Ming the Mechanic:
Water that isn't wet

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Water that isn't wet2004-04-15 11:51
picture by Flemming Funch

News item about a substance, NOVEC 1230, that looks like water and acts somewhat like water, except for that it isn't wet, and anything you submerge into it doesn't get wet. This company uses it for firefighting purposes, and apparently it was developed by 3M. You can sprinkle it out over computers and papers and everything, and it puts out fire as well as water, but the items don't get damaged. As a matter of fact, you can apparently drop a book or a running computer into the stuff, and the book doesn't get wet, and the computer keeps running.

Give us some cool pictures, dammit. Looking at those company websites makes it sound much more boring.

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15 Apr 2004 @ 13:18 by skookum : Sounds fascinating
I am all for it as long as they don't decide it will make a good artificial sweetener too.  

16 Apr 2004 @ 20:34 by dang @ : Sapphire
Tyco's "Sapphire" ... is this the same thing? or some kind of coincidental invention by two companies at the same time?


click on "images" link right under the first paragraph.  

16 Apr 2004 @ 20:36 by dang @ : answered my own question
Oh, apparently Tyco's entire system is called Sapphire, but it utilizes the chemical by 3M.

"A tank of the chemical -- which is 3M's Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid -- was brought out onto the set. It looks and feels like water, but won't damage items like water during a fire."  

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