This one in strange. I put it in the full article, so you don't get stuck in your head. Anyway, the instruction is simply to concentrate on the + for a few seconds
22 Jun 2005 @ 17:25 by bushman : Hmm
Interesting, Ive had this happen with grey based paints, like a grey/purple, in the sun you see the grey, but close your eyes or go into the shade, the whole world becomes that green color for a few mins, there is a word for the color extreems, like the pink over drives the red cones in your eyes, and causes a false sencing of from the green cones, anyway theres a name for colors that trick your eyes into seeing the opposing colors in that electric or florecent shades, they add these colors to paint, in just the right amounts so you can see the custom colors of your paints eminating off the base color, Anyway theres a name for those special colors that trick the eye.
23 Jun 2005 @ 07:03 by bushman : Ya
but, if you look longer the pink disappers, and all you see is the one green dot going around.
23 Jun 2005 @ 10:41 by ming : Disappearing
Right, that's what I think was most weird. All the dots disappeared, except for a circling green dot which wasn't really there. Or some of the dots disappeared some of the time, and faded in and out.
In case somebody didn't catch it, there really is no green dot in the image. It is just the complementary color to the pink. What is "circling" is an empty grey spot.
24 Jun 2005 @ 14:15 by martha : cripes
I sometimes see green dots circling outside the pink ones.
25 Jun 2005 @ 13:20 by Klaus Gormsen @ : illusion
Thats a very good way to illustrate, that the brain CREATES reality all the time from whatever senseinput. The way we create the so called "outer reality" is normally just not seen, because its so automatized.
I like this illustration, and it could be supplemented by the oldfashioned "gestalt-shift" pictures, that tantalizes the reality fabricating brain by being drawn so the brain can construct two different realities from the same input. (e.g. a vase or two faces).
Few people are ready to admit that the "solid world out there" is a brain fabricated convincing 3D (4D) hologram, and can be changed to a degree.
Congratulations with your creation, me! Klaus Gormsen
25 Jun 2005 @ 19:55 by Ryan @ : great illusion
what is it about the color green that is significant? tree's receive life energy from the sun (all colors of the spectrum)and they turn green because of Chlorophyll. My question is. why green? is there certain receptors in our eyes? Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA.--(copied from
What interests me about this illusion is.. if this experiment can illude the brain into believing that the green is there, what else in reality are we being illuded to. i wonder.. since we ( the human race) has been conditioned so deeply, by the system, what beliefs (if any) are holding us back from seeing the true nature of reality and the unlimited energy that surrounds us.
26 Jun 2005 @ 01:40 by ming : The real world
Yeah, I like illusions too, because they show us that what we think is real isn't necessarily, and vice versa. We just get so used to thinking that what comes through our perceptual channels is the world, where really it is just a convincing and mostly coherent image. Illusions remind us that it is all just an image we're making. There's obviously something real out there, but whether it shows or not in our image is not any authoritative indicator of what exactly it is.
14 Sep 2005 @ 18:11 by kizna1200 @ : Weird
Weird. You wouldn't believe this, but i stumbled upon this whilst doing my biology homework >.> anyway. That's one cool effect, but why does it happen?
14 Sep 2005 @ 18:31 by bushman : The brain
has what I call a refresh rate, a miori flicker, ever see it, just squint your eyes and look up with out lifting your head, you will see your flicker rate, or miori effect on the edges of your vision, the rods and cones at the edges of perifrial vission in your eyes are more sencitive to light than a direct line of sight, or the center of the eye is less sencitive.
16 Nov 2005 @ 03:37 by Uncle Bill @ : Why indeed
[My sister asked, this is my response. Short answer, as above: green is the complementary color to purple.]
In the camera world, we call it "white balance". The sun is white, but light bulbs are yellow. And yet, under both, white paper appears white to the eye. A camera, on the other hand, really sees the yellow, so pictures come out tinted yellow. We fix it by pointing it at a white surface and hitting the "white balance" button to tell it "this yellow is really sposta be white." After that, the camera can correct all colors by subtracting that yellow.
It's hard to see, but if you think light bulbs look "warm" while fluorescents look "cool", that's the color difference you see. Incandescents are yellow, and fluorescents are blue. White looks white under both, because your eye adapts.
Your eye does the same thing - if you stare at the cross without moving your eyes, then your eyes will assume that all those purple spots are really sposta be gray, and will mask them out by subtracting purple. But when a purple spot really *does* disappear, then your eye sees grey minus purple, which equals green.
23 Nov 2005 @ 21:45 by jonah @ : makes a movie
what i saw in one solid green ball,spinning clock wise this suggests what if 2..what if opposing rotationalsin the 2de cycle dots turn into blue donut type ..hey they are bagel,,blue..4th cycledonuts are disapering ant reappering in blocs of 4 ,3,,2 randomly arroun the radius ..i i see dead people ..sreious though there are yet after flashes even now so dont even bother there are real things ,real pains,real fears and realistic illusion alluded
7 Dec 2005 @ 21:56 by Mimi and Hana @ : I'M SUEING!
Mimi: I see, it, everyone in computer club see's it, yet she can't see it for some odd reason.
6 Mar 2006 @ 19:06 by nicole @ : hello
hey, some random person here, im in phychology at a alternative school. i was looking for information on the standford prisoin experiment, but came acrossed this stuff. ive been reading most of them, and dam are they interesting, getting inside the mind. but on this one the green would go around once, and then as green came back around the pink traced it, and hen went away, like it was taking turns, off and on. werid, but very interesting.
8 Aug 2006 @ 07:29 by dkerta @ : Fana
Well, this is a good ilustration of FANA. When you pray/medition/yoga/sholat/misa, close your eyes, align your breath, wait a few moment then you will not hear anything but HIM
4 May 2008 @ 22:32 by nobody17 @ : Circle with dots that turn green
This comment explains the visual illusion regarding pink dots that seem to turn green.
Know this: gray minus pink = green (color theory).
The combination of pink and gray -- seen in rapid juxtapositon -- produces the color green, and this fact is well known to painters and to others who work with colors.
The pink dots are displayed against a gray background. When a pink dot disappears, it turns gray. A dot becomes pink when the gray disappears. Gray minus pink = green.
I see the "green dots" all of the time, whether or not I focus on the center of the circle. But my eyes are old and tired and they do not focus well.
Younger eyes need to be "handicapped" -- forced to go out of focus -- before they can be tricked into seeing green dots.
Eyeballs have receptors of light that we call cones and rods . Cones are in the center of the eyeballs, and cones detect the wavelenghts that we perceive as colors.
Rods are positioned around the edges of the eyeballs, and rods detect luminosity, the intensity of the wavelenths -- brighter, darker, brigher, darker -- but rods cannot see color itself. The rods detect motion -- changes in luminosity -- better than do the cones.
When the field of visual focus narrows upon the center of the circle, the cones at the center of the eyeball barely see the dots -- the dots are out of focus -- and the intensity of the light -- the light that comes from the dots -- is too weak for the cones to determine the colors with precision. Cones, you see, need lots of light to function properly. Some vague message of "pink and gray" does come through, however.
.(In the darkness of the night, our eyeballs cannot see colors. Cones need lots of light to function properly.)
On the other hand, the rods (at the edges of the eyeball) see the dots quite well. But the rods see only "brightness," -- brighter, darker, brighter, darker -- not color.
Now we can use the facts above to deduce the messages that the brain receives from the blinking dots.
The brain sees motion (brighter, darker, brighter, darker) and the brain sees an average of pink and gray, and gray minus pink = green.
In this sense, the world of vision is a realm of illusion, a Hollywood movie created by the brain.
And based upon such evidence, philosphers claim the world itself is merely an illusion, a fabrication of the brain, a dream within a dream. In other words, there is no world.
But others say there is no brain.
And I concur with the latter.
22 May 2008 @ 12:46 by DM @ : Explanation
i got this 3 times. In an emaol. We also did it in science class. it has do with a mind illusion with the brain. None of you are crazy. It just has to do with how the mind works. There is a whole site of these