I have been flying over your head again. I was in Portugal in February, and we flew over France - route took us over Toulouse. So, at one stage, there was this person in a plane several thousand feet above you, thinking of you. Hahahaha. Perhaps one day, I'll actually land in France, and stop by and say hi.
- ashanti
24 Mar 2007 @ 17:06 by ming : Plane
Hey, I waved, and you didn't even see me. I was that guy in a blue sweater, standing next to a tree, on a hill next to the river!
Actually, if you bothered to land here, we'd be able to see each other, as I live close to the approach path for landing planes. But then again, I only bother to look up if it sounds like an A380.
18 Apr 2007 @ 12:18 by Birgit @ : WD40 - duct tape
(lol): and I'VE GOT BOTH!!!
Thank you for this excellent tip, Mr Ming!
: )
24 Apr 2007 @ 20:57 by From a lonely apartment in Paris @ : simplicity
Truth in simplicity!