Ming the Mechanic:
Naked States

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Naked States2002-12-18 16:25
1 comment
picture by Flemming Funch

I was watching a documentary on HBO about this artist Spencer Tunick who has been traveling America and the world, photographing nude people in unusual settings and arrangements. Now, what was very refreshing and inspiring about that is that there is nothing lewd or even tintilating about how he does it. It is very normal people, not picked based on any standard of physical beauty, but mainly based on that they're real people that one meets on the street. And there is something very powerful and beautiful that comes from that. Besides being art, and performance art, it is activism. It is activism asking us to look at things a bit differently, and breaking through stupid bourgeois norms for what is proper and expected.

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1 comment

1 May 2016 @ 10:39 by Trix @ : WShYwMPGkrGPZsh
That's a clever answer to a tricky quoisten  

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