Ming the Mechanic:
Computerized Electrodermal Screening

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Computerized Electrodermal Screening2002-02-26 15:15
pictureby Flemming Funch

For many years I've counted for my family's health on a certain healthcare modality, which involves the diagnosis of physical conditions with a device that does electrical measurements on acupuncture points, and that pinpoints all sort of detailed information by placing various substances or frequencies into the circuit.

And it just sort of dawned on me that it is still a little known approach. Certainly in the U.S. where I live. And, looking around on the Internet, I am reminded that there are still many medical doctors willing to claim that it is complete quackery and useless. I can sort of understand why, as I haven't seen anything in traditional western medicine that is remotely as fast and precise, so I suppose they feel threatened.

Here are a couple of links with information about Electrodermal Screning:

Introduction to Electrodermal Screening and Bio-Energetic Medicine
Electrodermal Screening
The Past, Presetn and Future of the Electrodermal Screening System

The approach I first came into contact with was in the early 80s in Denmark. The device was called the Biotron. One holds an electrode in one hand, and then the practitioner places another electrode on one of your accupuncture points. There's a visual indicator and a sound that indicates the measured resistance in the circuit, and which indicates whether what's being measured is in good shape or what. Well, there's an assortment of indicators which I don't completely understand. But, anyway, the interesting part happens when various other substances are put into the circuit. Originally, with the biotron, that was done with little glass ampules with concentrated extracts of various organs, various pathogens and allergens, and various possible medicines. The magic is in how that then allows the measuring of the state of a particular organ or system of the body, and it allows for testing of the presence of infections or pollutions of the body, and it allows for testing of what one is allergic to. And it also allows for testing what kind of medicine or supplements would help the condition. And the deal is that all of this is very precise.

When I moved with my family to the States in 1985, since we were familiar with this practice we sought out somebody who was doing it here. Which was rather diccicult. But we found a doctor who was also running an underground operation of importing the machines. In that "naturally" the FDA was trying to stop anybody from using such things.

Anyway, since then the technology has been improved, and somebody figured out how to store the frequency patterns of all those various substances in the glass ampules into a computer. Which suddenly made it possible to test for many more things and to do it much faster. The practitioner still needs to check for each item in turn, but he can do it by selecting stuff on the screen, rather than by putting glass viles into a circuit.

Now, as a side-by-side example of how it compared with regular medical diagnosis for me, a few years ago I had a serious case of pneumonia. Well, I wasn't quite sure what it was and I had kind of ignored it, to the point where I was in very bad shape. Anyway, I went to my Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) who uses this approach.

It took him about 5 minutes to identify that indeed I had pneumonia, and exactly what strain of bacteria it was, and where exactly it was - in the lower left lung.

It was, however, so far advanced that I needed antibiotics, and not just some homeopathics, and he couldn't prescribe me that, so I had to go to a regular doctor to get that. So, since I was sort of in a hurry, I went to the emergency room.

After about 6 gruelling hours in the emergency room, having had multiple blood tests and urine samples and saliva samples and x-rays taken, and waiting for the lab to finish their tests, the doctor came out an gave me the results. Which was that I had pneumonia, of the strain the N.D. had specified, in the lower left lung. And he gave me the prescription for antibiotics. Now, I had told him when I arrived what I knew, and he just shook his head in contempt, at my audacity of thinking that I would know what was wrong with me without the proper tests.

Anyway, if I think about going to the doctor for a check-up, or I have some ailment I don't know what is, it would always be my N.D. I would go to, and he always ends up pinpointing precisely what is going on physically, and I walk away with supplements to work on it, which always turns out to work well. And this is what the rest of my family does too, in addition to routine visits to chiropractors and acupuncturists. My kids call the guy the "Finger Doctor", because all he really uses is one of your fingers to put the electrode on.

So, now, the reason I post this is because I realized that a lot of people don't know that such things are available. Although there are many other effective alternative approaches, this is one that sort of satisfies the western need to get a precise diagnosis. And for that matter, it satisfies it better than going to a typical M.D., who would usually just tell me that there's nothing wrong with me. Here I get a computer printout of warning signs, of problems before they really become a problem.

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26 Feb 2002 @ 19:34 by mmmark : Bioevaluation
Thanks Ming - I have been watching several of these advances and recently found Sharry Edwards on widsom radio. She is pioneering the science of bio-accoustics sensitive to audio virations with remarkable results. I called into the show and her own hearing awareness told me that I have difficiencies in G# and D. the site is: http://www.soundhealthinc.com/  

1 Mar 2002 @ 21:56 by maxtobin : EAV Machine
try a search on Quantum-X or Xrroid, there is a computer program which may be used in conjunction with this same technology. Interesting stuff and I notice the name of a Japanese professor who also had a lot to do with the ionic micro water machines?. Vibrational medicine!! and the computer age meet. The program I'm talking about was apparantly developed by an American citizen working for the US Navy, he Knew the discovery would go down like !!! so went off to Hungary where he has perfected the whole thing. It is expensive but truly awesome (does all the points your finger doctor would do and goes through some 3.000 remedies in 3 minutes) Talk about syncronicity, I found this to help with my own healing process and was treated yesterday for the first time (the doctors and the medical profession are opposed to it of course as it iterfers with the efficient farming of disease which is so dear to them)  

22 Apr 2003 @ 17:30 by patsyb : Energized water
You could skip the medical profession altogether and just use energized water. It works on almost everything, it's quick, and it's free. The instructions are to found on www.energizedwater.info.  

29 Jul 2007 @ 23:06 by Susan Seven-Sky @ : Avatar EAV- machine
Is it possible to get a used one?  

29 Jul 2007 @ 23:09 by Susan Seven-Sky @ : links
I tryed to acess the links, the we would not bring them up  

8 Dec 2007 @ 02:28 by carol @ : CEDS
I'm being treated with the Star Tech Explorer and the information this device can ascertain about the human body is extensive and precise. As a result, the remedies are exact and easy to take.
It's very disheartening that mainstream medicine doesn't use this device. I believe it would save thousands of lives, diminish suffering, manage chronic diseases better, and save plenty of money on health care costs. The American public is being shortchanged in their health needs and ripped off. It's time for change!  

13 Feb 2008 @ 05:11 by Rick Wilber @ : Biotron 1000 EAV
I just got a Biotron 1000 Mark III off of ebay. I have no instruction manual on how to operate the unit. I would be willing to paid for a copy of the manual if someone has one.

3 Aug 2009 @ 14:17 by Gaihel D'antilio @ : Star Tech Orion
If anyone is interested in purchasing a top of the line CEDS please email me.  

29 Oct 2012 @ 13:19 by Adelina Brown @ : Computerized Electro-Dermal Screening
I am wondering who are the practitioners in Denmark (area around Copenhagen) that use computerized electro-dermal screening. Can you give me a list of practitioners?  

17 Jan 2013 @ 20:49 by Robert M Walker @ : Biotron 1000
There is a practitioner on Rosenvængets alle 1 , Østerbro.
Went there today with my daughter and was impressed.  

22 Jul 2013 @ 06:06 by Jesse @ : Biotron
I am an ND student in Canada and am dying to get my hands on a Biotron. Any suggestions?  

22 Aug 2016 @ 01:16 by bila @ : sukses
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9 Sep 2016 @ 00:53 by Gadispoker @ : Great
indeed the noble and worthy for us to follow his steps, for us this is a huge advancement in the examples and good for another person who was in the vicinity and others, gadispokerYour article was excellent and I would give it a try  

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