Ming the Mechanic
The NewsLog of Flemming Funch

Friday, April 25, 2003day link 

 Failure to Disperse
picture From Anne Herbert, Works of Frith:
Carol said, "The name of my band is 'Failure to Disperse.'"

Which is the very activity we are called to right now. Some of the most important work to do now is to fail to disperse and to remind others to fail.

People with microphones who may be more interested in their own interests than in ours are strongly recommending that we disperse.

Suggestions popular now include being scared of the group or groups du jour--gays like me, immigrants like the family I come from, people in other countries we haven't met, poor people, people who aren't pale or aren't suit-bound or both, people who don't live inside.

Be scared of them, miss any connection you might have with them.


If you're in one of the recommended icky groups, be more scared of everyone else.


Also suggested to you by those who want to control you:

Watch lots of TV. Inside, in your own place. So what you mainly know about other groups is what people who plan to profit from your fear tell you to make you scared.

Stay in your car. See other people as good or bad drivers, in your way or not. Don't see their faces and possibly, in their faces, their story. Keep your face behind a windshield so they won't see your face and your story.

Stare at screens. Don't have very many times and places to look at people.

Disperse. Be alone with whatever manipulative info is coming at you through screens. Spend less and less time being in your own physical situation with your own body and your own impressions. Disperse; break < up the connection with your own physical life.

Watch TV and say how stupid it is. That's fine. Just as long as you watch it. Using your intelligence to say that TV is stupid is not really having a very strong connection with your own intelligence.

In fact, it is dispersing from the great new stuff you'd come up with to do if you applied your intelligence to the situation you yourself are actually in. If you came up with great new stuff, you might not follow orders from leaders, so please do watch TV and get off on knowing it's stupid.
Indeed. That is one of the strongest messages being broadcast to you in the ethers. Disperse. The world is a disconnected, random and dangerous place. So, disperse and be separate, afraid and disorganized like everybody else. Well, it is a lie. A lie that allows those who are better organized and informed than the rest of us to get the upper hand. The main thing to do to change the tide is to fail to disperse. Connect. Communicate. Organize. Gather a collective picture of what is really going on. Act accordingly.
[ | 2003-04-25 18:59 | 7 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 Hydrogen refueling stations
picture A new hydrogen refueling station has been opened in Iceland. You know, for cars running on hydrogen. There aren't many of those yet. The hydrogen is created on the spot from water, using electricity from local geothermal and hydroelectric sources. In other words, that's about as clean and sustainable as it gets. There are a few other hydrogen refueling stations around the world, so it is not the first like it says.
[ | 2003-04-25 19:14 | 6 comments | PermaLink ]  More >

 The Earth's Carbon Metabolism
picture NASA announced that it has a couple of satellites that are helping to continuously map the Earth's 'metabolism'. They track the rate at which plant life is absorbing carbon (from carbon dioxide) out of the atomosphere. That shows the productivity of the Earth's carbon cycle.
The rate of carbon fixation through photosynthesis is a basic property of life on planet Earth. It is the basis for capturing and storing the energy that fuels our world’s living systems and forms the foundation of the food webs. The oxygen we breathe is a byproduct of this photosynthesis. According to its creators, these new net primary productivity maps provide a fascinating new insight into the intimate connection between the living world and the physical world.

"We are literally watching the global garden grow,” says Steve Running, MODIS Science Team member and director of the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group at the University of Montana. “We now have a regular, consistent, calibrated and near-real-time measure of a major component of the global carbon cycle for the first time. This measure can also be the basis for monitoring the expansion of deserts, the effects of droughts, and any impacts climate change may have on vegetation growth, health, and seasonality."
Notice that a lot of the productivity is in the oceans. About half of the total. Interesting to see those maps. It all isn't entirely in the areas I would have expected. A whole lot going on in Canada, Sweden, Siberia, and in the North Sea.
[ | 2003-04-25 19:34 | 1 comment | PermaLink ]  More >

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