Ming the Mechanic:

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 iTunes2003-04-30 21:33
picture by Flemming Funch

I haven't tried the new Apple iTunes Music Store myself, but my wife adopted it in about five minutes and has been really busy browsing and downloading. I've always said that I'd be perfectly willing to pay $1 per song, so the pricing is right. And from what I understand so far, the copy protection features shouldn't be getting in the way. Although the jury might still be out on whether there's a problem with it somewhere.

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29 Apr 2016 @ 05:20 by Krisalyn @ : TDgLufWAkeN
Awesome you should think of soetnhimg like that  

30 Apr 2016 @ 01:09 by Johannah @ : umYjeyWcENG
Olá Paula agradecemos a gentileza em divulgar nosso Museu, e aguardamos você e seus leitores para uma visita real, já que nosso museu virtual ainda está em corobruçãs.Atnaços  

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