by Flemming Funch
Unbelievable. Even George Bush the elder is apparently taking issue with his son's actions. Read this article about George Bush Sr giving a speech at Tufts University in Massachussetts.The first President Bush has told his son that hopes of peace in the Middle East would be ruined if a war with Iraq were not backed by international unity.
Drawing on his own experiences before and after the 1991 Gulf War, Mr Bush Sr said that the brief flowering of hope for Arab-Israeli relations a decade ago would never have happened if America had ignored the will of the United Nations. [...]
The former President’s comments reflect unease among the Bush family and its entourage at the way that George W. Bush is ignoring international opinion and overriding the institutions that his father sought to uphold. Mr Bush Sr is a former US Ambassador to the UN and comes from a family steeped in multi-lateralist traditions. Let me say it again. However many faults the previous U.S. presidents have had, they've largely acted coolly and presidentally in their foreign policies, even if they didn't in their personal lives. Bush Jr. is more like a regular dysfunctional guy, a spoiled rich kid, coke-head, dry drunk, mood swinging, vengeful, angry, learning about the world by sitting in his underwear watching TV, and acting as if he somehow won the whole thing in the lottery.