Ming the Mechanic:
The QuestionAuthority Proposal

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 The QuestionAuthority Proposal2007-12-02 20:49
by Flemming Funch

R.U.Serius has a proposal:
A dark cloud is passing over America. We've witnessed, in recent years, the death of many of our constitutional rights and liberties. We've also seen increasingly authoritarian trends in daily life and culture.

Those of us who would prefer to keep our freedoms have been relatively powerless as the events of 9/11 have created an atmosphere of fear and acquiescence. Everybody knows the litany: the virtual death of habeas corpus, the legalization of surveillance against all Americans, the lawlessness and usurpation of powers by the executive branch, ad infinitum.

It is time for all those who oppose this gathering trend towards the worst type of authoritarian governance and culture to put aside their differences and join together in a coalition that can act as a counterforce to this gathering threat to our liberties. It is time for QuestionAuthority (QA).

1: QuestionAuthority — A Coalition

QuestionAuthority is an educational and advocacy project dedicated to defending and extending personal and civil liberties and encouraging free expression. Our goal is to create a broad-based coalition of non-authoritarian groups and individuals who may currently be working in relative isolation on single issues, for political organizations and candidates, or in relatively isolated ideological cohort groups. As a cohesive force, we can do more than just stem the tide one issue — or one court case — at a time. We can exercise political and cultural influence by uniting the vast numbers of Americans who believe that the country has taken a radical turn in an authoritarian direction...
And he also proposes an Open Source Party.

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11 Mar 2008 @ 21:36 by Twill @ : Which authority?
My favorite bumper sticker:

Who are YOU to tell me to Question Authority?  

28 Apr 2016 @ 13:41 by Emberlynn @ : xXickGnAKvfZ
Thanks for that! It's just the answer I nedede.  

28 Apr 2016 @ 19:49 by Nikki @ : CHoDDIrMuPxUhLprJve
Mel comentou em 26 de maio de 2011 às 00:34. Oi Julia…So tu mesmo, pra ter paciencia e maos de fada, pra fazer tutorial dessa make.Eu adorei quando vi a foto, mas, depois de olhar a PEQUENA lista da MAC desisti, ate pq eu nao tenho esse tanto de produtos deles ainda.PS: tu disse que nao tem blush na make, eu nao sei, mas no site da MAC, na lista do tutorial deles tem, e o PINCH O’ PEACH SHEERTONE BLUSH.Quem sabe depois do teu video eu me atreva a fazsV.raleu.Kissee.  

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