Ming the Mechanic:
Digital Aboriginals

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Digital Aboriginals2002-11-08 23:59
picture by Flemming Funch

I was listening to Mikela and Philip Tarlow talk about their book "Digital Aboriginal" at this evening's L.A. Futurists meeting. Very exciting angle on things. They connect the magical, networked, multidimensional world of the aboriginees with today's digital age. Like David Weinberger says: "It's like Carlos Castaneda with an MBA". Wisdom from our primal past integrates with organizational learning to illuminate a very different landscape for modern business. Maybe wholistic intuitive nomads is really what we need to be. Maybe myth and story telling and dreamtime and tribal wisdom finds a new and unexpected place in helping us cope with the chaos of our technological world.

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9 Nov 2002 @ 08:01 by spiritseek : New Tech
I agree with this theory or actuality which ever the case maybe. I read HOPI SURIVIVAL Kit, written by the last hopi elder. In it was the old ways of living. I believe our future will be based on those ways again when technology fails us.  

9 Nov 2002 @ 09:38 by vaxen : Technology...
will not fail us. In 1995 Franco Vitaliano brought this to my attention. bR or bacteriarhodopsin. ALso 'tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), field induced reversible phase trnasition, biomolecular 'NCube machines,' and the revolution, forthcoming, which already has made the most advanced PC, on the market today, totally obsolete. The only thing hindering us from 'the Golden Age' is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. SOmeone is observing us 'under the looking glass' and causing our 'Visions of the Golden Age' to go askew...

Ah the 256 Megabit biochip. Hologrammic Computing and mind blowing 'stuff!'


9 Nov 2002 @ 11:30 by spiritseek : Your right
Man will...the ones who run the world politics and forgets to tell us the truth! Our computers are not safe from tapping and/or is it safe to assume the information we receive will be the truth. Reality!  

9 Nov 2002 @ 15:19 by ming : Technology
I don't think technology will fail us either. It is the area where the fastest evolution is happening right now, so our own evolution is inextricably tied to it. Rather, I think we'll get closer to the technology, so it will be less easy to make a distinction between ourselves and the technology.  

19 Dec 2014 @ 22:41 by Mohan @ : xJoPAKFxcujXAtvtYzWW
georgi казва:imam karavana na batak 1100 metra nsraodmka visochina-izpolzvam e celogodishno-t.e vsedmicata po tri dni prez ostanalite 4 dni ne se polzva-konsumaciyata e televizor satelit energospestyavashta krushka 11 wata pompa za voda 50 wata koyato se vklyuchva otvreme na vreme ta grubo okolo 150 wata koito se teglyat predimno vecher za 4-5 chasa-v momenta s edin tyagov akomolator na monbat ot 230 ampera s tazi konsumaciya karam 3-4 dni-ta vaprosat mie kakvi paneli kolko na broi i akomolatori shte sa mi nujni za da si resha gore-dolu problema-v karavanata ima i sod koito v momenta go poddarjam s 90 amperov tyagov akomolator i mi stiga za okolo tri sedmici ta sega kato sloja panelite iskam da e vklyucha karavanata na 220 volta s invertor za da moje tozi sod postoyanno da raboti na tok ot panelite-moga da izklyuchvam napalno sota prez dnite kogato sam v karavanata a imenno za 3 dni prez sedmicata nyama da cherpi tok nadyavam se za tezi 4 dni kogato otsastvam da imam takiva paneli koito da napalnyat edin 100 ili 150 amperov akomolator ta kato ida za tri dni da pochivam da mi stigne toka koito konsomiram nadyavam se na otgovor po imeil ili na jsm 0898-240-936-imam invertor 1000 watov 12 volta imam i zakupen kontroler na skoro na shteka 15 amperov-akomolatorite koito imam veche sa nasvarshvane ako sistemata koyato shte mi predlojite nalaga smyanata na kontrolera i invertora-imam ugovorka ot dostavchika i shte gi smenya za neshto po-moshno ako se nalaga v moyat sluchai  

23 Dec 2014 @ 13:19 by Marshal @ : jWvYHQzaLVdQjkRAun
Перевод Google X-вспышек солнечный цикл 24: Там было всего несколько рентгеновских вспышек с начала нового солнечного цикла 24. Here is a complete list so far, all in 2011: Feb. 15 (X2), March 9 (X1), Aug. 9 (X7), Sept. 6 (X2), Sept. 7 (X2). Вот полный список до сих пор все в 2011 году: 15 февраля (Х2), 9 марта (X1), 9 августа (X7), 6 сентября (Х2), 7 сентября (X2). Before these five, the priouves X-flare occured on Dec.14, 2006, (X1) during old Solar Cycle 23. До этих пяти, предыдущий X-вспышка произошла на Dec.14, 2006, (X1) в старые солнечный цикл 23. источник  

29 Apr 2016 @ 05:36 by Brendy @ : PKVBgTcxQDFJurp
Stellar work there evreoyne. I'll keep on reading.  

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