Friday, November 8, 2002 | |
I was listening to Mikela and Philip Tarlow talk about their book "Digital Aboriginal" at this evening's L.A. Futurists meeting. Very exciting angle on things. They connect the magical, networked, multidimensional world of the aboriginees with today's digital age. Like David Weinberger says: "It's like Carlos Castaneda with an MBA". Wisdom from our primal past integrates with organizational learning to illuminate a very different landscape for modern business. Maybe wholistic intuitive nomads is really what we need to be. Maybe myth and story telling and dreamtime and tribal wisdom finds a new and unexpected place in helping us cope with the chaos of our technological world. [ Culture | 2002-11-08 23:59 | | PermaLink ] More >
According to Oil & Gas International, the US State Department is busy planning the expected huge oil bonanza in Iraq. They need to remove Iraq's current government first, of course, but that doesn't stop them from making oil deals at this point, with the opposition leaders they plan on putting in power shortly. It is all apparently so transparent that they don't even try to hide it. Bush is an oil man. The air force is his purchasing department. [ Politics | 2002-11-08 23:59 | | PermaLink ] More >
The first U.S. congressional candidate with a weblog, Tara Sue Grubb in North Carolina, ended up with 11.19% of the votes, despite next to no funding, and no traditional campaigning. She ran her campaign directly to the Internet through her weblog. Heheh, I notice that I provided 0.85% of her total funding, by sending her $30 through PayPal, and I'm not even in her state. Ed Cone has some commentary. [ Politics | 2002-11-08 23:59 | 0 comments | PermaLink ] More >
Groove is a platform for web collaboration. It is not free, but it is geared towards open standards and peer-to-peer connections. Ray Ozzie runs the company, and he's also the guy who created Lotus Notes. Groove is now opening up to access through web services. Jon Udell has a good analysis here. The term "Web Services" refers to protocols (XML-RPC,SOAP,WSDL) that are used for letting programs talk to each other over the web. That is a big thing right now. If more programs are making their functionality available from afar in standardized way, there will be so many more ways you can get what you want, the way you want it. [ Programming | 2002-11-08 23:59 | 0 comments | PermaLink ]
I sometimes find it almost depressing how much great web software that is easily available for free download. Like see here at, and that's only looking at the PHP programs, since PHP is my programming language of choice. That's great of course, but the reason I say it is almost depressing is that it is pretty much a full-time job to keep track of what is out there. And even if you find that somebody has already solved a certain problem really well, it might still be a lot of work to get it to work with the other pieces you have. So, a programmer will often have to make the choice between just putting on blinders and himself doing what he wants done, versus spending the time looking for what's already done, and adjusting that to his needs. So, the wheel gets re-invented many times, because we don't quite know what other wheels are out there, or how we mount them on our axles. [ Programming | 2002-11-08 23:59 | | PermaLink ] More >