Ming the Mechanic:
Do what you do

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Do what you do2011-11-08 03:20
picture by Flemming Funch

In the years that I worked in an L.A. downtown high-rise, I'd often stand by the window and look down on the freeways. Five lanes in each direction, full of cars at any hour of the day or night. Seen from above it is all so small and strange. Imagine, in those cars going south on the 101 are accountants and secretaries and human resource managers traveling one by one for an hour to go to work. And in the opposite lanes there are people traveling north for an hour in their cars in order to be accountants and secretaries and human resource managers there. Why don't the first people stay more or less where they were, to be accountants there, and the other guys do the same, and we have it covered? Seems so obvious when seen from the 13th floor.

It's a touch of insanity in these humans. They make things too complicated in the wrong places. Minds out of control.

The simple thing is to do what you're here to do, where you are, right now. If you have to travel way over there, to do stuff you don't like doing, and you didn't like the journey, you're probably not doing what you're here to do. The stuff you're here to do flows. You're obviously good at it. It might involve struggles to become better, to do more, to go elsewhere, to seek and to search, but the journey there is stimulating and rewarding and it makes you feel alive. That's not something you think up or that somebody needs to suggest to you. It's right there. It's what you'd be doing if you didn't try to think up something clever to do and if you didn't try to conform to what seems to be expected of you by the society around you, despite that none of it feels quite right.

By a stroke of universal genius, what you're here to do happens to be what you really, really want to do. It is not necessarily what you like doing. It is not necessarily what is easy, but it is what flows. It is that for which the next step is right here. It is that which you happen to have the ticket for. If you have to construct some complicated mental scaffolding around it, and it involves going way out of your way, it probably isn't it.

Think of the world we have, seen from 13 stories above the freeway of society. Everybody's trying to be somebody else that they think is needed, somewhere else, far from home, and they're all stressed from trying to figure out how to stay ahead of the game.

And then imagine the world where we each do what we're here to do, what we do well, where we are, right now. Imagine the super-fluidity of a world where all of us are in approximately the right place and we don't have to fake it. Where your mind is in alignment with your feelings and your calling. Where you do what you really want to do, and you're in the perfect place for doing it.

I think one can start right here.

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8 Nov 2011 @ 14:51 by a-d : So... dare I think you suggest, that
{link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7JlI959slY|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7JlI959slY }
instead of crossing the river to get some water, we just boldly should take the water from the River right where we are on our side...without having the "need" to cross it first... What an IDEA!.... Now...that IS a novel & brilliant idea, i must say...hehehhe  

8 Nov 2011 @ 15:01 by a-d : Ming, post this article
on rense.com and the uoytube URL as well to the Good Life PArable... I think you could help millions who would change life if they got ANY encouragemnet that it is the tright thing to do etc...they just need that one little thing to "give them the "Permission" they 've been waiting for all their (,miserable) lifa as slaves to the so called estblisment!  

8 Nov 2011 @ 15:08 by a-d : Ming, this link has the
same message... and words of encouragement.... People NEED this encouragment soooo badly, so badly...soooo much of it (from) as many different angles as possible!

8 Nov 2011 @ 17:24 by ming : What would you do
I like that parable about the fisherman, Astrid. Yeah, might as well do it right now, rather than working hard for years to become wealthy so one can retire and then do the good things in life.  

8 Nov 2011 @ 17:27 by ming : Seeing sense and non-sense
Swanny, in seeing the senselessness of it all, the stuff we otherwise had accepted as normal, we start to look deeper. And might actually discover what we truly find meaningful and sensible.  

19 Apr 2016 @ 10:08 by Maya @ : MSG 91 SMS

Thanks for sharing this Post, Keep Updating such topics.

28 Apr 2016 @ 19:51 by Alexandra @ : XcrfsqbTFhNdRMGqRM
Hi Angie, right now I'm adcdited to whole spelt in salads, but I've never tried wheat berries. The two look quite similar but I'll have to try it first hand soon... Keep up the good work!  

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