Ming the Mechanic:
Radiant Thinking

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Radiant Thinking2002-02-11 23:16
pictureby Flemming Funch

I'm going to try bringing up some of my older writings once in a while, at least when I don't have time to write something new. Let me apologize if it sometimes sounds like I'm all-knowing and I'm telling everybody else what to think. That might indeed be because it often is articles that come from a context where I was supposed to be teaching something. Anyway, the little piece below seems to be fitting at this point, thinking about the global brain and how to extend more neurons amongst us in the noosphere.

Radiant Thinking 17 Jan 95.

Minds do not naturally work in straight lines. Rather they consist of associations radiating out (or in) from many different connection points. Many connections in many different directions connect items together. We could say that the mind is simply a network of connections or associations.

You can see this in the layout of the brain. The brain is not the mind, but it can be seen as a physical reflection of the structure of the mind.

The brain consists of billions of neurons that each extend hundreds of dendrites that connect with other neurons. It is an association machine with an astronomical number of possible associations.

A neuron could be regarded as a point from which associations go off in all directions. And whereever we get to, we get to another neuron with associations going off in all directions. We can keep associating around endlessly. There is not necessarily any particular start or finish to it, and no identifiable sequence to it, in that it is happening in billions of channels at the same time.

The mind works in a similar fashion. One naturally thinks in radiant associations. No matter what one thinks of, there would be associations going off in a multitude of directions from it. And wherever any of those associations take us, we can again find a multitude of associations going off from there.

Creativity and problem solving will flow most smoothly when allowed to work freely and radiantly.

Minds that have been repressed, forced, tricked or indoctrinated into working in unnatural ways will likely have various kinds of trouble. Lack of creativity, poor memory, low intelligence, confusion, limitations, etc.

Minds might in various ways have been imprinted with certain "correct" ways of thinking. That is very often simply limited, fixed ideas imposed by misunderstanding or by overwhelming experiences in life.

Minds are freed up by expanding what was limited, by connecting up what was separate, by providing many options where there were few, by letting flow what was stuck.

- Flemming

(See "The Mind Map Book" by Tony Buzan for more on radiant thinking and its use in mind mapping)

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12 Feb 2002 @ 00:02 by mmmark : Dianetics Plus
In Dianetics L R Hubbard explains that the natural mind never lies to itself, that it functions perfectly all the time. He describes aberrations of the mind to the result of experiences on the subconscious level as part of our automatic protection scheme of learning, the type of thing that instantly bring us to anger, to flee, etc. He also says that these things are clinically demonstrable and that aberrations (damage) can be corrected in a physiologically normal brain. It is clear to me that the frontier of the brain is the one that needs the most attention from our science. As commercial advertisers have made a science out of fooling us by appealing to our inherent weaknesses of mind, we would be well served to invest in learning how to better control self destructive urges of all kinds. Socialized conditioning is the major cause of mental illness, because humanity has elected for the most part to operate in very illogical and harmful ways. To any sane person, it's enough to drive one crazy! The same types of conditioning apply to the mental software routines we use to perceive those around us, but those programs (engrams, mimes) are quite preventative to staying focused on any central ideas about success. Obviously we cannot be of open mind when the mind is damaged (prejudiced) to the point of forcing everything into little mental boxes and assume we have all the boxes, or that the different associations (connections) between them are correct. Being receptive and open is a state of being that children generally maintain.  

12 Feb 2002 @ 01:05 by ming : Cleared Minds
Heheh, yes, I don't know if you know, but I've spent many hundreds of hours in Dianetics therapy, and have officially achieved the state of "Clear", meaning, in principle, that my automatic sub-conscious reactions have been cleared. And, yeah, that helped greatly in those days. I've often wondered whether it maybe should be a requirement that everybody goes through some kind of mental/emotional clearing and maturation program before we can really play seriously together. Maybe like envisioned in {link:http://www-pnp.physics.ox.ac.uk/SF/MH-Zool/AE-van-Vogt.html|A.E. van Vogt's} "Null-A" science fiction series, inspired by {link:http://www.worldtrans.org/essay/scisanity.html|Alfred Korzybski's} work with General Semantics. I.e. people who needed to do important things had to be trained in transcending the pitfalls of limited perceptions, fixed ideas and stored emotional reactions, so that they could always act in the most optimum and most harmonious way. ... But, well, I guess I've resigned to having to deal with people as they are. Meaning, we're always operating in a somewhat imperfect situation. We all have somewhat different perspectives, and we're all more or less biased by our emotional bagage and mental blind spots. If we can figure out how to work as a group, and as a collected humanity, without having to make each of us perfect first, I think we'll get somewhere much faster.  

12 Feb 2002 @ 04:07 by ashanti : Memes
Funny, I picked up from Marks' previous posts, the dianetics "meme". Hard to describe, it's like a sub-atomic resonance or recognition of patterns of thinking. But there are recognisable word and concept strings, which are unique to Hubbard's way of thinking. And these strings seem to attach to people who absorb them, as memes. Kim  

12 Feb 2002 @ 04:17 by ashanti : Which is not to say...
... that "cleared" minds are a bad thing. Reacting to present events as if they were the same as terrible things that happened in the past is a very disempowering and debilitating experience. I just have concern that in clearing out all the baggage, you also clear out the ability to sense, feel, and LOVE. A world of cleared, rational, but automatic people is one that lacks the essence of life. It is a lopsided, masculated half, it needs the feminine, the GAIA spirit, the beauty and power of love, to balance.  

12 Feb 2002 @ 17:25 by ming : Emotions
Indeed. We need all of us here. Passion, feelings, love, and not just our rational minds. The clearing mindset easily gets into looking at any kind of uncomfortable emotion as just stuff to wipe out. But, I must say, I've certainly gotten a lot of milage out of "negative" emotions. The times in my life where I've made the most important changes have usually been in association with feeling "bad" about something. For me personally, I didn't really discover the value of *feeling* before way after I supposedly had my mind all cleared, and it was a new and mostly unexplored territory. Today I have a preference for experiences that make me feel something, as compared with just intellectual stimulation.  

12 Feb 2002 @ 20:16 by tdeane : Associations
Ming, I felt my mind flowing in all sorts of directions as I was reading this. Great imagery! Much love ~ Tricia  

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