Seb made a list of some of his favorite visionaries. I'm honored to be on the list too, of course. But I wanted to mention Lion Kimbro. Who's kind of a crazy guy, in the good way. See this interview. One of Lion's projects was a note keeping project, where, for some months, he kept track of all his thoughts on paper. Which apparently was a huge, but useful project. Albeit not one he'd recommend doing too often."The system described in "How to Make a Complete Map..." started about a year ago, and lasted 3-6 months. It's hard to say when it started, exactly, because it just kept evolving, and it evolved out of the previous systems. So, there's no real "starting point." For about 3 months, I was tracking thoughts pretty much all the time. The last month was the most concentrated period- it was more or less constant.
What inspired it was... Well, a lot of things. The book "Getting Things Done," by David Allen. "Wiki" was in the air, though I wasn't thinking of it consciously. The whole notion of "Intelligence," - in the CIA sense- not the IQ sense- was fresh in my mind. Remember, I was running medical records for a while- it makes you think differently about information, when someone's going to die if you can't find their chart. So it's a collection of things.
Anyways: I wanted to see if I could make myself smarter, by strategically placing notes to myself.
"Intelligence, as I define it, is: Getting the right information at the right time at the right place, towards whatever end you are going for.
So, to use the "Getting Things Done" analogy: You're at home, and you realize you need to get a Philip's screwdriver. If, the next day, you're walking down the street, and you walk by a hardware store- if you don't think to get the screwdriver, that's an "Intelligence Failure." You're not getting the right information, at the right time, at the right place.
There's deeper concepts to that map- "Intelligence Process," and "Intelligence Database," and things like that. You can get into the nitty-gritty of it.
But, basically, I wanted to see if I could make myself smarter, by strategically placing notes to myself. Adopting an Intelligence Process, and carrying around an Intelligence Database." Interests me because I also really like "Getting Things Done", and I'm always looking for how to be better organized, and I might possibly also be crazy enough to come up with some kind of pervasive system like that. Anyway, Lion has a lot of energetic and smart things to say about notes and wikis. [ Knowledge | 2004-05-11 16:35 | | PermaLink ] More >