by Flemming Funch
From SmartMobs:"Allen the gadgeteer has created a Java app, available for download to a Motorola i88s phone that records your position and uploads the info to a web site every two minutes. The site displays a map of where you are. You can also mark a location to check the map later to see where the spot you marked is. Instructions on how to load and an explanation of how it works are provided." And Richard Soderberg comments:"Combining the current location system with a layer of identity authentication -- friends on your AIM buddy list, for example, that have permission to see where you're at at all times -- or only during the day.
Location as a publicly exposed digital identity; with a button push, you can hide your identity from everyone but your closest friends, or show it to all as an invitation to come talk while you're resting in a bookstore.
It's socially acceptable to present your willingness converse as an ephemeral "status" on instant messenger; may as well tie that in to real life." Yes, I don't see why not. Except for that I might develop some crazy enemies who will use it to program a personal cruise missile for me, I don't personally see much bad about it.
Well, let me think a little more... I don't really mind informing my friends and family of my whereabouts. I would think it would be fun if my weblog readers could find me on a little map. If it can entertain them to figure out I just walked into a strip club in Palm Springs, all the merrier.
But whether I like that for everybody all the time depends on what kind of behavior patterns others develop around me. I have Instant Messenger programs running all the time on my computer, and I don't mind for most people to know I'm online. But some people think that when I'm obviously there, it automatically means I have time to respond to anything they'll feel like sending me. It doesn't. I might want to retain the option of not talking with you, even though I'm not hiding that I'm at my computer. Likewise, some people might think that if my physical location is visible, it means that they can just come and join me. It doesn't mean that.
But we need some better ways of flagging our availability, or for some algorithm to figure it out. I have a hard enough time getting my family to guess who's phone calls I would want to take and who's I don't at any given time.