
any country that decides to move away from the pharmaceutical business with
disease is a nail in the coffin of this investment industry. Such a decision
not only means that the pharmaceutical industry will make only a fraction of
its revenues in this country. There is a much worthier consequence: every
country that turns its back on the pharmaceutical business with disease is a
contribution to the world to open its eyes to the century old fraud business
with disease maintained and promoted by the pharmaceutical investment
groups. The consequences as more and more countries liberate themselves from
the yoke of the pharmaceutical cartel are devastating for that
industry.Imagine what will happen when more and more countries in the world
realize that the AIDS epidemic can be contained by providing sufficient
vitamin C
and other non-patentable natural therapies in optimum amounts to their
people. Imagine the reaction of people who realize that the drug industry
has deliberately withheld the life-saving information of these natural
ingredients from them? We are just witnessing this turning away from the
drug companies on a global scale. The governments of Jordan, United Arabic
Emirates, Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Malawi and many other African
governments as well as the Peoples Republic of China have decided to embark
on natural health care strategies. What the pharmaceutical investment
industry is facing is not simply a 'domino effect' - it is the crashing of
the 'Berlin Wall' of the global pharmaceutical 'business with disease'. In
order to serve the people and the nations most effected by AIDS, the United
Nations and all its Organizations need to take advantage of the
breakthroughs in natural health and make this knowledge and these therapies
available to the people of the world as soon as possible.

Don't you have enemies if you attack such powerful interest groups as the
pharmaceutical industry?

I have been facing these powers ever since I picked up the torch from
two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling. I was fully aware from the very
beginning that the discovery of the scurvy-heart disease connection alone is
incinerating a multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical market forever. So
picking up this battle to liberate mankind from the yoke of this deceitful
and immoral industry was a deliberate decision. Looking back, there are a
few important lessons to be learned. If one
scientist, one man can make such a difference to the course of human events
as to bring down the largest investment industry on earth, it is not solely
because of my own strength. The main reason why, together with a few people,
I was able to initiate the demise the largest investment industry of the
20th industry was, because the nature of this industry was deception:
promising 'health' and selling ever more disease. Once the fraud was
unmasked there was no defense to protect it from demise. Thus, over all
those years that I have confronted the pharmaceutical industry and accused
them publicly as being fraudulent and risking the lives of millions of
people, they never dared to openly counter attack. Nor did they openly
question my scientific discoveries.

What has happened though, are efforts by some of the pharma-dependent
medical opinion makers and media to discredit me as a person. But that is
the fate of everyone who dares to stand up for what is right. I hope that
many young people, future generations, can learn from this example and will
have the courage to stand up for what they will recognize as being right
when their time comes. As for my personal safety, many people ask me whether
I'm not afraid for my life. They refer to the latest novel by John le Carré
'The Constant Gardner' and the fact that the business model of the
pharmaceutical industry has no respect for lives. John le Carré himself
wrote in the epilogue to his book that while working on this book he
realized that "compared to the pharmaceutical reality his novel reads like a
vacation post card".
If you are in a privileged situation, like I am, that you can make a
difference to the lives of millions of people on earth for generations to
come, you make the right decision. Speaking out the truth loud and
everywhere becomes your best protection from those interest groups opposing
you. The series of Open Letters I published on behalf of our Foundation in
various countries was just another step in this process.

What were the goals of your global information campaign "Make Health - Not

From the very onset of the current international crisis, the people of the
world were suspicious about the so-called "war on terrorism" propagated by
the Bush administration. In every rally against this war held anywhere in
the world there were posters that revealed one of the true motives of this
war: oil. If your goal is only oil, you do not need to create global mass
hysteria, you do not need to convert the society in the USA into a
paramilitary state and you do not need to build an entire 'Big Brother'
office with 67.000 people spying on your very own citizens - all of that
under the pretense of 'Homeland Security.' This only makes sense if you are
afraid of something in your very own country and the entire population is
potentially threatening your economic profits and your political rule. As
explained in my open letters, repeatedly, the primary benefactor of the
current crisis, the war against Iraq and the potential third world war, is
the pharmaceutical industry. Faced with debilitating lawsuits worldwide in
August 2001, the pharmaceutical industry was not only the largest benefactor
of the tragic events of September 11. In an effort to make a last stand to
stabilize the breaking dam of credibility of its fraud business, the
investment groups behind this industry faced the demise of their entire
investments. You have to understand that, if you are able to create the
largest investment industry on planet earth on a fraud model and the fraud
is revealed, there is no sector of society that is not affected. This is
exactly the situation the Rockefeller group is currently faced with. This is
the reason why they placed Donald Rumsfeld, a former executive of
pharmaceutical multinational companies, into the position of the minister of
war essentially determining where and how long the bombs will fall. This is
the reason why the pharmaceutical industry was the single largest donor for
the election campaigns of George Bush, including the midterm elections in
November 2002 governed by a clear war agenda. Make no mistake that these
interest groups - facing their own demise - are ready to drag all of mankind
with them. Such a situation 500 years ago triggered the transition from
medieval times to Modern Times in Europe. Faced with their own demise, the
rulers of that time started a war against their own people. In the "30-year
war" (1618 - 1648) one third of Europe was destroyed and tens of millions of
lives sacrificed.

Can you elaborate on this historical parallel that terminated the Medieval

400 years ago, millions of common people of Europe learned to read and write
through the invention of the print ing press and the translation of the first
books from Latin into the spoken languages. This 'liberation from illiteracy
' terminated the medieval times in Europe and ignited what is known today as
modern times. No force, no wars, no dictatorship could prevent millions of
common people then to give up their right to reading, writing, knowledge and
to a dignified life. In a similar way today no war, no abandoning of civil
rights, no 'Big Brother' state will be able to stop the liberation of
mankind from the yoke of the pharmaceutical cartel. Too many people have
already died in vain, too many economies have already been ruined by these
corporate interests and now the people of the world are understanding why
all that is happening and they will continue to fight for their right to
natural health. Our campaign "Make Health - Not War" shows the interest of
the pharmaceutical industry behind the current war and the next 'world war'
already announced by former CIA-Director James Woolsey. It is also a call to
action, not to allow that to happen. Everyone, anywhere in the world can
immediately take advantage of the great breakthroughs in the area of natural
health. Every household, every doctor's office, every hospital and every
health care system that takes advantage of natural health approaches
deprives the pharmaceutical interest groups from the money they need to
finance the next war. This is why the two areas are so connected. The people
of the world are waking up to the fact that the same interest groups that
continue to allow diseases to kill millions of people for financial gain are
the same interest groups that are now dragging mankind into a third world
war. And the people of the world are waking up to realize that this health
sector is the single most strategic sector to change the fate of our planet
towards a healthier and also a more peaceful world. The equation is simple.
There are a handful of investors wanting to continue benefiting from
diseases and war and there are the interests of more than 6 billion people
in a world without disease and without war. The outcome of this battle is
certain. We, the people, will win it, but more and more people need to join.

Who financed your campaign "Make Health - Not War"?

This campaign was made possible by the contributions of people who have
already been helped by natural health therapies. Our research institute
provides knowledge and natural health programs that allow people with heart
disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetic circulatory
problems,cancer, osteoporosis and many other conditions to benefit from
natural health breakthroughs in the areas of vitamin research and cellular
Hundreds of thousands of people and patients in 5 continents are already
taking advantage of these breakthroughs. The health benefits in many cases
go beyond anything they ever experienced with pharmaceutical drugs.
Consequently, they do not only enjoy the benefits of these natural health
approaches but also want this knowledge to be disseminated worldwide in
order to help other people who do not know about these breakthroughs yet.
Thus, the support for this campaign comes from people who experienced the
benefits of what they believe in and what they fight for in their own life
and their own bodies. Otherwise this worldwide information campaign would
not have been possible.

What are some of the most significant accomplishments of your campaign "Make
Health - Not War?"

By exposing the pharmaceutical industry as the instigator and primary
corporate benefactor of the current international crisis and the war, we
made a major contribution that this war was denied any legitimacy and
mandate by the international community. Those who conducted it can now be
held responsible in front of international courts for the rest of their
lives, once the people of the world unite behind this demand. The
publication of my Open Letters in the "New York Times" was deliberately
chosen. The New York Times is published in a city that hosts the United
Nations. Hardly ever in its history have more politicians, heads of states
and governmental representatives gathered at the seat of the United Nations
than in February and March this year. Thus the information contained in my
Open Letters and the exposure of the pharmaceutical industry as the primary
corporate benefactor of this war reached virtually every country of the
world. Moreover, many newspapers, especially from the smaller countries with
a seat in the UN Security Council like Chile, Pakistan, Cameroon etc. - but
also Turkey - printed my Open Letters in their countries. The fact that
millions of people in these small countries were alerted and informed about
the corporate background of this war was a significant factor why their
governments resisted the tremendous political pressure and economic bribes
from the administrations of the United States and Great Britain. These two
countries are the largest export nations of pharmaceutical products in the
world. The money from two out of three pills sold anywhere in the world goes
back to these countries. And it is precisely this money that brings corrupt
and dependent politicians into the White House and into Downing Street and
it is this money that is now also used to finance the war in the Middle East
and the already announced 'World War.' The second goal we accomplished was
that this war against Iraq did not turn into a nuclear or biochemical
holocaust. By exposing the interests behind this war, the fact that a war
with weapons of mass destruction would automatically serve as a strategic
goal of the pharmaceutical industry to establish global martial laws and
abandon civil rights in the countries of the world in order to cement its
monopoly is also exposed.

The survival of the pharmaceutical industry was, is and continues to be
dependent on a war involving weapons of mass destruction in the battlefield
or through some staged attacks at home and as soon as possible. It is also a
historic fact that every day, every week that this does not happen the
pharmaceutical industry is denied the possibility to impose global muzzling
laws and thereby cement its monopoly on the global 'market with diseases'.
By exposing these plans openly and worldwide we have denied the
pharmaceutical investment circles the ability to reach their goals so far.
On a side note, the publication of these open letters reads like a spy novel
or an episode from inspector Colombo. When the police officer is not sure
about the crime of a potential suspect, he confronts the suspect with some
evidence in order to test the reaction. This too was my intent when I
published these Open Letters. If I was right, and I knew I was, then the
'criminals' had to act. And what a reaction that was. Only 24 hours (1
day)after the pharmaceutical industry was exposed as the largest corporate
benefactor of the September 11 tragedy and the current war, the so-called
"master mind" of September 11 was presented to a stunned global public.
After the armies of several countries had chased the alleged masterminds
behind September 11 through the Hindukush Mountains for one and a half
years, a sheik was suddenly found sleeping peacefully in an apartment in
Pakistan and was arrested. For an entire week, major US media were feeding
on this "Catch of the Day' - evidently an organized media distraction. But
hardly anyone outside the USA believed this media stunt anyway. The
international press already suspected the hidden agenda - even in the media
of the 'war ally'. The British newspaper "The Independent" wrote about the
suddenly detected sheik: "What a convenient discovery". Even more
significant were the reactions in the US congress and US law enforcement
community. Many intelligent people in America had already suspected a hidden
agenda behind the September 11 attack. They noticed in disbelief, that
precise warnings of the attack by the FBI had been ignored, that FBI
superiors had silenced the whistleblowers about this attack. Even more
suspicious was the fact that for more than a year, the relatives of the
victims killed in the World Trade Center had been denied an official
investigation into the background of this tragedy. The authority blocking
this investigation was none less than the White House and President Bush
himself. These relatives of the victims wanted nothing else but the truth.
If this attack was truly the work of "terrorists", any government would have
an interest to immediately and with all resources available, investigate the
truth - not only in the interests of the relatives but also the public at
large. They asked themselves, what has the Bush administration to hide by
blocking an official investigation? These suspicions were of course nurtured
by my Open Letters telling the stunned US members of congress, the US law
enforcement community and the public at large that already 70 years ago a
similar event had taken place. On February 28, 1933, the German parliament
was set on fire. That event too
was immediately abused to abolish all civil rights and issue empowerment
laws (Homeland Security Act) that became the legal foundation for a
corporate and political dictatorship and for the Second World War.

Today it is an historic fact that this attack on the German Parliament
('Reichstag') was carefully planned in advance by those interest groups who
used it to prepare German society for their conquest war- WWII. It is also a
fact that the enabling law taking away most civil rights had already been
prepared in advance. Now, 70 years later the political community and the
people of America learned that the same blindfold was pulled over their
eyes. And those who developed this scheme did not even bother to change the
wording. 70 years ago the legal groundwork to abolish civil rights was
called "Gesetz zum Schutz von Heim und Reich." Those taking advantage of
this September 11 tragedy called it, in striking analogy, "Homeland Security
Act". Did those 'lawmakers' really believe that the people of the world
would not be able to look back for 70 years and look behind this scheme?

An outcry went through the members of US-Congress, the political and law
enforcement community. They had only supported the Bush administration in
the belief of a "war against terrorists'. Now they learned about a hidden
agenda by those who were currently running the White House. Moreover, the US
politicians and the US law enforcement community knew that the people in
America - their voters - would also read the New York Times and would ask
them questions they may not be able to answer. The phones did not stand
still in the White House and in the US Department of Justice. Scared
politicians and lawmakers made clear that they would not be part of any such
'coup' on behalf of the Rockefeller Group and their political puppets in the
White House. The reaction was swift. Four days later US Attorney General
John Ashcroft - in a surprise move - had to go public with the so-called
Patriot Act No. 2. The stunned public in America learned that the current
laws against terrorism were allegedly insufficient and needed to be amended.
The core of these amendments was nothing less than a general immunity for
the entire law enforcement community in the US executing the orders of the
Bush administration. Thus, with the strike of a pen Bush, Ashcroft and the
other political puppets of the Cartel tried to provide immunity for everyone
supporting their unscrupulous acts and their war crimes. If there was any
question mark left about the true background of September 11 and the true
purpose of the current international crisis, these reactions by the Bush
administration to the information contained in my Open Letters should open
the eyes of every intelligent person anywhere in the world.

Did you get any reactions from people living in the United States or New
York City?

We got reactions from all over the world. Leading universities, governmental
organizations, doctors, and of course many patients and just general people.
The most common reaction was one of gratitude for opening their eyes to the
connection between the battle for survival of the pharmaceutical industry
and the current international crisis. Many asked for further information
either in the field of natural health alternatives or in information about
the background of the harmaceutical business with disease.

Particularly noteworthy were the reactions from the United States where many
people realized that their own government was no longer representing the
interests of the majority of the people, but primarily of a small group of
corporate stakeholders around the Rockefeller petrochemical and
pharmaceutical interests. If you live in New York and you suspected all
along that something was wrong with the official story behind September 11,
you appreciate when finally someone explains to you why your own government
is blocking an official independent investigation. I think it  

7 Jan 2007 @ 01:34 by jimmy coconut @ : a goverment from hell
from the very beginnings of history our goverment,and its politicians were awash in crimes against humanity.From Washington and the english royalty through every generation till now,the people aren't educated enough to know they have to fight and take interest in there goverment,and there health every single day',or a hand full of murders and crooks will do it for them.  

30 Apr 2016 @ 01:09 by Trix @ : bHfzCRSnPDSjdbgWgTi
Cosogadulatirnn, what an honor!!! I only know what an amuse bouche is from watching Top Chef! I knew this knowledge would come in handy some day. They posted lots of good variety from your blog, too!! I left a comment there, how exciting!! You really deserve it, too. But now, look out! This could get you hundreds of new followers!!  

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