by Flemming Funch
No problem getting together here. Peace demonstrations everywhere this weekend. Biggest ever. A million people in Rome, 1.3 million in Barcelona, 2 million in Madrid, 250,000 in New York, 1 million in London, 1/2 million in Berlin. And this time it seems totally impossible to keep it out of the U.S. media, so I think even Bush might catch it on TV.LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - More than six million demonstrators turned out across the world on Saturday in a wave of protest supporting international leaders in urging the United States not to rush into a war against Iraq.
From Canberra to Cape Town, from Karachi to Chicago, people from all walks of life took to the streets to pillory President Bush as a bloodthirsty warmonger in the biggest demonstration of 'people power' since the Vietnam War.
The largest outcry against war occurred in the European countries whose leaders have vocally supported Bush's position at the United Nations....