Ming the Mechanic:
Expanding the search for weapons of mass destruction

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Expanding the search for weapons of mass destruction2002-12-23 16:05
picture by Flemming Funch

"Canadians to lead weapons inspection team into USA.

A coalition of Canadian peace groups today announced their intention to send an international team of volunteer weapons inspectors into the United States later this winter. The coalition, Rooting Out Evil, is recruiting inspectors through their newly launched website, www.rootingoutevil.org.

"Our action has been inspired by none other than George W. Bush," said Christy Ferguson, a spokesperson for the group. "The Bush administration has repeatedly declared that the most dangerous rogue nations are those that:

1) have massive stockpiles of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons;
2) ignore due process at the United Nations;
3) refuse to sign and honour international treaties; and
4) have come to power through illegitimate means.

"On the basis of President Bush's guidelines, it is clear that the current U.S. Administration poses a great threat to global security," said Ferguson. "We're following Bush's lead and demanding that the U.S. grant our inspectors immediate and unfettered access to any site in the country - including all presidential compounds - so that we can identify the weapons of mass destruction in this rogue state," added David Langille... "
[From an e-mail quoted by Spiritseeker]

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24 Dec 2002 @ 14:06 by sharie : I love this, put it on the front page
I wish the U.S. Administration would take a look in the mirror.  

19 Dec 2014 @ 13:13 by Kevin @ : gkvbLxfBkaQjKBS
Dear Sir,Re the question upon hxtsoeoualimy and the apparent adoption' of children with two men, or two women, of doing so this is totally unacceptable. I am a Catholic by religion, but also a person concerned by these possible consequences How many of these people are taking drugs and ABLE to deal with a child??!! In many cases recently, the govt have not been able to provide any evidence (through the Probation Services) because they do NOT HAVE THE MONEY for resources to get the help needed to prospective tortureres/vulnerable persons etc .Unless the issue of anti-social behaviour is REALLY observed, ie, physical punishment within a strict usage, instead of ASBO's which no-one gives a damn about this country is going down the drain. Please, wake up and smell the coffee!!!! You want voters and people delivering leaflets like me, who do it it in the knowledge that 98% of the people will bin' such material as soon as as they see it The country has gone to pot ..if you and your cabinet' do not see for themselves what is going on in the streets, then you have no clue and are as useless as the Labour party and the Conservatives .I despair sometimes I have a friend who is is technically of no fixed abode' hence he stays at my house some days of the week and at others . He is is an intelligent person but totally disenagaged to politics and the state benefit .. If he could only have a flat/hse made available to him, he would be a credit to the govt.. Work-wise etc, but how on God's Earth, is he able to seek a JSA a/c if he doesnt have anywhere to live!!?? I have info on people claimiing methadone scripts and SELLING THEM to other addicts WHEN PEOPLE HERE IN THE UK cannot get treatment for cancer because it's TOO EXPENSIVE'!!!!!! My address is 24 Ringlet Way, Winchester, Hants SO23 8SY 01962 627006 if you do not want people to comment on these issues, then don't waste the paper it's written on I would appreciate your comments at your earliest convenience as I am studying for a degree in Engligh with the OU .Yours faithfullySusan Kelsey (Ms)  

23 Dec 2014 @ 09:02 by Moeisha @ : ircIBQqCkszr
, I don't think that was because the Party feilad to turn Ming's experience into an advantage, on the contrary, that's exactly what we did try to do. I've grown sick of the number of people who've said to me When are you going to get rid of Ming and I'll join the Party again when Ming's gone because they bought into the nonsense of the press and media who would *only ever talk about* things in relation to his age. At the last conference, Ming gave an amazing, positive, liberal and enthusing speech. Do you know how the BBC reported it? Ming: I'm not too old they made it look desperate and defensive. If the BBC are supposed to be impartial, how are the partial newspapers and media going to do so. With us on 11-15% in the polls we have to find a new way to get our messages across. It's awful to let the press win. But Ming's got the dignity to go when he needed to.  

29 Apr 2016 @ 05:17 by Judith @ : HOfyGANHlYIoZWMW
Hahallujle! I needed this-you're my savior.  

30 Apr 2016 @ 01:09 by Deejay @ : PDOjPwzgHvII
Pasar la Navidad en Universal seria una experiencia inidbolavle, hasta me atrevo a decir que seria El mejor regalo de Navidad para mis hijos. Me imagina que los shows y las decoraciones de navidad son muy bonitas.  

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