I love my most recent digital camera. The first I had was an Olympus which used up the non-rechargable batteries as fast as you could fill up its 20 picture memory. The second one, Sony DSC-30 is still great. Lots of room with memory sticks, and the rechargable batteries last several hours. But it is too big to just put in your pocket, unless you're specifically going out to take pictures. So that's the point of the latest one. This is a Casio Exilim EX-M2. It is the size of a credit card, but thicker, and it is stainless steel, so you can just about put it in your back pocket and forget about it. And also, it does what none of the other cameras did - it takes the picture almost instantly. Most digital cameras take so long to take the picture that the people you were pointing at have moved on. Oh, and it records short videos too, and audio at any length, and it plays MP3 files. A big reason I got this camera was that Ray Ozzie recommended it in his blog. A recommendation from somebody you trust is worth much more than any ad. [ Technology | 2002-11-07 23:32 | | PermaLink ] More >