Ming the Mechanic:
Time Travel

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Time Travel2005-06-28 17:32
picture by Flemming Funch

Article last week: New model 'permits time travel'. Researchers are trying to find models for time travel that avoid the good old paradox, of what would happen if you went back in time and stopped your grandfather from meeting your grandmother, or you killed your dad before you were conceived. Which would make it sort of impossible that you're still there, then. So, it has been used to sort of prove that time travel is impossible. Now, these new thoughts don't sound terribly much better. Even scientists have a hard time wrapping their mind around time. So, let me help them out a little bit. Here's how I think it works.

Time is a dimension, just like the 3 dimensions of space. There probably are more dimensions. String theory seems to predict something like 12 dimensions. So there's most likely more directions to move in than the 4 of spacetime. But there certainly are those.

Despite time being just another dimension, we seem to be wired to perceive it as a one-directional stream. Something happens, and then it gets frozen in the past, as the history that leads to this point. And the future hasn't happened yet. So, both the past and the future seem equally inaccessible to us. But that's really just the fault of our perceptual wiring. Doesn't actually have much to do with Reality with a big R, the stuff that's really there. It is just the reality that we construct from our perceptions, and our abstract conclusions about those perceptions, which keeps time in that format.

However, we can learn something about time as a dimension by studying the dimensions of space, which we perceive ourselves moving more freely in.

Let's say I'm standing on the town hall square, and then I walk down to the train station. I can remember that I was at the town hall square. Now, if I walk back to the town hall square, will I catch myself standing there? No, of course not. Not even if I do it really quickly. That's logical for us in space. But really it isn't all that different with time.

Our lives are objects in 4 dimensions, at least. Even if you take just your body. It has length, width, breath, and it has an extension in time. It extends backwards in time from where you are now, and forward in time to its death. All of that sort of sticks together. It might change in various ways, but it does have a certain coherence.

Let's take a mobile item with some spatial size, like a bus. It might be 15 meters long, but it sticks together. If the front end moves, the back end moves with it. Whatever influences the front has an influence on the back, and vice versa. It won't be entirely the same, but it will be connected. If the front end stands in the sun, the back end will get warmer too, even if it doesn't. If somebody puts a sign on the front, saying that now this is a school bus, then the meaning of the back will suddenly change too, even if nothing else changed about it. Your life is kind of like that too.

Good actors will prepare for much more than the role they're asked to play. They will sit and write down what they think the past history is of this character. They will construct events in his or her life that might have made him what he is. They will construct emotions from past experiences. They will decide where he's going, what he wants to do, and why. And that creates a much more full character in the present.

The past is where you're coming from - the path and experiences that add up to who you are now. The future is where you're headed - the path and the experiences you'll go through if you continue as you are now, and with the history you've had. In principle both that past and that future are changeable. If you suddenly change, you'll need a different past history to explain it, and you'll suddenly be pointing towards a different future.

But it is difficult to suddenly change, because there's a lot of inertia in all this stuff. There's a considerable weight in your past history. It adds up quite convincingly to explain who you are now. The most likely way of changing it is to re-interpret it, and get a different meaning out of it. But it would also just have to change, if you really change.

All of it is quantum probabilities, so it is really a lot more moldable than what a 10ton bus seems like to us. It seems so solid. But really it is all the holodeck. It can be whatever you want it to be. We just have so much invested in all the stuff we've observed and what we've concluded it is, so it is very hard to just change it arbitrarily, and observe something else. But there's nothing that makes it impossible.

Anyway, back to time travel. My life is like this bus that is moving. It sticks together, but it sometimes changes. The lives of everybody connected to me are also all intertwined.

So, let's say I go back in time with the intention to meet my dad, and stop him from meeting my mom. But the problem is that they're part of the back end of my bus. If I move, they move with me. They're not standing back at the bus depot any more, because the bus moved on. Just like I'm not standing back at the town hall square when I go and check. Because I moved. Duh.

In part because of our language, we often make the mistake of assuming that a place is the same, even as time changes, or other things change. You know, this is my office, and I can talk about my office yesterday, or last year, and in my mind I tend to think it is the same office. I believe it is the Hopi that have a language that doesn't do that. My office yesterday is not "here", it is "over there". Over there in yesterday. And they probably have a point. It isn't the same office. It looks a good deal like it, but it is different, the time is different, and a lot of the sub-atomic particles are probably different. We short-circuit our logic when we fall for the misconception that places and times are "the same" when they really aren't.

So, if I go back to where my father met my mother. Well, we could say that they no longer are there, because they moved on, got married, got me, etc. So, if there's only one of each of them, they're no longer there. The bus left. If you wanted to change things, you've have to catch up with the bus where it is.

Or, are they still there? See, that gets us into the more fantastic subject of parallel realities and multiple versions of ourselves. The funny thing is that most people intuitively would expect that if time travel were possible, they would go back and find exactly what "was there". I.e. your dad and mum exactly as they were, ready to have their first kiss at the drive-in, playing "Rebel without a Cause". But that requires that we keep existing at all times and places we've been. That there are a zillion you's stretching far back, and probably forward.

That's entirely possible, that it works like that. That the past isn't just a memory in your brain, but it is real, it is there, it is alive.

So, let's say they still are there. They're, however, also still connected with you, as part of a probable past that let to you being born. And, incidentally, to you getting around to go back in time at some stage in your life. It is all connected. Not two separate events, you and them. Rather, part of one bigger spacetime event.

One possibility is that you might find that the past event has already changed from what you thought it was. The later events in their and your lives might have redefined what really happened. Maybe the original event was a happy kiss in the drive-in. But later on they got divorced and got therapy and decided it all was different. Like, he was really a brute who raped her. So maybe that's what you'd see if you went back. Because the whole gestalt is connected backwards and forwards.

But then we have to touch on the possibility of what happens if the past changes.

We're talking about objects in 4 or more dimensions. A bit like the screenplay of a movie. It is all connected, the characters, the timeline, the events, the climax. If we change one part, we'd have to change others. If we rewrite the script a little bit, and make the main characters meet in Paris rather than in Rome, then a bunch of things will change. Their kids will speak French rather than Italian, etc. If you had already shot the movie in the first version, then the next version will be a different movie, even if the story is similar on many points, and some of the characters are roughly the same, and even if it has the same name.

Quantum physics seem to say that things exist if somebody has perceived them in a particular way. If they haven't been perceived, it is uncertain what is there. Could me many things, but the reality hasn't been frozen. So, if nobody was there to hear it, we don't know if the tree fell in the forest and made a sound. We don't know if Schroedinger's cat is alive or dead, unless we look.

So, my past is a certain way because I perceive it to be so. Not really that I *have* perceived it that way. More that I'm doing it now. If I stop perceiving it, it might go back to uncertainty. Or if I succeed in perceiving it differently, it becomes something different.

You'll notice that science skips rather quickly over the mystery of who it is who perceives things, as consciousness isn't a popular subject for people in the material sciences. So they usually just talk about "measuring", rather than awareness or consciousness. But it is unavoidable. Things are real when there's somebody there who perceives them. It would all become a little more logical if we accepted that there were such a thing as consciousness, and that it probably is extremely basic to how the universe works.

Now, what if you get to a fork in the road in your life? You might go left, you might go right. Your life develops differently, depending on which one you pick. Before you make the choice, the two possible futures are maybe equally probable. Once you make the choice, your future falls into a certain groove, and that choice becomes part of your past that explains how you got to where you are.

But how about if you also took the other road from the fork? No, not the you who's here today, who went left. But there's maybe a parallel aspect of you who took the path on the right, and went on from there. There might or might not be. Depends on whether anybody's there to experience it. If there were a consciousness which found the right side path interesting, it might have turned from the realm of uncertainty into a reality.

In your life there has been many forks in many roads. Possibly many or all of those turned into realities. One of which is the one you're sitting in now. They're related, at least by their common branching points, but they're otherwise different. The Flemming who decided to move to Rio and be a street performer would clearly be a different character than me, even though we might have a lot in common, and part of our history would be exactly the same.

So, back to those time paradoxes. If you try to go back and meet your mom and dad, before they conceived of you, then several things might happen. If you focus on the path that is part of your past, you'll probably find difficulty in trying to interfere. That's not as mysterious as it might sound. It is a bit like trying to spin around to see oneself from the back. No matter how fast I do it, I'll miss, because my back moves at the same time as the front. So, the same with the characters in your past. You might be surprised to find that they just walked out before you walked in. Because they're connected with you.

The difficulty of doing so depends a bit on how long the tail is. You can't see yourself from the back by spinning around. But if you were a snake, you could grab your own tail, because there's enough dimension there. The front of the bus can't see the back, but a litte train with many wagons maybe could. So, in time travel, you might have trouble getting to meet a recent version of yourself. But if you go far enough back, it isn't so hard. So, maybe it is not any great problem to go back and meet your parents.

But remember that there's a considerable inertia towards them doing roughly what they did, because there's already a well-perceived future reality in front of them, which they're connected with. There's a certain pull in that.

But maybe if you exert enough energy, you might make something else happen. You manage to throw a Molotov cocktail into their car, and they burn to death. Then what happens? Really just that you created a fork. Your parents would still have met in that drive-in, and you don't suddenly disappear. But there's now another timestream which develops differently. It will include a few hundred people for whom the mysterious tragedy in the drive-in in '62 happened, with the stranger who blew up a young couple, who claimed he was from the future, and was carrying strange electronic devices in his pocket. And that reality develops differently from the one you knew, in small or big ways. Might be huge, with time travel technology being then discovered in 1962, from somebody studying what you had in your pockets, or it might just be a minor ripple, and it becomes a world very similar to ours, just without your parents, but with you as an older criminal. And back here in our reality, we'll wonder why you never came back, but everything will otherwise continue as normal.

So, there is no paradox. There are just potential paths, and actual paths taken. Sometimes multiple parallel paths might be taken. Sometimes you might go back and take a different path. None of which changes that all of the paths, that somebody perceived themselves taking, were real.

Back to one little detail. That article mentioned that of course we aren't seeing any people who suddenly disappear because their past changed, so obviously that isn't happening. I wouldn't be so fast on that. OK, forks might happen in the past that lead to different realities. But this reality might also change. It is just that everything in it is connected and relatively consistent with each other. Remember, it is a 4 or more dimensional "object". So, if somebody succeeds in changing something about it, everything connected to it changes. Like, the whole history of why things are the way they are, and everybody's memories of what happened, which explains things. And that is probably hard, because there's a lot of inertia, and a whole lot of things to change. But probably possible, if enough energy is exerted. So if your neighbor across the street got written out of the story, it wouldn't be that his house suddenly, poof, evaporates, and everybody stands there wondering what happened to him. No, you'd be quite sure that there had never been a house on that lot, and you'd have no recollection of anybody with that name, and it would all be very logical, and everybody could confirm each other's stories. I'd say that stuff like that probably happens once in a while, but you most likely wouldn't have noticed, except for maybe an odd feeling that something was off, which you couldn't put your finger on. If you rely only on your perceptions and your memories, nothing would reveal that anything changed, because they would have changed at the same time.

I have little doubt that we'll figure it all out eventually, and that there's somebody somewhere who already can travel freely in time and space. See, it doesn't matter if it takes a million years to develop the technology, because that's just "right over there" in spacetime. And it is probably unavoidable that the spacetime multiverse becomes one big subway system, if it isn't already.

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29 Jun 2005 @ 18:51 by jstarrs : I never got round this...
...no coming, no going.
Place your foot in the walking mode, either heel up & toe down or vice versa.
Now, the 'gone over' has already been gone over, right?
It's not the 'going over'.
And the 'yet-to-be-gone-over' has not yet, er, been gone over. Right?
It's not the 'going over', either.
And the going over that doesn't depend on the 'gone over' and the 'yet to be gone over' for it's existence, well, it doesn't exist.
No coming, no going.

29 Jun 2005 @ 20:13 by Ge Zi @ : enlightenment
Wow - Flemming - that some post!!
Made me think about enlightenment, as we have to deal with the same paradox here. Imagine this friend of ours - let's say his name is Gautamo - is on his way of enlightenment with the intend to leave this universe. And one day he succeeds.
Is there the puff-effect, does from that day on he just does not come to his AA meetings any more and everyone wonders what became of him?
No, dfinitely not, because if he really managed to leave this universe by becoming enlightened, he would have left the universe completely. And the past just belongs to it. So, I would expect that any trace of him would be gone. Nothing left of him, not even a shred of memory.
Funny, huh - we would never find out if somebody managed to become enlightened. The only thing we do know is that all the people who claim to have done so did not. There go Jesus, Gautamo, Hubbard ;-)  

29 Jun 2005 @ 20:16 by jstarrs : I dunno...
...I think Old Missus Hubbard was pretty enlightened to have brought up so many kids in a shoe.
Something Ron never did.  

30 Jun 2005 @ 18:41 by jmarc : Another big wow
Nice writing and a good overview of the whole time travel thing. I can tell you're a P.K. Dick fan, and this essay of his, which I consider to be one of his best, covers alot of the same ground as you just have. Have you read this?... http://www.greylodge.org/occultreview/glor_010/dick_world.htm  

2 Jul 2005 @ 12:13 by Klaus Gormsen @ : timetravel
Very interesting article. Paul Levy has written a very good article along the same lines!
If You feel like it it would be interesting to look at the connection back to regression therapy i practical terms. It could probably have more radical consequenses than it has in "Transformational Processing" manual?
Like: "Ok, Ms. client, let's rewrite your whole past so it fits with the version of yourself you prefer now?" Resulting in funny instructions like: "What part of your past are you willing to rewrite?" and so on...  

3 Jul 2005 @ 12:48 by Istvan @ : Past-Now-Future
Interesting to note, when timetravel is mentioned or discussed most of the conversation is rooted in the interst of changing the past.
This is not really a true interst, but perhaps a depiction of the fact that most people are really not happy with the present.
It would be more valable to direct attention for the multidimentionel nature of future scenarios that may come to be accepted in a practical way of creating more friendl/advanced presents within the possibilities of future cognition as the mind assembles perceived reality.
Time travel is a given for us in te future of cosciousness as we slowly expand into perceiving morethan just the legacy bound three dimentional awareness we curently accept as universe.
String theory in science, the matrix in science fiction, past life regression in new age, the appearance of the internet through which we are pretty much presented with realities, those that inform us that human conditions may not be owerly ideal,in fact down right miserable an pitiful; will possibly make us realise that there may be a way to stir future events toward more user friendly ways.
The problem is, expanding toward fourth, fifth, sixth and ad infinitum dimensions require intense desire/ability and most of all attachments, the inability to let go of narrow "pinhole" practices of observation.
We must expand in all directions available and already present. We must open to not only to the incoming signals of the physical senses, but but to thos signals that yet may still faint, but available like meditation.  

3 Jul 2005 @ 14:21 by vaxen : Time:
Axiom 7: Time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist.

Axiom 8: The apparency of time is the change of position of particles in space.

Axiom 9: Change is the primary manifestation of time.  

3 Jul 2005 @ 22:33 by Steve @ : time
Another possibility is that all instants of time exist simultaneously in parallel. The you reading this exists in the time slice associated with "now" from your point of view. The you from yesterday is only aware of the "now" associated with the time slice from yesterday.

All the instants of your life could exist in parallel, but an illusion forms because the atoms in your brain and structures / memories associated with them in this slice only have an awareness of this slice of time.

If this is true, then time is like a life of bread and the time slices like slices of bread. The whole loaf exists at once, but your consciousness perceives one slice at a time.

In this scenario, there is no paradox as everything has already happened. You had already travelled back in time and didn't kill your parents. If you had killed them, you wouldn't have travelled back in time. All the possibilities resolve into what happened.

It's kind of like the way google recursively scores web pages. Your score is based on the scores of the pages that link to you, but there pages haven't been scored yet either. All the interconnecting page scores depend on each other like all the interconnecting events also do. If you solve for what happened, then you get the universe we all exist in.

It is possible there are other parallel universes with different solutions and different outcomes.  

12 Jul 2005 @ 17:14 by jerryvest : Time is but a dream, is it not?
Terrific article, Flemming. Seems that there is no time in reality, yet there are seasons. So there are different mechanisms operating within all that is. I appreciate the knowledge that Tarthang Tulku introduces in his books related to the time-space continuum. I also appreciate his awareness of connecting the dream state with our awakend state so that we can freely move about, travel and participate in past, present and future experiences in the moment.

He describes the 3rd. stage of meditation where there are no distinctions to be made. "We wake up and see that reality and truth are not just one dimensional, but jewel-like, with many facets. This level is pure awareness. (Tulku, _Openess Mind_, "Dimensions of Meditation,", p.96)

On another note that helps me understand No Time are principles that Oscar Ichazo introduces in "Between Metaphysics and Protoanalysis." For example:

No Time > No Position > No Contradiction = Interaction  

12 Jul 2005 @ 17:24 by jstarrs : Hey Ming...
...time travel's great but where you been these last two weeks?

14 Jul 2005 @ 16:58 by ming : Travel and Time
Heheh, in Italy. And, when traveling, I always end up spending a chunk of my mind space on worrying about not having my normal Internet connectivity. Oh, it is good to be present somewhere else, in the real world, and just sit and look out at the Adriatic Sea and do nothing and read a book all afternoon. But I'd kind of like still being present here too.  

14 Jul 2005 @ 17:04 by ming : Rewriting the Past
Klaus, well, actually I do use that as a counseling technique - rewriting the past. It can sometimes work wonders, and do things one normally couldn't do in regression. So, instead of just going back and reliving some past incident, and feeling better about it, one might well become a more active player, and if one didn't like what happened, it might well be a good solution to go back and make something different happen. To take another fork in the road. And then fully digest what the results would now be of that, all the way up to the present. If now that is what happened, how would I be today? How would I act differently, how would my future be different.

Quite a lot one could take further with that kind of stuff. Really, I think it can be very productive to start with the assumption that one can go anywhere in spacetime, in any dimension, talk with anybody there, interact with what is happening, get to a deeper level with it, change the course of events, if necessary, etc.  

14 Jul 2005 @ 17:09 by ming : Parallel Time
Steve, I think that's probably how it works, actually. That everything is in one big Now, as an infinite number of parallel dimensions. And it really is just our limited filters that forces us to have to think of some of it as past and some of it as future. Many of those slices are connected and related in various ways, which allows progressive stories and experiences to unfold, which is what makes our kind of life possible. But then we make the mistake of thinking that it is all frozen and the past really is CAUSING the future. Where really they might just be different sections of one continuous thing.  

14 Jul 2005 @ 17:15 by ming : Dream Time
Jerry, the transcending of the frozen, mechanical concept of time might quite nicely allow us to include dreaming as merely another of the many possible realities. Many parallel paths, all really existing in the Big Now, some paths still potential, some actualized. No scarcity of realities, so no big reason to argue about some of them being real and others being dreams. The more real Reality is probably that there's no such distinction. But, for practical purposes, there are paths, choices, facets, different angles to explore, different stories to live.  

12 Aug 2005 @ 12:50 by ahmed E @ : time is resistant to simple definition
time is not the numbers on our watches ,it's basically the fourth dimension in our vast universe .and it inerconnectedly relative to space (space time continuum).there are a number of ways to control time ,eg wormholes ,speed of light motion ,etc ... if we only have the technology to develop those possibilities ,then we are TIME LORDS ... finally ,youe essay was very stunning .  

13 Aug 2005 @ 19:39 by barbara lochner @ : the big now
I found your reference to the big now via Google. At the risk of sounding like a nut case, an old boyfriend (dead now for 20 years) came to me in a dream and told me he was in the big now...and that there is no time there. Can you tell me more about 'the big now' or make suggestions where I can find out more? Thanks.  

13 Aug 2005 @ 21:57 by ming : Big Now
Wow, that's something. Well, read "The Power of Now" by Eckhard Tolle. He has some tapes too. He's great at pointing out the Now, without getting dogmatic or convoluted. In brief, if one can get beyond all one's usual mental noise, all one's regrets about the past, all one's ideas of what one ought to do in the future, and one can truly be present in the moment, right now, and really pay attention, all sorts of deep stuff opens up. Like, that there's really nothing but Now. Nothing that's ever really gone, and nothing that one really HAS to do somewhere else, some other time. Nothing but infinite life and consciousness. Really, very, very simple and profound. But so hard for us typical humans to get there, even though we're already there.  

18 Nov 2005 @ 00:11 by anonymous @ : there is no paradox
there is one way to explain the paradox. there is no paradox. once you go into the past just you presence canges that timeline. (butterfly effect on a quantum scale) hence you create a new fork.this is how the universe protects itself from such things. hence you can never (ever) return to your original timeline. you go back to kill your dad and you end up in a universe where you arent born in the first place. (we call this divergence) the further back you go the greater the divergence. if you stayed in prison the whole time you would be in a parallel universe when you were born in your home timeline. its a movie that changes when ever you rewind it.  

18 Nov 2005 @ 00:27 by jerryvest : I feel much as you do about the Now,
Ming. However, while studying some books by Tarthang Tulku, I've gotten a different notion about this state. The Now is a dynamic state so there is no present--now. No past or future. There is no substance and, as I understand this state, there is nothing to experience...we are the experience.

I get attracted to the phenomena of the Now as everything is so beautiful and wonderous.  

19 Nov 2005 @ 14:41 by ming : The Now
Well, yeah, guess we could say there's no Present if that's supposed to mean in contrast to the Past or the Future. There just IS. But I guess Being Present or The Now is a good shorthand for that.

And, nothing to experience. Hm, I guess we can say that if one considers that there's a distance to that experience, if one experiences it from a distance, then it really isn't IT.

I haven't read Tarthang Tulku, but that sounds intriguing.  

19 Nov 2005 @ 17:01 by jerryvest : I'll try to give a clearer picture of
Tarthang's perspective. He states that we don't experience exactly the same reality. "...our thoughts are only reflextions of the experence, they cannot be the experience itself. Rather than being single 'frames' of experience, our experiences are superimposed upon each other." Furthermore, "When we try to live in the 'present', we set out to go beyond concepts, beyond time, beyond our usual experiences, but all we do in our earnest anticipation is reinforce our dualistic mind." (Openness Mind, Tarthang Tulku)

So how do we go beyond these surface experiences or relative realm? He suggests that we realize that all things belonging to the relative realm, including language, ideas, and concepts, are forms like clouds in the sky. "They look solid; they have different shapes; they move about; yet they are not so different from the sky they float in."

During meditation we can yield to pure experience..."we can mine our experience to find this great treasure which lies within every thought." Several years ago I worked with his book titled, "Time, Space, Knowledge" and he introduced a number of meditations to help us transcend these concepts and illusions.

Anyway, Tarthang is worth investigating as he can help us discover what is beyond the Now.  

12 Dec 2005 @ 02:38 by Mike Dillon @ : Matter Energy Space and Time
I own a very large Seafood Distributorship Business which is why I'm using
my Business E Mail. This wasn't always my background. You can use Matter and
Energy to manipulate Space and Time thus creating Time Travel. It's not a hard
process. It's been used for a long time now to travel from one place to the
other, or even from one Time Period to the Other. First You need to understand that Matter Energy Space and Time is what the Universe is made up of; then with a little help from a Physics Background you can put your Time Travel
(Machine) together. I'm speaking from experience.
Good Luck in your pursuit, It can be a long road.

Mike Dillon  

23 Jul 2007 @ 05:18 by Hanae @ : Le Voyageur Sans Bagage

"The past is where you're coming from - the path and experiences that add up to who you are now. The future is where you're headed - the path and the experiences you'll go through if you continue as you are now, and with the history you've had. In principle both that past and that future are changeable. If you suddenly change, you'll need a different past history to explain it, and you'll suddenly be pointing towards a different future.

But it is difficult to suddenly change, because there's a lot of inertia in all this stuff. There's a considerable weight in your past history. It adds up quite convincingly to explain who you are now. The most likely way of changing it is to re-interpret it, and get a different meaning out of it. But it would also just have to change, if you really change."

Hehe, I was just recently reminded of that delightful play by {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Anouilh#Analysis|Jean Anouilh}, Le Voyageur Sans Bagage:

Gaston has been locked up in a psychiatric ward for over fifteen years. Since his return from World War I, he has been amnesic and no one knows anything about him, not even his name. However, several families claim that he is a member and Gaston soon finds himself confronted with one of these families: the Renaud family, members of the high "bourgeoisie." A meeting is set up. It appears that Gaston is really Jacques Renaud, a violent, cynical and corrupt man with a highly controversial personality. A family that is first and foremost concerned with appearances, a despicable identity and a resurgence of bad memories... And all Gaston was hoping for was happiness... Gaston refuses to accept the situation and decides that, despite the evidence, he is not Jacques Renaud...  

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