by Flemming Funch
Part of the reason why I started NCN originally was because I felt it was time to take action. Enough talk, enough philosophizing, now we need to actually build something together based on what we believe in, and now we need to actually go out and make the world right, as if it depended on us.
It is no different today. I wouldn't pour most of my time into building this virtual environment here if it was only going to be a social club. The only reason I keep doing so is because I still believe we'll find out how to arrange things so that we actually make a difference in the world. So far we haven't found the formula.
Sure, this is very nice place. Very inspiring people. And many people come here and get inspired, and then have a little more hope about us being able to create a better world. But that is mostly what we produce at this point - some inspiring words that people can take away with them.
And, although most of us are longing for "doing something", there are various things in the way.
First of all, we have very different ideas about what "doing something" means. We have very different ways of taking action. And many of us have negative opininions about other people's ways.
For some people, "taking action" means to go out on the street and carry placards and protest government policies. For others it means to go to Africa and help local villagers drill a well and acquire medicine. For some it means to invent machines that do more with less without pollution. Some people will write and paint and play music, and that is to take action. For some people, a real thorough conversation and analysis of the issues, bringing forth all the useful references we can, that would be action. For some of us it is "doing something" when we're meeting new people and being nice to them and learning more about them. Some people only feel they're doing something when they're making more money.
You can't project your frustration about "not doing something" onto everybody else. That other people DO in a different way is *no excuse* for you. Do what YOU need to do. Don't expect that everybody else will follow and that they will do the same thing. Find the people who do agree with you on what needs to be done, and how, and then DO it.
The other major block towards collectively taking action is indeed that mistaken belief that we all have to do the same thing. If I would be unkind I could say that it is the product of the brainwashed, conformist population of the old civilization, waiting for their governments or their employers or their priests to tell them what to do.
As far as I am concerned, it would be the death of NCN if everybody here agreed on only one thing to do. E.g. if we all agreed that what we were gonna do is to present this one petition to the U.S. government, or to the U.N., or what we all were gonna do is to create this one intentional community, and then we'll all move there.
LOTS of things need doing. And they definitely won't get done if we all have to pick the same one thing to do. They will only get done if we split up our activities and we work on different parts of the puzzle, individually and in small groups.
You don't need agreement. If nobody at all agrees with you, do it anyway, and keep the rest of us posted about what you accomplish. If you find a few people who agree with you, great, you're a team. Again, just go do it, and keep the rest of us informed once in a while about what you're doing.
If you're spending all your effort on trying to convince everybody else here what they need to do, or if you're trying to discover what we all are agreeing on, you're wasting your time. We all agree that we want to make a better world, and we all agree to maintain some kind of communication between us. Most of the rest we don't all agree on.
Personally, I am every day doing what I think my work is. Part of my job is to maintain and improve this online NCN environment. I DO that. I'm not waiting for anything. Some of you might want to help with that, but, most likely, the rest of you have something else to do, and this is only a vehicle for staying connected. Just because you sometimes call people on the phone doesn't mean you should suddenly use a lot of effort on making a better phone system. Same with NCN. Concentrate on what your job is, and let others do what their thing is.
There is no reason to wait. You don't need the agreement and support of everybody else here. Put the call out and hear if others want to do the same thing. If so, get together with them, and then do it. Nothing to wait for.
If your intentions somehow seem to require that everybody else here agrees and backs you up, then you've probably picked the wrong thing. The things to do are the stuff that you see need doing, and that you are able to do, and that you have the means to do.
Even if it is something very ambitious that you want to do, there's always something you can do about it right now. If not, you've picked something that isn't real.
If your passion is to arrange manned flights to Mars, then maybe you don't have the resources to do that right now, but you certainly have the means and resources to gather information, to research it, to tell people about it, and to work on how it might be done. Standing around and complaining that nobody else wants to give it priority would NOT be the thing to do.
Notice that there are lots of people already very focused on doing things, on carrying out their projects, on making things happen, despite the obstacles. And, even though lots of people like that are on the member list of NCN, most of them are not showing up every day in the member area and having discussions about it, and we don't hear much from most of them.
It often seems like the people who're really doing something don't have time to stand around and talk about it. And those who do have time to stand around and talk about it haven't figured out how to do anything yet. I would like to get that situation balanced out a bit. I.e. I'd like to hear much more from the people who are busy with their projects. I don't need them to hang around for long discussions, but I want to hear what they're doing, how they're doing it, what they're accomplishing, and what they're learning.
If you feel insulted by anything I'm saying, that is not my intention. I'm not talking about you. Really I don't have much time to spend on talking about you. I'd like to talk about all the things we're doing.