Ming the Mechanic:

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Achieving2003-11-22 02:28
picture by Flemming Funch

Anthony Robbins says:
The truth of the matter is that there's nothing you can't accomplish if:
(1) You clearly decide what it is that you're absolutely committed to achieving,
(2) You're willing to take massive action,
(3) You notice what's working or not, and
(4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way."
And I agree with him. If you become aware of what you're called to do, and you truly want to do it, and you commit all your energy to it, and you do the things that work, and not the things that don't work, and you don't give up - nothing can stop you. And, of course, if you waver on what you want, and you don't really go for it, and you insist on doing things the same old way - then you might or might not get anywhere that you like.

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22 Nov 2003 @ 04:12 by shawa : Hehehehee
Just what I need to read this morning, lol! :-)  

22 Nov 2003 @ 12:55 by swan : Yes,
that is what I believe. Anything is possible nothing is but a dream.  

22 Nov 2003 @ 14:21 by dsmith @ : inspire
Inspirational, now excuse me while I kick my own butt into gear! No really, how many times I have to listen to folks whine and groan about where they are going when they have FULL control of where their going themselves. bravo!  

22 Nov 2003 @ 17:25 by dang @ : but.. but... but... :)
#3 is sometimes the hardest. and #4, which is the implementation of #3, sometimes it involves us *apparently* going against the very goal which we so much desire. To let go in the face of fear is sooooo hard. I agree with all those statements, but I also think that they often apply at such a high level of metaconsciousness that they are almost something of an impossible paradox: if you truly understand those principles and can implement them, then you don't need to read them! And those who need them, well, reading them won't help much.

I found this amusing anecdote:
In a popular teaching story, a man being chased by a tiger leaps off a cliff in his attempt to get away. Fortunately, a tree growing out of the side of the cliff breaks his fall. As he dangles precariously—- tiger pacing above, jutting rocks hundreds of feet below—- desperately he yells out, “Help!” A voice responds, “Yes?” The man screams, “God, God, is that you?” Again, “Yes.” Terrified, the man says, “God, I’ll do anything, just please, please, help me.” God responds, “Okay then, just let go.” The man pauses for a moment and then calls out, “Is anyone else there?”

24 Nov 2003 @ 21:55 by Lee @ : best practice
Osama is the best embodiment of this theory.  

25 Nov 2003 @ 03:24 by ming : Bad guys
Hm, well, you got a point there, unfortunately. The same steps are perfectly applicable for people with distasteful aspirations. And, for that matter, they sometimes have an easier time applying them, by being willing to overlook all the details that might go against them, by having tunnel vision, and doing whatever it takes to achieve their goals, however twisted they are. Bin Laden, Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush.

But that just makes it all the more important for the rest of us to realize that we're equally capable of manifesting huge constructive changes in the world. There are many more people who would like the world to work well than there are psychos hellbent on subjecting it to their own egoistical whims.  

26 Nov 2003 @ 15:46 by ming : Anthony Robbins
Well, I have mixed feelings about Tony Robbins too. I'm a Master Practitioner in NLP, and as NLP goes his teachings are rather shallow. But he does succeed in bringing something inspiring across to a great many people.

What went on with the change of name was that he refused to pay a percentage to the organization of the NLP founders, so Richard Bandler got pissed off and sued him, so he had to change the name and not call it NLP.  

3 Dec 2003 @ 15:58 by sharie : He was selling something he didn't own
Now it all makes sense. Thank you. I never knew that was why we were all getting jerked around for two weeks. You see, a decent human being would've been honest and told us the truth... but not Tony.

Thanks Ming, I never knew that. Mr. Robbins owes me a full refund...
What he did *proves* he's a Fraud... and he never even owned up to it.

6 Mar 2007 @ 05:02 by Dan Armando @ : Mr. Robbins
I have been to approximately 4 or 5 live seminars for Mr. Robbins, read his books and listened to most of his tapes. He is a great presenter, excellent motivator and convincing marketer. His work is taken from Abraham Maslows needs based hierarchy view of psychology. While his tape programs and books are informative, his techniques do not produce any "instant change" as he alleges.

We are influenced daily by our environment and unless you are totally immersed in an environment that removes the stressors of life, the rigid patterns of conditioning will and do return.

For instance, if you work on Wall Street as a trader the daily pressure and stress are real and do not go away because you go to a seminar, listen to a tape or read a book. Most people cannot live daily as he asserts he does, because of the realities of daily life. Now if we all became motivational speakers, and lived in a reality of learning and teaching certain philosophies, than maybe things would be different. For the larger sector of society, his approach isn't effective.

Listening to one of his tapes he claimed he sat around with a bunch of Army General's and bent spoons with there minds. This is where he lost a bit of his creditability with me. When he bends a spoon with his mind, I think we would all be impressed.  

19 Dec 2014 @ 23:50 by Fitryanah @ : wcUZImFMWckCpFzDO
hoi hoiIk ben een HSP maar ook een HSS, vaker voorkomende combi, maar wel lrjetelitk slopend.Overal hoor ik altijd dat ik me niet druk moet maken, maar punt is dat ik dit helemaal niet doe. Niet bewust dus. Nee hoor, ik praat altijd op mezelf in, van komt goed' niets aan de hand' en heel vaak besef ik zelf helemaal niet wat er aan de hand is.Dan zien andere mensen het aan me en kunnen zij me zeggen dat ik me ergens druk om maak. Zelf realiseer ik me dit dan niet, ik voel me alleen maar moe, ziek, hoofdpijn etc.Daarom vind ik het wel bijzonder dat grip krijgen op je gevoel' , hoe kan ik ooit grip krijgen op mijn gevoel, wanneer mijn gevoel zich niet lijkt te beefnvloeden door mijn gedachtes?Gedachtes bevinden zich nl. in het verstandelijke deel van de hersens, niet in het emotionele?  

23 Dec 2014 @ 13:31 by Janine @ : hLmpXoCjocABWh
Beste Martine,Je schrijft dat je je vaak niet bsfeet wat er aan de hand is, tegelijkertijd voel je je moe en heb je hoofdpijn. Je bsfeet het blijkbaar wel dat er iets aan de hand is maar tegelijkertijd ontken je dat weer door tegen jezelf te zegen dat er niets aan de hand is.Hoe moe moet jij je voelen om te beseffen dat je lichaam alle signalen op rood zet om je bewust te maken dat er iets aan de hand is? Stap 1 is deze signale herkennen, stap 2 is om met de oefening uit het E-Book de emotie er uit te halen en stap 3 is de feitelijke situatie op lossen.Yours,If  

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