Ming the Mechanic:
Intellectual Property Protection Act

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Intellectual Property Protection Act2004-11-20 17:05
by Flemming Funch

If you're in the U.S., it might soon be illegal to skip commercials on TV programs. Unbelievable? Unfortunately not. Here's one article:
Do you like fast-forwarding through commercials on a television program you’ve recorded? How much do you like it? Enough to go to jail if you’re caught doing it? If a new copyright and intellectual property omnibus bill sitting on Congress’s desk passes, that may be the choice you'll face.

How can this be possible? Because language that makes fast-forwarding through commercials illegal—no doubt inserted at the behest of lobbyists for the advertising industry—was inserted into a bill that would allow people to fast forward past objectionable sections of a recorded movie (and I bet you already thought that was OK). And that’s but one, albeit scary, scenario that may come to pass if the Intellectual Property Protection Act is enacted into law.

There's an Induce Act Blog about this and related monstrous copyright laws in the process of being enacted by corrupt politicians. And see various kinds of information from EFF.

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