Ming the Mechanic:

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Domains2003-02-26 15:23
by Flemming Funch

I'm getting tired of holding on to lots of domain names that I might or might not do something with. And so are some of the people I've registered domains for. Here's for example a list of domains expiring in the next week or two. If any of you want any of them, I can get them registered in your name cheaply.
virtualfacetoface.com, presidentsdailybrief.com, visualsynopsis.com, vf2f.com, storyfold.com, hyperposter.com, portalofsubportals.com, metascans.com, e-mergings.com, skimandscan.com, thedailyoverview.com, interactivecircles.com, hypertheme.com, domaintemple.com, organicdomains.com, newagedomains.com, namesoup.com, gotsecrets.com, utilizers.com, noisemaking.com, universalprayer.com, sexandtaxes.com, zopedish.com
Or, if you have business ideas for any of them, and would like to put some work into it, I might help you get going. I have many more as well. Domain speculation doesn't have as much potential as it used to, but at the same time, many people have a hard time finding good domain names.

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26 Feb 2003 @ 16:01 by martha : sexandtaxes.com,
No I'm not interested but I wonder what the person had in mind when they did that name. Since there has been lots of tax talk lately here maybe someone can use it.  

26 Feb 2003 @ 16:20 by ming : sex and taxes
That was one I registered. I'm not quite sure what went through my mind, but it was along the lines of the things in life that you can't avoid. Death and taxes and, eh, sex. Doesn't quite make sense when I think it through. But maybe I could have my taxes done by callgirls.  

26 Feb 2003 @ 16:31 by martha : vegas
I think you should try to peddle the name in Nevada.  

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