Ming the Mechanic:
Proton Breeze is On

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Proton Breeze is On2004-06-17 16:07
1 comment
picture by Flemming Funch

I'd really like to be able to watch Danish TV sometimes, and that just became a lot more likely. Here you see a Proton Breeze M rocket taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan this morning, carrying Intelsat 10-02. That is a huge communications satellite, incidentally built here in Toulouse, which, amongst other things, will provide video conferencing, internet access, telephone, and many TV channels. Including the Danish ones. The major new thing in addition to the added bandwidth will be its coverage area, which means the signal will be available with a normal small parabola, even in southern Europe.

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1 comment

29 Apr 2016 @ 03:23 by Armena @ : vpfoydJCNcZvJOoWyA
Es gibt einen Autor Walter Schmidt auf achgut, der meiner Erinnerung nach Lehrer in Leipzig ist und den ich immer gern gelesen habe. Es kann nicht sein, daß das der gleiche Walter Schmidt ist? oder doch? oder jemand, der &##8e0;m2inem&82221; Walter Schmidt was antun will?  

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