Ming the Mechanic:
Blogging in London

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Blogging in London2004-05-14 16:28
picture by Flemming Funch

So, I spent a couple of days in London, having some productive meetings and going to a blogger evening initiated by Loic Le Meur. Many good people there. Not a particularly good venue, as it was very noisy with so many people in a small bar and hard to hear what everybody was saying. And difficult to get to know fifty people, even if they all have blogs. But a good thing, nevertheless, and good to meet some new or old friends. See some pictures here or here.

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15 May 2004 @ 13:04 by ming : Restaurant
Do we know each other, or is this a new kind of manual spam? I like Indian food, but I'm not in London that often.  

16 May 2004 @ 08:27 by Avi Solomon @ : Restaurant
Not Spam,just liked the food there very much during my visit to london!
Don't know you, except like reading your blog:)

16 May 2004 @ 10:46 by ming : Indian Food
Oh, no problem, of course. I just notice that I also have an increase in comments that don't seem relevant to posts, but that are promoting something. So I sometimes am not sure what is what.  

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