Ming the Mechanic:
Noi siamo la Nuova Civilizzazione

The NewsLog of Flemming Funch
 Noi siamo la Nuova Civilizzazione2011-11-14 17:19
by Flemming Funch

Noi siamo qui.
Noi ci stiamo svegliando adesso dal torpore di tempi passati, per sognare un sogno più grande.
Noi siamo amici e uguali, noi siamo diversi ed unici, e rimaniamo uniti verso qualcosa di più grande delle nostre differenze.
Noi crediamo nella libertà e nella cooperazione, l'abbondanza e l'armonia.
Noi siamo una cultura emergente, una renaissance dell'essenza dell'umanità.
Noi troviamo il modo nostro di guidarci, e noi discerniamo la nostra verità.
Noi andiamo in molte direzioni, eppure ci rifiutiamo di disperderci.
Noi abbiamo molti nomi, noi parliamo molte lingue.
Noi siamo locali, noi siamo globali.
Noi siamo in tutte le regioni del mondo, noi siamo dappertutto nell'aria.
Noi siamo l'universo che riconosce se stesso, noi siamo l'onda dell'evoluzione.
Noi siamo negl’occhi di ogni bambino, noi affrontiamo l’ignoto con un senzo di meraviglia ed entusiasmo.
Noi siamo messaggeri dal futuro, viventi nel presente.
Noi veniamo dal silenzio, ed esprimiamo la verità nostra.
Noi non possiamo essere forzati a tacere, perchè la nostra voce è interna ad ognuno di noi.
Noi non abbiamo nemici, nessuna frontiera può ostacolarci.
Noi rispettiamo i cicli e l’espressioni della natura, perchè noi siamo la natura.
Noi non giochiamo per vincere, noi giochiamo per vivere ed imparare.
Noi siamo stimolati dall'ispirazione, l’amore e l’integrità.
Noi esploriamo, noi scopriamo, noi sentiamo, e noi ridiamo.
Noi stiamo costruendo un mondo che funziona per tutti.
Noi intendiamo vivere le nostre vite al loro massimo potenziale.
Noi siamo indipendenti, autosufficienti e responsabili.
Noi comunichiamo reciprocamente in pace, con compassione e rispetto, noi ci uniamo nella comunità.
Noi celebriamo la totalità che è dentro ed attorno a tutti noi.
Noi danziamo al ritmo della creazione.
Noi intrecciamo i fili dei tempi nuovi.
Noi siamo la nuova civilizzazione.

Thank you, Oscar for this new and improved Italian translation of We are the New Civilization.

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26 Nov 2014 @ 12:40 by jodhjkak @ : jodhjkak

27 Nov 2014 @ 01:56 by hello @ : hello
gigtahn http://tgwyyh.com/ tucsdbmx [url=http://skipll.com/]tucsdbmx[/url]  

19 Dec 2014 @ 17:41 by Diyar @ : KYKgjdwoqmAFlAlI
before growing older is a nutaral process, not a vice, not a moral point of view). You are right that we cannot change how the media's game work, but they are so predictable that you could play along to get the result you want. Showing the media that the LibDems are unable to withstand a small test, it's just going to make it even harder to gain the trust from the general public. The ex PM understood that, that was why he played' it so well even though his policies sucked and got us into such a bloody mess. He gave people HOPE, even though it would never materialise except to make him a wealthy man. Yes, I tried to tell the LibDems with their second last mistake, but they were good at ignoring. They did ask for money to join, then I asked myself why would I want to pay money to them so that they could ignore me some more . Shouldn't they be paying me instead? You are probably the only one who actually responded. Some Labour Councillors (not all bad) did show their interests in my proposals (I offered to work anonymously), we nearly went to the press but the low cost Youth Project was sabotaged by the bureaucracy at the Local Council (they only care about producing mountains of paper work to make themselves look good, bureaucrats do not have any moral conscience about their social responsibilities. Local people don't expect them to be any different anyway). There are enough resources in this country, it's not how much money the Government has that matters, it's how well it manages it. Some Tories were worse, all they cared about was how to make the Labour look bad. In the end, I got so disillusioned (and I'm not the only one). Maybe it's a Law of Nature: people keep repeating the same mistakes then they die then the next generations will repeat the same cycle. I do hope that there would be a hero politician someday rise to the rescue (Anthony, you are welcome to email me privately if you are the one who could make a difference). If the LibDems don't change their strategies, they have no hope of winning whatsoever (have to establish some unique winning points why people should vote for you that the other two parties can't offer). I suggest that the LibDems should carry on with the real work but at the same time should recruit a team to rethink some winning strategies (to go in parallel), to play the media well.  

23 Dec 2014 @ 10:59 by Kim @ : QXTFBsocBIYnxdXsnJ
As a londoner I feel a bit out' of the cernurt election rounds and far more of an observer than a particant. However, I would like to say that I hope the party appreciates that Ming has performed outstandingly over the past couple of months his media profile has noticeably developed and he has skilfully taken all sort of opportunities, original settings and platforms to raise the Party's game. Some polls put us a high as 29%, point to strategic control gains in completely different areas such as Hull, Sefton, Woking, Redcar, Maverns etc, over 100 new council seats, and with the distinct possibility of pushing Labour into third place in local government. Not bad for a sixty-something lawyer who people keep trying to write off I say lets have much more of Ming, not less!!!(..one caveat though, Nicol Stephen may find that he has seriously misjudged the scottish political mood if he tries to prop up a minority labour adminstration why as lib dems are we so afraid to let scotland have an options' type referenda on their constitutional future..??)  

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