Ming the Mechanic:
Collective Proza

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Collective Proza2004-04-08 07:33
picture by Flemming Funch

Via SmartMobs, check out Collective Proza:
You know this game where everybody gets to add one sentence to a story? Well, here's the online version. In order to make it a little bit more interesting and protect the concept a bit from abuse, each visitor can contribute one candidate sentence. When there are four options, a vote starts and the first one with two more votes than the others gets added. Repeat.

The story so far:

Whether it was a good idea to go back into the woods, I still don't know. However, the events of that day taught me never to trust advice given in haste. My fate was sealed by people quick of opinion yet hollow of concern, and my only consolation was the belief that they would truly meet their reckoning that day...if not by my hand then by that of the Beast. And then I remembered, "If it wasn't for my horse, I would not have spent that last year in college."

I was walking slowly, looking in every direction, listening carefully - was someone there, in the thick of the woods? Darkness was falling softly but fast and soon the shades of the trees were not distinguishable from those of other creatures anymore. I had to find the cabin I had left early in the morning - I had to find it before I was found.
That's not half-bad. I'm not sure we'll write the declaration of independence that way. But it might be a good way of releasing some creativity and arriving at a story that nobody had expected.

I get to think of an excellent improv game where people in a circle take turns adding just the next word to a story. That's actually more fun. What is interesting about it is that it brings up the censors in our mind. We're usually rather afraid of just handing out the instant answer that our sub-conscious comes up with. But the story gets much more interesting once we get over that and give the subconscious answer without hesitation.

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