Ming the Mechanic:
Time for new glasses

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Time for new glasses2003-11-09 15:25
1 comment
picture by Flemming Funch

Jason Salavon has done a little research project consisting of digital aggregation of playboy centerfolds. Specifically he averaged all the pictures for each decade. And you can see some kind of evolution over time ... I suppose. Like that the girls were pink in the 60s and orange in the 70s. Really you can't see much. I hope that he didn't get a research grant for this. Anyway, here to the right is my favorite, Miss 1980s. She looks sort of vaguely familiar somehow.

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1 comment

29 Apr 2016 @ 00:47 by Lizabeth @ : kMFYQxFzfmForlxLxwim
Normally I'm against killing but this article sluahgtered my ignorance.  

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